Perhaps the most heartbreaking and damaging of all of the betrayals over the last two years are the ones by our healthcare providers. >95% have completely folded to the narrative on masks, vaccines, etc. and most have become militantly supportive of the regime. Good luck finding a single pediatrician in the US right now who doesn't recommend vaccines for *every* child (the one we've seen for nearly 20 years is 100% on board) or any physician who will even acknowledge natural immunity. They have all been more than cowardly in this; their actions have been criminal and they should all be held accountable for what they have done.

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I had to reread the text conversation I had with a “friend” the other day to make sure it really happened. How he started off by saying he was vaxxed simply so he could continue his comfortable existence, then how he thought saying NO was a futile act, then how being the oppressor is not necessarily bad if you’re on the side of the oppressor and finally that my anger towards being lied to and the unnecessary suffering and deaths caused was unwarranted. An image flashed through my mind: I was hiding and my “friend” was pointing out to the police where. The ease with which people have rolled over to the farcical narrative pedalled by the media has been blinding to us all. It takes all of five minutes to prove what they are saying is wrong. But wrong doesn’t mean anything anymore. We live in a post-fact world it seems where the line is no longer drawn through truth but merely what is popular and convenient.

Astounded Down Under

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President Kennedy was fond of quoting Dante that ‘the hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in a time of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.’”

           From Foreword, by Robert F. Kennedy of  Profiles in Courage, John F. Kennedy.

“We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentors, not the tormented. Wherever anyone is persecuted for their race or political views, that place must become the center of the universe.” Elie Wiesel, acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize, 1986

"Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph."   -Haile Selassie

I have a lifelong interest in courage, cowardice and bystanders, motivated by awareness of the Holocaust, - did some research on psychology of the courageous personality.

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"In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

Martin Luther King

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...and it's amazing. Life is scary. Death is real. We all die. There are literally 100's, if not 1000's of "scarier" things in life besides viruses or illness. I almost slipped on the ice the other day and it could have been a life ending event for me. Should I just never leave the house if there's ice? Should I never take a shower because the tub/shower is one of the most dangerous places in a home? Should I never get in the car? Should I never... We have courage for almost every other dangerous thing in life, but all of a sudden, our courage disappears because of a hyped up "virus", when "viruses" have been with us since the dawn of time? It's baffling. And as I often say, if we don't stop this now and find our courage now, we most definitely will have something to be absolutely terrified of in the not-so-distant future. Despots owning our bodies and telling us when we can eat, work, recreate and everything else. Now *that's* definitely something to be scared of...

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What more can be said? In the end the only thing to do when the horrible terrifying beast of fate comes to stare you in the face is to stare directly back. Trembling in fear and anguish serves no useful purpose. It may take you if it will, but refuse to cower before it any longer.

From a man who has stared into the face of the beast:

“We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”

“One person, … one person of integrity, can make a difference, a difference of life and death.” - Elie Weisel

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In the final analysis history will not be kind to the cowards in the medical proffession, the MSM, the bureaucracies, and politics. Yes some are simply ignorant but many others are cowards. Knowing and being silent is complicity. We will not forget.

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Powerful commentary. I write this from a hotel where my family is staying after losing our home and pretty much everything we own following a tornado that struck last week. We were fortunate to survive. My wife is very deep in her faith and believes that this is all part of God’s plan. I, on the other hand, see the world as an arbitrary place where bad things can happen to decent people and where a guy like Hunter Biden continues to thrive.

We moved to this state from a blue state in the hope of giving our kids a more normal life. My wife will soon be unemployed due to her company’s vaccine mandate. I still have my job but if I maintain my stance I will also soon be unemployed.

There is no doubt in my mind that Fauci, et al. Are unhinged. However, looking around at the people still adorned in their masks - even in this very red state - and talking with people to whom getting vaccinated was a natural choice regardless of any risk, I can’t but help to wonder whether any of this is worth it. Humanity is on a high bridge with a rapidly approaching freight train.

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Do Not Comply. Keep up the pressure. With as small of a defiance as ignoring mask mandates (no one has asked me even when I’m the only one in a store without it), leaving a restaurant or store that does insist, spending your money elsewhere & making it be known, even if politely. Your courage may embolden someone else too. https://nypost.com/2021/12/17/boeing-suspends-vaccination-mandate-for-us-based-employees/

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Sí, el gato!! This is why I just launched my new Profiles in Courage series, kicking it off with Dr. Tess Lawrie (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-tess-lawrie). I cannot think of a better representation of pushback against corruption and tyranny than her fearless confrontation of Dr. Andrew “Shill” Hill.

Highlighting heroic individuals who choose integrity, freedom, and love over complicity, tyranny, and fear is inspirational and has already prompted people to start standing up and speaking out. Thank you for helping to light that fire! 🙌🔥

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Today’s Dr Mercola’s newsletter contains Dr.Jessica Rose’s work on deciphering the CDC VAERS. She asks for the immediate halt to experimental biologicals based on her findings. Just keep sending these kind of papers based on research and science to,every single person you know. Tweet, telegram etc. love substack for its freedom and well written informative data.

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I tried starting a protest and rally in my local community to protest lockdowns. Maybe 5 people showed up. I was heartbroken!

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Smashing. We are the change we're waiting for. It's never surprising though to see how courage eludes the "experts" whose salaries and stock options depend on it. One might call them traitors.

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If only it would take 2 weeks to undo the damage. I may have this wrong but I believe it was Andy Dufresne in Shawshank redemption who was not happy with the warden's lockdown policies:

"Get busy living or get busy complying"

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There's something deeper and more pervasive going on- I conduct trauma trainings, and regardless of who/how many show, they all manifest overwhelming levels of anxiety/depression. Their coping skills completely inadequate. Just like rats in a maze experiment, even when they c an opening, they can't/won't take the exit. 🙄

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We live in challenging times. I agree. Doctors have failed us. But over time, they've been maneuvered into the position they're in. Don't follow 'the standard of care' and you lose your medical license. Dr. Paul Marek, co-fonder of the < https://flccc.net > has just been fired. He lost the case he brought against his Hospital. He wanted to use Ivermectin to treat a critically ill patient. Remember, this is a slow motion 'coup d'etat' of global democracy. It's huge with very powerful individuals driving this. I have a friend who's married with 2 kids. He angrily responded to me by saying that only 10% really have 'choice'... while the remaining 90% are screwed. I do not agree. And I do NOT blame the Doctors, who themselves are just 'pawns' in this slow motion chess game. HEY... no excuses ! If you have to quit your job, sell your house and move to another state, or out of the country... then face up to the challenge. Yes... the Doctors bear culpability... but they're 'captured' and that doesn't excuse us from seeing this as it really is... an acting accordingly.

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