It always interests me when the zoned out start noticing things that, when we noticed, made us crazy conspiracists. I just wonder - what flipped their switch? Why now?
A saying I heard recently keeps coming up -- If you're one step ahead of everybody else, you're a genius. If you're two steps ahead of everybody else, you're a lunatic.
Not far different from the old hiker joke. Two backpackers are being pursued by a grizzly bear. One hiker stops, drops his backpack, pulls out some running shoes, and begins unlacing his boots. His partner is incredulous. "Are you out of your mind? There's a bear after us!" His friend replies "I don't have to outrun the bear. I only have to outrun you."
stroke too. saw a photo on twitter of a ad for a childrens book (it was in France) about Strokes and how they are normal. These people are very very very sick
Yep France is in there too with the other communist countries now. I wonder what they are calling Le Pen now? they can hardly call her democrat or liberal?
LOL. VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) is also a common target for anti-cancer drugs since you want to slow down the ability of the tumor(s) to build vascular supply. What could possibly go wrong here? They are both incredibly foolish and amazingly full of hubris. How do I know this? Because I founded a company that built software for insilico drug discovery and VEGF was a common target for anti-cancer small molecule (and biologic) drugs.
It's OK. "joe biden" is phunding a new cancer vaccine to counteract the malignant angiogenesis. We will be mRNA-ing ourselves weekly soon if these demons get their way.
That's what I'm afraid of. There is only a single blood test to screen for cancer markers that I know of that's commercially available (and FDA approved, for whatever that's worth) and I'm sure they wouldn't require it before they shot someone up with this stupid VEGF mRNA shot.
Not the first time such a war declaration was made. I don't know the origin, but decades ago someone famously said "There is more money to be made searching for a cancer cure, than finding a cancer cure." People like Anthony Fauci and those who suckle at his teat have proven this in spades (albeit in a different branch of research.)
Slow down your cancer and speed up your heart attack, or vice versa. Your body, your choice!
VEGF inhibitors are also shot into people's eyes to treat macular degeneration. Who knows if or how much of that leaks into the general circulation to mess anything else up.
Some get ahead of themselves in these fields and play their own Frankenstein games. We still know very, very little. However, it does provide opportunities for the growing number of [corrupt] pharmaceutical money making/laundering machines...
I am not a pharma market analyst (thank God!) but it strikes me that a year on year 19% jump in revenue for a long established product is quite remarkable - in any market - another "coincidence" perhaps?
That's Q3 data 2021 - the Eliquis boom was also seen in Q2 - I happened to see it last summer ... 16% in Q2 if I recall - good time to be in pharma! ... keep an eye on dementia meds next? early onset cases are probably aggressively treated.
(please seek the advise of a competent financial advisor!)
i'd never heard of "poe's law" - i immediately thought it had something to do with edgar allen poe and i couldn't figure out what.
you probably already know the backstory on the similar story of marie antoinette "let them eat cake." she never actually said that. it appeared in a newspaper at the time, to represent marie's general attitude. it sounded like something she'd say.
many people use the wrong tone when repeating that line. it should not be delivered in an imperious tone, but in the tone of a naive little girl. marie's offense to the public wasn't haughty scorn, but simple minded childishness. the girl simply didn't understand anything. no bread? let's have dessert instead - yay !
the onion and babylon bee writers must be struggling for original content these days. and what of the april fool's day traditions so many publications have? they'll soon have to write headlines "biden praises american constitution" to get a laugh.
"Madame Victoire had very little wit and extreme kindness. It was she who said, with tears in her eyes, in a time of scarcity when people spoke of the sufferings of the unfortunate people lacking bread: 'But my God, if they could resign themselves to eating the crust of pâté!'" (which was cheaper than bread)
You're wrong. Marie Antoinette was known in her time for being a wonderful, humble, and extremely caritative person. This was degenerate leftwing ("red" jacobins) level slander of the worst kind. In fact the naivete and good will of Louis XVI was France's undoing.
thank you for that information. i was aware that it was propaganda, and i am no jacobin (or degenerate leftwing), but that "quote" did reflect the perception of some segments of the french public.
codex redux gave us some interesting information that i wasn't aware of - seems the quote had been attributed to an earlier aristocrat. i am pretty sure i've read reliable accounts that newspapers in marie's time did put those words in her mouth too. it's the kind of quote that could be used over and over again through the ages.
it's tragic what happened to marie. i do not mean to slander her. by all accounts i've ever read, she was kind hearted and meant well. however, she was little more than a child when she married louis, and she was isolated from the political and economic circumstances of the time. she was not a political leader and was never meant to be. there are many stories of marie's childlike (and even childish) nature and gullible naivete, which was entirely typical for young princesses, and very easy target for propaganda directed at the class divide.
the only reason i mentioned it was that the quote, and the demeanor with which it is typically said, is wrong- it's not the proper marie voice at all. i think we can agree on that.
Catturd on Twitter shared one today about referee whistles causing heart attacks in athletes. It had me going for a minute before I realized it was satire lol
They did the exact same thing after they drastically expanded the childhood immunization program and the autism rate exploded. They started publishing articles about how autism is completely normal and has been all around us this whole time. We just somehow failed to notice. At the same time, they introduced the completely made up concept of "neurodiversity" so that they could say how great autism was, never mind that most of these children will never be able to hold a job, marry, or have a family. They will need custodial care for their entire lives. But ain't autism grand? Don't we all wish we had an autistic child?!
It won't be hidden. It will be in plain sight. Only the idiots won't be able to see it. I really hope, to my shame, that the actual number of deaths and injuries is high enough that even the idiots won't be able to refute the obvious. Honestly, the worst that can happen is that not enough would get injured for the ones still buying the narrative to wake up. I shouldn't think this but I truly believe this is our only chance. That they screwed the "vaccine" so badly that the numbers of deaths will be impossible to hide. If nothing out of the ordinary happens, the sleepers won't wake up even when they are locked in a smart city, eating bugs and have a brain implant. By that time, they might not even be capable to do it.
You would think tens of thousands would already be impossible to hide. I think people just don't want to see it. They don't even see it when it happens to their family or to themselves, so how much are these large numbers going to make an impression on them?
I seriously think the NYT could come out tomorrow and say "10 million US mRNA 'vax' deaths confirmed in 2021" and very little, if anything, would actually happen. Because we've been told we have to destroy the village to save it. Except it's not an enemy village, or even an "enemy" village, it's our own village. The world having been effectively conquered, the globalists' only real enemy is humanity itself.
The marketing strategy is so subtle, so warm and fuzzy and they play the long-game. It's infectious. The name of the game now, with all of this, is awareness. Whatever it takes to wake up the sleepers. I was one for sure--but I'm here now. I am very interested in figuring out how that is done on a massive scale.
Welcome to the cool kid club. They achieve it through incremental steps..infectious as you say. The sleepers must be personally affected else nothing bothers them. Example: school curriculum...parents are now fully engaged.
So play the long game too. All warm and fuzzy. Don’t tell them they were wrong. Show them you offer something better. I really feel an incentivized campaign for better general health which will lead to more contentment is the ticket. I don’t know any current public figure who could begin this. The health officer of Florida has taken a very few baby steps.
I'm old enough to remember NSAIDS cause catastrophic stomach bleeding in everybody, cautioning news stories everywhere, and suddenly, miraculously, Big Harma had the answer: Cox-2 inhibitors! Voila!
They turned out to be dangerous, cause heart attacks, and got taken off the market in response to class action lawsuits. Huge fines for the companies ensued for HIDING NEGATIVE SAFETY DATA. Lather, rinse, repeat.
These psychopaths will never give up, until they are in jail, without bail, for as many lifetimes as they have snuffed out so far with their infernal jabs.
Thank you for pointing out the obvious sleight of hand. They are shameless. Shameless. Shameless!! People need to wake up to their inner peasant, and stop bending over to the Machine.
There's so much good land, open space in this country. Is there anyone else out there thinking it would be great to come together, buy a mountain and a valley and create our own form of "Amish" country?
First give everyone problems with a Covid an mRNA vaccine that causes heart problems; and then start selling mRNA therapeutics to promote the recovery of cardiac problems.
Let’s see how long it takes to come out… my guess is it will be approved by the FDA in less than 6 months (say by September) under an “emergency approval” (excuse: so many people are dying of heart problems – remember the insurance companies are seeing all-cause mortality rise by over 40%, whereas 10% would be unprecedented).
I wonder what it will cost. Thousands maybe… at least hundreds…
The insurance companies should be slamming the hell out of these guys. Or, Option One: they simply will not pay for the new drug. Cheaper for insurance companies to let people die. Or so as not to “look” so evil as letting people die who cannot pay, underneath pharma and insurance will be colluding to split the profits. Option Two: the government (i.e., all of us taxpayers) will pay. So warm up your check book… higher taxes on the way soon…
This is how you subjugate a whole country (indeed the world) to depend on the government for everything. So, enjoy now, for later your will have nothing.
