And I must ask why in the name of everything are people rushing out to get tested for something if they have a sniffle to find out if they have something they need to go home and be scared of? This getting tested for everything has gotten completely out of control, especially considering that these tests can pretty much give a positive result for pretty much anything they want. "Yep, you have covid!" "Yep, you have omicron!" "Yep, you have the flu!" and on and on and on. Sorry to those of you who do rush out and get tested, but 2 years ago most people that got a sniffle and a mild fever and weren't coughing and hacking; ate some broth, stayed home and got rest and drank water. The recommendation has ALWAYS been (and I am not a physician, do what you want) if your symptoms don't start going away after 7 days *them* see your physician. STOP GOING AND GETTING TESTED FOR EVERYTHING. This has been part of the mind-screwing. We have to wise up.

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I have a relative who caught CoVid from a vaccinated person. Well she had Cold-like symptoms so had a COVID test… negative, so she had another test… negative, so she had another test… positive. Hurrah! So now she could update her track & trace and loads of her contacts CoVid now be inconvenienced and take part in the Testathon.

There is a pandemic, but not a virus, a pandemic of stupid… few seem immune.

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Hubby caught it following the J&J. He never got tested. I kept going to the gym and my ukulele group. No one got it, including me!

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Hard to catch something that doesn't exist. The vaccines, on the other hand...

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So many people I know were tested- and when I asked if they were feeling ill they said "no"- they just "wanted to know they didn't have it".... TOO weird.

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Hence greater number of “cases” in countries were this was/is practiced than in countries where it is not, like Japan.

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Yes...quit testing! (Especially school aged kids and healthy young people at their job site! (my daughter has to test 2x week- still)

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Yikes! How old is she. Why so many tests?

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35- works in behavioral health and thankfully chose to not be vaccinated. To keep her job she "has to" do this. Send results to HR. It's all so unnecessary....but she loves her work and is good with the kids she works with, so this is her sacrifice. Oh, mask also...the only ones who have been sick with covid at her work site were...you guessed it....had the shot!

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What a nightmare.

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my one employee last year had an allergy attack (followed by a panic attack) and had to run off and be tested (my sister says to me 'ohmygawd, give that girl a benadryl!')...result was 5 days at home while i paid her and 'gee, what's that, no covid?'

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hahaha! Hope she is no longer an emplyee!

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she decided grad school was more to her liking than actually working for a living...ironically enough, she was my TA this semester. i think she's in love with her mask. it's like a magic shield or something.

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oh dear...so many of these broken young people...

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All through this, I've refused to be tested. (The only time I got tested was when I needed surgery for something and was required to get a test--it was negative.)

If I'm sick now, I won't get tested. I refuse to contribute to the Covid testing Borg as long as the test itself is geared for false positives and, more importantly, as long as the number of cases continue to be used by politicians to take away our freedoms.

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Yes! That is the strategy I have adopted as well.

It’s crazy, though. I live in Southern California, and the number of tests reported in our county every day is in the thousands. Meanwhile, hospital and ICU cases have remained steady or decreased over the past matter of months.

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My husband and I are both Covid-recovered but because we're unvaccinated we must be tested once a week to visit his 95 year old mother (also unvaccinated) in the nursing home. It's pretty much the only testing and masking I'll tolerate since we couldn't see her for a year. Meanwhile, the vaxxed visitors get to waltz right in even though they can still contract and transmit the damn virus. Defies logic!

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Hell's bells!! Our county just announced a new mask mandate starting Monday. Cuz, ya know, it's an emergency, so let's wait 3 days. Mild, cold-like symptoms and no deaths in around 60 countries is really scary so mask up, people. FFS!! Enough!

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PCR tests are participation trophies.

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I don't enter things where they give medals to everyone. Win, place or show...or why compete!?

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I read that they are collecting dna with those swabs.

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Because they've had it beaten into their head that this is the end of the world and it's the most important thing ever and THEY MIGHT DIE OMG!!!! so that's why they are rushing out to get tested and panic.

It's the residual effect of the masks and the case counts and the breathless news stories. Politicians and the media didn't want people to forget there was a pandemic going on so now the people are habituated to acting like there is a horrible dangerous pandemic going on.

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Good ole Skinnerian conditioning.

