The US is ruled by a supernational, parasitic elite dressed in blue and red to accommodate our political colorblindness. Consequently, a republican majority will likely amount to very little. Giving lip service is one thing. Making potentially career ending or even life-threatening choices by adhering to your principles is quite another.

Yet, the idea that somehow a nation that overwhelmingly disapproves or is even angry with the way things are going (73% according to CNN exit polls), failed to produce the fabled red wave and overturn most incumbent representatives, senators and governors, seems utterly absurd to me.

Even if we were to leave aside the chicanery that likely took place all over the country for a moment, Fetterman’s win over Oz in PA is a very telling example of a constitutional republic in a state of decay.

It is the most jarring illustration of fixation on identity politics and the party line by an alarmingly large number of people, to whom even the most basic qualifications of a candidate, such as the ability to form a coherent sentence, seem largely irrelevant. It is a demoralizing middle finger but also a valuable lesson to the layperson, who still believes that voting for a red or blue puppet once every blood moon is the ultimate form of democratic expression; to anyone whose apathy and laziness make them susceptible to messianism and wishful thinking.

It’s way past time we realized that participating in a rigged system doesn’t make us morally superior. It makes us complicit to the crimes that are committed with our blessing and in our name.

The reimagining of our political system is both essential and long overdue.

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"The reimagining of our political system is both essential and long overdue."

Agreed. But such reimagining requires perseverance, fortitude, and great dedication to ferreting out the truth from the constant onslaught of lies and propaganda. Far too many Americans -- and especially so the younger generations -- posses none of these qualities and have the attention spans of a house fly. Squirrel!

Sure, they will bitch and moan about the price of gas, rent (as they will likely never own a home) or a plate of avocado toast, but they will just as willingly conform to the herd and accept the current state of things. Call it Stockholm Syndrome if you like.

Further, these younger ones don't even know of an America with the prosperity, hope, freedom, and opportunity which older generations basked in. And apparently took for granted as we mourn their loss. For the young who have not experienced such things, they can never miss what they have never known and certainly cannot be counted on to help restore.

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Call it, "The Patriot Act Generation."

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I dare not suggest that this is an easy endeavor. At the same time, this is not a time for pessimism or complacency.

We have been indoctrinated to the idea that politics is a taboo, that discussions political in nature are to be avoided at all costs, lest we end up in a fight and risk severing connections with friends and family. The most important step, in my opinion, is to stop avoiding the elephant in the room by forcing ourselves to try to reach out to people and get them to question the nature of politics in its current form. It requires a composed but calm approach. We need to be accepting but also persistent, unbiased but also honest about our own shortcomings. A successful engagement requires patience and maybe a bit of finesse.

I do believe that as long as we make it a habit to reach out to people and try our best to make just one of them to wake up, our numbers will increase exponentially.

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For me politics was a question of venue, not a question of taboo. I certainly do not think that politics is something that should be discussed on a personal Facebook page. However, if you on your personal Facebook page, order me to wear a mask or get an experimental vaccine, I will indeed make comments about it. (and maybe about the appropriateness of the venue). Also, if you want to tell me how evil orange man is or Biden, I may comment on that as well (and again, the question of venue).

Substacks, Facebook Groups, pages, etc. are fair game for politics because again, it is a more appropriate venue. I even thought at one time to put up my own Facebook group entitled "Stuck in the Middle With You"

The thing is, I have been blocked after I responded to these people whether it was about Covid policies or even about dissenting opinions in general. So it's not indoctrination. They are the ones indoctrinated with the idea of "disagreement is hate" not us. I am open to conversation, I am open to concession, and compromise as needed.

Final thought: I have subscribed to a number of substacks that propagate the main narrative, guess how many of them have commenting turned on for non-paying subscribers.

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The enemy is purely political and they're happy to force their political views down your throat at every opportunity. Politics isn't a taboo.

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I agree with you that our enemy is indeed purely political. I'm also certainly not blind to their constant attempts at indoctrination and propaganda, almost always political in nature.

But maybe we have different life experiences. In my circle of family and friends at least, I'm being constantly confronted by many for trying to steer the conversation to politics: "why did you have to bring up politics, we were having a nice time", "no politics at the dinner table" and so on. Sometimes even preemptively: "we'll go visit x but please leave politics at home". This has been for me a constant point of friction through all my adult life. Sadly it persists even today that things are demonstrably bad, and are getting worse by the hour. That's the taboo I'm referring to.

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it's an honor to chat with someone who honestly shares a different view

i was at a local club tonight and it was like zombie town.

thank you for thinking and pushing back on what i say.

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I am old enough to have “basked” at least for a while. I am not able to blame this solely, or even especially, on the young. So many of my generation, boomers, especially women, don’t mind at all the loss of freedom and opportunity, not even for their children. I hate to be a downer but I see only one glimmer of hope at the moment. It appears that the folks in Florida recognized competent leadership. If that is so, we can begin there. Begin to cite that victory to folks in discussion.See if they can understand the differences between competence and incompetence. See if they care. Many do not.

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, exactly! And what happened to the government doubting anti war Hippies??? I’m 70 and cannot believe how complacent my peers are. And women my age? They’ve lost their voice...Hillary is not my Queen.

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Yeh isn't war the easy thing to be against? Where are they?

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De-moralized. There's still some out there though. But the mass of the left was just annoyed at Bush and Trump's persona.

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The young will find their way. They always do. It certainly is a very challenging time for them, and all the rest of us. I do worry about the longterm ill affects of the vaccines. I'm hoping for the best.

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Good outlook Richie

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Yes, I remarked recently that it felt like I was in the last generation that was allowed to have hope for the future. The nihilistic drum beat perpetuated by social media has denied it to many. The internet is also not real life, but days like Tuesday speak for themselves

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Even beyond all this, which is accurate and well-said, thank you,

Humanity has a psycho/sociopath problem.

They are everywhere and hands in pretty much everything, from local to global.

Until us Humans with Empathy figure out a way to cut them out of all our processes of society, we'll continue to be proper fooked.

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Sociopathic traits are often quite useful which is why they haven't been bred out of society.

But societies do create structures to try to limit the power of anyone diverging from the norm.

There are no permanent remedies, because new people are born every minute, under every sort of condition that can influence brain wiring.

We have a pretty strong Constitution. Unfortunately the two current main political parties each try to misuse it to their taste.

That eternal vigilance thingy, it wasn't just a suggestion.

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The messed-up people who seek much more wealth than they need and those who seek power for its own sake end up being the super-rich and powerful. Anyone who can come up with a way out of that rule which is almost a definition is a real genius.

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I'd say the political system is fine, it's the society that has lost it's proverbial drivers license to operate it. Drop the guard on education and corruption enforcement along with the loss of independent media and this is what you get. The government taking control of the people. One big psyop after removing perpetrated by a cabal of financial elites and state intelligence agencies/operatives. The decline started 60yrs ago.

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Good comment. Better than the essay. I live in Pa. Cannot believe Fetterman was elected, not because of his disabilities but because of his total lack of demonstrated abilities. Having said that, nearly everyone I know voted for this clown. Some actually said to me “ democracy is on the ballot”. This when we are voting. Many folks I see have no idea of what government does and don’t care to know but don’t seem to mind government taking control of the people especially if it comes with some” free money”.

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Isn't it interesting how some of them parrot verbatim what the monopoly media shove into their brains? I've long since terminated voluntary contacts with such.

