making more swiss cheese of the mask mandates
jerome "i just make this up as i go along" adams is at it again
i was going to lead off with “i don’t mean to pick on jerome” but then i realized something: i DO mean to pick on jerome. he deserves it. he has earned it. this man was the surgeon general of the US and presided over a crisis by making stuff up, grandstanding, and pushing absolute nonsense over and over without regard to facts or outcomes. this is the guy who literally came up with the “because these mitigations don’t work we have to do lots of them!” plan.
he’s a shrill one note flute of pseudoscientific simplemindedness.
and he’s STILL at it despite being out of office because being “on message” and telegenic (and jerry is certainly both) trumps having ever been right about anything ever.
this is, of course, complete bunkum. masks do nothing and never did. this has been known for 100 years. the data has not changed. it has, in fact, become even more conclusive. (read collected studies HERE)
there are basically no instances of severe airplane spread even from back in early 2020 when flights had no mask requirement. the whole silly mandate was in response to a complete non-problem. the air handling on commercial airplanes is really stunningly good.
now, based on lots of history, it’s safe to assume that jerome is not going to listen to reason, facts, or data. he’s not even going to listen to “experts.”
so, i set to wracking my little feline brain about to whom he MIGHT actually listen.
and i think i might have a idea.
how about this guy?
oh, wait, that WAS jerome. how odd…
this is just another example of tactical adoption of narrative. jerome, just like fauci, knew full well masks did nothing before he decided to champion them for partisan purposes.
(and if you’re falling for the “noble lie” story about “we lied to the people because we needed masks for hospitals” then let’s talk about timeshares on bridge real estate. i can get you a helluva deal. also consider than someone who will lie to manipulate you once will certainly do it again…)
the science did not change.
the data did not change.
only the political exigencies and narrative needs did.
and they are STILL selling this bill of shoddy goods for one more turn in the limelight. this is the final, grasping desperation of the narrative slipping away. they lost the center because the data become too obvious and the lies too many and too outlandish to support.
masks = fear.
masks = alienation.
masks = signs of submission and that everything is NOT normal.
wearing masks promotes a crisis mentality.
it’s why the panic pushers love them.
sure, the 20% that genuinely adore this and uncritically consume all input from their team will stay onside, but that’s not where the fight is.
the fight is in the center.
that’s what tips. that’s where norms come from. and they are waking up wholesale to the hallucinatory health policy they’ve been tripping on.
i mean, how many restaurants full of unmasked can one sit in or planes with people taking 3 hours to eat a bag of pretzels can one fly upon become realizing this is all a scam that has zero epidemiological relevance?
how many times can yesterday’s “conspiracy theory” become today’s “obvious and needed policy”?
not this many. that’s for sure.
it’s just not working anymore.
the trust is gone and the more clever of team “always be crisis” are calling it quits before they get hit by the incoming train.
let’s all stop.
those that want to go down with the ship? well, have fun. but the rest of us have other plans…
The thing is, it doesn't matter why they lied about masks. They were either lying then, or are lying now. But they. LIED. Which makes them untrustworthy for any further information.
After flying last July, I made a vow *never* to fly again as long as there are any kinds of requirements for medical devices or shots or anything else. When I did fly last July, as someone who absolutely can't stand pretzels, it took me 2 hours to eat 10 little tiny pretzels and drink a tiny cup of water. I'm sure glad the masked, goggled and gloved lady sitting in front of me quite literally used 3 of the "sanitizing wipes" to wipe down every single area where she was sitting while looking at me like I was evil because I wasn't going through the same ritual. If she hadn't of done all of that, I'm sure everyone on the flight would be dead by now...