And remember, with so many “extra” people dying (especially in the wage-earner demographic), the tax base will be diminishing… so a multiplier effect in tax increases for even faster subjugation.
Government (FDA) will make the new meds "standard of care" which requires insurance (private and government) to pay. Pretty good deal for big pharma and the healer's guild: emergency approval = no need for all that silly testing; blanket immunity from harms; shut out other potential "approved" treatments and most importantly of all: guaranteed profits from a captive market, largely funded by tax dollars.
And this is what needs to be stopped "standard of care" This is corporatism by the hospitals. And they take their orders from CDC NIH instead of what used to happen..doctors treated patients, found what worked best, sent it UP to NIH and after FAIR AND GOOD STUDIES, was accepted as the standard BUT NOT MANDATED. Since AMA, etc. all are funded by NIH, and all the academic teaching hospitals (FAUCI just says do it or no NIH grants for you), the entire EDIFICE needs taking down and we need to go back to MEDICINE as USUAL. So how do we get our private independent doctors and hospitals back? 80 percent of doctors are NOW EMPLOYEES, and all HOSPITALS are now run by Corporations.
Thanks for the information. I hadn't known of the "standard of care" designation. Like you imply, seems a great deal for pharma, not much for we the people. It sure seems this whole "medicine" industrial complex in this nation needs to be taken down big time. It needs to be completely destroyed so it can be "built back better" to coin a phrase.
Watch the film Cancer the Forbidden Cures a film by Massimo Mazzucco made in 2010 The documentation in this film of how doctors and others with simple cures were persecuted and ran out of the US by the Pharma industry. Same tactics used then by the same group and their backers are using today. You will also learn where you can still go to get the inexpensive treatments if you or someone you know gets cancer from eating and drinking the poisons in our air, water, and food. 🕊
Work in a pharmacy in the northeast and have seen a tremendous uptick in the need/use of nitroglycerine and tissue plasminogen activator (for stroke). Although anecdotal, cause for concern given the emerging data on clear iatrogenic effects of these shots.
It's nice to see that I am still living in the twilight zone. Bob Saget died from bumping his head. I guess all of his complaints after the 3rd COVID shot didn't make the news. Oh wait it did.
Spot on El Gato. Gradual normalization of heart problems has been going on for few months now. We all have anecdotal evidence in friends and family who are suddenly suffering from heart conditions post jabs. Ironically, those same family and friends are blind to recognizing jabs as the cause. 🙄
You know, my entire skepticism about mRNA technology centered around the injection site. "Shouldn't they be shooting this stuff directly into my heart?" Problem solved.
Seeing all the advertisements for drugs lately - which (surprise, surprise) happen to correlate to the myriad "adverse" effects of the problem shot - took me back to a time when pharmaceutical companies weren't allowed to advertise. And then some black-hearted politician decided there was gold in them there hills. Truly, the love of money (Greed in all its forms) IS the root of all Evil.
Covid clearly has risks (even for the healthy). However, it seems most of these can be mitigated with effective early treatment. These so-called 'vaccines' also carry risks. These may not be mitigated so easily by treatment. So what do they pharma-politicians do? Demonize the former, push the latter and then sell patch kits later. Seriously, f&$# these people.
"Myocardial infarction (MI) was once thought to be an issue for the elderly. A heart attack in someone under the age of 40 was extremely uncommon, but now one in every five-heart attack patient are under the age of 40."
Member when advertising had pictures of cool looking doctors recommending cigarettes... N the food pyramid recommending tons of servings of grains n pasta, plus lumping sugars n fat in the same category? I'm seeing a pattern here 🤔
Not possibly. GOING on through pandemic and still today..and tomorrow if we don't do anything about this damn corporate standard of care and the employees that work for them that used to be called doctors and nurses.
In fairness, heart and circulatory disease have been leading causes of death (and by implication, serious illness worthy of treatment) for many, many decades at least in the developed world. I have no issues with medical science treating these. As an aging man (60s) I welcome care that may prolong healthy life. In fact, I'm under (routine) care -- the usual aspirin and statin at my age. Finally, I don't doubt that mRNA holds great promise for treating disease. Hell, I don't even begrudge capitalism. Drug companies exist for one reason only: to make a profit for their shareholders. It's not like they spend years and millions of dollars developing new drugs out of the goodness of their hearts.