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Yes, you are so right about this, not to mention those who test without any symptoms and test positive. 🤦‍♀️

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I just read that 90 % or more are false positive. I agree, why test people who are not sick? Why test if they can't give a proper result? Why not diagnose by symptoms like for every other disease? This all goes back to the panic.

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The Hysteria is the weirdest and most detrimental combination of hypochondria and FOMO (fear of missing out).

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I love that description ! That should be in the dictionary !

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I would say the testing of asymptomatic people was and is deliberately designed to stoke panic. Without it, there never would have been a so called pandemic.

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I think you are right. Since at least 80 % of the 'infected' are asymptomatic, one could count them out. Then you are left with a bad flu season. And this time, with a mild cold season, since the new 'variant' is no more than a common cold.

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Testing and masking. It's the one-two punch.

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Knowing that coronaviruses cause a common cold too. So if you test positive it might just be a cold. Well may be the virus WAS a cold PLUS a lot of panic. If there had been no panic and doctors had treated patients there would have been way less dead. But most died because due to panic, doctors refused to treat them early so they got pneumonia (which happens with a neglected cold) and then gave them inadequate meds and then put them on the ventilator, which blew their damaged lungs....

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If I want to participate in any kind of social life except visiting friends at home, I have to get tested. It's a shit show, yes. And you guessed it, it's not voluntary. Lesser evil, still.

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Over-and mis-testing has been at the heart of the pandemic. It's essentially the cause of it all. Recall early on the leftist media conducted a massive propaganda campaign that the USA was woefully behind in testing capability. That lends credence to the idea that this was orchestrated. In any event, Trump fell for it, threw our money at it and the rest is history.

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I also remember south Korea to have a working test but Trump refused to get that. Instead we ended up with crap

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That was a push from Redfield and Fauci. They were afraid they’d miss out on the kickbacks. Both have a pattern of creating mass hysteria around viruses. After reading Robert Kennedy Jr book, you see it and you have forgotten what they’ve done over the decades, all part of of the MIC. They get more funding with hysteria. That more funding provides Fauci the ability to kill, harm and maim, Africans, with his snake oil vaccines. How that garden gnome has escaped being called a racist, escapes me.

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Power and money backing him.

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yes and when I mention this....oh the name calling commences!

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I voted for Trump twice and went to 3 stop the steal rallies. But truth has to be our highest ideal, not fealty to 1 man. He was lazy, panicked, got hoodwinked by his enemies like Fauci and now our freedoms are gone.

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I understand it is not so easy to test for the flu. According to a pathologist, the lab analysis has to be done within 48 hours of getting sick. Thereafter, I guess, all will be covid-1984 by default.

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The reason I would get tested is out of academic curiosity, to then see how my natural immunity works going forward.

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I sincerely urge you not to do that!

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Not to do what?

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Get tested.

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Children would be sent home from school if the child develops any cold symptom (i.e. a runny nose) and the child and entire household are supposed to isolate for 14 days unless a negative covid result is obtained.

This happened to my sister a couple of times but I am not sure if it is true anymore as the rules keep changing. In my sister's case at least, she had my nephews tested because she didn't want to have to bother with self isolation.

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Our school district in Texas no longer kicks kids out unless they specifically go get a positive test and then are stupid enough to tell the school about it. No more making all sick kids stay home or sending healthy kids home if they were in the same room.

I went to a junior high band concert last night and thought to myself how NORMAL everything was - very few masks, no roped off seats, no restrictions on the number of attendees. NORMAL! FINALLY!

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How were the performances? Concert band was one of the few things that made me happy at school.

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I wonder if they are going to continue for every cold and flu season. Imagine the enormous heaps of garbage all this creates. Needles, masks, test swabs, protective suits, where is this all going? I already saw some pics where large amounts got dumped into the ocean, with devastating results for the environments. Where is Great now?

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Of course they share. Unless we stop it.

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What nonsense. Sadly, not unique.

