Everything about how this all unfolded has been predictable and predicted by those who actually understand viruses, human nature, political corruption and propaganda. And were willing to speak up, get canceled and keep finding new platforms.

It is satisfying to see I've been paying attention to the right people, though there were times I thought I was the insane one.

Much thanks to the bad cats of the world, in particular this one. A Twitter follow led me down quite a path over the past 2 1/2 years

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Indeed; I've been spared Wu-flu, but infected by Substack...

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i did warn you about the toxoplasmosis...

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I think pre existing toxoplasmosis brought me here.

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You did!

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Indeed. We all need to work on being as contagious as possible . . . drop the mask, practice social mingling. Knowledge is the ultimate virus !

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and a good infection at that ! people forget that there are good viruses too !

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Amen. Well said!

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Me too! I am trying to be more disciplined by curtailing my reading and response time. It’s working a bit.

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a breathless, comma-less rush through what happened in the last 3 years, how our lives have been handicapped and lots and lots of people died and suffered at the hands of these madmen and women. Away with government. What is it good for ? Filling their own pockets emptying ours. But how? We can't vote them out, we will just vote others in !

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Away with government is the goal of the technocrats and I am thinking how will they get us to agree. By allowing us to see the deliberate bad judgements, lies, croneyism, incompetence etc. so we will happily accept technocracy and all it entails. Have a look at Technocracy News with Patrick Wood. As you will realise the same anger and frustration with governments is global.

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thanks for the tip ! I immediately subscribes seeing their articles

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A good place to start is to refamiliarize ourselves with solutions that were proposed centuries ago. For example:


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And of course those of us who understood the past behavior of the pharmaceutical companies. They gave us zero reason to trust them, no amount of assurances, cajoling, or punitive threats was going to change that.

My initial thoughts were "wait and see" as opposed to outright rejection. Once it was demanded that I take it then my opposition hardened. Looking back the height of vax pushing hysteria (around Nov-Dec 2021) with mandates and the "Winter of Death" it's pretty amazing how quickly it all collapsed.

We all saw through one of the biggest psy-ops in human history, congrats all around! God willing those that didn't don't live to regret it.

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This was highly predictable, and I'm afraid Trump walked right into their trap. Twice. First he got snowed by the Brain Trust that was Fauci and Birx then he proceeded to boast about the rushed jabs. The left will memory hole their participation in the jab coercion and amplify how Orange Man Bad turned out a useless and dangerous product.

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They can’t blame Trump for boosters. They can’t blame him for widespread mandates and turning the unvaccinated into social pariahs. This is all in this admin.

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Notice how Biden calls his mandates "requirements" to sugar the authoritarianism?

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A few days ago, I had the most bizarre conversation with my vaxx injured BIL.

He blames Trump for EVERYTHING that is going on now. Everything you can imagine.

When I reminded him that Trump had no power and he wasn't president, he looked at me as if I was insane. And then proceeded to say how we need Liz Cheney as president.

So yeah, they can blame Trump for everything from the chipmunk in their yard to cancer to the fact that there is no water on the moon.

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Liz Cheney, like wtf?

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Brandon mandated the sacred miracle elixir. He demonized the unvaccinated. He said the virus stops with the vaccine and the only way to end the pandemic was to get everyone vaccinated. He proposed vaccine passports just so people could eat at restaurants and participate in the public sphere and went so far as to mandate the vaccine for Americans to keep their jobs and feed their families. He said there would be a winter of death for the unvaccinated and their families, but that the vaccinated would be protected. Brandon and his regime strong armed the American people into taking the sacred miracle elixir.

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Yes, but he continued to push them and brag about them, even after it was clear they weren't working as advertised. His base pretty much begged him to stop it (even booing him when he brought it up at rallies) but he continued. He's stopped now, but way too late. He wanted credit for his "accomplishment" but finally realized they were actually a disaster. Blinded by ego.