Now the downside: What I object to is the complete takeover of government regulatory and other branches by Big Pharma interests. In theory, regulators were supposed to insure the efficacy and safety of new products. What we have in practice, are universities, private corporations and even government agencies and employees of all the above, who have vested interests, sometimes profiting directly from patents on drugs, and they're expected to make impartial decisions on these products??? Oh yes, did I mention that not obeying the "party line" (pleasing Pharma) is career suicide? Just ask Duesberg and any number of other professionals.
In such an environment, how could research or regulation possibly be impartial? Greed and power have become institutionalized; what is actually safe (or even just available) to doctors and patients is the real casualty. Should regulators really have the power to restrict, if not outright ban, alternative treatments, simply because it would or might interfere with their preferred and highly profitable product in the pipeline?
We have many appalling examples of incompetent regulators. The Covid-19 "vaccines" being perhaps the latest, and certainly the largest both in money but also terms of doses administered. mRNA simply hasn't been tested enough to prove its safety. Oh yeah, finally, I disagree that such products should ever be mandated for any purpose. I'm perfectly OK with making available experimental, risky or even dangerous products, but they should always be tested or prescribed with the fully informed consent of the patient -- another item that is noticeably absent with the Covid-19 vaccines, although that specific language is in the (non-binding) regulations.
There are some juicy bits in the latest Pfizer quarterly statement risk closures. Basically one of the risks listed the publication of mRNA vaccine trial data! They can lie to the customers, to the government but to the shareholders...not so much!
I’m just gonna approach this one like this: I’ve got one heart and so far it’s been working fine. I was told a long time ago it had a murmur 🙄 but I keep it healthy with oxygen pumping through it, I keep those nasty fats out of my diet that like to plug it up, I exercise it, I admit I should water it more often. If it feels funny I stop what I’m doing until it feels normal. I do know that I know what goes on in my body better than some stranger! Good thing you have 9, you can test these weird things out for us….but you’re a cat and not stupid like us humans🥸
The number of heart commercials on TV right now is mind-blowing. Even my 'zoned out' friends have noticed. They don't laugh when I tell them why.
It always interests me when the zoned out start noticing things that, when we noticed, made us crazy conspiracists. I just wonder - what flipped their switch? Why now?
A saying I heard recently keeps coming up -- If you're one step ahead of everybody else, you're a genius. If you're two steps ahead of everybody else, you're a lunatic.
If you are four steps ahead you are a prophet (aka genius, lunatic and conspiracy theorist).
If you’re three steps ahead you’re a conspiracy theorist.
Not far different from the old hiker joke. Two backpackers are being pursued by a grizzly bear. One hiker stops, drops his backpack, pulls out some running shoes, and begins unlacing his boots. His partner is incredulous. "Are you out of your mind? There's a bear after us!" His friend replies "I don't have to outrun the bear. I only have to outrun you."
That makes a large *smart* bunch of us lunatics for staying behind the jab trend 😁
So, so astute.
they all start to have heart problems ?
I think that goes right to the heart of the matter.
It might just be Valentine coming up, but there is a lot of heart going on lately
stroke too. saw a photo on twitter of a ad for a childrens book (it was in France) about Strokes and how they are normal. These people are very very very sick
Yep France is in there too with the other communist countries now. I wonder what they are calling Le Pen now? they can hardly call her democrat or liberal?
Just wait for the HIV commercials
The current HIV commercials are going to have to be reconfigured because they all feature black trans people. Time for some diversity in HIV!
Thank you for telling them why.
You still watch “TV”?
Live sports is all.
LOL. VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) is also a common target for anti-cancer drugs since you want to slow down the ability of the tumor(s) to build vascular supply. What could possibly go wrong here? They are both incredibly foolish and amazingly full of hubris. How do I know this? Because I founded a company that built software for insilico drug discovery and VEGF was a common target for anti-cancer small molecule (and biologic) drugs.
It's OK. "joe biden" is phunding a new cancer vaccine to counteract the malignant angiogenesis. We will be mRNA-ing ourselves weekly soon if these demons get their way.
That's what I'm afraid of. There is only a single blood test to screen for cancer markers that I know of that's commercially available (and FDA approved, for whatever that's worth) and I'm sure they wouldn't require it before they shot someone up with this stupid VEGF mRNA shot.
Didn't Biden already announce they were declaring war on cancer? I thought I read it...
Not the first time such a war declaration was made. I don't know the origin, but decades ago someone famously said "There is more money to be made searching for a cancer cure, than finding a cancer cure." People like Anthony Fauci and those who suckle at his teat have proven this in spades (albeit in a different branch of research.)
Read a comment recently laying out how every time gov. announces a "War On" Something, we get more of it.
