Guess I can tell my wife that I drank 0 beers before dinner today!

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"Prices of TVs dropped, so we just need to buy more TVs to beat inflation!"

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She’s a perfect example of what it takes to be on staff in the FJB administration. No skills and not aware that you don’t have any skills.

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Math is racist, stop holding her to account on some outmoded standard.

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The trolley should be the new mascot of the left. You know, because it was the way you went to the neighborhood of make believe.

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I am more astonished that the "Biden Whitehouse" yesterday disowned the Trump Raid "not consulted" i.e. "wasn't us, talk to the deep state" ! Not even hiding it anymore.

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I thought Twitter had very strict standards against misinformation....

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When you look at row crops and grains in the Table-2 breakdown of food prices the input price cost is easy to spot.

Annualizing the price outcomes, we see:

Flour at +60% in June and +38% in July.

Bread overall at +19% in June, and +34% in July.

Crackers at 12% in June, and +40% in July.

Massive food inflation incoming, the 3rd wave, as all the energy, fertilizer, labor and other jacked up input costs come home to roost. No pun intended.

Hat Tip Sundance at CTH.

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I guess if they are going to re-define violence, and racism, and woman, and recession, they might as well do the same for inflation.

As I understand it the price index for July didn't increase relative to June, so they are calling it zero inflation, despite the fact that traditionally it is reported as year over year value.

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Is this like when I go shopping and buy $1000 of things on sale for just $800, and tell my husband I SAVED him $200?

Or maybe this is like the math that told us the shots were 98% effective?

Numbers are so conveniently malleable!

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Just when you think the gaslight can't be cranked up any higher...

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2+2=potato. *Whispers* not a joke, not a joke.

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Not wrong, just switching the metric. Month to month vs year to year. The problem is both are wild underestimates of how inflation impacts most people in terms of purchasing power. 0% MtM inflation isn't exactly something to celebrate as the prices become permanent fixtures in people's lives.

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Reading comprehension is a product of the white male patriarchy. There’s no room for that malarkey in the New World Order!

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Watch what happens. The Fed's attempts to constrain credit will trigger a deflationary collapse (probably already the case) after which it will respond with higher, and accelerating, rates of monetary debasement. Short nominal rates having been pushed to zero the avoid hangovers stay drunk strategy is over. Decades of monetary and fiscal distortion must now be wrung from the system through either inflationary collapse (easy bet) or deflationary collapse. Happy endings never follow such distortions, and those extant are extreme by historic standards. Doubt it? Just study financial history.

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God how I wish I could Heimlich this sh!t away.

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