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Here is some news from the frontlines, as it were. My nephew and brother-in-law were the first two official Omicron cases in my north east blue state. Nephew tested positive the day before Thanksgiving, his father a few days later. Both had nothing more than cold symptoms (cough and sore throat, a little fatigue). I instructed my sister to make sure they both had adequate C, D and Zinc. Both have now completely cleared the illness. My 85 year old mother, who lives with them, developed mild cold symptoms a few days after my brother in law and was the next to test positive this past Saturday. Don't think it has been sequenced and confirmed as the new strain but, of course, you would certainly assume it is. It has so far remained mild despite my mother otherwise not being in great health. It also has not spread (yet) to my sister, her other slightly younger son or my father who all live in the same house. So far, so good. I'll keep you posted as things develop but all signs so far from this anecdote look like a much milder disease.

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w/o lab confirmation of "omicron", I don't think at this stage this is a safe assumption at all (you'd also said they were "official Omicron cases")...but good news so far, in any case. Mild illness *is* good news, no matter the strain causing it!

Best regards for your family's health!

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Just to clarify, my nephew traveled to NYC to attend an anime convention with some college friends. One of them, who had traveled in from the midwest, got cold symptoms and tested positive. He informed everyone else in the group (they stayed together in an NYC air bnb) so they all got tested and all came up positive. Then a few days later the midwest guys test, which had been sequenced, was confirmed Omicron. So, using track and trace, they contacted my nephew. When his father then became mildly ill they sequenced his test and he too came up as confirmed Omicron. So technically, my brother in law was considered the first confirmed case in the state, since it was the first one tested that came back positive but it seems highly likely he got it from his son. My mother lives in the same house with them and being 85 and infirm, basically never leaves the house. I don't know if they intend to test her PCR to determine if it is also Omicron, but it sure seems likely.

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Ah! That does make it clear, thanks. Good news all around.

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and to think we only used to worry about herpes...from toilet seats ;-)

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Were they vaccinated?

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Everyone in their household was vaccinated. My parents got boosters a few weeks back and I think they were just out of the 2 week "worry window" before exposure, not that it helped. My mother continues to recover well and my father developed cold symptoms and tested positive yesterday. My sister and her younger son (20 years old) still negative. My mother uses a walker and had to go through chemo and radiation for breast cancer at the height of the pandemic. Was a lifelong smoker who only quit when chemo started but fortunately has permanently stopped (and couldn't go buy more if she wanted too...). My father is an 84 year old, obese type 2 diabetic. If he recovers as well as my mother seems to be that should tell us something. They both tick a lot of dangerous boxes for any serious respiratory virus. My sister was told that my mother could stop quarantineing (is that a word?) as of this Saturday and my father could do the same the following Saturday. At least now that they both have it they don't have to try to distance from each other (which I don't think they ever really did anyway, basically impossible in their living space) and continue to not really enjoy each other's company...

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Interestingly, this echoes an exchange I had with Dr. Robert Malone (https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/not-in-the-news-covid-epidemiology) today.

In short, I believe Omicron *would* signal the end of COVID … IF global mass vaccination hadn’t occurred. Since the vaccinated cannot develop antibodies in the same way that the unvaxxed do, we (They) may have shot our chances of achieving natural herd immunity via a harmless version of the virus all to hell. I’ll replicate my exchange with him below for more details:

ME: Dr. Malone, when the vaccinated contract COVID after injection, do you know if they develop natural immunity in the same way the unvaccinated do, or is that process thwarted? (Granted, it may still be too early to make such a determination, and this article suggests it is still an unknown: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC8402626/)

If they can still develop antibodies, do you think the highly-transmissible and apparently innocuous Omicron has the potential to achieve the natural herd immunity that we appeared to be on the precipice of a year ago, according to this December 2020 “Medical Hypotheses” article, “Is a COVID-19 Vaccine Developed by Nature Already at Work?”:

“The COVID-19 positive cases are increasing at an alarming rate across the world. On the contrary, the morbidity and mortality are showing decreasing trend as time progresses. The most intriguing part is the rise in asymptomatic Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) positive cases in the population, which made us speculate some kind of gradual development of immunity in the population.… Thus, we hypothesized the existence of SAMPPs mediated the development of immunity against SARS-CoV-2 infection, which has caused an increase in the incidence rate of asymptomatic cases and a decrease in mortality rate.” (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33059225/)

DR. MALONE: If vaccinated with a genetic vaccine that only encodes for one protein (spike), the vaccinated do not develop the same protection as those who have caught the disease. There are 29 proteins in SARS-CoV-2 -which the body will mount an immune response with natural infection.

