So the crazy thing about all of this is that I was truly starting to question the annual flu vaccine the year prior to Covid. I am a physician and when I went into my clinic in October 2019 they were going to make me sign a form saying that I understood I was putting my patients at risk if I did not vaccinate. I refused to sign because I told them that the flu vaccine is not very effective and whether or not I vaccinated had no impact on other people. Then Covid hit and now I have become completely skeptical of all these vaccines. Not sure why we don’t just work on therapeutics for when people are sick rather than constantly vaccinating everyone to prevent them from getting something that they may not even get.
There's a cost-benefit analysis. When it comes to, say, measles, the cost-benefit is clearly in favor of not getting a full-blown case of the measles, and the measles vaccine is clearly sterilizing and never wears off. The flu vaccine and the COVID vaccine even more so have neither of these features. And with the COVID vaccines, for certain populations, the immediate risks (never mind the long-term, unknown risk of basically turning your body against itself) far outweigh the dangers of the illness. But yet they push the vaccine in ways they don't even push the really effective ones. It makes a person very, very wary of the situation and, yes, you do start questioning everything now that they've let the mask slip. This isn't about healing people, or keeping them well. If it were, they would not be hiding the downsides and the discussion would be far more nuanced. It's about, at the least, money and, if you're being more cynical, power.
Even the measles vaccine is not 100 %, kills about 80 children a year and harms another 300, some for life. As for the covid, there are at least 19 meds that have proven to help. Why not, like Ddoc states, concentrate on healing the sick rather than doing something to the healthy ? Covid seems to be mostly benign or even symptomless.
I contracted measles as a child. (I’m old.) I’ll never again get the measles. There are frequent breakthrough cases of atypical measles in vaccinated individuals.
I know of no one who has gotten the measles who was vaccinated. So statistically, that might be true, but empirically, as in from my experience, it's not. And I'm right at that age where I know very few people who were unvaccinated for measles and other common childhood ailments, though I wish they had had a chicken pox vaccine. I would have gladly rather had it than chicken pox (and the risk later on of shingles). My experience was not good, three weeks out of school. Many people have had shingles in my family. It's miserable. I was overjoyed that my sister vaccinated my niece. At least she never has to experience that. And my sister vaccinated my niece even though she herself was only barely sick with chicken pox and only got one little pock on her forehead, or something silly like that. But she still faces the possibility of shingles later in life. I'm tired of this nostalgia of the "childhood rite" diseases. Why would you bring on that misery if you could avoid it?
I got my MMR vaccine in the early 70s and ended up contracting measles in 2015 during the "Disneyland Outbreak". It was posited by the infectious disease physician who treated me that I may have received my MMR dose from the faulty batch produced in the late 60s, but who knows?
They survived them because they previously had them. Their body was ready to mount a quick defense. The same thing would have happened if they had had the vaccine. Yes, there are some diseases where the vaccine is well worth the risk. I'm for letting people make the decision themselves, but I'm not for looking at the past through rose-colored glasses.
That's why the measles vaccine is, for the most part, a matter of personal choice. However, measles itself is infinitely more deadly for children than the vaccine, and part of the problem with modern vaccines is they try to pack too many diseases in one. They are much safer if taken individually. And, yes, I'd rather my parents gave me the measles vaccine, like they did, than my risk being blinded or become deaf, only a few of the long-term effects of actually coming down with measles. We forget how deadly and damaging those diseases were because we haven't dealt with them on any large scale. And as for therapeutics, the old adage is the best: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
I don't know anyone in my generation that *didn't* have the measles. There were no magical "shots" for measles back then and after having them, not only does it develop immunity from ever getting them again (except in VERY rare cases), but from what I've read, also provides protection from other diseases as well! We used to live long, full, healthy lives without shots. My grandmother who died at 102 just a couple years ago NEVER had a vaccine for anything. (Except some antibiotics when she was very old for an infected cut from working in her yard).
Indeed ! My dad at 87 has never been sick in his life. 2 years ago he had a minor internal bleeding and they did a colonoscopy, just to be sure (reassure him), and that was the first time he was in the hospital other than to visit. 15 years of flu shots and now these, but never had any other but smallpox and probably polio which were obligatory at the time
My mother had all of those childhood illnesses, and she is fine. But you know what she did as soon as she had children? She vaccinated us. Why? Because she knew how miserable the diseases were and she knew of people who were harmed or killed by them. The problem with our world today is we look back with nostalgia. Yes, my great grandparents who died in the 1930s were both in the nineties when they died. Were they typical for their generation? Walk through the graveyards and do the math. There's a reason why the life expectancy was so low. Many people didn't make it past childhood. These illnesses were part of the reason why. It doesn't matter what your personal experience was, or your great grandparents. Overall, vaccines have been a lifesaver.
No measles is not deadly. You are misinformed. Growing up, everyone in my household, class, school, neighbourhood had measles, and I don't know of a single fatality or even a hospitalization. If it was "infinitely" more deadly than the vaccine, surely I would've heard or read about *someone* dying of the measle. Instead, everybody, including myself and my brother and sister stayed in bed "sick" for a week, then we were back at it like usual. Childhood illness like the measles fortify and develop your immune system and by preventing these largely innocuous diseases from taking hold in kids, you're literally setting them up for a lifelong chronic condition in many cases.
In 2016, 104 people had died from the measles vaccine since 2000. Measles itself has a death rate of 1 or 2 in 1000. ( You do the math. How many MMR shots do we give out to children every year? Yes, the measles vaccine saves lives. This is the problem. One one side, I have to deal with the all vaccines are perfect crowd, so we can't question any vaccine, including a rushed one that is definitely costing lives. And then on the other, I have to deal with people who think every vaccine is bad, even though we have clearly been saving people, in particular children, with these vaccines. Both groups give me a migraine.
Yes, I have done the math. I also have had measles. The math is clear: by the time the measles vaccine was rolled out in 1963, mortality from measles already had declined from 13.3 per 100K to .2 per 100K. Interestingly, 15 years after the vaccine was rolled out, young adults started getting measles again. We effectively became naturally immune, and then undid the decades of humoral immune system progress, by a mass vaccination campaign.
