Covid is not the problem, Government is the problem. We have lived and died with respiratory viruses for many years without hysterics, worthless masks, and destroying everything with asinine lockdowns. Some get their flu shots, others opt out. This has never been a problem. Covid is comparable to the annual flu. Every year respiratory viruses take out some vulnerable people, vaccines or not. This will never change. Those who are agonizing over covid are really agonizing over the harm being done to them by corrupt bureaucracies, politicians, academia, so called experts, and the media. I'm 75 years old and do not fear covid. I choose to live in a place where I have more freedom than typical big city dwellers. I am a retired Ph.D. psychologist who specialized in trauma therapy. It sickens me to see the trauma being inflicted upon the USA by petty tyrants using covid as a weapon. If you must obsess, obsess over how you can work toward ending the tyranny being rapidly imposed upon a previously relatively free society. Today it's covid, tomorrow it will be something else. This will never end unless we put a stop to it.

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So true! I obsess because I live in a city (San Francisco) where I need proof of vax to have coffee in my neighborhood cafe or to simply socialize with so-called friends.

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Me too. I avoid it. Peninsula doesn’t require it.

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I have so much curiosity about how it is really going. I almost want to drive up just to see what happens if I try to get a coffee in the FW or Fillmore McDonald's

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Don’t waste your time or gas! I was just up in The Bay Area & Marin & Sonoma Counties last month. The energy of the place is OPPRESSIVE….there are a lot of Sheeple and even people who are for personal & medical freedoms have caved in to the oppressive energy as well. It’s very sad…I lived there in my mid to late 20’s & then again in my early 30s…went to college in Santa Cruz, so I know the Bay Area! I have no desire to return unless I absolutely have to!

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I am sure you are right - but on Fillmore they deal drugs right outside the McDonald's all day long, you can see it through the glass wall. The cognitive dissonance of being refused a coffee for not being vaccinated twenty feet from visible, armed drug dealers - I feel like I would be like William Shatner describing space afterward!

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The concern for public "health" and "safety" is such a joke here. Hundreds of poor souls have been living in squalor on the streets for years but somehow I am a threat to public health because I'm not vaccinated. Rats, human feces, lice....all good though as long as we're all masked and vaxxed.

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Well the SF police let people steal shit all day long from all the local Walgreens & CVS as well as stealing high price handbags from store down in Union Square, and do nothing, so they won’t be hassling the folks conducting business outside of the McD’s in the Fillmore! I I bet business is up for those guys during these times! 😼

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find the land of the free.....

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I feel your pain…was just up in the Bay Area in September. Visited an elderly aunt in The City & stayed up in Sebastopol on a rural property. Though Sonoma County is not as ‘restrictive’ as SF the WHOLE Bay Area, down through Santa Cruz feels very oppressive as well as the energy of the whole area feels the same. I live in SoCA down near the border. We are so much freer down here and our personal & medical freedom community is very active and growing bigger everyday! Who knew SoCA would be the hotbed of Liberty and Freedom in CA! (And you can forget LA, it too is as bad as SF! )

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I was at lunch with two acquaintances visiting from LA and didn't connect the dots until halfway through - I asked them how they can deal with it and they started babbling about how it's so nice that things are open again! Then onto description of how kids love masks. Sadly I was not drinking.

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The laptop wfh class and affluent retired seem to have adapted quite well I'm afraid.

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Truthseeker - well said!

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I couldn’t have said it better myself. I’m a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and I have seen a huge increase in patients presenting with increased anxiety, depression, ocd and substance abuse related to fears about the pandemic, all due to government and media overhype of the dangers.

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Stated perfectly!

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Amen! Do not comply.

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Truth here!

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I live in New York City. I am unvaccinated. I am 79 years old. Our Federal government supports vaccine mandates. Our governor states that "vaccines are from God" and she wants her apostles to spread the word and preach the gospel of vaccination. https://www.timesrecordnews.com/story/life/2021/10/16/ny-governor-god-gave-us-vaccine/8452042002/

She mandates that all health care workers and teachers must get vaccinated or be fired. No exemptions. However, the courts temporarily blocked this mandate. Our mayor has made an executive order that all indoor entertainment is banned from unvaccinated people. We are forbidden to attend sports events, movies, sports events, theater, restaurants, indoor gyms, indoor tennis courts. I am now unable to take weekly tennis lessons which I used to enjoy. He stated, "New York is a great city. But if you are unvaccinated, you don't deserve it." The mayor's executive order does not allow for medical or religious exemptions. He states that if he could, he would also ban access to grocery stores. Many people are clamoring for new laws to ban unvaccinated people from hospital care or medical care because they would be taking scarce resources away from those who deserve it. Dr. Peter Hotez has written editorials in Nature magazine claiming that unvaccinated people should be permanently quarantined. My health is poor. I suffer from a blood clotting disorder that would probably make vaccination dangerous to me--since all vaccines have been associated with blood clotting disorders. I obsess about vaccination all the time because I want to know in advance what new restrictions will affect me and whether they will end up forcing me to be vaccinated. I have decided that I will try to avoid vaccines except if jail or physical force or starvation makes it impossible to resist. After that if I suffer from disability due to vaccines, and it becomes unbearable, I plan to commit suicide. Since I now know the worst that can happen and I have a plan for it, I guess that's the best I can do. I do not worry about Covid at all, because I take Ivermectin, high dose vitamin D3, and other prophylactic supplements. I feel well protected from Covid but completely unprotected from vaccine adverse events. :(

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Diana - there was a time in this country not so long ago when what you are describing would have been roundly condemned as a major human rights violation. But that country is dead. It lives inside many of us but externally, our country is unrecognizable.

It is impossible not to think of Covid all the time. It is a sword hanging over our head. It is as you described.

Is there any way you could move to a freer state?

Diana please keep up with us here. Many of us are frightened. Unsure of what is to come. But we need you. You are absolutely one of us. And quite frankly you are doing it in an area that is much more burdensome than most.

May God wrap His arms around you and keep you.

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Lena I do love you. One of the awful things about mass censorship is that it keeps us apart. It is on platforms such as this that we find each other and can give each other support. There were over 250,000 Facebook followers of a support group for people suffering from vaccine side effects. Facebook shut down this group. Facebook is now censoring anyone who claims that vaccines are unsafe and branding us as "dirty" a threat to public health--much as the Nazis scapegoated the Jews. The fear mongering makes everyone eager to find someone to blame. Check out https://charleseisenstein.substack.com/p/a-temple-of-this-earth

Just as Trump got people to blame undocumented immigrants for "stealing" jobs. Our economy has stolen so much from its workers. RIchard Wolff has recently written a book about the relationship of Covid and the economy: "The Sickness is the System." Our dysfunctional privatized health care system has caused people to bankrupt themselves in order to get medical care. Vaccine injuries can almost never be reimbursed.

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" One of the awful things about mass censorship is that it keeps us apart." Facebook closed groups of those with vaccine-induced illness. One of them had 200,000 members. Beside being wholly unethical, that's *cruel*, too. Pure evil, to comply with the narrative.

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I very much appreciate your situation, respect you for holding out in a place that shames you for making a personal choice. Hold that line for your health, Diana.

What I agree with in theory but would love public debate about is another point you bring up with the phrase "dysfunctional privatized health care system". I haven't read the book you refer to, but did a quick internet search. Wikipedia lists Richard D. Wolff, author of the book you mention, as an American Marxian economist. His Youtube channel states his as a 'well-known critic of contemporary capitalism and leading proponent of an alternative economic system based on Worker Self-Directed Enterprises."

At first I was asking this question: Is this phrase "dysfunctional privatized health care system" promoting socialist health care, or that the current state of private is dysfunctional alone? Unfortunately, I believe it's promoting socialism and marxism.

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If you want to get more information about Dr. Wolff's views on the economy, he produced a recent YouTube video about worker shortages. His book, "The Sickness is the System," is available on Amazon. He is a Marxist. He believes that capitalism inevitably concentrates more and more wealth in the upper 1%, and that we are ruled by a wealthy oligarchy, since the politicians create policies/laws that benefit their donors instead of their voters. He would like workers to have more say in how their corporations are run. He is a proponent of "Worker Coops." See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwxhfJAy2Yg&list=TLPQMTYxMDIwMjGJM1DXN8P-HA&index=5

He believes vaccines are safe and effective. He doesn't fully understand why people would refuse vaccination, and just believes what the mass media claim--it's Republicans who resent any form of government as an infringement on their "freedom." He tries to argue against this viewpoint, because we accept many government restrictions that make our lives safer. I did post a comment to argue against this viewpoints. To me there is a big difference between wearing a seat belt--even wearing a mask--and accepting a vaccine that may alter my DNA or kill or disable me.