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this is the OAS argument i have been making.

the question is whether the omi variant is sufficiently varied on the spike to fully evade vaxx response and allow for training as a separate recognition and response pathway.

i don't think we have that data yet.

regardless, this issue if it exists will be confined to the vaccinated.

man would that be ironic...

(it would also make this the worst medical blunder in human history)

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Not sure if you follow @EthicalSkeptic and his theory on the coronavirus originally being released in 2018. I'm curious how the OAS argument would be effected by Omicron not being a variant of what we're told is the Alpha strain from early 2020, as @EthicalSkeptic claims Omicron couldn't have come from what we're told is Alpha in the given time frame. He puts simply, "Omicron and Alpha are cousins - and they share a genetic grandparent who existed before Covid was supposed to exist".

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i have been friends with ES for some time and we chat on this quite a bit.

we worked together on the theory that early pac rim resistance was the result of prior exposure to sars-like viruses etc.

we've spoken on this emergence/lab escape issue but i'm not yet convinced. it's hard to use too many historical evo patterns in a situation with a massive exogenous driver like a leaky vaccine.

there's also the compounding issue that it looks like the sarscov-2 progenitor was lab generated and the specific set of bases in it (a quad) were naturally improbable and thus prone to seek to rapidly stabilize toward a different config etc.

and who knows what the role of the degenerate bases in the mRNA vaxxes did in terms of weird evo side chains?

i'm just not well enough versed to pull all this apart and account for all the weird variance here that seem to make historical comparisons to natural event levels fraught.

kevin mckernan, another good pal, is convinced by valentin's argument:


from kev:

"The selection is too high (Ka/Ks).

This is the ratio of Nonsynon/Synon mutations.

Higher indels (insertions and deletions) is another signature.

The ratio of variants that change amino acids to those that don’t (silent changes in the wobble bases of the codons)….

This ratio is used to define selective pressure.

If it were totally random mutations from the polymerase, you’d expect a ratio of ~1.

When the number of amino acid changing variants is much higher than the silent variants, selection is occurring.

Some selection has been noted in spike prior to the Omicron but it was a 5:1 ratio.

This is over 25:1 with omicron. Someone applied a shitload of selection in a short time frame and erased all the ancestors?

Serial passage under convo-plasma was happening in Durban SA."

i trust and respect both folks, but these analyses seem to hinge on comps to normal evo gradients yet are being applied to a situation dominated by abnormal drivers.

this makes benchmarking difficult and i just do not have the deep grounding here to really sort it out at this point.

serious guys seem to be taking it seriously, so i am also hesitant to dismiss it and it is certainly possible that there was accelerated lab evo that resulted in the end stage vaxx evading virus that would have evolved anyway, but i am just not comfortable making any sort of strong call at this point.

this is too far out of my wheelhouse and well into the realm of seriously specialized gene sceince.

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second possible consideration:

could this have been animal host mediated?

is this an alpha variant that jumped to some other host, perhaps one like a bat or similar that has notably rapid evo due to sloppy immune systems and big colony structure, and then jumped back.

this might explain why we have not seen it for a while and the seeming lack of discernable ancestors. perhaps we're looking for them in the wrong place?

this is just a potential hypothesis, but does seem to have plausible alignment with the data.

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I admit a fair amount of the technical aspects of epidemiology is beyond me, but I try to read as much info from various sources to at least have a basic understanding of what's going on. It just seems to me the biggest issue with SARS-CoV-2 has been man's intervention. From the lab creation, to mitigation attempts, to trying to vaccinate in the middle of the pandemic, it seems like man's intervention has just clouded everything instead and made things impossible to predict.

It's the exact thing I'm concerned about with climate change. We have people who don't fully understand how all the drivers of climate change interact and to what degree, and they want to try to "fix" what's a naturally occurring force of nature. I fear a real climate catastrophe if we listen to these "not remotely as smart as they think they are" people.

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You should be following Tony Heller. It's worse than your outline. Tony's shown (mostly gov't affiliated) scientists have and are manipulating the data on climate trends to produce signals which don't actually exist. These signals are used as part of the effort to justify control measures. He provides invaluable historical context to media claims of various "unprecedented"-ness and "worst/highest/hottest/driest/most-burned" claims of popular media stories on natural events. In short, it's all almost entirely lies (and the stuff that isn't, is of little residual significance). CO2 is still the target lever promoted for climate change mitigation, but Heller has and continues to show how this supposed correlation doesn't actually exist. Whether it's heat, hurricanes and severe storm events, sea-level rise, droughts, floods, or wildfire prevalence, Heller's show how the "hair on fire" stories don't line up with historical experience. It's a game about economic control.

