an abiding issue throughout the grand data debacle of times covidian was been the ruthless primacy with which “covid deaths” were counted.
this led to the longstanding issue of “deaths with covid” vs “deaths from covid. a great many of the people who were hospitalized and died from a myriad of causes just happened to test COV+ when they died as opposed to having their death primarily or even slightly caused by covid.
(this % is a matter of spirited debate as is how to count it)
if one is inclined to count severe comorbidities as causal pure covid deaths have been shown to be as low as 6% of total.
this is almost certainly too low a number to reasonably use as lots of sick/high risk people die from multiple issues and we did see rises in all cause deaths, but the basic point remains illustrative:
it is incredibly easy to overstate disease counts if you
use oversensitive PCR tests
and count nosocomial cases where dying people in hospitals (whose immune systems are functioning poorly and leave them wide open to opportunistic infection) test positive for trace exposure
test all deaths for covid
and use a lagging tail as many countries and states did where any death within 28 days of a positive covid test is called a covid death.
this last one led to all manner of oddities from “drug OD: that’s covid” to “eaten by a rogue lion while running a record pace in the boston marathon: yup, that’s covid” to the really nasty version of “died of vaccine complications: call it covid (long or otherwise)”
as can be seen, roughly half of the ~1 million “covid deaths” had flu or (mostly) pneumonia as an additional infection. add in all the others and very few died of covid alone.
typical covid death certs have listed roughly 3 other causes/contributors.
this counting has been used and abused to support narrative.
and it still is.
when leaders wanted “max fear” they pushed max counting.
when it was politically convenient for covid to go away, suddenly hospitals and agencies adopted “from/for, not with” as talking points.
it all worked, we saved you. the vaccines were amazing.
this is all “overreporting” now, not abject inoculum failure.

but what’s worrying is that the CDC is flipping back because there is data they do not want seen and as has so long been the case, gatopal™ and long time datahawk ethical skeptic has been peeling this onion apart so you see what the layers are:

i’m going to reproduce his graphic here so it’s easier to read.
for those unfamiliar, here’s how this works:
people die. often the cause is not yet reported fully, clear, or sorted.
eventually, one cause of death will get listed as the primary cause.
until then, they get dumped into a code for “unknown” that has been tracking unusually large at CDC for some time. some of this was attributed the “system upgrade” that (oddly) took the CDC reporting offline for months on end during “an emergency” (itself odd behavior for someone not hiding something) and perhaps revelatory now because from this, it sure looks like an epic game of “hide the ball.”
deaths with cancer and covid on the cert look to be being called “covid” to keep the cancer numbers down. covid is getting called the primary cause, not late stage cancers and it’s obvious that huge numbers of cancer patients in hospitals would pick up trace or even real covid as chemotherapy ravages their immune systems.
it’s a great way to hide a signal. the treatment for the pathology you want disappeared all but ensures opportunistic infection by the “patsy virus,” especially in a virus riddled environ like a hospital.
and that is DEEPLY concerning.
are we really to believe that all of a sudden people are dying in droves from covid and just happen to have cancer but that covid was the primary killer?
because that one seems to stretch credulity.
and this, after all, is the CDC, who under FOIA was forced to admit that they are not even trying to track the vaccine safety signals per their own requirement. they are just letting the loudest vaccine warning klaxon in history go un-noticed. they are determined not to collect or see this data, so this behavior is par for the course.
and there is, after all, strong a priori reason to fear both a cancer enhancing issue (due to immune suppression) and a cancer causative issue (due to CG enrichment in the artificial spike proteins) (more HERE)
add to this what looks like it may be a planned, calculated cover up in the data, and we get to quite a lot of smoke from several interlocking fields of gunfire.
and if it is correct, it constitutes a gun still pointed right at us.
this is difficult to get really definitive on without cert by cert forensic audit.
but the good news is that if the CDC is indeed modifying the way death certs read in order to misaggragate them, that signal should stand out like an air horn in a convent even from modest sample sizes and all it will take is the will to go and look.
this could be handled as a citizen’s project in a couple of days given how evolved the covid analysis ecosystem has become. if the congress critters ever got the lead out, this would be trivial they really had better because if they don’t, we may never get the real data or, if we do, will get it far too late for it to be useful.
make this a voting priority.
an accounting is owed and if this thesis is false, then show us, out in the open, and regain trust.
but i’ll bet they won’t.
they will seek to cloister and conceal it.
and that is antithetical to the functioning of a republic.
this is the people’s data, not the state’s.
Has it stopped being hyperbolic to call this a crime against humanity yet?
They are the tumor, we are the cure.