Coffee in hand and I’m realizing I’m not crazy for wanting to catch Delta before the SHTF and hospitals are overrun and panicking. Maybe we go back to the trend chicken pox/ COVID parties before it gets worse so we get more folks with natural immunity?

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I just had covid last week and have been recovering alright. I have this same sentiment though: so glad I got it over with. Beyond glad. It’s a relief. I don’t believe anyone is going to get out of contracting it one way or another so better to just get it while the gettin’s good.

I’m young, very healthy, and it was still rough. The neurological symptoms have been the scariest. Tingling in the hands and feet, numbness, the strange sensation that your skin is electric and crushing waves of fatigue. I know a lot about treating myself with herbs and supplements as well as breathing exercises and cold therapy to help the nervous system come back to baseline but there are many people who don’t and who will suffer a long time from this. It seems to cause almost autoimmune type reactions similar to other post viral syndromes. I hope a make a full recovery and this shit doesn’t linger for months.

Good luck to you all. And I will say this: don’t shirk your responsibility for your own health. There were times when I considered consulting a doctor but then realized the vast majority of them don’t have the faintest clue about how to help those suffering from covid and would likely even make it worse. Check out FLCC and their I-math protocol. They also make it easy to find ivermectin if need be. I sort of wish I had done ivermectin early on but I’m still breastfeeding so I decided to change it.

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Thanks for your experience. Still a great believer in zinc+quercetin+D. Gets us through most bugs incl my daughter who is nursing too.

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You had the flu dear

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I noticed the hand tingling, but only in one hand. So strange.

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chance* it

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Shockingly enough, this is seeming like a not so bad idea. Make sure that your vitamin D level is at the higher end of normal. Vitamin D in significant dozes plus zinc plus vitamin C plus aspirin worked great for me a year ago. I am so fscking glad that I had Covid and this nonsense is behind me.

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I got the Covid in Jan2020 was sick like a dog--My family is down with covid now and I am the only one that was in bed for only 1 day. I caught something, but was able to knock it out . Natural immunity is the way to go....They are really trying to kill us. My family is unvaxxed and will come through this just fine. They are young. My husband is 49 so he's having a rough time but is steadily improving. Now he is getting pissed off at the vaccinated retards that shed the spike proteins in the first place--things are going to get really rough soon. Buckle up people

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Mathew Crawford proposes defining vax-shedder-induced illness as "Type II COVID"


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Me too.

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Agreed. Early treatment though. Pretty nasty from observation of those caught unprepared.

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Yes, if I had it to do over again I may have opted for the early treatment route.

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My thoughts exactly…. 😢

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Thinking about the same. Licking hand rails or something.

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Variolation is looking increasingly attractive. Get natural immunity before the 4th and 5th boosters turn this thing into a real horror.

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My daughter, husband, and now son all un vaxed have some kind of Upper resp illness. My daughter recovered in 17 days, my husband in on day #11 and is steadily improving- My son is on day 3 and feels like crap. ME--also unvaxxed but already had Covid(really bad in early 2020 Jan) has been down only ONE day in bed. Natural immunity is where it is at. Oh I can feel it attacking me but I'm drinking water, eating what I can, and taking some dayquil. We need to stay far away from the vaxxed. They are walking death makers

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Sounds like the Rona. It came through my house the last week of September. The only one who didn't get sick was my daughter. She had already had it the beginning of the month. It wasn't fun, but wasn't that bad. My husband is a smoker, and it took him about 3 weeks to recover. Myself and oldest son took anout 2.weeks to feel normal, and my youngest son (23) was better in 3 days.

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My family of 4 all caught it first week of September. My wife and I are in our 40s, our kids are in elementary school. The kids had almost no symptoms (runny nose, lethargy, lack of appetite) that we wouldn't have ever identified as Rona. My wife and I both had it harder but treated it with a cocktail of drugs and vitamins. I felt 100% 4 days after testing positive and my wife after 5.






Vit D, Vit C, Querecitin, Zinc, Melatonin, Budesonide

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Crap. I never had it, neither did my elderly mother. Neither of us want the vax. If she didn’t live with me, and if I wasn’t afraid getting it would spread it to her and kill her, I’d try to go out and catch it. What do?

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You two ladies simply need to stay healthy until there's herd immunity, and/or the virus attenuates. Sunlight, maybe vitamin D in the winter, zinc, quercetin, maybe NAC, maybe Ivermectin. Maintain a healthy weight.

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Zelkova, same boat here. Mom w/alzhiemers lives with me (if she were in a home she'd be gone by now). We use 4000iu D, C, Quercetin+Zn, and L-Lysine (interferes with viral replication). Mom's caretaker is vaxxed, had intense fatigue and cold symptoms and recovered. God bless you and your Mom.

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There are a few key drivers you have put aside, that in my opinion change drastically the perspective.

If one talks about Mareks disease, one needs to consider that chickens are by definition naive immunologically to the disease (as recent newborns) and also living in a high dose/high transmission environments. In other words, there's no buffer to contamination in the community, so the doses are crazy high and the chicken are literally petri dishes for anything being produced into this high density environment. The collective immunity being close to zero, the high viral density in the environment is most lethal element.

With Covid19, we are far from these circumstances. We don't live in feedlots (not yet!), and we had high pre-existing collective immunity. We weren't naive to SARS-COV2 as proven by tens of studies that showed high levels of cross-reactive T-cells/B-cells etc... Hence the asymptomatics.

Now, if one believe Mareks theory, as the outcome of a non-specific immunization, widely spread cross-immunity would have pushed for more immune evasion... we didn't see this at all for at least 12 months. On the contrary, SARS-COV2 swept thru Hyderabad (up to 70%) in 2020 with 9 out 10 infected not aware of being infected.

I would like to question the validity of 2 strong assumptions you are building upon. You are making the strong assumption that:

a) these intramuscular vaccine work: I personally don't see how that is possible with an intramuscular shot that will not address any of the root causes of severe Covid: obesity-induced ACE-2 density (a viral fertilizer), very delayed immune response (lacking dendritics) tied to immunosenescence (the "alarm" is off), and mucosal cell-to-cell propagation (Abs are useless then). As demonstrated in the "Recovered", only a mucosal vaccine could trigger sterilising and effective immunity by triggering protection in the entry point of the virus.

The "magic trick" of changing the vaccine cohort baseline by depleting it of the frailest individuals - who effectively succumb to AEs - has clearly biased the RCTs (very visible in the Israeli trial) stripping the vaccine cohorts of the most sensitive population and "improving" its performance, while at the same time worsening the unvaccinated cohort and the severity of the virus.

b) CFR is corrrect: You are assuming these people are dying of Covid, not with Covid, of mislabelling or worse of the vaccine. (1) we know how outrageously overcounted the cases/deaths have been in many countries (the US notably). So cases being garbage-in/Garbage-out, one cannot build a serious scientific argument on it. (2) it is quite obvious, that many have died from intravenous injection/leak of the vaccines into the bloodstream. The systematic simultaneity of Covid deaths with vaccination is simply impossible from a probability standpoint: UK, Israel, Chile, Vietnam, Seychelles, Laos, Cambodia...The autopsies, the VAERS data, the discrepancies in the UK data from January onward (in 2021, patients don't call 111 before dying...wtf?!)...

I would add that variants aren't stopping recovered from fighting it off easily...Variants are a fallacy to sell yearly vaccines. The wide epitope repertoire both for T-cells and abs are sufficient to be immune as proven by the iconic article of the La Jolla Institute in January 2021.

We have all been trying to avoid the looking at reality in the eyes...

The idea that variants explain 2 or 3 waves in the same season makes no sense. Depleted susceptibles cannot get replenished in a week or so like we 'have seen in the UK, in Sweden, in Hungary, countels countries....so what are those cases? well one very possible hypothesis, is that they are vaccine-induced Covids tied to direct injection in the blood vessels by untrained nurses and doctors, and/or that the LNPs leak back into the bloodstream. Whichever the reason, having 20-50 billion LNPs starting to transfect endothelial cells in a concentrated fashion in microvessels, followed by T-cells destroying square meters of the vessel walls is not good. I would add that, the very elderly - the very ones we are trying to save - would also have delayed response, and would thus produce enormously more spike proteins than immune valid adults.

