Afterthought- we went mountain biking yesterday in almost 90 degree heat and we were looking forward to our shower. The girl at the front desk asked us for our vaccine cards. We have been doing this same thing for MONTHS without incident. This is on an army base. We left (of course) and toweled off in the public bathroom located up by their cemetery. I blame the Commander for this. Forcing kids to get the vaccine and ban those that actually want to stay healthy by working out? Insane at the woke military level for sure.

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Amen. This is the correct outlook. The Biden presidency, and his campaign leading upto it, have been marked by unforced errors. Just when Trump, not my favorite analyst of anything on a good day, but... he did smell a rat with Fauci and started to sideline him. Team Biden made their first unforced error by adopting the handling of the Coroncavirus their campaign mascot. The second unforced error was the second coming of Fauci, which they promised early on, all the while blatantly ignoring the sane advice from a.o. The Great Barrington Declaration. The 100-day Masked Man Joe Show was the third unforced error, and with the promotion of an experimental vaccine under and EUA as "safe and effective," never mind mandatory in any way, we entered a realm of criminality under the Nuremberg Code. Another round of lockdowns against by now overwhelming evidence that lockdowns have never worked anywhere would produce a rousing finale of utter political chaos, for nobody, but nobody can ignore or deny the quiet testimony of Sweden that came through all this with minimum fuss.

Clearly, by a careful analysis of the stats, we have a comorbidity problem, more so than a virus problem. For it's the comorbidities that drive the bad outcomes. With credit to prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, for healthy people under seventy, you could not even prove to statistical significance that they would reduce their risk with vaccination, even if there were NO side effects. Comorbidities more so than even age per se are the drivers of the bad outcomes.

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And, for over a year, so many citizens with manageable comorbidities (overweight, type 2 diabetes, smoking) did nothing to improve their chances other than to put all their faith in the vaccines (that turn out to be moderately helpful TREATMENTS, not true vaccines). All along, the focus should have been to protect the vulnerable and so many were failed by government systems that were supposed to provide science-based healthcare advice.

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Exactly. How much better would our outcomes be if government had simply 'mandated' an hour-long walk in the sunshine on days it was possible?

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nicotine is a nature inhibitor of viral pneumonia.....

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nicotine better study support than masks.

no irony, two studies from 1970's.... mice infected with viruses two groups one w/nicotine one w/o.... mice w/ nicotine statistically better than w/o

three observations on c19: 2 smokers seemed better off, third different.

i do cigar twice a week... it is my prevention plan,

<sarc> i am writing fauci to make it mandatory like masks...

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you're right. look up this guy on Twitter... @nia3in

see this post https://twitter.com/NunyaBi34683710/status/1422218114092183556/photo/1

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Gaslightenment? Brilliant! I'm stealing that term.

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It may or may not be a coincidence, but "Gaslightenment" is already a buzzword on Twitter.


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Wet pants scaredy-Karen’s is pretty awesome tho!

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I'm trying to detach because my first name....

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Yeah, we are making that term famoso ahora.

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Pray for the people of Illinois and God help us survive the tyranny of JB Pritzker. There are already rumblings of school closures, masked children and delayed fall athletics. Southern parts of the state will ignore and be noisy, but up north it will wrought with liberal chicken littles moralizing the shutdowns & masking mandate to keep people “safe”.

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Ask him to test all those under 30 for STDs. They can lead to clymidia (sp?), herpes, all STDs that can lead to cancers; not to mention HIV, which leads to AIDS. Please have them test all people for this so everyone knows if the people they are kissing and screwing are potential death traps. Ill be waiting so I know if Chicagoland is safe...

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Pritzger is a truly repugnant person. It’s hard to say who the worst Governor in the US is—there are so many contenders (Newsom, Whitmer, Cuomo, etc…)—but he’s certainly in the discussion.

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I hear you. Whatever happened to the lawsuits against Pritzker’s lockdowns??? I hope the people of Illinois stand up to him. But yes got the power of licensing as far as restaurants etc. Well he’s running again so that might pump the brakes a little.

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The whole section between the cat pics (mems) is absolute gold. Some fav lines >

> people are going to stand tall, and the numbers are going to utterly shock the shabby charlatans

> they simply do not understand the terrain of actual reality anymore.

> and the disobedience is going to be legendary

> unjust government whose rule is not based upon the consent of the governed is no government at all

> last year was a lesson in what happens when they do. you need another?

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I hope with every fiber of my being you are correct.

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then go and help make it so. disobedience does not just happen.

people have to go disobey and to support one another in seeking rights and justice.

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As Tom Luongo says “Become ungovernable”. It’s perfect

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Agreed. Yesterday I was at Lowe's garden center. A roughly 19 year old-20 year old was my cashier. No mask. Today I returned. Same guy. Now in a mask. I said, "Yesterday, no mask. Today mask. What's changed?" He said, "There is some national order now to wear masks. I got my vaccine for nothing." I said, "If they make me wear a mask in this store, I'm not coming in here. The CDC tells you to wear long sleeves, long pants, and cover yourself in DEET when walking outside in the grass in tick infested areas, like where we are now. Let me know if you do that. My bet is you don't." Im going to start bitchin more and more to common people to let them know that if they are thinking this is nuts, its cuz they are right.

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this is great. you gotta make people THINK for themselves.

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Since last September 11, I have not worn a mask except when required by my employer and when I flew to Jamaica and Arizona for vacations. Thanks to your posts, I have never been afraid of this panic porn.

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Boom! Grateful to God to live in a free state.

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So many of us in the totalitarian dictatorship of the UK wish we could live in one of the US free states, e.g Florida. We are worried though for FL with what looks to be fear mongering on current rates of hospitalisation, but given his brave behavior so far, we can't see De Santis responding badly to it. We also see that US doctors (unlike the craven idiots we have over here) are using effective, existing treatment options like Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquin, Vitamin D etc.

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I live in the next best state to Florida...Texas. Our governor was weak on this for a long time, but no more. Also, he faces reelection next year and there are 2 people running that are more conservative than him. He will beat them easily, unless he makes the mistake of listening to Biden and the left on this issue. So, we are good.

Sorry about the disappointment that Boris Johnson has been!

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Thanks, we cannot believe how spineless Boris Johnson has been, he used to promote himself as a libertarian. He is supremely unsuited to the PM role for many reasons, he was picked to deliver Brexit and that he did, but we continue to suffer terribly from his many flaws - including being completely held to ransom by the ultra left wing behavioural scientists & other so called experts on SAGE - including a card carrying member of the communist party (Susan Michie)! . We are hoping they will finally kick him out as the devastation from lockdown & his insane net zero green plans finally wakes people up.

Good luck with the Texas govenor elections, I'd be surprised if he does a volte face!

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Nice to see someone else in the UK reading this. And while Boris has been bad, Nicola Sturgeon up here in Scotland has been even worse.

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Totally agree, she really is the Scottish version of Kim Jong-un. Not only lockdown on steroids, but bizarre alcohol prohibition, removal of women's sex based rights & jailing of journalists 🤬

My Scottish friend is done with it and planning her escape.

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What has happened to Craig Murray is scary - as well as very hard on him.

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FL looked like this at this time last year, too (because seasonality trumps anything we do) -- and it will turn down for a couple months before the winter wave overtakes the whole country. There's nothing to worry about because the peak is near.

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I know Abbott issued an executive order last week, that counties can't lock us down again. I hope he holds to this. Texas should peak next week.

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I hope y our analysis is correct, but I don't think it is. If we assume that the Powers of the Western world have decided that a post-Democratic world, run by what Michael Lind refers to as the Managerial Elite, is the best way forward, then they are going to ingore all protests that don't serve a corporate narrative (BLM and Pride, for instance...the most sponsored "revolutionary movement" in history). I think that if the White House is SERIOUS about doing lockdowns, as Jack Pro believes, it is only because they think they have enough leverage to force Florida and Texas -- arguably the Red State leaders -- to heel. About a third will recognize this, but most will treat it as like when DC bemoans the fact that postal workers and the marines arent getting paid because the Republicans cant pass a budget ceiling amendment or something. "OKay, gee, Governor, just go along with it! Our Medicare and Medicaid money counts on it!" For example...

Then, if they succeed at bringing Florida and/or Texas (just need one) to do lockdowns again (remember, TX did them already and Austin is San Francisco of the South -- they'll do it), the White House (the Managerial Elite, the Davos crowd, whatever you want to call the em beyond assholes and dickheads) will declare a victory. And DeSantis will look like a pu$$y. Then his shot at 2024 is finished.

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They are going after DeSantis with a vengeance and fear porn targeted at Florida over the number of cases (no context), supposedly full hospitals.

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Florida will not lock down, and the feds can't mandate lockdowns without declaring martial law.

How do you think that will go over with the voters?

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Ojala Sr. Gato. In my state though, it feels as though people LIKED the restrictions (not the working class, who suffered and are still suffering, but the vast army of zoomers and techies who make up the "educated" class, and who the governor plays to). I hope hope hope you are right. Or that I can move.

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"outside their lunatic fringe of despotic governors . . ." Sadly, I live where there is a lunatic despot of a governor who has handed over power to a charlatan of a lunatic and despotic chief of the health department. Pierluisi and Mellado, why can't you two take a cruise somewhere and leave us alone?

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yes. i'm off PR and in UT for the summer, and the difference is unbelievable.

pierluisi has been a disgusting disappointment and a craven, buck passing failure.

mellado is barking mad.

i cannot wait to suit up against the PNP next election. so many independents won mayoralities on PR. even san juan was a hair's breadth from doing so.

the wet pants tyranny of PR over the last 18 months has been past stunning. it's been shameful.

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My concern at this point is actually less what governments do and more employers. How many of them are equipped (or feel equipped) to contradict CDC guidance? OSHA rules are another future battleground but I guess that is a little of both government and employers.

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this comes down to normalizing doing so.

if one company refuses, they'll be pounded into submission.

if a million companies refuse, the regulators will be relegated to irrelevance.

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Bingo. I'm wrestling with the implications re:how to be a voice for noncompliance at my work. There's a reason this has come as far as it has: it's risky, and isolation tactics make it worse.

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build coalitions then rise as one.

make the few realize they are not the many and that the crowd is not with them by gathering the isolated into community and standing together.

that seems like the way. the divided get conquered. the united cannot be.

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The best strategy I have heard is to ensure that your employer knows in no uncertain terms that they will be held liable for adverse reactions. Remind them not even the pharma companies face that liability. Zero chance they take that risk.

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If 10% say "shove it" most employers can't afford to lose that many peopl5, what with the fat unemployment checks keeping so many home. You have leverage.

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Funny to me that, even though I fully expected that CoV21 would be rolled out in the fall, here it is now being rolled out as whatever they are calling it, Delta or South Africa or something?, I am entirely shocked that they are actually trying to pull this off. That's the problem with never, and I mean never, watching MSM. I get blindsided by things that have been flogged in Tee Vee land. People wearing masks again outside here in NYC. Outside! I am embarrassed to say that I expected more or people. How idiotic is that?

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inventoried whiskey stash...... 1.75 lr every day stuff, 4 x 750ml good stuff, a bit more in an odd bottle or 2 i keep close at hand.

will make a replen run bc biden et al are bonkers....

which is sometime in the past.

sadly i am a bit short on cash to buy the biden dip!

inflation is not transitory, the next $4T they will borrow for 'soft' infrastructure stimulus is paying off the cronies & is going to kill the dollar and china is about done devaluing to keep the dollar afloat among other effects of demographics and planned economy

inventoried whiskey stash...... 1.75 lr every day stuff, 4 x 750ml good stuff, a bit more in an odd bottle or 2 i keep close at hand.

will make a replen run bc biden et al are bonkers....

which is sometime in the past..

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Could not agree more. If they are stupid enough to pull this stunt, it will fail miserably.

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it will fail miserably IF we make it fail.

it all hinges providing the control group of "did not lock down" and the example of "would not surrender my rights to a pseudoscientific medical tyranny."

this is the time when you stand.

this is the time when you fight.

here is where we draw the line and say "no."

this is how we save the republic.

you get to keep the rights you'll stand up for.

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This is what leadership looks like. It seems extremely unlikely that he will buckle under pressure from the lockdown fanatics:

“In Florida, there will be no lockdowns, there will be no school closures, there will be no restrictions and no mandates in the state of Florida,” DeSantis said in announcing his executive order during a speech in southwest Cape Coral.


