pro-vaxxer. noun. 1. a person whose totalitarian tendencies are given expression through vaccine mandates without regard to efficacy or harm caused.

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When my wife and I made the decision to not vaccinate our daughter against anything, we used a rational risk/benefit approach…we’re not religious in any way. She’s 18 now…our 18 year collection of data from this one anecdotal case told us it’s been the best parenting decision we made. She’s 18 so now its her decision now. That’s how it works.

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And hopefully your daughter will make the same wise decisions going forward in her life. Sadly I know some parents that did not vaccinate their children, and then one of them did elect to get the EUA Jab and suffered the consequences…a very healthy young person prior to the Getting The Jab, now not so much anymore. 😿

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See my post above about childhood vaccinations.

BIG congratulations to you and you wife for not vaccinating your daughter! She’s likely a very healthy 18 year old young lady, from your very wise decision years ago!🙏❤️

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Much is made about how vaccination has helped reduce serious cases in deaths in various diseases. Polio is often used as the poster child, and the evidence is it is rare in developed Countries with high vaccination levels. True. But is it the whole truth?

How many people know that the Polio virus is a virus of the gut where it is harmless? Most - the majority - get it and don’t know. It is only harmful if it migrates through the gut wall and becomes systemic lodging in the muscles where it causes damage to tissue. Even then most people survive with little untoward consequences.

So how is Polio transmitted? In the fæces. Recently in Africa, there was an outbreak of Polio infection immediately following a local Polio vaccination programme in children using oral vaccines. Why? Live virus was used and of course was excreted from the body in fæces.

So I leave you with this question. What has contributed most to the (near total) eradication of disease like Polio, Measles, Mumps, TB, etc in developed Countries, vaccination or improved hygiene and sanitation?

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Hygiene & Sanitation…The ‘vaxxes’ have poisoned people and given them new conditions and diseases which make them a captive customer of Big Pharma and The Industrial Medical Healthcare Complex…The EUA Experimental Injection that people refer to as the ‘Covid Vaxxine’ and it’s attendant ‘Booster vaxxines’ will do the same thing. Cause the ‘vaxxinated’ to be lifetime customers of the above mentioned companies & system for however long they live! 😿😾

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What do you guys think about vaccinating pets?

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Don’t believe in them! The Veterinary World is just as bad as The Industrial Medical Healthcare Delivery System! They push the s**t out of the animal vaxxes! I had my dog vaxxed for the puppy shots then never again. I even quit the rabies shots! (As they were only required to license a dog on the City where I live.)

She’s 15 and never had any of the ‘diseases’ they vaccinated her for. She’ll go cause she’s old! And my next dog I won’t vaccinate either! (You can do a blood titer test on both people and animals. This test looks at the antibody levels of the vaccines in the body and if they are high no need to re-vaccinate!)

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I agree -by analogy- that pet vax's are as useless and dangerous as human's. I even suspect this is what's behind the tales of pet cancer. The thing is I have never seen studies or "experts" on the topic. I wonder if you have.

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No I have not seen any studies…but I don’t need studies or any “experts” to shore up or back up my thinking…as a person that rarely if ever used the Industrial Medical Healthcare Complex for my healthcare needs I always sought out holistic/alternative/ integrative healthcare practitioners for my healthcare needs.

So it wasn’t a big stretch when I got my dog 15 years ago (this Christmas) to go the holistic veterinary care route for her as well. I don’t feed her commercial food and she only takes herbs. Supplements and CBD oils for her old age conditions now! No pharmaceuticals!

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Only takes herbs? Wow! We have this joke in the family, "if Keren was big, she would eat us in our sleep!"

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What's the word for people like myself that don't give a damn what other people do as long as they leave me the hell alone? That's my stance with pretty much everything (except the obvious like murder, rape etc). Do whatever the hell you want, just leave me out of it and don't demand that others participate in what you are doing if they don't want to. I may be over-simplifying it, but I think a society where people just mind their own business would be awesome. I'm kinda pro-everything? Or anti-almost-nothing?

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Welcome to the libertarians, you'll be getting your decoder ring in the mail soon.

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wait, isn't that the nasty, brutal people who oppress others by (gasp) "leaving them alone"?

sounds like a pretty dangerous bunch!

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LOL. I refuse to put a letter behind my name. But thank you. I've been of that mind set pretty much my whole life.

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Just because you're a libertarian doesn't mean you have to be Libertarian. In fact, it's better if you're ashamed and embarrassed of the Libertarian politicians.

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exactly that.

small l libertarian is a lion.

capital L Libertarian is an endless train of sad clowns mumbling to themselves.

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"Libertarian politician" is an oxymoron.

