This was highly predictable, and I'm afraid Trump walked right into their trap. Twice. First he got snowed by the Brain Trust that was Fauci and Birx then he proceeded to boast about the rushed jabs. The left will memory hole their participation in the jab coercion and amplify how Orange Man Bad turned out a useless and dangerous product.
This was highly predictable, and I'm afraid Trump walked right into their trap. Twice. First he got snowed by the Brain Trust that was Fauci and Birx then he proceeded to boast about the rushed jabs. The left will memory hole their participation in the jab coercion and amplify how Orange Man Bad turned out a useless and dangerous product.
They can’t blame Trump for boosters. They can’t blame him for widespread mandates and turning the unvaccinated into social pariahs. This is all in this admin.
A few days ago, I had the most bizarre conversation with my vaxx injured BIL.
He blames Trump for EVERYTHING that is going on now. Everything you can imagine.
When I reminded him that Trump had no power and he wasn't president, he looked at me as if I was insane. And then proceeded to say how we need Liz Cheney as president.
So yeah, they can blame Trump for everything from the chipmunk in their yard to cancer to the fact that there is no water on the moon.
Brandon mandated the sacred miracle elixir. He demonized the unvaccinated. He said the virus stops with the vaccine and the only way to end the pandemic was to get everyone vaccinated. He proposed vaccine passports just so people could eat at restaurants and participate in the public sphere and went so far as to mandate the vaccine for Americans to keep their jobs and feed their families. He said there would be a winter of death for the unvaccinated and their families, but that the vaccinated would be protected. Brandon and his regime strong armed the American people into taking the sacred miracle elixir.
Yes, but he continued to push them and brag about them, even after it was clear they weren't working as advertised. His base pretty much begged him to stop it (even booing him when he brought it up at rallies) but he continued. He's stopped now, but way too late. He wanted credit for his "accomplishment" but finally realized they were actually a disaster. Blinded by ego.
I voted for the man twice enthusiastically, but he blew it on this one and completely missed what most of supporters saw early. They will be trotting out those tapes of him bragging about it and it won't be pretty.
I will come out to vote for DeSantis. I will likely regret that as much as any time I ever voted, but he seems the only way out of covid and deadlock. Hell, I'm voting R just to get rid of useless 20 year dems that cannot be primaried. Time to bring the fucking milk train to a screeching halt.
You are right over the target, Ryan. If Trump is the candidate I fear the regime could be reelected( or whatever). Yet, I remain unsure that any other R can get the nomination from Trump.
Trump's mistake was appointing the weasel Pence to head the covid task force. Pence picked Fauci and Birx to destroy the country as ordered by the WEF which has very toxic stuff to blackmail Pence with.
“I want to send a direct message to the American people: Due to the steps we’ve taken, Omicron has not yet spread as fast as it would have otherwise done,” But it’s here now and it’s spreading and it’s going to increase.”
“We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated — for themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm."
He also says they're a medical miracle, says they are safe and efrective, has stated its what he is most proud of. Whether duped or with malicious intent, he is still equally as culpable as the rest. His emergency order allowed for everything that happened. He will be judged. Harshly
Referred to Pfizer specifically shortly after EUA was granted. But He never once said anything critical about any of them. And every time he lied about safe and effective, also was generalized statements about all the covid 'vaccines'.
I would never expect anyone to just take me at my word. In fact, I would actually hope they dont. Sorry to hear about the friends BTW. Im dreading things like that in my friends (including some of their children). Real F'd up situation
Didn't Dr Birx admit publicly recently that she had misled Trump about the 'virus' and the shots? Puts a slightly different twist as to why Trump was promoting the jungle juice.
Look at it this way. You hand someone a gun and he later commits murder. Guess who is both legally and morally complicit. You. And claiming ingnorance will not matter in court.
I understand that, BUT (there's always a but), there's a Senator in Australia who's currently running an enquiry into the whole issue of C19 and taking evidence from many eminently qualified experts. Take a look at this (I've just come across it earlier today):
Listen to what he says about the different strengths of the shots and what he says about what was initially approved was NOT what went into manufacture.
It doesnt matter. The EUA was his doing. All that follows makes him culpable. He made a choice and choices have consequences. The data of death and injury during initial trials was avaialble by the end of October 2020. The FDA discussed it in one of their virtual meetings. If I knew it at the time, he has no excuse. If you want to think he is innocent and make excuses for his willing actions, that's your decison. But blood is on his hands. He promoted the same lies as the rest of them.