I voted for the man twice enthusiastically, but he blew it on this one and completely missed what most of supporters saw early. They will be trotting out those tapes of him bragging about it and it won't be pretty.

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Agree. But would it be "cleaner" if DeSantis was the candidate?

We have to win imo; or we will have reached the point of no return.

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I will come out to vote for DeSantis. I will likely regret that as much as any time I ever voted, but he seems the only way out of covid and deadlock. Hell, I'm voting R just to get rid of useless 20 year dems that cannot be primaried. Time to bring the fucking milk train to a screeching halt.

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Right, Charlie Baker

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You are right over the target, Ryan. If Trump is the candidate I fear the regime could be reelected( or whatever). Yet, I remain unsure that any other R can get the nomination from Trump.

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Trump's mistake was appointing the weasel Pence to head the covid task force. Pence picked Fauci and Birx to destroy the country as ordered by the WEF which has very toxic stuff to blackmail Pence with.

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What toxic stuff?

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Isn't Pence rumored to be gay?

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Agree with everything you write. Except I would add the word “try.” As in, “the left will try to memory hole…”

Because really, the body bags can only be hidden for so long. Eventually, it will all come out. All of it. And nobody gets a pass.

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“I want to send a direct message to the American people: Due to the steps we’ve taken, Omicron has not yet spread as fast as it would have otherwise done,” But it’s here now and it’s spreading and it’s going to increase.”

“We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated — for themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm."


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The trap President Trump set revealed Birx and Fauci.

Recall Trump said "the Choice to inject is Ours".

Many took the bait, but Trump wasnt one of them.

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He also says they're a medical miracle, says they are safe and efrective, has stated its what he is most proud of. Whether duped or with malicious intent, he is still equally as culpable as the rest. His emergency order allowed for everything that happened. He will be judged. Harshly

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Thank you Joel for your response.

Can you site 'which' medical miracle Pres Trump was referencing? I recall he spoke of Ivermectin and Hydrocloriquin as miracles.

Perhaps you can provide a link to where President Trump says this about mRNA injections and J&J??

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Referred to Pfizer specifically shortly after EUA was granted. But He never once said anything critical about any of them. And every time he lied about safe and effective, also was generalized statements about all the covid 'vaccines'.

As for a link, take your pick


The truth about him is available, for those who choose to see

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Grievous info. I appreciate your insight Joel.

I've several friends that took injections and developed cancers and stroke within months.

I trust no one, hence, my questioning you.

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I would never expect anyone to just take me at my word. In fact, I would actually hope they dont. Sorry to hear about the friends BTW. Im dreading things like that in my friends (including some of their children). Real F'd up situation

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Didn't Dr Birx admit publicly recently that she had misled Trump about the 'virus' and the shots? Puts a slightly different twist as to why Trump was promoting the jungle juice.

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Yes, it's in her bio.

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Look at it this way. You hand someone a gun and he later commits murder. Guess who is both legally and morally complicit. You. And claiming ingnorance will not matter in court.

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I understand that, BUT (there's always a but), there's a Senator in Australia who's currently running an enquiry into the whole issue of C19 and taking evidence from many eminently qualified experts. Take a look at this (I've just come across it earlier today): https://rumble.com/v1guylt-covid-inquiry-2.0-11-james-rowe.html

Listen to what he says about the different strengths of the shots and what he says about what was initially approved was NOT what went into manufacture.

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It doesnt matter. The EUA was his doing. All that follows makes him culpable. He made a choice and choices have consequences. The data of death and injury during initial trials was avaialble by the end of October 2020. The FDA discussed it in one of their virtual meetings. If I knew it at the time, he has no excuse. If you want to think he is innocent and make excuses for his willing actions, that's your decison. But blood is on his hands. He promoted the same lies as the rest of them.

