Not if those who pay your salary and determine your continued employment prospects in your chosen career (and many other possible ones!) have huge vested interests in selling as much product as possible, at the highest profit, with an assured monopoly (EUA status), no worries of liability, and perhaps darker motives.
Good luck trying to prove a complication was caused by vaccination when the whole political and media apparatus are supporting the pharmaceutical companies.
duh...u would think..but oh, we are dealing with govt entities, so called health entities and dirty billioniares.....blood is on all their hands, this is beyond immoral and savage
Bang on as always, el gato, except for this sentence: “200 million americans took these drugs. you’d think they might be a tad curious on the data behind them.”
Tragically and incomprehensibly, those who drank the potion have lost all semblance of inquisitiveness. Perhaps that is one of the unlisted side effects …
Judging from my conversation with an old friend—who has twice drunk the potion, is scheduled for a booster this week, and has already gotten her 5-year-old injected—I think you’re right on both counts. After I gently encouraged her to ask questions and posed several dozen of my own exposing the chasms in the fraudulent narrative, she asked if we could change the subject as it was making her uncomfortable 😢
My local newspaper highlighted a 5-11 vaccination clinic the other day. Every time slot they had open was filled by an eager, clueless mother with a young child, like lambs to slaughter I was thinking. The mothers were expressing relief at finally having the vax available for their youngest children (their older children were already vaxxed). I felt incredibly sad looking at those innocent little faces and listening to the idiotic, ignorant comments from their brainwashed mothers. There were 10 or 15 protestors out front with signs about avoiding the dangerous vaccines, but this apparently didn't impact the vaccine mothers' choices. Very sad for those kids and what may happen to them down the road. Amazing what basic ignorance can do.
I am literally sick from reading your post cmcm. children that may be forever altered bc of their stupid and ignorant parents. I hate to say this, I really do, but the parents that did this to their kids, and those kids are really damaged, they should suffer a thousand deaths of guilt from now until doomsday.
Guilt seems the least punishment they deserve for poisoning their kids to make a political point. A more fitting punishment would involve millstones and the deepest parts of the sea.
"Amazing what basic ignorance can do." - Sad but really it's driven by fear, not ignorance. Most people get but snippets of news and all of that is designed to create fear in order to generate interest (and ad revenue). People are being destroyed via propaganda. Google is a participant in amplifying the fear by hiding any counterfactuals. All of this for more money - more evil.
All of us who are trying to find truth in place like this substack, need to continue advising our friends they are being brainwashed by propaganda because it sells ads. Don't confront, ask if they have seen the long term studies of risk. Ask why they are so afraid. Ask if their child already has antibodies since some 40% already have been infected.
Yes people get very uncomfortable. Why? Why not just patiently explain?
What i've noticed is not one of these people - not a single one - has tried to tell me I should take it for my safety. Because it's mandated or everyone's doing it or to save granny and any number of reasons might be given. But no'one seriously argues the one reasons that should be paramount - that I need this vaccine for my safety. Insane.
Very good point! She pretty much conceded every argument I made and could not come up with a single counter-argument. I don’t classify her as a Covidian because she was willing to listen for quite a while (I probably spent about 45 minutes sharing vaxx injury/death stories, peer-reviewed findings, contradictions in the narrative, evidence of BigPharma/Big Media/Big Tech/Big Brother fraud, etc.) before she asked if we could change the subject. I think she intuitively sensed I was right but didn’t want to believe it because she would be forced to confront the ramifications of what she had done, especially when it came to her child.
Yes, if someone would give me 45 mins I'd defo have a more sympathetic view of them too. Most people back away within seconds, repeating media soundbites like a mantra, usually revolving around the highly nuanced and insightful reference to "conspiracy theories".
Yes, she was actively and sensitively listening and teared up several times while I was talking about the victims. We had a very pleasant conversation after changing the subject, and she gave me a big, long hug and talked about letting me know when she was back in town, so I didn’t get the sense that she planned to disown me 😆 The email I wrote her was so long, I may have overwhelmed her. I’ll just have to wait and see how (if) she ends up responding. My hope was that she would review the material in time to cancel her booster, but I suspect she just went ahead with it since it was already scheduled.
then let them suffer their own consequences. they are ready to throw the unjabbed into the bottomless pit of fire, well, 2 can play that game. who in their right mind would place their kids on the altar of big pharma and watch it burn.
I spoke to an old friend who seemed to be listening. But then at another meeting it came up again and she started yelling at me, and she even had all these insults prepared. She’s clueless even on mainstream news items, but supports mandates.
The thing is, when and if something happens to her child down the road, due to her basic ignorance she won't know it was caused by the vaccine. She will never know.
i always say to people, dont believe me, do your own due diligence and give them several articles from prominent docs. but as they say, stupid is as stupid does.
I know. She explained that what’s done is done so there’s nothing she can do about it now, and I asked, “Don’t you want to know the truth?” Previously, she had said she was living in a different reality (which I don’t dispute!), and here, she said something to the effect of it not being the truth. I asked, “How do you know if you don’t examine the evidence?” She couldn’t answer that or any of the many other “why’s” I asked her.
Leftists and Democrats hate "why?" questions. I always say to them, "Don't tell me what you believe, tell me WHY you believe it."
They'll tell you *what* but a conversation killer is when they're asked "why?" It has happened sooooo many times in the past that it's no longer just anecdotal.
Their opinions are based on emotion, not intellect, and so they can't answer whys without sounding clueless or ignorant. So they don't bother. They change the subject, or leave the conversation.
Andrew - excellent point. I live in the "whys" - the amount of time I've spent mulling over the "whys" - why should/shouldn't I wear a mask, get the vaccine, request a religious exemption, attempt to persuade others, etc. My liberal friends spend all their time in the what - what should we do about trump, what should we do about florida, what should we do about anti-vaxxers, what should we do about climate change. Their entire intellectual discourse floats on the surface of unvetted assumptions.
Interesting you should say that as my letter to her included a bulleted list of 35 why’s, and no doubt I’ll think of more by the time I end up publishing it.
I was really surprised she had succumbed to the narrative given that she is an otherwise rational person with a knowledge of psychology so should have been able to see through the blatant manipulations. Goes to show how powerful mass hypnosis can be.
She did tear up while I was describing the suffering of vaxx-injured and grieving individuals and agreed to watch the Ron Johnson panel ( I wrote her a lengthy letter that I will be adapting and posting as part of my Letters series, but it’s been several days, and I haven’t heard back yet. I can only hope she will gradually awaken once she cracks open the door to reality.
For what they're worth, here are some thoughts on what perhaps has pushed your friend to behave irrationally. The media and governments the world over did an effective job from day 1 of portraying anyone who didn't agree with their plans as stupid rubes who wanted to kill grandmama and who were conspiracy theorists to boot. They covered up dissident voices of many brilliant people and, if those voices got out anyway, conducted vicious smear campaigns. If your friend is the sort who is very concerned about how people perceive her and/or wants to get along with her ingroup, it was easier to agree with what the media and government spouted. As stakes ramped up, it got harder and harder to disagree because the blowback would be even worse. The propaganda has functioned very much like a sales funnel: get people roped into a smaller thing (2 - 3 weeks to flatten the curve!!!), and now these same people have become long-term consumers of the lies.
I think your points are valid, although she isn’t the type to give in to peer pressure. She actually felt she did her due diligence by consulting a biochemist friend and a physician friend, both of whom supposedly researched the vaccines thoroughly and didn’t have any concerns. She admitted that she didn’t have the bandwidth to invest the amount of time researching that I did, and I conceded I’m not surprised she and her friends came to the conclusions they did given that the Ministry of Truth is censoring any facts/evidence that counter their carefully crafted narrative. I absolved her of blame for believing what the authorities told her but encouraged her to start asking questions. I asked her questions like, “Why do you trust BigPharma? Why do you trust mainstream media? Why do you trust Big Tech? Why do you trust the government? Why would you trust BigPharma over the victims they are viciously silencing? Why would Pfizer act like Maddie de Garay doesn’t exist when she volunteered to be part of a clinical trial for teens that was supposedly intended to identify safety concerns they could address? Why haven’t the vaccines been pulled off the market when they have resulted in millions of reports of adverse reactions and tens of thousands of deaths whereas every other vaccine in history was immediately pulled after a tiny handful of AE’s? Why are they forging ahead with a global mass vaccination policy of a brand-new technology that has not undergone long-term clinical trials and that scientists predicted would put selective pressure on the virus to mutate into potentially more virulent forms, which has proven true? Why are they mandating a vaccine that has been proven both unsafe *and* ineffective? Why is anybody risking their life and health to take an untested product in response to an infinitesimal threat? Why did BigPharma smear ivermectin and other cheap, effective treatments that would have prohibited them from securing the EUAs? Why is there a media blackout on vaxx injuries/deaths while they blare out COVID cases based on fraudulent PCR tests and deaths ‘with’ not ‘of’ COVID? Why did they thwart the development of natural herd immunity in evidence by December 2020 when that is what has gotten us out of every other situation like this in history? Why, if this is about health, was there absolutely no mention of preventative health measures that could be taken, emphasis on dietary and lifestyle changes, or advocacy of early treatment protocols?” And dozens upon dozens of other questions she couldn’t answer.
When she brought up the flu vaccine, I replied, “Exactly—why have they never mandated that, and why is the response to this virus so different to all past responses?”
When she asked me why they would lie, I said, “Totalitarianism, and trillions of dollars in recurring profits.”
She was most moved by the stories of the victims and the cruelty with which BigPharma had treated them. I can only hope she will be true to her word and watch the Ron Johnson panel I shared with her.
I jokingly said to two uber-vaxxed friends that I am serving humanity by being in the control group. They have been very quiet since then and I suspect I have lost them as friends. I’ll live. Literally.
64 and decided to forego the shots and wait to watch what would happen. Read the ingredient list and decided No way. And that is only what is given free, god knows what else is in there. Have not been seriously ill in over 10 years, taking my chance with the sickness rather than with the sick maker! I would certainly listen to you LOL
And familiies - my brother asked me for information about Ivermectin because all he could find on a google search were right wing websites. I sent him a presentation by Dr. Pierre Kory that he had presented at a conference in Sri Lanka, along with other data I had collected on the crimes of Pfizer, et al. I already knew he would outright reject anything I sent him from El gato malo. When I followed up with my brother, he said that he was too depressed to read it. He just doesn't want to know. He is too invested in his own tribal associations and his opinion that I have shifted to the right because of my refusal to get vaxxed.
I have always considered myself way to the left of my brother politically - I no longer consider "left" and "right" to have any meaning at all anymore. BTW, been using the Brave browser since I first heard of it from my gato pal.
I don't understand how "shifting to the right" has become synonymous with "becoming an insane conspiracy theorist". How did that happen? How did those on the left lose all sense of compassion and understanding with those who simply prioritise values differently?
Try sending him my “Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend” ( as I wrote it specifically for a friend who’s a “believer,” and I used the ivermectin disinformation campaign as a way of exposing the fraudulent narrative. I include *ample* citations from peer-reviewed journals in the footnotes as well. There shouldn’t be a single item in there he could discredit as being from a “right-wing” source.
My brother has serious TDS and has associated anything from a conservative website as automatically false. Very sad considering that his source of information (NPR, Huffpo, MSNBC, CNN) offer such erroneous, misleading, shallow information. I try to avoid all political references with him, but I have to work overtime to find valuable information links that are on a more neutral website that he can "accept". He seemingly can't evaluate the information at face value and can only relate to the site on which it is found. Sigh.
I went through that arduous exercise when compiling links for “Dr. Mengelfauci: Pinocchio, Puppeteer, or Both?” (, and I even included a footnote explaining why I solely cited mainstream sources. With later articles, however, I realized you can’t *find* a single mainstream source for many of the stories alternative media is breaking and Big Media is suppressing, so I had to give up trying in some cases.
They will never ask and will never know. Some may get increasingly sicker over the years through compromised immune systems but will make absolutely no connection with the vaccinations. So be it, I guess.
INdeed. I forwarded several official sites with warnings to vaxxed friends and family. Next time they saw me they asked the same question, where did you get that information? So either they deleted the sites without even looking at my Emails, or a ghost intercepted them. I don't think the Google ghost will go that far.
I sense that those who took it will avoid learning of the very poor decision they made. One of my sisters took it voluntarily, and every time I post an article about the injuries, the lack of data for US AEs, the numbers in Europe, Israel, etc., she comes back with some defensive rebuttal. It's exhausting. Not only that but she has gone full "CDC is great" wagon by taking the flu shot for the first time in her life! I've given up on trying to talk sense into her or any of the Covidians. My only focus now is on my teenagers.
Ugh. Ending with the twitter post by that cowardly and uninformed human wrapped it up... Conned into not taking? LMBO. Wow. If I turn on ANY "public" media of any kind (even on the web) I can barely NOT see an ad for a shot, a mask, a pill or some kind of scary death number. I think the "con" is the other way around for sure and the "media" is complicit in the murder and maiming of untold numbers through that con. Sorry if this comment was kinda out of context.
My wife inadvertently turned on the ABC news stream last night, it's amazing the garbage they report (Kyle Trial and jabbapalooza, children getting shots everywhere with proud parents). We live in a tragic time, tragic for what the overlords are doing, and more tragic for the stupidity and gullibility of the masses. This will not end well, compadres.
In CA the government is running cheery little ads on TV and radio about how the vaccines are now available for kids 5-11 and "they are proved to be safe and effective." Lazy and uninformed people WANT to believe their government and they believe the govt. is taking care of them by providing the vaccines. They have no doubt, no questions asked at all, it makes them feel safe. They say that.
It can not be told enough how the media are playing people. It is just sad to see how most run to the store when a new product is advertised. No matter what. I refuse to buy anything that says " as seen on TV "
Food companies should make labels that say, "We'll tell you what's in this food once the FDA tells us what's in the vaccine." Doubt most would be willing to cooperate though.
Reminds me of "We're never going to know how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it. That's the way it goes." - Dr. Ruben on the FDA panel. THAT FDA.
Would we eat something that has a label that says we will tell you what’s in it in 50 years? Maybe simpleton leftists can wrap their brain cell around this analogy.
Not to mention the recent whistleblower leak about the vaccine trial revealed more people died that received the vax than the placebo would add some urgency to the request...
And buried on page 23 of the report is this stunning sentence:
From Dose 1 through the March 13, 2021 data cutoff date, there were a total of 38 deaths, 21 in the COMIRNATY [vaccine] group and 17 in the placebo group.
Pfizer said publicly in July it had found 15 deaths among vaccine recipients by mid-March. But it told the FDA there were 21 - at the same data cutoff end date, March 13.
Not 15.
The placebo figure in the trial was also wrong. Pfizer had 17 deaths among placebo recipients, not 14. Nine extra deaths overall, six among vaccine recipients. -A.Berenson
Just saw how police in Austria are strolling in shops asking everyone for their pass. One person does not have it on her. They fee over 1000 bucks for that ! Is this yet another money maker for governments? I know Belgium made a good bit on fees for being outside while the communists... er... the government told you to stay in
The Court should say: You have 55 minutes to start releasing the documents, and the price of delay will be compounded in payouts for every 55 minute deadline you miss to release two times the amount of documents from the previous release.
Meaning: Release first document in an hour, 2 in the next, 4 in the next, 8 in the next and 16,777,216 documents in 24 hours. Missing the deadline means paying cash to people who didn't get vaccinated and are being forced to vaccinate.
Remember that our congress creates 2500+ page spending and health care bills that no one has read. And that no one ever reads. Remember Pelosi's words "We have to pass the bill to find out what is in it." Jeez....we elect and pay these fools? Or maybe we're all the fools for not promptly tossing them out.
Don't know who this John Sickels is but his Tweets indicate he may have been the role model for Forrest Gump when Forrest said, "stupid is as stupid does".
SO stupid that it never occurred to him to delete the Oct 2020 tweet. Hell, he's so dishonest and unmoored from reason and intellect that he probably didn't even remember posting it.
As some of the receipt pulling Drew Holden does on Twitter attests, these people do not care about being shown to be duplicitous. The attention span of the people who follow them is not long enough for that to matter.
I smell a rat. The pattern is familiar. Delay, delay, delay. Only one judge. What a wonderful world. I'll take it when the data is fully released and my people get to review it.
I had some interns going through old copies of technical reports, manually "cleaning" the pixels up, so we could read the reports, because OCR is notoriously bad with numbers and tables, especially if you run them through a copier first, so the images are not square anymore. I bet these FOIA release will make gato's litter box look like heaven.
Google is, incidentally, the biggest reason I think Fact Checks™ might slow down or even stop in the near future. Their ability to memory hole "wrongthink" is incredible, and possibly one of the biggest threats that currently faces the internet. Memory holing facts that don't fit the narrative is, of course, much more effective than "fact checking".
Amazon is also a big threat, considering that they host the majority of the internet, but fortunately they don't seem to be as censorship-happy as Google, at least not yet.
Perhaps as regards real time usage of the internet. But you might raise an eyebrow if you learnt how many books they have disappeared. Of course, as a private business, they are completely within their right. But, as when Facebook or Twitter bans a popular blogger (like a Berenson), and simultaneously loses hundreds of thousands of eyeballs they could have marketed to, that is placing ideology (Whose?) ahead of profits, which is most curious for a money-grubbing capitalist corporation.
True. I just checked some books and they are all still on it. Well they make money don't they? If they don't sell them anymore the money is earned by someone else! Wikipedia is another spoiler. Big spreader of fake news
AWS may be just a bit too big to censor. Removing hosted domains is trivial for customers they don't like, but mining that data is (at the moment) impossible. BTW, much of what they host is raw data typically encrypted, beyond their grasp.
Shouldn't the data have been verified BEFORE injecting millions of people?
Why would anyone want that? (Hint: we’re being groomed to not expect explanations/comply. Just get in line and shut up!)
no line for me, i always color outside of them
It was verified. By the same people and agencies that verified the safety of opiods. Nothing to see here. Move along.
And the safety of all the other vaccines, including Gardasil
gardisil sucks
Not if those who pay your salary and determine your continued employment prospects in your chosen career (and many other possible ones!) have huge vested interests in selling as much product as possible, at the highest profit, with an assured monopoly (EUA status), no worries of liability, and perhaps darker motives.
Any employer requiring Jab is liable (civilly and criminally) for adverse consequences.
Good luck trying to prove a complication was caused by vaccination when the whole political and media apparatus are supporting the pharmaceutical companies.
definitively darker motives..
duh...u would think..but oh, we are dealing with govt entities, so called health entities and dirty billioniares.....blood is on all their hands, this is beyond immoral and savage
Crimes Against Humanity
Crimes against Morality, Truth, the Future, Goodness and more. This is a sacrilege to the nth degree and I am so fuc**** furious.
Come on, Susan, be reasonable.
Well, no mandates until 2076 then?
Aha now we are getting somewhere
Bang on as always, el gato, except for this sentence: “200 million americans took these drugs. you’d think they might be a tad curious on the data behind them.”
Tragically and incomprehensibly, those who drank the potion have lost all semblance of inquisitiveness. Perhaps that is one of the unlisted side effects …
Some might be too scared to know. Others might think wanting to know would make them "anti-vax."
Judging from my conversation with an old friend—who has twice drunk the potion, is scheduled for a booster this week, and has already gotten her 5-year-old injected—I think you’re right on both counts. After I gently encouraged her to ask questions and posed several dozen of my own exposing the chasms in the fraudulent narrative, she asked if we could change the subject as it was making her uncomfortable 😢
My local newspaper highlighted a 5-11 vaccination clinic the other day. Every time slot they had open was filled by an eager, clueless mother with a young child, like lambs to slaughter I was thinking. The mothers were expressing relief at finally having the vax available for their youngest children (their older children were already vaxxed). I felt incredibly sad looking at those innocent little faces and listening to the idiotic, ignorant comments from their brainwashed mothers. There were 10 or 15 protestors out front with signs about avoiding the dangerous vaccines, but this apparently didn't impact the vaccine mothers' choices. Very sad for those kids and what may happen to them down the road. Amazing what basic ignorance can do.
I am literally sick from reading your post cmcm. children that may be forever altered bc of their stupid and ignorant parents. I hate to say this, I really do, but the parents that did this to their kids, and those kids are really damaged, they should suffer a thousand deaths of guilt from now until doomsday.
Guilt seems the least punishment they deserve for poisoning their kids to make a political point. A more fitting punishment would involve millstones and the deepest parts of the sea.
Unfortunately the next step, when their willful ignorance catches up to them will be to find and punish scapegoats.
And we will hold up a mirror to remind them who is ultimately responsible for an underage child's safety.
"Amazing what basic ignorance can do." - Sad but really it's driven by fear, not ignorance. Most people get but snippets of news and all of that is designed to create fear in order to generate interest (and ad revenue). People are being destroyed via propaganda. Google is a participant in amplifying the fear by hiding any counterfactuals. All of this for more money - more evil.
All of us who are trying to find truth in place like this substack, need to continue advising our friends they are being brainwashed by propaganda because it sells ads. Don't confront, ask if they have seen the long term studies of risk. Ask why they are so afraid. Ask if their child already has antibodies since some 40% already have been infected.
Yes people get very uncomfortable. Why? Why not just patiently explain?
What i've noticed is not one of these people - not a single one - has tried to tell me I should take it for my safety. Because it's mandated or everyone's doing it or to save granny and any number of reasons might be given. But no'one seriously argues the one reasons that should be paramount - that I need this vaccine for my safety. Insane.
Very good point! She pretty much conceded every argument I made and could not come up with a single counter-argument. I don’t classify her as a Covidian because she was willing to listen for quite a while (I probably spent about 45 minutes sharing vaxx injury/death stories, peer-reviewed findings, contradictions in the narrative, evidence of BigPharma/Big Media/Big Tech/Big Brother fraud, etc.) before she asked if we could change the subject. I think she intuitively sensed I was right but didn’t want to believe it because she would be forced to confront the ramifications of what she had done, especially when it came to her child.
Yes, if someone would give me 45 mins I'd defo have a more sympathetic view of them too. Most people back away within seconds, repeating media soundbites like a mantra, usually revolving around the highly nuanced and insightful reference to "conspiracy theories".
Yes, she was actively and sensitively listening and teared up several times while I was talking about the victims. We had a very pleasant conversation after changing the subject, and she gave me a big, long hug and talked about letting me know when she was back in town, so I didn’t get the sense that she planned to disown me 😆 The email I wrote her was so long, I may have overwhelmed her. I’ll just have to wait and see how (if) she ends up responding. My hope was that she would review the material in time to cancel her booster, but I suspect she just went ahead with it since it was already scheduled.
then let them suffer their own consequences. they are ready to throw the unjabbed into the bottomless pit of fire, well, 2 can play that game. who in their right mind would place their kids on the altar of big pharma and watch it burn.
I spoke to an old friend who seemed to be listening. But then at another meeting it came up again and she started yelling at me, and she even had all these insults prepared. She’s clueless even on mainstream news items, but supports mandates.
then good riddens and go down with the ship....
then she should and will suffer if something happens to her precious child and i will not give her an ounce of sympathy.
The thing is, when and if something happens to her child down the road, due to her basic ignorance she won't know it was caused by the vaccine. She will never know.
i always say to people, dont believe me, do your own due diligence and give them several articles from prominent docs. but as they say, stupid is as stupid does.
"I'd rather be ignorant than be uncomfortable." Yeesh.
and y'all wonder why cats laugh at humans....
That's because dogs have owners and cats have staff lol.🐱
I know. She explained that what’s done is done so there’s nothing she can do about it now, and I asked, “Don’t you want to know the truth?” Previously, she had said she was living in a different reality (which I don’t dispute!), and here, she said something to the effect of it not being the truth. I asked, “How do you know if you don’t examine the evidence?” She couldn’t answer that or any of the many other “why’s” I asked her.
Leftists and Democrats hate "why?" questions. I always say to them, "Don't tell me what you believe, tell me WHY you believe it."
They'll tell you *what* but a conversation killer is when they're asked "why?" It has happened sooooo many times in the past that it's no longer just anecdotal.
Their opinions are based on emotion, not intellect, and so they can't answer whys without sounding clueless or ignorant. So they don't bother. They change the subject, or leave the conversation.
Andrew - excellent point. I live in the "whys" - the amount of time I've spent mulling over the "whys" - why should/shouldn't I wear a mask, get the vaccine, request a religious exemption, attempt to persuade others, etc. My liberal friends spend all their time in the what - what should we do about trump, what should we do about florida, what should we do about anti-vaxxers, what should we do about climate change. Their entire intellectual discourse floats on the surface of unvetted assumptions.
Interesting you should say that as my letter to her included a bulleted list of 35 why’s, and no doubt I’ll think of more by the time I end up publishing it.
I fear you will never hear from her again.
if something happens to her child, it is on will take that for her eyes to open. how stupid can you be.
It's sad to see situations like that.
I was really surprised she had succumbed to the narrative given that she is an otherwise rational person with a knowledge of psychology so should have been able to see through the blatant manipulations. Goes to show how powerful mass hypnosis can be.
She did tear up while I was describing the suffering of vaxx-injured and grieving individuals and agreed to watch the Ron Johnson panel ( I wrote her a lengthy letter that I will be adapting and posting as part of my Letters series, but it’s been several days, and I haven’t heard back yet. I can only hope she will gradually awaken once she cracks open the door to reality.
For what they're worth, here are some thoughts on what perhaps has pushed your friend to behave irrationally. The media and governments the world over did an effective job from day 1 of portraying anyone who didn't agree with their plans as stupid rubes who wanted to kill grandmama and who were conspiracy theorists to boot. They covered up dissident voices of many brilliant people and, if those voices got out anyway, conducted vicious smear campaigns. If your friend is the sort who is very concerned about how people perceive her and/or wants to get along with her ingroup, it was easier to agree with what the media and government spouted. As stakes ramped up, it got harder and harder to disagree because the blowback would be even worse. The propaganda has functioned very much like a sales funnel: get people roped into a smaller thing (2 - 3 weeks to flatten the curve!!!), and now these same people have become long-term consumers of the lies.
I think your points are valid, although she isn’t the type to give in to peer pressure. She actually felt she did her due diligence by consulting a biochemist friend and a physician friend, both of whom supposedly researched the vaccines thoroughly and didn’t have any concerns. She admitted that she didn’t have the bandwidth to invest the amount of time researching that I did, and I conceded I’m not surprised she and her friends came to the conclusions they did given that the Ministry of Truth is censoring any facts/evidence that counter their carefully crafted narrative. I absolved her of blame for believing what the authorities told her but encouraged her to start asking questions. I asked her questions like, “Why do you trust BigPharma? Why do you trust mainstream media? Why do you trust Big Tech? Why do you trust the government? Why would you trust BigPharma over the victims they are viciously silencing? Why would Pfizer act like Maddie de Garay doesn’t exist when she volunteered to be part of a clinical trial for teens that was supposedly intended to identify safety concerns they could address? Why haven’t the vaccines been pulled off the market when they have resulted in millions of reports of adverse reactions and tens of thousands of deaths whereas every other vaccine in history was immediately pulled after a tiny handful of AE’s? Why are they forging ahead with a global mass vaccination policy of a brand-new technology that has not undergone long-term clinical trials and that scientists predicted would put selective pressure on the virus to mutate into potentially more virulent forms, which has proven true? Why are they mandating a vaccine that has been proven both unsafe *and* ineffective? Why is anybody risking their life and health to take an untested product in response to an infinitesimal threat? Why did BigPharma smear ivermectin and other cheap, effective treatments that would have prohibited them from securing the EUAs? Why is there a media blackout on vaxx injuries/deaths while they blare out COVID cases based on fraudulent PCR tests and deaths ‘with’ not ‘of’ COVID? Why did they thwart the development of natural herd immunity in evidence by December 2020 when that is what has gotten us out of every other situation like this in history? Why, if this is about health, was there absolutely no mention of preventative health measures that could be taken, emphasis on dietary and lifestyle changes, or advocacy of early treatment protocols?” And dozens upon dozens of other questions she couldn’t answer.
When she brought up the flu vaccine, I replied, “Exactly—why have they never mandated that, and why is the response to this virus so different to all past responses?”
When she asked me why they would lie, I said, “Totalitarianism, and trillions of dollars in recurring profits.”
She was most moved by the stories of the victims and the cruelty with which BigPharma had treated them. I can only hope she will be true to her word and watch the Ron Johnson panel I shared with her.
I rather loose a friend than live a lie
I jokingly said to two uber-vaxxed friends that I am serving humanity by being in the control group. They have been very quiet since then and I suspect I have lost them as friends. I’ll live. Literally.
Plenty of other people in the world ! That kind of friends we do not need
good for you Rose, good riddens.
64 and decided to forego the shots and wait to watch what would happen. Read the ingredient list and decided No way. And that is only what is given free, god knows what else is in there. Have not been seriously ill in over 10 years, taking my chance with the sickness rather than with the sick maker! I would certainly listen to you LOL
I would listen to you!
And familiies - my brother asked me for information about Ivermectin because all he could find on a google search were right wing websites. I sent him a presentation by Dr. Pierre Kory that he had presented at a conference in Sri Lanka, along with other data I had collected on the crimes of Pfizer, et al. I already knew he would outright reject anything I sent him from El gato malo. When I followed up with my brother, he said that he was too depressed to read it. He just doesn't want to know. He is too invested in his own tribal associations and his opinion that I have shifted to the right because of my refusal to get vaxxed.
I have always considered myself way to the left of my brother politically - I no longer consider "left" and "right" to have any meaning at all anymore. BTW, been using the Brave browser since I first heard of it from my gato pal.
I don't understand how "shifting to the right" has become synonymous with "becoming an insane conspiracy theorist". How did that happen? How did those on the left lose all sense of compassion and understanding with those who simply prioritise values differently?
Trump Derangement Syndrome obliterated all former tolerances for nuance and any degree of openness to debate.
Labeling things as "conspiracy theory" is a long time radical leftist tactic.
Try sending him my “Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend” ( as I wrote it specifically for a friend who’s a “believer,” and I used the ivermectin disinformation campaign as a way of exposing the fraudulent narrative. I include *ample* citations from peer-reviewed journals in the footnotes as well. There shouldn’t be a single item in there he could discredit as being from a “right-wing” source.
Beautifully written.
It's hard to convince the intelligent, reasonable, rational, and scientifically-minded to NOT trust the (pseudo) science.
Thank you!
My brother has serious TDS and has associated anything from a conservative website as automatically false. Very sad considering that his source of information (NPR, Huffpo, MSNBC, CNN) offer such erroneous, misleading, shallow information. I try to avoid all political references with him, but I have to work overtime to find valuable information links that are on a more neutral website that he can "accept". He seemingly can't evaluate the information at face value and can only relate to the site on which it is found. Sigh.
I went through that arduous exercise when compiling links for “Dr. Mengelfauci: Pinocchio, Puppeteer, or Both?” (, and I even included a footnote explaining why I solely cited mainstream sources. With later articles, however, I realized you can’t *find* a single mainstream source for many of the stories alternative media is breaking and Big Media is suppressing, so I had to give up trying in some cases.
i do not want that kind of stupid around me.
They will never ask and will never know. Some may get increasingly sicker over the years through compromised immune systems but will make absolutely no connection with the vaccinations. So be it, I guess.
we will know
INdeed. I forwarded several official sites with warnings to vaxxed friends and family. Next time they saw me they asked the same question, where did you get that information? So either they deleted the sites without even looking at my Emails, or a ghost intercepted them. I don't think the Google ghost will go that far.
I sense that those who took it will avoid learning of the very poor decision they made. One of my sisters took it voluntarily, and every time I post an article about the injuries, the lack of data for US AEs, the numbers in Europe, Israel, etc., she comes back with some defensive rebuttal. It's exhausting. Not only that but she has gone full "CDC is great" wagon by taking the flu shot for the first time in her life! I've given up on trying to talk sense into her or any of the Covidians. My only focus now is on my teenagers.
do not waste your time on her it is hopeless. Unless they come to their senses on their own, I think no talking is doing any good
55 years to flatten the curve
Ugh. Ending with the twitter post by that cowardly and uninformed human wrapped it up... Conned into not taking? LMBO. Wow. If I turn on ANY "public" media of any kind (even on the web) I can barely NOT see an ad for a shot, a mask, a pill or some kind of scary death number. I think the "con" is the other way around for sure and the "media" is complicit in the murder and maiming of untold numbers through that con. Sorry if this comment was kinda out of context.
My wife inadvertently turned on the ABC news stream last night, it's amazing the garbage they report (Kyle Trial and jabbapalooza, children getting shots everywhere with proud parents). We live in a tragic time, tragic for what the overlords are doing, and more tragic for the stupidity and gullibility of the masses. This will not end well, compadres.
In CA the government is running cheery little ads on TV and radio about how the vaccines are now available for kids 5-11 and "they are proved to be safe and effective." Lazy and uninformed people WANT to believe their government and they believe the govt. is taking care of them by providing the vaccines. They have no doubt, no questions asked at all, it makes them feel safe. They say that.
It can not be told enough how the media are playing people. It is just sad to see how most run to the store when a new product is advertised. No matter what. I refuse to buy anything that says " as seen on TV "
Food companies should make labels that say, "We'll tell you what's in this food once the FDA tells us what's in the vaccine." Doubt most would be willing to cooperate though.
Reminds me of "We're never going to know how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it. That's the way it goes." - Dr. Ruben on the FDA panel. THAT FDA.
