The one clear counter-example was Tudor Dixon, who spoke very clearly for families against school closures and lockdowns, but lost to a HORRIBLE governor.
The one clear counter-example was Tudor Dixon, who spoke very clearly for families against school closures and lockdowns, but lost to a HORRIBLE governor.
I agree, I'm actually very unclear on why she lost that race. Her message discipline was excellent, her offer was clear and compelling -- her rallies showed that was connecting with people as a real leader, someone people would follow. Polling showed she was 'cutting through' with her clear and heartfelt platform.
By contrast Whitmer was bitchy and short, and got hamstrung in some of her own lies in the debates. Polling showed her losing steam as people saw more of her inauthenticity.
Tribal allegiance, free shit, and the general dumbing down. People have become stupid, thanks to our ever-degenerating education system. And spoiled. Sorry, but it's true. Maybe after a war on our soil - God forbid - or some serious shortages, empty shelves and rationing, the sort of thing that Europe has gone through, people will get smart. Might be too late though - the influx of thousands of people through our border, who have everything handed to them including cell phones they don't make a single payment on, ever - I don't know. I'm so disheartened. The band keeps playing but the ship is going down.
Bought into or simply too passive to stand against it?
Now that the panicdemic has more or less run its course (and the perpetrators are seeking a blanket pardon) expect the global warming fraud to get more and more play over the next two years.
Yup! Thanks Lindsay Graham!, what the hell was that all about? Boeing keeps your slimy pockets filled, so why was it necessary to call for a National Ban on abortion???? Huge douche move.
Not so much snatching defeat as unable to offer a different (and more appealing) carrot. "At least we're not Democrats" is hardly a deal closer. And so long as the GOP remains locked in a civil war between the country club elites and the barbarian MAGA hoards the self-harm will only continue I'm afraid. The Democrat message of a utopian unity under Marxism is apparently more appealing.
тАЬthe country club elites and the barbarian MAGA hoards тАЬ.... yup, and thatтАЩs why this party Girl has no Party. And why the # of Independents continues to grow. I wish I could be optimistic about a third party, but SHOCK! I donтАЩt trust politicians, period.
they offer no real solutions as a national party, and are run by feckless, bought off empty suits(see Mitch McConnell). DeSantis is a leader, and he produced tangible results. He proved it can be done. I know of many lifelong libs that voted DeSantis down here in Florida, especially cops and fire fighters. He is what a real leader looks like, and he offers a message that resonates with 60% of the population.
You'll not find a bigger DeSantis fan than my family. We live in Florida. He is the future. It's just a matter if the suits get behind him or try to take him down.
That happened in Maine too. Free education, $850 refund checks (our money to begin with) and hey look I balanced the budget (with COVID funds that will still come out of our pocket)тАж.
Too many donтАЩt even understand the political process and how our government was structured.
Are you old enough to remember, back in the prehistoric era, when schools were allowed to actually teach, curricula included subjects like "civics", and "history", and "economics". We learned, in the elementary grades, how government was supposed to work, and how it had, and had not, worked in the past. An some of us, the lucky ones, when we reached high school, were even taught how government actually worked.
She lost her emergency powers last year and that saved her. She laid low, which seems a winner for politicians, had a huge bank, ran a tremendous number of ads telling voters Dixon was dangerous, and the power of incumbency is huge. In Michigan we've gone Blanchard (dem, 2 terms), Engler (rep, 2 terms), Granholm (dem 2 terms), Snyder (rep, 2 terms) and now Whitmer (dem, 2 terms). I suspect we may see a republican next time.
Dems know how to message better. They supposedly care and that connects. And Dems are in it to win it. They are ruthless.
Dems own the female sympathy vote. (Fetterman had a 15% female win according to CBS -- good reason to vote for people is you feel sorry for them, I guess.)
So the solution is to put up even worse, more sympathetic characters? I just do not get it. Of course, Pennsylvania also elected (by a landslide) a candidate that was dead. May say something about that state in general.