Slow down your cancer and speed up your heart attack, or vice versa. Your body, your choice!
VEGF inhibitors are also shot into people's eyes to treat macular degeneration. Who knows if or how much of that leaks into the general circulation to mess anything else up.
Some get ahead of themselves in these fields and play their own Frankenstein games. We still know very, very little. However, it does provide opportunities for the growing number of [corrupt] pharmaceutical money making/laundering machines...
Some related news from Pfizer - Sales of Eliquis - widely used blood thinning med (think: "clot-shot") >
"Sales of blood thinner Eliquis came in at $1.35 billion, a 19% increase on the third quarter of last year, "
I am not a pharma market analyst (thank God!) but it strikes me that a year on year 19% jump in revenue for a long established product is quite remarkable - in any market - another "coincidence" perhaps?
That's proof that can't be denied but the usual suspects will. Great find.
That's Q3 data 2021 - the Eliquis boom was also seen in Q2 - I happened to see it last summer ... 16% in Q2 if I recall - good time to be in pharma! ... keep an eye on dementia meds next? early onset cases are probably aggressively treated.
(please seek the advise of a competent financial advisor!)
I think I also remember seeing climate change and loneliness can cause heart attacks.
I saw that too! Turns out it's actually satire, but a good example of Poe's Law.'s_law
Current times must be hell for The Onion's business model. Their headlines are no longer funny.
i'd never heard of "poe's law" - i immediately thought it had something to do with edgar allen poe and i couldn't figure out what.
you probably already know the backstory on the similar story of marie antoinette "let them eat cake." she never actually said that. it appeared in a newspaper at the time, to represent marie's general attitude. it sounded like something she'd say.
many people use the wrong tone when repeating that line. it should not be delivered in an imperious tone, but in the tone of a naive little girl. marie's offense to the public wasn't haughty scorn, but simple minded childishness. the girl simply didn't understand anything. no bread? let's have dessert instead - yay !
the onion and babylon bee writers must be struggling for original content these days. and what of the april fool's day traditions so many publications have? they'll soon have to write headlines "biden praises american constitution" to get a laugh.
I posted a while back an idea for a future babylon bee headline --
"Bee goes bankrupt, unable to write satire due to it keeps coming true"
"unemployed bee satirist takes job as white house press secretary. 'it's just not funny anymore' he said".....
That is one story, attributed to princess Victoire: (trans. from french wiki!
"Madame Victoire had very little wit and extreme kindness. It was she who said, with tears in her eyes, in a time of scarcity when people spoke of the sufferings of the unfortunate people lacking bread: 'But my God, if they could resign themselves to eating the crust of pâté!'" (which was cheaper than bread)
A longer version, in English
thank you for that- i hadn't heard of her before.
You're wrong. Marie Antoinette was known in her time for being a wonderful, humble, and extremely caritative person. This was degenerate leftwing ("red" jacobins) level slander of the worst kind. In fact the naivete and good will of Louis XVI was France's undoing.
thank you for that information. i was aware that it was propaganda, and i am no jacobin (or degenerate leftwing), but that "quote" did reflect the perception of some segments of the french public.
codex redux gave us some interesting information that i wasn't aware of - seems the quote had been attributed to an earlier aristocrat. i am pretty sure i've read reliable accounts that newspapers in marie's time did put those words in her mouth too. it's the kind of quote that could be used over and over again through the ages.
it's tragic what happened to marie. i do not mean to slander her. by all accounts i've ever read, she was kind hearted and meant well. however, she was little more than a child when she married louis, and she was isolated from the political and economic circumstances of the time. she was not a political leader and was never meant to be. there are many stories of marie's childlike (and even childish) nature and gullible naivete, which was entirely typical for young princesses, and very easy target for propaganda directed at the class divide.
the only reason i mentioned it was that the quote, and the demeanor with which it is typically said, is wrong- it's not the proper marie voice at all. i think we can agree on that.
Yeah I was not trying to roast you, just transmit the despicable nature of revolutionary propaganda. Sorry if I hurt you in any way.
I thought it was a parody, but snopes said it was False, so now I change my mind and say it was True.
Watching TV can cause a heart attack !
Like (button not working)
I like your commitment.
I'm having that issue as well.
A quick refresh of the webpage reduces that problem for me.
How do you refresh without losing your place in the conversation?
