The layers of insanity in the climate grift are impressive. As part of my job I oversee a fleet of 36 work vehicles. These are mostly extremely large and heavy trucks loaded with or pulling specialized machinery. We replace them at 100,000 miles because that's where they typically begin to require repairs and have increasing down time.
Our state has mandated as part of their climate obsession that all replacements must be electric vehicles, starting in 2035. It's an arbitrary date. These vehicles do not exist in electric form. They are far too heavy to be practical as electric vehicles. There are no plans to make them as electric vehicles.
We have no charging stations for them where these would be necessary throughout our service area. There are no plans for any.
The trucks are used to keep water and sewer services functioning over a 70 square mile area. Without them things that break can not be repaired.
The real barriers to implementing the electric vehicle policy are being completely ignored.
So they either push back the date or be prepared for water and sewer service to be increasingly unpredictable as we hang on to the diesel vehicles and struggle to keep them functioning.
The same people who want to force us all into EVs are trying to dismantle our existing coal, natural gas, and nuclear power plants. We need to approximately double our power generation ability to make the 2035 arbitrary deadline, yet they are trying to dismantle the power stations we have now.
Photovoltaic cells and wind turbines are not going to power the EV revolution they are fantasizing about. We would need on-demand power (not "when the wind happens to blow" or "during the day when it is not cloudy") and plenty of it. That's going to come from coal, gas, or nuclear.
Nuclear ought to be a gimme here, given that it is carbon-free, but no. Ever since Three Mile Island killed or harmed... zero people, they've been too afraid.
The other big question is where all these batteries are going to come from. The ten year old slaves are working their hardest to get those materials out of those exceptionally dangerous mines, folks!
EVs stink in places that have cold winters. EVs stink in places that have hot summers. EVs require more fossil fuels to be burned to make their short-lived tires, and they cause more road damage from their greater weight, requiring more fossil fuels to be burned to repair them.
EVs are costly to ensure, because any damage at all is enough for an insurance company to write off an entire battery pack, which means that EVs are regularly totaled for superficial damage. It is too much of a risk to leave a potentially damaged battery in service in our litigious society.
EVs stink at towing, which is kind of important with trucks. They also would stink at powering the vast container ships that bring things (like battery materials) in from abroad. A Suezmax container ship would need to use 75% of its weight carrying capacity just for batteries if it was to make the trans-Pacific journey from China. That's unworkable... and if powering electric cars is hard, how are we going to power electric ships?
The answer, of course, is that we are not. They will continue to use heavy fuel oil that is the dirtiest but cheapest fuel around, and they will continue to contribute far more CO2 to the air than cars and trucks of all sizes. The mining operations to get the cobalt and lithium out of the ground will continue to use massive amounts of fossil fuels, and the prices of these battery packs will rise sharply as demand further outpaces supply. The mines are already at capacity, and they want to increase the demand by orders of magnitude. EVs are already too expensive for many people, and with the battery packs doubling or tripling in price, it will get much worse. So, too, will the insurance costs, which are driven by the battery costs.
EVs replacing ICE cars and trucks is a pipe dream, and the people mandating it should know better. They're using the "build it and they will come" strategy... they build the laws that require [x], and they expect that this will force [x] into existence.
EVs are a solution in search of a problem. Even if CO2 was a problem (and it's not), they would do nothing to address it. Moving the tailpipe from the back of the car to a power plant a few hundred miles away does not mean the emissions don't exist anymore. It takes two transformations of energy form to make a gas or diesel vehicle to move (potential to thermal, thermal to kinetic). It takes six to move an electric vehicle, and that EV will be 25% heavier. That's more energy spent per mile... and thus more CO2 per mile.
As if that were not enough, EVs also have worse reliability than gas cars, and they have a habit of incinerating themselves and those inside or nearby with some regularity. Remember all the hoopla over that Samsung phone that spontaneously burned? The battery in a car is thousands of times bigger than that, but is based on the same technology. And if THAT was not enough, EVs also have poor resale value, as the batteries that make up a huge chunk of the cost are consumable items that are rated for eight years of life at best.
Eight years old is not that old! I've got a car much older than that, and its gas tank still holds 100% of what it held several decades ago. It has a quarter of a million miles of experience, and it still runs perfectly and gets much more gas mileage than the EPA said it should back in the day. And it only takes five minutes to fill it up, not twenty minutes to over an hour.
EVs cannot replace ICE cars anytime soon, and certainly not by 2035. Not even close. It would be like mandating that only flying cars that one can fold into a briefcase like George Jetson's can be sold by a given date. Setting a date doesn't make something feasible or realistic.
But he's gay. Gay! Gay people can't do anything wrong, especially gay liberals. Anyone who criticizes him is a homophobic, rascist, zionist, white supremist.
Charging stations might be the easy part. Finding the electricity to make all the charging stations be more than roadside sculptures maybe the hard to do part. Maybe building more coal fired facilities?
Agreed, electricit battery powered fleets are actually not doable. It's HYDROGEN that's required. Unfortunately the idiots inc. went all in on batteries. ( Musk ) = NOT SUCH A GENIUS.
Yes, #6 requires a breakthrough, but the combustion properties are not a factor when you use a hydrogen fuel cell to operate a hybrid vehicle. The problem is this: The energy in fossil fuels is already there when we extract the oil. Hydrogen is not found on earth in its free molecular state, so we have to add energy. This changes hydrogen from an energy source to an energy carrier like electricity. So, what do you use as the energy source, and how efficiently can you make the conversion from bound hydrogen (H2O is one such source) to reduced (molecular) hydrogen, then back to H2O. I collaborated with a research group working on the volumetric storage problem 30 years ago. They were experimenting with metal hydride powders that evolve large volumes of hydrogen when heated. However, the big problem was moisture, which inactivates them and prevents them from being recharged. We could have used the powder as a sufficiently high energy density hydrogen fuel source, but as a one-time use fuel, the economics just weren't there.
