The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip from your fingers.

I will never, ever, EVER comply, Brandon, and the more you threaten, insult, and mock me, the more resolutely I will hate you and your gang of thugs and psychopaths.

Thank you for completely and utterly shattering my trust in public health, federal government, and mainstream media. I will now default to assuming literally every pronouncement any of you make is an outright lie designed to hurt or control me while enriching yourself.

I was a very good girl, once. Having the faith of someone smart and hardworking and patriotic like me, happy to be a good soldier, would have been a feather in your cap.

Let's go Brandon.

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"I will now default to assuming literally every pronouncement any of you make is an outright lie designed to hurt or control me while enriching yourself." You are not the only one. When doctors complain that patients want 2nd, 3rd, 4th opinions, they will likely wonder how that happened. Their patients won't.

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They were already bitching about people diagnosing themselves using WebMD and a second opinion from Dr. Google. I'm just going straight to the witch doctor from now on. Even Dr. Google isn't to be trusted.

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See, that's at least one positive from the "Air Soros" inspired flow of "refugees" from Haiti. A witch doctor in every town, coming soon! 👺

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Sounds like a good plan to me.

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I was going to say some stuff, but you said every single thing I was thinking. Especially, "Let's go, Brandon." Thank you, Guttermouth!

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Remember, I'm spontaneously applauding a nearly-unknown race car driver, I'm not slandering the President, which apparently people now want to criminalize because it is a President that they like.

We're also talking about Star Wars and cute boys and absolutely not dissenting against unconstitutional, unethical, immoral authoritarianism.

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"and they came at significant cost". Besides the cost of lost liberties, the mandates have cost good will. As a leader of a group, when I ask my group to do something, they tend to give me the benefit of the doubt, up until the time they perceive I'm lying, or incompetent. I was already somewhat cynical before Covid. But as an example, this is the first year I decided not to get a flu shot. Everything I hear from a governmental agency I view through the lens of "what is their ulterior motive?, cause they are likely lying" lens now. You don't regain trust easily. Especially when you attack the roots of a persons needs (job, health, safety, security).

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Insightful comments. The USA (and many other nations) were far down the path to becoming low-trust societies before the pandemic. The chicanery of the past two years has only accelerated this trend. People will argue over whether this is all orchestrated or not. Alas, we are likely to see things get worse, which will lead to an unfavorable outcome, anarchy, perhaps, or more authoritarian governance.

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just today on Telegram, I saw a few videos of Rome... people are losing it and attacking all law enforcement which seems justified if you consider the abuse of power by all government officials. People are bound to snap.

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Those skeptical about an agenda only need to look at Australia and Canada. This is NOT about health. Why in the world would the FDA approve jabs for the 5-11 year olds (who were never at risk nor superspreaders) after a 1-month trial?

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My Fed agency union prez let slip that 22% of us aren't vaccinated. That's 3,000 people in our agency. If that number holds across the whole Fed workforce, that's about 450,000 people who will have to be fired. Yeah, a few people will give in, but Fed workers are a stubborn and lazy lot, and most of us know the power of stalling. they still haven't announced the punishment or timelines for not getting the jabs. And they still haven't told us how to apply for exemptions. What are they waiting for?

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My company (a great big private Fortune 500 company) has also not made any announcements about vax mandates. They've offered all kinds of incentives to do it voluntarily, but have stressed with us managers not to pressure anyone into it. My guess is that they're waiting to see something in writing, and I'm wondering if it will ever actually come. This is another case of "they know it's likely unconstitutional, but they're going to get away with it for as long as they can..."

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That may be because Biden ordered OSHA to issue an emergency mandate, but they haven't actually done it yet.

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Same in my husband's job (a big utility in Oregon). Mum is the word. Not even a letter from HR.

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May I ask what industry? Without giving PII. I'm just curious where trends are.

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Health insurance provider

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That makes quite a few people I know on and offline in health industry (not direct care) whose employers are not enacting the mandates at nearly the same saturation as, say, woke tech and retail companies and public service.

The Pfizer leaks that Veritas has been putting out seem to suggest Pfizer folks aren't being rushed to vaxx to keep their jobs, either.