I posted this comment yesterday, and haven't received any feedback from it:

Some libertarians argue that vaccine mandates are interfering with "personal freedom." Prof. Wolff argues that vaccine mandates are the same as seat belt mandates, traffic rules, anti littering, vandalism, etc. We nearly all agree to accept certain limitations in return for a safer environment and for the good of our fellow citizens. I will argue that vaccine mandates are different. Vaccines do pose significant risks of severe illness, disability, and death (see below). They also do not prevent the transmission of Covid or result in herd immunity. So it's not clear that everyone should be mandated to take them for the good of the community. The vaccines do seem to reduce the severity of Covid symptoms--which, therefore, reduces the likelihood of hospitalization and death. But this protection seems to wane after 4 to 6 months--especially against new variants which are not suppressed by the vaccines, but continue to evolve since the vaccines only protect against the original variant. Meanwhile, vaccinated people still can transmit the virus to other people--both vaccinated and unvaccinated. So herd immunity is impossible against Covid--or any other coronavirus. For example, each year the flu virus evolves different variants. Each year new vaccines need to be developed and administered. Therefore, taking the vaccine won't end up helping the community very much even though it may help the individual. In a recent podcast where Joe Rogan interviewed Alex Berenson, I believe they estimated the risk of getting Covid as about 1 or 2% for a vaccinated person and 5% to 7% for an unvaccinated person. The risk of dying is even lower. I believe we have a 99.7% survival rate. The people who die are overwhelmingly the very old, frail, and those with preexisting conditions. In Israel where 78% of the population is fully vaccinated, the majority of hospitalized Covid cases are vaccinated. Another argument is that vaccines are safe so it should be OK to mandate them for everybody. But a year ago the CDC published a paper showing that adverse reactions are much higher than originally estimated. The VAERS system reports extremely high rates of severe adverse reactions such as Guillain-Barre, Bell's Palsy, anaphylaxis, myocarditis, heart attacks, strokes, blood clotting disorders, seizures, etc.--and even death. https://trialsitenews.com/proof-that-the-cdc-is-lying-to-the-world-about-covid-vaccine-safety/ Furthermore, the current vaccines only have Emergency Use Authorization and are rarely administered with informed consent that would fully notify people of the risks that they are undergoing if they get vaccinated. Shouldn't people be able to get a medical exemption? Yet most doctors are pressured to withhold such exemptions for fear of having their licenses suspended. So using a seat belt poses very little risk to one's health. But using a vaccine if one has an underlying medical condition such as blood clotting, autoimmune disorders, heart conditions, etc. could be very dangerous to one's health. I believe, therefore, that each individual should be free to make their own decision about whether the risk is worth the benefit.

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Sure. Let’s have a Marxist have a little control over our lives and see how that works out. What could go wrong?

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Wow Lena, you are quite the woman. Bless you.

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The real Dr. Yeadon??

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Yes, the real Dr. Yeadon. I love that he contributes to these forums!

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Wow, I’m elated. I respect him so much.

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Diana don't give up, there are so many of us in the same boat! You are not alone. Come here, and to Alex Berenson's substack, too, to stay sane and find like minds. This madness will pass.

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Thank you so much! Community is everything. MEOW

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Dear Diana,

If you possibly can, please consider a move to Florida.

My wife & I recently stayed in Miami & it’s almost completely normal there.

But for the vagaries of the US immigration system, we would have remained indefinitely, as we have granted work visas (but have so far been totally unable to convert the approval into a stamped visa in our passports).

U.K. is falling rapidly into an inferno. It’s horrible that so few appear able to sed the terror just ahead. Two of the four constituent countries within the U.K. have already introduced vaccine passports (VaxPass). England inevitably will do so.

Our plans mirror yours, despite being just 61. We don’t plan to live in VaxPassWorld. We will exercise our right not to vis the last act of a sovereign human being.

I do hope you’ve some allies like you.

This evil plan being unfolded everywhere on the planet cannot merely have totalitarian tyranny as it’s sole objective. Not given the mass killing going on under the guise of vaccination.

These vaccines are not needed, since there are highly effective treatments; not effective, since large numbers of vaccine failures are being reported; not safe, since VAERS is showing 60X normal death rates compared with 30 years of prior vaccines.

With Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, I warned late last year that toxicity was absolutely unavoidable.

We are fortunate to have a dozen resourceful adults nearby & we plan to resist passively through the winter, during which time I anticipate power outages, motor fuel shortages, food rationing & the requirement that VaxPass be shown to obtain that ration.

All of this will be wholly manufactured.

I’d be absolutely terrified if forced to be injected with any of these products.

Best wishes


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Dr. Yeadon, Thank you so much for your public stand. Your incisive, interviews are always the first I send people to to help them get informed. You are one of the Lions with Bad Cattitude that I hope can help us win the information war. Respect!

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Thank you 🤗

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Dr. Yeadon, you are my hero. I feel honored to get your advice. I do have a close friend living in Florida, but I'm not yet ready to move. I have closer ties to friends and facilities in New York City. I live in a coop where I'm friendly with the staff. I have neighbors who offer assistance and are friendly with me. The government hates me--but I don't feel this hate constantly. Yes, I'm frightened about our future. But I'm hoping that we will not reach the level of oppression that I see in Australia. Even in Australia they haven't yet started forcibly vaccinating people. I'm OK with staying alone in my home to see if I can wait out the hysteria. I think of it like a video game or a board game. What is my best bet for insuring quality of life? All my medical care is in New York. I have 2 doctors who treated me and successfully almost eliminated arthritis pain. One is a chiropractor who gives me hands on fascial manipulation which is very effective. I would lose access to them if I move to Florida. I have a really comfortable apartment. I don't want to give it up. I have a network of friends that offer social support. I like NYU Langone (for my hospital). I can still play tennis outdoors for 7 or 8 months of the year. I like the local businesses: the pharmacy, the supermarket, my housekeeper. I have enough money to support myself. It would be very expensive to move. So for now I'm OK. Thank you so much for your support.

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We hear you Diana, and just know there a many of us worldwide that are here for you! That’s the beauty of this form of a communication platform…we can speak freely and pour our hearts out to each other! Heck we even have Dr. Mike Yeadon on the bad cattitude/gatito bueno/el gato malo team! How’s that? buenísimo! 😉🙏👏

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Your very kind 🤗

Good luck! We will all need a slice.

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Dr. Yeadon, how refreshing to see you on a thread unpolluted by Ken’s pugnaciously ignorant ravings :-) Although I must admit I found it hysterical when you told him to “f*** off”—much more succinct than my diatribe indirectly aimed at him (I refuse to engage with trolls directly as that only feeds their mania, but you did a stellar job of putting him in his place).

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Ha ha!

I found him strangely fascinating. He obviously had too much time on his hands!

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*lol* That is a wise and healthy way of viewing it :-) I was so tempted to jump in when he started spewing his embarrassingly erroneous and venomous slanders against you, but I’d already bid my farewell and then saw you were handling it swimmingly on your own.

No kidding about the time on his hands—he claimed to be a teacher, but then how could he be at the keyboard every second of every day pounding out his disinformation campaign?! You might be right about the 77th ;-)

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Wow now we have Dr. Mike Yeadon…another ‘kitten’ lover!

Great to have you on this thread…respect you so much for speaking up and being a beacon of sanity & truth for all of us Freedom Loving Patriots all over the World! 😼😻

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Thank you 🤗

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You are so welcome! 😻

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Hi Mike, do you have a link to your warning with Dr. Woodard, or could you summarize re: toxicity being unavoidable?

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SarahC, there are so many wonderful videos featuring Dr. Yeadon’s erudite, urgent warnings, but these are the two I featured in my first Recommendations Roundup (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/recommendations-roundup-1-predicting).

The short version:


An in-depth, scientifically detailed 3-hour interview with another valiant hero, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and his Berlin Corona Investigative Committee:


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I subscribed to your substack. You are so helpful!

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Diana, aww, it is an honor to welcome you, and please drop me a note if you decide to start your own Substack!

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Thank you!