I don't understand how people think. I know when I look around in my day to day life, there are a lot of stupid people. I don't mean that as an insult, just an observation. And a lot of self importance. It is supposed to impress me that women care about the unfortunate. Only if they are a nun or something. And I am a woman.
I wish women didn't have the right to vote. I think the world might work as well and we could still be women. I am impressed with Kari Lake. I think she is unusual for a female politician. She has a commanding presence that isn't just about being itchy.
Societies always grow too big, eventually, to successfully manage the diversity of personality and intelligence any population shows.
It's not so bad to be a stupid plowman if a smart one teaches you how to do the job. You can still have a decent life with little harm to the rest of the village.
Like Dr. Ball's Systemantics - systems can operate for a long time in failure mode. I think he observed no complex system designed from scratch can work, it will always fail. By tearing down what we have to replace it, I sense we may test this theory.
I don't know about that. Proposal 2 passed, which means the Michigan Constitution now mandates no voter ID, drop boxes, and all manner of election-stealing mechanisms. It just got much harder for a Republican to win in Michigan.
this is the go to move in states run by democrats. Get as many votes cast not at the polls as possible. remove any safeguard that makes fraud more difficult. Call any dissent "racist" and "voter suppression". watch weak kneed, feckless republican politicians fall in line.
They donтАЩt message betterтАФthey lie and donтАЩt get called out for it. Media and social media protects them. Their caring is always fake and their followers are too ignorant to see it. When abortion is praised as birth control instead of the murder of a child, then these women who vote for тАШtheir rightsтАЩ for abortion instead of their right to motherhood should be pitied.
Yes, I have thought for a long time that Republicans need to do a better job messaging compassion. I vote Republican and do so out of genuine care for the good of others. I think there are countless Republicans like me. Why can't they do a better job showing how conservative policies help everyone thrive and lift up struggling minorities? Because they actually do!
The incessant ads on YouTube repeating that Dixon is against abortion even in cases of rape and incest likely played a role even though it was irrelevant, because abortion rights were up for referendum. People are dumb that way.
I think that link explains a large part of it very well. Add on the unaccountable "national security" apparatus that seems to have a controlling interest in both parties and it seems to me that we have as much explanation as needed for our current debacle.
Any suggestion of a diminished federal government will assuredly be treated as a "threat to democracy", those espousing it de facto enemies of the state and the ever-growing arsenal of beaurocracy turned against them.
I would say it happens in every election. I am pretty sure JFK cheated and Nixon actually won. It is as old as elections. Lincoln won the nomination with a little trickery.
And Hochul in NY. I donтАЩt care how hard you beat your tribal drums, New Yorkers elected this heinous, callous, calculating woman and that is just mind blowing. What other brutal murders will she ignore or minimize?
Correction. NYC and Upstate cities elected this demon. The rest of the state rejected her outright. This is democracy in action. Pray to God the Electoral College is never trashed.
Whitmer imposed some of the most oppressive lockdowns in the USA, thumbing her nose at the legislature and the courts' restrictions on her ability to declare "emergencies." (And it's Republicans who are said to be the party of dictatorship.) Yet Michiganders have re-elected her. Let no more complaints be heard about authoritarianism: they just voted for it. To borrow from Mencken, I hope they get it good and hard. F them.
Again, you assume they re-elected her. You don't know that. I assume that she won by election fraud. Without a verifiable electoral process, who knows what the truth is. That's crazy.
I am willing to hear the case that Gretchen Hitler won by election fraud. But fraud can generally only work if it's limited enough not to be obvious and laughable. Meanwhile, enough people in Michigan voted for this fascist to make it possible to put her over the top via fraud (if that's what it was). Why didn't she lose by 90-10, what is wrong with people??
Same in New Mexico. Michelle Lujan Grisham was one of the most draconian governors during COVID, and as a result has nearly destroyed the state. And yet, here she is, in for another four years, ready to race the rest of the states to the bottom of every metric.
Proposal 3, which was deceptively worded and touted as simply keeping abortion legal in Michigan, brought a lot of voters out to support that proposal specifically. I'm sure it hurt Dixon, who really did run a good campaign. Now we have abortion through birth enshrined in the Michigan constitution, and it will allow any individual (meaning even boys and girls) to be sterilized. Thus a Michigan child can transgender and not need parental consent. I don't think many people who voted for Proposal 3 realized how radical the amendment was.
they did, and they dont care. The result will be further balkanization. Blue states will become bluer, as beat down republicans move to red states to get away from the insanity. Florida already is leading that charge as disaffected northeasterners have moved here in droves. Id expect rural michiganders will look to surrounding states, maybe north dakota, or head to texas to escape the insanity.
not sure of the voting laws in michigan, but i'd guess theres massive mail in voting, unattended drop boxes, and weeks of early voting. If there also legal ballot harvesting like in Cali, its game over unless your party has an organized cheat system in place, run by your operatives. Public union employees most likely get paid time off to harvest ballots in nursing homes. Postal employees can easily deliver sack fuls of mail in ballots to union halls to be filled out accordingly.
The one clear counter-example was Tudor Dixon, who spoke very clearly for families against school closures and lockdowns, but lost to a HORRIBLE governor.
Lost or stolen? Without a 100% verifiable election process there is just no way to know, which makes the American electoral system a sick joke.
Precisely. This will go on forever until mail-in ballots are abolished.
I agree, I'm actually very unclear on why she lost that race. Her message discipline was excellent, her offer was clear and compelling -- her rallies showed that was connecting with people as a real leader, someone people would follow. Polling showed she was 'cutting through' with her clear and heartfelt platform.
By contrast Whitmer was bitchy and short, and got hamstrung in some of her own lies in the debates. Polling showed her losing steam as people saw more of her inauthenticity.
I still don't get how this one went sideways.
That's the 800 lb guerilla
Tribal allegiance, free shit, and the general dumbing down. People have become stupid, thanks to our ever-degenerating education system. And spoiled. Sorry, but it's true. Maybe after a war on our soil - God forbid - or some serious shortages, empty shelves and rationing, the sort of thing that Europe has gone through, people will get smart. Might be too late though - the influx of thousands of people through our border, who have everything handed to them including cell phones they don't make a single payment on, ever - I don't know. I'm so disheartened. The band keeps playing but the ship is going down.
Me too.
Republicans are so good at snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory.
As for dumbing down - all we have to do is look at the incredible percentage of people who bought into the "pandemic" fraud.
Bought into or simply too passive to stand against it?
Now that the panicdemic has more or less run its course (and the perpetrators are seeking a blanket pardon) expect the global warming fraud to get more and more play over the next two years.
Could not agree more
100% true
Yup! Thanks Lindsay Graham!, what the hell was that all about? Boeing keeps your slimy pockets filled, so why was it necessary to call for a National Ban on abortion???? Huge douche move.
Not so much snatching defeat as unable to offer a different (and more appealing) carrot. "At least we're not Democrats" is hardly a deal closer. And so long as the GOP remains locked in a civil war between the country club elites and the barbarian MAGA hoards the self-harm will only continue I'm afraid. The Democrat message of a utopian unity under Marxism is apparently more appealing.
тАЬthe country club elites and the barbarian MAGA hoards тАЬ.... yup, and thatтАЩs why this party Girl has no Party. And why the # of Independents continues to grow. I wish I could be optimistic about a third party, but SHOCK! I donтАЩt trust politicians, period.
I know. I wish it were different. But you're right.
Oh they excel at it. My sig oth has been saying this all along - don't get your hopes up. Maybe now he will get behind moving to Mexico
At this point Mexico is probably safer than most large American cities.
For the most part. You do know where you stand.
they offer no real solutions as a national party, and are run by feckless, bought off empty suits(see Mitch McConnell). DeSantis is a leader, and he produced tangible results. He proved it can be done. I know of many lifelong libs that voted DeSantis down here in Florida, especially cops and fire fighters. He is what a real leader looks like, and he offers a message that resonates with 60% of the population.
Agree 1000%
You'll not find a bigger DeSantis fan than my family. We live in Florida. He is the future. It's just a matter if the suits get behind him or try to take him down.
...and cheating.