It's a spiritual anodyne, like cutting out television-watching. Only in this case you cut-out secondary television-watching.

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I like secondary television watching. Think I’ll steal the phrase.

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What the heck does that even mean -"democracy is on the ballot?" That's a platform that has no meaning, it just sounds good, like you are choosing between democracy and totalitarianism or communism which is what they'll get when they cast their vote for the "democracy" candidate. Fetterman does not answer to the people which means they have no means of controlling him.

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The more they hype democracy the more obvious that it's a false idol.

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The 'political system' cannot be 'fine' if we consider 'system' to encompass the institutional corruption in the courts, media, political parties and the entrenched bureaucracy. When the institutional framework has baked-in perverse incentives, unconstitutional case law, and a web of immortal corporate corruption, the ballot box can not be a remedy, even if votes were honestly counted.

Perhaps you meant to limit 'political system' to the barest of abstractions, i.e. "democracy". If that is the case, you might reconsider even that, after digesting Hoppe's, "Democracy, the God that Failed." Democracy itself may invariably be that system which enables and promotes participatory "legalized plunder". See Bastiat's "The Law" for more on that topic.

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No, the political system of self government with divided and enumerated powers as outlined in the Constitution - of, by, and for the people. The failures that we are seeing are due to the removal of safeguards allowing corruption to creep in, the first of which being the buying of politicians, creating conflicts of interests that they rationalize away. There are probably many other examples, that one seems to be the most egregious to me. Imagine if a career politician's net worth was measured at the beginning of their career and periodically along the way. If their worth jumps for any reason they have to answer for the change and prove no conflict. That's how it's done in the military and I think in the civil service. Also, the removal of the civics of US government from the primary education curriculum. School house rock commercials were great back in the day, but other PSAs would help the public understand how the government is designed to operate. There is also a big problem in oversight of the administrative agencies - they've become captured and politicized because the congress has allowed it to happen. People are acting out of greed and self interest and are getting away with it, in most cases red-handedly.

Almost any system operates with safeguards. You can't expect the system to function properly or even as expected when changes are made that upset the balance of operation. It's like removing the governor on an engine then getting mad at the engine when it blows. There is so much more and I can see the need for changes, but cleaning house has to be a top priority. The elected government has to answer to the people not corporations, entities, or heaven forbid, other governments.

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Perhaps most of the administrative agencies are unconstitutional. Have you been to the Tenth Amendment Center?

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The first thing newly elected officials experience when they arrive in D.C. is a swift neutering.

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Would like to see them try that with DeSantis. He's got a pair, made of iron if I'm not mistaken.

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I don't trust any of them

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Understandable. Trust has been shattered.

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"Yet, the idea that somehow a nation that overwhelmingly disapproves or is even angry with the way things are going (73% according to CNN exit polls), failed to produce the fabled red wave and overturn most incumbent representatives, senators and governors, seems utterly absurd to me."

Me, too.

I am generally in almost disturbingly lock-step agreement with our author's take on things, but in this case, I do not believe it is as simple as Red Team making a paltry showing here. Yes, Red Team isn't representative of anything much other than "Not Blue Team," but at this point, Blue Team has gone so far beyond Full Totalitarian Nightmare State that it seems that Red Team should have been able to win with literal piles of litter-box filth.

Something seems awry.

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The leadership is compromised in one of a myriad of ways as suits each of them personally and the rest of the team has been cowered into following the party line.

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You sum it up nicely. Thank you.

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the biggest [roblem for third party candidates is that after ross perot made a successful dent in there duopoly, they changed the rules. They wont even let them in the door. It requires a massive grassroots effort to even make the smallest of headway. It can be done though. The focus has to be the house of representatives to start. Small districts would allow grassroots to work. If you pull it off and start winning seats, you then can start making headway toward a senate seat or the presidency.

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Tactically, we have a better chance of winning in state legislatures and implemening Nullification.


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im on board with abolishing the entire federal government.

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Nothing wrong with long-term goals, but in the short and medium term, achievable goals must be set and practical steps taken. One such is the 'Defend the Guard' campaign, with legislation being introduced in many states. These are a form of nullification of unconstitutional federal edicts.


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If you're one of the 2% that studies, on your own initiative, principles foundational to our civilization, understand this is exceptional due to your genetics and character.

Identity is the only thing that can unite and what identity is most vilified by the controllers?

Yea that one.

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The Fetterman election, thought through to a logical conclusion, leads one to this dark but accurate take:

"The reason this particularly race is key to the legitimacy question is that there is no answer that supports the democratic system. If everything was above board and the people did vote for a brain damaged hobo, then this is proof that the public should never be trusted with such decisions. The openness to voting for a brain damaged hobo should be a disqualification to voting. On the other hand, if the vote is rigged again, then there is no reason for people to bother voting."


Now pair that with this take from Sundance:

"The Democrat machines in (MI & PA) focused on ballot collection and ignored the irrelevant votes as cast. (...) A vote cannot be cast by a person who is no longer alive, or no longer lives in the area. However, a ballot can be sent, completed and returned regardless of the status of the initially attributed and/or registered individual."


Short version: there's no "vote harder!" solution to this, not at the federal level. Combine demographic reality, Democrat chicanery, and Republican complicity, and Washington is effectively immune to meaningful reform.

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The sheer insanity of the MSM suggesting the day after the election that Fetterman might actually be considered as a candidate for POTUS was, in my view, a rubbing of our collective noses in it. "See!", they are gloating, "We can run anyone we want, even this useless golem, and we'll win." It was an "eff you" if I ever saw one.

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well if we consider the bible, correctly translated, race is everything.

only one people are children of the covenenant.

and we are being punished, by the others.

God wills it.

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We need a reimagining of ourselves first. We can't vote ourselves out of evil and tyranny.


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not reimnagining, repentance.

and knowing who your 'we' is.

study the correctly translated bible.

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Again, Tombstone Crow's words are appropriate:

Never did I imagine that the world could be so corrupt

Game’s been rigged from the get-go but now the jig is up!

... which is to say: This ain't over. The NSA/military has all the information they need to bring the perps to justice. There's too much evidence to ignore that the day of reckoning is soon upon us. I am nothing but optimistic about how this turns out.

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The one clear counter-example was Tudor Dixon, who spoke very clearly for families against school closures and lockdowns, but lost to a HORRIBLE governor.

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Lost or stolen? Without a 100% verifiable election process there is just no way to know, which makes the American electoral system a sick joke.

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Precisely. This will go on forever until mail-in ballots are abolished.

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I agree, I'm actually very unclear on why she lost that race. Her message discipline was excellent, her offer was clear and compelling -- her rallies showed that was connecting with people as a real leader, someone people would follow. Polling showed she was 'cutting through' with her clear and heartfelt platform.

By contrast Whitmer was bitchy and short, and got hamstrung in some of her own lies in the debates. Polling showed her losing steam as people saw more of her inauthenticity.

I still don't get how this one went sideways.

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That's the 800 lb guerilla

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Tribal allegiance, free shit, and the general dumbing down. People have become stupid, thanks to our ever-degenerating education system. And spoiled. Sorry, but it's true. Maybe after a war on our soil - God forbid - or some serious shortages, empty shelves and rationing, the sort of thing that Europe has gone through, people will get smart. Might be too late though - the influx of thousands of people through our border, who have everything handed to them including cell phones they don't make a single payment on, ever - I don't know. I'm so disheartened. The band keeps playing but the ship is going down.

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Me too.