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I'm so sorry, Diana. I too am unvaccinated and it astounds me how some people wish to treat us. I live in Georgia and its a lot more free, so is Florida. Is it possible for you to move away from New York? I remember seeing the NY Governor's comments (it was a gift from God, go be her disciples, etc.) and I was appalled.

I agree it seems like taking the vaccine is like playing some sort of Russian roulette, where you're not sure how it will impact you. Some have immediate side effects and others strange symptoms that no one can figure out how to fix (I watched the testimony of some of the vaccine injured gave at a press conference put on by Sen. Ron Johnson). It is very frightening because I do feel there are many adverse affects that are not recognized/being investigated.

I know sometimes it feels like the walls are closing in... I have to limit my time watching the news, etc. because it can be so overwhelming and stressful (I never thought I'd see some of the things we are seeing in America, such as: people's glee regarding tyranny/authoritarianism, wanting to exclude unvaccinated people from society and health care). I am deeply concerned for our country and for the future of my children (who are all very young). I come here to Alex's substack, as well as others to keep my sanity and to know that I'm not alone. You're not alone either Diana and I am praying for you (and for us all).

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Here and to Alex (Alex Berenson)'s Substack**

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I am getting tired now so I don't have enough energy to properly support you, but I am so sorry. Eventually, we may end up more like Australia. But we have a Federalist constitution, so each state is responsible for making its own policies. I love my apartment. I can tolerate being quarantined. I have a close friend I can see who gives me support. Please check out this link for the reason that tyranny needs scapegoats. https://charleseisenstein.substack.com/p/a-temple-of-this-earth It made me feel better. We must support each other and resist the main stream narrative. LOL

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If you can leave NYC and live in a free place you will be astounded at the difference. I live in Chicago. We often go to Florida to get away. It’s like going to another planet. We are permanently leaving chicago soon. Your mental health is being poisoned by your city.

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Florida is wonderful, spent the winter there last year and didn't think about covid at all; now trapped in Canada. There are no provinces here that aren't all on board and getting to Florida is impossible because to leave Canada you must be vaccinated.

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That’s truly terrifying.

Can you be smuggled out? Seriously can you charter a one way flight in a light aircraft, get as far south as full tanks will take you, then hire a car to get to eg Florida?

It don’t know what the visa situation is from Canada to USA. But Canada sounds like I expect U.K. to soon become: impossible to leave without vaccination.


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Yes, starting on Oct 30th no unvaxxed person can get on a train, plane or boat in Canada.

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You can still drive, though?

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No, border is closed from Canada to U.S. until Nov 8th and then all will need to show vaccine passport.

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Wow I was wondering about that? What was up with Canada! That’s bad!

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Oh and please don’t hurt yourself

Stay alive and strong as a protest to the tyrants!

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Suicide can also be a protest to the tyrants. But I'm not going to do it unless the vaccine disability makes it a torture to stay alive. Constant seizures. Disabling fatigue. Chronic pain. I live alone and have no children, so I don't have anyone that really cares. But you have touched my heart.

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I'm infuriated on your behalf. If I lived closer I would absolutely help take care of you as best I could and figure something out.

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My heart is with you and am so sorry this is happening to you. Community is everything and they are systematically wrecking it for so many people.

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So sorry you are suffering! Let us pray that good wins and evil loses this epic battle.

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Diana, God Bless you and keep you.

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I am so sorry you are yet another victim of medically 'justified' tyranny. It has gotten pretty ugly for a lot of us who refuse the jab. I won't be committing suicide, though. I strongly advise against you doing so. Take care, and try to hold on to your freedom.

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I don't plan suicide unless the vaccine adverse reaction is extreme and makes it impossible to tolerate living. Many sick people do commit suicide when their illness becomes unbearable. I just wish it was a God-given illness rather than a pharmaceutical product. Although our governor claims vaccines, like Covid, are also God-given.

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Well let's hope you are never faced with it. Please don't end yourself!

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My heart is with you. Please let us know how you are doing. Also, maybe don’t take any drugs until symptoms. Most likely you’ve already had it and just had a bad couple of days.

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Oh thank you Bootsorourke. I don't have any Covid symptoms. My blood clotting disorder (Leiden V) is genetic because my brother and mother have it also. My brother was diagnosed around 2007. I was tested recently for Covid. I tested negative and had no antibodies. My doctor ordered the test. I wasn't concerned about Covid. Even though I'm elderly, I am not obese, diabetic, in heart failure, or suffering from cancer. In that way I am lucky.

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Diana, if you do ever get sick with Covid19, do you have your “medical kit” ready to deploy? Do you know about the FLCCC website- Frontline Covid Critical Care alliance of physicians with Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik? If you can obtain ivermectin, you must do so. I’ve helped save tens of people ages 51-88 plus several younger folks with the FLCCC protocol. I was an internal medicine provider for over three decades. This protocol works. My 88 year old was well within a week, back to 100% normal within 2 weeks. No one ever dropped their oxygen saturations, none developed Covid organizing pneumonia, none went to hospital, and none developed Long Covid. Make sure you are taking 5000 units of vitamin D3 daily and get your serum level of vitamin D checked so you’ll know if you need boosting with extra D to get your serum levels in the 60-80 ng/ml range. Diana, we are all thinking of you, holding you up, supporting you from afar.

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I feel better already from all the support I gathered on this substack. My doctors have prescribed Ivermectin for me. I do follow https://flccc.net. It's outrageous that paypal is now blocking payments to this website for subscriptions, etc. I am grateful for all the lives you have saved.

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Fortunately, they have a new donate button up now. Yes, it’s quite shameful how the powers that be have treated these fine physicians who so obviously care for humanity. It shows in all their words and deeds. See you in live chat on their weekly updates, perhaps!

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I live in northern nj and i am disgusted, horrified really at the psychotic leadership of NY state and nyc. I think it really illustrates how far the United States has fallen when our largest most prestigious city, at one point the financial and cultural capital of the entire world has fallen i to this totalitarian disaster. Sorry you have to go through this. One part of me just wants to see the whole thing fall apart to teach these terrible leaders a lesson but then I feel guilty because there are certainly wonderful people in New York and New York City Who dont deserve this

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I feel the same way! My brother and I used to watch horror movies as children. My brother would get so scared that he would start rooting for the monster just so as not to feel the vulnerability and fear of victimhood. "Oh good, she's walking alone down the dark alley. You can sink your fangs into her now while she is unprotected!" I understand totally. I think disaster will finally bring government to it's senses. But it will not. Because they live in a different world. They are mostly protected from any sense of responsibility. Things have already fallen apart, but Nancy Pelosi celebrates her expensive refrigerator stocked with artisanal ice cream--while poorly paid restaurant workers are barely surviving. Just like Marie Antoinette.

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Diana, thank you for sharing this heartfelt message about the sociopathic discrimination and malicious threats you are being subjected to.

I can’t imagine a more compelling reason for a medical exemption than a blood clotting disorder—have you explored the possibility of obtaining a medical exemption? Or a religious exemption if there are no ethical physicians willing to grant you a medical exemption? I do recall that New York’s laws are so severe, they don’t even acknowledge medical exemptions, at least when it comes to accessing certain venues, correct?

Regardless, it seems you have a potential lawsuit on your hands if you are either denied a medical exemption or access to necessities with a medical exemption. Wrongfully terminated employees are starting to have success in the courts—we need to hammer the system with lawsuits to help hold these tyrants accountable and at least attempt to obtain justice. I suspect you would be able to find an attorney who may be willing to offer their services pro bono. It’s an option to consider, in any case.

As others have also suggested, moving is a possibility as well. I urge you to consider all other avenues before permitting them to pressure you into vaccination, and above all, *please* do not embrace suicide as an option (which won’t be necessary if you don’t allow them to inject you!). I’m sure you have many people who love you dearly, and they would be devastated by your loss.

If you are desperate enough to consider suicide, you have every reason to fight with everything you’ve got to help liberate yourself and your fellow New Yorkers from these horrendous violations of human rights.

Please take good care, and I hope you find a solution that brings you peace, health, and joy.

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Thanks so much for your heartfelt advice. I am retired, so I just need to stay quarantined and avoid all activities. It doesn't make sense for me to hire a lawyer just to play tennis. I do have enough money to hire my own lawyer. I would do it to gain access to Ivermectin if I am hospitalized since the government is forbidding hospitals to give proper medical care. I have 4 doctors. They all are ready to treat me with Ivermectin and early Covid medical treatment, so I'm not worried about Covid. Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Zeve Zelenko have treated thousands of patients successfully. I asked 3 of my doctors for a medical exemption. One doctor refused medical exemptions. She stated that her clinic has a policy of never granting medical exemptions. Another doctor said he would think about.