He's still on YouTube, but cannot post everything he'd like there, due to Susan's edicts on content policy. He's on Rumble, newtube, and the web at realclimatescience.com

Also excellent on this subject is John Robson's Climate Discussion Nexus (CDN).


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Case in point, Tony's latest on YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmgVOoz-nJw

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Oh, and I should also mention, if the CO2 correlation doesn't exist, even success in halting and reversing CO2 rise cannot be expected to produce the reduction in whatever "climate change" is supposed to mean to these people. (it's carefully made nebulous so that victories can be claimed when controls are successfully passed; so calls for more strident controls can be made so long as resistance persists)

So all that's left is to ask yourself what serious reductions in your personal CO2 footprint (to include the CO2 cost of the stuff you buy) would actually mean for your quality of life and cost of living. Life becomes more expensive, and with reduced flourishing, while enhancing gov't control and resources. An outcome Klaus Schwab of course would love!

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That you can articulate the point in your own words suggests you're at least probably competent to read and report about the work in this area. In my mind, that qualifies you as a good subject-matter communicator. Great job, I dunno how you keep up and do it, but we're all grateful!! This is the substance of the stuff that's been so sorely lacking from more sanctioned/official channels of discourse.

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You’re such a smartycat, el gato 😺

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Was just going to direct him there....thanks for beating me to it!

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oh yes, it already is.

I have been reading Dr Vanden Bossche (he is now on Substack as well)

He does not see an end to this circus of variants due to the blunder of vaccinations


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OMG, I didn't know Geert was on Substack! Thanks for the pointer!

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Oh yes, original antigenic sin. Very interesting point about the omi variant’s sufficient variability—I’m sure you’ll be the first to let us know if and when the data rolls in on that :-)

Irony is the name of the game, indeed. I’ve been arguing all along that it is the injected who are putting the future of humanity at risk, and the purebloods are the only ones standing between the survival of the species and extinction.

Regardless of how this particular variable pans out, I think we can already confidently venture that global mass vaccination of a highly injurious, frequently fatal experimental drug to fend off an imperceptible threat was unquestionably “the worst medical blunder in human history.”

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i would urge strenuously against using terms like "purebloods." it's inflammatory language, divisive, and hearkens to a lot of bad history.

one does not reclaim the world from propogandists by aping their tactics to engage in counter propaganda.

we do it by getting back to truth and away from vilification and division. those who fell for this dirty trick, and there we many, need to be not just free but encouraged to see what happened and to switch sides.

this is not unvaxxed against vaxxed.

it's free people against authoritarians.

let's not lose sight of that.

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Thank you! We need to strongly discourage this "pure/impure" framing if we want to claim the moral high ground.

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A touchy subject indeed. I am vaxxed. I turned it down three times when it was offered by various employers. I was dead set against it. Still am. I am likely to lose my jobs over mask mandates and become unemployable which will likely lead to being forced to return to the US from Japan for the first time to live in more than 20 years, leaving my family behind. Yet I got this cursed shot. If I did not, then my child would be denied school if I have any covid like symptoms. I always have covid like symptoms due to allergies. So he would be denied an education unless I got the shot. So I did. I pray that if it is to do me in, that it does so before they try to give in to my son. You folks who have stayed resolute ARE the pure bloods. We, the vaxxed, spread this virus more than you. We are less likely to fend off later mutations of the virus than you are. We have turned ourselves into superspreaders of the disease and very well may have exerted enough evolutionary pressure to keep this nonsense going much longer than it otherwise would and creating a bigger mess for you to clean up afterwards. It very well may be the case that the existence of us, the vaxxed, threaten your very existence. The time for hurt feelings is past. If any of my fellow vaxxed complain, tell =us all to go pack sand. Call as you see it. Just my 2 cents worth, for what they are worth.

That said, you are the author and have many concerns to worry about. I respect your call.