Finally, I would like to point a different risk tied to generalized vaccination of an already immune population. As a sophisticated bio-software, the immune system has likely a feedback loop to adjust its response: if one is already immune, following vaccination, the immune system would necessary launch a very wide response (intramuscular infection is way past a mucosal attack), T-cells would rapidly destroy those transfected cells and a large number of Tcells would have to anergize pretty quickly. Done twice, it is highly probable that the vaccine would adjust down its response to avoid off-target damage and waste of ressources. Generalised to a population that could mean the vaccines could have collectively reduced our immunity level, which would mean the ambient viral density would be much higher going forward...When one acknowledges that dose and immunity are the 2 most critical factors in mortality, that could be disastrous.

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some thoughts:

a) that simply does not make sense. nearly all vaccines are IM. and covid vaccines clearly do not stay there. they've been found all over in autopsies. so, i'm not seeing a point here.

b) no, i'm not. this is why i plotted the all cause deaths figures to the CFR above. it found extremely good alignment. this means it's a real deaths signal.

the rest of your argument seems like straw men and departures from what i am saying. delta was a sign that the pandemic was going into remission and heading for low impact endemic status.

the vaccines, one they started fading, look to have rekindled the pandemic by driving CFR on dealt way up.

it is, of course, possible that vaccines are reducing immune function in one of a variety of ways, but that does not explain the rise in CFR among the unvaccinated.

i think you may need to re-read this again more carefully.

i addressed most of your issues above.

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Thank God not all injections end up in the blood stream in large numbers. Nurses used to be trained to test for that with the "aspiration technique" (see if you'd hit a vessel and were extracting blood).

The fact that the Japanese mouse had bodywide distribution (sample of one) doesn't mean all injections end up in the bloodstream. I believe too many end up there, but a very large majority stay in the muscle where it is innocuous (at least in terms of blood clots, and likely Spike distribution) ... Otherwise we'd be having cataclysmic mortality level.

Moderna has 40bn LNPs, that's roughly 40sqm of endothelial cells, twice in 3-4 weeks, destroyef by T-cells.

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i like your thinking with the exception of the IV injection idea. The Myocarditis data is really clear that it is shot #2 that does the damage. That does not rule out Iv injecton hypothesis but it is not consistent with Occhams razor

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May be muscle vascularisation is higher in men between 15-30, and so probabilistic ally they get shot more in vessels.

The numbers are not significant enough to be 100%of cases. Tested my son for troponin, PRC and he had none...

Think the 2nd makes it much worse

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That’s an interesting point about higher vascularisation of male arms. Could be onto something.

I have myself been trying to decide if this issue of policy being to not aspirate is the sole cause of the serious AEs. Certainly it increases the likelihood, as mouse models have now shown (for a comprehensive discussion, people can check out Dr John Campbell on YouTube, who is quite upset about this lack of aspiration). Hard to know if that’s the only reason without doing a specific study to compare aspiration vs not

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There's a few certainties with direct injection: concentration in the blood, endothelial cells transfection, transfection probability 440x higher in the microvessels, concentrated localization of the transfections, massive destruction of endothelial cells by Tcells (<40sqm for Moderna), massive bleeding & coagulation in those areas, micro clotting, necrosis when blood depleted...

other certainties are delayed response of immunocompromised, during which time, transfected cells are granted more time to produce spike proteins, hence exponentially larger spike numbers in immunocompromised individuals....

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Certainly the fact that policy is to not aspirate is pretty diabolical, especially as people have now raised this concern multiple times

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Could the rise in CFR in the unvaccinated be a result of higher viral loads encountered when the unvaccinated got infected? Remember the vaccinated are stealthily exposing the unvaccinated to very high viral shedding. Higher initial doses of the virus results in more severe disease.

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Oct 10, 2021
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I haven't seen any proof it is more infectious. If it were more infectious, it would be more lethal...the fact that more people are immune, doiesn't mean it's less lethal, it means the epidemiological context has changed.

Kids are the worse breeding ground for Covid: non-fertile because of limited ACE2, small bodies, strong innate, small air intake, means smaller doses...

see: https://www.biznews.com/health/2021/08/16/pre-existing-immunity

I have a whole part on children.

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I agree with the kid part, but wouldn’t the much higher viral loads purported to be in the upper respiratory cavities of delta carriers indicate increased infectivity?

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Delta isn't more lethal as per multiple studies. If it were more lethal, it could be more transmissible, because doses would be more present in the ambient air, the higher the dose, the higher the mortality (which makes sense because the higher the dose, the greater the cellular damage cause by Tcells scuttling infected cells). We are not seeing this.

The immune system isn't a chain, no missing link, the arsenal is independant and agnostic. Thinking a 0.2% change in the proteome would threathen its power is BS: https://www.pandata.org/how-broad-is-covid-immunity/

Variants are a fallacy for not understanding epidemiology. Viruses are omni present, like Capitaine Haddock's Bandaid in Tintin, it becomes visible and harmful when doses increase in the community, ie when people stop going outside and stop ventilating properly their houses.

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Hmm, I agree with most things you said… but a) it was my understanding that viruses get more infectious but less lethal the longer they’ve been in a new host population, and b) you didn’t really explain how what your saying matches up with findings of increased viral load. Are you suggesting those results were falsified?

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I prefer to think that the LNP into the bloodstream is not an inadvertent or occasional leak but was intentional and they just lied about it. The Japan FOIA showing the animal biodistribution of LNP all over the body over 48 hrs seems to indicate that both the drug companies and the regulators knew that the LNP would not stay in intramuscular fluid. Then you have the studies showing free-floating spike protein in the blood. And finally you have pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole's slides showing post-vaccine damage to tissues all over the body. Wide distribution of spike protein seems to be the normal function of the vaccines.

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I don't think so. The vaccine would be killing or maiming just about everyone if that were the case. All Transfected cells will end up destroyed by T-cells, if in the muscle, it'll hurt, but be largely innocuous, we gain back muscle cells easily, but endothelial cells is a different issue, and likely explains for the clotting and the circulating spikes.

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EMA leaks showed problems with mRNA stability. At the beginning storage at -80°C was mandatory. Now storage temperature does not seem to matter anymore. What if there are different lots with different "surviving" mRNA before injection depending on production quality and storage? Nobody checks for immunogenicity after vaccination in the wild.

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The injuries are usually non-critical. Your terrain will tolerate more/less injury, and some of it is luck as to where the LPN/spike end up. Some people have seizures or die etc, some have no obvious effects at all.

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Define usually. I have 2 friends who have had strokes, one is still in a coma.

Any time it goes into the blood it can be dramatic...brain, heart, lungs, reproductive system, eye blindness. Blood clot causes necrosis of what ever is left without blood supply.

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From the vaccines? Obvious short-term injuries seem to be in the range of 1 in 25 to 1 in 100, hard to know because the data isn't being captured. From 1 in 20 to 1 in 10 have not gotten their second dose, suggests that they really don't want to repeat their first-dose experience. I suspect a lot of people have sub-clinical heart/brain/nerve damage that may affect them over time. Other long-term injury rates are unknown but also concerning.

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"We don't live in feedlots (not yet!)"- That reminds me, I just watched Soylent Green. Predictive programming of the worst sort.

WRT the variants, it seems we're taking it on faith when we're told of the Delta variant - https://www.bitchute.com/video/HoCzoE56PJag/

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There is something to that down regulation of immune response. Increase in preexisting disease a clue.

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I don't think so downregulation would be specific to sarscov2.

Increase. In pre-existing disease is more a symptom of immune. Compromission/depletion... Possibly because of the spike

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Makes sense. Different concepts.

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In the third to last sentence, did you mean the vaccine would adjust down its response, or that an individual's recovered-then-jabbed immune system would adjust down its response?

