I am a primary care doctor at a large academic center. In a staff meeting today the leadership presented data reported from the CDC showing unvaccinated individuals 12x more likely to die from covid. I cant find the data but here is a cnn report about it. https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/15/health/cdc-covid-risk-higher-unvaccinated/index.html

There was so much moralizing and pleading and saying of things like "vaccines are the only way out of this, you simply must get your unvaccinated patients vaccinated." I dont even know how to begin to approach this.

Iam in this virtual room w/60+ docs and it seems most people are so fervently committed to this you cant even discuss it. They have this "data" and that is the end of it. They are fully convinced they have the truth and they are the righteous ones. The disdain for unvax was palpable. These people are using all of their influence to push the agenda. They have all the media on their side. They have huge numbers at least where i am. I just dont have the command of the data to walk into an environment with all these infectious disease docs and say, "look you are wrong and here is why." I tried this once on a small scale and it did not go well. No one wants to listen.

I mean how does it go..."hey look, i know every government agency, health leader, media outlet, pharmaceutical company and doctor you have ever talked to says that these vaccines are totally safe and effective and you have to be a sociopathic loon to avoid them.... but you see there is this cat on substack that says you are looking at this the wrong way."

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I’m glad you are here and aware we are going to need you. Don’t waste your energy on those that are lost. I work in a similar environment and it is hard. I have helped lots of other family, friends, colleagues, former students navigate prevention, treatment, and exemptions. Nurses and RT’s other ancillary staff are awake.

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Even if that study is 100% above-board, accurate, and well-conducted, there are many ways to get sick and die. If my chance of dying from covid jumps from .000345% to .00522%, that "12 times" figure doesn't interest me. It especially doesn't interest me if said intervention increases my all-cause mortality or disease risk.

(How I got my numbers: It is very hard to find numbers on how many healthy women between the ages of 30 and 40 died, no comorbidities or medications, especially given the fact that many of us never got tested or reported our covid cases to anyone, but I like Avik Roy's risk estimates here: https://freopp.org/estimating-the-risk-of-death-from-covid-19-vs-influenza-or-pneumonia-by-age-630aea3ae5a9)

I am sorry you have this experience, by the way; in similar situations, I-- not an assertive person by nature, but a "kill more flies with honey" type-- tend to simply ask questions. I never tell them they're wrong, but one big question I've been asking lately, because I hear what you're hearing a lot, is "I just heard you say vaccines are going to get us out of this. Can you clarify what you mean by 'this'?" Either direction they go in, just ask another question. Make no statements they can hang you on, just questions they can hang themselves on. We need doctors like you!

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I like your approach and tend to do the same thing when statements are made such as "I got the booster because I would hate to spread it to anyone because I don't know that I am carrying the virus, and there are so many susceptible people out there...." - I counter with "when is the last time you had a virus and didn't know it?" and "why are susceptible people out in the community if they feel they could die from this?". I never get any answers. Thank you for the link.

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Love these questions. Gonna practice them.

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Thank you for this comment. I really like this suggestion. Just ask the question about how we get out of this w/vax. It is non-confrontational, forward-looking and bypasses so many arguments. we are 80% vaxed adults here and cases higher than last year. What is the endgame here?

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Oh, I like this suggestion about asking people to clarify and continuing the asking of questions. Wonder if the question 'if the vaccines are the only way out of this, and the unvaccinated people are dying, then why do vaccinated people keep dying ... just like the unvaccinated people ... could you clarify this for me?

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Yes. Maybe the other doctors can help our doctor here find the data demonstrating how the vaccinating is getting us out of the problem.

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Ask questions. Hard questions. The Socratic method way. Plant seeds of doubt, in some, hopefully. Most won't be affected, but you may just make a difference at the margin.

I can't imagine how hard it must be to live and work in that environment. I pray for those like you to have the courage to keep going and hold fast. God bless you.

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...yeah, I just straight up tell anyone who asks that I am more fearful of a drug that crosses the Brain Blood Barrier than I am of getting a treatable disease... response (crickets)...

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Makes total sense why doctors kill 250,000 people every year with medical errors.

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It is so hard to be in these environments and stay sane. Hold out. Keep reading snd paying attention to the people who give and look at data that is complete, not funded by big pharma and not some regurgitated statements every news source says. I keep pointing to other more transparent countries. I constantly get pushback from all my family and various medical friends, but there is a larger contingency that also is listening and looking at the DATA and sees and believes what I and El Gato are saying. I listen to the people whose predictions have been RIGHT and come true time and time again from the beginning. I don't think any admin, US government agency or mainstream media can say that- they've all had to go back and re-say and flip flop and twist and come up with crazy things like heart attacks on the rise because of poor diet due to Covid restrictions. Keep refuting them with facts in your mind. Then sometimes test the waters to learn their arguments and then find the evidence if you don't already know it to refute. Plant little seeds of truth and dissent too. Eventually, you'll be able to refute in the larger crowd and make people think, ask the questions like Dr. Doshi did. Give some numbers and let it sit. "Self-discovery" sticks more than lecture.

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What a wonderful reply, such good points to take to heart!

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Thank you for these thoughts.

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"Self-discovery sticks more than lecture." Wonderfully conveyed. I like to say, "It's not my job to convince you. It's my job to convince me. You're on your own!" That is sometimes a difficult pill to swallow, but it helps keeps sane-ish.

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Clearly, you must get command of the data, with the huge proviso that all the “data” appears to be bogus. (See phony PCR test story about number of cycles being run, add in the labeling games around cause of death reporting, add in designed to fail VAERS reporting system, add in the deliberate destruction of the control group for vaccine tests, add in suppression of Ivermectin (see Dr.Pierre Kory) add in Phizer’s criminal record—for starters. Really, I would say you have to be a sociopathic loon to persist in overlooking the obvious “tells” that this thing is a crime against humanity. Dr. Judy Mikowits has impressed me with her talks, I would drill down by reading her books to learn her technical arguments, as well as studying Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Charles Hoffe, America’s Frontline Doctors are some of the clearest and most heroic in their service that I have run across to date.

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Oh, and I forgot to add in one more thing about the “data.” It just plain old hasn’t had time yet to even reveal itself, so how can these learned numbskulls be insisting that they “know” it is safe? They are flying blind. This is not anything that takes an expert to see. Long established safety protocols in the field have been skipped! Come on man!

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Here's a link to a pre-covid article that talks about the safety issues with repeated doses.


Some quotes:

Delivery — actually getting RNA into cells — has long bedeviled the whole field. On their own, RNA molecules have a hard time reaching their targets.They work better if they’re wrapped up in a delivery mechanism, such as nanoparticles made of lipids. But those nanoparticles can lead to dangerous side effects, especially if a patient has to take repeated doses over months or years.

Novartis abandoned the related realm of RNA interference over concerns about toxicity, as did Merck and Roche. Moderna’s most advanced competitors, CureVac and BioNTech, have acknowledged the same challenge with mRNA. Each is principally focused on vaccines for infectious disease and cancer, which the companies believe can be attacked with just a few doses of mRNA. And each has already tested its technology on hundreds of patients.

“I would say that mRNA is better suited for diseases where treatment for short duration is sufficiently curative, so the toxicities caused by delivery materials are less likely to occur,” said Katalin Karikó, a pioneer in the field who serves as a vice president at BioNTech.

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Forget those doctors, they are lost. But as a doctor, you can do a lot of good by talking sense to your patients.

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I’m a healthcare provider and I do - but only if I sense an open mind. Many are too aggressively indoctrinated, with a

mind thirsting for someone to condemn, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of “getting it”, of mot being one of those stupid, mislead “antivaxxers”, having had thei minds and hearts filled with fear and anxiously lining up benhind the pied piper with the lifesaving syringe. Having just watched. Movie where the 18th century mob was screaming for “witches” to be burned i am reminded that the masses with the pitchforks have always tend led to follow one another, not the voice of reason, facts and logic.

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I have a lot of patients come in that are filled with rage. completely unprovoked they start going off about their anger with the unvaxxed, i think just assuming i would completely agree. I just try to get out of the room without having to confront it. I have tried to make a personal commitment to never lie about my vax status but i did the other day just to be able to move on from this nasty patient without a confrontation.

Every few days i run into a patient who you can tell is testing the waters to see if they can have an honest conversation about whats going on and I just smile and tell them its ok and we have a real talk. Such a breath of fresh air when it comes.

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You're describing my experience to a tee. The fury is surprising in its intensity, but I assume the fear and frustration that the relentless propaganda has instilled in them is looking for an outlet. The ones that are looking for a "safe haven" for an honest conversation seem grateful for the opportunity to actually talk and seek information. Thanks for being there for your patients!

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As a 'patient', agreed!! Filosopher - hUge thanks to you as well!! God bless you both for being sane, haha... Brings a lil more hope there are more of you out there than it seems. It's so completely frustrating as the patient, having sO many of my doctors still completely blind to the truth. It completely baffles me as theY are the supposedly intelligent ones. I have my Endocrinologist spending 3/4 of appt trying to convince me how detrimentally important it is for me to get the 'jab' (I have MS, Hashimoto's), spouting off the compLETE opposite of virology-immunology 101. I seriously wanted to laugh, like seriously? Are you heaRing what you're saying?? It's like their thought process has been taken over. And worse yet, my Neurologist of over 14yrs, who I absolutely LOVE, stiLL on the side of madness. Never, in 14yrs, when switching MS trtmnts (and did a lot as couldn't handle the side effects) would she put me on a newly approved drug. "Too new." "Let's see how it does for a couple years." I LOVED and respected her for that. My health and SAFETY was truly her concern. Then the EAU of Cov-19 Jabs comes and I mUst get it now! I'm like, what?? "It's too risky not to!" And my husband who has natural immunity...she thinks is insane for not getting jabbed. Well, he sadly is noW, or would have been fired, but that's another sad story.

CRAzy. InsAnity. EverYwhere!! So disheartening. Now I'm behind on trtmnt (monthly infusion - afraid they'll sneak the vax in me!!), MRIs, appt with Neurologist, among others, sigh...Time to seek out some new docs. Just pray there are more like you both out there!!

Thx to you both again!!❤️

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Trust the cat.

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I'm just a guy out here observing and trying to live and navigate through the madness. Filosopher, I'll say this: THANK YOU FOR AT LEAST QUESTIONING! That means a lot to me. As my trust of the "health care system" is at an all time low. In fact, it's lower than my chance of dying from so-called "covid".

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It is difficult to stay sane under such circumstances. I have learnt that discussing the "unequivocal" data leads only to condemnation. I just watch them traveling this path to insanity. Give them rope and they will hang themselves.

The population is slowly waking up to the forever booster plan...

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I just want you to know that you are thinking and acting in the correct manner…you are in a system that is corrupt, and evil, as I am sure you have come to know this. Stand true to yourself! And if you come to the point of needing to seek employment elsewhere, there are plenty of people who would pay to have you as their ‘private’ primary care physician. WE Too the public are fed up with the Industrial Medical Healthcare Delivery System! As much as you seem to be. God Bless!🙏

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I have used gato and others who have been banned on SM as references and all I hear back is "misinformation"- even when the information is right in front of their noses that the CDC and other NOW are agreeing to that these people were saying over a year ago....yikes.

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WHAT...not that... it's 4:42 a.m. Coffee is kicking in.

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I read the article, dated Oct 15 ,2021, several times, and you are right: Lots of assertions with NO data, and no links to any data . . . not much one could discuss, and in fact seems to make it irrefutable . . . junk journalism?