I am 71. Measles, The Mumps, and Chicken Pox were expected childhood rite of passage for us. Normal and no big deal. When Polio Vaccine campaign occurred, I remember being in a line, anxiously walking past a table with a large pile of glass and steel empty injections in an atmosphere that reeked of alcohol. I dreaded “shots” but my father herded us kids through the gauntlet because “it was necessary” and then it was done. Afterward, I turned and saw, to my amazement, he was himself not taking the shot!!! He seemed, after assuring us, to be afraid of it! LOL!!! A critical crack in my respect for authority that has only grown since then! Especially lately. Fundamentally, there is clearly a process of disinformation going on with “the statistics.” Therefore, RUN!!! So much for “risk assessment!” Figure it out, to be sure, but do it while you are running and warning everyone to RUN. That is my take. I am here hoping to see comments I saw yesterday. One was about the death (murder?) of a whistleblower chemist about GrapheNE Hydroxide in Germany. The other was some analysis of VAERS data which shows that only certain batches produced quick injuries/deaths and those batches were released by all three producers in a way that shows they were cooperating with each other and doing lethal dose testing. The video about this was on newtube. I think that it might have been done by the Great Dr. Michael Yeadon, who is a world hero for the exposure he has done already.
I think if there is something to heal with, that is better than a vaccine. None of them cover fully and none of them are fully safe. That is why one should decide for oneself to take them or leave them. As for measles etc. I know they are far more dangerous when you are adult. So you could get in the middle and say, everyone who did not get measles by age 18, might want to get vaccinated. That sounds more reasonable than vaxx all and everyone, risking death or harm without a sickness.
You know the best cure for your migraine? Letting patients and parents of patients to decide for themselves and their children. If they ask for your advice, give it.
When I was a child, all children got the measles. At the time we were not vaccinated. I was born premature and had all these diseases yet I am still here and 64 now. I remember Pertussis being very bad. Measles? Yes I was sick for a week and had fever. And then it was over. In the meanwhile mom cooked my favorite dishes and I got to stay home from school for a week. I know no one in our whole school who got deaf or blind or died.
I'm 72 and got the measles at about 6. I was sick enough that I still remember it, but no ill effect afterwards. I also got mumps and chicken pox at some point, it was very common in the 1950's as this was before the vaccines. I do remember being very fearful of polio as we often saw photos of people in iron lungs, and the idea of that frightened me no end. I remember taking the polio vaccine via a sugar cube at some point, but don't know how old I was. As for pertussis, in 1985 a good friend's baby girl got the pertussis shot, and shortly afterwards she started having seizures. She ended up very brain damaged and was never normal after that. Her parents participated in a huge lawsuit against the vaccine manufacturer as it was determined to be bad batches of the vaccine that caused the damage. I believe a lot of children were involved and a lot of money was paid out. My son was born a year after this, and I didn't want to get him vaccinated with DPT for that reason.
Thank you for your testimony ! I am reading Dr Suzanne Humphries book on vaccines and their unsafety, and I just read in the news an outbreak of mumps is going on, almost all vaccinated. The measles outbreak a few years ago also hit a lot of vaccinated children. Vaccines are NOT safe and NOT effective. You made the right choice !
This is a wrong way to utilize statistics imo. Yes, if they are accurate, then the vaccine is less harmful than the disease. But who gets sick? The weak, the unlucky. Who are we harming with the vaccine? Everybody. The weak, the strong, the sick and the healthy. A healthy individual will not be damaged by the disease, but he will certainly be damaged in some way when he gets a injection which contains various poisons. That is the difference between God and Man.
Healthy individuals were damaged by diseases that we vaccinate against: polio (obvious), mumps (sterilized many men), measles (yes, it did cause blindness and deafness). I'm not for vaccine mandates, but to suggest that vaccines are a net negative or even a net neutral is ridiculous. Our infant/childhood mortality rate has plummeted, and it is partially because of vaccines. You can try to spin that however you like, but what ends up happening is you now make the people that we might have been able to convince to treat the COVID vaccine, which is dangerous, warily look at us and laugh. Vaccines *are* a miracle of modern medicine; to gain immunity at a fraction of the risk is a wonder. To suggest otherwise is to play into the hands of those ridiculing us for being skeptical of the COVID vaccine.
Polio was caused by DDT I think. Then they made up the vaccine to hide that fact. It seems many if not all of these diseases are the result of poison in the early industrial age, before they understood the dangers. They just won't admit to it. Better to blame diseases and cigarettes.
Infant mortality vanished when they started washing hands. It's a very illustrative story I think. The male doctors didn't wash, taught not to. But the nuns did, being less "educated" and with more common sense. Their child care unit had vastly less incidences of infant mortality.
A guy noticed this, a doctor. He tried it at his own hospital with great success. However what did the Medical Community do? Shut him down, called him names, took his license. Until the truth became too overpowering to ignore.
So I'd be vary believing anything from the medical community. Including the efficacy of those old "tried and tested" vaccines.
As I've mentioned in comments before: As an old guy, the times when I did rarely need to see a physician (we were *very* careful about choosing one as well), they didn't ask me how many shots I'd had, they asked me what I'd been eating and have I been getting exercise and sunlight. And that's the God's honest truth. Now, it's pretty much the reverse: "We've got a pill for that or we've got a new "vaccine" for that." (And I have to sarcastically add for a bit of humor, "are you getting one or more Big Macs weekly?) It's a wonder the human race is even still alive.
You are so right. When we were children doctors were there to heal people. They knew you personally, where and how you lived, knew about food etc. Now they only know about pills. At least the nurse from the doc where I go asks me all the questions (did you get a mammogram ? A pep smear ? A Xray ? MRI ? no no no no. Neither do I , she says, and I work here. A nurse after my heart !
I’m not in the field but as a euro in the USA I was always surprised by the flu vax hype. It’s not terribly effective and well known, hence my euro country only recommended it for the older group as maybe a good idea. What I’ve been told here by doctors is even shitty protection is better than none as it has zero side effects and if it has a few people maimed or dead that’s okay as the society is protected so sacrificing a few kids and adults is cool. Not sure how that fits in with primo non nocere but as we see now with Covid it isn’t about human health but $$$
They've tried to make people very afraid of the flu in the US. California even tried to mandate the flu vaccine for kids going to college! I think the pharmaceutical companies, just as with covid, push as many vaccines as they can get into a human body. The flu hysteria never widely caught on, but it's high pressure every year.
I must respond to your absolutism. You may just be speaking cynically, but it's important to clarify a critical point. Nothing in this world is without risk. No matter whether it's vaccines, aspirin, driving a car, flying an airplane or even eating fried chicken, everything has an inherent risk/benefit ratio. Yet some idealists* think "Do no harm" must mean no one is ever harmed under any circumstances. Yet most of us would accept "sacrificing" the occasional presumably random "victim" of side effect if it saves many times that number, protecting them from a horrible disease or death.
*We are speaking of vaccine risks here, but this concept poisons many areas of human society. These people want perfection, but perfection is almost always impossible. But you CAN have optimum. "The good is the enemy of the best" might be restated: "The demand for perfect is the enemy of the best, and often results in the worse."
