I don't want to blame the victims here, but people: STOP GETTING TESTED. I don't care where you live. Just stop it. And contact tracing? Just say no.

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Stop getting tested! Then covid goes away. No cases = no fear = no urgency for anything stupid anymore. And if you must get tested for work - just stick the PCR swab in your EAR instead. Or in your water bottle 😉. Let’s give these malicious lying government scoundrels a dose of their own medicine.

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I opted my kids out of testing here in CA. Actually 1/3 opted out. Abs that’s in the Bay Area! No testing for us.

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Except when you have to do a monitored test. My company is requiring us to use the Abbot BinaxNow test which is a "telemedicine" test - have to use a video camera and be monitored taking the test. < Insert sounds of fury and rage here! >

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STOP complying on all levels. Had no one worn an effing mask in the first place last year, this would have stopped in its tracks. Frog - meet water.

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Aussie men need to grow backbones and stand up for their families and friends. Only cowards give up their guns to gov.

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So, I (shamefully) watch Love Island Australia. (I know. Judge me if you must…*I* would.). The most current season features the most collective, emotional, vain young people I’ve ever seen. The men are pussified and the women are…superwomen? I keep waiting for one of the guys (all super-buff/physically fit) to drop dead of heart attack or stroke from the vax they all must’ve taken (though I don’t wish it on any of them).

In any case, I think it’s pretty clear what’s happening: western kids have been slowly conditioned into collectivist simps through programming. The US isn’t far behind.

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I absolutely won't judge you. Hell, my avatar is a screencap from The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City and I. Regret. NOTHING!

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Thank you Ki. I'm glad I'm not the only one who can see this masking cult as a HUGE part of this whole thing. It breeds fear, suspicion, distrust of one's neighbors and even family. It MUST stop. By the same token, if someone wants to wear their security blanky *voluntarily* than go for it. Just don't advocate for others to do the same. I truly don't care what someone does *for themselves*. Just leave me out of it!

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More worryingly it breeds compliance and outgroup othering.

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A-freaking-men. Just a little pushback is all it would've taken. As cynical as I was when this started, I never imagined there would be such overwhelming compliance to such obvious bullshit.

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Prior to a test…

1. Spray your nose with nasal spray.

2. Brush your teeth

3. Use mouthwash

My son who gets tested every two weeks at college was told not to do any of these prior to taking a test.

BTW, use Xlear for the nasal spray. It obliterates the virus. You're welcome.

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I bought 3 boxes of xlear. Took awhile to find. As a first line of treatment it is supposed to work since covid starts in the nasal passages first. According to xlear website they claim it is very effective.

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I might be crazy, but I use a nebulizer with a peroxide/iodine/saline solution (really low concentration - must read extensively to be safe with this approach - 3% food grade only). I do it for 20 min on days I feel exposure exists. No ill effects.

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Dr Levy's protocol. I wonder how much of the benefit he's seen is due to thinning out the herds in the nasal passages? He recommends inhaling through the nose a lot.

The flccc.net group suggest a 1% povidone-iodine for gargle & nasal rinse. I find using the 0.1% H2O2+saline solution as a nasl rinse much easier to take although both are disgusting LOL. There is a good number of studies showing the povidone-iodine works post exposure.

I've tried my nebulizer out a couple times but prefer just gargle and snort.

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Not crazy at all. Bought a nebulizer. Have yet to use it. Have friends who have with great results.

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LOL, it's nice when they spell out for you how to pass the test!

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Been a daily neti pot user (saline) for years. I use Xlear as needed for sniffles/sinusitis. Recently I started a dilute (1%) hydrogen peroxide + a drop of iodine snort just for the heck of it. This last is "off label" but I note that both those products are routinely used for minor cuts and (in H2O2 case) routinely as a gargle/rinse. So how toxic can they possibly be, and at much lower dilutions and quantities than those "approved" uses?

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Also nebulizer hydrogen peroxide (food grade) iodine and a saline solution keeps your lungs clear.

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mouthwash containing cetylpyridinium chloride👍

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Does the Xlear dry your nasal passages out at all? Coz that would be really bad.

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I've used it twice now when I felt a cold coming on (sore soft palate that starts to creep down your throat). Both times Xlear knocked it out over night. I'm not claiming it will cure covid, but it's a good first response.

I have the nasal wash and the nasal spray. Neither dries out the nasal passages...quite the opposite. That being said, when you have an infection brewing, your nasal passages and sinuses are going to be more tender.

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I don't find that to be the case. The dry northeast winters do a good enough job on their own. I apply coconut oil (on a q-tip) as needed.

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Are you using it as a preventative. I was planning to use it if I start to ever develop symptoms.

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I do use it after I'm around groups of people or when I have to travel as a preventative measure. Two sprays each side in the am and before bed. It's generally a good practice even against colds and flu, but I take care of myself, so just simple saline solution is good for everyday.

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That sounds like good advice. Thank-you. Much appreciated.

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best advice ever!

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My entire family just got very sick with (presumed) COVID. We didn't test. I agree with this comment. We can't play their game.

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You can always check yourself at home with an antigen test.

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Check the water.

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I told my family and friends to stay out of the system unless it was an emergency. What is the benefit. Test later for antibodies if you must know.

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Wish I could double heart that. :)

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Absolutely. The testing, "locking down", contact tracing, face diapers and permission slips ("exemptions") are ALL part of this. I say NO to it all. Please people, just go back to what you were doing before March of 2020. Can no one remember? We didn't do ANY of this. And back to the "testing"... first "virus" in history that you had to get tested for to see if you had it so you could go home and be terrified you were going to die for 2 weeks. Come on people. Please wise up. NO NO NO. You don't have to argue, you don't have to fight, you just have to be willing to be inconvenienced and maybe do without some things as you walk away saying NO. I can assure everyone that the inconvenience and dirty looks we may get now will pale in comparison to what is coming if we don't stop this. NO!!

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Whole family got it....had rapid antigen tests to confirm so we could be smart about our contacts and timing, but never took a test that would have put us officially on the radar. Took an antibody test after the fact just to have proof that might help my future exemption case with my employer. Binax Now test are $14 for 2 at Walmart.com

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interestingly enough...not available in canada. it's almost impossible to get an antibody test here as a dr. need sign off on the requisition (test costs $75), and dr's are actively discouraged from doing so by cdc. hm. odd, that.