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You don’t seem the type to take to slogans either. But this one comes to mind: “Don’t tread on me.”

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That is why I live alone in the boonies. If I want to see people I invite them. A select few who need my help now and then are welcome to make an appointment. Or we meet on neutral ground LOL. I feel totally happy with my animals. They are much easier to get along with than most humans.

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Ah, yes! A hermitarian. I come from a long line of them and am yearning to join their ranks. It is becoming an imperative as I age. Do you think we could form a community of them? We could all just studiously ignore each other, but know we're not alone! 😄

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I used to have more, but now am down to a couple of these friends. We used to check on each other every few days, to make sure we are alive (and our animals fed). Now it is just a looser group, but still nice.

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Hope to be joining tour ranks soon. Just came from looking at a piece of land. Another one-- even further out -- to look at the next bout of clear weather. When I've got a few prospects lined up just before the spring my place here ob the too crowded coast goes up for sale....

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I’m moving to your way of living in the not so distant future!

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Great idea ! Wishing you the best !

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Thank you…maybe not total ‘boonies’ but out of the city to a more rural setting!

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like this "“The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of “Men who wanted to be left Alone”.

They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.

They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it.

They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over.

The moment the “Men who wanted to be left Alone” are forced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. . . .

Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these “Men who wanted to be left Alone”, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at the Left’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy . . . . but it will fall upon deaf ears.“"

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The word? Tolerant.

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I noticed this perversion of words quite awhile ago. I started collecting old dictionaries from second hand bookstores.

Also I rarely reply to anything on twitter but the whole seat belt argument irritates me so lately anytime someone uses it I simply respond with ‘one is a behavior modification the other an irreversible medical procedure.’ For some reason no one responds to that 😆

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Seatbelt example. Graphs are produced showing fall off in deaths after introduction. They look impressive unless you move the timeline back to 1945 when a steep, continual drop in in-car deaths is observed, despite increase in number of vehicles and miles driven. Nobody knows why.

The apparent impressive drop-off with the introduction of seat belts is just the tail end of that trend, selective use of the data. And if you extend the curve further beyond the immediate period after seat belt mandates, the curve flattens and then increases slightly.

In other words, from the data it is unclear how many lives were saved by seatbelts. We do know - but not widely publicised - that it caused an increase in death and injury to back seat passengers requiring back seat seat-belt mandate.

So we can say that if some front seat lives were saved, this was at the expense of back seat lives.

Data now shows that as in-car deaths have reduced, deaths of other road users has increased. So the total deaths from RTAs has not substantially altered - unless you carefully select the data, scale of the graph, and start and end-points - the risk has been moved from inside to outside the car.

Those famous ‘unintended consequences’.

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Thanks for the info!

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Which proves again that statistics can tell almost anything you want if you manipulate a bit

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exactly how they did the measles vaccine claim

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very interesting information

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LIke comparing house cats to lions

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OMG THIS! It drives me nuts!! Same with face masks actually. I didn't have a problem with them at first because it's on my body not in my body. Big difference. But when I realized they are harmful and worse, a tool for vaccine blackmail, I became an anti-masker.

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Not just for vaccine blackmail - they are mostly a tool to remind you to be afraid (the British, who used behavioural psych teams to optimise the population’s fear throughout the pandemic through ‘nudges’ have admitted that - see Laura Dodsworth). I think they also function to make you feel more isolated too.

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I became an anti-masker by putting one on

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Well though I love practically every post here, this one I disagree with, regarding a comment that was made in it about the MMR vaxx. Many of the childhood vaccines ‘on the schedule’ are harmful. Why does the childhood vaccine schedule have 72 vaccines in 16 doses from birth to age five? It’s another Big Pharma scam to make $$$, create illness, then create new drugs to treat the illnesses, caused by their vaccines.

Before I even started following the harmful effects of this EUA injection, in March of 2020 I took a deep dive into Childhood vaccinations and the harm they cause. Why do over 50% of today’s children suffer from issues, like childhood diabetes, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorders, childhood cancers, food allergies (peanut especially), auto immune diseases, etc. These childhood vaxxes are directly related to these problems. When I was growing up in the 50’s and 60’s we had a total of 3 vaccinations. We all got the measles, mumps and chicken pox…and we did not die! (Actually we got lifetime immunity from getting them.)