Republicans are so good at snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory.

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As for dumbing down - all we have to do is look at the incredible percentage of people who bought into the "pandemic" fraud.

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Bought into or simply too passive to stand against it?

Now that the panicdemic has more or less run its course (and the perpetrators are seeking a blanket pardon) expect the global warming fraud to get more and more play over the next two years.

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Could not agree more

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100% true

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Yup! Thanks Lindsay Graham!, what the hell was that all about? Boeing keeps your slimy pockets filled, so why was it necessary to call for a National Ban on abortion???? Huge douche move.

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Not so much snatching defeat as unable to offer a different (and more appealing) carrot. "At least we're not Democrats" is hardly a deal closer. And so long as the GOP remains locked in a civil war between the country club elites and the barbarian MAGA hoards the self-harm will only continue I'm afraid. The Democrat message of a utopian unity under Marxism is apparently more appealing.

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“the country club elites and the barbarian MAGA hoards “.... yup, and that’s why this party Girl has no Party. And why the # of Independents continues to grow. I wish I could be optimistic about a third party, but SHOCK! I don’t trust politicians, period.

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I know. I wish it were different. But you're right.

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Oh they excel at it. My sig oth has been saying this all along - don't get your hopes up. Maybe now he will get behind moving to Mexico

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At this point Mexico is probably safer than most large American cities.

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For the most part. You do know where you stand.

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they offer no real solutions as a national party, and are run by feckless, bought off empty suits(see Mitch McConnell). DeSantis is a leader, and he produced tangible results. He proved it can be done. I know of many lifelong libs that voted DeSantis down here in Florida, especially cops and fire fighters. He is what a real leader looks like, and he offers a message that resonates with 60% of the population.

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Agree 1000%

You'll not find a bigger DeSantis fan than my family. We live in Florida. He is the future. It's just a matter if the suits get behind him or try to take him down.

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...and cheating.

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Nov 9, 2022
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Ww3 might do the trick. Unfortunately the USA is guaranteed to lose.

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That happened in Maine too. Free education, $850 refund checks (our money to begin with) and hey look I balanced the budget (with COVID funds that will still come out of our pocket)….

Too many don’t even understand the political process and how our government was structured.

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Are you old enough to remember, back in the prehistoric era, when schools were allowed to actually teach, curricula included subjects like "civics", and "history", and "economics". We learned, in the elementary grades, how government was supposed to work, and how it had, and had not, worked in the past. An some of us, the lucky ones, when we reached high school, were even taught how government actually worked.

Today - all of these subjects have been banned.

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They cheated. It is as clear to me as when people ask, why are we having all these sudden deaths? It the vaccines.

Whitmer won because these people cheated and they will continue cheating unless something drastically changes.

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She lost her emergency powers last year and that saved her. She laid low, which seems a winner for politicians, had a huge bank, ran a tremendous number of ads telling voters Dixon was dangerous, and the power of incumbency is huge. In Michigan we've gone Blanchard (dem, 2 terms), Engler (rep, 2 terms), Granholm (dem 2 terms), Snyder (rep, 2 terms) and now Whitmer (dem, 2 terms). I suspect we may see a republican next time.

Dems know how to message better. They supposedly care and that connects. And Dems are in it to win it. They are ruthless.

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Dems own the female sympathy vote. (Fetterman had a 15% female win according to CBS -- good reason to vote for people is you feel sorry for them, I guess.)

So the solution is to put up even worse, more sympathetic characters? I just do not get it. Of course, Pennsylvania also elected (by a landslide) a candidate that was dead. May say something about that state in general.

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I don't understand how people think. I know when I look around in my day to day life, there are a lot of stupid people. I don't mean that as an insult, just an observation. And a lot of self importance. It is supposed to impress me that women care about the unfortunate. Only if they are a nun or something. And I am a woman.

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I wish women didn't have the right to vote. I think the world might work as well and we could still be women. I am impressed with Kari Lake. I think she is unusual for a female politician. She has a commanding presence that isn't just about being itchy.

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Societies always grow too big, eventually, to successfully manage the diversity of personality and intelligence any population shows.

It's not so bad to be a stupid plowman if a smart one teaches you how to do the job. You can still have a decent life with little harm to the rest of the village.

Gets worse when you scale up.

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Like Dr. Ball's Systemantics - systems can operate for a long time in failure mode. I think he observed no complex system designed from scratch can work, it will always fail. By tearing down what we have to replace it, I sense we may test this theory.

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Everything in life goes through cycles. We tend to dislike some permanent truths because they're not fixable.

People get rich writing books about the obvious basic workings of the universe and throwing in what they think are startling revelations.

Hives are constructed beautifully. Eventually they get unwieldy and somebody has to move out and start over.

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I don't know about that. Proposal 2 passed, which means the Michigan Constitution now mandates no voter ID, drop boxes, and all manner of election-stealing mechanisms. It just got much harder for a Republican to win in Michigan.

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this is the go to move in states run by democrats. Get as many votes cast not at the polls as possible. remove any safeguard that makes fraud more difficult. Call any dissent "racist" and "voter suppression". watch weak kneed, feckless republican politicians fall in line.

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Republicans need to get smart fast.

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Good luck with that.

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They don’t message better—they lie and don’t get called out for it. Media and social media protects them. Their caring is always fake and their followers are too ignorant to see it. When abortion is praised as birth control instead of the murder of a child, then these women who vote for ‘their rights’ for abortion instead of their right to motherhood should be pitied.

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Good insight, thank you

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Yes, I have thought for a long time that Republicans need to do a better job messaging compassion. I vote Republican and do so out of genuine care for the good of others. I think there are countless Republicans like me. Why can't they do a better job showing how conservative policies help everyone thrive and lift up struggling minorities? Because they actually do!

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Cheating always helps Dems. They always cheat and never forget that they do.

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The incessant ads on YouTube repeating that Dixon is against abortion even in cases of rape and incest likely played a role even though it was irrelevant, because abortion rights were up for referendum. People are dumb that way.

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They were really annoying too.

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So true.

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Tribal allegiance

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I think that link explains a large part of it very well. Add on the unaccountable "national security" apparatus that seems to have a controlling interest in both parties and it seems to me that we have as much explanation as needed for our current debacle.

Any suggestion of a diminished federal government will assuredly be treated as a "threat to democracy", those espousing it de facto enemies of the state and the ever-growing arsenal of beaurocracy turned against them.

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Thanks for this link. I appreciate it.

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It’s called an election fraud.

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I would say it happens in every election. I am pretty sure JFK cheated and Nixon actually won. It is as old as elections. Lincoln won the nomination with a little trickery.

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‘If Then’ a book written by veteran journalist Jill Lepore has some interesting insights around the JFK election process FYI

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thank you. I haven't heard of it. I'll have to check it out.

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One word. Detroit.

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I was greatly saddened by this outcome

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And Hochul in NY. I don’t care how hard you beat your tribal drums, New Yorkers elected this heinous, callous, calculating woman and that is just mind blowing. What other brutal murders will she ignore or minimize?

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I said on a thread a couple days ago that I am really starting to understand how Hitler could be democratically elected.

NY and MI, along with apparently half the country, once again voted for their own enslavement, oppression and impoverishment.

And mine.

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They already did it. Including Republicans during the Scamdemic.

People will shackle their own chains when in FEAR.

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Correction. NYC and Upstate cities elected this demon. The rest of the state rejected her outright. This is democracy in action. Pray to God the Electoral College is never trashed.