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I meant the immune would adjust down its response.

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Oooh you said it way better than I did, I need to delete my comment above😁🤣😂

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Oct 10, 2021
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Sorry I meant immune. The immune is adjust down its response bc too many Tcells get anergized for nothing...a Spanish had shown that after the 2nd jab recovered were having lower Tcell responses.

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It would be like ‘habituation’, wouldn’t it? The tendency for the body to downregulate reactivity to something that is regularly present in the environment.

This aspect of the situation would only be relevant to people who’ve had Covid and then gotten 2 doses though.

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Likely the same biological pathways, from an evolutionary standpoint, those who adapted their immune resisted better, those who had too strong a response died, same with waning antibodies. It would make sense that the immune would adaptively adjust to a less severe invasion (think a slow propagation virus) than to waste resources and risk autoimmune issue with Tcell off-targets.

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After reading all your articles, is it at this point better to get a vaccine or to remain unvaxxed.

I really would appreciate your opinion, since over here we may be banned from stores, and work soon.

Thanks in advance!

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That's difficult to answer. These are personal choices.

My personal opinion is that the vaccine cannot work bc not mucosal (Pr Steele in Australia believes the same). So it's a useless risk to take.

Now if worst comes to shove, you'd need to make sure you have the least negative impact from the vaccine:

0) check that the dose is minimal 20% less is always better

1) make sure it's not injected in a blood vessel (that is key!) (check for the aspiration technique).

2) take either a neutralized virus if possible, or else the Pfizer (seems it has lower doses)

3) possibly restrict blood vessels in the area so that minimum leakage occurs with an ice pack on the muscle.

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Thank you Marc!

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Yikes. I can see no immediate obvious counter to what you report. Hopefully strong minds than mine with either debunk or strengthen you hypothesis.

My question is: if this is true, what, specifically, can be done about it? All of society's machinery is aligned to promote vaccination -- government, politicians, the health-industrial complex, the media. So, in my mind, this is more a socio-political problem than one of science.

It is becoming increasingly clear that our society, in general, has been duped and, as an article in Psychology Today once stated: "The worst thing in the world is to feel like a chump. Those who have been lied to castigate themselves about why they didn’t suspect what was going on. The emotions they feel, while seemingly more benign than those of the perpetrator, may in the long run be more corrosive: humiliation, embarrassment, a sense of having been naïve or blind, alienation from those who knew the truth all along and, worst of all, bitterness." So, to quote the famous Hollywood line, the majority of Americans in this story "can't handle the truth".

A big part of the solution to where we are is to find a way to give the duped permission to forgive themselves and get on the right side of this issue. Easier said than done. The conned rarely, if ever, call the cops. That's what makes this situation so diabolically elegant as far as villainy goes.

I'm at a loss as to how turning the ship can be achieved without leadership and our leaders, from the top down, seem committed to maintaining the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" lie at all costs. I'd like to add to this discussion, therefore, the socio-political dimension. If this the thesis supported by this data analysis holds, then what do we do about it besides enjoying the pyrrhic satisfaction of being right?

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The tilt towards malice vs incompetence grows by the day. The people in power, from Biden down to the NIH/CDC etc had a very easy "out" when they had to admit the vaccines were non-sterilizing and thus cannot prevent infection/spread.

They could have then simply stated that the vaccines were recommended as there is evidence that they help you avoid serious illness and death if you are infected and left it at that...a recommendation. Instead they have gone full authoritarian, telling big tech who they ought to censor and are using the power of the federal leviathan to coerce industry to do the mandate dirty work that legal constraints prevent the feds from doing themselves.

They did not take this easy off ramp and it distressing to contemplate why they did not.

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Exactly. There have been many such off-ramps, but they prefer to keep the chaos going. For money? For politics? For fun? I fear it will never end now that it’s become a red vs blue issue.

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And if course they could have blamed Trump. That they didn't choose that option speaks volumes.

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Fear of death got them. Turned them into blind believers oblivious of facts.

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All roads lead back to characters like Fauci. A lifelong bureaucrat, promoted time after time even after his botched handling of AIDS (if anyone is interested, the parallels with what we are going through now is astounding- funding for AZT only which then went on to kills thousands of healthy asymptomatic people)and Congress who continually votes to give funding for NIH and all of their pet projects without granular understanding. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Fauci is incompetent, not very smart, and he's arrogant too. He works with zero data when he speaks, he's the opposite of a scientist or someone rational. With over 50% of funding in all scientific studies, the FDA and CDC coming from pharmaceutical companies, could we expect a different result than one that is due to be biased from the inception of the decision making process?

But creatures like Fauci are an interesting conundrum, not only did he use tax payer money to fund studies to create gain of function viruses in Wuhan, he then also promoted the pharmaceutical end of how it was going to be resolved. We have him on film with Rick Bright explaining for he needed was a "disruptive event" to get us to change from egg based vaccines to mRNA . If aIl of this does end up with Marek's, or ADE or a combination of both, it really leads to him and his department and every congressional vote for this funding. Without any repercussions, this corrupt cycle of empowering corporations and profits to make public policy is going to drive us into the ground or worse.


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the same NIH that was funding the GoF research in wuhan miraculously had the viral code to drop into the moderna mRNA vaccine in under 2 weeks.

that was always smelled like a sushi bar dumpster.


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El gato- I'm sure you already read about this, but here's a good video from Kim Iverson about Fauci's handling of the Aids crisis. I was stunned at the parallels.


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Here's a PR pamphlet from pharma industry itself about vaccine/medicine development:


Chart on Page 4 sums it up... I am sure no corners were cut ;-)

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Yes, the pages 11 onwards are a concern, intimating that the "delays" from the approval process need to be cut back - which is what they seem to have done with this manufactured emergency (most likely through incompetence, not design?) but using it as the means to drive the agenda - very recklessly without prior thought it seems - and in fact proving the very need for the approval process they want to shortcut.

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Oh wow, one of the guys even says they need 'an urgent call for a disruptive entity'. That reminds me of that PNAC paper titled "Rebuilding America's Defenses" where they cite the need for a catalyzing event like "a new Pearl Harbor". They don't change up the script much.

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Fauci is just pharma's puppet. Yes he does need to be punished but someone like him will just follow him. What we need instead is the AG's of the states who are waiting to sue re mandates to instead go after the pharma companies as they did the Sacklers for the opiods. Only this time make sure that heads roll right into a prison cell.

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What you say about Fauci is true, but entire world has at some point decided to follow the vaccine path (apart from countries who don't have access to vaccines and do nothing or improvise with antivirals).

There's not a single country that is following a different path or pausing to evaluate.

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As Tarigrade says below, Sweden and Iceland are beginning to look at the vaccines.

What is encouraging are the masses of people in different countries rallying against the mandates. Those people are not accepting that following the vaccine path is best practice.

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Sweden and Iceland are heavily vaccinated! They are only looking at vaccine safety (myocarditis, etc.).

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I knew Iceland was heavily vaccinated but did not know that of Sweden. Thank you for that info. However, I am a believer that even a crack in the narrative can lead to more investigation and questioning. We need that by the truckloads.

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A bit late in the game for Iceland..90 percent of adults vaccinated

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Sweden? Iceland? At least a little bit?

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Oct 10, 2021
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Yes, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania have very low vaccination rate.

But my point is not the vaccination rate, but the government policy about how to get out of this. Every country decided that the way out is universal vaccination.

Not a single country that I am aware of said: we will only vaccinate vulnerable (and people who choose to), and the rest will get immunity in the natural way.

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They also had rational contingencies for pandemic which they all tossed. The architects are masters of the double-bind and game theory, and they control all the levers of the World Bank, BIS, IMF, etc.. Bribery on one hand, threats and coercion on the other. There is a moment in time when you realize evil is real, and you're staring the beast square in the eyes.

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Croatia’s President recently came to this conclusion. I think they are about 50% vaccinated and he decided enough is enough and Croatians would be allowed to make their own individual risk decisions.