The third doctor didn't answer my request. I decided not to bother the 4th doctor. You know that the AMA has now threatened doctors with loss of their licenses if they oppose vaccination? NY doesn't honor medical exemptions anyway. I am not religious. I think it makes more sense for me to join a class action suit if NY decides to ban grocery shopping. Israel hasn't done that. I am able to accept a lot of restrictions on my freedom in order to avoid vaccination. I just want to be able to use the subway to visit my chiropractor for pain treatments for my arthritis. But I guess I can give that up also. I'm hoping that eventually Covid will burn itself out. Or lawsuits will prevail. Or mass strikes will influence the government. Every day I run to the internet to see the latest news. God bless you all for your support. So far NY is much better than Australia.

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thecovidblog.com has a link to their legal site where they help people prepare to defend themself against mandates. I know you don't have a job on the line, but it might be worth having a look around. https://covidlegalusa.com/about/

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Yes, thanks as well

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Thanks for these handy links, GJ!

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Diana, I agree that you don’t have any need to worry about COVID, especially since you’re already so well-educated on early treatment protocols.

I would urge you to continue pursuing a medical exemption while it’s still possible to get one. Maybe follow up with the doctor who said he’d think about it. How any physician could hesitate to grant an exemption to a patient with a blood-clotting disorder is beyond comprehension, but so is everything that’s been happening since this catastrophe began.

The AMA’s threat is totalitarian in the extreme (reminds me of professionals being required to take the “Oath” in Nazi Germany) and a terrifying prospect. I keep saying all of these ethical medical professionals need to form their own underground health network if they are barred from practicing due to these authoritarian measures. I would gladly patronize them over the colluders who are willing to take the Oath!

A class action suit sounds like a great option, although I hope it doesn’t come to that.

Amen to all of your hopes and more. Thank you for sharing your story and for your continued bravery.

(BTW, I think your message sharing your experience would make a compelling letter to the editor. If you can find a paper that would be willing to print it, maybe it would help awaken people to their own inhumanity and the monstrousness of these regulations. We can hope, anyway.)

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I hate to place my doctors at risk. Especially since NY doesn't honor any medical exemptions. Vaccine passports are the only way to enter indoor facilities. So far grocery shopping, public transportation, and medical offices are not banned. So my strategy is just stay at home. Maybe I can get a vaccinated friend to shop for me if groceries are banned. I have several neighbors offering to shop for me. My therapist says the Supreme Court will invalidate any mandate that excludes food. He believes in vaccines, though, and is planning to get a booster shot in February. He offered to write me a medical exemption, but he is not a medical doctor, so it won't be honored. I think that the government will make more and more restrictions on exemptions. Today the NYTImes had a special section praising the efficacy of vaccine mandates. They published a lot of individual profiles interviewing people who finally decided to get vaccinated after being threatened with losing their jobs and livelihoods. One woman stated she felt terrified after she got Covid and recovered--so she ran out and got vaccinated right away to feel safe! Fear mongering has totally misled this woman. She is already 19 times (I don't remember the specific number) safer because she has natural immunity after recovery from Covid. She doesn't need to be vaccinated. Indeed, I have heard that people who have recovered from Covid are MORE likely to have adverse reactions. The Times seemed to be celebrating vaccine mandates because finally they are persuading "the deplorables" to come to Jesus and get the jab. TI consider it misinformation to publish this woman's decision to get vaccinated without also stating that vaccination confers zero benefit for those who already have natural immunity. I see so many lies published in The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Funny Times, and TV news broadcasts. It's very easy to get triggered. Unvaccinated people are even described as suffering from mental illness. (I guess persecution will eventually drive us crazy.)

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Factor V Leiden should definitely qualify as a medical exemption, Diana. For example, for young women who had this genetic condition, I would never prescribe birth control pills because to do so, may cause them to throw a clot. As it is, birth control pills do have that risk anyway. So, Factor V Leiden is a verifiable, sure-to-be-accepted Covid vaccine medical exemption I’d think. Cheers to you. So glad you have good neighbors and friends.

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I have a doctor's appointment coming up in about 2 weeks. Based on your recommendations, I will ask him to test me for Leiden V and see if I can get a medical exemption. I had given up, but this forum is inspiring me with new strength.

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Diana, it sounds like you’ve thought this through carefully and are approaching this pragmatically. We stopped going to the grocery store well over a year ago to avoid the nonsense and have been getting our groceries delivered from a combination of a local CSA, Thrive Market (https://thrivemarket.com/myaisle), ButcherBox (https://www.butcherbox.com/), Amazon, and other online stores as the need arises. I don’t know if you have Instacart (https://www.instacart.com/) there, but that has been a big help as well.

You are so right about the deluge of propaganda, and I wish more people were as knowledgeable and able to see through the lies as easily as you.

It is funny that those suffering from hypochondria, obsessive-compulsive disorder, paranoia, and mass delusion are accusing us of mental illness, but it is the sane who appear insane when lunacy is the status quo.

Take good care, whatever you decide, and keep us posted. Maybe start a Substack blog to share your journey?

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Diana, I read further and see that you know about the FLCCC, and Peter McCullough and the protocols to save your life. They work. I’ve lived it with many patients. They do beaucoups beautifully if treated beginning on day one of symptoms. Much love, mel.

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If you are forced to get jabbed, ivermectin before and after will do a lot to protect you from the spike protein and clots.

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Thanks for your advice. I also made a delicious drink from pink grapefruit, lemons, and pine needles that is supposed to produce shikemic acid to block spike protein from attaching to ACE2 receptors.

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where can I find out more about this remedy?

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Dr. Pierre Kory has mentioned that if forced to take the jabs, take a dose of ivermectin a day before, the day of, and the day after your jabs. Also, if not contraindicated for you, take an aspirin a day, on a full stomach, for a couple weeks just before then after your jabs. That should help mop up any free circulating spike peptides (the ivy) and prevent clotting (the aspirin).

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Flccc.net. Frontline covid critical care alliance

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Have you considered moving to another state where you'll have freedom and access to healthcare should you need it?

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Thought about it. My apartment is so comfortable. I don't work. I do have access to healthcare. My doctor prescribed ivermectin for prevention. I feel protected from Covid. I can accept being quarantined. My health care comes through zoom. I get my prescriptions mail order. Hope they don't restrict access to pharmacies, groceries. Everything else I can tolerate.

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If they do, I bet you could get groceries and drugs delivered. Many stores now have that service. It’s unbelievable what the most failed state/city in the country with regards to Covid is doing.

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I'm taking it one day at a time. And with all of your support I don't feel as scared. I think the biggest worry is the feeling of being a pariah. And on boriquagato we are not pariahs!

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No you’re not. We’re not. Will remember you in my prayers.

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I hope and pray that you have some local support.

I have been assisting many oldsters at my daddy's community. He is 97 and healthy, He lives in a private community by Erickson. Everyone was "encouraged" to get the vaxx and my daddy eagerly took it, the pfizer x2.

Anyway, I do help him and a few of his neighbors. They all like getting out and about. So far the vaxx has not appeared to affect any of the very old and decrepit at Ashby Ponds. So, they are going for the booster next week I think.


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claim refugee status and get asylum's in new hampshire....

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in God we trust, and i place the welfare of America in His hands....

otherwise, .....

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Hi everybody. I honestly spend most of my day thinking about or studying the Covid response, the threat of losing my livelihood and how to protect my family and our valuables ie. food security, nutrition, heat, shelter, land. I try hard to be present at work and with my loved ones but am 100% certain that we are at war with a malevolent egregore. If you follow the money, read the technocrats scripted narratives/initiatives and are paying attention to cuurent events the time to prepare for austerity is now. Any strong response from freedom loving people is going to need a reliable base of supply, communication and mutual aid. Build the secure network and link up with your people while being a good example for those still living in fear of the mob, the politics and the virus. Thanks for reading!

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I had to look up egregore. Glad I did. I might have to whip that out sometime soon.

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Yes please spread the word. Archon is another good one that relates to archetypes, the collective unconscious and the power of myth to transform society (Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell).

Egregore can mean a thought form created thru ritual and repetition that imposes its will on the host group. Think Platos cave allegory.. a powerful entity using light to cast shadows of the truth to captivate an audience (media and politics). A liberated person returning to the cave is attacked by the people hooked on the shadow world. Stay in the light.