Can anyone confirm that?

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I work for a contract company that tests products like and including Pfizer's. So far we've been asked to voluntarily put our vaccine data into an internal database. Even if I were vaccinated I would not because they have no legal right to my personal health data - protected under HIPPA.

It's disconcerting to have the CEO send out emails to the hold-outs, but they know they can't demand protected medical information.

We have to wear masks at work. For a "science" company they don't follow the science.

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I think it's likely that most of these less-woke (but still somewhat woke) companies know about how many good employees they will lose if they enact a vax mandate. And most of us would be harder to replace than more interchangeable positions like nurses or teachers (meaning no disrespect to nurses or teachers). Three, 5, 10, or 20 years of experience in a particular company's process & procedures is worth of hundreds of thousands of dollars PER EMPLOYEE...

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It's very interesting that the ones who crunch the real actuarial numbers, not the pie-in-the-sky vax-cheering fantasy numbers, are the same ones who specialize in risk management. And so they are hesitant to try to mandate something that will very likely backfire. The clot-inducing covid vaccines have risk written all over the bodies of the victims.

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That's why I ask everyone. Industries with the inside track on property actuarial information (or, more likely I suspect, access to the undoctored raw data and the in-house ability to get the non-propaganda version of the analysis) disproportionately seem to be much more conservative in their mandates. But they never make the news.

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First of all, I confess I came to your blog for the cat and stayed for the toxoplasmosis ;-) Which reminds me of an enthralling audiobook I listened to several years ago: This Is Your Brain on Parasites (https://www.audible.com/pd/This-Is-Your-Brain-on-Parasites-Audiobook/B01GOLTYSC).

Back to the post. Thank you for charting out this data in an easy-to-digest manner. It confirms my suspicions—basically, all of the Covidians who were gung ho to get spiked the instant the poison death jab became available lined up early on, the more cautious waited a bit and finally succumbed to peer pressure, and those with their critical thinking faculties intact dug their heels in and refused to offer their lives up as a sacrifice to BigPharma, even when the government thought it made them an offer they couldn’t refuse.

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Fear of losing gainful employment MAY lead to some degree of temporary uptick. But it will also inevitably lead to a powerfully angry and resentful employee base that bring its own issues.

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You perhaps allude to what I'd call "Buyer's Remorse." AT the very least, most people will be at best resentful that they were coerced into taking the shot. Then there is the already established (?) problem of quickly waning efficacy: six months of protection, maybe? How many jabees truly got some form of counseling that the law* recommended, that they were supposed to give informed consent? The known and potential unknown risks of the jab? Few, I suspect. And worst, if/when serious morbidity and deaths related to the jab occur.... At the least, people on our side can look forward to some of the current compliant, who hopefully will escape without major harm, to join us in the future or at least cheer us on.


Scroll down to "Information for Recipients". Apparently neither being informed nor consenting is always required. In other words, they can force it in at least some cases. In any event, even in this declared "emergency" it's hardly the end of the world so there was really no excuse to not at least have patients sign a waiver. Oh yes there is an excuse after all: to do so would have impeded the true goal, which is to inject as many as quickly as possible with as little hissing by the geese as is practicable.

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It's almost like the stubborn among us only respond to threats and coercion with MORE defiance...huh, weird

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My aunt, who is in her eighties and got the vaccines only after taking plenty of time to talk it over with her doctor, told me yesterday, "Because of these mandates, if I hadn't already been vaccinated, I would refuse to take it now."

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She'll have her chance to be unvaxxinated again this winter.

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All the risks of short and long term illness and death from the vaxx side effects, all in return for six months of partial protection from a disease. Yeah, what a deal! 🤡

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Told my mother this from the time I was 10 years old. She never learned... ;)

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I believe the mandates do increase some uptake. The uptake path does not lead to 100 .. it leads to a ceiling. The smaller the group of unvaccinated, the more resolute that remaining group will now be. Mandates are likely picking off a few who decided it wasn't worth it (unfortunately) to hold the line. It probably bumped up the ceiling. Unconstitutionally, unethically, and coercively.

You'll likely see more fraud and false positives entering the system at this point as well.

Hold the Line.