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I have no advice for you. When they are convinced, using data or argument against them is tough. However, on the issue of a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" I can categorically, unapologetically, phantasmagorically, state, in scientific terms, that narrative is bullshit. Here is some surveillance data for the UK -- https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1018547/Technical_Briefing_23_21_09_16.pdf. It shows that: of the total deaths recorded in the UK for the Delta variant up through the September 17, 2021 Technical Briefing, 28.4% were unvaccinated, 6.5% were partially vaccinated, and 63.5% were fully vaccinated, with 1.6% having unknown vaccination status. This is not unique data. As such, the data being reported in the U.S. is doctored, cherry-picked, or something else, in order to support the narrative. I apologize if you already--as I suspect--know this, but figured I would share, just in case.

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I hate to throw a wrench into your theory, but I will do so. One thing we have learned about the covidians, doctors included, is that facts and true information will not, ever, make them understand; they are impervious to reason and truth. For us who understand what is happening, it is unfathomable that covidians can't see and understand what we see and understand, but once we see how their cult behavior has thoroughly conditioned them to reject, perhaps violently, even the notion that their accepted narrative could be wrong, it becomes crystal clear that there is nothing we can do to save them. Psychologically, they will be forced to save themselves, if/when they are subjected a shocking event or realization that forces them to confront reality. Even such a shocking event or understanding may not be enough; they will easily slip back into the cult unless they are forced out of it. Understanding your belief that informing covidians about facts that go against their imbibed belief should be all that it takes to wake them up from their trance, psychologists familiar with cult-like behavior tell us otherwise.

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I appreciate the wrench you threw, but I was holding one just like it already. I said, I thought, that using data to convince someone else was dicey at best. I presented the data FOR HIM, not for them. I agree, wholeheartedly, that "saving" them is likely a pipedream.

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It's a CNN headline. Let's wait to see the actual report. The whole "your 5 times more likely to test positive after natural immunity versus vaccinated individuals" was one of the worst data collection efforts I've ever seen. Could easily have been labeled "your 6 times more likely to be hospitalized after vaccinated"!

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"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion."

Albert Camus

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After much consideration, I decided on what to write on that surgical mask I was forced to wear at the dentist last week and will wear again in another week. I had settled on "Why are you afraid?" but then I had a better idea, probably from one of el gato's memes. The trick was finding something comparable to how it spread out on my face, and the stuffed animal I thought of using worked perfectly. I wrote: "It's not about a virus." I'll report how it goes next week. 😸

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We faced that today. Our dentist office said: “Masks, no exceptions!” I said no. We were early and no one else was there so we proceeded to our teeth cleaned (though the dentist was short with us during our 2 minute exam). I mean, you can remove the mask as soon as you leave the reception area, so, come on… It makes me want to look for another dentist. I suspect they are all following the health department’s edicts.

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They're afraid they'll be shut down by the dental association and/or the health department. Last time I was at the dentist, though, I wore the mask under my nose while I waited and didn't wear it at all when I left the examining room afterward and stopped at the receptionist's desk on my way out. No one said anything to me about it, including the receptionist, who was wearing her own mask on her chin.

I wish I could say the same for my doctor's office. I had my mask on my chin while I waited for her, and the minute she walked in she told me to pull my mask up. Not "hello" or "how are you doing," but "pull your mask up." Then she ignored the problem I'd listed as the reason for my visit and instead looked at her computer screen while she harangued me about taking the jab. The only reason I go back to this quack once a year is to get my BP medications and my disability placard renewed -- and a couple of years ago, she tried to get my placard taken away because my problem (AF back injury, damaged vertebrae causing scoliosis) didn't match anything on her checklist. Pardon my rant....

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...it’s ok, you’re among friends here...💕

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Yes, they want to make sure to show their disapproval to those of us who refuse to comply with their irrational policies. It's all about medical tyranny and tyranny in general. I get by at my doctor's office with a face shield, but like Phoebe comments below, I'd rather have a PCP who isn't captured by Big Pharma and would follow the science, not the ScienceTM.