Just listen to any podcasts or videos by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, who has been treating vaccine injured children for years, and Dr. Larry Palevsky, a pediatrician who treats the same kids! You will see that the MMR Vaxx is not a ‘good and effective’ vax. Also, ask any Mom that has a ‘vaccine injured’ child if their kid was perfectly healthy and then bam got the MMR shot or any other shot on the ‘schedule’ and their child was never the same. These childhood vaxxes are just as bad as these MRNA experimental Covid Jabs are! So I beg to differ with you on that one dear kitty! 🧐

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there may be a great deal of merit to this argument. Even before covid started americans have seen a massive increase in chronic health conditions like food allergies and chronic inflammatory conditions. This also happens to be the period during which Fauci was the head of the NIAID. Im not by any means implying that Fauci and that group did this on purpose but by every metric Fauci and the NIAID is a failure because Americans are far LESS healthy now then when he took over the agency. THey suffer from MORE of the very problems that Fauci and his group were supposed to cure and mitigate

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Yeah, I'd bet most people don't know the name is the Centers for Disease Control *AND PREVENTION*.

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thats right by every metric Fauci and the NIAID are failures. and that was even before COVID.

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absolutely agree. thank you for saying it. Anyone who wants to openly look can see.

I recommend Vaxxed2 the parent interviews as an easy to access powerful course in antibullshit.

It can be seen for free on the childrens health defense website.

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That is how RFK Jr. came to start Children’s Health Defense…a Mom with a vaccine injured child showed up on his doorstep on Martha’s Vineyard with a huge stack of papers about her child and the harm

the ‘childhood’ vaccines had done to the child. Prior to that he was pretty much focused on environmental issues and fighting the big chemical companies. But after reading those papers he knew he had to do something about all these ‘vaccine injured’ children! These children have suffered in greater numbers than the Vaccine injured from the EUA

experimental Jab! And now they want to go after kids with it! Big Pharma & Fauci won’t quit!😾

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Saw the film, heard Kennedy tell his story. Before I thought at least a few vaccines were worth the while. In the meantime I am reading Dissolving Illusions by DR Suzanne Humphries, and am now antivaxxer indeed. There is also e sequel from the Vaxxed movie, where the team drives around in a bus visiting injured children and parents of deceased ones. Very moving indeed. No vaccine is safe and secure, and no vaccine has ever eradicated a sickness.

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That’s what I took a deep dive into last year…a series called Vaccines Revealed with Patrick Gentempo. (He has a new one out now about Covid & The VAX’s) That’s where I saw RFK Jr., Sherri Tenpenny, and others and ‘dove down that rabbit hole’, as they say!

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Today another book arrived, Death by Injection, Eustace Mullins. Book was written in 88 when the government started to mandate so many childhood shots. This man passed in 2010 but already knew where it was heading. Starting to read asap !

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I have "Confessions of a Medical Heretic" by Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D. from 1979 in which he states that it is plain to him that the MMR is causing autism.

It's an entertaining book which can be summarised as don't go near a doctor voluntarily and you'll be better off

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thanks for the rec! added to my list.

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One vaccine eradicated a sickness. Just 1. Smallpox killed 30%. The vax was not perfectly safe, but quite a bit better than the disease. Unfortunately that single success is probably what started the vax train rolling.

Most people don't understand that success can't be replicated because 1. There is no animal reservoir for smallpox, it is strictly human; 2. They had an effective, sterilizing vaccine; & 3. Smallpox apparently wasn't particularly mutagenic since it couldn't mutate its way around the vax over a decades-long program.

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and his new book must overturn the world, surely. They aren't going to pretend that millions haven't already read what he wrote there.

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I know I am wading through the Tony Fauci book by RFK Jr! It’s us very wordy and dense but so much information…but sadly I know that the people who should read it will never even go and get it! They don’t want to know how truly bad things have become under Dr. Faustus’ Watch!

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Just finished. The Covid section is great but the middle chapters on Faucci’s role in the AIDS period was eye opening. He’s pretty much following the same playbook developed in the 80’s and 90’s.

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Maybe I’ll skip some of the Covid stuff as I know most of what he writes about, and all the nefarious cast of Fauci and Friends! But I don’t know that much about how Fauci messed with and ‘created’ the AIDS crisis, and all his ‘Mengele like’ experiments he has supervised, (or funded) over his 50 year career at NIAID!

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"We all got the measles, mumps and chicken pox…and we did not die!"

Isn't that kinda like saying, "We all rode bikes and didn't wear helmets…and we did not die!" Well, no, you didn't. But plenty of kids did.

I think it's called selection bias. "Look at all of us who are alive - we didn't die!"

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Not necessarily. There was a point in time in which measles and mumps were no longer seen as dangerous, but simply a rite of passage, much as chicken pox remained until the late 90’s when they started pushing the vax. There used to even be clips from TV shows and commercials that reflected this cultural understanding on YouTube, but with their current agenda, may have been scrubbed).