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Also, I'll add - people (voters), whether getting the shot or not, will not forget this. Ever. In an honest election, this will pick off a chunk of voters who would have voted left, otherwise.

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My mother-in-law is a 68-year old Russian immigrant living in California who last Fall was talking about what a "mean man Trump" was. Now she's watching FoxNews and TikTok and telling us not to get the shots because they're dangerous and Biden is a senile old bastard and should be removed from office. She is a retired nurse and is worried about her family taking the shots. The transformation has been remarkable.

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They lost this lifelong lefty, that's for sure.

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Me too!

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Me four 😂

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Me four!

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Me five! And we're just the tip of the iceberg.

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I'm really glad someone directed me to you Substack. Really good stuff here.

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It was interesting to me that only 10% of the people eligible for boosters had gone and gotten one in Vermont, at most count. I wonder how they'll feel when the booster is mandated?


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Interesting. That contradicts my own wild speculations as well as the Atlantic survey released the other day (https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2021/10/psychological-benefits-covid-19-boosters/620259/).

I wonder if the survey was distorted by the desire to provide the perceived "correct" answer. The reality might be that most Covid-vaccinated people perceive the groupthink to be agnostic on boosters, and thus feel no anxiety about remaining at two shots.

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Your skepticism of a survey is well-grounded. In general they are unreliable. Not the least is that the surveyed often tell the poll-taker what they think he wants to hear. There is a reason that scientists prefer objective measures. As a trivial example, if you were able to survey every arrested person on a given Saturday night in a big city as to what drugs were in his system, and then compare these answers to blood or urine tests, I suspect you would find a slight discrepancy to say the least 🤡. Surveys may have some utility, perhaps to survey opinion, but nothing beats impartial measurements of the real world.

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The "real world," even if it is the ultimate in objectivity, is not much less enigmatic than the social human - nothing can be measured without being changed. Only in chemistry and nuclear physics are extrapolation from experiment truly possible.

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Or, it could just be that the official booster clinics are so far apart in VT that people are just still defaulting to walk-in fraud. I think the confusion around the mixed messaging for Moderna and Janssen recipients is also slowing things, or pushing boosters into the black market of walk-in fraud.

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"heck, they’d probably take credit for the trees turning green in the spring if they could figure out how to tax you for it."

Basically that's what's rolling, in every "Green Tax" pitch riding a millennial warming season bringing in greener Springs as it's been doing for centuries and it'll keep going along, even without us.

Humanity, between rapture and racket, enjoy the ride and resist the radicals.

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And now big tech censoring “climate deniers”

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This article claims that the "vaccine mandate" thus far has been just a publicity stunt:


Of course it may be enough to coerce people (and companies) into vaccination.

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Great website. The author of that particular piece is my favorite on there.

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Really? Bernie is the bad guy here? Manchin and Synema are what? Do not, in any stretch of imagination equate them with voting their conscience...if only they had one between them.

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Yes I think bad cat has done done a bit of mental gymnastics to crowbar Bernie into this. Bernie has in the past said "It's not my job to tell parents or kids to get vaccinated."

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“Universal vaccination” (constantly revoked by redefinition) is the means, not the end. Economic exclusion of the unvaccinated is progress.

Even so, I think a chart that was limited to eligible (working age) wouldn’t look as flat,

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1. do you have that data in a series? happy to look at it.

2. seems like the relative relationships would all stay the same. you're just changing the denominator of everything by a fixed constant, no?

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I am skeptical that data exists in the US. Even if it showed a more dramatic uptick than the all-ages, that wouldn't disprove your point - it could be that the uptick would have happened anyway, etc. It's just that I don't think a chart that includes, for example, teens who were getting vaccinated due to school requirements, is capable of describing the relevant baseline rate for Americans targeted by the work mandates.

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I would love someone to check my math here:


It seems, from the NY Times' own numbers, that NY state had to fire one hospital worker for every hospital worker who submitted to the coercion. 1:1.

Yes there is a big assumption (my 2nd tweet) but I'm not sure how big it is.

84% -> 92% vaxxed is an 8% increase plausibly connected to the mandate. Then they had to fire the 8% remaining, right?

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Awesome as always.

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