I work in healthcare as well. I became an employee of a company I'd contracted with for a long time. The company wanted me to take the flu vaccine, and when I said no thank you, they made me take this flu vaccine online course that was not only inaccurate (I had read every single adult flu study on the CDC website), but it was insulting. After the course and still declining because the flu vaccine is ineffective and has aluminum, I had to sign something saying this was going to be on my employee record. I don't think they were used to someone with an advanced degree questioning the flu vaccine.
Most of the Kaiser physicians that tried to get me to take it every year didn't seem to be aware of what the studies actually showed. I'm glad to hear you do, we need more doctors like you!
my daughter had her babies flu shot vaccinated a month ago. kiddos are 2,3 and 4 (yes she meant to do that, thank you God) and my sweetest 4 year old is sick today WITH THE FLU
we're done with flu shots in this house (we don't generally get sick but we cook at home often, my kids eat cold lunch and don't consume a lot of soda/sugar either)
So I have atopic dermatitis and asthma. I started taking dupixent three years ago and it has been a life-changing medicine. But it is so crazy expensive even though my insurance pays for it… I feel guilty. As a doctor I’ve seen medicines and technology save peoples lives… But we have gotten to a point where we’re too greedy and it makes me sad.
Well stated. My most recent vaccination was late in 2020, flu and/or pneumonia shot -- better than free, in fact $10 gift card at local drug store. The past year's chicanery with the Covid-19 injections has somewhat eroded my trust in the entire pharma-government-medical establishment, to put it mildly. It's quite likely I will never take another injection for the rest of my life. At least not voluntarily. You simply don't know what's in the shot.
Or, better yet, why don't we work on keeping people healthy in the first place?
I am a retired ICU RN. For 30 years, every flu season, I took care of critically ill vented patients. I started nursing before the adoption of in-line suction, so I was constantly exposed to infected respiratory secretions. I rarely took a flu vaccine since they are loaded with aluminum. Most nurses I worked with, and I, took a daily dose of either Emergen-C or Airborne (supplements containing one gram of C and Zinc) during flu season. I also took probiotics after every shift when I cared for C Diff patients. I was so rarely sick that I was able to cash in $30K worth of unused Paid Time Off when I retired.
I retired at 62, before I was eligible for Medicare. I started reading and listening to Suzanne Humpries, MD books and You Tube lectures on Vitamin C. This led me to discover the work of Paul Marik, MD, and his work on Vitamin C and sepsis.
Amen. That is what a doctor is first of all to do- heal the sick. Do not mess with the healthy. I am reading the book Dissolving Illusions by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and to my astonishment find out, that even the vaccines hailed for making away with other sicknesses did hardly anything but harm. I especially like your last sentence, sicknesses we may not even get. Indeed ! Our own bodies provide a perfect health system by themselves to fight off most, and when it cannot, we go to the doctor ! Thank you for testifying. We need more like you.
As a physician you might be able to give me some input on this. I'm not a doctor, no medical training. From what I understand the basic principle of a vaccine is to introduce a weak variant of a disease to expose the immune system without becoming ill. Same principle as tapering off drugs just in a different way. The first vaccination was done by injecting a similar but harmless disease from a cow or a pig which would then give you immunity against the human version of the disease, or at least that's what they taught us in school back in the 90s.
The problem with flu, cold and other diseases is that this weak variant is not available, so they have to concoct something on their own. This in my view is why they always have to use various poisons in the vaccines. Their job is to provoke a immune response via poisoning and in that way "hack" the disease they are trying to vaccinate for. Of course this is less than perfect which is why such vaccines provide no actual immunity, only "protection".
So basically vaccines are poison potions and no different from when we treated people with arsenic or made children inhale chlorine gas to "help their lungs". The doctors mostly don't think about it because it has always been done that way. I will never take another vaccine for this reason.
My question, how right or wrong am I to think this way?
Here's how I understand it. Vaccines aren't weak variants, but usually are inactivated forms of the virus. So the inactivated form is not as virulent and won't be highly reproduced in the body. They may use animal or fetal cells in the vaccine to get the virus into the body. A virus is basically a strand of DNA it RNA surrounded by protein. Maybe if you just injected the viral proteins, the body would break down the proteins and DNA before antibodies would be produced.
It's hard to get an inactivated form of the flu virus because it keeps mutating every year. So the inactivated form from one year won't be effective the next.
To me, the difference between a vaccine and your sentence on arsenic and chlorine gas is that vaccines generally produce antibodies. The CDC changed a definition of a vaccine from something that makes you immune to a disease, to something that generates antibodies in the body. Generating antibodies in and of itself doesn't necessarily make one immune to a disease, hence the low efficacy of the flu vaccine.
I doubt I will take another vaccine in my entire life! I don't think I can trust any vaccine any longer, even those purporting to be made from an inactivated virus.
All hospitals demand this. I happen to know that Sutter in California requires annual flu shots and hands out a paper to their employees saying failure to get a flu shot by end of October equals resigning your position.
One more thing: Is there any truth to this comment I just read:
"Thing is, after Obamacare, hospitals started hiring their own in staff doctors, calling them "hospitalists".
These "doctors" could be the bottom of the barrel worst and you would never know it. If you had a years-long family doctor he lost his privileges to see you, oh he could "see" you, but he couldn't get into your chart and write orders for you according to your needs as he had been doing years before.
These new in-house "doctors" don't give a damn about you. They work for pennies on the dollar, they follow orders and protocols of the cigarette-smoking man sitting behind the desk or hiding behind the door.
After Obamacare and the new DEA laws came about which legalized torture and pain, most older doctors quit altogether or retired or closed their offices to word-of-mouth patients only.
Good nurses who didn't get into nursing strictly because the money got good, well they too went under the tables, stepped back, laid low, shut up, kept quiet because they saw what was happening as well.
Now, these facilities are nothing more than "deathspitals". You go in at your own risk. You leave if the angel of death decided to pass over you."
I am at a community health center that is federally funded. Our previous CMO may have been the one that crafted the document. I would have to look into its origins further. Of note… I did not sign the form.
Not really sure who made the form out. I had never really questioned getting the flu vaccine previously. But three years ago both my father and I had been vaccinated and still got extremely ill from the flu. So then I started doing a little bit of research and seeing just how ineffective they basically were. It didn’t matter… the pharmaceutical companies would just say “oh well we got the wrong strain this year” and everybody would just except that and still take their shots and the pharmaceuticals still get billions of dollars and nothing changes. So when she asked me if I was going to get the vaccine I just told her I wasn’t sure because they didn’t really seem to be doing much and that is when she told me I was going to have to sign that form and then basically Covid hit and we are where we are today.