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But most of the countries require vaccination proof for travel. So, if one country decides to do something different (optional vaccination, antiviral prophylaxis, etc.),

they may still be excluded from the rest of the world.

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You are correct. I remembered Fauci well from the 80s and AIDS and could not believe that Trump didn't, and actually used the idiot!

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Good points. To end this thing we need a villain -- a fall guy. A big one. A sacrifice. So that everyone can funnel that self-hatred into hating THAT GUY! Someone who lied to everyone and lined his/her own pockets and just didn't care. someone who you could pin EVERYTHING on, from the wuhan lab to pushing boosters, everything. But it can't be the the real villains (NIH, CDC, etc.) because THAT truth is too hard to handle. SO, you can either start a war with China, and blame them, or you have to blame someone like Trump, and put him in prison or some such. Somehow you have to make everything his fault.

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I've thought the virus artificial from the get-go. The Wuhan lab remains the prime suspect, but hard data is lacking. Rarely-discussed alternatives, progressively more evil include: a false-flag deliberate release to cripple China (and blame the lab), presumably by Deep State operatives from the USA or most sinister of all, a deliberate release with the assumption it would spread world-wide. Clearly this last one would have motives of financial gain as well as the opportunity to impose draconian government in name of fighting the "pandemic." Opportunistic or deliberate? Take your pick. "Who benefits?" and "Follow the money" may not prove, but they absolutely do shine a spotlight on prime suspects.

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i am convinced it is a lab leak. purposeful or accidental, not sure.

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Me too. Leaning towards intentional. Recall that Trump was on track to win the election. Biden wasn’t even in the race yet I think. We have to remember how desperate certain parties (including China) were to get rid of him. I mean, really desperate. Hysterically desperate. Impeachment kept failing. Economy was doing great. It may have seemed to those parties that the “ultimate weapon” was justified.

EZ enough to sell those desperate parties the convenient “emergency” release of a “mild” disease, especially if you already have the vaccine. Maybe it got a little out of hand, sure, BUT, look at the amazing results! Such success! No more Trump. GOP on the ropes. Tremendous profits. Big business growing and small businesses collapsing. Political issues that people really pay attention to which leads to great fundraising. Newsom re-elected. Big Tech censorship A-ok! Money handed out from the Treasury hand over fist. An unbelievably large number of people turned out to willing follow every BS rule proposed! Red voters flee the blue and purple states, making those states even more powerful and more Democratic. Red voters (unvaxxed?) can now be pushed out of Fed jobs, police forces, and all other good jobs, and soon may not be able to travel freely. And, the excess deaths aren’t even that bad! It’s worked out better than they could have ever imagined.

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Never thought of this, to get rid of Trump, to unveil is dark evil. Wow, what a concept if true. I will vote for him again if he runs but I think the ballot box would be rigged:{ Hang in there. WE have to believe there are brighter days ahead. Hope is something to hold onto.

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You’re almost grasping it, but you’re thinking too small. Trump was no accident. The people who run the system have complete control and have for years. Why Trump? They have their reasons. The reasons underlying the pandemic and the response to it are much larger than some Dem vs. Repub dynamic.

Remember, despite appearances and the theatrical displays of disagreement, the Dems and Republicans are on the same team — members of the same club, as George Carlin famously said, and we ain’t in it:

“But there’s a reason. There’s a reason. There’s a reason for this, there’s a reason education sucks, and it’s the same reason that it will never, ever, ever be fixed. It’s never gonna get any better. Don’t look for it. Be happy with what you got. Because the owners of this country don’t want that. I’m talking about the real owners now, the real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying, to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I’ll tell you what they don’t want: They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. Thats against their interests. Thats right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table to figure out how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago. They don’t want that. You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you, sooner or later, ’cause they own this fucking place. It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club. And by the way, it’s the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head in their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. The table is tilted folks. The game is rigged, and nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. Good honest hard-working people — white collar, blue collar, it doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on — good honest hard-working people continue — these are people of modest means — continue to elect these rich cocksuckers who don’t give a fuck about them. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t care about you at all — at all — at all. And nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. That’s what the owners count on; the fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick that’s being jammed up their assholes everyday. Because the owners of this country know the truth: it’s called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.”

― George Carlin

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absolutely. no matter what happens, the rich people get richer, right? that's no accident. Carlin is sorely missed -- I was lucky enough to see him in concert a few times.

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Fauci, not Trump.

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+ Gates, + Daszak, +Wollensky, + CDC/FDA, +so many more

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I sometimes wonder how a select group of people sleep at night. Accidental release? Then there are a handful of researchers who probably know with a near-certainty that their screw-up led to a worldwide disaster and millions of illnesses and deaths. If this was the case, perhaps we can take some solace in the probability that the "guilty" were quickly killed either by the virus or a totalitarian government that "disappears" inconvenient people. In the case of an intentional release, you are clearly dealing with the most cold-blooded, evil people it is possible to be.

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I wonder how El Gato's theory comports with this?

"Everybody over 30 will have lost 100% of their entire immune capability (for viruses and certain cancers) within 6 months. 30-50 year olds will have lost it by Christmas. These people will then effectively have full blown acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and destroy the NHS."


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that seems like unfounded speculation FAR in excess of facts and mostly running counter to them.

if this were the driver, you'd be seeing the CFR spike confined to the vaxxed.

but we're not.

this one looks specious to me.

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It is purported that there is actually proteins of HIV in the mrna vax. problem is we cant see the ingredients bc big pharma wont let us under the guise of proprietary formulas.,,,,

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It was probably mossad.

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I can't fathom how they sleep at night, but if they are evil, then there is no conscience or belief in a higher power to rein in their sins. they are left to perpetrate any acts on the world they wish. what is harder for me to wrap my head around is they have children and grandchildren, how could you want to leave the world in such a mess for them?

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Hubris. They think they can outsmart it. Since Australia & New Zealand became favorite escape to places for the elite in recent years, I'm wondering if their attempts at zero covid were intended to keep those places "clean" for the elite to escape to when things get too hot elsewhere.

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I guess I missed on spelling Walensky, but I think you all figured it out though.

Smart Kitties that you are. ;-)

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Yes, it should be Fauci, but they love that guy. I’m just trying to figure who they would willingly blame it all on.

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i am thinking biden bc he is a sinking ship.

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The problem with pushing criminality is that the villains will get a bunker mentality. It they know they'll hang, they'll fight to the death. One answer may be an amnesty in exchange for admission they were wrong. Distasteful, but possibly the fastest way out.

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No, they need to suffer a great deal after all the people they allowed to die. I am on the no mercy train when it comes to them.

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I understand the sentiment. If Fauci got a get out of jail free card in exchange for a public admission of "I was wrong", I think we should take it.

In terms of pressure on him, I've not seen one investigation into his or his family's finances. He's getting a piece of the action somehow. At his age (80+), keeping his job is not a motivation. He's got to be going for legacy, inter-generational wealth with this one and he must have figured out how to do it somehow. If some enterprising investigative journalist finds that, then perhaps the powers that (want) to be would have the tools to force capitulation.

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a marine is jailed for speaking the truth, parents are now domestic terrorists and fauci get a get out of jail free card, over my dead body. there are so many that need to have justice bestowed upon them from chine to gates to big pharma and docs that have all been complicit.

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Did you know there were SS officers pulling guard duty at the Nuremberg trials? http://mileswmathis.com/nurem.pdf

We're in the midst of a crime against humanity second in magnitude perhaps only to WWII casualties of the Soviet Union. What we need is a real reckoning, not a show trial. My first choice would be to convert existing prisons into zoo-like exhibitions, where the perpetrator is on display with a plaque detailing his crimes, but we'd fill our prisons a hundred times over. Gallows as far as the eye can see, running day and night.

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In somewhat related news, witness the latest flap over the "Pandora Papers." Reportedly, this is a "doxxing" of many of the world's wealthy [politicians ?] with offshore money. No US folks on the list. Hmmmm. [I'm only repeating headlines; haven't checked details.]