Yet he still has yet to address a single problem. As I said, duped or not, he is still culpable. I knew the problems as early as October 2020 because I made it a point to find out and had followed the initial trial phase intently. There is no excuse to be unaware unless one chooses to be unaware. Especially two years later.
Almost certainly will increase, as well as yet to be seen health problems down the road due to the unpredicability of cascading effects of gene editing. Those who live will very likely equire a lifetime of medical intervention, possibly in the form of future mRNA injections. Bio-tech is the new focus in health management (I refuse to call it health care)
Had watched a recently posted video from a WEF forum titled The Biotech Revolution. Not sure who the guy was but came right out and said that the focus is management, scoffing at those who would to actually like to use the tech to cure.
They can try to memory-hole their participation in the jab coercion, and CNN/NPR/CBS/MSNBC will happily go along, but the push was so hard and in-your-face that even many sympathetic viewers will call bullsh!t on them. The credibility of the "experts" and the media, already at rock-bottom, will crash through the floor.
Except…he cannot be blamed for the censorship of doctors, scientists, investigative reporters and all who challenged the tyrannical narrative. There’s video of the Bayer CEO at a conference stating how the mrna’s were deliberately & deceptively marketed as vaccines instead of gene therapy because “vaccine” was more acceptable to the public. Who, what banned early treatment for the express purpose of clearing the way for the EUAs? Did Mark Meadows pressure the FDA to rush the injections, bypassing normal safety standards & clinical trials? In her book, was the scarfed Birx setting the stage for setting up Trump by saying she knew the injections would never work? Who, what coordinated the global propaganda for “safe & effective”? Why weren’t the injections pulled after data began piling up? Politics? Greed? Control?
This was highly predictable, and I'm afraid Trump walked right into their trap. Twice. First he got snowed by the Brain Trust that was Fauci and Birx then he proceeded to boast about the rushed jabs. The left will memory hole their participation in the jab coercion and amplify how Orange Man Bad turned out a useless and dangerous product.
They can’t blame Trump for boosters. They can’t blame him for widespread mandates and turning the unvaccinated into social pariahs. This is all in this admin.
Notice how Biden calls his mandates "requirements" to sugar the authoritarianism?
A few days ago, I had the most bizarre conversation with my vaxx injured BIL.
He blames Trump for EVERYTHING that is going on now. Everything you can imagine.
When I reminded him that Trump had no power and he wasn't president, he looked at me as if I was insane. And then proceeded to say how we need Liz Cheney as president.
So yeah, they can blame Trump for everything from the chipmunk in their yard to cancer to the fact that there is no water on the moon.
Liz Cheney, like wtf?
Brandon mandated the sacred miracle elixir. He demonized the unvaccinated. He said the virus stops with the vaccine and the only way to end the pandemic was to get everyone vaccinated. He proposed vaccine passports just so people could eat at restaurants and participate in the public sphere and went so far as to mandate the vaccine for Americans to keep their jobs and feed their families. He said there would be a winter of death for the unvaccinated and their families, but that the vaccinated would be protected. Brandon and his regime strong armed the American people into taking the sacred miracle elixir.
Yes, but he continued to push them and brag about them, even after it was clear they weren't working as advertised. His base pretty much begged him to stop it (even booing him when he brought it up at rallies) but he continued. He's stopped now, but way too late. He wanted credit for his "accomplishment" but finally realized they were actually a disaster. Blinded by ego.
I voted for the man twice enthusiastically, but he blew it on this one and completely missed what most of supporters saw early. They will be trotting out those tapes of him bragging about it and it won't be pretty.
Agree. But would it be "cleaner" if DeSantis was the candidate?
We have to win imo; or we will have reached the point of no return.
I will come out to vote for DeSantis. I will likely regret that as much as any time I ever voted, but he seems the only way out of covid and deadlock. Hell, I'm voting R just to get rid of useless 20 year dems that cannot be primaried. Time to bring the fucking milk train to a screeching halt.
Right, Charlie Baker
You are right over the target, Ryan. If Trump is the candidate I fear the regime could be reelected( or whatever). Yet, I remain unsure that any other R can get the nomination from Trump.
Trump's mistake was appointing the weasel Pence to head the covid task force. Pence picked Fauci and Birx to destroy the country as ordered by the WEF which has very toxic stuff to blackmail Pence with.
What toxic stuff?
Isn't Pence rumored to be gay?
Agree with everything you write. Except I would add the word “try.” As in, “the left will try to memory hole…”
Because really, the body bags can only be hidden for so long. Eventually, it will all come out. All of it. And nobody gets a pass.