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Not surprised by that. The other day I googled where to get a vitamin D test to check the level of D and up came Health Canada website saying those tests are not necessary lol.

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From the same people who say cycle threshold 45 on a PCR test is valid, there are no early treatments and natural immunity doesn't count. Riiiggght.

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How do those home tests work? What if you do stick the swab in your ear or a water bottle instead of your nose and then conduct the test? Is it going to give you a "negative" or does the test somehow detect nasal mucous to know that you did it correctly?

Asking for a friend. I would never try to trick my employer. :)

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Home tests are very simple.....swab. They aren't accepted generally for work/travel if self administered even though I believe they are identical to the rapid antigen tests used in testing centers. They're more for your own information so you know whether it's Covid or something else, and adjust your blast radius accordingly. They have negligible false positives, more false negatives as they are less sensitive than PCR, so if you test positive you can be pretty sure you've got it. The nice thing is you can know if you have Covid without putting yourself on the local health authority radar and having all the contact tracing BS. To be honest I've had colds and other viruses that were worse than my bout of Covid so the test was useful to confirm.....I was expecting to be a lot sicker. I did lose taste and smell so that was really the only marker other than the antigen test that it was something more sinister than a cold. Full disclosure, we did have a self treatment protocol that included supplements and and anti-parasitic that we aren't allowed to talk about so that may have helped bend the curve of severity in our favor.

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I use Binax test to avoid wasting my supply of Ivm (took me 3+ weeks to arrive from Singapore!). ;-)

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And again... having to show proof of health to work is tyrannical as hell. I guess I can see it if a business really thinks that's in their best interest and they decide that *without* government "mandates". I'm totally free market. As for me though.... I'd rather go shovel someone's sidewalk for 10$ and eat a top ramen.

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Those tests are not acceptable for work or in lieu of a PCR.

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My workplace accepts them. (I haven't tried one out yet because 99% of the time I'm allowed to work from home. But still I'm still curious how they work for that 1% of the time that I may need one.)

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simple: swab both nostrils - NOT DEEP - then place inside a card where you put 6 drops of some fluid prior. Then close card. Wait 15-30 mins. If a second line appears, you're positive. All at home. NO ONE but you will know the results.

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positive for a

fragment of RNA

which may or may not be remnant of SCoV2

no symptoms no replication no illness no transmission

inhaled virions or fragments stick to your mucosa

trying to enter cells

only when they enter replicate and kill the cell to escape

are they numerous enough and free to be transmitted

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For your employer...do a nasal rinse before and after. Those nasty swabs are saturated with a toxic chemical. For just your own knowledge, just do the nasal rinse after to clean the crud on the swab out of your nostril. ;)

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THIS!! 👆

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Exactly. All this flaming bullsh*t ends now if these gullible sheep would please stop this utterly bogus and fraudulent PCR testing.

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So here in north Texas my children’s HS no longer cares about co Vid cases. They say if you are sick, stay home. That being said my Sheeple neighbors son feels sick. Nothing big. But what do they do? They have him tested to which he was positive. They kept him out of school for two weeks. 🤦🏻‍♂️ I’m telling you these people would be the first to board the train if fauci told them to. God help us!! 🙏🏼🇺🇸

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My friend is the same. Her son got the sniffles, and suddenly this requires a trip to the doctor, and another trip to a testing facility. She largely acknowledges it's a fraud, but she considers her youngest a weakling because he was premature (a now 17 year old, 220lb weakling). 2 years ago, all his symptoms would've entailed is a bowl of chicken soup. I didn't bother asking her how a positive test result would've changed anything.

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Did you ask if he could come over and cough on your children?

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So much this. WTF are people thinking getting tested. Nothing changes other than your incarceration.

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The fact is Worldwide true virus pandemics were stopped in the twentieth century when we started building cities with running water, sewage systems, and garbage pickup. It had little do do with vaccines and more to do with cleanliness.

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The counter to this is that we also reduced our exposure to pathogens, meaning our immune system becomes pathogen naive, which actually weakens it.

Which is fine until a pathogen comes along that gets past the running water, sewage systems and garbage pickup, then we need to deal with it using an immune system that is not necessarily any longer evolving with the evolving pathogen landscape.

All this is moot, of course, when Fauci starts funding GoF research but uh... fck that guy.

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That might be true for waterborne diseases. But I'll have to call bullshit on you for one major pandemic: the Spanish Flu of ~1918. Millions dead. Unless I'm horribly mistaken, most of the civilized world's towns and cities had modern infrastructure well before then.

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I wish they still taught history in school......:>)

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“Initially, the American medical community minimized the scale and scope of the influenza pandemic to create a false sense of security in the country’s largest cities, including Philadelphia [11]. Yet, this was an issue beyond the medical community; this was a public health crisis that brought to light urban environment deficiencies, namely the proliferation of municipal waste and unsanitary living conditions [51]. While not always well understood, the presence and threat of infectious diseases has shaped urban planning in the United States. During this early 20th century pandemic, urban environments in New York City, Chicago and other American cities were densely populated and characterized by crowded tenement housing in proximity to factories, animal yards, and slaughterhouses with little airflow or light [4,52]. Even before the 1918 influenza outbreak, cities were plagued with cholera, tuberculosis and typhoid epidemics [4]. Medical models, specifically the miasma theory, an idea that diseases were caused by a noxious form of “bad air”, prevailed, but there was also a sense that the congestion, pollution, lack of sunshine and poor airflow contributed to illness [4,52]. In response, urban planning efforts introduced zoning to spatially segregate residential, commercial and industrial uses and housing regulations to require light and airflow in order to improve overcrowding and unsanitary urban living conditions “

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I got a few Binax home tests and have Ivermectin in stock, in case of positive tests.

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Same here, but I took one dose of ivermectin today to get a jump on family gathering. Cautious with 40+ people. Second dose on Friday just to be safe.