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Yet he still has yet to address a single problem. As I said, duped or not, he is still culpable. I knew the problems as early as October 2020 because I made it a point to find out and had followed the initial trial phase intently. There is no excuse to be unaware unless one chooses to be unaware. Especially two years later.

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And yet, we are here:


US excess mortality has tripled since 2020 and may very well increase more.

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Almost certainly will increase, as well as yet to be seen health problems down the road due to the unpredicability of cascading effects of gene editing. Those who live will very likely equire a lifetime of medical intervention, possibly in the form of future mRNA injections. Bio-tech is the new focus in health management (I refuse to call it health care)

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"Health management." Yep.

Don't cure a disease. Just manage it with "medications" and various expensive "treatments."

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Forgot I recorded a clip of it


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Had watched a recently posted video from a WEF forum titled The Biotech Revolution. Not sure who the guy was but came right out and said that the focus is management, scoffing at those who would to actually like to use the tech to cure.

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They can try to memory-hole their participation in the jab coercion, and CNN/NPR/CBS/MSNBC will happily go along, but the push was so hard and in-your-face that even many sympathetic viewers will call bullsh!t on them. The credibility of the "experts" and the media, already at rock-bottom, will crash through the floor.

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Except…he cannot be blamed for the censorship of doctors, scientists, investigative reporters and all who challenged the tyrannical narrative. There’s video of the Bayer CEO at a conference stating how the mrna’s were deliberately & deceptively marketed as vaccines instead of gene therapy because “vaccine” was more acceptable to the public. Who, what banned early treatment for the express purpose of clearing the way for the EUAs? Did Mark Meadows pressure the FDA to rush the injections, bypassing normal safety standards & clinical trials? In her book, was the scarfed Birx setting the stage for setting up Trump by saying she knew the injections would never work? Who, what coordinated the global propaganda for “safe & effective”? Why weren’t the injections pulled after data began piling up? Politics? Greed? Control?


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Trump stated his positions on vaccines back in 2014. He’s not innocent.

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Who to believe? Trump was a skeptic until the government watchdogs convinced him otherwise:


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At this point Trump deserves it. He got boo'd at his own rallies and has still persisted. He's been told, and instead he lectured his constituents about how they shouldn't let democrats take credit. Au contraire -- they stole it, let them keep it. He was lucky enough that they stole the most toxic results of his tenure, and stupidly, he's fighting them for it.

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It was almost like they knew it was all coming and layed a trap

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More like they're panicking because they finally took a minute to find out if the misinformation spreaders are on to something or not.

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Planned a long time ago. Wuhan sequences started patenting process in 2002. There is an evidence trail of published papers going far back. Baric's work started with a hemorrhagic coronavirus that decimated the domestic rabbit meat industry in the 1970s. Last year a vaccine was EUA for domestic rabbits and after permitting available in FL. It must be mRNA if it needs permitting, chipping the injected pet rabbit and registered paperwork.

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He doesn’t take advice well—except lots of bad crap—unless he’s cornered. Perhaps that happened in his office or they appealed to his ego with flattery which he responds to so well. I believe I read that flattery was a main means of the aid’s success in getting him on board.

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I don't really believe anything that's been printed about him, but it's obvious that at some point he lost touch with his base. I don't know if it was Bannon or someone else that was guiding him to the populist firebrand takes, but by the time he left office, he was obviously much less in touch with his supporters.