As far as I am concerned, there has never been a valid reason for no using oil. Oil created our modern society and economy. It is the socialists that want to destroy it and ignorant ludites who happily go along with their charade.
I'm a fan of the Donald too but considering transformation requires a bridge, oil will withstand regardless. It's not pretty but necessary. Problem is, nobody is declaring or has started the bridge project. Wondering which way to build is problematic to society.
Musk is considering converting to hydrogen fuel cells because the Chinese make batteries and cars cheaper than he can. For long range hauling (trucks), hydrogen may be the way to go. Semi-trucks are the most difficult to electrify because they need long range and requires lots of batteries. The long distances that truckers travel means far more charge-discharge cycles and shorter batter life. So, it becomes a cost issue, not so much a technical issue.
The Japanese car industry is less dysfunctional than our own, so maybe they can make HVs competitive with EVs. Still, Elon needs to hedge his bets. Only the big US manufacturers are truly run by morons. I'm not saying Detroit has no technical or design talent, it's the leadership that sucks.
Honest? Or Evil genius? Fact is that they didn't do their homework and Durecell probably funded him - by proxy govt grants. Reality is much like oil, short term profit, long term problems. The playbook hasn't changed because the "game" IS money and NOT about progress or climate, or whatever BS the EV debacle is about. Common sense technology isn't being applied and I can prove that in so many ways, musk would launch himself to Mars tomorrow to avoid a good old fashioned linchmob.
This is ludicrous! Wow. Just wow. Similar mandates in commieFornia will require over 500 charging stations built *A DAY* to accommodate the 2035ish target date 🤡 there’s no way, nor is it feasible. If this grasping at straws persists we’ll see energy price$ continue to climb. But then that’s the point….our rights, access to electricity, etc are Theirs™️
Yeah but that high speed electric train project is doing great. They've got, what, 3 miles of track built and only spent a decade and a gazillion $ on it. Yea, Newsome
Bloomberg is a shrieking violet. He may not be able to wash his rainbow colored thong since all our precious (ode to Gollum”) water has vaporized. Oh my, Toto, whatever shall we do? Cows are not even allowed to poo! Might compete with the rivers of shit flowing out of bought poli-tick-cans mouths and their master billionaires. Dunderheads abound, argh!!!
Weather Warfare (geoengineering) using ionosphere heaters and nanotechnology biosensors (AI) is being used for profit in the lucrative Disaster Capitalism industry which has flourished since the illegal war in Iraq....paid for with taxpayer dollars while all profits are privatized. The bad cat is right about green washing. However, no honest conversation about climate change can be had without invoking geoengineering and weather warfare. After all, at the beginning of the second video posted below, former US President, LB Johnson (1963-1969) states clearly that "He who controls the weather... controls the world!"
reminds me of the comic with one guy looking and one guy slapping the submarine full of rich people that went to the seafloor much smaller than it was at the surface... the guy slapping it is saying "you can fit so many ESG points in this thing!"
And unfortunately this trend isn't going anywhere. There are just too many progressive spazzes who treat climate radicalism as an exercise in therapeutic self-expression. In recent years they’ve managed to hyper-moralize discussion of climate change so that it’s evolved from a practical matter of how to improve our environment to a crusade against wicked forces whose deceitful tongues and activities allegedly wreak havoc upon the weather.
Can I kindly ask that you not use language like spazzes? I'm not big on political correctness as anyone who knows me knows, but spazz is a pejorative word used to describe people with disabilities like cerebral palsy. I happen to have a sister with cerebral palsy, and yes, that word and others have been used to describe her, to put her down, to belittle her, to dismiss her, even though she is a Ph.D. and teaches at a state university. Yet that is not what people see when they see her. They don't see her mind, they don't see her ability, she is simply one of those "spazzes" you dismiss. It is because of attitudes like yours, language like yours, that she has to battle EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY OF HER LIFE for the simple human dignity that you and I take for granted. There are other, better, ways of expressing what you said, without feeding into existing prejudices against people with disabilities.
Did they steal "dumbasses"? I really like using "dumbasses" and I do it to hurt their feelings because they are dumbasses and I don't care about their feelings.
and don't forget the creeping cretinism.. Me thinks a lot of people need to watch Blazing Saddles (uncleaned up and censored), where "Jim" tells Sheriff Bart: These are people of the land, you know, morons." Maybe a few George Carlin videos on soft language as well. "cripples are differently abled."
I vote this down. What they are talking about is far more important than the issue you are talking about, and not to be rude, but it seems ironic that you sound like a spaz here. What an offensive comment you made.
Let's talk about this a minute. Let's talk about what is a spaz here? A human being or someone that's less than human? Someone whose opinions are respected or someone whose opinions don't mean a shit? I sound like a spaz--what are you saying about me, about people like me? Yes, I am going to push this. Yes I am calling you out. Yes I am going to make you come out in the open and admit your prejudice towards people like me and like my sister. Come on, I am waiting. Tell me, what is a spaz. Tell me WHY spazzes are of lesser value. You are calling me a spaz and openly so. Ok, stop hiding. Stop being a coward. Tell me, tell the world, exactly what you think of spazzes and WHY you think the way you do.
It’s entirely based on the way you’re behaving, And you’re inability to focus on the much much much larger topic at hand. Don’t explain why you’re behaving like a spaz. There’s no evidence that you care about people more than anyone else here. You’re providing all the evidence. Go talk to somebody else about your “issue”.
I do not know why you used it. All I know is how it impacts someone who is close to me. If you cannot understand that, then I guess that there is no way that we can communicate. You would not use a racial slur, would you? Then don't use an ablelist slur--and that is exactly what it is. Yes, I found that term EXTREMELY, and unecessarily, offensive. The fact that you do not tells me 1) you yourself do not have a visible physical disability that others would categorize as "spazz" or "spastic" and that you do not have anyone in your family or anyone that you care about that likewise has such a disability. I'm asking for a bit of sensitivity and compassion here, is that asking too much?
That your sister has achieved a Ph.D., attests to her ability to deal with and fly above pejorative comments, whether aimed at her, or made in jest and not pointing to her cerebral palsy. She deserves great credit, as well for not taking on the added burden of others feeling offended "for her sake."
And your bigotry towards people with disabilities is showing. BIG TIME. Otherwise you would not call my objection a parody act. Well, I do not care to discuss ANYTHING further with someone who is as prejudiced as you. And yes, I AM calling you out on it. As for the people who supported me with your likes, THANK YOU. THANK YOU.
Apparently you didn't notice that the previous post from Brad used that term and SCA was only using it in response to Brad's comment. No criticism of Brad???
Ah, but apparently you ARE big on political correctness! One of those free speech advocates who have exceptions for others’ rights of free speech. Ever heard of the “sticks and stones” argument, the universal rhyme that even children used to live by? Surely your accomplished sister is strong enough to ignore the word choice of people she doesn’t know and will never meet. Over the years we’ve been told we can’t say “cripple,” “idiot,” “moron,” “fat,” “colored, “Pollock,” and “oriental.” Because feelings. Maybe we all need to get tough and realize that the world doesn’t revolve around us.
When someone tells you something, and then you find out they were wrong, and then they tell something else and you find out they were wrong again, and again and again, then it is obvious they are lying to you. They've been wrong over and over on their climate scare stories. These same people tell you that you can't use a gas weedwhacker that uses less than a gallon of gas a year, yet they fly to their climate summits on private jets. Disgusting! I detest the liars. If they really believed in themselves they would stay at home and have Zoom meetings instead.
So I am totally in agreement with you, but I will say electric weedwhackers are one of the few places where electric is actually better than gas in my experience. I got sick of dealing with my two stroke that never wanted to start at the beginning of the season so I picked up one of the milwuakees since I already had several M18 batteries and it is much more pleasant to use, no more pull start that has to be pulled 10 times to get it to fire, no more rebuilding carbs or replacing spark plugs, no more mixing two stroke oil, I can talk to people while using it and run it early or late without annoying my neighbors, it doesn't have to idle at all, it accelerates much more quickly than my old echo, it seems to have more torque, and it's lighter. They should never be mandated, but I would be surprised if electrics don't come to dominate that market organically.
When the economic history of the late 20th and early 21st Century is (honestly) written, “climate” will go down as the biggest economic and scientific fraud in the history of man.
But only with blessing (and backroom payouts) to FDA and other high placed govt whores. Remember, FDA’s job is to prove efficacy for all before given their “blessing”. If anyone thinks the drug companies are solely negligent they must be wearing their fauci mask in a different place. Of course, big gov loves (Warren, sanders, Schumer, Biden anybody?) the distraction of blame the pharmaceutical companies- you know, those evil capitalist pigs get from gullible public.
If you believe pharma is alone in this medical experiment, you must, therefore believe in the sanctity of Clinate Change worship.
Among other things, I collect cookbooks, not just any cookbooks but those that deal with a particular culture or historical era. My most recent acquisition is "Eating With the Tudors". What I found most interesting was its discussion of the "sumptuary laws". Yes, even back then, there were laws governing what people could wear and what they could eat, supposedly to level the playing field, but in reality benefiting the rich. I look at all this "green" stuff as just another version of "sumptuary laws". By making people go out and buy all new stuff--which most of us can't afford--it showcases who is well off and who is not, just like the original "sumptuary laws" did back in Medieval/Renaissance times. I recall a conversation with one of these advocates who wants everyone to have solar panels on their roofs, EV's in their garage, and induction stoves in their kitchens, and I pointed out that that was putting an undue burden on poorer people. I think I may have opened her eyes--some. Just as the original "sumptuary laws" made it very clear who was rich and who was not, these new mandates are further dividing us to a degree way beyond what was going on back in Tudor days.
Actually sumptuary laws were to separate classes, wealth was the problem. The aristocracy seethed when low-born wealthy merchants could afford to dress better than them. Pretty soon, they thought, peasants won't be able to tell a wealthy merchant from a true nobleman, hence, sumptuary laws. But you have a point about costs. The solar panels, EVs, and induction stoves all require a substantial capital investment, and that's not the end, as these items reach the end of their life cycles they will need to be replaced. Here's the best one - a heat pump hot water heater. So while you're AC is pumping heat from inside to outside, the water heater is pumping heat from outside to your water heater inside. Just like a heat pump is useless when it's under 30 degrees outside, now your hot water heater will be useless too.
Ha! a heat pump running in suboptimal conditions will just keep running, but not do much heating. It's a function of thermodynamics. Using a natural gas hot water heater is the most efficient way to heat water (or air for that matter) when it gets below freezing outside.
Gonna be hot in Boston this week, 90 degrees end of June. A heat wave!! In summer! Meanwhile it is snowing in Montana. In summer! Climate change! Reservoirs are full in the west. Feds want to shut off water during growing season in Idaho. They lie and they hate you.
This is what happens when you stop expecting the Spanish Inquisition. It will get you any way it can...
Now we must ask what kind of morons *don't* expect summers to be hot and hurricane season full of hurricanes, and if you're such a dolt that you buy/build really expensive houses right on the beach, well...
Anyway thank God you ain't never gonna run out of topics to shred to pieces with them fine claws you got. The Plague Era was just the start.
Global warming, now Climate Change because warming, meh, is a great coup. Something really big, really nasty, practically invisible and scary as all get out brings out the kooks, the grifters, and the wallets. It's quite something actually. Got to give them all credit for fleecing the world.
I recently watched a video that taught about all of the world-changing inventions and innovations that have been suppressed because of greedy corporations. It's not about the climate or the wellbeing of the planet. It's about a small group of evil people with a God complex with too much time and money on their hands and a hatred of humanity.
I couldn't get it to link, but it's on Youtube on "The Why Files" and the title of the episode is called "Killer Patents and Secret Science Vol. 1--Free Energy and Anti-Gravity Coverups". Hope that helps. It's a good video.
My favorite longshoreman said - “First something is a great idea, then it becomes a cause, then it becomes a business and finally it becomes a racket.”
— Eric Hoffer
Government, Religion, Politics, Culture, Education, Military, Medicine, Economics etc etc - go ahead, name just one institution that hasn't followed that pattern. It's literally inevitable - - and it all happens under our watch!
The layers of insanity in the climate grift are impressive. As part of my job I oversee a fleet of 36 work vehicles. These are mostly extremely large and heavy trucks loaded with or pulling specialized machinery. We replace them at 100,000 miles because that's where they typically begin to require repairs and have increasing down time.
Our state has mandated as part of their climate obsession that all replacements must be electric vehicles, starting in 2035. It's an arbitrary date. These vehicles do not exist in electric form. They are far too heavy to be practical as electric vehicles. There are no plans to make them as electric vehicles.
We have no charging stations for them where these would be necessary throughout our service area. There are no plans for any.
The trucks are used to keep water and sewer services functioning over a 70 square mile area. Without them things that break can not be repaired.
The real barriers to implementing the electric vehicle policy are being completely ignored.
So they either push back the date or be prepared for water and sewer service to be increasingly unpredictable as we hang on to the diesel vehicles and struggle to keep them functioning.
But wait, didn't Buti-giggle promise 500,000 electric charging stations by 2030?
Charging stations powered by what?
The same people who want to force us all into EVs are trying to dismantle our existing coal, natural gas, and nuclear power plants. We need to approximately double our power generation ability to make the 2035 arbitrary deadline, yet they are trying to dismantle the power stations we have now.
Photovoltaic cells and wind turbines are not going to power the EV revolution they are fantasizing about. We would need on-demand power (not "when the wind happens to blow" or "during the day when it is not cloudy") and plenty of it. That's going to come from coal, gas, or nuclear.
Nuclear ought to be a gimme here, given that it is carbon-free, but no. Ever since Three Mile Island killed or harmed... zero people, they've been too afraid.
The other big question is where all these batteries are going to come from. The ten year old slaves are working their hardest to get those materials out of those exceptionally dangerous mines, folks!
EVs stink in places that have cold winters. EVs stink in places that have hot summers. EVs require more fossil fuels to be burned to make their short-lived tires, and they cause more road damage from their greater weight, requiring more fossil fuels to be burned to repair them.
EVs are costly to ensure, because any damage at all is enough for an insurance company to write off an entire battery pack, which means that EVs are regularly totaled for superficial damage. It is too much of a risk to leave a potentially damaged battery in service in our litigious society.
EVs stink at towing, which is kind of important with trucks. They also would stink at powering the vast container ships that bring things (like battery materials) in from abroad. A Suezmax container ship would need to use 75% of its weight carrying capacity just for batteries if it was to make the trans-Pacific journey from China. That's unworkable... and if powering electric cars is hard, how are we going to power electric ships?
The answer, of course, is that we are not. They will continue to use heavy fuel oil that is the dirtiest but cheapest fuel around, and they will continue to contribute far more CO2 to the air than cars and trucks of all sizes. The mining operations to get the cobalt and lithium out of the ground will continue to use massive amounts of fossil fuels, and the prices of these battery packs will rise sharply as demand further outpaces supply. The mines are already at capacity, and they want to increase the demand by orders of magnitude. EVs are already too expensive for many people, and with the battery packs doubling or tripling in price, it will get much worse. So, too, will the insurance costs, which are driven by the battery costs.
EVs replacing ICE cars and trucks is a pipe dream, and the people mandating it should know better. They're using the "build it and they will come" strategy... they build the laws that require [x], and they expect that this will force [x] into existence.
EVs are a solution in search of a problem. Even if CO2 was a problem (and it's not), they would do nothing to address it. Moving the tailpipe from the back of the car to a power plant a few hundred miles away does not mean the emissions don't exist anymore. It takes two transformations of energy form to make a gas or diesel vehicle to move (potential to thermal, thermal to kinetic). It takes six to move an electric vehicle, and that EV will be 25% heavier. That's more energy spent per mile... and thus more CO2 per mile.
As if that were not enough, EVs also have worse reliability than gas cars, and they have a habit of incinerating themselves and those inside or nearby with some regularity. Remember all the hoopla over that Samsung phone that spontaneously burned? The battery in a car is thousands of times bigger than that, but is based on the same technology. And if THAT was not enough, EVs also have poor resale value, as the batteries that make up a huge chunk of the cost are consumable items that are rated for eight years of life at best.
Eight years old is not that old! I've got a car much older than that, and its gas tank still holds 100% of what it held several decades ago. It has a quarter of a million miles of experience, and it still runs perfectly and gets much more gas mileage than the EPA said it should back in the day. And it only takes five minutes to fill it up, not twenty minutes to over an hour.
EVs cannot replace ICE cars anytime soon, and certainly not by 2035. Not even close. It would be like mandating that only flying cars that one can fold into a briefcase like George Jetson's can be sold by a given date. Setting a date doesn't make something feasible or realistic.
But, but, but ... Buti-giggle promised!
Butt-f*ed is a fool, I saw the interview where he made his foolish statements. What a retard
But he's gay. Gay! Gay people can't do anything wrong, especially gay liberals. Anyone who criticizes him is a homophobic, rascist, zionist, white supremist.
Silva, you are a saint for spelling this out for the rest of us. Thank you for taking the time to write this up.
Buti-giggle… 🤣🤣🤣
Charging stations might be the easy part. Finding the electricity to make all the charging stations be more than roadside sculptures maybe the hard to do part. Maybe building more coal fired facilities?
Ol' Buti-giggle has only built 8 so far. No one never said they were hooked up to the power grid.
Build back mo better, right?
They know there can't/won't be enough electricity for them. That's how they control how far we and often we can travel.
They’ve installed 7.
They’ve allocated something like $70b for said project.
Hmmm, wonder where all that money really went?
$7.1B - How DARE you question Buti-giggle! He's gay! Just because he has a secret bank account in Switzerland doesn't mean anything!
Agreed, electricit battery powered fleets are actually not doable. It's HYDROGEN that's required. Unfortunately the idiots inc. went all in on batteries. ( Musk ) = NOT SUCH A GENIUS.
Hydrogen is not the answer. Here's a link to an engineering article. Number 6 is a real concern.
Yes, #6 requires a breakthrough, but the combustion properties are not a factor when you use a hydrogen fuel cell to operate a hybrid vehicle. The problem is this: The energy in fossil fuels is already there when we extract the oil. Hydrogen is not found on earth in its free molecular state, so we have to add energy. This changes hydrogen from an energy source to an energy carrier like electricity. So, what do you use as the energy source, and how efficiently can you make the conversion from bound hydrogen (H2O is one such source) to reduced (molecular) hydrogen, then back to H2O. I collaborated with a research group working on the volumetric storage problem 30 years ago. They were experimenting with metal hydride powders that evolve large volumes of hydrogen when heated. However, the big problem was moisture, which inactivates them and prevents them from being recharged. We could have used the powder as a sufficiently high energy density hydrogen fuel source, but as a one-time use fuel, the economics just weren't there.
As far as I am concerned, there has never been a valid reason for no using oil. Oil created our modern society and economy. It is the socialists that want to destroy it and ignorant ludites who happily go along with their charade.
I'm a fan of the Donald too but considering transformation requires a bridge, oil will withstand regardless. It's not pretty but necessary. Problem is, nobody is declaring or has started the bridge project. Wondering which way to build is problematic to society.
Now you have some street cred'. HFC.
Yeah, it's a blunder why cars don't run it.
Musk is considering converting to hydrogen fuel cells because the Chinese make batteries and cars cheaper than he can. For long range hauling (trucks), hydrogen may be the way to go. Semi-trucks are the most difficult to electrify because they need long range and requires lots of batteries. The long distances that truckers travel means far more charge-discharge cycles and shorter batter life. So, it becomes a cost issue, not so much a technical issue.
? ...and you're his PR guy? Or whatever. Provide that information from an actual source. Otherwise meh.
And we'll hold our breath. Look for Mr. Blue when that happens. Factually speaking, Toyota already does.
The Japanese car industry is less dysfunctional than our own, so maybe they can make HVs competitive with EVs. Still, Elon needs to hedge his bets. Only the big US manufacturers are truly run by morons. I'm not saying Detroit has no technical or design talent, it's the leadership that sucks.
Oh Musk IS a genius, he played the game and won billions, what he isn't is honest, big difference.
Being honest with stupid people doesn't help.
Honest? Or Evil genius? Fact is that they didn't do their homework and Durecell probably funded him - by proxy govt grants. Reality is much like oil, short term profit, long term problems. The playbook hasn't changed because the "game" IS money and NOT about progress or climate, or whatever BS the EV debacle is about. Common sense technology isn't being applied and I can prove that in so many ways, musk would launch himself to Mars tomorrow to avoid a good old fashioned linchmob.
Er, Musk is the richest guy in the world. I would say he's done pretty well.
Money - well?
"It's an arbitrary date. These vehicles do not exist in electric form."
Too true, and more than likely, never will...
"It's a dream, only a dream."
(Attributed to Neil Young. I was once a fan.)
This is ludicrous! Wow. Just wow. Similar mandates in commieFornia will require over 500 charging stations built *A DAY* to accommodate the 2035ish target date 🤡 there’s no way, nor is it feasible. If this grasping at straws persists we’ll see energy price$ continue to climb. But then that’s the point….our rights, access to electricity, etc are Theirs™️
Yeah but that high speed electric train project is doing great. They've got, what, 3 miles of track built and only spent a decade and a gazillion $ on it. Yea, Newsome
That is about one mile of track per future rider.
Maybe by that time the population will have decreased to the point you won't need so many work vehicles.
That is the ultimate goal.
Climate is just like the COVID cult. Grifters manipulating models and politicians driving fear. ESG commissars are cashing in on the gravy train:
We better start desheeping or we'll have a REbleat.
*but the people are cottoning on to this and they are increasingly kicking these wreckers to the curb."
COVID unleashed The Bad Cat.
Now he's making lists, pointing and laughing, and spreading the word that The Emperor's Looking Underdressed.
Yeah let's DEfeeble them!
Ryan, This is even cleverer than your usual stuff!
Bloomberg is a shrieking violet. He may not be able to wash his rainbow colored thong since all our precious (ode to Gollum”) water has vaporized. Oh my, Toto, whatever shall we do? Cows are not even allowed to poo! Might compete with the rivers of shit flowing out of bought poli-tick-cans mouths and their master billionaires. Dunderheads abound, argh!!!
Weather Warfare (geoengineering) using ionosphere heaters and nanotechnology biosensors (AI) is being used for profit in the lucrative Disaster Capitalism industry which has flourished since the illegal war in Iraq....paid for with taxpayer dollars while all profits are privatized. The bad cat is right about green washing. However, no honest conversation about climate change can be had without invoking geoengineering and weather warfare. After all, at the beginning of the second video posted below, former US President, LB Johnson (1963-1969) states clearly that "He who controls the weather... controls the world!"
reminds me of the comic with one guy looking and one guy slapping the submarine full of rich people that went to the seafloor much smaller than it was at the surface... the guy slapping it is saying "you can fit so many ESG points in this thing!"
And unfortunately this trend isn't going anywhere. There are just too many progressive spazzes who treat climate radicalism as an exercise in therapeutic self-expression. In recent years they’ve managed to hyper-moralize discussion of climate change so that it’s evolved from a practical matter of how to improve our environment to a crusade against wicked forces whose deceitful tongues and activities allegedly wreak havoc upon the weather.
Well, Brad. The opposite spazzes been telling us we's going to hell for how long now? One way or another, everyone sees a conflagration in our future.
Can I kindly ask that you not use language like spazzes? I'm not big on political correctness as anyone who knows me knows, but spazz is a pejorative word used to describe people with disabilities like cerebral palsy. I happen to have a sister with cerebral palsy, and yes, that word and others have been used to describe her, to put her down, to belittle her, to dismiss her, even though she is a Ph.D. and teaches at a state university. Yet that is not what people see when they see her. They don't see her mind, they don't see her ability, she is simply one of those "spazzes" you dismiss. It is because of attitudes like yours, language like yours, that she has to battle EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY OF HER LIFE for the simple human dignity that you and I take for granted. There are other, better, ways of expressing what you said, without feeding into existing prejudices against people with disabilities.
Spazz spazz spazz.
I can barely express how sick I am of being told to change which words I use for the sake of someone's feelings.
Someone tried to force me not to use “moron” because psychologists stole it and it hurts people’s feelings. Moron, moron, moron.
In this our Plague Era "moron" has become my favorite word. Feels so good on the tongue.
Did they steal "dumbasses"? I really like using "dumbasses" and I do it to hurt their feelings because they are dumbasses and I don't care about their feelings.
Didn’t Trump just call Biden an idiot in a speech? LOL
The person who tried to stop you from using "moron" is an idiot.
and don't forget the creeping cretinism.. Me thinks a lot of people need to watch Blazing Saddles (uncleaned up and censored), where "Jim" tells Sheriff Bart: These are people of the land, you know, morons." Maybe a few George Carlin videos on soft language as well. "cripples are differently abled."
I think the kid is hoping to be a professional leg-puller but he ain't quite got the voice down yet. [encountered him before]
Maybe it's actually AI intending to enforce political correctness here.
Nah TAM is a good person.
But I hate to say I agree with you on the usage of words.
AI would be a little sleeker.
I love you
I vote this down. What they are talking about is far more important than the issue you are talking about, and not to be rude, but it seems ironic that you sound like a spaz here. What an offensive comment you made.
Let's talk about this a minute. Let's talk about what is a spaz here? A human being or someone that's less than human? Someone whose opinions are respected or someone whose opinions don't mean a shit? I sound like a spaz--what are you saying about me, about people like me? Yes, I am going to push this. Yes I am calling you out. Yes I am going to make you come out in the open and admit your prejudice towards people like me and like my sister. Come on, I am waiting. Tell me, what is a spaz. Tell me WHY spazzes are of lesser value. You are calling me a spaz and openly so. Ok, stop hiding. Stop being a coward. Tell me, tell the world, exactly what you think of spazzes and WHY you think the way you do.
It’s entirely based on the way you’re behaving, And you’re inability to focus on the much much much larger topic at hand. Don’t explain why you’re behaving like a spaz. There’s no evidence that you care about people more than anyone else here. You’re providing all the evidence. Go talk to somebody else about your “issue”.
Kindly think why I used it.
I do not know why you used it. All I know is how it impacts someone who is close to me. If you cannot understand that, then I guess that there is no way that we can communicate. You would not use a racial slur, would you? Then don't use an ablelist slur--and that is exactly what it is. Yes, I found that term EXTREMELY, and unecessarily, offensive. The fact that you do not tells me 1) you yourself do not have a visible physical disability that others would categorize as "spazz" or "spastic" and that you do not have anyone in your family or anyone that you care about that likewise has such a disability. I'm asking for a bit of sensitivity and compassion here, is that asking too much?