Given the crashing rate of uptake and the massive commitments to endless (revenue-) boosters made by foolhardy and corrupt governments everywhere, they’re going to have to find something to do with them.
Once all the domestic animals are done, they will move on to livestock and finally house plants.
This is one of the stupidest ideas yet. Like the CCP killing people's pets - no surprise though as they kill their own people to sell their organs. This is an endemic virus with animal reservoirs so it will not be eradicated.
We no longer do vaccines for our cats except rabies, which is the law and our vet doesn't even suggest it.
Cats and dogs that are taking heartworm meds already are safe, mine takes Ivermectin. How much lives and effort would have been saved if the government had not blocked the use for humans
Amen! That and HCQ. If you read RFK Jr.'s book about what they did to HCQ, it will make your blood boil.
Yes, I recall seeing ivermectin as the ingredient in heartworm meds on posters at my vet's. I guess use in dogs (primarily) for heartworm wasn't enough disinformation for the corporate media and FDA. They had to use "horse de-wormer" instead.
I immediately cancelled 2 subscriptions when journalists wrote that, and added in the comment that if I were in charge they would loose their jobs, if that is what they call journalism. Did not hear back but that is okay.
Just beware of the media -- they dazzle and distract, sort of like the Daily Mail's photos of young women 😍 . This is the media equivalent of us trailing a long string along the floor in a room of cats.
So was I. And I thought so was Cuba, but they already vaxxed all over 2 years of age. But with their own stuff. Might be better, who knows. Did not hear a word after the vaxx message, so we might never know.
A few years back, a family member took "my" cat and got it vaxxed - poor thing was a total zombie for 48 hours! ...then came back... then probably developed cancer within a few months - another coincidence, I am sure.
Fiat throughput, who is getting what money? They have so much cronyvirus money left over from when they fleeced us it's one of those lose it or spend it situations.
You know it's bad when boriqua gato resorts to capital letters. World's most willfully moronic species inflicts misery on a willfully ungovernable species.
... and I just found out I need to take my old man into the vet for a thyroid check. :/ Well, I've told them no for all of the other crap they want to inject into my fur babies so this will just be one more thing.
Huh. 25 years ago I was a vet tech (before I moved over to human medicine), Cats are routinely vaccinated for FIP (that condition is a result of complications from a strain of corona virus in felines). We know already that cats and many other animals are currently reservoir specie for this "noval" human SARS-CoV-2, but no study that I know of pointed towards our domestic cats spreading the C19 back to humans (after catching it) the papers revealed a very mild disease, sneezing upper airway ect. This is interesting, now I wanna go look to see if some study has popped that show any confirmed Feline's able to now spread the human VOC hmmmm....
They've been trying to find a coronavirus vaccine for cats for years (decades?). They stopped working after 4 months. For cats, that's considered a failed trial, but apparently not for humans. 🙄
There has been very little written on cross immunity to COVID.
I am a retired RN, and one of my weirder hobbies is reading obscure medical research. I remember reading long ago that veterinarians are the occupational group least likely to get sick. It was postulated that the vets were exposed to a number of coronaviruses from the dogs that they treat, since canines are a reservoir of that virus, and that the vets developed cross immunity.
As a precaution, I started kissing my dog every day (along with taking Vit D, C and Zinc) as soon as the pandemic started heating up. I realize that I am an N of 1, but when I contracted COVID last January I was fine 2 days later. I am 66. I had my antibodies tested in May, and still showed a strong titer.
Are we living in a Simpson's episode? Vaccinating cats for COVID-19? NO, NO, NO. This is total and complete bullshit. Wake UP!
So, where does this end? How many living things will need to be vaxxed? I would think mosquitoes should be, because they bite people and what about snakes? What about the fish in the ocean, or rivers? Is there covid in the water? uh oh
So the crazy thing about all of this is that I was truly starting to question the annual flu vaccine the year prior to Covid. I am a physician and when I went into my clinic in October 2019 they were going to make me sign a form saying that I understood I was putting my patients at risk if I did not vaccinate. I refused to sign because I told them that the flu vaccine is not very effective and whether or not I vaccinated had no impact on other people. Then Covid hit and now I have become completely skeptical of all these vaccines. Not sure why we don’t just work on therapeutics for when people are sick rather than constantly vaccinating everyone to prevent them from getting something that they may not even get.
There's a cost-benefit analysis. When it comes to, say, measles, the cost-benefit is clearly in favor of not getting a full-blown case of the measles, and the measles vaccine is clearly sterilizing and never wears off. The flu vaccine and the COVID vaccine even more so have neither of these features. And with the COVID vaccines, for certain populations, the immediate risks (never mind the long-term, unknown risk of basically turning your body against itself) far outweigh the dangers of the illness. But yet they push the vaccine in ways they don't even push the really effective ones. It makes a person very, very wary of the situation and, yes, you do start questioning everything now that they've let the mask slip. This isn't about healing people, or keeping them well. If it were, they would not be hiding the downsides and the discussion would be far more nuanced. It's about, at the least, money and, if you're being more cynical, power.
Even the measles vaccine is not 100 %, kills about 80 children a year and harms another 300, some for life. As for the covid, there are at least 19 meds that have proven to help. Why not, like Ddoc states, concentrate on healing the sick rather than doing something to the healthy ? Covid seems to be mostly benign or even symptomless.
I contracted measles as a child. (I’m old.) I’ll never again get the measles. There are frequent breakthrough cases of atypical measles in vaccinated individuals.
I know of no one who has gotten the measles who was vaccinated. So statistically, that might be true, but empirically, as in from my experience, it's not. And I'm right at that age where I know very few people who were unvaccinated for measles and other common childhood ailments, though I wish they had had a chicken pox vaccine. I would have gladly rather had it than chicken pox (and the risk later on of shingles). My experience was not good, three weeks out of school. Many people have had shingles in my family. It's miserable. I was overjoyed that my sister vaccinated my niece. At least she never has to experience that. And my sister vaccinated my niece even though she herself was only barely sick with chicken pox and only got one little pock on her forehead, or something silly like that. But she still faces the possibility of shingles later in life. I'm tired of this nostalgia of the "childhood rite" diseases. Why would you bring on that misery if you could avoid it?
I got my MMR vaccine in the early 70s and ended up contracting measles in 2015 during the "Disneyland Outbreak". It was posited by the infectious disease physician who treated me that I may have received my MMR dose from the faulty batch produced in the late 60s, but who knows?
I only know of one person who got natural immunity and got measles again. And survived them at an older age.