Ww3 might do the trick. Unfortunately the USA is guaranteed to lose.
That happened in Maine too. Free education, $850 refund checks (our money to begin with) and hey look I balanced the budget (with COVID funds that will still come out of our pocket)тАж.
Too many donтАЩt even understand the political process and how our government was structured.
Are you old enough to remember, back in the prehistoric era, when schools were allowed to actually teach, curricula included subjects like "civics", and "history", and "economics". We learned, in the elementary grades, how government was supposed to work, and how it had, and had not, worked in the past. An some of us, the lucky ones, when we reached high school, were even taught how government actually worked.
Today - all of these subjects have been banned.
They cheated. It is as clear to me as when people ask, why are we having all these sudden deaths? It the vaccines.
Whitmer won because these people cheated and they will continue cheating unless something drastically changes.
She lost her emergency powers last year and that saved her. She laid low, which seems a winner for politicians, had a huge bank, ran a tremendous number of ads telling voters Dixon was dangerous, and the power of incumbency is huge. In Michigan we've gone Blanchard (dem, 2 terms), Engler (rep, 2 terms), Granholm (dem 2 terms), Snyder (rep, 2 terms) and now Whitmer (dem, 2 terms). I suspect we may see a republican next time.
Dems know how to message better. They supposedly care and that connects. And Dems are in it to win it. They are ruthless.
Dems own the female sympathy vote. (Fetterman had a 15% female win according to CBS -- good reason to vote for people is you feel sorry for them, I guess.)
So the solution is to put up even worse, more sympathetic characters? I just do not get it. Of course, Pennsylvania also elected (by a landslide) a candidate that was dead. May say something about that state in general.
I don't understand how people think. I know when I look around in my day to day life, there are a lot of stupid people. I don't mean that as an insult, just an observation. And a lot of self importance. It is supposed to impress me that women care about the unfortunate. Only if they are a nun or something. And I am a woman.
I wish women didn't have the right to vote. I think the world might work as well and we could still be women. I am impressed with Kari Lake. I think she is unusual for a female politician. She has a commanding presence that isn't just about being itchy.
Societies always grow too big, eventually, to successfully manage the diversity of personality and intelligence any population shows.
It's not so bad to be a stupid plowman if a smart one teaches you how to do the job. You can still have a decent life with little harm to the rest of the village.
Gets worse when you scale up.
Like Dr. Ball's Systemantics - systems can operate for a long time in failure mode. I think he observed no complex system designed from scratch can work, it will always fail. By tearing down what we have to replace it, I sense we may test this theory.
Everything in life goes through cycles. We tend to dislike some permanent truths because they're not fixable.
People get rich writing books about the obvious basic workings of the universe and throwing in what they think are startling revelations.
Hives are constructed beautifully. Eventually they get unwieldy and somebody has to move out and start over.
I don't know about that. Proposal 2 passed, which means the Michigan Constitution now mandates no voter ID, drop boxes, and all manner of election-stealing mechanisms. It just got much harder for a Republican to win in Michigan.
this is the go to move in states run by democrats. Get as many votes cast not at the polls as possible. remove any safeguard that makes fraud more difficult. Call any dissent "racist" and "voter suppression". watch weak kneed, feckless republican politicians fall in line.
Republicans need to get smart fast.
Good luck with that.
They donтАЩt message betterтАФthey lie and donтАЩt get called out for it. Media and social media protects them. Their caring is always fake and their followers are too ignorant to see it. When abortion is praised as birth control instead of the murder of a child, then these women who vote for тАШtheir rightsтАЩ for abortion instead of their right to motherhood should be pitied.
Good insight, thank you
Yes, I have thought for a long time that Republicans need to do a better job messaging compassion. I vote Republican and do so out of genuine care for the good of others. I think there are countless Republicans like me. Why can't they do a better job showing how conservative policies help everyone thrive and lift up struggling minorities? Because they actually do!
Cheating always helps Dems. They always cheat and never forget that they do.
The incessant ads on YouTube repeating that Dixon is against abortion even in cases of rape and incest likely played a role even though it was irrelevant, because abortion rights were up for referendum. People are dumb that way.