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My mask, when forced to wear it, say “this is Bullshit”

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Don't have one. Maybe I'd write 'Sodden Germ/Virus Collector' on it if I did.

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“One of the most important tasks the ‘dissident movements’ have set themselves is to support and develop [parallel social structures]. . . What else are those initial attempts at social self organization than the efforts of a certain part of society to . . . rid itself of the self-sustaining aspects of totalitarianism and, thus, to extricate itself radically from its involvement in the [totalitarian] system?”

Václav Havel, The Power of the Powerless

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Havel is such a heroic figure. I don’t know his exploits in detail but I think he was publically resisting and helping to crumble the “Iron Curtain” when it was starting to weaken using his creative writing ability and wit during a time and in a context where you could get prison time even for being disrespectful and mocking the regime. But here he is talking practical strategy of creating parallel business channels which is so much what we need. I find that more and more I can just go in big corporate places like Home Depot, get what I want, and go through self-checkouts and nobody says boo that I don’t have a mask. Lower echelon workers couldn’t be bothered. They aren’t paid enough to hassle people, it is too stressful. My problem is with the smaller outfits that sell organic groceries that I need day-to-day. I am reluctant to create a scene because I don’t want to burn my bridge since there are very few of them out here. However, the other day, in a curmudgeonly mood, I did. The place had an internal juice bar where you could sit unmasked so I got juice and tried to check out groceries in the other part of the store. They were on me immediately but I loudly pointed out the absurdity that people were eating and drinking 20 feet away and masks do diddly squat to protect anyone. I kept putting my groceries on the counter while I argued, and the manager said it was useless because the hapless checker was forbidden to serve me. After I got my cart unloaded, I told the checker to ring me up. She just stood there timidly preserving her job. The manager was gone, I assumed she was summoning help. Finally I whipped out a piece of African Mudcloth and tied it around my face and she rang me up and I got out of there. I felt like I performed good service with this incident, because I was helping crack the dam and letting people see options. But if some entrepreneurs would put together an option for sane shoppers, a parallel channel, I believe the market would be there.

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I just say, "I'm exempt."

Excluding situations where criminal charges could be attached.

It leaves them off balance to begin with, if nothing else. I bet you won't even be pushed most of the time. Good Luck. One more Havel quote >

. . .[these] parallel structures do not grow . . .out of a theoretical vision of systemic change (there are no political sects involved), but from the aims of life and the authentic needs of real people.”

Václav Havel, The Power of the Powerless

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Absolutely. Fine sentiment, but it’s a whole lot easier to talk the talk than it is to walk the walk. The walkers make the difference.

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As Project Veritas says, "Be Brave. Do Something."

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In other words, be a cat.

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I think as we go forth, if we want to win, we need to remember:

OUR SIDE doesn't judge or mandate based upon people's choices. Individual human beings can mask, vaccinate, boost, or whatever they want as long as THEY are freely choosing those actions.

NO ONE should comply, even if their choices match what is being asked of them (for now). Do not submit your vax status. Refuse to obtain or show any kind of passport or proof of vaccination. Refuse routine testing.

OUR SIDE is for freedom, but their side will try to divide us into "vaxxed and unvaxxed" or "maskers or anti-maskers" because they sense that if they can do that, they will win.

*Caveat: I'm working really hard on not judging people for some of these things, because I know we've got bigger fish to fry than the guy in the next lane alone in his car with a mask on. He's fun to laugh at, but truth is if Brandon signed an executive order that said, "NO ONE is allowed to wear a mask while alone," I'd fight that, too. Tyranny will ultimately squash all of us, even if, for the moment, we are the ones who benefit from it.

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Had covid! Not taking Jab..ever

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New England Journal of Medicine (a BIG, highly respected medical journal) just published their findings on their studies and stated that the 'immunity' lasts approx 2 months. Natural God given immunity lasts a lifetime.

