attempts to vilify the ottawa protesters are backfiring
watch as simple, determined unity exposes the big lie and the character of the liars
there is a point where the rhetoric in a situation gets so out of step with the reality that it can only be called derangement.
trudeau has called these people racists, misogynists, white supremacists, and science deniers. he claims they are coming from a place of hate and do not represent canada.
the problem with speaking words like these in the days of endlessly accessible video is that, well, someone might record them and play them over video of what is really going on.
and then folks might share it on the internet for everyone to see.
the effect is absolutely devastating.
watch this video. no fascist big lie can stand against this. this is beautiful.
the ottowa city council would have you believe that they fear for their lives. but they don’t. they fear for their way of life. they fear that we the people will learn that if we simply stand up against oppressive busybodydom and entitled interference into our lives and livelihoods that we might learn that we do not need them.
and MANY fear where else this lesson might be applied.
and so the media, always willing to carry filthy political water keeps trying to gin up some sort of story to spin, some threat, some extremist impulse or outlier.

some are trying to portray this as a threat. they are literally speaking of it as though this was some attempt to make bombs.

it’s not. they are building, wait for it, a kitchen. to feed people.

and one can see why they might be looking to become more self sufficient. the ottowa government looks increasingly interested in barring access to amenities.

but the problem with opposing real, genuine unity, is that it just begets more unity. this is not hate, this is support for community and for the rights of people to live free.

these are people who have seen where the authoritarian road leads and do not want to travel it again. this is not going to fly with them:
the incredulity of the purportedly ruling classes that this is real, peaceful, principled, competent, and determined is just amazing.
they simply cannot conceive that this is happening, that the people are not with them, and that everyday folks like this could arrive and stay, in the cold, feed themselves, pick up after themselves, and not just make their point but seem to thrive.
of course they can’t. they don’t know any people like this. they had no idea who the builders and makers and providers ever were. they had no idea what these people were capable of if they ever pushed them too far.
these are not the violent people, the frothing loons or hectoring cowards. it’s not roving bands of window breakers and patio provokers. they don’t steal, they don’t burn. these are the people that know how to do stuff. these are the people who are effective.
and it must be jarring as hell to those who had no concept of their character and of what it would expose about their own.
and they got scared.
and they ran.
these “rulers” fled their own peaceful people because to hear them is to lose. to meet them is to lose. to engage them in honest discourse is to lose.
the juxtaposition of their tyranny vs the simple demands for the right to breathe free would end them. and they know it.
but so too will these protests. you do not come back from this. wait until you see what this weekend looks like. wait until this spreads.
how long can justin hide before he disappears from all pertinency?
how many more lies can they tell?
to deny this simple truth in the face of so much evidence is to harangue yourself into irrelevance.
keep it up truckers.
this is how we win and how we end this abusive statist relationship and restore government to deriving its powers from the consent of the governed rather than demanding their submission.
this is working.
they would not be panicking like this if it weren’t.
we’re all rooting for you.
My only regret is that I have but one like to give.
I read the Wall Street Journal recap of the protest a few minutes ago. It was disgusting, shocking misrepresentation of the truckers. But then again I expect nothing less from legacy media. Even so called conservative outlets are in lockstep on covid. There has never been a greater threat to the world than these mandates and policies.