Stopped on me too
Catturd on Twitter shared one today about referee whistles causing heart attacks in athletes. It had me going for a minute before I realized it was satire lol
They did the exact same thing after they drastically expanded the childhood immunization program and the autism rate exploded. They started publishing articles about how autism is completely normal and has been all around us this whole time. We just somehow failed to notice. At the same time, they introduced the completely made up concept of "neurodiversity" so that they could say how great autism was, never mind that most of these children will never be able to hold a job, marry, or have a family. They will need custodial care for their entire lives. But ain't autism grand? Don't we all wish we had an autistic child?!
Great points.
Read James Lyons-Weiler stuff (
This looks like more proof that vaxx injury will be hidden as heart disease and cancer.
It won't be hidden. It will be in plain sight. Only the idiots won't be able to see it. I really hope, to my shame, that the actual number of deaths and injuries is high enough that even the idiots won't be able to refute the obvious. Honestly, the worst that can happen is that not enough would get injured for the ones still buying the narrative to wake up. I shouldn't think this but I truly believe this is our only chance. That they screwed the "vaccine" so badly that the numbers of deaths will be impossible to hide. If nothing out of the ordinary happens, the sleepers won't wake up even when they are locked in a smart city, eating bugs and have a brain implant. By that time, they might not even be capable to do it.
You would think tens of thousands would already be impossible to hide. I think people just don't want to see it. They don't even see it when it happens to their family or to themselves, so how much are these large numbers going to make an impression on them?
I seriously think the NYT could come out tomorrow and say "10 million US mRNA 'vax' deaths confirmed in 2021" and very little, if anything, would actually happen. Because we've been told we have to destroy the village to save it. Except it's not an enemy village, or even an "enemy" village, it's our own village. The world having been effectively conquered, the globalists' only real enemy is humanity itself.
Agree. It seems the great cover-up of excess mortality has begun.
the correct treatment is to spend time with friendly kittens
I believe that’s what we’re doing😺 yes, humor being good for the mind and heart!
Both online and IRL 🐈
The clocks one is an old one. Today football referees blowing whistles can cause heart attacks - no joke.
Now we are being convinced we have snowflake hearts.
What if… climate justice was to reduce carbon emitting humans through heart attacks?
Ok. WTF is "Winter Vagina"???????????
Crap mine must be broken then. Oh well.
The marketing strategy is so subtle, so warm and fuzzy and they play the long-game. It's infectious. The name of the game now, with all of this, is awareness. Whatever it takes to wake up the sleepers. I was one for sure--but I'm here now. I am very interested in figuring out how that is done on a massive scale.
Welcome to the cool kid club. They achieve it through incremental steps..infectious as you say. The sleepers must be personally affected else nothing bothers them. Example: school curriculum...parents are now fully engaged.
Sorry, yes I meant how do we wake up the sleepers---not how does Pfizer do it.
So play the long game too. All warm and fuzzy. Don’t tell them they were wrong. Show them you offer something better. I really feel an incentivized campaign for better general health which will lead to more contentment is the ticket. I don’t know any current public figure who could begin this. The health officer of Florida has taken a very few baby steps.
I'm old enough to remember NSAIDS cause catastrophic stomach bleeding in everybody, cautioning news stories everywhere, and suddenly, miraculously, Big Harma had the answer: Cox-2 inhibitors! Voila!
They turned out to be dangerous, cause heart attacks, and got taken off the market in response to class action lawsuits. Huge fines for the companies ensued for HIDING NEGATIVE SAFETY DATA. Lather, rinse, repeat.
How about HRT pushed on women until it wasn’t? Thalidomide?
These psychopaths will never give up, until they are in jail, without bail, for as many lifetimes as they have snuffed out so far with their infernal jabs.
One can only hope but judgement will happen on them tho we might not ever know. 💨
Thank you for pointing out the obvious sleight of hand. They are shameless. Shameless. Shameless!! People need to wake up to their inner peasant, and stop bending over to the Machine.
An admission that they created a problem but now have the perfect solution? Unf***g believeable.
I've had enough.
There's so much good land, open space in this country. Is there anyone else out there thinking it would be great to come together, buy a mountain and a valley and create our own form of "Amish" country?
Count me in.
All part of the plan…
First give everyone problems with a Covid an mRNA vaccine that causes heart problems; and then start selling mRNA therapeutics to promote the recovery of cardiac problems.
Let’s see how long it takes to come out… my guess is it will be approved by the FDA in less than 6 months (say by September) under an “emergency approval” (excuse: so many people are dying of heart problems – remember the insurance companies are seeing all-cause mortality rise by over 40%, whereas 10% would be unprecedented).