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I lived in Texas (Houston Metro area) for 5 months while my son attended school (in Oregon all schools were closed; online was the only option). After March 2021, I stopped wearing masks. We drove through 5 states, stopping at gas stations, convenience stores, rest stops, dining at restaurants, etc (2,500 miles) to get back home. No issues (only a mild cold at the end of our trip). During the summer, I attended about 5 rallies (against medical mandates) sans masks. I only shop in stores were masks are NOT mandatory. I'm 57 y.o. with past history of asthma. Able to control my health and minimize risks by taking my vit D3/K2 and vit. C daily. I also take other supplements (zinc, magnesium, etc.) every other day or so. I believe that breathing fresh air is absolutely essential to keeping a strong immune system. Make sure to check your vit D levels and keep them at optimal functional levels (50-80). Happy Thanksgiving!

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Start fighting back motherfuckers or you will have no life left to fight back with.

No one gets out alive.

Wake the F up and FIGHT.

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How do we do it?

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We need to start God Mode.

I read a piece yesterday that gave me some solace, reminding me to not fear. It was directed at another group but if it works, I’ll take it.


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midama - I loved that article - especially the part 2 on the spirit of fear. It also gave me solace, but also a sense of "I'm NOT crazy"

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I subscribed on the spot the moment I finished reading.

So in the battle we’re in, I guess these things are little markers, pointers that light up the way, “over here”, “go over there” “try this, it will help”, a reminder to read stuff that nourishes, be with people that bring you up, eat stuff that your body doesn’t need to argue with (I guess the term is “disagree” but I’m letting it stay) all that Jazz so when the time to really really fight back is here, we can give as good as we get. No one is taking me alive to any camp. And I’m sure I could take at least one wretched monster down with me.

In my head, I do think it will come to blows. Maybe that’s naive and the military will spray us all with nanobots to sedate us before taking a battering ram to the door.

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I remember reading that article in September thanks to my husband's cousin and passing it on to people who needed to read it. Sadly, those people are leadership in the congregation and I don't see any movement in the right direction. Business as usual continues. Those of us who are awake need to keep rejecting the fear and keep speaking out.

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Basically you need a Hitler.

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They seem to already have one. They just don't come across as inherently evil as the original. A happy giggly, or boring authoritarian is still an authoritarian though. Everyone is so quick to judge the German people in the 30's for going along with Hitler, and yet it seems like the people of the world have learned absolutely nothing since then. They still go along with leaders that blame others (the unvaxxed, or jews, or some other group of outsiders) and promise to solve all their problems as long as the people just give them more emergency power to fix things. Now Australians are being forcibly shipped to "quarantine camps". How many of them will end up being mistreated, or forced vaccinated, or will just disappear and never be heard from again? Will the unvaxxed have their assets seized as well? You hear all sorts of horrible things in the media about what should happen to those terrible unvaxxed vermin that are holding everyone else back. The whole pandemic of the unvaxxed narrative. At what point are they so demonized that some people believe the only way to save humanity is to exterminate the unvaxxed. The quarantine camps become extermination camps, and nobody cares. The narrative will change to "they had it coming, they were the worst of the worse and were putting us all at risk. The new "other" will now be those that are not up to date with the latest quarterly booster shot regimen. Now they are off to the camps since they are putting us all at risk with their non compliance...

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So true. And it has started the same way in every country, just fast-forwarded in countries easier to control. If anyone thinks we are somehow any different and it won't happen here, I would argue that that is delusional. It will happen here mainly because these lockdowns and punishments are not random or specific only to the country in which they exist--they are part of a global strategy. So it's coming here--it so much easier to get the easier ones locked down first.

And I feel that every day we do nothing, the worse it will be. If an when we do anything, it will be late in the 4th quarter and our options will certainly be more limited than they are now.

Apparently Biden has not been inside the White House for months. They fenced the White House off months ago. Newsom seems to be awol too, having shipped his children elsewhere... It seems they anticipate a real revolt.

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First they'll need a Reichstag fire, or a phony assassination. I have no doubt they'll 'find' one :(

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As bad as Biden is, "President Harris" does not exactly inspire confidence. But in a way, both of these are puppets, and the real decisions are made in the shadows.

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I agree with you. Is it Austria though instead of Australia?

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No, this is Australia all right - the Northern Territory, indigenous country.

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Yes, the article speaks of Australia, but Austria and Germany also as of this weekend--complete lockdowns. They are falling, as the history books say, like dominoes.

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thank you...so scary on all fronts

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The article said Australia, although I'm sure Austria is not far behind. The only difference right now is that what I hear out of Austria is that the police and military are refusing to comply with the mandatory vax order and are protesting with the people.

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thank you. i must have misread something

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Is that why the media went nuts (and still does) on Trump? Or is he part of all of this? Hard to know what is real anymore.

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I think Trump is a conman who was allowed to become President if he played the role of a (fake) modern "Hitler" for the masses so the left could be riled up against the right in a major way.

What we need is a real leader(s) who can rally the people and act with determination and ruthlessness.

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You think Trump was "allowed to become President"? Seriously? So, the endless psy-op and the Russian collusion bullshit was all part of the plan? Trump was a disruptor. Clearly, they did not anticipate his win. They thought they had the election under control...and the people had a different idea. They were ready in 2020, and they got away with it.

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I think either theory is possible. Outside of this discussion, there have been a few things that lend some credibility to Hansen's theory. A lot of bluster about the election and "proof" that it was stolen, and yet, going on a year now and nothing but build up and clatter; that Trump is pro vax and even after time, has not come out against it or the mandates. "Former President Trump reportedly said he would not mandate COVID-19 vaccines if he were still in office, noting he would “convince people” to take it instead." And, "It was supposed to take five years and they said it wasn’t going to work. I did three vaccines in less than nine months and they do work, they work really well.” This does not sound anything like a disruptor. He would definitely know the truth by now, so ignorance can't be the excuse.

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Nov 22, 2021
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And, if I may: LOCAL, LOCAL, LOCAL. I'm an old guy and the worship of a great "R" or a great "D" at the top of the world hasn't done much for me in my lifetime. But... making sure I have a Sheriff and a City Council and a School Board that aren't cowards and believe in individual liberty? Now that HAS made a difference.