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LOl, none of us needed a study to tell us our natural immunity is superior-all the animals, us included, have relied on this for thousands of years and these dolts are wasting money on another study. good grief.

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Hmmmm......sounds like Fauci's big vax is a bust. But shhhhhh, don't let the world know.

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Well that at least mentions the main player: The Immune System. It is all about the Immune System v Virus.

All the talk about vaccine is a red herring. It deflects from rational consideration of how best to help the immune system and observation of what it does (ie. protect > 99% all by itself).

My suggestion is refuse to use the world 'vaccine'. We can use phrases like 'premature immune system starter' or 'immune system antagonist' , 'system provocation', 'immune system manipulation' as against 'pure system methodology' , 'innate system protection', 'natural wholistic response', 'untainted immunity'

and refer to:

'immune system prerequisites', 'immune system enhancement' , 'immune system co players'.

Refuse to talk about their vaccine.

It is a marketing man's catch phrase and it deflect, captures and retains attention (and dollars). They don't really care what you say about a vaccine - good, bad or indifferent, as long as you keep looking at the vaccine.

And the total irrationality inherent in the whole pitch that a vaccine somehow attacks and kills viruses. Whereas in fact it attacks the immune system of course, in order to make it take action and in that much it is more protagonist to the virus than antagonist.

It is wasted energy and thinking concentrating on it.

The issue is our Immune Systems verses Viruses and that's where the debate should remain. Well it hasn't even started. Where it should start and then remain.

They'll go hairless and not understand at all where you're coming from if you simply won't say the word 'vaccine' because it is token to them, a magic talisman, it stands in place of reason and truth. It is a god. Without it they will feel bereft, lost and lonely, confused, bewildered. They won't understand what you've done or why you're doing it.

It will take them a long time, if ever, to switch to considering the truth: the actual interaction of Immune system and virus.

To come up to someone today and say 'I'm worried about my immune system' would be as novel and astounding as to say 'I'm worried about gluteus maximus' or somesuch. They'll see no relevance at all. Won't understand what you're talking about.

And that's a total condemnation isn't it? When the Immune system is seen as totally irrelevant?

When people innately believe a vaccine defeats virus, not the immune system?

This is history's great deflection of attention I can imagine.

That's the base problem. Orwellian newspeak. Complete irrationality. Untruth masquerading as truth. We need to get back on point.

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...have been using “injectable biologic “... more appropriate.

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death shots ... more marketable.

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Terrific, spot-on comment! Thanks!

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Do you have a link?

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Source ?

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Do you have a link or the name of the paper?

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“You can deliver yourselves if you try, not by taking action, but merely by willing to be free. Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into pieces.”

—Étienne de La Boétie, “The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude”

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I watched a video with Catherine Austin Fitts, an exceptional lady who has followed the machinations of the Deep State actors behind this debacle for years. She explains in sobering detail that plans that "they" have for us, and their goals for our dystopian future. While there appear to be few things we "normies" can do in the short run to thwart their plans, one thing she mentioned really struck me - shunning. Turns out that shunning; i.e., refusing to do business with "them," refusing to deal with them, refusing to even pay attention to them, can be a very powerful tool, one that has been practiced for centuries to great affect. It may not be easy to stop doing business with the likes of Amazon, Walmart, etc., since we have become dependent on them and their convenience, wholesale shunning of the oligarchs who are destroying our lives may be one sliver of hope in our efforts to turn the tide against them. Do business with local merchants, local credit unions or banks, local shop and grocery stores, etc. Starve the beast, before the beast devours what is left of our liberty. FWIW.

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I look for ways to do this all the time. I don't mind paying more if I can support business that is local.