“I want to send a direct message to the American people: Due to the steps we’ve taken, Omicron has not yet spread as fast as it would have otherwise done,” But it’s here now and it’s spreading and it’s going to increase.”
“We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated — for themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm."
The trap President Trump set revealed Birx and Fauci.
Recall Trump said "the Choice to inject is Ours".
Many took the bait, but Trump wasnt one of them.
He also says they're a medical miracle, says they are safe and efrective, has stated its what he is most proud of. Whether duped or with malicious intent, he is still equally as culpable as the rest. His emergency order allowed for everything that happened. He will be judged. Harshly
Thank you Joel for your response.
Can you site 'which' medical miracle Pres Trump was referencing? I recall he spoke of Ivermectin and Hydrocloriquin as miracles.
Perhaps you can provide a link to where President Trump says this about mRNA injections and J&J??
Referred to Pfizer specifically shortly after EUA was granted. But He never once said anything critical about any of them. And every time he lied about safe and effective, also was generalized statements about all the covid 'vaccines'.
As for a link, take your pick
The truth about him is available, for those who choose to see
Grievous info. I appreciate your insight Joel.
I've several friends that took injections and developed cancers and stroke within months.
I trust no one, hence, my questioning you.
I would never expect anyone to just take me at my word. In fact, I would actually hope they dont. Sorry to hear about the friends BTW. Im dreading things like that in my friends (including some of their children). Real F'd up situation
Didn't Dr Birx admit publicly recently that she had misled Trump about the 'virus' and the shots? Puts a slightly different twist as to why Trump was promoting the jungle juice.
Yes, it's in her bio.
Look at it this way. You hand someone a gun and he later commits murder. Guess who is both legally and morally complicit. You. And claiming ingnorance will not matter in court.
I understand that, BUT (there's always a but), there's a Senator in Australia who's currently running an enquiry into the whole issue of C19 and taking evidence from many eminently qualified experts. Take a look at this (I've just come across it earlier today):
Listen to what he says about the different strengths of the shots and what he says about what was initially approved was NOT what went into manufacture.
It doesnt matter. The EUA was his doing. All that follows makes him culpable. He made a choice and choices have consequences. The data of death and injury during initial trials was avaialble by the end of October 2020. The FDA discussed it in one of their virtual meetings. If I knew it at the time, he has no excuse. If you want to think he is innocent and make excuses for his willing actions, that's your decison. But blood is on his hands. He promoted the same lies as the rest of them.
Yet he still has yet to address a single problem. As I said, duped or not, he is still culpable. I knew the problems as early as October 2020 because I made it a point to find out and had followed the initial trial phase intently. There is no excuse to be unaware unless one chooses to be unaware. Especially two years later.
And yet, we are here:
US excess mortality has tripled since 2020 and may very well increase more.
Almost certainly will increase, as well as yet to be seen health problems down the road due to the unpredicability of cascading effects of gene editing. Those who live will very likely equire a lifetime of medical intervention, possibly in the form of future mRNA injections. Bio-tech is the new focus in health management (I refuse to call it health care)
"Health management." Yep.
Don't cure a disease. Just manage it with "medications" and various expensive "treatments."
Forgot I recorded a clip of it
Had watched a recently posted video from a WEF forum titled The Biotech Revolution. Not sure who the guy was but came right out and said that the focus is management, scoffing at those who would to actually like to use the tech to cure.
They can try to memory-hole their participation in the jab coercion, and CNN/NPR/CBS/MSNBC will happily go along, but the push was so hard and in-your-face that even many sympathetic viewers will call bullsh!t on them. The credibility of the "experts" and the media, already at rock-bottom, will crash through the floor.
Except…he cannot be blamed for the censorship of doctors, scientists, investigative reporters and all who challenged the tyrannical narrative. There’s video of the Bayer CEO at a conference stating how the mrna’s were deliberately & deceptively marketed as vaccines instead of gene therapy because “vaccine” was more acceptable to the public. Who, what banned early treatment for the express purpose of clearing the way for the EUAs? Did Mark Meadows pressure the FDA to rush the injections, bypassing normal safety standards & clinical trials? In her book, was the scarfed Birx setting the stage for setting up Trump by saying she knew the injections would never work? Who, what coordinated the global propaganda for “safe & effective”? Why weren’t the injections pulled after data began piling up? Politics? Greed? Control?
Trump stated his positions on vaccines back in 2014. He’s not innocent.
Who to believe? Trump was a skeptic until the government watchdogs convinced him otherwise: