Jan 21, 2022Liked by el gato malo

Rousseau: Do you like cats?

Boswell: No.

Rousseau: I was sure of that. It is my test of character. There you have the despotic instinct of men. They do not like cats because the cat is free, and will never consent to become a slave. He will do nothing to your order, as the other animals do.

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Unfortunately, many people prefer being told what to do. With freedom comes the responsibility to exercise reasoned, independent judgment. It is much easier just to obey someone else’s commands.

“Trust thyself”, says the person of courage.

“Trust the experts”, says the coward.

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I'm saying no to tyranny, medical or otherwise, until my dying breath. Whether that's last breath is from old age or a tyrannical stormtrooper breaking down my door and killing me for not taking what "they" say is good for me. I never submitted to insanity during the numerous other health "emergencies" over my lifetime and I'm sure as hell not going to start now. Ef em.

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I'm recovering from a rough case of covid right now and my loathing for the establishment has actually increased as a side effect...

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The White Rose is a paragon of decentralized activism, not like the established NGOs that are just elitist mouthpieces. $10 for 1000 subversive stickers, no salaried employees, high impact. This is the way.

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This is yet another very important post about intelligent disobedience. I have relatives that are so fed up and so disgusted and horrified with WA state restrictions, however.... they would never dream of "disobeying." So they dutifully wear masks in public. The question is how do we convince this group of people that they are not going to hell if they don't obey the health department??

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Lady Macbeth hated dogs: "Out, damned Spot!"

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“sit, stay.”

You forgot “play dead.”

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I would hesitate to claim that the average pilot is as intelligent as a guide dog, but the federal regs governing us contain the same privilege/responsibility: when in command of an aircraft, a pilot must follow the directions of air traffic control *unless that pilot judges that to comply would be unsafe or create a hazard in flight or to persons on the ground.* And in that case, you reply with one word: "unable." And ATC has to accommodate you at once.

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At this point, if the health authorities started telling the truth, no one would believe them—I mean, after the die off of the vaxxed and boosted.

“Every single country in the westernized world” will, I fear, see massive depopulation. Someone projected exactly that a few years back…

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Omg the memes....they're just so good.

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Leave me alone!!

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I've become a paying subscriber. I like your style. Smart and punchy. Keep up the great work :)

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Damn - that last one is spot on!

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Short, sweet and to the point - as always!

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The White Rose has its stuff appearing all over the place. Here's another good one which appeared on a street light pole in Calgary, Alberta.


It's operant conditioning explained for the politically naïve, I suppose.

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Bring on '1984'! Peace is War! Freedom is Slavery! Ignorance is Strength!

My god...

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You can get graphics like the one on top from this site - https://telegra.ph/ENGLISH-horizontal---The-White-Rose-Stickers-04-13#DOWN and you don't need to put them on stickers, wheatpaste will do just fine, that's flour in hot water, left to sit until it cools - you want to stir it of course for even consistency... then use a broad brush, put a thin coat on the back, slap it up, press the air out, and put a thin coat on top. Let dry...

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Dogs have masters, cats have staff.

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Those are awesome

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The woman in the last meme should be Dolores Umbridge...

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Jan 21, 2022·edited Jan 21, 2022

The top pic is an example of stickers from the UK (now global!) movement The White Rose. They've run a successful sticker campaign for a long time now, I've seen them in multiple places in the UK ❤️

"The White Rose is a global network of independent activists, all working in unison to disseminate a much needed counter narrative to the relentless fear mongering, lies and propaganda we've all been subjected to since day one of the Covid-19 scamdemic.

https://t.me/JoinTheWhiteRose "

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