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Whitmer imposed some of the most oppressive lockdowns in the USA, thumbing her nose at the legislature and the courts' restrictions on her ability to declare "emergencies." (And it's Republicans who are said to be the party of dictatorship.) Yet Michiganders have re-elected her. Let no more complaints be heard about authoritarianism: they just voted for it. To borrow from Mencken, I hope they get it good and hard. F them.

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Again, you assume they re-elected her. You don't know that. I assume that she won by election fraud. Without a verifiable electoral process, who knows what the truth is. That's crazy.

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I am willing to hear the case that Gretchen Hitler won by election fraud. But fraud can generally only work if it's limited enough not to be obvious and laughable. Meanwhile, enough people in Michigan voted for this fascist to make it possible to put her over the top via fraud (if that's what it was). Why didn't she lose by 90-10, what is wrong with people??

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Did they really re-elect her? Look what the NY Citizen's Audit group has found is happening in the NY State Election rolls, and ask yourself again - https://rumble.com/v1kun2j-ny-citizens-audit-presents-weaponized-voter-rolls-epochtv-sept-20-22.html

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Same in New Mexico. Michelle Lujan Grisham was one of the most draconian governors during COVID, and as a result has nearly destroyed the state. And yet, here she is, in for another four years, ready to race the rest of the states to the bottom of every metric.

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They cheated. Don't blame the voters. They cheated.

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Proposal 3, which was deceptively worded and touted as simply keeping abortion legal in Michigan, brought a lot of voters out to support that proposal specifically. I'm sure it hurt Dixon, who really did run a good campaign. Now we have abortion through birth enshrined in the Michigan constitution, and it will allow any individual (meaning even boys and girls) to be sterilized. Thus a Michigan child can transgender and not need parental consent. I don't think many people who voted for Proposal 3 realized how radical the amendment was.

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they did, and they dont care. The result will be further balkanization. Blue states will become bluer, as beat down republicans move to red states to get away from the insanity. Florida already is leading that charge as disaffected northeasterners have moved here in droves. Id expect rural michiganders will look to surrounding states, maybe north dakota, or head to texas to escape the insanity.

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So what gives? A combination of stupid electorate and coordinated opposition by the elites ?

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Pretty much. And some key steals.

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not sure of the voting laws in michigan, but i'd guess theres massive mail in voting, unattended drop boxes, and weeks of early voting. If there also legal ballot harvesting like in Cali, its game over unless your party has an organized cheat system in place, run by your operatives. Public union employees most likely get paid time off to harvest ballots in nursing homes. Postal employees can easily deliver sack fuls of mail in ballots to union halls to be filled out accordingly.

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She seemed quite competent and her loss is the state's loss.

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Make America Florida. I'm all in on DeSantis '24.

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DeSantis and Lake 2024

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Read this first. RINOs/NeoCons are setting up a plan to lock Trump out and install someone they can control - https://twitter.com/Peoples_Pundit/status/1589075990076325888

Rich Baris "The People's Pundit"

I’ve received at least a half dozen calls from GOP donors who have told me the contents of their conversations AND sitting members of Congress have confirmed it. Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan have hatched a plan to defeat MAGA in 2024 and Ron DeSantis is the stool.

Sorry if that hurts some of your feelings, but it’s true and those of you most likely to bitch about me saying it don’t know what the Hell you’re talking about.

If DeSantis doesn’t bite, though he has been more lately, their next target is Glenn Youngkin


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Trump was a disaster. He won’t get the nomination again. He betrayed his base.

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Spoken by someone outside the base…. I don’t call a great economy and no new wars a “disaster”.

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I think a DeSantis/Tim Scott ticket could be powerful.

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Anything but Trump

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Or Ladapo. That might give us a chance of accountability with the Scamdemic.

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I agree and I live in Florida! Would hate to lose him early but you gotta look at the big picture.

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The big picture. You know, I'll say it. I love Trump to pieces, I would vote for him again no question, I would follow that man on a suicide mission, but I can't help wishing that God would move his heart. And he would see the big picture and put his ego and need for approval aside for the good of the country, let DeSantis take the lead, with him as the wise councilor at his back. Otherwise it'll be a shitshow. You know it will be.

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If you followed Trump on a suicide mission, rest assured it would be your suicide but never his.

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Yeah, that's almost always the case, isn't it. The Charge off the Light Brigade comes to mind.

I've told myself a million times to cut out the hyperbole.

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I agree. Love the man but I think too many don't. Question is will DeSantis try if he knows Trump wants it? The last thing we need is Gavin Newsome at the helm.

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Which is exactly the plan. I wonder if Trump will listen to someone, who will tell him the straight truth, that people will back away from him from sheer exhaustion. They'll be sick of the bloodshed. And his base cannot carry the day, he would need absolutely everyone behind him and then some, to fight the forces that would be leagued against him.

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Trumps asinine juvenile comments in the last 48 hours have lost him , I would guess, most independents. Now more than ever, we need Presidential... not a repeat of the 2016 Primary. To me, it’s almost like intentional self destruct... or his ego protects him from his idiocy.

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“Out of the heart, the mouth speaks.”

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He does speak from his heart, and I'm afraid his mouth does run ahead of his brain at times. But many people love him for it.

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This is truly puzzling to me. While he did some very good things early in his term, he totally betrayed the people with his handling of Covid. Letting Fauci and Birx be the leaders of the pandemic response, demanding and signing the biggest spending bill in our history, “operation warp speed” for an unneeded vaccine since there were numerous effective treatments, just to make a few.

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Agreed. I suspect he thought he was doing the right thing, though. He trusted the so-called medical professionals. Lesson learned by him and all of us.

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So much this!

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The sad thing is that RINO GOP operatives - Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan - are working with the big GOP donors to lock Trump out, install DeSantis in his place and *apparently* DeSantis is going along with it . . . That means they have someone they can control. Clearly DeSantis was allowed to run Florida as he wished, but the ONLY REASON they would be putting him into place for 2024 would be because they believe they can control him and he apparently is leading them to believe that. That means war, at the least, and WEF control potential. NOTICE THAT FLORIDA WAS STRANGELY SPARED ANY UNEXPECTED DEM WINS. They are GROOMING him. https://twitter.com/Peoples_Pundit/status/1589075990076325888

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Paul Ryan?? I thought Eddie Munster had gone away.... he is the Poster boy for Neocons... more depressed now learning this.

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Yes, this is why NO ONE should be advocating for Kevin McCarthy to be Speaker - a disaster! I've seen Republican Reps who understand this is a disaster, talk about it, and are in disbelief that so many other GOP Reps are just shutting up about it - I expect McCarthy is tied to the big donors somehow, so they are all afraid to touch him.

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DeSantis may be playing their game to play the game, but I don't think he can be turned. He is a decent, good man and means to beat them at their own games.

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Man, I hope or this country is FUCKED

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Might be too late…

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Too much free shit Rascal...turns peoples brains off.

Republicans are complicit imo.

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Bingo! Democracy dies in a pile of worthless cash.

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Don't let him go to DC! The swamp will eat him alive. Keep him in the Free South, where he can lead the way for more timid governors within the liberty bloc.

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I hear you, but there are days I'm not sure we'll make it to 2024.

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Welcome to your future America:

“Hey you vote me happy thanks Pennsylvania. Me lower inflation higher wage minimums. No abortions bad Covid shots good you take yes. We revolution lead today.”

-John Fetterman

He would've made Yoda proud!

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I can’t believe that potato is my new senator. But Oz never, ever should have been able to run in PA. HE DOES NOT LIVE HERE!!! And all the refugees from NY who moved to our area did not help. They helped push my previously red county blue.

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seeing a pattern yet?

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Learn about how election fraud works. That's how Biden got in. If you don't learn and get involved, it will only continue.


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Don't you blaspheme Yoda like that! 🤣🤣🤣

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Guess this proves what these people always say, they are voting for someone “smarter than they are.”

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Except for Newsom, oh but hey, he's got GREAT hair - he'll make an excellent President!

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Sorry but even that made too much sense for Fetterman.

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Alley Oop is what we call him.

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Those who remain in the US can look forward to their ultimate subjugation amid general dereliction. It should have been clear after November 2020 that they can't prevent the outcome by participating in what is now a voting charade.

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Have you considered moving to Florida? It might as well be a country unto itself.

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Convention of States OR outright secession. I don't think there's a lot in between.

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Balkanization is the best we can hope for - I've been saying it for years. Now, imagine if it could be done peacefully and bloodlessly. That's the rub.

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The rub indeed.

I'm not certain that can be done. The country is diametrically opposed. What the other side wants is not sustainable if we want to preserve our constitutional republic.

Unfortunately, as history demonstrates, factions that want two very different things, usually doesn't end peacefully.

Hope I'm wrong....we'll see.

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Part of the problem is the red states have things the blue states want. It would not be a friendly divorce. And they would likely refuse to even consider secession. It would indeed be a second Civil War, but I'm not sure it's avoidable at this point. God help us.

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there are almost no blue "states." there is merely a red country with a handful of blue city-states that are controlling everything. and all of those blue city-states are shit holes.

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If either were a realistic, and peaceful, option I for one would be fully supportive.

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I think a peaceful solution would be best for everyone. It's become very apparent one side has nothing in common with the other. Let's just split the kids and move on. Another option is Texit. Texas came into the union has its own State and its constitution allows it to leave.

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Right there with you. I wish I could believe Texas or Alaska might be real candidates for peaceful secession, soon. I'd be happy to move to either. I love the US and don't think there is anything fundamentally wrong with our nation or people in general. DC is the problem.

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I’m guessing you haven’t been to New Mexico. There is plenty wrong with the people here.

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You still have room in the attic?

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Plenty of room SimComm!

At least come down and visit. Maybe we could take a hop-skip-and-jump to go see the Bad Cat himself?!

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Oh, you're good my friend!

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I have a buddy from MD who moved to just outside Tampa not too long ago, and he has nothing but good things to say about Florida. He went from being "the weird right wing guy" to being the "weird left wing guy" to his neighbors, and thinks things are much better for it.

I am tempted to go myself, save for all my family up north. If we could just figure out a way to give Philly to NJ, DE or MD, PA would be a much better place.

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We moved in April 20' due to the Covid policies.

Best decision of our lives. We absolutely love it down here.


The highway patrol, at the behest of DeSantis, put out a bulletin saying the highway patrol would be issuing tickets for speeding on freeways.

Everyone knew what DeSantis saying; hey man stop going 100 mph, you're getting out of hand. Let's back it down to 90 mph.

The message was clear; people slowed down a bit and very few speeding tickets were issued.

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DC has jurisdiction in Florida too. But for those who have no other option it might stave off the pain for a time, so it might be worth it.

For those who may not be aware, unfortunately the only way to be free of DC is to renounce US citizenship, you can't simply move to another state or expatriate.

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Tell that to Julian Asange.

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Yep, you must leave before trumped up charges can be used to control you.

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Well, at least it's surrounded by gun States and the entire State has easy coastal escape routes....:)

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Everyone must use their judgement and make their own choices. Personally I have no interest in getting caught up in a profoundly damaging fight and want to move to a free, peaceful area well before any such outcome.

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Concentration camps are relatively peaceful, and they’re free too.

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You clearly don't understand the context in which I used the term "free", although obvious to all other no doubt. But, your life your choice. If you are under the impression concentration camps are desirable enjoy your cage.

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I think he was joking :)

Although maybe he was making a point about how if you don't fight you will end up in a concentration camp no matter what you want. Hard to say, but it struck me as a joke.

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Humorous jokes, which require a modicum of skill to create, are worthy of a chuckle. His effort failed, if that was in fact the intent.

Actually, as noted in the original comment, I agree. Those who don't leave the US will ultimately be subjugated by self serving authoritarians; or end up in a long, damaging fight. Unfortunately I don't see any reasonable option other than departure, in my case. But no judgement here...I'm not suggesting everyone must make the same choice. Most really don't have the option. Even in my relatively simple case it isn't going to be an easy or cheap solution, but the alternatives are absolutely unacceptable.

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Just asking.. and where do you think you move TO. Seems as if the WEF / Authoritarian agenda is just about everywhere in the West.

I still root for a Convention of States or TEXIT.. but I am open to ALL possibilities.

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My circumstances are pretty unique, and I have a number of options fortunately, but everyone must consider their personal circumstances. Nonetheless if global authoritarians ever attain their eternal desire to subjugate the world your are right, there will be no refuge. I for one don't believe it will happen, or it certainly won't happen anytime soon. The US is the big fat prize, hence the focus of authoritarian effort and resources. There are peaceful, free places to live well away from the global authoritarian bullseye.

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We apologize, we didn’t realize you we’re autistic.

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I hope, for your sake, you aren't more than 14 years old.

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Ryan, we would be looking for a place that is rural, in the country, no cities or big towns for us, thank you. Someone suggested Live Oak -? Ocala is nice but too rich for our blood. I see some nice places, some with land, which is what we would like, but we are picky and would prefer an older place to a mobile home (dang there are a lot of those!). The Suwanee area is lovely. What are your thoughts?

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Suwanee is perfect for you, based on everything you've told me over the last several months.

One thing I can tell you is; tomorrow and the next day....and repeat, is only going to get worse where you live.

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I know. But I have a very stubborn man on my hands who says he wants to leave, too, but seems to be having difficulty with the pulling up stakes part. The irony is, I live in an eleven room house and I want to get started with a move, he's in an RV and seems entrenched where he is. It's partly his age, he's 79, fourteen years my senior. In good health but not the rocket of energy he once was. I think if we can get down to Baja this winter, just the change will do him good. He won't admit to it but he's an Aspie, increasingly agoraphobic and has some depression going on (don't we all?) on top of it. One day at a time...I've got a project here! Thank you for the kind words and suggestions. He loves manatees, so do I...

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More good news, Ryan, is perhaps the lefties will give up on moving there. I gather they are leaving Austin. Cause for celebration.

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Is there anywhere in FL without crushing humidity, that isn't real estate just for gazillionaires? That's the deal breaker.

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Hardly anyone goes outside for very long during those 4 months. I would take the humidity for 4 months over freezing cold temperatures in the Winter though

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I will admit the humidity is awful 4 months out of year. But the other 8 are nearly perfect.

I believe you're in CA. The real estate here is way cheaper.

The most affordable place is Lakeland. It is awesome and starting to boom.

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Wow, Ryan are you watching this??? Don't miss it, new series - "Propaganda Exposed (Uncensored) -


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Holy shit. I just finished this up

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Well? What did you think of it?

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It was excellent. A lot of it I knew intuitively, but to see how the sausage is made was an eye opener

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How well you put it. I haven't kept up but I will find the time. Thanks!