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I think the vaccine data is not hard to navigate. If somebody says there is no short term (I´ll say again: short term, and only Covid related issues. How it will affect general health within a few years, that´s another thing, and it looks really bad) benefit at all in advanced age demographic sections, he/she´ll have a hard time supporting that reasoning with data, because indeed there is a small benefit in that society area. But at all ages, the difference is really tiny, and we´re just talking about Covid, without taking into account the probable repercussions in people´s general health. Whoever says that the difference in protection is 14 times higher, is lying. And if that person says that a short term reduction in one particular disease means an increase in social health, then that person is dumb.

But the problem is not if it somehow works in high-risk individuals, but if there is any reason AT ALL to force vaccination in people of all ages, when the Infection Fatality Rate, even at Covid´s peak, was around 0,03% in ages 0-70. If you are going to force something, you better have different data than Covid´s, because it does not show the necessity of global vaccination, and the risks associated are mostly unknown. It is clear that the spike protein does not always stay in the area of the injection, so massive problems could end up happening. And they will. They are now.

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problem is, that is what this current admin is practicing with the utter no common sense/ulterior motive against the american people mess it is making, from supply chain issues to inflation and all in between. this admin and the health agencies are not complying to the american peoples needs and breaking the laws constantly. if they complied with truth, reason moderation and real science and stats, we would not be in this mess...

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I would prefer if it said “I do not comply” or “I do not consent”. More defiant, plus people don’t like being told what to do lol. But I’m nit-picking

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Yes. That's why I'll never say, "Im exempt" when I'm not wearing a mask. I'm not wearing a mask because I AM NOT COMPLYING.

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Exactly! I choose not to wear one, not that I'm 'exempt' from wearing one!

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Not nit-picking at all. Even asking for an exemption validates the mandate: "It's okay to force others, but not me; I'm exempt."

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It will all "Come out in the wash" eventually. I can't imagine being in meetings with educators today, and am fortunate to be retired. Certain populations, such as teachers, health care providers (admin. mostly) have bought into this hook, line and sinker. I live in a retirement community and am glad to say I have had a hand in getting things "going" again (golf NEVER shut down...$$$$) but even the most involved and intelligent have been backed into corners because of fear. Performing arts and singing groups have been reinstated as well as exercise classes and other groups (no masks!) which makes me happy. I don't participate in "I got my booster" or "there's currently a spike" conversations and just carry on. Planning a neighborhood get-together for December. Those who are still "concerned" can stay home. Get out, look around, and participate and be the example. Just may repost this however for good measure. There is right and there is wrong. This is RIGHT.

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First I would have to join social media.

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Give it a try! Fishing for lost souls and sniping at sheepdogs is fine sport and a praiseworthy pastime. Pro tip: abandon ego and you can have as many lives as you want.

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Nah, I absolutely never will. Part of my job is actually documenting both the gross and subtle damages social media usage does to mental health.

I did less harm to my lifetime health when I smoked cigarettes.

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I can respect that. I never touched the stuff myself, until the war came to my door. I use a lot of PPE, of course.

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You are not on social media? If you are a seeker, you must join Telegram, read some birds - you don't have to open account to read them - ; and share important reads with people. In short, be informed and informing.

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Nope, no thanks. It's precisely this weird cult-like pressure that affirms my decision every single time.

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"....cult-like pressure..." ??? Then what are you doing on substack?

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...making you really, REALLY up in my business, apparently.

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"Must" is a strong word.

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True. At the highest level, "must" does not and should not exist because we have the free will to choose.

When seeking information, ideally we wish to restrict our searches to certain sources, for want of time. If our sources are mainly located in one place, then it is a "must" to visit that place. That is why the bird and Telegram are my "must" sources.

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I have the bumper sticker and the t-shirt. Been living it since I could first backtalk mom and pops 😜

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Thanks for your writing. I am not ungovernable. I am not a subject.

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The "consent of the governed" is meaningless unless it can be withdrawn. They broke the contract.