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Yes very true. Having the "city chiefs" on your side is a huge relief even when the central government is hostile.

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Which means I have to move! That is looking more and more likely.

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It gets a bit off topic. I'm of the opinion that Trump was basically a "none of the above," a "Fuck you!" that succeeded, surprising everyone including him. He wasn't (and isn't) the savior many on the right wished and still wish that he were. He was easily co-opted by the "real" (swamp, deep state) government. If you are or were a Democrat, merely look at how the 2020 primaries were manipulated. Biden was never a favorite. Powerful interests did all they could to eliminate Sanders. And when Biden was approved, Harris (even less popular than alternatives), was worked in since he'd promised a black woman Veep. The system is rigged top-to-bottom, beginning-to-end. We aren't going to vote our way out of this.

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Yes, it's amazing how most of us are still very much under the illusion that we pick the candidates and vote for them.

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Lol. You people are sick, but not with Covid.

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Who knew Trump was part of a vast right-wing conspiracy to cede total power to the left?

Those sneaky far-right wingers.

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Don't fall prey to the greater manipulation. All of this infighting is nonsense. All of these red/blue stories? Nonsense and many staged. Believe me, I wanted Trump to be the great white hope too, but if he's not, I want to know. I just want to know the truth, period.

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Most idiotic stupid comment I have ever read.

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That makes perfect sense. It served to polarize us in a way nothing else could. It also got the country to deem him "fascist" and "authoritarian" so that his predecessor could not be so deemed. Isn't that the best strategy? Accuse the person you are against of doing exactly what it is you are doing. In my 55 years, I have never seen so many "executive orders" on a federal and state level and have the masses believe that forced injections are perfectly acceptable.

In retrospect, all of it seems fake. The 2016 election and Hilary's "disappointment." The set-up of a fascist leader and relentless media influence and shift over the past 5 years, Trump's 2020 loss and his false attempts to overturn the election. Next, if this progresses well, we will have another right-wing "win" in 2024 and the masses will be so grateful, they will do anything.

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Nah, you just need God. But not the narrative version.

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God is our protector not our leader. If a leader becomes a tyrant it is always the peoples responsibility to put him down.

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I said, not the narrative version.

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AMEN. Just say F NO to all of it. NOW.

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My House Representative here in Sacramento California is Doris Matsui, a woman who was born in a Japanese American internment camp during WW2.

You would think anyone who has lived through and heard the family shared experiences of those who were forcefully arrested and relocated, against their will, peoplw who lost everything, would vehemently object to relocation camps, anywhere in the world.

You would be wrong. Doris Matsui is a coward with no principles. Or, at least her principles were checked at the door when her real masters of the New World Order came knocking with their collusion covid cash.

Prepare for the worst here in the USA. Our politicians and media have been bought and are currently selling us.

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I hope this never comes to fruition but it appears we have to be prepared for the physical fight, against those who will not stand against this. This will be a death match. Seems impossible in one way but inching closer in another.

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if you haven’t already, invest in body armor, stock up on arms and ammunition, and train. be ready for a mostly peaceful™ protest. we stand united or we crumble.

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Can you imagine we would face such things in our lifetime? The Common Peoples Military.

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Texas is ready.

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I have no doubt, Texans are always at the ready!

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I agree. I'm resigned to stay peacefully disobedient, without violence until they are literally breaking down doors. I hope that never happens. And, I believe we still have time to stop a lot of this. But enough people just have to non-violently say NO!

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Important to note that Ardern was raised in a highly-authoritarian cult (Mormonism) and has just exchanged one dogma for another. This was an easy transition for her.

The problem is that humans are hard-wired towards hierarchal organizing systems (starting with the family/pack [and I'm strongly in favor of the nuclear family; it's the best system we've got in this chaotic universe we inhabit]) and when any traditional source of authority is diminished (religion), people create another with its own dogma, holy writ, liturgical hymns etc. This is an incurable affliction.

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And apparently if you get one of her passes "you can do everything." It must follow that if you don't get the pass "you can do nothing."

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simple as that!!

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We'll see.

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It is insane. All the presidents, prime ministers and pieces of shit on board. It is difficult to understand or explain.

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Shasta it is not difficult to understand when you reach the ONLY conclusion possible. THEY WANT YOU DEAD. Period-The End.

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This one, Macron, Merkel, Erdogan, Ivanka Trump, Halley, Gore and plenty of others are members of WEF. Also artists, plenty I don't know. Yesterday I found a list from the young WEF but now I can't find it. Probably lots of people looked at it. There are members of all political stretches. Will they all do what their creed says?

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"Yesterday I found a list from the young WEF but now I can't find it"

Here you go Ingrid:


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If you get vaccinated you can do anything! Including catch covid, spread covid, get sick from covid, die from covid, but wait, there's more! You can also get a myriad if injuries or die from the "vaccine" that affords no measurable protection but does allow you to become an asymptomatic super-spreading plague rat.

But you'll also get to virtue signal to all of your equally dimwitted friends, so come on down and become part of the largest human medical experiment in history!

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True-that. A Canadian Senator, with co-morbidities died with C19. She was "fully" vaxxed." I do not wish death or illness on anyone. But the article trips over itself to signal the benefits of the vaccine and makes excuses. This is not okay. https://torontosun.com/news/national/ontario-senator-josee-forest-niesing-dies-at-56-after-battle-with-covid-19

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You may not wish illness or death on anyone, but you haven't met everyone 😈

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i'd like to meet our favorite Fauxi face to face (with you all next to me)

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i'm very sorry for her (God only knows what REALLY happened to her). what bothered me was all the T-shirt, crap commercials that were displayed under her article.. That's wrong!

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LOL! spitting beer all over my computer...

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That’s absolutely correct. We have to stop believing and engaging in this false narrative. COVID-19 is not a serious illness and is easily treated with legacy drugs, vitamins and all the same common sense cures used for the flu.

Stop getting tested, stop wearing masks, stop believing the bullshit.

A news reporter here in the states asked an Amish man why there was no COVID-19 within the Amish community; his reply “we don’t watch television“. To me, that says it all.