I wonder what it will cost. Thousands maybe… at least hundreds…
The insurance companies should be slamming the hell out of these guys. Or, Option One: they simply will not pay for the new drug. Cheaper for insurance companies to let people die. Or so as not to “look” so evil as letting people die who cannot pay, underneath pharma and insurance will be colluding to split the profits. Option Two: the government (i.e., all of us taxpayers) will pay. So warm up your check book… higher taxes on the way soon…
This is how you subjugate a whole country (indeed the world) to depend on the government for everything. So, enjoy now, for later your will have nothing.
And remember, with so many “extra” people dying (especially in the wage-earner demographic), the tax base will be diminishing… so a multiplier effect in tax increases for even faster subjugation.
Government (FDA) will make the new meds "standard of care" which requires insurance (private and government) to pay. Pretty good deal for big pharma and the healer's guild: emergency approval = no need for all that silly testing; blanket immunity from harms; shut out other potential "approved" treatments and most importantly of all: guaranteed profits from a captive market, largely funded by tax dollars.
And this is what needs to be stopped "standard of care" This is corporatism by the hospitals. And they take their orders from CDC NIH instead of what used to happen..doctors treated patients, found what worked best, sent it UP to NIH and after FAIR AND GOOD STUDIES, was accepted as the standard BUT NOT MANDATED. Since AMA, etc. all are funded by NIH, and all the academic teaching hospitals (FAUCI just says do it or no NIH grants for you), the entire EDIFICE needs taking down and we need to go back to MEDICINE as USUAL. So how do we get our private independent doctors and hospitals back? 80 percent of doctors are NOW EMPLOYEES, and all HOSPITALS are now run by Corporations.
Thanks for the information. I hadn't known of the "standard of care" designation. Like you imply, seems a great deal for pharma, not much for we the people. It sure seems this whole "medicine" industrial complex in this nation needs to be taken down big time. It needs to be completely destroyed so it can be "built back better" to coin a phrase.
Please God. Thy will be done, but please not Armegeddon in my lifetime...
Ads during TV Olympics for “atrial fib awareness” sponsored by Pfizer, also a new phone based EKG device called “Kardia Mobile”
I'm sure all this is just a coincidence, just like all the other coincidences that have turned out to not be coincidences.
"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
Watch the film Cancer the Forbidden Cures a film by Massimo Mazzucco made in 2010 The documentation in this film of how doctors and others with simple cures were persecuted and ran out of the US by the Pharma industry. Same tactics used then by the same group and their backers are using today. You will also learn where you can still go to get the inexpensive treatments if you or someone you know gets cancer from eating and drinking the poisons in our air, water, and food. 🕊
The God of Commerce loves us good and hard.
Lies, lies and damn lies.
Work in a pharmacy in the northeast and have seen a tremendous uptick in the need/use of nitroglycerine and tissue plasminogen activator (for stroke). Although anecdotal, cause for concern given the emerging data on clear iatrogenic effects of these shots.
They don't call it the Stroke Poke for nothin.
It's nice to see that I am still living in the twilight zone. Bob Saget died from bumping his head. I guess all of his complaints after the 3rd COVID shot didn't make the news. Oh wait it did.
Why is his family going along?
Spot on El Gato. Gradual normalization of heart problems has been going on for few months now. We all have anecdotal evidence in friends and family who are suddenly suffering from heart conditions post jabs. Ironically, those same family and friends are blind to recognizing jabs as the cause. 🙄
Too bad Fred Sanford is dead. He would have been a terrific spokesman for their new poison.
Fred G Sanford. And the G stands for GMO Coronary!
And we are officially in the Corporate Scumbag Zone. These people all deserve the death penalty.
And the feeble minded sheep will fall for it! Hook, line and sinker 🤦🏻♂️
You know, my entire skepticism about mRNA technology centered around the injection site. "Shouldn't they be shooting this stuff directly into my heart?" Problem solved.
Now we know the truth about daylight savings time!
During the covid crisis in Mexico City, people were given kits with ivermectin. Now the city is being chided because they used their people like Lab Rats ! IN the meantime governments all over the world are using their people as.... hm Guinea pigs ? and then this
I hate these people. I really hate them.
Seeing all the advertisements for drugs lately - which (surprise, surprise) happen to correlate to the myriad "adverse" effects of the problem shot - took me back to a time when pharmaceutical companies weren't allowed to advertise. And then some black-hearted politician decided there was gold in them there hills. Truly, the love of money (Greed in all its forms) IS the root of all Evil.
Know what else causes heart attacks?
Lies and fascism.