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I'm going to.

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But, where else would we go? Every inhabitable part of the world is dominated by terrorist gangs.

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I assumed such was mostly the case until I did some homework. Research also reveals that the reality is most Americans really don't have the option of moving to a free, peaceful location (or most effective, living nomadically). But a few do.

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Well, that's what they'd like you to believe. Where I live in Northern California is far more dangerous than many places in Mexico. You just need to know the score.

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You are wrong EGM, and it shows in your analysis that the current mix is a two family, Hatfield vs. McCoy feud. The issue is that America First is actually a third party vs. the Dem AND RINOs. There is no cogent, cohesive message coming out of the "GOP" because there are two GOPs--and one controls all the money and has ZERO ideas, while the other (call it America First) has all the ideas and controls damned near ZERO of the money. With the entire Dem power structure, media biased messaging, and RINOs defining the under-resourced America First movement as domestic terrorists it is small wonder why the new faces in the "GOP" faced insurmountable uphill battles. McConnell and gang did everything possible to undermine America First. The Dems loosed their considerable messaging--and massive campaign spending--against America First.

The American people don't seem to mind that the Dems and RINOs are jointly divvying up the spending largesse and sending billions to Ukraine and Dem 'green energy' donors. As a new precinct committeeman in AZ I get what happened. Your analysis misses the mark.

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That's the problem; 30% of America would vote for Trump no matter what.

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It's not clear what you mean when you say, "30% of American would vote for Trump no matter what"? Do you mean 30% of GOP voters are deluded and should vote for the McConnell-McCarthy/GOPe wing of the GOP? They should support the GOPe that is okay with sending $60 billion to Ukraine? They should support the GOPe that voted for the "Inflation Recovery Act" that poured more spending gasoline on the inflation fire? They should support that GOPe that has no interest in election integrity?

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I'm saying Trump served his purpose. To re-elect him is looking backward and will probably result in 10 more years of Dem control...which means we're screwed.

Yes. 30% of the eligible voters in this country prefer Trump as their candidate.

He has a very loyal base. It will cost America dearly.

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Ryan, I can agree with many of your points, but what makes you think the Rinos would not do the same to DeSantis that they did to Trump. Don't forget what Rinos, dems and deep state did in 2015 all the way through 2020. Can DeSantis face all that any better? You know what they'll do to him. He was pretty much left alone to run his state, but running the country is a whole different ballgame. IMO.

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I hate to say I agree. Indeed, they may be even more vicious with DeSantis than they are to Trump.

Mainly because DeSantis has a better shot in 24' than Trump imo.

Hell they may even fund Trumps campaign like they did MAGA candidates in an effort to make sure they won in the primary....but lost in the election.

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I hope he's ready for an endless colonoscopy!

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OMG. Classic!

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Okay, it is a week later and he has declared. Now what...

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I think DeSantis will lay low and let Trump get beat up before he decides to make a formal announcement.

If I were him I would keep my powder dry as long as I could. The other benefit to that strategy is that Trump has a knack for creating his own problems.

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All true, but I can't help but feel some delight at how batshit crazy the entire left is going to go. I would love to think that this is one of Trump's objectives, to distract them and keep them busy coming after him, running interference if you will. Get them to show their hand. But middle America doesn't seem to have the taste for such blood-and-guts combat. Is there a middle America anymore? Is the GOP going to inevitably break apart into different parties? I should stop now, I don't need to ponder these things just before beddy-byes.

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Haha, I hope you got some sleep last night, I did appreciate Trump's tone and demeanor however I wished he had waited til after Georgia runoff. Trump has always been impatient. We always new it would be Trump vs DeSantis. So let's see how it plays out. Should be interesting. I do have the stomach for blood and guts,but like you said , maybe the rest of us don't. If we could just get rid of the RINOS I think we'd be OK.

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His purpose continues. DeSantis will be controlled, that's why Florida was totally unscathed in the election from the obvious fraud that went on elsewhere.

Trump cannot be controlled. Trump kept us out war, grew the economy, enforced the border, was against mandates, etc. Sorry you don't like him, but claiming it will "cost America" while Biden is literally destroying America seems inaccuarate.

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Trump didn’t start new ones but he did more bombing than Obama and supported the Saudi genocide in Yemen.

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They need to get behind DeSantis

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You need to look at the detailed preferences of the Latino and black voters who moved to the right in the last two elections. They support Trump but not other GOP candidates. I personally wish that was not the case, but the cross-tabs show it to be true at present. DeSantis has a tough job ahead replacing the Trump connection / mystique among non-college, working class America.

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Good points you make!

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They do mind, it's the fraud they don't yet fully perceive, and cannot stop. https://rumble.com/v1kun2j-ny-citizens-audit-presents-weaponized-voter-rolls-epochtv-sept-20-22.html

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I might agree with you on most of this if not for the Florida results. That's what would have happened across the country if there were not such rampant and imbedded fraud . . . a.k.a. mail-in and drop-off ballots. Hope is gone for my children and grandchildren.

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likely going to write on this shortly, but i'm less sure of that.

there has always been fraud. ballot stuffing, dead men voting, registration and bussing games, slow playing polling places, gerrymandering.

mail in is just the latest flavor and the dems figured it out faster.

but it's not mostly fraud, it's mostly rule bending and manipulation. it's more like tax avoidance than tax evasion.

parity on new tactics will come.

i fear that getting mired in "it was all cheating" pulls us off the bigger issue.

was there some cheating? yeah, of course.

how much? hard to say. AZ and PA are dodgy, but always were.

be interesting to watch the lake election play out

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One problem with parity in fraud is that some places are easier to twist than others, and cities are among the worst. If cities tend to produce a particular kind of voter, or particular party, and rampant fraud is easier in cities, then we can expect the states at large to be heavily biased towards the party of cities. To get parity one would have to have another population center that was biased the other way, but cities are strangely one color across the country.

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most of it is not fraud so much as adaptation.

the dems have been much better at getting out the mail in vote and using it to change and expand voting patterns.

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Have you seen what is going on in NY State? Claiming "most of it is not fraud" is misinformed when you have not actually looked at the level of fraud that is going on, not just with the ballots but with the voter rolls. The whole advantage of the machines was that so much more fraud could be done so much more easily. Remember, exit polls magically stopped being correlated to actual outcomes in 2004, the first major election after the Help America Vote Act that brought the machines into use in the Bush/Cheney Admin. https://rumble.com/v1kun2j-ny-citizens-audit-presents-weaponized-voter-rolls-epochtv-sept-20-22.html

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That might well be a lot of it. I can't help but note that the most mail in voting per capita seems to happen in cities. I haven't seen the current election's numbers on that, so maybe it changed, but I had a graph someone put together from 2020 showing that cities had phenomenal numbers of mail in ballots compared to rural areas on a per capita basis. That probably replaces bussing voters etc., but it strikes me as odd.

On the other hand, I am fine with cities doing whatever corruption their local voters are willing to accept, I just wish they would stop being part of my state. If someone was to make the argument that the real problem with our electoral politics is the size of our states and the break down of cities vs rural governance, I'd be on board. Maybe no state should have more than two million people in it, and if it does it should split?

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That's hard to argue with suitcases full of ballots appearing after the counting 'stopped' (Atlanta IIRC), blocks of votes changing due to 'computer error' (Antrim County, MI), 2000 Mules, boxes of 95-99% Dem votes counted multiple times, audit files deleted, and so forth.

