pro-vaxxer. noun. 1. a person whose totalitarian tendencies are given expression through vaccine mandates without regard to efficacy or harm caused.

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When my wife and I made the decision to not vaccinate our daughter against anything, we used a rational risk/benefit approach…we’re not religious in any way. She’s 18 now…our 18 year collection of data from this one anecdotal case told us it’s been the best parenting decision we made. She’s 18 so now its her decision now. That’s how it works.

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What's the word for people like myself that don't give a damn what other people do as long as they leave me the hell alone? That's my stance with pretty much everything (except the obvious like murder, rape etc). Do whatever the hell you want, just leave me out of it and don't demand that others participate in what you are doing if they don't want to. I may be over-simplifying it, but I think a society where people just mind their own business would be awesome. I'm kinda pro-everything? Or anti-almost-nothing?

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I noticed this perversion of words quite awhile ago. I started collecting old dictionaries from second hand bookstores.

Also I rarely reply to anything on twitter but the whole seat belt argument irritates me so lately anytime someone uses it I simply respond with ‘one is a behavior modification the other an irreversible medical procedure.’ For some reason no one responds to that 😆

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Well though I love practically every post here, this one I disagree with, regarding a comment that was made in it about the MMR vaxx. Many of the childhood vaccines ‘on the schedule’ are harmful. Why does the childhood vaccine schedule have 72 vaccines in 16 doses from birth to age five? It’s another Big Pharma scam to make $$$, create illness, then create new drugs to treat the illnesses, caused by their vaccines.

Before I even started following the harmful effects of this EUA injection, in March of 2020 I took a deep dive into Childhood vaccinations and the harm they cause. Why do over 50% of today’s children suffer from issues, like childhood diabetes, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorders, childhood cancers, food allergies (peanut especially), auto immune diseases, etc. These childhood vaxxes are directly related to these problems. When I was growing up in the 50’s and 60’s we had a total of 3 vaccinations. We all got the measles, mumps and chicken pox…and we did not die! (Actually we got lifetime immunity from getting them.)

Just listen to any podcasts or videos by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, who has been treating vaccine injured children for years, and Dr. Larry Palevsky, a pediatrician who treats the same kids! You will see that the MMR Vaxx is not a ‘good and effective’ vax. Also, ask any Mom that has a ‘vaccine injured’ child if their kid was perfectly healthy and then bam got the MMR shot or any other shot on the ‘schedule’ and their child was never the same. These childhood vaxxes are just as bad as these MRNA experimental Covid Jabs are! So I beg to differ with you on that one dear kitty! 🧐

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A company I used to work for had a technical editor who was a real language nerd. Anyway, he showed me a book that was published on a regular basis that contained words that were under consideration for being added to dictionaries. The language community would discuss and evaluate these words and eventually they might, or might not be included. Some of the criteria they used was whether the word was a “fad”, or if it had a fairly consistent use or definition. I find it interesting that this process of thoughtfully considering when to alter the official language has been tossed aside in the name of advancing political agendas.

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The deep confusion displayed by Andrew Neil is very interesting to me. The exact same confusion cropped up in a discussion with a friend the other day. Both men are highly intelligent (or would typically be considered as such). There's something about this topic that just kill's people's ability to reason logically stone dead. I'd love to know what exactly it is. Neither Neil nor my friend are exactly leftists, so it's not enough to say it's political ideology.

In both cases the confusion started with "unvaccinated people aren't safe to be around" and when you ask why they believe that if the vaccines work, they just start to look really confused. Then they say "but herd immunity" (this was literally the wording my friend used), and again, when you point out that herd immunity only matters for people who *don't* take a vaccine, the confusion gets even greater. Then maybe they start talking about hospital capacity, which I think has turned into the official line because it seems to take away this sort of confusion, but then you say "but vaccine passports don't change hospital load because the virus is everywhere anyway and the vaccinated spread it" and they just give up - or admit that it's about coercion, but then they have to admit governments are all lying and if they're lying, why do you trust them about vaccines again?

This is what we get for tolerating years of social conditioning to treat "anti vaxxer" as a synonym for crazy person. People switch their brains off, perhaps in fear that if their brains start working they'll find themselves in the wrong tribe and that would be terrible. Clearly, claims by said "anti vaxxers" need to be re-evaluated now - we're all getting a real time lesson in the extreme mendacity that appears to characterize this space.

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Language AND the money. I've read that about 30% of the population in general is not going along with the narrative. I may be late to post this, but I've told everyone I know that I'm not doing Christmas this year. I've told them it's specifically because of the vaccine mandates. Those people, mainly my family, are angry at me anyway for not blindly following the narrative, so they're not going to buy Christmas presents for me either. Now maybe I'm the only person doing this, but if a certain percentage did the same, it could make a huge economic dent. It's not just me not buying anything for Christmas, but the people who got their vaccines who are mad at me are not buying presents for me. Even if 1/3 of the 30% did what I'm doing, that could make a huge impact in the economy. Just a thought.

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Growing up in the seventies and eighties the term white supremacist had a very narrow meaning. Today it means basically anyone who is white.

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"anti vaxxer...is an electric fence erected around vaccines by zealots to keep out honest inquiry by rational people on safety and efficacy, as well as on mandates, coercion, data, and personal freedom.It's time to rip this fence down, walk in, and stand your ground." -

I kept this quote from twitter ( sorry I dont have the credit but not mine)

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The song remains the same:

"We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain."

~ Frederic Bastiat

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Even MMR needs to be a choice. Some of us actually do oppse fetal cell line us in medications and vaccinations.

The Mumps component is awful. It doesn't produce immunity. BIL has had 3 MMRs and still have no antibodies to mumps.

Denmark doesn't give MMR at the same time as aluminum-containting vaccines. The US schedule is horrific.

The measles is easily treated with Vitamins A and C.

We have no idea how important it is to stimulate the immune system with childhood illnesses. We've robbed children of this chance. Children and adults are not getting healthier as the the number doses increases. Why must one trade a week of illness for chronic illness?

No, thanks. We passed on MMR.

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I am a retired RN, and was increasingly skeptical of vaccines prior to COVID. As more and more of my nurse friends suffered vaccine related injuries to flu shots, as fully vaccinated patients were admitted with influenza -- my skepticism grew. I took care of an HIV+ patient who had Guillain Barre syndrome following a flu shot. I printed out the VAERS paperwork and placed it on the front of the patient's chart for his attending doctor to complete. His attending was an infectious disease specialist since the patient was HIV+. The paperwork stayed on his chart -- uncompleted -- until the patient left our unit.

The problems with ineffective vaccines, manipulated health statistics, unreported vaccine injuries and coercion of medical professionals to take vaccines has been going on for years -- it is just amplified with the COVID panic. Call me an anti-vaxxer. I wear the label proudly.

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Just including anti- or un- is defining someone as against or lacking in something. I keep telling people “stop saying I’m not an anti-vaxxer, but…” because the way it has been used and defines if you even dare to have a thought in your head about it you are one. Own it. It is very uncomfortable for people who question the narrative to suddenly have a label slapped on them to discredit them. Vaccine hesitant is one of the more condescending ones - yeah you’re hesitant but you’ll see the “right” way eventually. We’ll pretend to empathize with you foe a few minutes until you do. What if we define it ourselves - vaccine thoughtful, vaccine free.

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Well, I spent 20+ years in the cult of the left until they gave me a hard shove to the right with the word "cisgender." I'm optimistic that changing the definition of "anti-vaxxer" is going to have similar results.

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1. The battle of ideas begins with the definition of words (John Stonestreet)

2. When words lose their meaning, people lose their liberty (Confucius)

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