Hey mustn't forget the sacred cash cow: statins. Because high cholesterol "causes" heart attacks and strokes. 🤣
And the side effects they produce make for more rx drugs. 💵
Covid clearly has risks (even for the healthy). However, it seems most of these can be mitigated with effective early treatment. These so-called 'vaccines' also carry risks. These may not be mitigated so easily by treatment. So what do they pharma-politicians do? Demonize the former, push the latter and then sell patch kits later. Seriously, f&$# these people.
What the hell is winter vagina?? Didn't that used to be called frigid?
This is amazing, if true:
"Myocardial infarction (MI) was once thought to be an issue for the elderly. A heart attack in someone under the age of 40 was extremely uncommon, but now one in every five-heart attack patient are under the age of 40."
Other reasons for heart attacks and other serious heart problems, cited in the past week:
1. Loneliness and Social Isolation for Senior Women
2. Long-term use of paracetamol (Tylenol)
3. Poor sleep
4. Broken heart syndrome
"Your enlarged heart shows you did your part." Waiting for them to use this marketing line.
Ouch!!! That’s not quite as bad though as kids in superhero capes being lauded in Pfizer’s commercials for getting jabbed.
Member when advertising had pictures of cool looking doctors recommending cigarettes... N the food pyramid recommending tons of servings of grains n pasta, plus lumping sugars n fat in the same category? I'm seeing a pattern here 🤔
Pro level gaslighting at work
Idea!!! Honk for the Love of Freedom! Every day 12 noon Pacific time
Yikes. What a ‘coincidence.’
Mass Murder by a Medical System that has Lost Its Direction and Soul
Possibly but it's not a new concept is it
Not possibly. GOING on through pandemic and still today..and tomorrow if we don't do anything about this damn corporate standard of care and the employees that work for them that used to be called doctors and nurses.
Do you really believe the COVID-19 pandemic and lock downs were an accident?
In fairness, heart and circulatory disease have been leading causes of death (and by implication, serious illness worthy of treatment) for many, many decades at least in the developed world. I have no issues with medical science treating these. As an aging man (60s) I welcome care that may prolong healthy life. In fact, I'm under (routine) care -- the usual aspirin and statin at my age. Finally, I don't doubt that mRNA holds great promise for treating disease. Hell, I don't even begrudge capitalism. Drug companies exist for one reason only: to make a profit for their shareholders. It's not like they spend years and millions of dollars developing new drugs out of the goodness of their hearts.
Now the downside: What I object to is the complete takeover of government regulatory and other branches by Big Pharma interests. In theory, regulators were supposed to insure the efficacy and safety of new products. What we have in practice, are universities, private corporations and even government agencies and employees of all the above, who have vested interests, sometimes profiting directly from patents on drugs, and they're expected to make impartial decisions on these products??? Oh yes, did I mention that not obeying the "party line" (pleasing Pharma) is career suicide? Just ask Duesberg and any number of other professionals.
In such an environment, how could research or regulation possibly be impartial? Greed and power have become institutionalized; what is actually safe (or even just available) to doctors and patients is the real casualty. Should regulators really have the power to restrict, if not outright ban, alternative treatments, simply because it would or might interfere with their preferred and highly profitable product in the pipeline?
We have many appalling examples of incompetent regulators. The Covid-19 "vaccines" being perhaps the latest, and certainly the largest both in money but also terms of doses administered. mRNA simply hasn't been tested enough to prove its safety. Oh yeah, finally, I disagree that such products should ever be mandated for any purpose. I'm perfectly OK with making available experimental, risky or even dangerous products, but they should always be tested or prescribed with the fully informed consent of the patient -- another item that is noticeably absent with the Covid-19 vaccines, although that specific language is in the (non-binding) regulations.
This is the same scam as HIV.
Test positive but no symptoms. Get toxic medicine.
When you are injured or die, blame the "virus", not the medicine
There are some juicy bits in the latest Pfizer quarterly statement risk closures. Basically one of the risks listed the publication of mRNA vaccine trial data! They can lie to the customers, to the government but to the shareholders...not so much!
I’m just gonna approach this one like this: I’ve got one heart and so far it’s been working fine. I was told a long time ago it had a murmur 🙄 but I keep it healthy with oxygen pumping through it, I keep those nasty fats out of my diet that like to plug it up, I exercise it, I admit I should water it more often. If it feels funny I stop what I’m doing until it feels normal. I do know that I know what goes on in my body better than some stranger! Good thing you have 9, you can test these weird things out for us….but you’re a cat and not stupid like us humans🥸