nothing says "wow am i losing this fight" like a fake scientist who has been wrong about literally everything for 3 years (and who had nothing better to do than take the “career-suicide-mission” job everyone else had the sense to flee from) making appeals to credentialism and trying to hand wave away data-driven criticism.
i mean, i guess in times of stress you stick with what you know, but sorry brosef, you lost to "random dude on twitter" years ago.
now you’re just embarrassing yourself.

the desperation is palpable. no one wants the “rodent recharge” of the mouse boosters.
everyone knows they don’t work, most of europe has defected, and all the people who get them keep getting sick at alarming rates.
truly, trusting just about any “random dude on twitter” would likely serve one better than the advice of brown university’s greatest embarrassment, current biden admin covid czar ashish jha.
and the actual experts have been calling this out for ages.
you can smell his fear. you can see him trying to claim that we must “trust the authorities” and their cults of woo-woo and that we cannot possibly make these determinations and choices for ourselves.
but the defense of this throne is threadbare.
how is one to trust those who have done nothing but lie, prevaricate, and presume?
of what use is a credential when it leads its possessor to make absurd claims like this that have been debunked so many times that it’s not even fun any more?
(and of what use is a press that sits and listens to this wild, unsubstantiated claim and then fails to ask “that’s quite a strong claim. can you please point us to the data or the studies on which it’s based?” because i for one would love to know. because i don’t think there are any. i think this is entirely made up and lacks any clinical basis whatsoever. not exactly a great look for one pleading “trust the experts”…)
seriously dude, take the “L” and go home.
there is no science behind your claim. there is no study nor sound clinical evidence to back it.
you’re making this up and proving nothing apart from the fact that this meme i made in 2020 is destined to be a classic.
and everyone can see why now.
because you just cannot argue with the data.
(p <0.0001)
enjoy the remaining tatters of your career.
i shall follow it with interest.
Pure Miceinformation!!!!
Splendid. Saw a “safe and effective” ad targeted to pregnant people last nite on CBS. You’ve got to be kidding me