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Both of you are right....let's promise them amnesty then have them killed in a horrific fire or freak accident --chard remains for the entire world to see

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Not one person I know is blaming Trump and I work in Berkeley CA liberal shithole of the West. People are blaming Biden and Fauci-- AB Hospital employees---we are blaming Biden and Fauci

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Hang in their Sandy...we are all treading water....

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no kidding? that's good to hear.

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"pandemic of the unvaccinated"...

In a way, they've got the perfect virus that kills more conservatives than progressives. They'll never give that up.

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That's only true in a worst case, a human analogy to crowded chicken Marek's Disease scenario. While I don't wish death on great numbers (just the evil shadowy figures who started and perpetuate this crap), it is still early days. Seems to me that it will be many years before we know the true potential toll of vaccine side effects.

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Well, at this point, the only thing I'm certain of is... I have no idea where this whole God forsaken COVID story is going long term.

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And blacks and Hispanics. And the unvaxxed people coming across the border. Didn’t Patacki (sp?) say they wouldn’t stay long?

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Our nation's leader- "Ship" is taking on water and will probably sink sooner or later.

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This is what I’ve been wondering too. I think universal vaccination during a pandemic is problematic and have held out. But at this point, it seems like it’s getting more dangerous for the unvaccinated. So as long as mass vaccinations continue, am I only harming myself?

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Remember, this is a hypothesis, we do not yet know. Be patient and dont jump on the oh i have to run out and get a vax bandwagon. Take extra precautions this winter and keep a distance from vaxxed people. My mom got vaxxed and did not tell me. she goes everywhere and takes no precautions. I now hug her with a mask, face shield and gloves. Horrible I know but until we get some real answers and bc I am not vaxxed, not taking any chances.

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this is NOT an urging to run and get vaxxed.

this is a look only at vaccine effects on covid, not the net risk/benefit equation. (because that's what's relevant to driving vaccine mediated evolution)

full risk/ben looks very different.

these vaccines were never a good overall bet for the young or healthy.


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Then author, don't say the unvacc'd don't do as well...the data is shaky! as Malone and Bossche point out (Meeting of the Covid-19 Giants recent interview with Dr. Phillip McMillan). Govt's stopped doing proper data needed for such statements, which makes sense, God forbid we'd actually be allowed to KNOW if the jabs work or not. Bottom line - Your statement is very misleading. Whatever data you are using doesn't beat what B and M say in my op. Readers can go to Bossche's website and read all his science. He wrote the WHO to plead for them to stop many months ago. He still stands by his science. It has not changed.

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Respectfully, if you don't want to know Gato's take on what the data seems to be saying, you shouldn't be reading here. Yes, the data quality is problematic, but it is for everyone. I also read Bossche, Malone, and others. All have the same data, different conclusions. This is as it should be... because #realscience. Pulling one's punches by not stating an unwanted or unsettling conclusion... that would be totally wrong. I think Gato does a great job of letting us know the limitations of the data and his conclusions. Indeed, he does this much more transparently than most. These evaluations are a work in progress, but I think we benefit by getting a feel for where we seem to be at the moment, even if it's not what we'd wish for.

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BrownstoneInstitute.org. NATURAL IMMUNITY AND COVID-19: TWENTY-NINE SCIENTIFIC STUDIES TO SHARE WITH EMPLOYERS, HEALTH OFFICIALS, AND POLITICIANS. I don't do twitter but use it for the latest and best info from Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, FLCCC (for treatments), Steve Kirsch (for Vaccine injury data). All of these have amazing websites too. They sell nothing. I have never seen this post's author before. I don't know his or her motives. But this read sent by a friend sounded questionable to me. Pisses me off if ANY misstep toward recommending vacc. I have people in my family I am trying to protect from vacc injuries, from being part of the problem of ADE. From OAS. Plus, I have unvaxx friends and family I seen many times saved by using proper treatments. Neighbors this week even. Ivermectin was in their cupboard. They were ready. No you don't need to vacc. Unless you have 2+ commorbidities. We need unvacc to get us out of this is the REAL bottom line. DO spend time on the FLCCC or other how to Early treat websites. I will sign off of the notifications. God bless.

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My family has Covid now and my daughter was the person who brought it into our home. I am almost positive she got it from her boyfriends vaxxtarded family she spent time with them two weeks ago in Monterey in the same Airbnb. 2 weeks later she is sick as hell, but has fully recovered. I already had Covid and was only sick 1 day this time. My husband has been sick about 11 days but is on the mend...my son is sick on day 3--he's eating corndogs so I think he'll recover (lol) I am going to take a leave of absence from my job. I am in healthcare--billing dept--they allowed me to be isolated because everyone else is vaxxed...some of them 3 times. I don't feel safe anymore around any of them--even though we double mask. Glad to see so many are on our side here. No way in hell will I ever get a vaccine

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You have your hands full. A LOA is a well deserved reprieve. I am so thankful that your family are recuperating and will now have natural immunity. No need for the gene therapy mrna vax. Blessings to you always and continue to be safe and healthy!

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They way I think about it, getting vaccinated is a fully created risk and any benefit is only realized if you get COVID. Until then, there's only downside. So it's important to estimate your risk of getting COVID.

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For the last 18 months, I never felt a need to prepare by stocking up on HQC/IVM, just vitamin D. Suddenly that seems like the prudent thing to do.

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I started doing the Zelenco prevention protocol on Oct 1. (Quercetin, zinc, C, D3). Also Xlear nasal spray showed great promise in vitro & is now in testing at Larkin Hospital in FL. It"s saline with grapefruit seed extract & xylotol. I also got a handheld nebulizer & have H2O2 instructions. Finally, just read that l-arginine & gluthianone study showed great promise in reversing advanced disease.

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Mary--I totally did the same thing--if I could send you a snapshot of my medicine cabinet I would--I only got sick one day pregaming with Zelenco protocol....I got sick though---but only down 1 day. I also had Covid in the past and my natural immunity is kicking ass

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Those are good details. I make my own xylitol spray, though I believe using a neti pot with baking soda (after being in public) would probably work as well. I've been giving my mother nebulized glutithione for a couple years for emphysema/"COPD" and it works quite well for that. NAC and pure glutithione are also available at purebulk. There was another thread here where people put together their sources but I can't find it. Horse paste was cheap and freely available on Amazon until the Joe Rogan story broke. I was still able to find an odd brand last week (BIMECTIN) for $25 (there's currently a seller pricing BIMECTIN at $18). Aside from IndiaMart, the only alternative I know of (for the US) is Eaglewood Equestrian, but they'll only ship IVM to Canada, so you'd have to use a remailer, and the cost ends up being $25 a tube anyway. For the H2O2, it's important to use (properly diluted) food grade, because normal drugstore peroxide has stabilizers in it. Personally, I'd skip the H2O2 in favor of a neti pot. I know Mercola recommends it, but I've "burned" myself with H2O2 before, and I don't think it's worth the hazard of putting it in contact with mucous membranes.

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H2O2 needs to be nebulized at the correct dilution to prevent burning. I have the correct dilutions from a medical clinic.

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Agree, and the argument is opposite. Early treatment protocols are only upside, really no downside risk. Might work, can't hurt. Even horse paste from the farm store I'd say. Lot's of kids on reddit confirm that.

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Too late to get straight up horse ivermectin. They've all run out some time ago. It's now only available in combination with tape dewormers. (Skipping it this year for my horses. I already have tape dewormer combined with a strongyle dewormer (quest). We don't find many bots in my girls anyway. 0 in the arab, 1 egg in the morgan.)

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It took a couple of weeks but I got 30 tabs from Indian pharmacy online.

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I am not hearing that. This author's premise data is contradictory to what I heard Dr Malone in a recent interview said. Vaccd in the UK death rate is higher. Not unvaccd. And Bossche and Malone - the data is not being recorded so very hard to conclude. Vacc injury data - best Ive seen for that is Steve Kirsch. Scare the bejeebers out if you there are so many. But God bless he, Malone, Bossche, FLCCC docs. All dedicated to their lane and helping us know truths, admitting if data is hard to get etc.