Were there kids who got those diseases and got very sick and/or died? Yes, but much like there are kids now who get influenza and die - very, VERY rare in a healthy child, and no “flu shot” would have changed that. In the case of measles and mumps, it can easily be argued that the overall loss to a society from the damage done by vaccinating kids for measles and mumps - both including those who die after vaccination, and the quality of life lost by vaccine injury - vastly outweighs the loss of life from those diseases at the point we began vaccinating against them.

One could also note that it has been the *vaccinated* that have primarily been affected in recent measles outbreaks.

To be clear, the statement alone without data would be selection bias, but the data clear shows that the rates of death from those childhood diseases had already sharply decreased to very, very low before the vaccines were introduced. Suzanne Humphries’s “Dissolving Illusions” is an excellent source to check out.

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Better hygiene and sanitation is the key factor in preventing spread of disease and better health.

Without this, vaccines and medication have little value… see poor Countries in Africa and Asia.

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Yes! Risk versus benefit for most childhood vaccines does not weigh favorably for most children to receive the list of vaccines - I agree based on my research, too.

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Yes and remember the infamous measles ‘outbreak’ a few years back at Disneyland? Those cases were in vaccinated individuals! 🤦‍♀️

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there were "unvaccinated" kids and adults who were infected from the Disney Measles Mania in 2015, none died. There were also vaccinated kids. same outcome. The adults were "unvaccinated" because they either hadn't had the booster shot or couldn't recall if they'd gotten the jab. That outbreak was used to steamroll CA SB277, removing parental choice from the mandatory schedule for schools.

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Yes a total BS manipulation of the data to push through the evil agenda of Dr. Richard Pan!

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My 2016 book Mandatory Vaccinations = Totalitarian Inoculation covered that campaign in dept. I predicted the elimination of parental rights violating both federal and state constitutions, wouldn't arouse opposition until adults faced their own imminent loss of rights, using the same strategy as the CA campaign.

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And they blamed it on the unvaccinated.

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You are the second person mentioning the Suzanne Humphries book ‘Dissolving Illusions’ in this thread. 👍🏼

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it's an incredibly important read. Best way to get an overall understanding of the problem

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We didn’t die…equating the vaccines as a ‘prevention’ to these ‘dreaded’ childhood diseases, to riding a bike without a helmet is ludicrous. Oh and we rode bikes, skated in funky roller skates, rode skateboards & ‘dirt bikes’ out in the Southern CA desert and we did did not wear helmets or died.

The risks associated with these childhood vaxxes, far outweigh the benefits, IMO. The ‘childhood vaccine schedule’ is a total fabrication of BIG PHARMA who control The Industrial Medical Healthcare Complex, so totally and completely now, that there is little room in the way of questioning or investigation of their motives for creating this ‘schedule’.

In addition Big Pharma has the majority of the State Legislatures by the ‘cojones’ (as we say down here, where I hail from on the US Mexican border), with their heavy financial support of these legislators. Legislators who have pushed through legislation (as they did in the State of CA) to ban ANY type of exemption that would allow for parents who do not wish to vaccinate their kids, to send their child to a public and or private school in CA, without having finished the 72 vaxxes in 16 doses schedule! Don’t even get me going further on this issue! Your argument fails to address NADA!

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I didn't *equate* them. I simply pointed out that the *argument* - "We all got the measles, mumps and chicken pox…and we did not die!" - is a logical fallacy, or whatever selection bias is called. Because some people DID die from M M and CP...but they're not around to rebut your point.

I grew up when seat belts not only weren't common, many cars didn't even offer them. But I survived "when we were children and we rode around in cars and never wore a seat belt...and we did not die!" so what's the big deal with putting kids in seat belts and car seats these days?

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But plenty of kids still do, adults too.

It is very well recognised that as cars become safer for the driver - disc, anti-lock brakes, aur bags, seat belts, crumple zones, etc drivers have an over-perception of their safety and reduced risk, and drive less carefully. The result is more death and injury to other road users outside the car.

People now have an over-reliance on safety devices, so they assume they cannot get injured so need not take precautions. And when the safety device fails or there isn’t one, they are in trouble.

As kids we learned risk and danger by often painful trial and error, and how thus to manage and avoid.

Natural immunity always beats vaccination for a broader and cross-immunity.

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Absolutely agree! Have you heard of the traffic experiment conducted in the Netherlands? They removed all traffic signs and rules and it forced people to drive more consciously which didn't result in chaos and death, but the exact opposite! Not sure why it didn't lead to country wide policy change. Food for thought. I think people are too scared to live like this.

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Because there’s a lot of money in traffic signs/street furniture and it gives local Hitlers power over the plebs controlling their movement.

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Duh! Follow the money. Should have thought of that. Sometimes I still want to believe in benevolent government. It’s why I moved back here. Sigh.