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Protests, protests, protests. Nobody cares. They double-down on vaccines that we know don't work. They ramp up the punishments. Has even one nation changed course in the face of protests? None of this shows the slightest sign of ending.

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Report from Belgium " thanks to the boosters deaths are down in elderly homes" Probably because all the elderly are already dead. And who will go to one if you know that will be your fate?

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just what i was thinking Ingrid....

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This war cannot be won by protesting. But protesting allows to regain what was slowly being lost in last few decades, a human contact on a deeper level, the purpose in life and the sense of unity. There is nothing more powerful than crisis which restores these things in humans.

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what a shame it has to take a crisis for enlightenment.

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The way of all history, it would seem.

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Sadly, too many people know nothing at all about history.

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People doze off , until it is too late. They let themselves be messed with, then all of a sudden come out of the coma.

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You can never oppose or fight totalitarians, communists or fascists with a smile, with kindness, by protesting them or by ignoring them. But there is a solution to this problem. The only question is, if people will figure it out on their own in time or if it needs to be spelled out and presented to them by someone. And even if someone does it, there is still big chance that many will refuse of even considering it as a viable solution.

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"Now, I want to be absolutely clear. I am not advocating or condoning violence. But it is going to happen. It is happening already. Totalitarianism (even this “pathologized” version of it) is imposed on society and maintained with violence. Fighting totalitarianism inevitably entails violence. It is not my preferred tactic in the current circumstances, but it is unavoidable now that we have reached this stage, and it is important that those of fighting this fight recognize that violence is a natural response to the violence (and the implicit threat of violence) that is being deployed against us by the New Normal authorities, and the masses they have whipped up into a fanatical frenzy."

-- C. J. Hopkins


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We have something in the US that Austria and Australia don't.....the second amendment!

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I agree with you John...holding up a peace sign ain't going to cut it....

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We have to go to the mattresses.

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It is already here, but most people refuse to see it. This is a silent war, a war where information is being withheld, distorted and manipulated while people are being conditioned and brainwashed into accepting a false narrative. This is the war of regular people vs lunatic elites, ideologists and governments.

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Yes it is Mello. I have decided I will go down fighting. My mind is made up.

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Stand or kneel, the choice will be made by you or for you. I will stand.

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so will I. In the end they may knock me down, but if I can, I will stand up again.

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destroy just one before you go, at least. me too

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Amen, Mello. Your substack article on Evil vs. Incompetence is also superb and I encourage others here to go read it!

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I used to be anti-gun ownership. But as things have slid towards authoritarianism in the USA... I came to recognize that it's gun ownership that's the difference. Without massive gun ownership in the USA... we would have the same scenarios fully underway that are happening in Canada, Australia & New Zealand. All countries that banned gun ownership.

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Welcome to the wonderful world of gun ownership. Glad to have you with us.

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“The importance of the event [the storming of the Bastille] lay simply in the psychological fact that for the first time the people received an obvious proof of the weakness of an authority which had lately been formidable.

“When the principle of authority is injured in the public mind it dissolves very rapidly. What might not one demand of a king who could not defend his principal fortress against popular attacks? The master regarded as all-powerful had ceased to be so.

“The taking of the Bastille was the beginning of one of those phenomena of mental contagion which abound in the history of the Revolution. The foreign mercenary troops, although they could scarcely be interested in the movement, began to show symptoms of mutiny.”

—Gustave Le Bon, “The Psychology of Revolution”

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Your first paragraph reminded me of the Wizard of Oz story.....he was frightening, seemingly all powerful character until the curtain was pulled back and everyone could see exactly who and what he was.

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Brilliant analogy!

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>it’s like the humans got so coddled and so weak they forgot what any of this means.

It's not merely "like" that. In the words of Jacinda herself, that's what it is, so yep.

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My mouth is still on the floor reading this. Not sure when I will pick it up again as I watch the video of "her" saying jabbed can do anything. It's official, Aussie Land is insane. I wonder what they are requiring the indigenous people to do. They will kill the Aborigines with that poison. Is anyone thinking of the native peoples around the world? I pray they all can elude govt and not be forced into any of this.

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We're all native peoples somewhere. I really dislike this categorizing of human beings on a sort of start-with-mythically-pure-and-devolve-to-mythical-colonizer-class. Fun fact: Australian aboriginal people are descendants, of course, of migratory populations whose language families trace back to the earliest inhabitants of what is now known as Taiwan...

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They live "cleaner" lives than we do. Hunter, Gatherer. They are not tainted. I want nothing and no one to touch them that will change how they live or thrive.

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It's unhealthy to sanctify classes of human beings and demonize others.

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It was (I think) Francis Bacon that said (approximately): "We are much beholden to Machiavelli and others, who write what men do, and not what men ought to do."

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I will have to respectfully disagree with you on this particular point. If what we are seeing now in modern society does not classify some as demons, then I do not know what will.

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We are all demons given the right conditions. Their are no saintly humans, even the nicest sweetest person has the capability to become a sadistic monster. Someone touches my little children, and I can not even fathom the level of retribution I would inflict on them.

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That wouldn't actually be being a sadistic monster though.

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you are spot on scott. yes indeed.

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You think that there's no brutality in hunter-gatherer societies?

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I can't really have this conversation with you with my mouth full of the femur of the guy from the next tribe over who looked tasty.

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You miss the essence of my original statement. We will part ways here.

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Shut up, whitey.

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Aboriginal people work for a living like everybody else. I doubt there's any aboriginal that roams the land in the way that you describe. To do so would bring them into conflict with farmers and miners.

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Well if you are correct, then what a shame it is not to have a people engaged in an original lifestyle still able to live and thrive and not be in conflict with modern man. A crying shame.

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they may be the last few standing. and no round-up in their soil, hopefully.

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NZ is 3 hours flight away from the eastern seaboard of Australia. But we have similar pressures on us because playing the US off against China no longer seems to work.

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Indeed, I am sure it doesnt.

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apparently, armed military and nurses were moving in on Aborigines (Robertson River) and force vaccinating everyone...

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I saw a video on that but was not sure if it was true. If true, it is a sacrilege to the nth degree. Leave these few hunter-gatherer tribes alone. They are the last vestige of what was and should be protected. What risk do they pose the general population??