They survived them because they previously had them. Their body was ready to mount a quick defense. The same thing would have happened if they had had the vaccine. Yes, there are some diseases where the vaccine is well worth the risk. I'm for letting people make the decision themselves, but I'm not for looking at the past through rose-colored glasses.
That's why the measles vaccine is, for the most part, a matter of personal choice. However, measles itself is infinitely more deadly for children than the vaccine, and part of the problem with modern vaccines is they try to pack too many diseases in one. They are much safer if taken individually. And, yes, I'd rather my parents gave me the measles vaccine, like they did, than my risk being blinded or become deaf, only a few of the long-term effects of actually coming down with measles. We forget how deadly and damaging those diseases were because we haven't dealt with them on any large scale. And as for therapeutics, the old adage is the best: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
I don't know anyone in my generation that *didn't* have the measles. There were no magical "shots" for measles back then and after having them, not only does it develop immunity from ever getting them again (except in VERY rare cases), but from what I've read, also provides protection from other diseases as well! We used to live long, full, healthy lives without shots. My grandmother who died at 102 just a couple years ago NEVER had a vaccine for anything. (Except some antibiotics when she was very old for an infected cut from working in her yard).
Indeed ! My dad at 87 has never been sick in his life. 2 years ago he had a minor internal bleeding and they did a colonoscopy, just to be sure (reassure him), and that was the first time he was in the hospital other than to visit. 15 years of flu shots and now these, but never had any other but smallpox and probably polio which were obligatory at the time
My mother had all of those childhood illnesses, and she is fine. But you know what she did as soon as she had children? She vaccinated us. Why? Because she knew how miserable the diseases were and she knew of people who were harmed or killed by them. The problem with our world today is we look back with nostalgia. Yes, my great grandparents who died in the 1930s were both in the nineties when they died. Were they typical for their generation? Walk through the graveyards and do the math. There's a reason why the life expectancy was so low. Many people didn't make it past childhood. These illnesses were part of the reason why. It doesn't matter what your personal experience was, or your great grandparents. Overall, vaccines have been a lifesaver.
No measles is not deadly. You are misinformed. Growing up, everyone in my household, class, school, neighbourhood had measles, and I don't know of a single fatality or even a hospitalization. If it was "infinitely" more deadly than the vaccine, surely I would've heard or read about *someone* dying of the measle. Instead, everybody, including myself and my brother and sister stayed in bed "sick" for a week, then we were back at it like usual. Childhood illness like the measles fortify and develop your immune system and by preventing these largely innocuous diseases from taking hold in kids, you're literally setting them up for a lifelong chronic condition in many cases.
In 2016, 104 people had died from the measles vaccine since 2000. Measles itself has a death rate of 1 or 2 in 1000. ( You do the math. How many MMR shots do we give out to children every year? Yes, the measles vaccine saves lives. This is the problem. One one side, I have to deal with the all vaccines are perfect crowd, so we can't question any vaccine, including a rushed one that is definitely costing lives. And then on the other, I have to deal with people who think every vaccine is bad, even though we have clearly been saving people, in particular children, with these vaccines. Both groups give me a migraine.
Yes, I have done the math. I also have had measles. The math is clear: by the time the measles vaccine was rolled out in 1963, mortality from measles already had declined from 13.3 per 100K to .2 per 100K. Interestingly, 15 years after the vaccine was rolled out, young adults started getting measles again. We effectively became naturally immune, and then undid the decades of humoral immune system progress, by a mass vaccination campaign.
I am 71. Measles, The Mumps, and Chicken Pox were expected childhood rite of passage for us. Normal and no big deal. When Polio Vaccine campaign occurred, I remember being in a line, anxiously walking past a table with a large pile of glass and steel empty injections in an atmosphere that reeked of alcohol. I dreaded “shots” but my father herded us kids through the gauntlet because “it was necessary” and then it was done. Afterward, I turned and saw, to my amazement, he was himself not taking the shot!!! He seemed, after assuring us, to be afraid of it! LOL!!! A critical crack in my respect for authority that has only grown since then! Especially lately. Fundamentally, there is clearly a process of disinformation going on with “the statistics.” Therefore, RUN!!! So much for “risk assessment!” Figure it out, to be sure, but do it while you are running and warning everyone to RUN. That is my take. I am here hoping to see comments I saw yesterday. One was about the death (murder?) of a whistleblower chemist about GrapheNE Hydroxide in Germany. The other was some analysis of VAERS data which shows that only certain batches produced quick injuries/deaths and those batches were released by all three producers in a way that shows they were cooperating with each other and doing lethal dose testing. The video about this was on newtube. I think that it might have been done by the Great Dr. Michael Yeadon, who is a world hero for the exposure he has done already.
I think if there is something to heal with, that is better than a vaccine. None of them cover fully and none of them are fully safe. That is why one should decide for oneself to take them or leave them. As for measles etc. I know they are far more dangerous when you are adult. So you could get in the middle and say, everyone who did not get measles by age 18, might want to get vaccinated. That sounds more reasonable than vaxx all and everyone, risking death or harm without a sickness.
You know the best cure for your migraine? Letting patients and parents of patients to decide for themselves and their children. If they ask for your advice, give it.
When I was a child, all children got the measles. At the time we were not vaccinated. I was born premature and had all these diseases yet I am still here and 64 now. I remember Pertussis being very bad. Measles? Yes I was sick for a week and had fever. And then it was over. In the meanwhile mom cooked my favorite dishes and I got to stay home from school for a week. I know no one in our whole school who got deaf or blind or died.
I'm 72 and got the measles at about 6. I was sick enough that I still remember it, but no ill effect afterwards. I also got mumps and chicken pox at some point, it was very common in the 1950's as this was before the vaccines. I do remember being very fearful of polio as we often saw photos of people in iron lungs, and the idea of that frightened me no end. I remember taking the polio vaccine via a sugar cube at some point, but don't know how old I was. As for pertussis, in 1985 a good friend's baby girl got the pertussis shot, and shortly afterwards she started having seizures. She ended up very brain damaged and was never normal after that. Her parents participated in a huge lawsuit against the vaccine manufacturer as it was determined to be bad batches of the vaccine that caused the damage. I believe a lot of children were involved and a lot of money was paid out. My son was born a year after this, and I didn't want to get him vaccinated with DPT for that reason.
Thank you for your testimony ! I am reading Dr Suzanne Humphries book on vaccines and their unsafety, and I just read in the news an outbreak of mumps is going on, almost all vaccinated. The measles outbreak a few years ago also hit a lot of vaccinated children. Vaccines are NOT safe and NOT effective. You made the right choice !