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No, he hasn't lost touch with his bas. He stopped bragging on the WARP Speed thing because he was booed very hard at rallies. His political handlers though - the biggest problem with his admin was all the infiltrators and they mobbed in and stuck wrenches in everything. It is amazing he got as much done as he did. He was thoroughly Stockholmed in 2020 no thanks to Jared et al, and his natural loyalty to Cippolone who got through the impeachment mess and others. Barr slow and no-walked many of the EOs. Trump expected people to carry out things as they did in his businesses, but the swamp isn't that way and he was infiltrated and those people - OMG. Trump delegated to people he thought could be trusted but too many were owned and the others were overwhelmed trying to figure out appointees and didn't have the savviness to sift them. They wanted to look efficient and fast. BIG mistake. Then the Stockholming cabal put as many obstacles as they could to keep Trump's best and savvy friends from getting to him. They blocked people even when Trump made appointments. Look how much Lindell went through to get 5 minutes with Trump and Trump wanted him there. Meadows failed him terribly. I am so disgusted with him. The head of Endorsements is a woman who ran Democrat campaigns. Not good. Some of the endorsements deliberately ignored America First candidates because they are America First candidates. You are absolutely right - Trump has to say he was swayed and wrongly so. Trump love America so much, and Americans so much he would do ANYTHI to save them, and that is what the functional psychopaths and the globohomopedo cabal and Establishment used against him - Trump's strength is his weakness at the same time and they set him up for it.

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A good analysis. Trump is a person as we all are and not infallible. He was betrayed by Ryan early on with the tax cuts allowed excess for the rich. He ought to a forced things with a veto, but he caved too often. As you note he had an awful lot of opposition from his own team.

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Bannon got him elected, he should have stuck with him IMO.

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He was wrapped up in a straight jacket - all it took was the entire globe blaming him for covid daily and Jan 6

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Is it that Trump "doesn't take advice well", as in suggesting that Trump didn't take advice "well" from all the highly credentialed, highly paid, bureaucratic health experts on the high level pay grades of our federal government, or is it that he didn't take advice well, from all the public health experts Trump had during that time frame that were recommending against the vaccine, such as.....who? Recall how Fauci guaranteed us that it was a "one shot and done" scenario, and how all the "experts" and the MSM were touting how all we had to do was take the vaccine and our lives would return to normal? That advice?

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Completely agree Richard!

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Trump owns Warp Speed. He enabled them, and they removed the guard rails long in place to prevent exactly what has happened. But the jabs weren't approved before the election...and FJBrandon "won".

Even if the White House was pressuring the FDA and CDC, they own what they did. They did not have to accede to any external pressure or demands. They chose to do so.

Trump was not in office when the bad news about vaxx injuries and deaths started to break.

Trump did not ignore the data.

Trump was not in office when the jabs started to fail.

Trump did not ignore that data either.

Trump did not pressure Twitter, Fakebook, Google, Youtube, etc., to ban people challenging the narrative from their platforms.

Biden did that.

Trump did not institute mandates for colleges and universities, the military, and federal employees, even as the jab failure was becoming undeniable.

Biden did that.

Trump did not push for the unvaxxed to be excluded from society.

Biden did that.

In fact, FJB's White House comms department even claimed in a tweet that Biden was responsible for the vaxx a few months back. They were savaged on Twitter and took the tweet down.

There are many, many people who share the blame. Trump is one of them, and not the worst offender by far. Yes, he made this possible through Warp Speed, but they turned it into a nightmare. He was played...bigly.

And, on a final note, to all those out there who took the jabs:

You are responsible for the choice you made to be injected 2, 3, 4, or more times with an experimental gene therapy based on experimental tech never before approved for use in human beings.

You are responsible for encouraging or coercing your children and other family members to take the jabs as well.

You are responsible for your behavior towards those of us who exercised caution and critical thinking.

None of you can blame Trump for your choices. You own them.

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Thank you for a ‘spot on’ response. Every person is responsible for their choice. I’m not vaccinated—I was reading about the spike protein right from the beginning and could see this was not good. I’m not a medical or scientific professional, but I do have enough common sense to know this vaccine was questionable and lacked actual trial data. To those who pressured others without taking the other’s reasons why not, I hope you get totally roasted. This administration mandated this vax, even firing military members over an EUA vaccine that under military code is illegal. Blame Biden and every official under him. Blame Fauci and every employee at NIH and agencies under this corrupt bought umbrella of greed.