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it's not my intention to make this call for anyone apart from myself.

but this is not about hurt feelings so much as effective communication and coalition building to get out of this mess while also promoting what was one referred to as "common decency."

a phrase like "pure bloods" is needlessly inflammatory, others those who got vaxxed, and has an inherent "i am better than you" slant.

a lot of people got lied to about these drugs and went along to get along etc.

many are now waking up to the scam and seeing the inefficacy and the fact that this will never end and that that was always the plan.

these people can be allies as we resist further authoritarian encroachment or we can alienate them by erecting imperious names for our tribe that belittle them.

speaking truths about "this did not work. it made it worse. you are likely more threat to the unvaxxed then they are to you" is all well and good. but erecting some "pureblood" edifice that cannot be joined and echoes all manner of nasty historical pretexts for genocide and systemic discrimination is not helpful.

is that who we want to be?

i sure don't.

restoring sanity means getting the center back on side. this takes truth and it takes inclusion.

the enemy are not those that fell for this. it's those who played the trick.

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True. All true. However, those of us who vaxxed regardless of how or why, our fates are sealed. We need to prevent the unvaxxed from getting vaxxed. At all costs.

Now, there may be a better way than the terms used but reason is not going to get it done. People are panicked and thus can not be reasoned with. I hope I am wrong, but it seems that the only way is through a fear that is greater than what they now have. It’s like we are try to stop a stampeded of buffalo from running off a cliff.

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Amen all the way, and I think that is a wise and compassionate strategy 🙌

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Wow, TS, that is a poignant and powerful message. Thank you for weighing in with your unique perspective. I am so deeply sorry you were coerced into getting jabbed and hope you can take precautions to mitigate the potential effects. Here are some recs that may help:

• pine needle tea

• citrus

• peppermint

• More tips: https://t.me/concernedlawyersnetwork/1744

I applaud you for your humility, awareness, and bravery in speaking up on behalf of the vilified unvaxxed/non-vaxxed/non-GMO humans :-)

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Thank you, but you don’t understand. IF something is to happen because of the shot, I want it to happen as soon. I see no other way to keep my son safe from getting the shot. His is 8 and everyone around my is vaxx crazy. I do not want him to get this shot.

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Very sorry for your predicament (textbook coercion). Sometimes there is little choice.

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Thank you. But you see, there was a choice. I hope to save my son from this and the choice I made, I believe, was the one to make for that goal.

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I will admit I prickled at the sound of that term when I first heard it and hesitated to use it for the reasons you mentioned, but then I thought embracing it would emphasize the fact that the vaxxed’s blood is tainted and perhaps give them pause. I agree with your arguments, though, and I’ll revert to abstaining from its use.

That said, others have rightly pointed out that “unvaxxed” is not accurate, either, as it implies the vaccination has been “undone” rather than “not done.” They have chosen to use terms such as “non-vaxxed,” which I find rather inelegant.

I had previously coined the terms “GMO humans” vs. “non-GMO humans.” Not sure what you think about that approach, but it taps into people’s discomfort with GMO foods and serves as a reminder (or informer for most) that the vaxxed have been genetically modified.

I’m all for free people against authoritarians and definitely feel that is the heart of the matter.

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"That said, others have rightly pointed out that “unvaxxed” is not accurate, either, as it implies the vaccination has been “undone” rather than “not done.”"

i find this framing odd and probably specious.

why would one say that?

"uncircumcised" does not imply "once circumcised and later had foreskin restored."

unrepentant does not imply repentant but no longer so.

i see no real basis for that interpretation. what un based construction works that way?

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One of my commenters (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling/comments#comment-3175739) wrote a *lengthy* cease-and-desist document (http://werex.org/cease-and-desist-notice-of-libel/) related to this topic, but the gist is:

“People are either *vaccinated* or they are *not-vaccinated*, and once vaccinated, in practice, they cannot be *unvaccinated*.”

Semantics, I know, but I see his point, particularly given the power of language to shape perception.

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I think gato is saying it's important not to stigmitize the vaxxed in any way, period.

As painful as it is to accept you've been conned, its that much harder when those who saw through the con mock you or treat you as "other " or stupid.

Given that the vaxxed could be looking at lifelong consequences for their stepping into the trap, approach with compassion.

They are victims, not the perps. There but for the grace of God....

