art imitates life and life thus also mirrors art in return. such is the search to encapsulate the essences of human experience.
consider the following allegory from gatopal™ erich hartman:
now ask yourself: what happened to all these people who used to know better? (playable)

because the science didn’t change.
we knew that lockdowns and masking and school closure do not work. we’ve known it for 100 years.
the data that emerged reinforced this at every turn.
and yet courage failed and all the “experts” stood down when we needed them to stand up. they were cowed into craven silence and refused to join the fight.
this is how we got to now.
this is why we teeter yet again on a precipice of pointless societal harm as nations revert to wet pants hysteria and get strangled by fascists.
“go along to get along even when you know it’s wrong” is the nursery rhyme of the damned.
but can any seriously argue that this is not currently the anthem of our time?
do you need more? have you not seen enough?
so, “experts” now ask yourselves: in that allegory, which one were you?
doing nothing while awful things happen is a choice.
elevating cowardice to purported civic virtue may provide a thin gruel of pretext, but that’s not how it really is.
the reality is that no one gets to not takes sides and avoid culpability and deep down, we all know this.
you feel it.
in the places where your heart should be bright you find a place you cannot look at, the befouled trail of fear and legacy of impotence and looking away from that which you should be taking on.
that is the bitter harvest of the coward, sown in dread and dreadfully grown to malediction.
it’s a rotten, heavy weight and all the performative sanctimony in the world will not lessen it nor help you sleep at night.
but you can put it down. you can stand up. this fight is NOT over.
now ask yourself: in that allegory, how would you rather see the story go?
then go change the ending.
find strength in numbers.
you may be surprised how many feel as you do and have been afraid they were alone.
find strength in yourself or this will never end.
compliance with the unjust and increasingly insane is what got us here.
it cannot get us out.
it’s time to stand.
if not now, when?
if not you, who?
i mean, consider the alternative…
Perhaps the most heartbreaking and damaging of all of the betrayals over the last two years are the ones by our healthcare providers. >95% have completely folded to the narrative on masks, vaccines, etc. and most have become militantly supportive of the regime. Good luck finding a single pediatrician in the US right now who doesn't recommend vaccines for *every* child (the one we've seen for nearly 20 years is 100% on board) or any physician who will even acknowledge natural immunity. They have all been more than cowardly in this; their actions have been criminal and they should all be held accountable for what they have done.
I had to reread the text conversation I had with a “friend” the other day to make sure it really happened. How he started off by saying he was vaxxed simply so he could continue his comfortable existence, then how he thought saying NO was a futile act, then how being the oppressor is not necessarily bad if you’re on the side of the oppressor and finally that my anger towards being lied to and the unnecessary suffering and deaths caused was unwarranted. An image flashed through my mind: I was hiding and my “friend” was pointing out to the police where. The ease with which people have rolled over to the farcical narrative pedalled by the media has been blinding to us all. It takes all of five minutes to prove what they are saying is wrong. But wrong doesn’t mean anything anymore. We live in a post-fact world it seems where the line is no longer drawn through truth but merely what is popular and convenient.
Astounded Down Under