This is a wrong way to utilize statistics imo. Yes, if they are accurate, then the vaccine is less harmful than the disease. But who gets sick? The weak, the unlucky. Who are we harming with the vaccine? Everybody. The weak, the strong, the sick and the healthy. A healthy individual will not be damaged by the disease, but he will certainly be damaged in some way when he gets a injection which contains various poisons. That is the difference between God and Man.
Healthy individuals were damaged by diseases that we vaccinate against: polio (obvious), mumps (sterilized many men), measles (yes, it did cause blindness and deafness). I'm not for vaccine mandates, but to suggest that vaccines are a net negative or even a net neutral is ridiculous. Our infant/childhood mortality rate has plummeted, and it is partially because of vaccines. You can try to spin that however you like, but what ends up happening is you now make the people that we might have been able to convince to treat the COVID vaccine, which is dangerous, warily look at us and laugh. Vaccines *are* a miracle of modern medicine; to gain immunity at a fraction of the risk is a wonder. To suggest otherwise is to play into the hands of those ridiculing us for being skeptical of the COVID vaccine.
Polio was caused by DDT I think. Then they made up the vaccine to hide that fact. It seems many if not all of these diseases are the result of poison in the early industrial age, before they understood the dangers. They just won't admit to it. Better to blame diseases and cigarettes.
Infant mortality vanished when they started washing hands. It's a very illustrative story I think. The male doctors didn't wash, taught not to. But the nuns did, being less "educated" and with more common sense. Their child care unit had vastly less incidences of infant mortality.
A guy noticed this, a doctor. He tried it at his own hospital with great success. However what did the Medical Community do? Shut him down, called him names, took his license. Until the truth became too overpowering to ignore.
So I'd be vary believing anything from the medical community. Including the efficacy of those old "tried and tested" vaccines.
Amen to that
It's absolutely about power. I can't demy that I'm a cynic, though.
I'm right there with you.
As I've mentioned in comments before: As an old guy, the times when I did rarely need to see a physician (we were *very* careful about choosing one as well), they didn't ask me how many shots I'd had, they asked me what I'd been eating and have I been getting exercise and sunlight. And that's the God's honest truth. Now, it's pretty much the reverse: "We've got a pill for that or we've got a new "vaccine" for that." (And I have to sarcastically add for a bit of humor, "are you getting one or more Big Macs weekly?) It's a wonder the human race is even still alive.
You are so right. When we were children doctors were there to heal people. They knew you personally, where and how you lived, knew about food etc. Now they only know about pills. At least the nurse from the doc where I go asks me all the questions (did you get a mammogram ? A pep smear ? A Xray ? MRI ? no no no no. Neither do I , she says, and I work here. A nurse after my heart !
I’m not in the field but as a euro in the USA I was always surprised by the flu vax hype. It’s not terribly effective and well known, hence my euro country only recommended it for the older group as maybe a good idea. What I’ve been told here by doctors is even shitty protection is better than none as it has zero side effects and if it has a few people maimed or dead that’s okay as the society is protected so sacrificing a few kids and adults is cool. Not sure how that fits in with primo non nocere but as we see now with Covid it isn’t about human health but $$$
Former Euro here too. Lots of needle worshipers in the USA
They burned the witches.
And their cats
They've tried to make people very afraid of the flu in the US. California even tried to mandate the flu vaccine for kids going to college! I think the pharmaceutical companies, just as with covid, push as many vaccines as they can get into a human body. The flu hysteria never widely caught on, but it's high pressure every year.
I must respond to your absolutism. You may just be speaking cynically, but it's important to clarify a critical point. Nothing in this world is without risk. No matter whether it's vaccines, aspirin, driving a car, flying an airplane or even eating fried chicken, everything has an inherent risk/benefit ratio. Yet some idealists* think "Do no harm" must mean no one is ever harmed under any circumstances. Yet most of us would accept "sacrificing" the occasional presumably random "victim" of side effect if it saves many times that number, protecting them from a horrible disease or death.
*We are speaking of vaccine risks here, but this concept poisons many areas of human society. These people want perfection, but perfection is almost always impossible. But you CAN have optimum. "The good is the enemy of the best" might be restated: "The demand for perfect is the enemy of the best, and often results in the worse."
I work in healthcare as well. I became an employee of a company I'd contracted with for a long time. The company wanted me to take the flu vaccine, and when I said no thank you, they made me take this flu vaccine online course that was not only inaccurate (I had read every single adult flu study on the CDC website), but it was insulting. After the course and still declining because the flu vaccine is ineffective and has aluminum, I had to sign something saying this was going to be on my employee record. I don't think they were used to someone with an advanced degree questioning the flu vaccine.
Most of the Kaiser physicians that tried to get me to take it every year didn't seem to be aware of what the studies actually showed. I'm glad to hear you do, we need more doctors like you!
both times I received a flu shot (early 2000s) i was bed ridden
I've never got one again, it's pretty obvious these fiat scientists have 2 things in mind money and that for the power
1 of 4 of my kids received a flu shot (on a doctor visit outside of my knowing)
that child was crying that year sick "why am i sick i got my shot"
none of my other children got sick that year..
my daughter had her babies flu shot vaccinated a month ago. kiddos are 2,3 and 4 (yes she meant to do that, thank you God) and my sweetest 4 year old is sick today WITH THE FLU
breaks my heart when the kiddos get sick
sorry to hear
we're done with flu shots in this house (we don't generally get sick but we cook at home often, my kids eat cold lunch and don't consume a lot of soda/sugar either)
I agree and I also declined to receive vaccinations for influenza when the hospital where I’m on staff required it. I no longer trust Big Pharma.
So I have atopic dermatitis and asthma. I started taking dupixent three years ago and it has been a life-changing medicine. But it is so crazy expensive even though my insurance pays for it… I feel guilty. As a doctor I’ve seen medicines and technology save peoples lives… But we have gotten to a point where we’re too greedy and it makes me sad.
Who’s too greedy? I don’t understand what point you are trying to make.
Well stated. My most recent vaccination was late in 2020, flu and/or pneumonia shot -- better than free, in fact $10 gift card at local drug store. The past year's chicanery with the Covid-19 injections has somewhat eroded my trust in the entire pharma-government-medical establishment, to put it mildly. It's quite likely I will never take another injection for the rest of my life. At least not voluntarily. You simply don't know what's in the shot.
Probably best decision you ever made
Or, better yet, why don't we work on keeping people healthy in the first place?