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no, it isn't. (at least not from covid)

overall cause mortality now looks higher, but overall AUC is not and the variance is driven by those unable to get to a full 2 shot protocol.

if you make it to 2 shots +14 days OK, it does show all cause deaths protection.

data here:


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What's AUC?

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Hold the Line KBM. My family is down with Covid right now. We are all unvaxed. My daughter was first to get it-she was sick for about 10 days and has fully recovered. Unfortunately, she passed it to us. Currently my husband is on day # 11 - he's 49-- he is finally feeling better and eating today, but he was down for the count solid 5 days. My son is on day #3 and is feeling pretty shitty but wanted some Weinersnitzle Corndogs and Pepsi so I'm thinking he's on the mend. As for me-- I got Covid in early Jan 2020-I was terribly ill for 3 days and was down for a week. This time around- I only got sick for one day (Saturday) where I stayed in bed most of the day. I was pregaming with VitD3 and Zinc-drinking home made Hydroxychlorchine (boiled grapefruit and lemon rinds). HOLD THE LINE

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What I must say IS wonderful though is how many can-do people are like “fuck it, I can take care of myself” and are actually doing it. I love that we are finding the needed data and information, making sound choices and treating ourselves successfully at home with said information. It’s a beautiful thing to not be fully dependent on the opinions of a dysfunctional (might be the biggest euphemism of the century) medical and scientific establishment. Well done!

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Seeing a lot of vaxxed up people get covid will turn tide. Kind of inevitable with variants and short term efficacy. Already many pro vax friends have turned. Plus more n more celebs and sports stars getting honest.

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Excellent read.

The viral gradient you speak of has name called Muller’s Ratchet.


Does the Z score normalize for seasonal increases in excess mortality? As the northern hemisphere moves into winter, we will see mortality rise and it will occur right as vax programs are saturating.

I think there are enough papers documenting the spike escape with Ks/Ka analysis of spike Vs non spike regions of the genome, that it’s no longer a rough hypothesis but a fact.

If it’s running uphill, then we have a big problem boosters will only worsen.


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yes on z-score. it's vs same week prior years so ought to control for seasonal variance.

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With the boosters, we're initiating an arms race. Those never turn out well for anybody.

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I have wondered if this could be why the FDA didn’t recommend universal boosters. But I guess they’re trying to vaccinate kids now so maybe not…

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If you're hypothesis is correct it's going to strengthen Biden's "pandemic of the unvaccinated" rhetoric. I can't stand it when he says that; gets right up my bum.

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here's a fund story. today I went to a local "retro-fitness" gym to exercise. I've been a memeber here >7 years. There is a sign on the door that says if you are unvaxxed you have to wear a mask. I am unvaxxed and covid recovered. Usually , like everyone else we just go in and noone asks. We have set up a culture in which everyone is forced to lie all the time about everything. Such is totalitarianism. So in a impulsive fit of resentment, I pulled the sign of the door. I thought noone saw me but the font desk guy saw me and we had words. I started to work out , then the manager came over...

They said it was unacceptable.

I said I an unvaxxed and covid recovered and unvaxxed people who are healthy are no a threat to anyone especially to the vaxxed, if the vaxes work. I said that sign is based on politics and a lie and you were discriminating against me by posting it and having a rule like that.

The manager said well you have to wear a mask unless you want to lie.

I said well thats what you are doing , participating in a lie because masks dont work and unvaxxed people are not a threat to anyone.

THe front desk guy and the manager then asked me to leave saying... wait for it... that they would calle th epolice. I said... really men with guns over a sign... ridiculous.

I called them cowards and looked right at them and said shame on you...

Im a 53 year old prof guy and I think I left a little impact on them a scared them alittle. Then I walked out.

I've dont this before, ripping these stupid signs down, esp the out door ones. I carry this utlility knife around with me, I have for years just for practical purposes, but lately I've been u sing it to cut up these signs.

crap, this madness had to end.

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Good job! I think the most important thing is what you did, just tell everyone that the emperor had no clothes. Also, you should ask a reimbursement because it is not recommended and dangerous to exercice with a mask, and of course futile for prevention things. So they were asking you to either lie or risk your health. You will find another place!!

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You’re wacky.

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Oct 10, 2021
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I disagree gato malo Might be very insightful and informed as far as we know he has no real power to change anything. Victory over this insanity is going to come win enough people have their hearts and minds changed and are willing to stand up for the truth and throw this insanity right back in the peoples faces who are facilitating it and promulgating it. And that starts by little acts of this obedience like refusing to wear masks, pulling down signs, not getting vaccinated and much much more

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Agreed. I've been a member of a community club for 18 years. Although there is no local government mandate, the group moved to a new clubhouse where the owner requires requires masks. I told my group I would not mask up. I don't want my group to get into trouble, so I told them to please contact me if they ever drop the mask mandate.

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I disagree completely, Barbie. The breakdown of truth in a society and one where everyone goes along with BS to mollify the authoritarians is a road the Soviets went down and I'd rather avoid. "We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us", etc.

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This may be an ignorant question, but is there any chance vaccine AE deaths are driving increase in overall death rate? Basically unvaxx and up to fully vaxx <14 days are both in that unvaxx pop so there could be vaccine related deaths affecting that rate?

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Oct 10, 2021
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There have been studies examining VAERS reports (Link)[https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352837543_Analysis_of_COVID-19_vaccine_death_reports_from_the_Vaccine_Adverse_Events_Reporting_System_VAERS_Database_Interim_Results_and_Analysis]

Of 250 studied AE deaths, 250 were recorded as Covid deaths even in the face of contrary evidence such as negative Covid tests, etc. Yes it's possible, and it's happening.

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Excellent assessment-all I can say is Mareks disease....I think you are spot on here. It is the perfect storm. Per this article:

"stop for a minute and absorb what this means. by turning the vaccinated into essentially perfect carriers of virus, it transformed them into a set of plague rats to infect the rest. a disease so deadly it would burn itself out rapidly becomes one capable of endemic spread so long as there are more vaccinated carriers around."

But what is the end game if purposefully designed this way? Eugenics-Newgenics- Cull the Compromised Herd-Selective Genocide?

And as heinous as this comment will be, I cannot help but think this is a demented game of survival of the fittest-lets rid the planet of those costing insurance companies the most and those draining the medicare and disability systems. Since those with advanced age and comorbidities(which puts you in an immune deficient state) and those that are immune suppressed (either by meds or disease) won't respond as well to the vax anyway bc they can't mount enough of a response, in come the vaxxed to finish you off. And, if you are a naysayer for the vax, a hold out and go against the grain, you are a problem too so we can increase your mortality rate by intermingling you with enough vaxxed people to infect you. And all the while, the medical community will turn a blind eye and blame something else. It makes sense why this vax is being pushed so hard: to make Big Pharma and its stockholders richer while thinning the herd and driving for a more compliant society. Isn't it justified so that the narrative can be brainwashed into you and therefore have better compliance in the future? Wipe out the biggest drain on society and those that actually question. Leave only the healthiest and the lemmings to move forward. Machiavellian to say the least, Hitleresque for sure. I pray I am wrong....

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"But what is the end game if purposefully designed this way?"

i don't think it was. i think these fools really though mRNA and adenovirus carrier vaccines would be sterilizing.

they pushed them as herd immunity.

having it all fall apart cornered them but by the time they knew it, they were "pot committed" and had already vaxxed 100's of millions of people.

this has been this shiny tech they have been trying to make work (and recoup money on) for decades and failing over and over.

i doubt this was deliberate. it was just stunningly arrogant and reckless.

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I wish I didn't think they knew this would happen but 1) they chose to not make hospitalization or death endpoints in phase 1 study 2) they destroyed the control group, knowing of historical issues with both mrna technology and ade with sars/cov viruses. 3) they try to destroy anyone who opposes narratives. There's just no evidence in their favor.