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Yeah, this is basically going to be "Stolen Generation 2.0" in a few decades' time.

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They'll all have 'acknowledging the traditional owners of the land' in their Twitter profiles as well.

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I can never tell if you are being sarcastic Rich...

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New Zealand here. Ardern can no longer make a public appearance without getting loudly protested. She hides in her office and makes the occasional heavily-choreographed appearance.

She's also recently posted record low polling. Not low enough for what she's done, and she still has far too much support from a far too compliant public, but the worm turns.

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I really hope so. And I hope that kind of thing still matters.

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I live in New Zealand, and have watched people I previously considered sane and rational prostrate themselves at Prime Minister Ardern's altar of amateur-hour narcissism. It is bewildering. I'm calling this Endemic Bio-Psychosis. Future generations will not look back kindly at us in light of the utter devastation we will bequeath them.

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I couldn't watch the 1pm Podium of Truth updates after I realized she was going to speak to me like a mentally-challenged five year old listening to a midwit school teacher.

I don't know what bothers me more, her totalitarianism or the fact that so many people I have to live with are welcoming it.

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just like 80 some years ago...bwa ha ha...like a downward spiral

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I can’t help but feel the tingle of terror

(I must not fear)

wtf is going on over there?

(Fear is the mind killer)

to repeat Eric Clapton, where are the men?

(Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration)

Do I also have to be the ballsy righteous men that I want in the world? I’m already being the change I want to see!

(I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me)

Fuck these guys! Fuck their fucking new world order! Fuck 6uild 6ack 6etter! fuck your fucking vaccines! And fuck you!

(And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path)

I don’t like this. Im afraid, they’ll try to do it everywhere, and some of these creatures are not even human. How do we fight monsters and not become one?

(Where the fear has gone there will be nothing)

It’s been so long since I last tried that stream of consciousness that passes for talking to a higher power. I need to try that again.

(Only I will remain)

Please god help Australia.

Can someone slap me now?

I want to wake up.

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Don't forget Austria

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tingle of terror indeed.

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Let’s look at the big picture….because what may becoming next is a psychotic Eugenist dream. The first phase of the plan worked so well, so profitable, and so disruptive to the US and World economy, that they are ready for Phase 2….KILL BILLIONS WITH RE-release of SMALLPOX. 30% of those infected will probably die based on history.

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The vials are at the CDC. We will probably hear one of these days that they have accidentally lost them. Or given them to Gates, who said that will be the next epidemic.

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WRONG…. https://world-signals.com › news › 2021 › 11 › 17 › following-bill-gates-warning-smallpox-vials-were-found-outside-mercks-lab

Bill Gates recently warned governments about the need to prepare for smallpox terrorist attacks and future pandemics by investing billions in research and development. "The FBI and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are investigating 'questionable vials' labeled 'smallpox' found last night in a freezer at a Merck facility ...

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The CDC does not know the difference between virus and vaccine, I suppose because


they could not find the virus.... well we know how good they are.

Yes I have seen the clip with Gates saying that, and another where he stated the next virus will be attacking in 2025, but can't find that anymore. And then this. One starts to wonder, does Gates think he is the ruling king of the world?

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He does. All ultra rich megalomaniacs do.

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Yes. Along with all the other elete mother fuckers

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the pus-in-scratch method employed by inoculation innovators in the 1700s knocked smallpox CFR down to 3%

far below the CFR for communism

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Nov 22, 2021
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INdeed the last strings of smallpox that were around were barely deadly, but old ones were. The ones that were sickening people in the 1800 had a death rate of about 1 in 3. The last ones, I remember one in 1972, I think killed barely anyone. They even did not call it smallpox anymore, it went by multiple other names.

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That hasn’t stopped them so far!

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they had to make up a new virus to be fearful of...

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All you need to do know is wake up the sheep!

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easier said than done. it's like talking to a rock with a brick wall built around it.

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Those "leaders" are also pawns. If people reacts and throw them away, the globalists are for sure ready to substitute them with others of with other system, probably the global government.

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It seems clear and inevitable at this point. How? How do we fight this?

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Make yourself ungovernable. United non-compliance. Never test, never mask, do not get the jab, move if you need to. Starve the beast - get Amazon, Google, Facebook and the rest out of your life.

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The same way people always fought and opposed tyranny.

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It appears Al, with physical force and instinctual survival skills, kill or be killed. We have to be prepared that this indeed may come to fruition. The choice each person has to make is to have a life that is "run" by someone else only to remember what life was like once upon a time and be jabbed with anything coming down the pike and have them control your money, medicine, food supply, work life etc OR if needs must, be willing to fight, knowing you may die fighting for freedom and liberty.

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I heard Mike Gallagher one nite say off the cuff that he got his shot, has his pass and tough luck suckers he is gonna go out to eat in NYC. WHO KNEW how cheap one could be to submit himself to authoritarianism!

As I recall, there is a video out there of New Orleans cops and Military ppl during Katrina removing people from their not flooded (but high and dry) homes and snatching any guns they had in the house. After cornering at gunpoint a very old little lady in her home they removed her from her safe, dry home that she did not want to leave. Drug her out. One cop said after that they he could not believe what they just did. But he did do it! People think cops and out own military won't act against us, but there are plenty who don't know who or what they are supposed to protect. Suddenly, you are a cop dragging granny out at gunpoint. What then. Granny abuse! The gateway drug to authoritarianism. Sort yourselves people!

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I recall other videos from Hurricane Katrina. The "usual suspects" were looting a store. A policeman was assisting, helping to break a display case if I remember rightly..

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You remember correctly. And it wasn't a display of food, water, diapers and other necessities.

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So is there no court system in Australia that at least has to hear a challenge to all this before it begins? Are there no civil liberties guaranteed by their constitution?

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Even in the United States -- where we 'have' these rights at least on paper -- the courts are of hardly any help.

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They gave up all civil liberties with their guns.

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Australians have become Nazi sympathizers. Mick Dundee was just a movie! The whole country has rolled over yellow bellied marmot style. Only the aborígenes Can save them now.

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Theoretically, yes, but someone has to bring a case first, and make it strong enough to convince the court to actually make orders to stop it immediately rather than spending a year hearing arguments and thinking about it.