I am a retired ICU RN. For 30 years, every flu season, I took care of critically ill vented patients. I started nursing before the adoption of in-line suction, so I was constantly exposed to infected respiratory secretions. I rarely took a flu vaccine since they are loaded with aluminum. Most nurses I worked with, and I, took a daily dose of either Emergen-C or Airborne (supplements containing one gram of C and Zinc) during flu season. I also took probiotics after every shift when I cared for C Diff patients. I was so rarely sick that I was able to cash in $30K worth of unused Paid Time Off when I retired.
I retired at 62, before I was eligible for Medicare. I started reading and listening to Suzanne Humpries, MD books and You Tube lectures on Vitamin C. This led me to discover the work of Paul Marik, MD, and his work on Vitamin C and sepsis.
I do diabetic education… Try and get everybody to eat well portioned well-balanced food, get daily activity outdoors!!
Amen. That is what a doctor is first of all to do- heal the sick. Do not mess with the healthy. I am reading the book Dissolving Illusions by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and to my astonishment find out, that even the vaccines hailed for making away with other sicknesses did hardly anything but harm. I especially like your last sentence, sicknesses we may not even get. Indeed ! Our own bodies provide a perfect health system by themselves to fight off most, and when it cannot, we go to the doctor ! Thank you for testifying. We need more like you.
As a physician you might be able to give me some input on this. I'm not a doctor, no medical training. From what I understand the basic principle of a vaccine is to introduce a weak variant of a disease to expose the immune system without becoming ill. Same principle as tapering off drugs just in a different way. The first vaccination was done by injecting a similar but harmless disease from a cow or a pig which would then give you immunity against the human version of the disease, or at least that's what they taught us in school back in the 90s.
The problem with flu, cold and other diseases is that this weak variant is not available, so they have to concoct something on their own. This in my view is why they always have to use various poisons in the vaccines. Their job is to provoke a immune response via poisoning and in that way "hack" the disease they are trying to vaccinate for. Of course this is less than perfect which is why such vaccines provide no actual immunity, only "protection".
So basically vaccines are poison potions and no different from when we treated people with arsenic or made children inhale chlorine gas to "help their lungs". The doctors mostly don't think about it because it has always been done that way. I will never take another vaccine for this reason.
My question, how right or wrong am I to think this way?
Here's how I understand it. Vaccines aren't weak variants, but usually are inactivated forms of the virus. So the inactivated form is not as virulent and won't be highly reproduced in the body. They may use animal or fetal cells in the vaccine to get the virus into the body. A virus is basically a strand of DNA it RNA surrounded by protein. Maybe if you just injected the viral proteins, the body would break down the proteins and DNA before antibodies would be produced.
It's hard to get an inactivated form of the flu virus because it keeps mutating every year. So the inactivated form from one year won't be effective the next.
To me, the difference between a vaccine and your sentence on arsenic and chlorine gas is that vaccines generally produce antibodies. The CDC changed a definition of a vaccine from something that makes you immune to a disease, to something that generates antibodies in the body. Generating antibodies in and of itself doesn't necessarily make one immune to a disease, hence the low efficacy of the flu vaccine.
I doubt I will take another vaccine in my entire life! I don't think I can trust any vaccine any longer, even those purporting to be made from an inactivated virus.
Interesting. When you say "they" where going to make your sign a form, who would "they" be? I'd like to make a video about this.
The healthcare company I worked for here in California.
All hospitals demand this. I happen to know that Sutter in California requires annual flu shots and hands out a paper to their employees saying failure to get a flu shot by end of October equals resigning your position.
What happens to those who "forget" to get the flu shot. Are they called out on it, or (as I suspect), they still keep their job?
It’s automatic termination. You either provide proof of vax or you are fired.
One more thing: Is there any truth to this comment I just read:
"Thing is, after Obamacare, hospitals started hiring their own in staff doctors, calling them "hospitalists".
These "doctors" could be the bottom of the barrel worst and you would never know it. If you had a years-long family doctor he lost his privileges to see you, oh he could "see" you, but he couldn't get into your chart and write orders for you according to your needs as he had been doing years before.
These new in-house "doctors" don't give a damn about you. They work for pennies on the dollar, they follow orders and protocols of the cigarette-smoking man sitting behind the desk or hiding behind the door.
After Obamacare and the new DEA laws came about which legalized torture and pain, most older doctors quit altogether or retired or closed their offices to word-of-mouth patients only.
Good nurses who didn't get into nursing strictly because the money got good, well they too went under the tables, stepped back, laid low, shut up, kept quiet because they saw what was happening as well.
Now, these facilities are nothing more than "deathspitals". You go in at your own risk. You leave if the angel of death decided to pass over you."
Wow. That's awful. I can't wait for the tide to turn on these monsters. Thanks for the fast replies.
I am at a community health center that is federally funded. Our previous CMO may have been the one that crafted the document. I would have to look into its origins further. Of note… I did not sign the form.
So the "they" is Medicare/Medicaid? And was any action used against you for not signing the form (I'm going to guess no).
Not really sure who made the form out. I had never really questioned getting the flu vaccine previously. But three years ago both my father and I had been vaccinated and still got extremely ill from the flu. So then I started doing a little bit of research and seeing just how ineffective they basically were. It didn’t matter… the pharmaceutical companies would just say “oh well we got the wrong strain this year” and everybody would just except that and still take their shots and the pharmaceuticals still get billions of dollars and nothing changes. So when she asked me if I was going to get the vaccine I just told her I wasn’t sure because they didn’t really seem to be doing much and that is when she told me I was going to have to sign that form and then basically Covid hit and we are where we are today.
Given the crashing rate of uptake and the massive commitments to endless (revenue-) boosters made by foolhardy and corrupt governments everywhere, they’re going to have to find something to do with them.
Once all the domestic animals are done, they will move on to livestock and finally house plants.
All at taxpayer expense, of course.
My ficus tree went into hiding!🤣😂
Yea WE already paid for them all. Canadians till the year what 2024???
They may be useless — dangerous even — but gee, they sure are expensive.
Hahaha ! NO ONE touches my plants ! And I will do all I can to keep my beasts out of their claws too. And myself !
I am both enraged and hopeful. With the cats on our side, we cannot lose.
Have they ever tried to catch a barn cat?
That might a thing worth filming LOL. Of course they can sedate them like they do big cats... I wish they woke up while they are busy LOLOL
Just get them to wear masks… cats are stand-offish so they already do social distancing.
This is one of the stupidest ideas yet. Like the CCP killing people's pets - no surprise though as they kill their own people to sell their organs. This is an endemic virus with animal reservoirs so it will not be eradicated.
We no longer do vaccines for our cats except rabies, which is the law and our vet doesn't even suggest it.
These Covidiots lost it long ago.