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I don't think so. Because if you are doing a calculated risk/benefit analysis, then you are looking at: "50% of today’s children suffer from issues, like childhood diabetes, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorders, childhood cancers, food allergies (peanut especially), auto immune diseases, etc." VERSUS stats like (from https://www.cdc.gov/measles/downloads/measlesdataandstatsslideset.pdf)

"U.S. Measles Burden: Before 1963 Vaccine Development*

Each year, measles caused an estimated 3 to 4 million cases

• Close to 500,000 cases were reported annually to CDC, resulting in:

o 48,000 hospitalizations

o 1,000 cases with encephalitis (brain swelling)

o 400 to 500 deaths"

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Many of these deaths were in institutions where the first measles vaccine was tested. The conditions were appalling, nutrition horrible. Not sure about the encephalitis, but childhood vaccines routinely cause brain swelling and extremely high fevers.

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The calculated risk/benefit analysis is a different argument from "We all got the measles, mumps and chicken pox…and we did not die!"

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I think the risk-to-benefit analysis is to what Frontera Lupita is referring when she says "we did not die". My understanding of her statement is that we didn't need vaccines that might harm us because the vast majority of children are not harmed by these childhood illnesses. The risk-to-benefit ratio shows more risk than benefit.

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Okay going out on a personal limb here, but our daughter developed severe epilepsy 6 months after her second MMR. I had friends who questioned it, as did my hubby. I honestly could not confront this possibility and sided with the vaccine zealots that there was no connection, particularly because of the time lag. But at this point I am questioning too. Have you come across similar stories? I am a little afraid to dig deeper. But I have decided that my children will not be completing the rest of the schedule.

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I just want to commend your courage for coming out here and disclosing your child’s ‘vaccine injury’. Yes, these ‘vaccine injuries’ in children are very much a thing associated with the childhood vaccines, and my dear you are NOT ALONE in this area.

I took a deep dive into childhood vaccines and their attendant injuries, at the beginning of the Covid ‘lockdowns’ when I was home a lot more. That’s when I became aware of Childrens Health Defense and Barbara Loe Fisher and her site the National Vaccine Information Center, a non profit charity www.nvic.org. She “founded this organization with parents of vaccine injured children in 1982 to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through education” and has been involved in this ‘fight’ for a long time. (She has a ‘vaccine injured’ child.)

Also, two other reputable and knowledgeable sources that support this same premise are Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, an osteopathic medical doctor, board certified in nueromusculoskeletal medicine. She is “widely regarded as a knowledgeable and outspoken physician on the adverse effect that vaccines have on health”, and Dr. Larry Palevsky, a NY state licensed pediatrician, “who utilizes a holistic approach to children’s wellness and illness”. There are videos & podcasts of their talks with multiple sources out there. (Don’t look on YouTube or search on Google…you need to use Duck Duck Go or Brave search engines.) I found Dr. Tenpenny and Dr. Palevsky last year when I took my deep dive into these childhood vaccines. As I like to say “they know their s—t”!

Do not be afraid to “dig deeper”, and as well don’t blame yourself. You did not know and your child’s doctor did not give you any accurate information as to the ‘adverse health issues’ that these childhood vaccines could cause, and thus they did not give you sufficient and adequate information to allow you to have true ‘informed consent’ when making these decisions regarding your child and vaccines.

Sad to say, but the Industrial Medical Healthcare Delivery System is in the hands of Big Pharma, and have been for a LONG time. It’s ALL about the vaxxes and the drugs, not natural health or promoting a healthy and robust immune system. They damage your children, then you are beholden to them to try to fix what these vaxxes did to these kids.

It’s a vicious and complete circle, that they are perpetuating. But now you are on your way to being an ‘informed’ parent! Believe you me, there are thousands and millions of Moms just like you out there, that are dealing with these issues with their children. I have met a number of them even here where I live in So CA, who are now standing up and speaking out. I so bless you on your journey. 🙏🏻💓

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Apparently I swelled up and went bright red after the first MMR dose, so I was told not to get the seconds I didn’t get it till years later when I had to for uni, and then I was fine. I think many kids don’t have mature enough systems to handle a lot of these vaccines (or so many). I know I had colic, so that may suggest my gut and therefore immune system was immature.

I do have ADHD and other developmental issues (nothing overt, but after learning about child development I realised I have other areas that I never fully developed). No way of knowing for sure whether the MMR was linked

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A company I used to work for had a technical editor who was a real language nerd. Anyway, he showed me a book that was published on a regular basis that contained words that were under consideration for being added to dictionaries. The language community would discuss and evaluate these words and eventually they might, or might not be included. Some of the criteria they used was whether the word was a “fad”, or if it had a fairly consistent use or definition. I find it interesting that this process of thoughtfully considering when to alter the official language has been tossed aside in the name of advancing political agendas.