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Mostly correct, but I suspect you're wrong about claiming giving the "vaccine" to servicemembers was illegal.

Under FDA EUA guidelines, informed consent is suggested but not required. Relevant to the miltiary, see section "46." : The military may be denied even that tenuous option (10 U.S.C. 1107a). In other words, the government can force military to take an EUA product. Curiously, this same section has a provision requiring the government to provide a notice of the EUA to the solider or next of kin after the fact, if not done beforehand. [This is laid out in the default tortured legalese, but that is my take.]

Perhaps you were thinking of earlier vaccine disasters in the military? For example, I read (perhaps in RFK Jr. book?) that the Anthrax vaccines a few decades ago were truly experimental, not having even received an EUA status. Possibly those were violations of law. But what the heck? That hasn't stopped any number of government actions, has it?

Links below:



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There is a group of military members filing suit over this EUA vax because a vaccine was actually approved and not used but DOD kept using the EUA vax. They cited several illegal moves by DOD. Of course with this administration it’s all about who’s getting paid not who or what is best. Gotta use those billions they ordered 🤬

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Thanks! Cm.

Finally someone advocating for acceptance of responsibility.

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THANK YOU! everyone is running around looking for someone to blame. makes me sick.

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The need to blame someone or something else is hard-wired in human nature. In the Genesis story, after the eating of the apple, Adam blames Eve and Eve blames the Snake. Note that whether or not one is a believer, many such ancient stories are morality lessons, sometimes of excellent quality, illustrating universal truths.

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i take that parable as “children never look to themselves for answers”

they bit the apple and still can’t introspect. they gained knowledge, no wisdom.

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Google, Twitter, Facebook,, etc. all scrubbing away any evidence as we write!! Just like all the mask studies from 30 years disappeared at the beginning of the pandemic.

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Turn up those gaslights

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oh, the irony. sure Trump pushed the rush on the vaccines. i heard Paul Offit in a TWIV interview say that he had to credit the Trump administration and that he never would have thought such a thing was possible.

but Trump did not fracture the Constitution and force people to take it. threatening someone's employment and livelihood constitutes coercion according to the Nuremberg Code. Trump did not violate the 14th amendment.

have the nooses ready.

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Trump wanted it for the seniors and vulnerable. That was the original plan and the only people the vax helped.

Biden brought in mandates and pushed the vax on all age groups.

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Back when Joe could still finish a sentence at the first attempt, he assured us all that the vax meant we couldn't contract Wu-flu or die from it.

Fortunately, I've always distrusted politicians lecturing me about health - and health practitioners lecturing me about politics, come to that.

After the last 2.5 years, I now trust none of them on any subject.

In some ways, it's refreshing, since I don't need to wait for the end of the announcement before switching off.

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The only good thing to come of all this is that my family has learned that:

Elections are corrupt

The government lies to us

Corporations and China run the world

All vaxxes were a lie.

The media is a farce

Before this we trusted all things. Who knew it was all a lie. Wow. Eye opener.

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Yep. Pretty much....

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And so the "Trump's Fault" CYA begins.

Only Loyal Comrades of The Glorious Progressive Reset Revolution™ will believe it.

The Normals laugh, and open another cold one.

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Do they assume we were not here through 2020 to the ppresent? Locked down, staying at home with nothing better to do than watch and listen to media about the coof, about the jab development, about the hit job on early treatments with Hydroxy and Ivermectin and vitamins and who was the political party leading those attacks.

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all saying they would never ever take the jabs developed in such a rush under trump then running to get them and forcing everyone to get them

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The UK satirical (well, it used to be) magazine, Private Eye, uses the term 'reverse-ferret' for this sort of manoeuvre.

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Sounds like an unpleasant variation of "reverse cowgirl," which I refuse to look up because I do grasp the general context of what it is.