That your sister has achieved a Ph.D., attests to her ability to deal with and fly above pejorative comments, whether aimed at her, or made in jest and not pointing to her cerebral palsy. She deserves great credit, as well for not taking on the added burden of others feeling offended "for her sake."
*Has* he a handicapped sister though? Substack is full of fabulizers.
For all anyone knows I might be an excellent fairy!
This parody act of yours, kid, it's getting a little tired now.
Just stop. This whole conversation is retarded...;)
And your bigotry towards people with disabilities is showing. BIG TIME. Otherwise you would not call my objection a parody act. Well, I do not care to discuss ANYTHING further with someone who is as prejudiced as you. And yes, I AM calling you out on it. As for the people who supported me with your likes, THANK YOU. THANK YOU.
Apparently you didn't notice that the previous post from Brad used that term and SCA was only using it in response to Brad's comment. No criticism of Brad???
I didn't see it otherwise I would have called it out.
Ah, but apparently you ARE big on political correctness! One of those free speech advocates who have exceptions for others’ rights of free speech. Ever heard of the “sticks and stones” argument, the universal rhyme that even children used to live by? Surely your accomplished sister is strong enough to ignore the word choice of people she doesn’t know and will never meet. Over the years we’ve been told we can’t say “cripple,” “idiot,” “moron,” “fat,” “colored, “Pollock,” and “oriental.” Because feelings. Maybe we all need to get tough and realize that the world doesn’t revolve around us.
Get a life.
They keep using the word “journalist”… it doesn’t mean what they think it means. The word they should use is “propagandist”.
When someone tells you something, and then you find out they were wrong, and then they tell something else and you find out they were wrong again, and again and again, then it is obvious they are lying to you. They've been wrong over and over on their climate scare stories. These same people tell you that you can't use a gas weedwhacker that uses less than a gallon of gas a year, yet they fly to their climate summits on private jets. Disgusting! I detest the liars. If they really believed in themselves they would stay at home and have Zoom meetings instead.
Rules for THEE, but not for me… “We are much too important for rules like that!” (Said using a haughty voice with nose in the air…) 🙄
So I am totally in agreement with you, but I will say electric weedwhackers are one of the few places where electric is actually better than gas in my experience. I got sick of dealing with my two stroke that never wanted to start at the beginning of the season so I picked up one of the milwuakees since I already had several M18 batteries and it is much more pleasant to use, no more pull start that has to be pulled 10 times to get it to fire, no more rebuilding carbs or replacing spark plugs, no more mixing two stroke oil, I can talk to people while using it and run it early or late without annoying my neighbors, it doesn't have to idle at all, it accelerates much more quickly than my old echo, it seems to have more torque, and it's lighter. They should never be mandated, but I would be surprised if electrics don't come to dominate that market organically.
Totally agree. Had the same experience with 2 cycle engines and bought electric weedwhacker and two batteries 2 years ago.
If they really believed in themselves, they would commit mass suicide, a la Jonestown, to save the planet! Well, at least one can hope.
When the economic history of the late 20th and early 21st Century is (honestly) written, “climate” will go down as the biggest economic and scientific fraud in the history of man.
I dunno, the campaign to inject every human on earth with toxic slime for the profits of Pfizer and Moderna is perhaps a bigger scientific fraud.
And what they did to children!
The children that survive the death jabs are going to be more than a little bit pissed as they get older and realize what was done to them.
Agree. But i think it has an even more profound effect on our future.
The most disgusting part of the c19 abomination is that they taught children to associate others with death and disease.
That never ends well. There's nothing so dangerous.
It's mind boggling people couldn't comprehend this...even when provided unassailable historical proof.
And the masking that set them way back during critical formative years.
My wife is a 3rd grade teacher and now has to deal with the damage from those satanic masks. It's a big deal, and worthy of prosecution in itself.
Bingo. Visceral disgust.
But only with blessing (and backroom payouts) to FDA and other high placed govt whores. Remember, FDA’s job is to prove efficacy for all before given their “blessing”. If anyone thinks the drug companies are solely negligent they must be wearing their fauci mask in a different place. Of course, big gov loves (Warren, sanders, Schumer, Biden anybody?) the distraction of blame the pharmaceutical companies- you know, those evil capitalist pigs get from gullible public.
If you believe pharma is alone in this medical experiment, you must, therefore believe in the sanctity of Clinate Change worship.
Come on, I expect more intellect from this group!
Of course the FDA is just another marketing arm of Pfizer. You can tell by the circulation of people like Scott Gottlieb.
True, ain’t just Pfizer!!!
They're basically the same fraud.
same cabal. same agenda.
You know why they don't have Climate Change Activists in China?
Because they're already Marxist.
Or disappeared.
🤔 So you're saying they're Biden voters?
🤣 🎯 job done.
After Covid.
downloaded the piece. Thanks! Also saw the climate hoax film, made with 150 or so real scientists, one of them Willy Soon. Great job, that, too.
Among other things, I collect cookbooks, not just any cookbooks but those that deal with a particular culture or historical era. My most recent acquisition is "Eating With the Tudors". What I found most interesting was its discussion of the "sumptuary laws". Yes, even back then, there were laws governing what people could wear and what they could eat, supposedly to level the playing field, but in reality benefiting the rich. I look at all this "green" stuff as just another version of "sumptuary laws". By making people go out and buy all new stuff--which most of us can't afford--it showcases who is well off and who is not, just like the original "sumptuary laws" did back in Medieval/Renaissance times. I recall a conversation with one of these advocates who wants everyone to have solar panels on their roofs, EV's in their garage, and induction stoves in their kitchens, and I pointed out that that was putting an undue burden on poorer people. I think I may have opened her eyes--some. Just as the original "sumptuary laws" made it very clear who was rich and who was not, these new mandates are further dividing us to a degree way beyond what was going on back in Tudor days.