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Yes - there was an article in the Guardian (when it was still worth reading) a few years back about how the editors of the junior addition Mirriam-Webster dictionary had decided to drop words like acorn, magpie, buttercup, hedgehog, huckleberry - and replacing them with words such as broadband, chatroom, database - basically eliminating nature words from the dictionary - training little cyborgs to pay attention to their screens instead of the world around them.

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Oh that is so depressing.

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Tho it makes sense--I do have a Spanish/English dictionary from 1940s and so many of the words are WWII technical ones.

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along with every other part of civilised thought

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The process you are describing is the descriptivist tradition of lexicography: basing definitions on usage. It's looking like, when it comes to politically loaded terms, it's being replaced with prescriptivism.

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The deep confusion displayed by Andrew Neil is very interesting to me. The exact same confusion cropped up in a discussion with a friend the other day. Both men are highly intelligent (or would typically be considered as such). There's something about this topic that just kill's people's ability to reason logically stone dead. I'd love to know what exactly it is. Neither Neil nor my friend are exactly leftists, so it's not enough to say it's political ideology.

In both cases the confusion started with "unvaccinated people aren't safe to be around" and when you ask why they believe that if the vaccines work, they just start to look really confused. Then they say "but herd immunity" (this was literally the wording my friend used), and again, when you point out that herd immunity only matters for people who *don't* take a vaccine, the confusion gets even greater. Then maybe they start talking about hospital capacity, which I think has turned into the official line because it seems to take away this sort of confusion, but then you say "but vaccine passports don't change hospital load because the virus is everywhere anyway and the vaccinated spread it" and they just give up - or admit that it's about coercion, but then they have to admit governments are all lying and if they're lying, why do you trust them about vaccines again?

This is what we get for tolerating years of social conditioning to treat "anti vaxxer" as a synonym for crazy person. People switch their brains off, perhaps in fear that if their brains start working they'll find themselves in the wrong tribe and that would be terrible. Clearly, claims by said "anti vaxxers" need to be re-evaluated now - we're all getting a real time lesson in the extreme mendacity that appears to characterize this space.

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I just tell them I am proudly anti-vaxx, and they will be too as soon as they actually research it with a focus on the truth.

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even the bad cat will get there eventually. or quickly if he just opens his eyes https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/education/vaxxed2

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a total MUST see

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I have been anti-vcxx for thirty years, and am against mandatory inoculations as well. So that definition has caught up with me. Information overload (of fear of) is a major obstacle for parents to give informed consent. Trust the experts, even when they aren't, because the rabbit hole is way too deep and dark.

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I agree. I think we need to emphasize that herd immunity is only created by having individuals who have STERILIZING immunity and that viral spread and viral mutations can occur in any individual who does not sterilize the virus. This includes individuals who are both vaccinated and unvaccinated. Full stop.

Then we can go on to discuss the sterilization via the innate vs adaptive immune system and symptomatic vs asymptomatic etc.. but first things first.

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we could have treated early and covid could have been over by now.

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ugh but science and logic is hard! it might work in person, but I have yet to get anyone to understand these basic concepts online.

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Yes to all of that! Well stated. I have also reevaluated the "antivaxxers" and it's been an education. Happy to be labeled as such these days. Do your worst assholes.

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Language AND the money. I've read that about 30% of the population in general is not going along with the narrative. I may be late to post this, but I've told everyone I know that I'm not doing Christmas this year. I've told them it's specifically because of the vaccine mandates. Those people, mainly my family, are angry at me anyway for not blindly following the narrative, so they're not going to buy Christmas presents for me either. Now maybe I'm the only person doing this, but if a certain percentage did the same, it could make a huge economic dent. It's not just me not buying anything for Christmas, but the people who got their vaccines who are mad at me are not buying presents for me. Even if 1/3 of the 30% did what I'm doing, that could make a huge impact in the economy. Just a thought.

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Brilliant. I didn't do that, but my friends and loved ones are well aware that they may never see me again as long as they live because I will NOT play along with testing, masking and getting shot up for the privilege to travel or do anything else. Period. (some friends and family are disappointed, but others respect the fact that I will stand on my principles until the end)

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Same. I live abroad and I made sure to visit as many family as would see me this summer and made peace with the fact that I may never see them again if things get nuts. Even if I could bring myself to give in, I would never allow that for my kids, so then there's no point as I want them to come along as well. The American side can travel to see me as long as their vax is valid, but I have drawn a line in the sand.