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Lest we forget, many of the elite or politically protected were exempt from a mandate. Judiciary, Congress (all legislative, maybe?), Postal Union, and more. This doesn't mean that none of those took it, they might have been that dumb. It just means they didn't face job loss for refusing. This is just one of the hundreds of cases of "laws for thee, but not for me." In many aspects, they really are above the law.

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Do you expect them to plea a mea culpa or apologize?

What other comment would their Loyal Followers believe more than Orange Man Bad?

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Re: "Do you expect them to plea a mea culpa or apologize?" They never have in all my years, so I don't expect them to start now. I already am watching the new pivot to "Its all Trumps Fault" while still working to make the sheeple take the next safe and effective thingie. They always push then retreat back a bit the push more. It is a basic feature in Rules For Radicals. Now I am hearing they have a plan to use planes to spray whole cities with a "vaccine".

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Lemme tell you something. Was pro trump until i realized this was a huuuuge mistake on his watch. But then I realized something as a conspiracy theorist: the powers that be love to usher in the most freedom damaging policies under the center right presidents. See: 9/11, Bush, Patriot Act & the NSA.

I have taken the black pill.none of these people are on our side.

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Patriot Act needs to be the first thing gone under a new administration!

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Amen, Kathy.

The manner in which we meekly jumped through all the airport hoops, had little reaction to Snowden’s revelations, don’t fight for our right to privacy, etc. served as a splendid guide for the authoritarian Covid policies. And, most of us did not disappoint.

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I think you are totally right. From all that is in politics who stood up against the jabs? Johnson. A few reps. None of the dems, although they went partying maskless in Florida and got the bug !

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Trump wanted HCQ and they mocked him and us! The military even knew ivermectin worked.

This was all suppressed so they could make a fortune on jabs. Trump wanted choices! Nothing mandatory.

He did the right thing with warp speed to save the seniors. It was Biden who caused the mess afterwards.

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Sadly, I don't even know if we can say the shots "saved" seniors. I just don't know anymore.

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Damn I forgot about HCQ

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Oh dear God.

A Set Up for President Trump's arrest, and

The "shot" heard around the world.

This too will fail.

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Trump did inappropriately push super fast vaccine development, but then treated it as part of his “ right to try” campaign. He never considered making it mandatory. He also did a good job promoting the legacy drugs that, as it turned out, worked better than the vaccine.

My business, produces a medical device that is not needed for Covid. We were projected to have our best year ever when the BS politicization of Covid hit the world. We have not recovered and are virtually on financial deaths door. We do need to capitalize on this moment. We are “led” by creeps on both sides of the aisle. They must be bent to the peoples will. If it causes them pain.. so much the better.

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Important to mention that Trump championed hydroxychloroquine and monoclonal antibodies from the get go and took them himself. Big Pharma, NIH, the CDC, the FDA, MSM etc. etc. made fun of him for recommending that people 'drink Chlorox' to treat COVID.

Then there were the comments about the 'horse dewormer'......you know, the one that has saved hundreds of thousands of.........wait for it........HUMAN lives, once people got past the "ivermectin police".

How many hundreds of thousands of lives around the world might have been saved with early treatment protocols containing these safe and effective, readily available repurposed drugs. The only drawback to them is that the big pharmaceutical companies (and their patent and shareholder partners e.g. Fauci) would not make billions.

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The relatives that didnt want to spend holidays with is unvaccinated folk will continue to keep away but now its because of how embarrassed they are because they were tricked.

Trump got the the ball rolling but the dems who forced this crap on millions will own this forever. The dam is about to bust.

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Utterly predictable. The real question is -- are people stupid enough to fall for it? Based on past performance, I think there's a good chance.

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And the old guy in the White House anouncing between licks of his ice cream cone that he's run out of patience for those rotten human beings who are destroying America and ushering in a dark Winter of sickness and death by refusing to get an mRNA shot means nothing, I guess.

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Shhhh... That never happened. Dementia Joe has the patience of a saint. Donchaknow.

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