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Coming to Amerika is no longer just an Eddie Murphy movie. The sooner you realize this and prepare for the war that is coming the longer you will live. Go along to get along just gets you on the exspress train to a death camp.

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Time to literally put on our big boy and big girl panties and get to it.

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Gob smacked that someone would allow themselves to be rounded up like cattle and that apparently no one, NO ONE, has forcefully resisted.

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Bit of an alarmist beatup this. Those would be aboriginal communities I reckon. Way out bush. The only way to get medical attention for them is to bring them into town. Mind you I still see it as insane. Because the virus isn't so bad and the vaccine isn't so good and there's no other help offered and the measures make things worse.

Especially for blackfellows. Mixing and mingling is their whole lives. They even used to die in prison just from being confined. Had to make new laws or new practices in the NT Australia to allow for that.

But it is not like the Army in Australia is driving around rounding up healthy (but unvax) people and carting them off to camps.

Nothing remotely like it. Bit of a shame to see this venue sort of tilt that way.

In closing here's my set piece:

From start to finish never a mention anywhere, anytime by anybody about the immune system.

But that's what it is all about.

That's what fights the illness, every illness.

That's what vaccines depend upon for their pretended 'efficacy' - it's not the vaccine 'does it' if it gets done, it's the immune system.

So all the discussion should be about how to improve the efficiency, the health, the strength, the abilities of your immune system.

But there's not a word. Even by well meaning commentators like this one.

The words all come from the government in terms of laws and edicts and every single measure the govts mandate is HARMFUL to the immune system. Every single one.

And they even ban the use of things that would help the immune system: like IVM and HCQ.

So get the narrative onto the immune system.

check the FLCCC protocols.

start strengthening your immune system and get the gear ready for early home treatment if you need it.

And check your local hospital for what treatment they propose to give you if you become a covid patient of theirs - because you know what? they probably won't give you the best treatment, they'll probably deny you anti-virals like IVM. True. they don't advertise that fact do they?

Get on the ball. It is about your immune system. So demand equal rights for it. Demand equal billing. Equal space. And a fair go - health and strength giving measures for it.

You do realise EVERY single measure govts have mandated are HARMFUL to your immune system?

And then they want to pump a vaccine into you that will prompt your immune system to swing into action and fix things?

And then if you survive they want to claim credit for it?

Do you realise how you're being conned?

Forget the people, forget the govt, forget the vaccine controversies, just get to the guts of the matter and demand a fair go for your immune system, the 'Army' of the body, of your body. Demand an equal go a fair go for your army.

That's all.

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I’m in Australia and this is not happening. People are not being forced out of their homes and put in camps. We have had lockdowns but you’ve always been able to leave your homes for essential reasons such as groceries and even work if your employment is deemed essential. Australia is crap I know that and I’m not disputing we are rapidly approaching totalitarianism but let’s stick to the facts.

Some states are worse than others. NSW and VIC had too many cases and they lost the ability to contain it so they have let it rip now somewhat and international borders are open if you’re vaccinated or holding a certain visa. The other states are still holding on tight and have state border controls and quarantine. From what I understand New Zealand is holding those lines too. Our leaders thought they could pursue a zero COVID strategy and unfortunately a lot of our population were behind that. Right now we are over 70% vaccinated as a nation, over 90% in my state (NSW) so I’m fully expecting us to follow the UK, Gibraltar, Israel etc and have growing COVID numbers and having our politicians scratching their heads asking why.

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So, what's the guy in the video with the Australian accent talking about?

Just some made up bullshit?

Thank goodness you're allowed to leave your home for ESSENTIAL reasons, JJ. You certainly cleared up any concerns I may have had.

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JJ is clearly incapable of pressing the play button on the video of the NT premier doing exactly what JJ says they are not doing.

JJ has not seen Mickleham camp, or the ones in Qld being built.

Don't be like JJ.

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I've actually gotten to the point where I'm pretty sure radical deniers of stuff that leaks from Australia are cointelpro.

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You should probably interpret that post as, "This is not happening in the area where JJ lives." People in the major cities are not being dragged out of houses or placed under house arrest (usually - although, they absolutely can be if they are ordered to "quarantine" due to testing positive).

Unfortunately it doesn't surprised me if this is being done to Aboriginal communities in the name of "what's best for them".

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I say: Question and be suspicious of EVERYTHING. In this day and age, after seeing a video like that, I'd most definitely err on the side of, "it's really happening". And thanks for your perspective from down under JJ.

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Yes I had to google that it’s in the Northern Territory and they’re trying to protect indigenous communities. They probably fear if they don’t do something drastic it will wipe out whole communities and then they’ll be accused of killing all the indigenous like they were when it ripped through all the aged care homes. I would say the army is being used because of the remote location and the lack of police etc in those areas. I’m not saying it’s right and our country sure is terrible. I just don’t want people to think the army is coming and ripping people out of their homes everywhere on a daily basis because that’s the impression it conveys. I have a lot of worries about our government but that isn’t presently one of them. I actually feel guilty being in NSW as it’s one of the states that’s been forced to open when other states are still locked down. And I’m still subject to being locked out of shops and businesses that require a vaccine passport. I also still can’t leave the country because I’m unvaccinated. We are being refused healthcare and many people are being sacked from their jobs and subject to vaccine mandates. So we are far from free and well on the way to totalitarianism for sure. It’s sad and stressful.

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Assuming the quarantines are true, it remains most surprising. This might have been easier to justify in March 2020, when we didn't know much about the virus. But nearly two years into the "pandemic"? Not so much. Many of us skeptics continue in bewilderment at the draconian responses to a public health "emergency" that for the vast majority of "victims" is rarely more than a cold, or a normal flu.

I can't vouch for authenticity, but here's a news item from Zero Hedge:


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Practising. It's easy to practice on the aboriginals. It also helps to normalise it.

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i found my avatar in a pawn shop for $3, i find the message priceless

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Years ago I bought a "Joycats" dish at a yard sale for like $0.50. I caught the bug and ended up spending a few hundred bucks buying more, shipped from overseas 😛

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The Amish did this the best. No Wuhan virus tests done. No lockdowns. No government infused TV. They just led their normal lives. Now they have real herd immunity. No fear porn allowed.