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Maybe you gave yourself the greatest gift?

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And you know, if now you buy your own presents yourself, you always get what you want !

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I like the idea but I’m doing just the opposite. I’m making Christmas everything it should be. (My three kids thank me). We are going to Christmas parties, going caroling, etc. it’s been refreshing.

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Parties here have become unjabbed parties. A shame for those that were hoping to be invited but did not invite me because...

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This is what you get when politicians scapegoat. I want to be all "everyone is welcome!" but the truth is they don't even want to come. So we are de facto segregating without even meaning to. The birds of a feather thing is just human nature I'm afraid and apparently we need real moral leadership to overcome it. Hmm my comment was posted twice and then when I deleted one they both disappeared! Here it is again...

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I love your thought process. though I am sorry for the family drama dg. it's no fun. you might be better off and you might be feeling allright, but it's still a betrayal that hurts.

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Growing up in the seventies and eighties the term white supremacist had a very narrow meaning. Today it means basically anyone who is white.

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...or black and Republican.

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That’s right. The black face of white supremacy. Crazy!

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True. The term was intentionally hijacked by socialist academics and re-assigned attributes that were not consistent with the original meaning. Journalism does not have integrity, self-regulating, or shame in its cavalier use of terms. Journalism has become a prostitutes for attracting attention by the pimp paying for marketing a meme. There are few journalists who investigate and report evidence with a conscience for consequences.

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Paul Craig Roberts coined the perfect term for them, presstitutes! :~)

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Good point Pamela. I agree. They are "presstitutes" selling whatever the market is buying.

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"anti vaxxer...is an electric fence erected around vaccines by zealots to keep out honest inquiry by rational people on safety and efficacy, as well as on mandates, coercion, data, and personal freedom.It's time to rip this fence down, walk in, and stand your ground." -

I kept this quote from twitter ( sorry I dont have the credit but not mine)

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Fun fact, the term anti-vaxxer was created in 2005 by PhARMA specifically in response to RFK Jr. article "Deadly Immunity" in Rolling Stone that was also published in Salon. Salon pulled it in 2011 and Rolling Stone removed it from their site in 2020 to stand in solidarity with profiteers over an informed public. Archive copy https://web.archive.org/web/20060621141646/http://www.robertfkennedyjr.com/articles/2005_june_16.html

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Interesting. Thanks for the information.

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Always my pleasure, knowledge is power that multiplies when we pass it on, lucky us! :~)

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I bookmarked that same quote! 😀


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at least you have the credit info! thank you. It really is a perfect sentence.

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The song remains the same:

"We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain."

~ Frederic Bastiat

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Like how someone who votes D automatically cares more about the poor than someone who doesn't but gives to charity, volunteers, and/or helps friends and family in tough situations. I like it when they drag Bible verses into it as well. I don't think Jesus was preaching about government programs.

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Even MMR needs to be a choice. Some of us actually do oppse fetal cell line us in medications and vaccinations.

The Mumps component is awful. It doesn't produce immunity. BIL has had 3 MMRs and still have no antibodies to mumps.

Denmark doesn't give MMR at the same time as aluminum-containting vaccines. The US schedule is horrific.

The measles is easily treated with Vitamins A and C.

We have no idea how important it is to stimulate the immune system with childhood illnesses. We've robbed children of this chance. Children and adults are not getting healthier as the the number doses increases. Why must one trade a week of illness for chronic illness?

No, thanks. We passed on MMR.

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It should always be a choice period. I never caught varicella as a child despite multiple efforts (ie chicken pox parties). I received the vaccine as an adult (2 shots) and no antibody. So Kaiser convinced me to doing it again. Another 2 shots. Results? Not. A. Single. Antibody.

Now my kids had one mmr separate from other vaccines and luckily have good antibodies to all three components. Varicella? Again, it did not work for them either.

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In CA it is not a ‘choice’ in any way whatsoever…if you want to send your child to a public or private school you must vaccinate your child with the 16 doses of 72 vaxxes prior to entering kindergarten! There are absolutely NO exemptions allowed here!!! That is not Choice in my book! The only way around it is to homeschool your kids…and the way things are here now in CA with our tyrannical governor and never ending ‘mandates’, masking of kids for in

Person school and pushing the Covid vaxx on kids, more parents are bailing from the public & private schooling systems and opting to educate their kids away from their influences, requirements and mandates!!!

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I hope this ends of being a win win!!

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Well reasoned! I will remember this line about robbing children of their chance to stimulate immune systems.

I find myself thinking often about a US Military operation (which I have been too lazy to look up) studying the superior immunity of street urchins in India who are so well armed as to be more indestructible than a majority of US soldiers. They wanted to figure out how to bottle it up and inject it. Fat chance! But it does say something about how to achieve great defenses--train them!!