Cats and dogs that are taking heartworm meds already are safe, mine takes Ivermectin. How much lives and effort would have been saved if the government had not blocked the use for humans
Amen! That and HCQ. If you read RFK Jr.'s book about what they did to HCQ, it will make your blood boil.
Yes, I recall seeing ivermectin as the ingredient in heartworm meds on posters at my vet's. I guess use in dogs (primarily) for heartworm wasn't enough disinformation for the corporate media and FDA. They had to use "horse de-wormer" instead.
I immediately cancelled 2 subscriptions when journalists wrote that, and added in the comment that if I were in charge they would loose their jobs, if that is what they call journalism. Did not hear back but that is okay.
This is the hill I will die on. No one touches our gatos except us, preferably with lots of scrunches, snuggles, and chin scratches.
While it won't be the hill I die on, there will be no coronavirus vax for cats in this domicile.
And don't forget gato treats.
At first I read gator... what would happen if we forced them to start with the gators????
Just beware of the media -- they dazzle and distract, sort of like the Daily Mail's photos of young women 😍 . This is the media equivalent of us trailing a long string along the floor in a room of cats.
Great simile, SD! I’m going to assume this is just clickbait and not a serious proposal, which better be the case.
And I hope we do not see a surge in feline vaccine site sarcomas if this happens...leave the animals alone,,,,good grief.
Absolutely ridiculous. I passed covid to my cat last year. He sneezed for a total of three days and was fine thereafter.
Yes, but with the vax he would have sneezed 2.9 days and Pfizer would have made some money. Win-win.
Or died because of heart attack!
That was an underlying condition.
Bad genes. You cannot win against bad genes.
Not a problem. We're in the process of "fixing" all those bad genes roaming around and making our lives so tenuous.
Tbh I wouldn't be surprised that the increase in cancers in American pets may be due to medications and horrible food we give them.
I've long since planned on country hopping and would hate it if a covid vax became mandatory for traveling with a pet.
And all this time, I was thinking that the Russians must be laughing at the West for our unbelievable stupidity.
So was I. And I thought so was Cuba, but they already vaxxed all over 2 years of age. But with their own stuff. Might be better, who knows. Did not hear a word after the vaxx message, so we might never know.
They don’t use mRNA nor viral vector in Cuba.
May be we should start to think about moving to Cuba ! Buying a rubber boat !
According to Michael Moore's 2007 so-called documentary "Sicko," Cuba has a better health care system than the USA. 🤣
You mean you the animals don't think it's safe based upon the human trials?
...aborted human trials... lacking full disclosure for decades...
A few years back, a family member took "my" cat and got it vaxxed - poor thing was a total zombie for 48 hours! ...then came back... then probably developed cancer within a few months - another coincidence, I am sure.
Maybe, finally, Russian domestic felines will become compliant and herdable?
I am sure it will take a few booster shots though.
Over their dead body.
They killed the endangered snow leopards here with their vax's
and all of the feral cats that wonder in the neighborhoods I observe, 100% of them are still alive, I'm guessing unvaccinated...
Here in Vermont, we will be testing white-tailed deer at the behest of the US Department of Agriculture. Vaccines next?
Fiat throughput, who is getting what money? They have so much cronyvirus money left over from when they fleeced us it's one of those lose it or spend it situations.
cronyvirus--LOVE it. Thanks!
...pleez note not a single permanent hospital bed was erected
You know it's bad when boriqua gato resorts to capital letters. World's most willfully moronic species inflicts misery on a willfully ungovernable species.
Paw-ful. Not happening to my furr butts.
do not comply
I am assuming they are done with the dogs, then...
Dogs get Ivermectin once a month for heart worm prevention so probably are already protected??
Now you start feeling the fear, gato malo.
... and I just found out I need to take my old man into the vet for a thyroid check. :/ Well, I've told them no for all of the other crap they want to inject into my fur babies so this will just be one more thing.
I got curious as a cat about Gamaleya Inst. and lo... it is a company run by Siberian Huskies with major funding from Ruff Greens ; )
Oh yeah? They will seriously regret soon as cats grow thumbs.
OMG that is so funny!
Heavens to Murgatroyd!!
Proper spelling would be - `КОШКИ, ГОТОВьТЕСЬ К РЕВОЛЮЦИИ!` Can't come soon enough.
Huh. 25 years ago I was a vet tech (before I moved over to human medicine), Cats are routinely vaccinated for FIP (that condition is a result of complications from a strain of corona virus in felines). We know already that cats and many other animals are currently reservoir specie for this "noval" human SARS-CoV-2, but no study that I know of pointed towards our domestic cats spreading the C19 back to humans (after catching it) the papers revealed a very mild disease, sneezing upper airway ect. This is interesting, now I wanna go look to see if some study has popped that show any confirmed Feline's able to now spread the human VOC hmmmm....
Can't wait until they approve the deer / elk / marmot vaccines. Oh, and all the rest.
I am without words. Again.
no hat tip to Mr. Slavsquat? :)
Please, someone do a Garfield meme for this. (I'm unable to because I'm technically challenged!)
Просто сказать нет!
They've been trying to find a coronavirus vaccine for cats for years (decades?). They stopped working after 4 months. For cats, that's considered a failed trial, but apparently not for humans. 🙄
There has been very little written on cross immunity to COVID.
I am a retired RN, and one of my weirder hobbies is reading obscure medical research. I remember reading long ago that veterinarians are the occupational group least likely to get sick. It was postulated that the vets were exposed to a number of coronaviruses from the dogs that they treat, since canines are a reservoir of that virus, and that the vets developed cross immunity.
As a precaution, I started kissing my dog every day (along with taking Vit D, C and Zinc) as soon as the pandemic started heating up. I realize that I am an N of 1, but when I contracted COVID last January I was fine 2 days later. I am 66. I had my antibodies tested in May, and still showed a strong titer.
Are we living in a Simpson's episode? Vaccinating cats for COVID-19? NO, NO, NO. This is total and complete bullshit. Wake UP!
They're scared of КОШКИ
Nyet says my koschki.
So, where does this end? How many living things will need to be vaxxed? I would think mosquitoes should be, because they bite people and what about snakes? What about the fish in the ocean, or rivers? Is there covid in the water? uh oh
The image seems to be from where there is the rest of the story. Killer commentary too.
I am my kitties advocate and I will declare loudly "meow NO!!!"
British scientists also mentioned that possibility. If I remember right it was in this document:
Or did they warn for it? I'll have to read it again.
полный кашатчуй пездейц
I'll bet Fauci and Gates are foaming at the mouth at the prospect of animal vaccines.