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A huge part of our problem right now is that the vaxxed don't want to admit they've been conned - they are in the denial about it - and therefore they are doubling down on coercion so that everyone else can make the same mistake and they can feel better about themselves.

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Stigmatization may have happened already, biologically and indelibly. Should the poison death shot (TM@Dr. Zelenko) change human DNA into trans-human, there will be no reversion. You will have humanity (from God) facing transhumanity (from ???). There is no excaping the issue.

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I hear you, Mary, and I definitely get that. It is challenging to try and get people to open their eyes without engaging their defenses, particularly when it comes to the diehard believers …

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I've been hearing Australian resisters calling the unvaxxed "good hearts". I think it's cute.

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I’ve never read the Harry Potter series myself, so I didn’t know the context when I first heard it, either. Learning that softened the meaning for me, but I realize there are plenty of people like us, and you’re absolutely right about its potential for weaponization by the *actual* eugenicists 🤦‍♀️

I’m so glad you like non-GMO–human and plan to use it. I’m rather fond of it and agree it should short-circuit the Whole Foods Market crowd ;-)

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covid was intentional... also apparently bill gates has a new genetically modified mosquitos testing in USA...

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Ah, what a good vector mosquitos are....bats and birds eat them! Yay.

I feel so bad for these GMO mosquitos, they are slaves too. They must revolt.

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That’s what Vanden Bossche predicts witj Omicron. ADE from OAS in the vaxxed.

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This potential blunder has been my greatest fear.

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How I wish it had just been called the Xi Variant so we could witness the symbolism of its being made a non-factor on the global stage.

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Oh, just wait! Guaranteed the Powers That Be will turn it into a major factor on the global stage, just as they've done with everything else.

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South Africa: I am the Beta and the Omicron.


Exits, stage right.

You're welcome.

Now come visit us, ok? We need the tourists. Our country is on its knees.

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would if i could, but can't leave canada unless i swim there!

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But was it cold all along?

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What is the possibility that Omicron literally is an older cold causing coronavirus that predated SARS that nobody bothered to sequence until now?

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A hearty, "In the Morning!" to you sir! -33-

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bad cat has reported that the alphanumeric code for Omicron has popped up in a June article, that was since redacted.

I've also seen elsewhere someone who says they've checked for common ancestry of the virus, and the common ancestor for omicron and alpha was like 2018 (iirc). No idea how trustworthy that person was, though

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i think that was a misunderstanding.

that article had been edited recently.

a check of the older version using wayback did not show that code.

it was just an edit muddle, not a prior ref.

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regarding your 2nd paragraph:

I think the technical term for this trace of virus' ancestry or lineage is a 'phylogenetic analysis'. The timing of the emergence or identification is not quite as important as the genetic relationship between the distinct viruses. Is one (so to speak) a parent, child, cousin, uncle, of another. That's what you'd like to know to understand origin, and this will help pinpoint emergence in time too, as distinct from discovery by genetic testing.

Since 'alpha' and 'omicron' are variants of the original Wuhan strain of SARS-CoV-2, to say their common ancestor was found in 2018 would be saying that this virus got loose prior even to fall-2019, when many people think it emerged. If that's true, it could mean a lot to 'lab-leak' hypothesis, etc.

I know you're recalling from memory on the spot, so I don't mean to hold you too hard to your comment, but just to point out that whatever the facts actually are w.r.t. where omicron fits in a phylogenetic analysis, that positioning could tell us a fair bit about how it came to be.

I've seen some videos where presenters had some thick, multilayered tree filled with tiny printing and lines purporting to be a phylogenetic analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 variants, so I *do* believe there are people qualified to do them, and that they exist. But, I couldn't just now tell you what they say.

My educated guess and opinion would be that omicron isn't terribly related to other cold-causing coronaviruses, apart from being a coronavirus, and that it's much more closely related to original Wuhan SARS-CoV-2 than anything else. The phylogenetic analysis would show how this is so, graphically. With a little primer on how to read one, even a layperson could satisfy themselves on it.

What the analysis in its details might show, however, is whether omicron has any other unique genetic features that it shares with other cold-causing coronaviruses, that might explain *why* it's as transmissible as they are, and yet not so powerful in eliciting serious disease as the other members of the SARS-CoV-2 family. That might be helpful in confirming that we're likely to _continue_ to see favorable illness outcomes, and suggest how durable our hopes for the future could be in the way of continuing to see any future variants elicit only mild/asymptomatic cases.