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and there is a strong correlation between having a natural measles infection and having no cardiac problems later in life.

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I am a retired RN, and was increasingly skeptical of vaccines prior to COVID. As more and more of my nurse friends suffered vaccine related injuries to flu shots, as fully vaccinated patients were admitted with influenza -- my skepticism grew. I took care of an HIV+ patient who had Guillain Barre syndrome following a flu shot. I printed out the VAERS paperwork and placed it on the front of the patient's chart for his attending doctor to complete. His attending was an infectious disease specialist since the patient was HIV+. The paperwork stayed on his chart -- uncompleted -- until the patient left our unit.

The problems with ineffective vaccines, manipulated health statistics, unreported vaccine injuries and coercion of medical professionals to take vaccines has been going on for years -- it is just amplified with the COVID panic. Call me an anti-vaxxer. I wear the label proudly.

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My company has been pushing the flu vax for years, A little bit of research into flu vaxxes convinced me to skip them. The CDC's own stats show they aren't that effective, and the every year component bothers me. I'm of the general opinion that things that might be harmful in small or occasional quantities can become so with repeated exposure. It might be worth it when I am several years older, but definitely not now.

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not then either

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Just including anti- or un- is defining someone as against or lacking in something. I keep telling people “stop saying I’m not an anti-vaxxer, but…” because the way it has been used and defines if you even dare to have a thought in your head about it you are one. Own it. It is very uncomfortable for people who question the narrative to suddenly have a label slapped on them to discredit them. Vaccine hesitant is one of the more condescending ones - yeah you’re hesitant but you’ll see the “right” way eventually. We’ll pretend to empathize with you foe a few minutes until you do. What if we define it ourselves - vaccine thoughtful, vaccine free.

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So often, people feel the need to start comments with, “I’m vaxxed, but.” It seems clear that they say it so the brainwashed person they are trying to address will even try to listen to what they are trying to express. If I am the language assassin who is maneuvering to control discourse by controlling “official” definitions at Merriam-Webster I look at such people as thrashing fish in my net. It’s over for them no matter what they say with their last gasps. They have been bagged and they don’t understand the game and it’s too late. This Bad Cattitude should be on posters on buses and on billboards and flyers. The combination of humor with insight is just sublime.

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Sometimes you need "the insiders" to be the spokespeople to have any impact as you point out. I have felt for years that I cannot say anything about racism because I'm a privileged white woman. So I just stopped. I'm here sitting in my privilege. If my voice (that wants to be helpful) doesn't count, then you can't have it. Sorry.

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I agree 100%. I am antivaxx because I understand the science perfectly well, not in spite of that.

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How about ‘pure bloods’ 😂😂

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and the abuse we encounter



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Well, I spent 20+ years in the cult of the left until they gave me a hard shove to the right with the word "cisgender." I'm optimistic that changing the definition of "anti-vaxxer" is going to have similar results.

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The vaccine issue is a rather unique one. It doesn't track along the normal partisan lines the way most everything else does. There are many who are otherwise lefty, and who are otherwise right-leaning, who are vaccine skeptics.

But I also find that many on the right don't know that, and they reflexively dismiss the skeptics as lefty nutters (Jenny McCarthy hur dur). You know the reflex: "If those people are against them, then they must be fine. I could never agree with them." People across the spectrum use that crappy way of determining their positions. It's awful.

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Agree. It's super confusing and illogical. It doesn't serve anyone but those pulling the puppet strings.

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I remain in confusion regarding "cisgender". A word with no real meaning. " cis-, meaning 'on this side of', which is the opposite of trans-, meaning 'across from' or 'on the other side of'." So the word means, in essence, non-transgender which for most of us is a normal condition. But cisgender sounds so, well, scientific. A word coined in 2015 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cisgender).

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Yes-- but I fear it goes even further than that, ratifying sex as part of one's identity vs. a biological description based upon phenotype.

I am not a woman because I identify as one, or feel like one, but because I was born with ovaries, a uterus, and their external markers. The existence of the word cisgender is an attempt to nullify this fact and tell people like me that the only reason we don't realize that our gender identity exists and IS our identity is because we're "cis."

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Excellent analysis. I didn't get it either and thought it was extreme, but didn't dare say so in public. Now all bets are off and I'm prepared to weaponize language right back at them. Apparently I'm a GD antivaxxer, but so are most of us. Whoo hoo!

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yeah, and -fobia used to mean fear of something, now means common sense

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1. The battle of ideas begins with the definition of words (John Stonestreet)

2. When words lose their meaning, people lose their liberty (Confucius)

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