Charles Eisenstein has been sharing about mob mentality and vaccination and people are referring to Desmet's concept of "Mass Formation" to explain the troubles. You also might want to take a look at Plato, Pharmakon and the Noble Lie.

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Yes, these people are excellent, Charles and Mr. Desmet. Mass formation is happening all around us.

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Thank you. I copied it so I wouldn't forget. I look forward to reading your suggestions.

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Love it

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Just read (er, listened = audiobook) to Plato's Dialogues. Brilliant in spots, farcical in others. The ancient Greeks had great wisdom and civilization yes, but think twice about letting them watch over your teenage son 😏

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As our founders were more than aware, human behavior and emotions have not changed over the eons. We are greedy. Rather than a living document, the Constitution was a way to control and restrain humans. We see we have indeed lost our way giving up liberty for security because our Constitution is not being followed. The Courts were a way to affim liberty but also have been corrupted. While Plato tries to inform our thinking about wise masters, our swamp masters think only of themselves, they are not the wise ones.

I suspect the public is now aware of that cool term, egregore functioning, that has consumed us. We can hope that some begin to demand better.

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Good point. Everything has a shady side if you focus in on it. Learning from and practicing new ways of living requires discernment. I try to recognize the inconsequential or harmful and discard as needed. Thanks for your contribution!

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Sounds about right. I have felt the powers of darkness are roaming, mark of the beast and all that. But in some ancient words: “He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision…” Speaking of watching an old prayer:” Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work, or watch, or weep this night, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the joyous; and all for your love's sake.”

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That’s a beautiful prayer. 😊

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Yes. It is one of my favorites.

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They have always been roaming Katie, but I think maybe they know their time is growing short so it is getting uglier.

He uses all things for His good. Endure to the end and protect from their firy darts by suiting up in your spiritual armor and having His weapons at hand. Ephesians.

Their dominion on earth (not over you as a christian) is temporary.

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Thanks for those good reminders, though I think some times are more upside down than others. Then the prophets speak. Seems like most of the world is exhibiting an authoritarian spirit. But you are so right, they’ve already been defeated, though it doesn’t seem like it. Yes and again yes on the armor of light and shield of faith and that two edged sword which is the Word himself. Thank you.

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Agree completely, and TIL "eregore". Excellent nomenclature and advice both. Ignoring this evil won't make it go away.

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Thank you!

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Wrong. Thinking about it researching and communicating about 'it' is essential. We are at War. Oligarchs want to implement a master plan. And most of the USA population is going for it. Klaus Schwab. Bill Gates. Others. the 4th industrial revolution. Transhumanism and more. these are perilous times. If Norway feels 'normal'... that's because they're not a main target right now like the USA is. If we can be 'conquered'... the rest of the planet is 'easy'. This is nothing less than the 2nd America Revolution, or the end of the American experiment. So sorry... no 'Normal' will be available for a while, if ever. Bob Marley... 'Get up, stand up... don't give up the fight.'

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I agree completely, this will be won or lost in the open, large, freedom loving, Republican voting, God fearing states like FL & TX. I forgot to mention those who embrace the 2A.

If those states & peoples are crushed, that is the end of the long era of the free human being, never to return.

I’ve been transparent that I believe this is also a prelude to mass depopulation.

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Mike, are you planning on moving to the U.S. soon? I remember you were thinking about it. We’d love to have you as a permanent resident.

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It’s possible but the visa stamping process has in my view deliberately made more difficult. By the time we sort this out, it’ll be vaccinated only, so we can’t come.

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I see. Well, fight where you stand I suppose. But take care of your physical and mental health and we must remember to find joy where we are.

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Agreed Dr Yeadon. I see the struggle coming down to a few key areas with some elements of self-destruction built-in by either error or design.

As you know this could end through a combination of 1) direct action. 2) ADE, OAS, Mareks and/or 3) catabolic collapse resulting in the central planners being unable to maintain compliance with "immunity as a subscription" and digital ID schemes. In this scenario, we win but should be prepared for austerity from top-down measures.

Some observations that have been articulted and you might consider: the gaslighting with contradictory guidance, arbitrary restrictions and ineffective treatments are "a feature and not a bug;" the virus response has been weaponized and is a form of marxist and/or thelemic

accelerationism to replace capitalism and free society with a reductionist utopian. In that case, the dialectic and response is anticipated as seen in the Rockefeller narratives and Event 201 ie. Lockstep and narrative control. The pushback is channeled into developing a panopticon surveillance and biosecurity state for more efficient means of control to serve the elite.

We shall see. Thanks for your strong voice and direction in these dark times!

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Is there any "antidote" to these shots?

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See my reply above, veryver.

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thanks for the tips. how am I going to get Ivy is the next problem, and my spouse won't even take an aspirin, much less ANY kind of real drug....

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You might try yourMedCart. It’s shipped from India. Mumbai is a major generic drug manufacturing hub. It worked for me, three times, and it got through U.S. Customs, which is always a worry. Your spouse needs a readjustment of his/her fears of certain medications, which can be lifesaving. At least you yourself could take them if needed. Let your spouse deal with it in his/her own way if he/she refuses help. Another pharmacy is MexiPharmacy and it is shipped from Mexico. Takes about a month to get to you. Having some on hand is what is critically important, before you get sick. FLCCC has a whole protocol. Get to work on your medical kit, truly, and start today. Cheers and good health to you and your spouse.

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I'm homozygous for MTHFR which is a genetic difficulty processing methy folate. It means that I have problems detoxifying drugs. I get side effects to almost every drug. Supplements, though, not so much. I was disabled for almost 2 months after taking anesthesia. It turns out that side effects to medications, if severe, can trigger latent viruses (such as SARS-COV-2, Lyme, Epstein Barr, ChickenPox). That's part of my concern over vaccination. HOWEVER, I have been taking 12 mg. of Ivermectin every week with no side effects whatsoever.

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And Scandinavia is already conquered. Once the "vaccine" uptake is done, so is the groundwork for the passport. The media/corporate "emergency" can be re-fabricated in a few days when needed. (Note the inverse: the groundwork can be completely dismantled overnight everywhere if the vaccinated just destroy their documents or turn off their phones; that's the fragility of a fundamentally arbitrary unperson paradigm.) As for Africa, I think they're overconfident in the ability to sell the vax based on closed-loop propaganda after the rest of the world starts dropping dead.

Whether the US is the prime target left is actually the interesting part. Territorially, we are expendable. Get Europe and China on lock and you can afford to nuke the rest (i.e., you reach "nuclear checkmate"). I am not sure "they" really expect to or care about winning over the heartland with the mandates. But as I've said elsewhere the biggest obstacle in Europe is actually Russia - territory is not expendable and vax uptake is low and flatlined. It's an interesting disconnect in the global depop scheme.

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South Africa is driving hard, but with limited success so far as people are more worried about their next meal than Covid. The health department in some areas are refusing people their chronic medication if they aren't vaccinated, absolutely diabolical.

Vaccine passports are now a thing (after Mr Gates met with Pres Ramaphosa and whispered sweet nothings), but only for sporting events. At last week's first soccer match with spectators, organizers had 2000 tickets available, but only 200 people showed up. No sh*ts given that 80% of the population has already been infected.

Some businesses are implementing a "no vax, no job" policy, also with limited success, so now they are going after 12+ year old children - no parental consent needed. Face masks mandatory 24/7 indoors and out and a nightly curfew.. Lucky our police are hapless and most rules are being ignored.

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Visiting my daughter in Alameda, CA and Californians have Stockholm Syndrome. Little kids wearing masks at playgrounds, people doing yard work alone wearing masks, people walking by themselves wearing masks and on and on. They remind of Germans under Hitler. They are compliant and without any sort of independent thought.

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I remember the day the mask orders were fully rescinded. I proudly entered the gas station in the Easy Bay mask off, only to see I was the only one, and indeed the only person that day who was mask off. I think everyone was relieved when they were reinstated and they had an excuse to be anxious and fearful again. I will experience some schadenfreude when these assholes run out of water soon and finally really have something to worry about.

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Same in Chicago. My neighbors mow their lawns wearing masks. It’s shocking to me.

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I believe Spain mandated wearing a mask when swimming in the ocean.

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If you don't mind me asking what neighborhood did you live in/near? I don't doubt you but I want to find a local pattern of compliance, if possible.