Your point that Dems have a better 'ground game' might be true or not, but the recent results in Arizona, Pennsylvania and Michigan to start with are highly suspect. IMO, deserving a serious audit that never happened in 2020 -- 'deniers' were 'othered' by MSM and Tech, de-catformed and denigrated; nothing happened.

If the Dems truly won AZ, PA, and MI due to honest get-out-the vote campaigns, then they would welcome an audit. Methinks they doth protest too much (h/t the Bard).

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I would be really curious to see a comparison between voter registration party and voter turn out for those states. I mean, it is public knowledge what party you register as, and it is public knowledge whether or not you voted. So... are lots of voting R's voting D? Is it all the hot independent action swinging things? Is voter turn out of registered D's much higher than average in some places with no corresponding R spikes? I'd be curious to see that.

(Not curious enough to figure out how to collect all the data myself, but I would be willing to help process it.)

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It doesn't really take a political genius to gather up the 'unused' ballots littering the countryside and put them in the box, where nobody can investigate to see if it's actually a legal ballot.

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Well, it does though. Not a genius, per se, but a lot of hands. If you drop off 10,000 ballots to a voting district with 10,000 people in it, some one is going to notice. So you have to drop off a few hundred at many different places, requiring many different people be involved. However, dropping off a few boxes with 10k ballots to a central counting area in say Philly, that's easy, and requires fewer people and less planning. The return on effort is much higher, and the chances of getting caught much lower, in the latter case, especially because there are fewer overseeing officials to bribe.

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We need to shift the argument from "cheating is rampant" to "we have no way to be sure of the integrity of our elections because many states are adopting/maintainng processes designed to keep the waters muddy".

Arguing that the 2020 eleciton was stolen is manifestly a mixed-results prooposition. Arguing that the 2020 election did not produce a verifiablly reliable result is pretty much axiomatic.

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That's what I've been saying. Make a 100% verifiable, rock solid electoral system, likely using all hand counted paper ballots, and I'd say forget the past fraud, I'll trade "Yup, Biden won" for "Now so there will be no more election doubt, 100% transparent, verifiable election with NO top secret, proprietary software voting machines". Fair trade.

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Exactly. The entire goal was to open up so many election integrity holes that we can't possibly cover them all. Mail-in ballots without a postmark? Count 'em!

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Yes I agree.

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It seems most likely, Florida is one of the few states with an honest electoral system and what you saw there was likely the actual voter proportional change in sentiment. That you didn't see the same in other states to me indicates fraud.

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But it's also possible that because DeSantis is being groomed by RINOs McCarthy and Paul Ryan (+GOP Megadonors), that they simply LEFT FLORIDA ALONE, to help sweeten the deal.

Rich Baris "The People's Pundit"


I’ve received at least a half dozen calls from GOP donors who have told me the contents of their conversations AND sitting members of Congress have confirmed it. Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan have hatched a plan to defeat MAGA in 2024 and Ron DeSantis is the stool.


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That's a scary thought. Not that I don't like DeSantis but DeSantis put into power by a bunch of Big Money Oligarchs who want ROI, that is EXACTLY what we don't need.

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Exactly. Taking a cue from "The Graduate," I have one word for you:


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"The Graduate"

"One word: Plastics".....like in the "plasticity" of votes

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I thought the same thing.

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I said from the very beginning, when a Red Wave was first predicted and polls showed that it could be an epic Red Wave; "never underestimate the R party ability to blow an absolute layup of an election."

And, damn, it hurts to be right.

The party of Kevin McCarthy is the direct descendant of a whole line of vanilla suited dullards, from John Boehner to Paul Ryan to our current cast of go-along-to-get-along Corporatists Boot Lickers.

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It's called election fraud. No one wants McCarthy or Ryan except the mega donors who want to control the candidate. Trump could not be controlled.

Rich Baris "The People's Pundit"


I’ve received at least a half dozen calls from GOP donors who have told me the contents of their conversations AND sitting members of Congress have confirmed it. Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan have hatched a plan to defeat MAGA in 2024 and Ron DeSantis is the stool.


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I wonder if all the rosy predictions had the effect of decreasing people's urgency to go out and vote. (Not that this was the intention, only an effect.)

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I love you, gato, but this article is like complaining about the offensive strategy of the Washington Generals. They might look like the Globetrotters' opposition, but they're part of the farce, too.

Nobody is longing for the days of the 2000-2016 GOP.

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not sure i follow the allusion.

the gingrich congress and CWA was 1994. by 2000, it starting falling apart as everyone panicked in to loose money and policy in the dotcom bust.

we never really recovered from that politically or fiscally.

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Exactly. Newt and the Contract with America people are long gone, and the people who replaced them are the Washington Generals, existing only to make the Globetrotters look good by comparison. We don't have the option to return to 1994's GOP, only to the McCain/Romney 2000 GOP that everybody hated in the first place.

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It's only that GOP if you let it be. Trump could not be controlled, so they had to force him out. They are still trying to do that, to stop MAGA, but so far, have not been able to - look at AZ, NV, etc. MAGA candidates are winning despite severe election fraud going on. If you aren't fully aware of the fraud, take a look at what is happening in NY State - https://rumble.com/v1kun2j-ny-citizens-audit-presents-weaponized-voter-rolls-epochtv-sept-20-22.html

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Have you heard about the 2008 WA GOP state convention? The McCain folks walked out to try to deny us a quorum because we (Ron Paulers) wanted to add an anti-war plank to the party platform.

This was after pleading all weekend to "March Forward Together" -- once they got what they wanted (national delegates), they told us to fuck off.

That's the GOP.


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Yes, those are the RINO GOPs. MAGA is not that. The majority of GOP who voted to impeach Trump were either Primaried out or resigned. It looks like AZ appears may get a MAGA Governor and Nevada may get a MAGA Sec of State (thus will control the elections). JD Vance is winning in Ohio, etc. MAGA candidates are the new GOP. And it will be a battle for 2024.

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Yeah, I would just internally roll my eyes when someone would tell me, "just wait for the red wave, everything will get fixed in November." It seems when I would say, "But none of the people running for office are even mentioning what has happened over the last two and a half years not to mention they haven't even tried to stand up to it!" It just fell on deaf ears.

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This is yet another sobering reminder to stop placing our faith in politicians. Whether or not “our guy” won, We the People need to hold them accountable for representing the will of the public and remembering they are here to *serve* us—not corporations, not lobbyists, not tribal factions, not globalists. It is time for them to start fearing the people instead of the people fearfully bowing to them. Politicians are beholden to us and hold power only by our permission, which can and will be withdrawn if they fail in their duty to represent us.

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And how do you suggest we do that? The only thing I can see that might restructure our system into something more resembling a constitutional republic is a constitutional convention and putting more support and effort into the Convention of States et al. But few people are politically involved to that extent. The other giant problem I see is that young adults (18-29) broke hard for Democrats, apparently bought by student loan forgiveness, “free” healthcare, and green fantasies. They are voting themselves into a digital prison from which there is no escape without payment in blood and they are either oblivious or so indoctrinated that they think digital IDs and CBDCs are a good idea.

So. Solutions anyone?

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It's all about money. Allow private Banks to create and control the money supply and they have ultimate power. Power they are using to create a global Totalitarian state. You need to end private money creation, only sovereign debt-free currency.

