with elon musk purportedly getting ready to close the twitter deal, there are a lot of hot takes floating around and it really does expose the bifurcations in perception.
imagine seeing this as a feature loss.

because when i look at this, all i see is:
and watching the baby birds squall in the nest really tells you everything you need to know about the culture there.

but, despite being all the rage these days, this does not seem a terribly viable strategy:
it’s an odd rear guard action by some tiny group of isolated troops long forgotten on some island and unaware that the war was lost years ago.
and that simply will not do.
atoll. (sorry)
they think they are this:
but the reality is just dean wormer 2022:
and new management seems poised to agree.
and perhaps old accounts long banished may be of some help in the transition
because make no mistake:
reclaiming the public square for the public and ending the concerted programs of censorship and shaping that have come to dominate them is one of the most important issues of our time.
is elon musk the unlikely savior to start this ball rolling?
time gonna tell on that one.
but he may actually be one of the few in america that are simply too big to cancel. and that may be exactly what we need right now to crack this informational integument wide open and i think getting a taste of the wokester war machine pointed at him has engendered both perspective and perhaps awakened principle.
and many of the ideas he’s discussed have been very good ones.
and if one may know a man’s vices by his friends and his virtues from his enemies, then mayhap there is some real virtue here.
as el muskrat is certainly making all the correct people angry.
and there is just no way he could even be 5% as toxic as the outgoing crew.
will certain notable decatformings be remedied in coming days?
i have no idea (but cautious hope).
this will not take me off substack. this is home now.
but it will increase our reach and perhaps best put us back in the every sided open fray of interactive debate that makes us all sharper.
and you know me, always here to help…
Content Moderation = Censorship
"Content Moderation will suffer."
Enough said?
Frankly, even if this isn’t the beginning of less censorship on Twitter, it’s worth all the liberal tears and tantrums to see Musk take ownership! Absolutely loving it!