Actually sumptuary laws were to separate classes, wealth was the problem. The aristocracy seethed when low-born wealthy merchants could afford to dress better than them. Pretty soon, they thought, peasants won't be able to tell a wealthy merchant from a true nobleman, hence, sumptuary laws. But you have a point about costs. The solar panels, EVs, and induction stoves all require a substantial capital investment, and that's not the end, as these items reach the end of their life cycles they will need to be replaced. Here's the best one - a heat pump hot water heater. So while you're AC is pumping heat from inside to outside, the water heater is pumping heat from outside to your water heater inside. Just like a heat pump is useless when it's under 30 degrees outside, now your hot water heater will be useless too.
"your hot water heater will be useless too."
Well, at least it won't cost much to run!
Ha! a heat pump running in suboptimal conditions will just keep running, but not do much heating. It's a function of thermodynamics. Using a natural gas hot water heater is the most efficient way to heat water (or air for that matter) when it gets below freezing outside.
*The First Law of Thermodynamics has entered the chat*
Now you know it's serious, now you know.
Gonna be hot in Boston this week, 90 degrees end of June. A heat wave!! In summer! Meanwhile it is snowing in Montana. In summer! Climate change! Reservoirs are full in the west. Feds want to shut off water during growing season in Idaho. They lie and they hate you.
Agree 100%
This is what happens when you stop expecting the Spanish Inquisition. It will get you any way it can...
Now we must ask what kind of morons *don't* expect summers to be hot and hurricane season full of hurricanes, and if you're such a dolt that you buy/build really expensive houses right on the beach, well...
Anyway thank God you ain't never gonna run out of topics to shred to pieces with them fine claws you got. The Plague Era was just the start.
Global warming, now Climate Change because warming, meh, is a great coup. Something really big, really nasty, practically invisible and scary as all get out brings out the kooks, the grifters, and the wallets. It's quite something actually. Got to give them all credit for fleecing the world.
No shit and they're angry about something 95% of them have never even researched
But they know Ryan, they just KNOW!
Good start gato. Thank you.
I recently watched a video that taught about all of the world-changing inventions and innovations that have been suppressed because of greedy corporations. It's not about the climate or the wellbeing of the planet. It's about a small group of evil people with a God complex with too much time and money on their hands and a hatred of humanity.
You mean like Bill Ghate$?
Yes, exactly. Him and all of his Epstein Island friends who believe torturing and probably killing other human beings is a fun vacation activity.
Same with the medical complex pushing their poison in lieu of good health practices. I mean, come on, where's the money in that? I hate them all.
Why Files?? Loved that video!!!
What is the video. Link if possible. Thanks
I couldn't get it to link, but it's on Youtube on "The Why Files" and the title of the episode is called "Killer Patents and Secret Science Vol. 1--Free Energy and Anti-Gravity Coverups". Hope that helps. It's a good video.
thank you Nicol, I'll go find it. Interests me how much has been suppressed and shelved.
My favorite longshoreman said - “First something is a great idea, then it becomes a cause, then it becomes a business and finally it becomes a racket.”
— Eric Hoffer
Government, Religion, Politics, Culture, Education, Military, Medicine, Economics etc etc - go ahead, name just one institution that hasn't followed that pattern. It's literally inevitable - - and it all happens under our watch!
And - inevitably - they all collapse......why?
Here's Ms. Whitemarsh's twitter handle: @lwhitmarsh
I think it would be nice to share this with her. Don't you?
When you share to X, just copy and paste.
Meow, we are being driven to a great big CATaclysm. Thanks Brandon!
Climademic Clampdowns are coming...
"Two Weeks To Flatten the Hockey Stick"
That's pucked up! I could do.
*drops gloves*
Not without a Clash...
"What are we gonna do now?
Taking off his turban, they said, is this man a Jew?
'Cause they're working for the clampdown
They put up a poster saying we earn more than you!
When we're working for the clampdown
We will teach our twisted speech
To the young believers
We will train our blue-eyed men
To be young believers
The judge said five to ten-but I say double that again
I'm not working for the clampdown
No man born with a living soul
Can be working for the clampdown
Kick over the wall 'cause government's to fall
How can you refuse it?
Let fury have the hour, anger can be power
D'you know that you can use it?
The voices in your head are calling
Stop wasting your time, there's nothing coming
Only a fool would think someone could save you
The men at the factory are old and cunning
You don't owe nothing, so boy get runnin'
It's the best years of your life they want to steal
You grow up and you calm down
You're working for the clampdown
You start wearing the blue and brown
You're working for the clampdown
So you got someone to boss around
It makes you feel big now
You drift until you brutalize
Make your first kill now
In these days of evil Presidentes
Working for the clampdown
But lately one or two has fully paid their due
For working for the clampdown
Ha! Gitalong! Gitalong! (working for the clampdown)
Ha! Gitalong! Gitalong! (working for the clampdown)
Yeah I'm working in Harrisburg
Working hard in Petersburg (working for the clampdown, working for the clampdown)
Ha! Gitalong! Gitalong!
Beggin' to be melted down
And I'll give away no secrets"
It's eerie right?!
Top 5 albums ever