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Agreed — the Fed needs to go. But how does this happen when we can’t get enough politicians with the spine to get it done? Let’s see what happens with the debt ceiling and spending going forward. If the house can put their foot on the brake (shut down the government if need be), we might have a hope. But if they cave again, a CBDC will be seconds away — I’m sure the Fed is ready to go. And once we have a CBDC, we will not recover

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Sure but would you really feel comfortable giving control of money fully over to .gov? I say we get back to the wildcat era!

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We could base money creation on population growth, or a fixed percentage of supply, or any of a dozen hard-and-fast rules. (math!)

Basing it on the whims of politicians and bankers only leads to endless printing.

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Very true. You could indeed have real smart math people write an algorithm that determines the EXACTLY optimal money supply and limit money creation to that. Beyond the entire quantity of money a very big factor in economic growth and prosperity is where new money is injected. If it is injected to improve wokeness in the military, that money goes down the sewer, creates demand without increasing productivity, in fact reduces productivity, which of course leads to more inflation. If that newly created money is injected into hard infrastructure and technical/business skills/education, that can reap big rewards in economic strength. Also into new technology. And expanding things like mineral production, steel making, electronics production. Also money created and injected into the poorer half of the population who will spend most of it on local goods and services rather than save it or invest it overseas.

I could imagine making a large A.I. that would figure out how to optimize that and manage all money creation. Far better than having corrupt banksters decide where new money should be injected. They really like inflating real estate prices more than anything. Or buying politicians.

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I'd much rather give it to the government or to public banks (i.e. state owned banks) than to giant global corporations who are ultimately controlled by Psychopath Malthusian creeps who really do hate us and want us all put on a leash.

There is an idea for a currency that is directly tied to goods & services, which is the ideal currency:

#6 How to create Producer Credits, Kristen Ragusin:


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I understand where you're coming from, but isn't the US .gov just another giant global corporation. A feudalism of corporations if you will?

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You are using circular logic. Because Private Banks stole the sovereign, right to money creation they could then buy our government which now is mostly corrupted and just a tool of big money, Private Banks being the biggest of the big money. So now our representative government is acting in the interests of Big Money, not us. Break the circle. Other than that you have to have a whole new system of governance which is scarcely even spoken about it, so we are a long way to that.

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Maybe. I'm a believer that everything evolves via cycles. You're born, you mature, you die. Perhaps what we have has to die before the cycle can begin again. So at the current point in the cycle, you just can't give .gov control of money and expect it to fix things. Everything is corrupt currently.

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No it won't IMMEDIATELY fix the endemic corruption, which will continue. But that can be whittled away at, as it is being done with the past few elections. Otherwise we are on the fast track to a Global neo-feudal or techno-feudal Totalitarian Oligarchy that will be very, very, very difficult to break free of.

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Yes, that is the pragmatic question that needs to be addressed, which I believe el gato has done in numerous posts.

Step 1 is fixing the broken election system (https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/accusations-of-electoral-fraud). As long as the system is opaque and corrupt, the will of the people cannot be guaranteed.

Step 2 is preventing money from influencing politics by creating and enforcing existing laws against payola, quid pro quo, and other forms of corruption.

Step 3 is raising awareness about corruption and election fraud and galvanizing the people to support changes that will help ensure election integrity in the future.

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No quarrels here with any of that, but we’re still stuck on the “how.”

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Longest url ever but one step forward:





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I don’t see these doing much — elections are controlled by the states. Perhaps a bill making it illegal for non-citizens to vote ….. but wait. I think we already have one of those. And adding an oath? Please. Not even a baby step. All examples of the useless fluff the GOP likes to support — signifying nothing. I believe the only real solutions will be local, and will be effective if more people become involved. Too many are still sitting back — my life is ok so I’ll leave it to someone else to fix. People who “aren’t interested in politics” have to realize politics affects everything, and everything in their life.

I don’t like being so negative, but the country is disappearing and before long, there won’t be a way back. We are the cavalry — no one is coming to save us but us.

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No matter who gets the votes, the politicians win.

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Agree with the overall premise but as far as Florida goes, it also helps that they have worked hard to clean up the election process.

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Yes, I was surprised that hasn't been noticed by many commentators (if any?).

Florida cleaned up their voting processes and moved back toward 'old skool' paper ballots. And they swept the board, far exceeding the most enthusiastic polls who put the win within a few points (not 20!).

Then look over at AZ Gubernatorial race where there was a really strong ground game and media engagement by one candidate, and the other 'did a Joe Biden' and hid in the basement hoping the media would campaign for her instead. Shenanigans appear to be afoot for the second time in a row with the Dominion machines. And the lady that refused to debate, and was barely seen outside, appears to be beating out the one with all the poll momentum and coverage. Hmmmm....

Paper ballots is the way forward. There is a lack of trust in government (all levels) in general, so the solution to that is not more technology [respectfully disagree with Gato on that, re blockchain ideas] — normal citizens don't understand the full ins & outs of how these computer systems work now, so adding more complexity is not going to build trust, but quite the opposite, it will further suspicion that one side or the other can game the system. Going back to a low tech method that all of us can see and understand seems like the best move.

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A lot of places have paper ballots but still have severe fraud - those are not the full story. If you watched 2000 Mules you'd know that those can be trafficked pretty easily. One of the things found in 2020 was that ballots were being printed in China and coming over the Mexico border.

The fraud is complex. Take the example of NY State, as uncovered by NY Citizen's Audit. It's pretty stunning what they found, *just* in the voter rolls! https://rumble.com/v1kun2j-ny-citizens-audit-presents-weaponized-voter-rolls-epochtv-sept-20-22.html

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Good point. Probably nothing is going to stop all fraud but we should certainly make it as difficult as we possibly can.

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Well said.

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You’re not voting your way out of this.

An unconstitutional power structure exists in this country, chock full of secret federal police, dark money, literal spies working for “news” agencies, child rape islands etc…

But hey, at least when the FBI blows your door off the hinges in the middle of the night because you said hurty words against abortion, at least you’ll be living in a red state when it happens,

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The vaccine and Covid were a basic trap set up to create a Uni-party, DeSantis stand against that was the reason why Branch Covidians pushed for his downfall. The interesting thing is this is truly post-Covid ,watching the Opus Dei secular vaccine uptake at the end of this was basically watching Self-flagellation.They needed to hold it together until now,but the CDC Director (yesterday) came out of hiding 17 days after her diagnosis to tell everyone, "the vaccine doesn't stop all infections " lol a little late.If the Republicans can take the House, which looks very possible, the "We suffered all of this and still lost the house " will hit harder than people can imagine. My favorite win is the Florida Republican Luna flipping a seat ,a 218-217 win with Luna under a Blood Red Moon is legendary Esoteric stuff.

We live in very strange times.

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I agree completely. Both parties are aiming for 49 to 51 victories. They treat giving people what they want the way a business treats a cost, something to be minimized. They treat forcing things on people they don't want the way a business treats a profit, something to be maximized.

They both aim for the slimmest margin possible in order to minimize how much they have to give people what they want and then try to maximize doing things people don't like. With Democrats its social justice stuff and with the Republicans its stuff like "free healthcare is bad!".

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Exactly so they can claim "bipartisanship" when in fact they are ALL uniparty SCUM.

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I actually don’t buy the result. Mid terms for a first term president usually lead to losses yet no incumbents have flipped and Biden has the worst approval rating of any president in history. People might have left during COVID to find their happy place somewhat, but it stretches credibility especially with the shenanigans in AZ and a few other states.

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