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They are already ripping DeSantis a new one with hysterical articles about high infection rates and "embarrassed" doctors. Nothing about how sick the average positive test taker is actually getting, the rate of testing, the relative death rates or the fact that Florida is as "vaccinated" states like Michigan and therefore as "protected." In short, the usual garage. But my fear is that the media provides shame and cover for this next Chapter of outrage and obedience is higher than Bad Cat suspects.


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desantis would win the 2024 presidential election at a walk.

they are desperate to destroy him.

but they are only making him stronger.

the hilarious part is that the left is so myopic and crazy that they are mistaking fertilizer for napalm.

and unlike trump, desantis has the legal background and political skills to actually start dismantling DC.

i've never supported a US presidential candidate in my life, but if he runs, i'm backing that guy.


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I'm not a religious man but I hope to God you are right.

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And above all, they aren't looking at the data from this time last year, which shows (shocker!) the same exact thing happened last year at the same time and in the same places!

Hope-Simpson remains undefeated.

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They always do this stuff. They are a motley crew of fanatics, frauds and fools. Remember this:


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That, as they say, "didn't age well." I'm sure the...lady that wrote the article is planning to update us on her prediction--you know to assure it was made in good faith at the time and not for any ulterior purpose.

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And this year they are doing the same hysterical tut-tutting of the south, even though the summer spike is happening in the same place and at the same time as last year.

'Luckily' all these idiots will eat shit, again, when the winter wave crashes over the entire country. And when the winter wave comes, would you rather have 80% of your curve behind you or 50%? More cases now = more immunity during winter when the at-risk HAVE to be in the hospital.

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Here in NYC, I went to the office today for the first time in 18 months. Seems like everyone in Manhattan is fully on board with the new mask shit. I don;t know where organized dissent might bubble up, but don;t look for it here.

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Nope, nyc is not the place. Sorry.

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It starts with each one of us standing up to the BS. Reclaim your God given liberty!

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Here's another leader: Lt. Gov of NC


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There's no f'n way outside of deep blue locks down. I live in NYC and beside the richest of rich areas, no one cares.

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I think that you might enjoy this anthemic chorus 👍


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Thanks for the pep talk! We can all use them these days.

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I fear this analysis may be too optimistic - seems to me there's a good number of people who like the "new normal", granted they're probably all Twitter CCP bots but honestly who knows? Does the revolutionary spirit still exist in American blood?

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boriquagato's post here almost makes me WANT lockdown 2.0 just to see it disintegrate upon impact.

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Really enjoyed this, it gave me hope! I love in California and had similar hope after Desantis fully opened up Florida last September, thinking well here we go, they can’t ignore their numbers in two months when they come out like a shining star.

Of course they did ignore Florida’s good numbers but now there will be too many comparative states to do that as you say.

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I hope you’re right. We pretty much ignored the first lockdown, ignored the fear, and we live in Illinois. But all the stores we needed were open. Being in rural Illinois, and being outside, shoveling manure, has given us good immune systems. Whatever happened to trusting those God given defenses?

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😆❤️ ‘ people are going to stand tall, and the numbers are going to utterly shock the shabby charlatans of DC who are so mired in the echo chamber of their political machinations and so egged on by an ever more extremist group of hyper partisans and wet pants scaredy-karens that they simply do not understand the terrain of actual reality anymore.’ you’re the baddest cat! 🎯

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I sure hope you're right.

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Hope the hell so. But I now so many that love the drama, love the money, love being catered to, love the excuses of not going to work, seeing aging relatives and pulling up their boot straps to get on with living. I talked to a guy who was "back in the gym" after over a year of staying at home and obviously ordering food to be delivered to his door. Our gym has been open since last May- it was a great excuse for him to "not work out"- and now I am seeing it with this "scariant". Makes one's head spin!

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to be sure, there is no fixing the 1/3 of the US that loved everyone's life being ruined so they could feel less lame about their own or whose secret aspiration has always been to wear a "hall monitor" sash.

and 1/3 of the US is going to rail against this no matter what.

the battle gets decided by the middle third, and an awful lot of them got an awful lot of red pills about an awful lot of what has been going on around here this year.

they're not going back to sleep.