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When someone is elected into office they technically have the consent of the governed. To keep things from getting out of hand we have laws under which the governing body is supposed to operate beginning with the supreme law of the land the Constitution of the U.S.

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"Be the change you want to see in the world" is the dictum. You can't do that by merely grandstanding on the Internet.

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"Would be a shame if more people changed this to their profile picture..." strikes me as a negative statement.

Seems to me that this Daily Wire journalism *probably* meant to state an affirmation/positive:

"It would be a shame if more people didn't change this to their profile picture..."

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We live in an age of irony.

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Too bad they weren’t this active in April 2020.

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Love this.

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I think first eliminate dependencies on “them”, then “they” can’t govern you.

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93%-Vaccinated Ireland Has Gone Back Into 'Partial Lockdown', Including Midnight Curfew

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Never done this before; lets see if it worked . . .

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Much better. 2nd iteration: Had to make a .jpg of the original twitter pic :)

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Thanks. I stole your .jpg :-)

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Yeah enough of the virtue signaling on social media. Why out yourself there. Go underground and become ungovernable. Move, if you can, to shore up the red states.

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If you "out yourself", you're doing it all wrong. It's not about virtue signaling, it's about building bridges out of hell.

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I mean why out yourself to the technocrat overlords. Call me crazy but they’re tracking our beliefs.

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VPN, burner phone numbers, whatever assuages the paranoia...


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I do all I can within the law to NOT comply.

1. NEVER will vax

2. Got a lawful self-declared mask exemption. Put it on in supermarket checkouts and take it off immediately upon checkout exit. Why? I feel a bit uncomfortable when I see a checkout babe with two masks, a face shield and gloves on! To avoid breathing in dusk and gunk, I wear a WET cloth mask. I got the idea from divers.

3. Spend full-time reading and sharing reading on my SM accounts.

Send my well-known questions re the "vaccination" to "experts", and any other people and orgs I come across.

4. Able and willing to engage in intellectual combat with anyone on a general level, of course, since I am not even a science person.

There are people still wearing masks outdoors and in cars when they are not required. I saw two women masked up as I did my quick walk minutes ago! On a beautiful sunny, with a light breeze!

"Give to Caesar what is Caesar's" - meaning we have to comply with the law. We have the power to change the law. Don't break it; change it!

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Pretty sure the apostles weren’t thrown in prison for complying with the law.

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Are we even His students, much less His Apostles?

Do what you know and believe is best since you will bear the responsibility of your life.

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“Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s”—I thought the quote went something like that. It’s begging the question that Caesar even gets a cut. Some people might believe that everything belongs to God, in which case I guess Caesar is shit out of luck.

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In its original context, it meant: "You are literally using money with Caesar's face on it - if you use his coins, how can you object to paying his taxes?"

(It's worth noting this was said in response to an attempt to trick the King into a false dilemma - of either denouncing Roman taxes, in which case they can report him to the Romans for sedition - or saying "yes pay the taxes", in which case they could paint him as "ungodly" for "supporting" the roman occupation. It didn't work, of course - don't mess with the King.)

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He was/is/will be the best at Do Not Comply.

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It means when offered the death shots, return it to Caesar, because it belongs to Caesar.

And let Mother Nature take care of yourself.

The best quote in the Bible, by far.

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The Indian revolution was won by lawyers, no ? Maybe that's the path.

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That was totally different. He had the people behind him; and it was a political matter in one country.

Observe history and you will see if you have the hearts and minds of a majority behind you, you will win.

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Become ungovernable:

My name on Zero Hedge, where I am a prominent commenter:

Deplorable: Anyone who hates Hillary Clinton is a "deplorable"

Goblin: Sarah Jeong hates white people and thinks they should live underground because of the sun. AKA "goblin" - this is actually amusing.

Front Hole: An organ that some people think is a sign of womanhood but doesn't actually exist in the way they think it does.

Screw society.

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I just changed my FB profile pic to this! Now to go to Instagram!

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"Branch Covidians" has a ring to it.

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