They were really annoying too.
So true.
Tribal allegiance
I think that link explains a large part of it very well. Add on the unaccountable "national security" apparatus that seems to have a controlling interest in both parties and it seems to me that we have as much explanation as needed for our current debacle.
Any suggestion of a diminished federal government will assuredly be treated as a "threat to democracy", those espousing it de facto enemies of the state and the ever-growing arsenal of beaurocracy turned against them.
Thanks for this link. I appreciate it.
ItтАЩs called an election fraud.
I would say it happens in every election. I am pretty sure JFK cheated and Nixon actually won. It is as old as elections. Lincoln won the nomination with a little trickery.
тАШIf ThenтАЩ a book written by veteran journalist Jill Lepore has some interesting insights around the JFK election process FYI
thank you. I haven't heard of it. I'll have to check it out.
Here is a useful insight ..
One word. Detroit.
I was greatly saddened by this outcome
And Hochul in NY. I donтАЩt care how hard you beat your tribal drums, New Yorkers elected this heinous, callous, calculating woman and that is just mind blowing. What other brutal murders will she ignore or minimize?
I said on a thread a couple days ago that I am really starting to understand how Hitler could be democratically elected.
NY and MI, along with apparently half the country, once again voted for their own enslavement, oppression and impoverishment.
And mine.
They already did it. Including Republicans during the Scamdemic.
People will shackle their own chains when in FEAR.
Correction. NYC and Upstate cities elected this demon. The rest of the state rejected her outright. This is democracy in action. Pray to God the Electoral College is never trashed.
Whitmer imposed some of the most oppressive lockdowns in the USA, thumbing her nose at the legislature and the courts' restrictions on her ability to declare "emergencies." (And it's Republicans who are said to be the party of dictatorship.) Yet Michiganders have re-elected her. Let no more complaints be heard about authoritarianism: they just voted for it. To borrow from Mencken, I hope they get it good and hard. F them.
Again, you assume they re-elected her. You don't know that. I assume that she won by election fraud. Without a verifiable electoral process, who knows what the truth is. That's crazy.
I am willing to hear the case that Gretchen Hitler won by election fraud. But fraud can generally only work if it's limited enough not to be obvious and laughable. Meanwhile, enough people in Michigan voted for this fascist to make it possible to put her over the top via fraud (if that's what it was). Why didn't she lose by 90-10, what is wrong with people??
Did they really re-elect her? Look what the NY Citizen's Audit group has found is happening in the NY State Election rolls, and ask yourself again -
Same in New Mexico. Michelle Lujan Grisham was one of the most draconian governors during COVID, and as a result has nearly destroyed the state. And yet, here she is, in for another four years, ready to race the rest of the states to the bottom of every metric.
They cheated. Don't blame the voters. They cheated.
Proposal 3, which was deceptively worded and touted as simply keeping abortion legal in Michigan, brought a lot of voters out to support that proposal specifically. I'm sure it hurt Dixon, who really did run a good campaign. Now we have abortion through birth enshrined in the Michigan constitution, and it will allow any individual (meaning even boys and girls) to be sterilized. Thus a Michigan child can transgender and not need parental consent. I don't think many people who voted for Proposal 3 realized how radical the amendment was.
they did, and they dont care. The result will be further balkanization. Blue states will become bluer, as beat down republicans move to red states to get away from the insanity. Florida already is leading that charge as disaffected northeasterners have moved here in droves. Id expect rural michiganders will look to surrounding states, maybe north dakota, or head to texas to escape the insanity.
So what gives? A combination of stupid electorate and coordinated opposition by the elites ?
Pretty much. And some key steals.
not sure of the voting laws in michigan, but i'd guess theres massive mail in voting, unattended drop boxes, and weeks of early voting. If there also legal ballot harvesting like in Cali, its game over unless your party has an organized cheat system in place, run by your operatives. Public union employees most likely get paid time off to harvest ballots in nursing homes. Postal employees can easily deliver sack fuls of mail in ballots to union halls to be filled out accordingly.
She seemed quite competent and her loss is the state's loss.