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You realise that this is actually Australian indigenous communities in the outback? A handful of them dared to slip away & go walkabout so now they have imprisoned all the others. So where are the anti-racist groups in Australia protesting about how black lives matter, over this? All they are doing is complaining that these people are disadvantaged because of not having such ready access to the shots. And the solution? ADF now visiting homes in these areas and "having a conversation" so as to counter all the "harmful disinformation" that is making them wary. Perhaps the death of the Cherbourg elder just after his very public vax (meant to encourage his people to line up willingly) might have something to do with it.

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For those interested, you can Google "Cherbourg elder Australia" and get several news reports. One says the man had had a history of ill health, but did die shortly after his second dose of a heart attack. His family regrets his death is being used by anti-vaxxers. The same piece says the indigenous have low vaxx rates. I know little about Australia, but I suspect that their Aboriginals were treated about as barbarously as America has treated its Blacks. As such, they have little trust in the white man, and with very good reason.

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Aboriginals in Australia have traditionally been treated as bad or worse than Afro-Americans (except they were never enslaved in quite the same overt way, so I expect that counts for something). Maybe more equivalent to the American treatment of their indigenous people... genocidally. Sexually used & abused, dispossessed of their traditional lands & culture, herded into welfare mentality & poor white man's food. Employed for wages of flour, sugar, tea & a measure of rum. Consequently we have massive substance abuse, diabetes, welfare dependence, violence (domestic & sexual). They are a very intuitive people, with close ties to their land. But it is very hard for them to find a path out of poverty & cultural breakdown without adopting all the seductive goodies of the white man's world - including vaksines. Many of them intuitively are suspicious, and they are starting to mobilise - but it is an uphill battle, more so even than for the rest of us, to push through the massive propaganda & brainwashing. As you might gather from the video clip.

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That's the Northern Territory, the least populated part of Australia, which is now outdoing everything Dan Andrews has done. It's also the closest to China and has already sold its port to China and in addition has several thousand US troops based there. Those last two facts are relevant in my view and may upend a few perspectives.

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I feel a little surreal reading this. Is this actually happening? Rhetorical question - I know it's happening I just am in shock.

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I hope Justin Heart gets it in the neck and dies a slow, painful, degrading and alone death.

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i think you have this the wrong way around.

justin is one of the best of the good guys and a longstanding friend.

he's foregrounding what an obscenity this is.

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Thank-you for bringing my error to my attention. Michael Gunner ought to be the name I wrote, and not Justin Heart. Long may Justin run.

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I have never had so many thoughts like yours above until all this started. I guess deep down we all have a dark side, one we repress and never want to visit. But it appears the time is coming.

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And yet another conspiracy theory gets put to bed. These camps are just to be used to quarantine incoming travellers, right?

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Who the hell is driving the trucks? Who are these Nazi cops rounding up the "unclean"? What is wrong with these people?

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less tests less covid.

That sounds like a perfect plan.

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I've known Jacinda is deranged since we were in New Zealand in 2019. She's only gotten more so.

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Hands up, everyone who believed Dandy Dan? No one? Thought so.

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Why wouldn’t Big Pharma, George Soros, and Bill Gates continue the game. They have successfully bilked the World out of $100’s of billions with the WuFlu after making a highly contagious virus in the Wuhan Lab, which Gates actually holds the patents on. Gates personally made over $200,000,000,000 in 2021 alone from investing in mRNA injections. So far, they have totally gotten away with this deadly scam. Time for Phase 2 to help cover their tracks and steal even more, and go for more power and control. With hundreds of $ BILLIONS in their pockets they can bribe and coerce a lot of government officials…..as we are seeing.

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"No weak society will stay free". Those with eyes to see and ears to hear will keep standing strong.

Others feel strong when they comply, judge and lock down others.

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oh divine feline, look at this beautiful correlation between the vaccination rate and the number of cases (bottom of page), for all Belgian municipalities.


why superspread hypothesis? superspread certainty it looks like.

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I read there are FEMA camps in USA. Now they have built Q-camps in Australia.

Not many knew that some people in New South Wuhan were shipped there in mid 2021. There was a coverage of one burly tradie who taken there. It was on Channel 7 news.

I wonder if the Q-camps were built for something else to come. In fact, the Victorian Premier did actually mention that - for future "pandemics". How did he know?

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I have learned a lot. And it has been a process, no matter how much information and how many points of view I have saturated myself with. One of the comments below by Adretto just took me to perhaps an obvious place for many, but a new one for me. It makes sense if you think about all of the money and power and the planning--that this thing did not pop out of nowhere or start just a couple of years ago--that it is not about red or blue by a long shot--that's just the theatre. Here's the link to another Substack he posted, and I am re-posting.


Now that I think about it, it seems almost impossible that Trump was not involved. There are no sides, no safe havens. It's just us.

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If people wanted to hide the negative effects of experimental Covid vaccines they would want to get rid of the control group. Employment and other discriminations against non-vaccinated people worsen the outcomes for those people. Someone who loses their job will be stressed, poorer, and have worse health. This discrimination in effect makes the Covid vaccines look less harmful by harming those who do not get them. Putting non-vaxxed in Camps is an even more effective way to make sure the control group shows less harm for the experimental drugs.

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I often write against the "eliminate the control group," which I believe is a fallacy, but only from the medical point of view. What the authorities really want is 100% compliance with their decrees, and that would mean taking the vaxx. Those who look at this as Them vs. Us have it correct. They need an enemy, and we are it.

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That Jacinda Adern clip...oh my God. Is acting cute and girly the new seig heil salute? Dreadful woman. So far beyond the pale we need a new word for pale.

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This is really sad. The only way to turn things around is to have a general strike. If truckers strike, these dictators will fall to their knees in no time.

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Nov 22, 2021
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I guess I'm not overly surprised about the unmasking of the derangement of so many governments, but what I AM shocked and surprised at is the utter bovine compliance of so many people living under these deranged governments, most particularly in Oz and NZ. But they're not the only ones of course, it's shocking everywhere.

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