I live in the south suburbs but I have been visiting my grandma in a nursing home in Lakeview then I have lunch down in Lincoln Park. I was surprised to see a mix of mask wearing. Under the nose in places like Walgreens, Target. Barely any worn outdoors. When I go to my regular restaurant on visit days, they have a "masks required" sign up but don't enforce it. Then people watching as I see folks going to the park or to the zoo, I can usually count masked faces on one hand.

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I’m in the city on the NW side in a bungalow belt. My block is a bit older and a mix of Polish, Asian and Hispanic. I’m shocked they wear masks to mow. There are a few millennials who do the same but that doesn’t surprise me.

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Ah okay I think I know where you are without getting specific. I'm surprised they're so mask happy.

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It’s insane I know! I only wear them inside but never outside and get the stink eye for walking my kid to school without a mask. Playground. Kids and me are mask free. I see frigging toddlers in N95s. 🤦‍♀️ but then take a look at Giants’ games - masses sans mask. How that makes sense to them eludes me.

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Did you know that not a single transmission event has ever tied to an infection acquired outside? Not one.

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I think there was a group at Duke University where this happened. It was an outdoor event with about 150, get this, vaccinated students, lol, and they were talking, eating, drinking, masking intermittently and there was an outbreak! Multiple people caught Covid. So much for their “vaccines.”

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I wonder how they definitively tied the transmission to being outside?

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It was at an outdoor event this summer. But of course, it could have been adjacent to a pavilion or some other structure where people were indeed going in and outside. I wish you would move here to the USA Mike. We need more fighters. There are some good things happening here and some cracks in the Official Narrative beginning to appear. Cheers and good health to you!

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Can you fly to some other European country or another country where you could possibly fly to Florida from there? My friend is unvaccinated. He flew to Mexico from NY with a negative PCR test. Is your problem just being unvaccinated--or do you need a passport?

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One of the best times we had all year was in the bleachers at a Giants night game. 1 in 20 wore a magic face cloth, and otherwise everything felt completely back to normal. Fans crushed in at the food stands and bathrooms and shouted spittle on each other like the old days. Two thumbs up.

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Did you need a test or vaxx card??? I was under the impression you do. Even the Academy of Sciences demands it (and I swiftly stopped my membership for good).

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Nope, no restrictions unless you go in the enclosed bar.

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And was there an enormous spike in illness & deaths 2-3 weeks later? I’m guessing not.

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I suspect every baseball game being played in every park in America was the same way. Because SF is always the worst. And the authorities wouldn't have dreamed of interfering, because all policy regarding vax and mask is just virtue signaliing theater.

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I feel people are addicted to being hypochondriacs because to those people being scared of covid was their only personality trait.

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I suspect we've just created a whole new generation of perpetual hypochondriacs.

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I agree. We were suffering from a massive class of narcissists BEFORE Covid. This has caused near hysterical levels of narcissism. That is NOT living.

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Actually I feel as if I am a hypochondriac, too, with my concerns about vaccine injury.

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Of course, but it is impossible here given what the government is doing. Over there, the government is acting like a good government should.

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Tennessee is near normal as well. I am at a marching band competition right now and not a mask in sight. Been this way for months. Except for Biden threatening to fire me, all is well.

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I am in Oak Ridge, and life here has been mostly normal since May of 2020. I haven't worn a mask anywhere since last Fall. It has only been the vaccine mandates that have started to reintrude on normality here.

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Yes, life was mostly normal, but now it is 53 days to mandated unemployment. Oh, well.

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Thanks to a YouTuber named Youngrippa59, I heard about a jobs posting board where one can find workplaces where vaxx are not needed and the mandate is being ignored. It's called RedBalloon. He mentioned another one too but I can't remember. If you search YouTube for his page, it's one of his most recent videos.

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That’s why My husband and I picked Nashville to celebrate our anniversary next month. We talked to someone at the Grand Ole Opry and she said “ohhh, we’ll left that all behind a while ago! So great!

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Great choice and you won’t get grief either way. Wear a mask or don’t, get vaxxed or not, people are not concerned with what other people are doing here. Enjoy!

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Thanks! I’m going to be running from one venue to the next with no masking and a huge smile! I don’t mask a lot where I am but I get looks.

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Only reminded on TV or Twitter and seeing those still wearing masks in grocery/other stores.(or on bikes) I really hate being reminded of something that has created so much fear and irrational thinking to change their behaviors like this. Oh and seeing what school personnel are doing to kids locally. Makes my blood boil.

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Masks are the essential woke fashion statement, no sign of letting up where I'm at. Masks while jogging! Masks while driving alone in your car! Masks at the kids outdoor playground! How else we gonna Build Back Better (TM) unless the struggle never ends?

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So many caring and virtuous people...who wish the unvaccinated to die and not get hospital care.

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We need some masks with "Let's Go Brandon!" printed on them.

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I agree thinking about Covid all the time is unhealthy. The problem my government requires me to think, research and talk about it all the time because of their absurd anti science mitigation efforts and mandating vaccines that I don’t want or need.

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Most of us, at this point, are not thinking about covid....we are thinking about how to either fight back against or evade the evil bureaucrats who want us to starve or live in camps. Am I really saying this??:...that April 2020, when we were just thinking of COVID, was a picnic, compared to this.

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If the government puts down their weapon I will mine. It is hard not to obsess when our very life and liberty are in the balance.

That said... Why aren't the Leftists screaming "we want to be Norway!"? It could be the one thing about which we could agree. A start.

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Most of the people only think about COVID because they are forced to submit proof of vaccination, negative test, wear a mask for mundane daily activities, can't travel

because borders are closed, can't go to work because their business collapsed, etc.

After 19 months, I don't know anybody (or met anybody randomly) who had COVID.

In the US, the swine flu (H1-N1) pandemic only ended when CDC finally stopped counting cases and publishing results. If you never heard of COVID and didn't know it existed, how long

would it take you to figure out there's a disease out there?

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We know for a fact that 2.1% of blood donations from WA/OR had covid antibodies -- in December 2019. That's 4 months before we do ANYTHING to slow the curve. Holiday travel. Basketball season. Flu season.

We didn't notice the virus until it swept through nursing homes in February.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7799215/pdf/ciaa1785.pdf (Page 17)

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I don't know a single person who's gotten covid. I know of 4 who vaxxed. 1 died within a week, 1 now has cancer, 1 is in a weird mental state (altho that could just be weird Maine humor) & 1 was ok last time I saw her.

The last is a nurse who had drunk the koolaid. I was able to resuscitate her somnolent critical thinking with a simple question: Would that cloth mask protect against measles. She replied with long, deer in headlights stare, then whispered "no."

I followed up with "Would that mask protect against tb?" She was now awake & gave a firm "No."

I didn't see her for several weeks. When I did it was clear she had stayed awake, so I directed her to the Salk Institute report

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I know a few folks who had it and recovered just fine. I don’t know people who were hospitalized or died.

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I have a health care aid friend. Her uncle died of Covid. My accountant spent 3 months in the hospital with Covid. I have 4 friends who recovered from Covid. One was really sick. He stayed at home and recovered in 6 weeks. BUT he had chronic respiratory problems even before Covid. My niece's mother was pretty tired for a couple of months after getting vaccinated. I know at least 20 people who got vaccinated with no problems. All of them think I'm nuts.

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The Covid panic is a straight up mass psychosis. I am so glad my family and I see right through it. I can't imagine what it would be like to be a kool aid drinker afraid of everyone's shadow, growing anxious every time a mask is off a nose, for 20 months and counting. I also have a hard time finding sympathy.

I do keep up with red pilled substackers, because I need to be on my guard to pack us up and flee if California threatens to go full Australia. But here history is some consolation as it is full of mass psychoses, delusions, and folly, and I try to keep the big picture in mind.

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I am in California and have found a way to not think about it most of the time. Granted I live in a more conservative county and surround myself with people

who just want to live life.

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My situation as well. In a small farming community in CA. The few neighbors I do have are “normal”. No masks out here. People just getting on with life, trying to make a living.

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I would not think about Covid at all. I had it and it is behind me. But I am worrying that the criminal globalist government wants to vaccinate me and my kid. Otherwise I would be glad being busy with more important things.

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The masks are most assuredly causing them to self poison—every exhale their bodies use to expel toxins and unfriendly microbes is stymied and some of that trash is sucked back farther into their lungs along with more carbon dioxide than is wise.

Or so it seems to me. Second grade science

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You’re correct. The only detectable effect in a 1500 subject multi centre trial in Vietnam was that those specifically wearing cloth masks ended up with atypical bacterial pneumonias at a significantly greater frequency than blue mask western or no mask at all.

