keith tries hard, but has failed to master even the basics of biology or ethics.
he seems unable to socialize with his peers in a constructive fashion.
from the look of things, he could also use some more time in gym class.
recommend he repeat third grade.
imagine thinking this was a real argument.
wow these guys are getting desperate.
get ready for the nasty stuff amigos. people this narcissistic and this wrong do not behave well.
they will rage and rail and utterly lose both perspective and the plot rather than realize they have been the architects of one of the greatest debacles in human history.
and this goes triple for politicians.
brains are breaking. you can smell the brimstone.
buckle up, this part is gonna get bumpy.
Oh Keith: if we we're afraid of anything we'd be wearing 3 masks, latex or nitrile gloves, face shield, those surgical shoe coverings, and carrying a ruler to insure an exact 6' distance between us and the nearest human being. I'm skeptical of the jab, not scared of it. I AM scared of psychopathic humans who'd like nothing more than to hold me down and force something into my body.
Hell yeah I’m afraid of a taking a novel nonreversible drug with no long term testing and off the charts short term side effects. How is that something to be denigrated?