not everyone who just went “ofer” the last 3 years is going to be ready to abandon credential worship and no matter how many times any “amateur” has been correct, it will never result in acceptance of credibility.
instead, they will “deny the win.”
this is going to be one long episode of “that guy who just lost 127 poker hands in a row” blaming “bad cards.”
because that is what protects their belief set.
"You were right, but it was for the wrong reasons."
This is the same mentality that Dr. Semmelweis encountered when he tried to prove to his fellow 19th century physicians that washing their hands before delivering babies would reduce cases of sepsis (spoiler alert: he died in an insane asylum). Logic, evidence, and human life doesn't matter to these sociopathic con artists. All that matters is that they never have to admit they were wrong.