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Dr. Yeadon, are you aware of the paper Fauci coauthored in 2009 on the 1918 influenza pandemic titled, “Predominant Role of Bacterial Pneumonia as a Cause of Death in Pandemic Influenza: Implications for Pandemic Influenza Preparedness” (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2599911/)? They concluded that a substantial portion of the deaths were not caused by the virus but rather by bacterial pneumonia—which, as you know, can be caused by mask-wearing (a fact Fauci no doubt knew when he pivoted to the pro-masking talking point).

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Yes, thank you, I had seen it & was aware that arguably there’s never been a respiratory viral pandemic as we’d previously have defined it (very many deaths over & above the usual elevated winter levels).

As you rightly point out, 1918 appears to have involved mass scale bacterial pneumonias in a pre-antibiotic era.

The 1950s & 1960s flu bugs had many deaths ascribed to them, but painstaking research by Canadian Dr Denis Rancourt found that none gave a rise in all-cause mortality.

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Fascinating info about the 1950s and 60s bugs and all-cause mortality! I assume those passed with minimal fanfare due to the development of natural herd immunity. Thank you for the pointer to Dr. Denis Rancourt.

On another note, I’m not sure if you saw my previous comments asking about the possibility of doing an interview. CJ will be my first subject in this new series, but I’d love to interview you after that. If you’re interested, you can sign up for my blog (which I think you’d appreciate if you haven’t already peeked) and reply to the welcome email so we can discuss in more detail. Thank you!

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Thank you for the invitation but I’m choosing not to do new interviews at the moment and doing a bit more here. I’ve been interviewed perhaps 50X, and while Dr McCullough is over 500 !!!! I’m just all done in at the moment. I was quite ill over the late summer & my wife asked me to slow down rather than make myself unwell. I’d retired early, in 2017, because I’d already experienced a life-threatening illness, rescued by skilful surgery, but all far from ideal when facing this nonsense.

I might change my mind (I will feel guilty soon, I expect) so if you notice new interviews, do get in touch.

I post often through a Telegram channel called “Robin Monotti + Dr Mike Yeadon”. In fact, I just shared the paper you reminded me of already!

Best wishes, Mike

Ps: I’m told the interview which was most seen was given to DayStar TV with Joni & Marcus Lamb, evangelists with an audience over 100 million, if I’ve recalled it correctly. I’ve not been good at keeping copies of interviews & articles, but a kind guy in Russia has scoured the net & found half of them!

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Yesterday, I bumped into a young woman who recognised me & says she was Polish & had been following me for over a year. She’d added Polish subtitles to one of my interviews & said her mother in Poland had just been red-pilled after watching it. I was no more than 2km from home, so that was a helluva coincidence.

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Dr. Yeadon (Mike, if I may :-), thank you for taking the time to write such a thoughtful response. You absolutely should not feel guilty for doing what is best for you! I am so sorry about your health challenges and am glad you are doing what is necessary to care for yourself. We desperately need you in this fight and want to ensure you stay healthy—especially considering what a grave risk you’re taking by speaking out like you have.

I recently declined an invitation to do a livestream interview with a prominent former YouTuber (now banned), so I totally understand your decision. Having spent the previous week trying to recover from the deluge that occurred after three of my articles went viral (thanks to Lew Rockwell, The Burning Platform, ZeroHedge, and American Digest publishing them, among others), I realized I wasn’t quite ready for that level of visibility. I had two 24-hour marathons in a row last week just trying to keep up, and it was taking a toll on both my health and creative time, which I try to be very protective of.

That said, if and when you change your mind, know that I conduct interviews in written form, so I would send the questions to you, and you would have the luxury of answering them at your convenience, even if it takes months. I’m in no hurry as I have a massive number of articles, interviews, and other projects on my todo list.

Meanwhile, I hope to see you at my blog if and when you have time to explore :-) My fairy tale (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/the-vapor-the-hot-hat-and-the-witches) was partly inspired by what I learned from you, as are most of my other pieces, such as Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling) and Letter to a Covidian (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-covidian-a-time-travel). Perhaps you can share Letter with a Colluder to all your scientific colleagues you mentioned who are too afraid to speak out :-)

How wonderful to hear you’ve teamed up with Robin Monotti! I have referenced his excellent documentary work and will continue to do so, I’m sure. I’m not on Telegram as of yet but may need to investigate at some point, time permitting.

Will you be starting a Substack blog? Or is there a way to sign up for your existing newsletter? I had trouble finding it when searching but learned about its existence when OffGuardian published a piece from it a while back.

If you are able to share the links to the DayStar TV interview as well as the Polish-translated one you mention below, I’d love to see them!

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that means a lot to me you said that. I feel like I've been shouting into the wind for two years.

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I wish I could go 1 hour w/o hearing any subject relating to covid

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I wish we could go 1 hour without covid propaganda and outright threats to our lives.

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The only time outside of sleep where I can absolutely assure no covid thought or talk is when I am playing sports. I have to concentrate. And it keeps me healthy... should I get covid ; / haha.

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Yes I can easily go 1 hour w/o hearing about covid provided I listen to dance videos on YouTube and watch HBO (no commercials) or don't watch TV. However, I am constantly hearing my inner voice that brings up Covid issues. My vaccinated friends have forbidden me to speak about Covid, vaccinations, masks or Ivermectin. But I do have many unvaccinated friends. I have a worry that I'm going to slip up and forward anti-vaxx information to the wrong friends. I guess that will be funny.

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ignore covid, ignore the people who fear covid, hold disdain for the unvaxxed, and shut off the media.

i just came back from a b'day party for grandkids' other gramma. the daughter refrained from inviting any unvaxxed. the oldest person there was 72 and no health issues, no one else there had health issues but relations and old friends were not allowed if they were not anointed with the scam vaccines.

i am more than a little incensed, and i will cause huge angst when i refuse to go there for Christmas.

'she who must be obeyed' will be annoyed no end bc she is a karen and agreed with the auntie who shunned the unvaxxed!

i will shun the shunners.

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people still think only the unvaxxed can spread it. that's the power of the word VACCINE. we are, at heart, a primitive species, little better at determining truth from magic than we were 10,000 years ago.

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so sorry your relative, or who ever, had a firm directive for vaxxed only.

Every one is very firm on their beliefs, but only certain if you follow the correct narrative.

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I'm sorry she is doing that

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I do not think about covid because I do not listen to news nor do I pay attention to people that talk about covid.

I live in northern Virginia (yes in that Loudoun County, that used to be 100% conservative until 15 years ago) and I do not wear a mask anywhere. I have not had covid. Today I have a head cold, not a bad one.

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I grew up directly to your east (several locations, we moved a lot). Northern VA sure has changed a lot in my life (I'm nearly 60). I moved away nearly 20 years ago. Except for one blood relative in MD, I have no friends or family in the area any more. I doubt I'll ever visit again. The entire area is utterly alien to what I knew even thirty years ago.

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Likely you have had Covid.

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Smartest kitten I ever did meet! Well except the two that live at my house!😜

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ditto. but this Kat is also a mind reader :)

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I'm not a kitten but I am a psychotherapist and obsessing about anything out of fear, of course, can lead to some debilitating psychopathologies and constrict your capacity to think in a creative, flexible and reasonable way (and thus your life will not go back to normal). I study the covid response from the perspective of a psychologist interested in mass psychosis, psychological control, and similar - the focus on covid is not motivated by fear but out of curiosity and a desire to understand. In other words the variables of "time", "energy/focus", "fear", "curiosity", could lead to psychopathic obsession OR something like a greater sense of self-identity, clarity, bravery, or any number of other positive attributes (like a helpful substack!).

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Kitty, baby, you are spot on. Don’t forget that the 24/7 media megaphone wants us cold, scared and alone, and full of covidy crap. So, let’s throw off the suffocating covidness they have blanketed us with, and hit the sunlight and fresh air, pronto! Goodbye covid masters, we abandon you toot sweet! FREEDOM FLU!

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What is freedom flu? I just want to make sure I understand whether it means sick outs or freedom is contagious…?

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Jack Posobiec started the #FreedomFlu thread on Twitter after the Southwest crew filed an injunction seeking to block the mandate about vaccinations.

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Thank you uptown girl!!

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You are most welcome…

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Live in Sweden. Fairly normal here. Now ” they” push for for climate agenda instead. AND i am worried for this covidpass thing. Terrible. This is a fake pandemic thing. People here almost dont understand what happens outside Swden. God bless us.