(Just riffing on an idea here:) If the change in RNA responsible from going from severely sick to really not so sick at all is complex, then we can be more confident that this is how life will stay, as omicron out-competes the less-transmissible earlier variants for vulnerable hosts. If it's simple, on the other hand, there's less to stop it "changing back" inside a host and becoming more capable of producing severe cases again.

I think...

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Sounds like good news, but I have to ask: why would it lead to a change in policy this time when nearly all previous pieces of good news have been ignored in the past 1.5 years?

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But, if this good news is substantiated and durable, then the experience on the ground changes for all of us, and we get more authority in continuing to pound the table to bring the perpetuators of COVID derangements to book. Never stop pointing out naked emperors, even as they continue to rule. The starker their nakedness, the more readily it is to see it in everyday experience, and the more likely our hapless numbers who've been swept into the Emperors' COVID Cult may rouse from their trance. As this happens, we proceed to shake off this nightmare affair.

May accountability then follow...

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Something I've been wondering lately: Could covid "vaccine" injuries be inter-generational? Could the vax even cause genetic problems for kids born of vaxxed parents, or for kids who receive the shot at a very early age?

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Time to start licking doorknobs with a vengeance!

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This is all it would have been from the start in 2000 if the mad greedy Dr. Fauci would not have outlawed proven early treatment drugs like HCQ, all so that his Eugenics buddy Gates could make a killing in the drug market....and a killing in World population.

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How is it that every country is able to test for the latest variant? It took specialized labs in South Africa to proclaim the birth of om, now om is the cause of outbreaks everywhere. Says who? WHO? Call me skeptical.

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That is my question, too. If anyone here knows, please comment. Thanks!

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In recent weeks, since mid- to late October, Czechia has experienced a “fifth wave” of the Wuhan virus. This coincided with the local start of the season for respiratory illnesses in general. Doesn’t this latest spike in positive tests and hospitalizations in Czechia show that the public health measures like vaxxes, masking, testing and lockdowns don’t work to prevent or mitigate spread of the virus? “Virus gonna virus.” Waves of infection come and go, often seasonally, and none of the pharmaceutical or non-pharmaceutical interventions have done much to stop it. On the way up, authorities call for lockdowns and mass vaxxination, but then the wave eventually peaks and goes down whether such measures are implemented or not. We saw this pattern in US Southern states in August, in India in spring 2021, and in many other places. And can’t we expect this to continue indefinitely? So, how long will we consider ourselves to be in an “emergency”, and when will we finally accept that this is just the way it is – the coronavirus is endemic – and there isn’t much we can do about it? Doesn’t “there’s no cure for the common cold” seem to apply to Sars-Cov-2, too?

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It never was about health - covid-1984 is a means to an end, and many have ideas what that end may be.

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Never. Too many enjoy their new found powers over their fellows.

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That's great! Now I'm sure all the governments, organizations, entities, and billionaires who have acquired so much wealth and power over the last two years will give us back our freedom!

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Don't hold your breath friend...

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Actually, that was my sarcasm meter going to 11.

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"It's just the flu" is a conspiracy theory, but "It's just the cold" is The Science.

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Any thoughts on this little kitty?

By tracking the evolutionary trajectories of vaccine-resistant mutations in more than 2.2 million SARS-CoV-2 genomes, we reveal that the occurrence and frequency of vaccine-resistant mutations correlate strongly with the vaccination rates in Europe and America.


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i have not read it (but will) so i hesitate to say much yet beyond "it seems plausible due to the leaky nature of the vaccines." this is very much what one would expect.

but it's always more dangerous to read studies with which you a priori agree because you tend to glass over issues and seek bias confirmation, so will pull this apart a bit and see what it looks like.

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Abstract ends with: "Our study sheds light on SARS-CoV-2 evolution and transmission and enables the design of the next-generation mutation-proof vaccines and antibody drugs." Hilarious.

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that's just boiler plate to pay obeisance to the grant and publication gods.

it doesn't mean anything. they all have to do that.

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More than that: It is an admission the current generation "drugcines" have failed.

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