I knew the tech lords could be that arrogant and reckless when I read how easily they threw away good science, medicine and any degree of human empathy when debating if to acknowledge natural immunity:

"“It’s a lot easier to put a shot in their arm,” says Sommer. “To do a PCR test or to do an antibody test and then to process it and then to get the information to them and then to let them think about it—it’s a lot easier to just give them the damn vaccine.” In public health, “the primary objective is to protect as many people as you can,” he says. “It’s called collective insurance, and I think it’s irresponsible from a public health perspective to let people pick and choose what they want to do.”"


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I hope you are right. Either way, the world and those that lost loved ones, the ill dying alone, those with adverse events, those with future long term consequences from the vax, long haulers and those of us fighting will never be the same. We can never go back to the lives that we knew before bc of the taint. We may get close but it will never be the same.

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There's an important variable missing, though -- the infected/recovered. We're 2 years into this. Delta, we're to believe, is massively infectious. A good number of us have strong, robust, natural immunity.

Besides, even at a 0.7% IFR, for the over 50 crowd, covid is basically a non-event. For the metabolically healthy under 50? It's not even worth talking about.

Take heart: the ghouls pulling the strings aren't nearly as smart as you might think they are.

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but what possibly waits down the road in long term effects from the vax. not enuf time has passed. there is more damage that will be done...wait and see.

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Oct 10, 2021
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Dan, I think your explanation is more likely.

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one never knows, gates and schwab are huge eugenics proponents. i never let my guard down as i do not trust those with so much money that look at the rest of us like means to an end.

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You're right. These people have a loooong history of eugenics fetish. Gates himself is not a self-made man, but comes from a banking dynasty with close ties to eugenics/planned parenthood. They've always been out in the open about all of their plans.

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I watched a utube video the other day with klaus schwab getting interviewed. he stated that population has to be curbed most definitively. and altho i do understand this as the world can only feed so many and house so many and bc people are living longer, i still shudder to think if this virus was unleashed accidentally on purpose.

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I have to say, I used to be of that opinion about human pop #'s, but I'm not anymore. I don't have sources on hand, but overpopulation is the flip-side of the global warming coin. I don't think real science bears it out. We only have too many people when our resources are managed by sociopaths.

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Time to get our affairs in order I guess. Still won’t do the vaccine. Would rather let my immune system do it’s thing. (I think I had it early on. I was pretty sick with a low pulse ox.)

Seems like we’re seeing the four horsemen of the apocalypse riding out. Seems like the apocalypse, the unveiling of the powers of darkness may be brewing. A quote from Psalms 2: “The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and his Anointed, saying, “Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us. He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision.” (Even if you don’t hold to the JudeoChristian faith, there is something of mythic truth here, that might offer hope.)

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"it’s the nightmare scenario both as a pandemic and as a political horror in the making as if this was an “own-goal”, what would the experts and politicians than pushed this plan not be willing to do to avoid accepting the blame?"

I speculated on what of the Ethical Skeptic's tweets several months back that the people driving this, knowing the epic catastrophe that it could be causing, would not have much hesitancy to release another pathogen from a lab at just the right time. It is hard to fathom that kind of evil could exist but so much lunacy has been pushed onto us as the "science" and when you combine that with the govt/big tech/media collusion to silence dissidents, it becomes very difficult to not conclude sinister motives are at play vs incompetence.

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I truly believe it is only a matter of time until another pathogen is released. this was the test case. bio weapons are easy. and currently as we all sit here and type, I have no doubt labs are continuing experiments in gain of function.

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Probably funded by our government health apparatus.

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I remember an interview with Gates when he issued a dire warning to the effect if you think this is bad, "wait til you see what comes next. "

The exact words could have been interpreted as a future pandemic, but his body language & tone were so threatening they suggested he knew something specific.

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I'm no expert and just conjecturing here: By all reports, natural immunity is far better than the partial and limited duration that jab gives. It's especially telling that the "official organs" don't seem to even mention the term natural immunity much, do they? The gotcha in my argument is that one must catch the actual disease. Yes, very minor for most, but you just don't know beforehand...

If it isn't said often enough here: if anyone is contemplating the jab (hopefully not as coerced "choice") remember that at best, you are gaining about six months of partial protection but at a cost of small but real risks of injury or death short-term and well as unknown and unknowable long-term risks. Oh yeah, you're likely more at risk "worry window" for two weeks after a jab. Plus, you're a bonus immune spreader while you have your vaxx "protection." What a deal!

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Agree 100%. Love it Satan's doorknob....May I ask why a doorknob?

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It's a "misheard lyric" and I like the song (and the pun). From Led Zeppelin's song "Houses of the Holy" (trivia: not on the album of that name!) The actual phrase in the song is "Satan's doorway," but presumably it has a doorknob. 🤪 I also like the allusion to forbidden knowledge. The Garden of Eden had an apple; we have hardware.

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Great name and love the Zepp-I should have picked up on that....yes, probably has a doorknob! a hot one albeit! forbidden knowledge-yes, the place where Angels themselves fear to tread. You are braver than I.

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So, I feeling really anxious after basically living my life as I wanted to these past 18 months. I do not think I've had COVID. I'm in my early 50s and healthy. I don't get the flu vaccine and I wasn't planning to get the covid vaccine figuring my immune system should be fine especially as I've traveled; didn't isolate; have four kids who I think were exposed, etc. But with this analysis, it seems I might be really really vulnerable! Should I get the vaccine now to avoid being killed off by a vaccinated spreader? I don't want to be one of those unvaccinated chickens and I'm not anti-vaccinated, so I'll get it if I thought there was a true benefit. What is the course to take if this analysis is correct? What do we unvaccinated without natural immunity people do?

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I'd first have a t-cell test done, if I were really worried about it. (Antibodies fade; t-cell memory doesn't from what I understand.) Then decide from there, but you might be surprised. My husband and I are mid-40s. I have chronic health issues, but try to live a healthier lifestyle to compensate for them. We live in Montana with only a 50% vaccination rate and neither of us has taken many "precautions." I honestly don't know how we haven't had COVID by now. It's counterintuitive as we live in the largest city in the state, go out to eat, and spend time around people, including a couple funerals and weddings. We've had colds and other weird bouts, so I'm basically assuming we've had it.

Even if we haven't had it, the more times you take the "jab," the greater the risk of side effects they aren't admitting to. And they're not going to stop with one booster, or even two or three. So at this point, our approach will be, be as healthy as we can in our lifestyle, take vitamin D, zinc, and vitamin C, and just pray we get a light case of it as that truly is the best way to build immunity from even the deadlier versions that are coming.

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Consider adding quercetin to your daily regimen. It helps deliver the zinc, which reduces viral replication.

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Quercetin does the job. Also sucking on 25 mg zinc until dissolved for initial sore throat. McCullough protocol works. Don’t skimp on doses.

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Cold-eez are basically zinc lozenges. Used for ages to lessen cold symptoms. Might want to keep on hand for COVID, too.

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I do 10K iU of D a day combined with vitamin K2 along with Zinc Quercitin and Vitamin C. I also do some ubiquinol a couple of times a week for endothelium protection and enhancement.

We also have a supply of humanized horse dewormer in the event of the Rona!

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Which brand of ubiquinol do you like?

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It's might be useful to keep some iodine nasal spray/mouthwash on hand to help reduce viral load if you feel something coming on or after potential exposure. There's a recipe for it on FLCCC's website (part of their protocol). Worth a look.

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Oct 10, 2021
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As long as you aren’t in Helena. It’s a blue city in a red state. Daughter lives there & school has mask mandate.

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Billings Public does too, and I haven't gotten season tickets to the Billings Community Theater for two years now because they make you wear masks. The education and art communities in this town are nuts.