Would we eat something that has a label that says we will tell you what’s in it in 50 years? Maybe simpleton leftists can wrap their brain cell around this analogy.
or what is in this food LOL. God knows what we are eating. Food it is not I am sure
Not to mention the recent whistleblower leak about the vaccine trial revealed more people died that received the vax than the placebo would add some urgency to the request...
And buried on page 23 of the report is this stunning sentence:
From Dose 1 through the March 13, 2021 data cutoff date, there were a total of 38 deaths, 21 in the COMIRNATY [vaccine] group and 17 in the placebo group.
Pfizer said publicly in July it had found 15 deaths among vaccine recipients by mid-March. But it told the FDA there were 21 - at the same data cutoff end date, March 13.
Not 15.
The placebo figure in the trial was also wrong. Pfizer had 17 deaths among placebo recipients, not 14. Nine extra deaths overall, six among vaccine recipients. -A.Berenson
Thanks as always... God help us all against this rising tide of pure evil and bad faith. We are in 1938 Germany right now.
Just saw how police in Austria are strolling in shops asking everyone for their pass. One person does not have it on her. They fee over 1000 bucks for that ! Is this yet another money maker for governments? I know Belgium made a good bit on fees for being outside while the communists... er... the government told you to stay in
The freedom-loving Austrians (are there any?) need to borrow a tip from their neighbors' behavior during WWII.
The Court should say: You have 55 minutes to start releasing the documents, and the price of delay will be compounded in payouts for every 55 minute deadline you miss to release two times the amount of documents from the previous release.
Meaning: Release first document in an hour, 2 in the next, 4 in the next, 8 in the next and 16,777,216 documents in 24 hours. Missing the deadline means paying cash to people who didn't get vaccinated and are being forced to vaccinate.
Remember that our congress creates 2500+ page spending and health care bills that no one has read. And that no one ever reads. Remember Pelosi's words "We have to pass the bill to find out what is in it." Jeez....we elect and pay these fools? Or maybe we're all the fools for not promptly tossing them out.
Don't know who this John Sickels is but his Tweets indicate he may have been the role model for Forrest Gump when Forrest said, "stupid is as stupid does".
SO stupid that it never occurred to him to delete the Oct 2020 tweet. Hell, he's so dishonest and unmoored from reason and intellect that he probably didn't even remember posting it.
And I told him as much when I commented on his Twitter and attached the above picture.
As some of the receipt pulling Drew Holden does on Twitter attests, these people do not care about being shown to be duplicitous. The attention span of the people who follow them is not long enough for that to matter.
I thought at first it was a photoshop LOL
Man, I hope it wasn't, otherwise I'll have egg on my face!
(hands Andrew soap and towel) just in case ROFL
I smell a rat. The pattern is familiar. Delay, delay, delay. Only one judge. What a wonderful world. I'll take it when the data is fully released and my people get to review it.
to call this “highly irregular” would be like calling ghengis kahn a “travel enthusiast.”
Just Googling "ghengis kahn" to see if the narrative has changed on him too!
Gato, guaranteed, they are gonna redact those pages and run them through the worst 1985 Xerox they can find. Because they can.
I believe there is a Photoshop plugin filter for that called "FOIA".
I had some interns going through old copies of technical reports, manually "cleaning" the pixels up, so we could read the reports, because OCR is notoriously bad with numbers and tables, especially if you run them through a copier first, so the images are not square anymore. I bet these FOIA release will make gato's litter box look like heaven.
This should sound like a 5 alarm fire going off. But people seem to think this is fine.
The deadening of the senses of the western mind is more total, more complete than most ever thought possible.
I can’t wrap my brain around it at times.
"to call this “highly irregular” would be like calling ghengis kahn a “travel enthusiast.”"
I laughed out loud! I'd say satire is an extremely healthy response to this clownery.
Thank you!
Google is, incidentally, the biggest reason I think Fact Checks™ might slow down or even stop in the near future. Their ability to memory hole "wrongthink" is incredible, and possibly one of the biggest threats that currently faces the internet. Memory holing facts that don't fit the narrative is, of course, much more effective than "fact checking".
Amazon is also a big threat, considering that they host the majority of the internet, but fortunately they don't seem to be as censorship-happy as Google, at least not yet.
Perhaps as regards real time usage of the internet. But you might raise an eyebrow if you learnt how many books they have disappeared. Of course, as a private business, they are completely within their right. But, as when Facebook or Twitter bans a popular blogger (like a Berenson), and simultaneously loses hundreds of thousands of eyeballs they could have marketed to, that is placing ideology (Whose?) ahead of profits, which is most curious for a money-grubbing capitalist corporation.
These people are rich enough, and probably get plenty more from the other rich ones than comes from marketing.
True. I just checked some books and they are all still on it. Well they make money don't they? If they don't sell them anymore the money is earned by someone else! Wikipedia is another spoiler. Big spreader of fake news
AWS may be just a bit too big to censor. Removing hosted domains is trivial for customers they don't like, but mining that data is (at the moment) impossible. BTW, much of what they host is raw data typically encrypted, beyond their grasp.