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These people are like teenagers who never grew up. The brunette chubby girl not invited to the Beach Blondie parties every Memorial Day weekend. Ban all Barbies! The skinny boy who was never invited either: Beta boy! Its all knee jerk reactions to everything. They still believe that people who are not getting vaccinated are MAGA. they should look at the stats. The LEAST vaccinated population are urban Black and Hispanics. Yeah...super MAGA.

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To be sure there is something infantile about all of this; even attribution of the most benevolent motives to this mob of would be dictators leaves them looking like children coming to terms with tantrums not making their demands a reality, that the world does not, in fact, exist to sate their satisfaction, that good people sometimes die in ways that aren't fair, that there isn't any Santa Claus despite what they were told as three year olds. It has that vibration to it at least to my gut.

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We need two thirds...now the mask nazis are happy again and they can add vaccine to their list of things they want you to do...for them and everyone.

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Sorry for CnP

hoping it doesn't get blown by🌞

I think that you might enjoy this anthemic chorus 👍


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Well said, Señor Gato.

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He might announce the Chinese have launched a new virus attack?

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Aug 2, 2021
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it's actually pretty simple:

hospitals in the US laid of huge swathes of staff last year to avoid going out of business from the lowest capacity utilization in history. worse, they lost mostly the most profitable procedures" electives.

they have not re-hired and instead are beating their reduced staff to death.

it's an epic lose-lose but it's not covid nor are hospitals full from covid.

they are just stupidly understaffed and have used covid to classify beds as "unavailable" because they need to be held in reserve etc.

it's a full blown industry own goal.

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Aug 2, 2021
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i would say that this perception seems quite odd as the current death rate in the US is down about 80% from the summer surge last year, all cause death is normal, and current delta stats in the US show a CFR closer to that of a cold than even a middling flu.

i would also point out that more of the deaths and hospitalizations in the UK (and Israel before they stopped reporting it) were among the vaccinated than the non.

(the US data on this is such crap i cannot figure out how to work with it meaningfully)

this is a classic example of cohort imbalance with the vaccinated being older and high risk. vaccines do seem to work, but efficacy is looking closer to 50% than 90.

that's going to mean that, given age and risk stratification, most hospitalizations are going to be among the vaccinated except possibly in a few places where vax rates among high risk are very low.

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It's pretty strange throughout this entire thing, there has been virtually no talk about increasing our actual healthcare capacity. Remove the artificial caps on the number of new doctors. Allow specific overseas schools to skip part of residency when coming to America. Remove certificate of need laws that reduce supply. We should be talking about all of these things (which are going to need to happen if we try some sort of single payer anyway), but instead all the talk is about trying to not exceed the capacity that we currently have!

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Aug 2, 2021
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In Washington state we have LESS capacity compared to the start of the 'crisis' in what world is that an acceptable response? Luckily, as I have mentioned on other articles, our actual hospital utilization has been flat since we started keeping track in May 2020.

You are 100% correct that ICUs are terrible places even during the most normal of times.

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when medics say angst against unvaxxed i wonder why they keep quiet about 30 or 40 common health misdeeds.

when the hospitals fire all the unvaxxed nurses.....

vax breakthrough cases are substantial. data from israel..... and frail breakthroughs will be "tragic".

the delta is seasonal like its 99.997% similar brethren. and uk cfr stayed low thru their delta experience.

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You mean the dancing nurses of tik tok? Screw them. That's Team Halo from the Rock Foundation. Look it up.

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The nursing shortage is important to the "hospitals are overwhelmed!!! comply or else!!!" narrative.

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Facts. There is a nursing shortage in east bumfrackistan, and in shithole Nyc perhaps.

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Aug 2, 2021
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Here in San Francisco we have a 85% vax rate. Yet over 200 hospital staff have recently been tested positive. Only 2 have been hospitalized. And in Iceland with a 90% vax rate (98% of most vulnerable ) there is a surge in"cases" and reimposed lockdown.

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Which hospital was it? I’m sadly living in this area too. Florida is looking great these days…

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in personal choice about uncertain future and vaccines with no safety data and a vaers that makes hcq look like a wax pill......

any one who ever fixed an airplane with write up like we see on the vaxxes would be shot if they let it fly ......

it is risk and when someone plays morality on risk they are wrong!

choice is not only about woke.

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