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Oct 11, 2021
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Billings can go blue, but it is far more conservative than any of the other large population centers. You'd be hard put to find "Hate has no home here" signs in many of the yards, mostly because I think a lot of us find that virtue signaling a little ridiculous, and the farm and ranch stores were oases of sanity when our previous idiot governor decided to mask us all to help his presidential aspirations. Look me up on Facebook when you get to town and send me a message if you need any help getting around and settling in. My husband was literally born here at the hospital downtown and I moved here in the late 90s for college (from North Dakota). So we're both about as local as you get.

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With el gato's data, it seems like you would be better of hurrying to get Covid now before a more virulent strain is the predominant one.

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but that does not help those with comorbidities that could die from the virus. they are left with the vax which could land you in the hospital from an adverse event where you will get covid and then could pass. for some, it is a no win. and we have to remember, those that pass mattered, grandmas and grandpas, cousins, spouses, children etc .I hope none of us ever forget the humanity of all this, just not stats and hypotheses.

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Your comment is exactly why Geert Vanden Bossche and others have stated that the only people who should be vaccinated are the vulnerable.

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But how many of those vulnerable have had severe adverse effects or death or will incur autoimmune probs in future? The medicine could be worse than the cure so to speak. And many are vulnerable and do not even know it. especially younger people with silent renal dz, silent high blood pressure, tick borne disease, lupus etc.

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Understand what you are saying. However what is the answer? Hazmat suits for everyone? We desperately need to get out of this vaccination mania. Please read about Marek's Disease of chickens. Ultimately this emphasis on vaccine only could lead to the extinction of humanity once there is no longer a vaccine that works as is the current worry about chickens. Enjoy your chicken dinners while you can.

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There are lots of effective treatments, and they will still work with a more dangerous variant.

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I would be feeling pretty anxious as well but I still don’t think I’d get the shot. I can’t say for certain of course bc I have had covid. Only way I knew I had it was the loss of smell & taste. My other symptoms were easily dismissible as allergies. I had an antibody test to confirm. If I were in your place I’d have my strategy prepared. I’d know where to get monoclonal antibodies. I’d be taking 4-5k units of vitamin D daily. I’d know of a doctor to get prescriptions. I’m not necessarily talking about hcq/ivm but just a steroid pack, decongestant/antihistamine, and a zpack. You know those things you might get back in the good ol days if your cold/flu was turning into a sinus infection. And I would def get an antibody test to confirm that you haven’t had it.

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I'm sort of in the same boat, but I think I may have had it. I suppose I need to try to get a test somewhere. I'm not keen on getting vaxxed now, what with the winter coming, and the delta, and the two week worry window...they should have pushed mandatory risk taking in the summer time!

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I'm in similar situation and am unvaxxed. What you absolutely need to consider is the potential (long term) side effects of the vaccines. I believe all 'fully' vaccinated will likely get boosters before long given what we have seen in Israel. Additional doses will have worse side effect profile and likely be catastrophic at some point. There is still a possibility that future variants may cause ADE. In short, there is no good answer. But I am trusting FLCCC folks until a working vaccine arrives someday.

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Yeah, we don't know about the long-term side effects, because it's been less than a year since the GD things were invented. Supposedly. I'll take my chances with the virus.

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Our best hope may be that a sterilizing (attenuated or killed whole virus) vaccine will emerge soon and receive EUA.

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Why can't they do an egg based vax for this? The potential SE with this vax, short term, and what we do not even yet know in the long term, is just too much. I know 3 people that died after getting the vax, some within hours, some within days....and they were healthy.

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They've never been able to create one for V that is sterilizing and addresses nucleocapsid as well as spike. The test subjects all have died (animals).


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Oh thats right, i did read that someplace. thanks for the remind.

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I’m in same boat as you. I’ve been exposed numerous times where I’m surprised I haven’t gotten it.

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Could different testing protocols in the vaccinated vs unvaccinated play a role in this somehow?

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Good point. Some nurses said that if vaccinated no PCR were needed and if not vaccinated it was the first thing…

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If I were skeptical I might think they're dropping testing requirements for vaccinated so as to inflate the unvax case numbers ie;

"OMG the unvaxx account for 99% of positive PCR tests!!"

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Yup, that has been posited by many.

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Undoubtedly the reported data is skewed in favor of being vaxxed. I've not read any estimates of how much but would expect it to be significant, maybe enough to create this difference gato is reporting. A(nother) real question still lingers (and has for some time): Why are they pushing the vax so hard, even to prior-infecteds and children?

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Your argument is compelling. I would point out though that I expected the CFR of Delta to rise anyway as we came into Winter. Delta largely rose in the northern hemisphere countries as we came into summer where deaths are generally low. A more transmissable (if it really is) virus will always have a higher CFR in winter due to how we count Covid deaths. Since we bascially categorise anyone who has a positive test and then dies as a Covid death, the CFR of Delta would rise in Winter as more people just die as they are expected to die - it's just that more of them would die *with* a positive PCR test. This would happen even if the virus was completely harmless. In fact, if it is very transmissable we would expect Delta to have an exceptionally high CFR during winter.

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agree about winter, but this rise took place in summer when vitamin D levels were high etc.

that seems deeply counter to expectation.

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True. I've been tracking it in my own country. I point this out and people just say "Delta". https://twitter.com/raggedlines/status/1446861969592668167?s=20

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I live in the South. New Orleans to be exact, where we saw a rise in cases here much the same as we did last summer. The assumption is that vitamin d levels are high, but the heat and humidity is so oppressive here, that people shut themselves indoors here as one would up north during the winter. Our city and state is quite unhealthy already. Obesity, diabetes, etc. through the roof. People are really not outdoors getting sun like you’d think.

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Seems this article's theory hinges on if the CFR data interpretation the author uses is accurate - author states the unvacc'd CFR is worse than vacc'd CFR and that "vacc'd are doing better". BUT in a Recent interview with Malone and Bossche, interview with Dr. Phillip McMillan on Odysse. Covid-19 The Meeting of the Giants. Bossche- they stopped doing this data..data is not shared. Malone- "I call this the ghost in the data. "There is a signal in the UK data. Seems to be an excess of death in the vacc'd but not severe disease. So it's paradoxical.". M - goes on to explain Defective Interferring Particles. Immune Complex Disease. Auto immune risk in the higher viral loads. This B and M interview ends with ...more is not better, not with vaccines. M- I think they don't know what to do. Give a child a hammer and everything is a nail. Helpful from Geert Bossche -How can we protect ourselves? Care about your susceptibility. Not if someone is vacc'd or unvacc'd. "Stop mass vaccination - there is no scientific basis whatsoever."

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you keep cross conflating ideas of VE in terms of covid, and net benefit overall of vaccines vs vaccine risks.

i think it's confusing your analysis

and the vaxxed are clearly doing better vs covid. the data is all linked. feel free to take a look. you seem to be trying to avoid a pretty obvious, verified salient in favor of aggressive speculation.

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The vaxxed are doing better than the unwanted around them as per the statistics. But there are interesting questions, still:

1. Are hospitals biasing treatment?

2. Are we missing vaxxed case counts due to silent carrying?

3. Is there a survivor bias in the data? Or several?

4. Is RRR the right metric when the international correlation for vaccinations and cases is so high? Could the unvaxxed thus be harmed by the presence of the vaxxed?

This is a complex knot. We are all still thinking about it. More will be understood in time.

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Thank you for bringing up that interview. Long but such excellent discussion that it is worth sitting through. Highly recommend.

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Is there anything to explore within the idea that the 'vaccines' are essentially the spike proteins and ARE the illness?

Perhaps, (in these 'unique' circumstances), we are also seeing the unvaxed (less then two weeks post 2nd jab... and the truly unvaxed), also becoming unwell due to shedding or the 'catching' of the spike protein/ toxin via other routes - potentially the PCR test itself?

Knowing that they are misusing various medications in hospital could also be playing a part in death stats. Ive heard many speaking about the risks of renal failure with Remdesivir



And even ventilators CAN do more harm than good.


I'll come out and ask the question... Are hospital treatments potentially killing people? Are vaxxed receiving Ivermectin, VitD3, Zinc etc... and non vaxed receiving a less than ideal treatment protocol to further mess with numbers?


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