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Gato is right. Unfortunately, with the signs and the masks, even if you get away from the media and don't talk about it, it's hard not to be reminded.

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That was the whole point of masks last summer when most of the country is in low-covid mode. A constant reminder to BE SCARED!

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It does seem that the insanity threshold is far beyond what I had imagined. There are very deep and very dark rabbit holes one can go down and they sure are getting harder to ignore. Best take the dog for a walk...

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How do I emigrate to Norway? In Canada the great reset is full steam ahead and there isn’t a province that isn’t completely F’d up. They are now forcing the vax on kids who can’t play sports without it. Kids are dying and no one cares. Social credit system here we come.

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Best way is to find a job first. The company will help you relocate and get the papers in order. You can start here https://arbeidsplassen.nav.no/stillinger or here https://www.finn.no/job/fulltime/search.html?abTestKey=rerank&sort=RELEVANCE. Use google translate or similar.

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I've had Covid. I took reasonable precautions (no vax) before I got it, yet I got it anyway and I'm just fine. (Still no vax.) I don't think about it at all now. Of course it helps that I live in a no-mask no vax-mandate lovely Red State. Everything feels normal around here, and has for quite some time, aside from a sighting of the increasingly rare masker.

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hows the job market there? the fed mandates are designed to ruin life in ALL the states -- can't have the republicans free and happy, after all...

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In Montana- amazing job market. Shortage of workers. Our gov was the first to sign a bill that said an employer cannot ask about your vax status. The state is also offering a $5000 relocation bonus for new workers. Bozeman is a little insane due to a huge influx of blue state (gag) refugees- some are normals, some are very blue but they want to be free of the high cost of living and the restrictions on everyday life. The sad thing is that a number of local businesses have either closed or are struggling due to a lack of workers. Construction is booming. Gas prices are still around $3.30, although a year ago we paid $2.09. Starting salaries for unskilled labor- even at MacDonald's- range from $20 to $35/hour. Every single business in the area has a help wanted sign posted in the window- UPS, FedEx, the USPS- every single place. We need doctors, nurses, other healthcare professionals. Desperate for teachers and school personnel. There are two caveats- the influx of new residents has caused average home prices to shoot up- but this is because all the Californians are buying up luxury properties, thus inflating the average price. Things are still affordable in the county and the smaller communities surrounding Bozeman. We live in the county. The second caveat- Bozeman is the only school district- aside from Missoula- that still has a part-time mask mandate, although the governor has signed an executive order that school boards cannot compel students to wear masks. In addition, so I guess a third caveat- the Bozeman school board is quietly- over the objections of 95% of parents and teachers- attempting to institute an 'equity' curriculum. None of the surrounding community schools are doing either- no masks, no equity curriculum. So, people are trying to get their kids into other school districts and the private schools- really good private schools- have no shortage of students. People up here have big families as well, so I'm willing to go out on a limb and say this is a hopeful, prosperous state.

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Oh wow, that sounds great. I'm in Vermont -- I moved here from California and somehow I arrived a democrat but turned republican. I guess I just found the meddling of democrats into every aspect of your life annoying, and now, actively dangerous. It's one thing to ban plastic straws and bags (ok, well who cares?) and make it illegal to throw "food scraps" in the trash (wtf? at least it's not enforced on the general public, yet) but now I'm worried about how crazy they'll go with vax mandates.

Is Bozeman the only place with jobs? How is the rental market -- perhaps I can keep my house in Vermont for now, but work in Montana? (I might lose my job because of vax mandates.)

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A lot of folks move here but work remotely. The rental market is tight, although housing is available in surrounding communities and we're talking maybe an additional 5-10 minutes from town. Now is a good time to look because those who wanted to move here before school started are now here and I'm seeing houses sitting on the market. Prices in Bozeman are high, regardless, plus Montana State is here so students take up a lot of the rentals near campus. We prefer the county in any case. Every place in Montana has jobs jobs jobs! Livingston is 30 minutes away and is an old western town- windy but really interesting. Billings is more industrial but super western and the downtown is great. Butte has jobs - gorgeous location and affordable housing. An hour from Bozeman on the other side of The Great Divide. Around Bozeman are the following- Gallatin Gateway, Four Corners, Belgrade, Manhattan, Amsterdam, Three Forks- all an easy drive. No traffic, especially if you are used to CA. I cannot tell you how gorgeous Montana is. The sunsets are beyond beautiful. And I love snow!

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Thanks we are CA and looking around. Sorry to hear about the Bozeman equity curriculum. We will not be bringing CA trends with us on the contrary. I'm getting a pickup with a gun rack and a Gadsden flag.

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We moved from CA in 2017. Never looked back but then we are originally from the Midwest. My husband's work dragged us to CA. Our middle daughter married a cattle rancher here, and the minute we had a grandbaby we left CA. Now we have two! Our youngest left CA as well and has no regrets. Our son still lives in Sac but he's looking to move. And yes, we bought a pickup, an Airstream, and guns. And fly our flag with pride. Check out Belgrade, Manhattan and Three Forks. All have great schools. It's like moving back to a time when America was safe and clean and happy. And normal! Mostly drama-free.

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They really are lemmings running for that cliff at high speed.

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And they are stoked about it! You can almost hear them chanting!


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Wishing for it to go away is part of the problem…..We are not children.

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Boy do I sure wish we had the opportunity to find out!

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What is covid?

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Hey Kitten. I live in SW Florida and thanks to our governor we can live life mostly free. Doctors offices and some retail stores still require mask wearing but no vaxx mandates allowed.

It seems there is a certain portion of the population that is hardwired to act as a herd and to follow their leader regardless of what dangers they are led into. They prefer not to think for themselves which makes them a danger to everyone who does. There doesn't seem to be a rational argument that would convince them to act like a normal human. Driving their own car, alone and wearing a mask they don't want any of their own to see them without their compliance gear in place. Being ostracized from their social circles is worse to them than getting the virus.

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Hard not to think about Covid while living in a Blue state w stupid mask mandates (Washington). And it’ll never turn Red in my lifetime. Oh yeah…I work in healthcare so unfortunately my life will include masks for the foreseeable future.

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I long for the day...

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Soooo jelly 🤤

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What if our rulers had a pandemic and nobody came? I think this is exactly right. It will start to turn when we all find better things to pay attention to.

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they've ignored all the not-dying children coming up on 2 years and still they shove them in masks

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I wish I didn’t fear losing my freedoms so I didn’t need to obsess over Covid all day. And fear the nwo’s build back better, 4IR and the rest of the sh*t.

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While "thinking about covid" I crunched some numbers about the UK and wrote an article about their "Vaccine Hell". Basically vaccines there are now worse than useless, confirmed by the numbers from PHE.


To give you a preview of this article: Vaccines in the UK have become LESS THAN WORTHLESS in October. “The vaccinated” get infected MORE than the unvaccinated. The vaccinated have higher infection rates and are now the drivers of the UK epidemic.

While some degree of “protection from death” still remains, it is dropping by about 7% every month for the most relevant groups. I break it down by age to avoid the stupid “but you need to do age adjustment” criticism, to show that the disaster is in almost every age group.

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It is our pathetic Fifth Column who spreads the fear along with our pathetic government who wants complete control over the information. Josef Goebbles anyone?

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Every kitten deserves it catnip once in a while. Every human too! We all need our moments of respite in this tumultuous, divisive time.

When we come out of that break, however, it's impossible not to see and feel segregation / shame / medical apartheid being put upon you. That would be ignoring reality. Emperor's New Clothes kind of reality. Kitty - if you want to dream, how about leading us in dreams of IDEALS WE NEED TO BE SHARING.

What are our ideals for human rights today - worldwide - in the USA - in Europe?

What are our ideals for free speech rights today?

What are our ideals for medical ethics, medical rights today?

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Only the people who are terrified think of it all the time.

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I don't think about COVID all the time, but where we are moving has become a large conversion between my wife and her best friends, because of the insanity in thenm schools here in Calif.

I'm surprised Newsom and his minions don't have a trademark on the #Masks4Life

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I am Swedish and have found my way here. I have also found a fantastic blog site that I highly recommend you all to visit. Words and no songs. www.market-ticker.org. Nice reading.

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Whats covid?

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Unfunny how truthseeker never mentioned death and injury caused by an experiment thrust in the world. Just a little too much disengaged

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