Can you imagine where we would be if the vaccine actually worked? Pretty much the only thing stopping a worldwide digital social credit system is the scientific incompetence of those developing and pushing the jabs. God works in strange ways.

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sadly corona viruses are first cousin to common cold and mutate continuously and frequently!

that fact was known and is the basis for no cold vax!

flu not better but there is a lot of money

they chose the flu model for corona!

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I thought it odd at the very beginning that there was going to be a 'vaxx'. I knew the search for one for the common cold was fruitless. It made no sense to me.

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Same. I remember the drama with sarsv1 and mers vaccine failures and the drama of dengue with it's ade and proclaimed to my family that there would never be a successful vaccine for covid-19. One of my sons now notes the date whenever I make obscure proclamations.

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I remember like it was yesterday the very early news report 'the Wuhan authorities gave their people (on the eve of the Chinese Lunar New Year) 24 hours before they were to lock down the province. Needless to say they spread the virus across China & the world' . Now you dont have to be a Public Health student/academic to realise there's something very wrong with that...

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Scarier thought: Maybe they got it wrong on purpose? Why solve a problem when you can elongate it and create more health problems? Sounds like a money making idea. Evil as all heck..

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Yeah--could be a feint to make the social credit system look benign.

THEM: Mandatory jabs!

US: Scary, illegal, and no way.

THEM: Mandatory testing!

US [I hope not]: Oh, well, that's not so bad....

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If it had actually worked it could have been voluntary. If it hadn’t been more than a cold anyway. The lunacy of the entire last two years boggles the mind.

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January 20, 2022
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Likely it would not have panned out that way. It would have been very bad, but these parasites, who have tried to eat us from the inside, are likely cowards and bed-wetters. If it has been a real pandemic like the Spanish Flu, they would have shat themselves, hidden away in a bunker, trembling in fear, and have forgotten all about their cunning plans.

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I tend to think you’re correct in this assumption. These people fear death, and are devote much of their efforts and filthy lucre to somehow avoid it. They fear the judgment seat of God that much. They should.

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The "Spanish Flu" was not a flu. It was massively widespread vaccine injuries. The segment starts at 1:31:20:


The countries of the time vaccinated entire populations against a bunch of diseases. People died after these injections in ways that were nothing like the flu, and a lot like the diseases against which they were vaccinated. The doctors escaped culpability by blaming a disease rather than the injections.

Corollary: we are about to see the same thing, but this time much worse, because it's on purpose.

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I've heard a tiny bit about this... with that caveat, I agree with you. Denis

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Yes, an encore preesentation from your friendly, neighbourhood chinese 'mega murdering' socialists, no doubt! With a little help from their 'Gain of Function' friends!!

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And they got plenty. But we have some smart badasses on our side

Some of women on our side scare me. Kinda reminds me 9f:


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The very rich of 1918 were intent on trying to accumulate more and protect what they had. In order to accumulate they needed to produce growth. They were not particularly interested in controlling the population, only the politicians.

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As far as what the next thing may be, I've been thinking about Ebola and just began researching it - far more frightening and less survivable than covid. Probably an easier sell by those who want only to inject every one of us.


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Bill has already spread Polio, now rebranded from Wild Polio Virus (WPV) to Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Virus (cVDPV), through many CCP Belt and Roads countries throughout Africa.

He is now pumping his new genome 'vaccine' in 'country wide clinical trials'. E.G. 11,000,000 doses for Ugandan kids.

Plenty of info on Gates site, WHO, GAVI, GPEI, Bio Farma (Gates supplier)et al.

BTW, His own web pages say there is nothing wrong with Sabin its just that 'they; stuffed up the processes that were in place for 55 years and almost rid the world of polio.


'The oral polio vaccine (OPV), which is most commonly used in the developing world, is safe, effective, easy to administer, and inexpensive. But this vaccine consists of live, weakened viruses, which in rare cases can revert to a form that can cause paralysis if allowed to circulate in an underimmunized community for a long time. In settings where there have been failures to reach all children with vaccines and raise immunity levels, OPV use poses a challenge to ending all forms of polio for good.

We are supporting the development of new oral polio vaccine formulations that do not pose this risk. In particular, we are working with partners to accelerate the development of novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2)—a potential addition to the outbreak response toolbox. nOPV2 is a modified version of existing monovalent oral polio vaccine type 2 (mOPV2) that clinical trials have shown provides comparable protection against the poliovirus while being more genetically stable and less likely to regain strength and cause paralysis. In November 2020, nOPV2 was granted a recommendation for use under WHO’s Emergency Use Listing (EUL) procedure, with the initial rollout beginning as soon as early 2021'


God save us!!!

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Traitors deserve death

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The most reassuring thing about ebola (and marburg fever, which has also had some scare boosts lately) is that it is not transmitted via the respiratory pathway. So it is nowhere near as infectious.

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Actually, no.

The purebloods aren't taking any kill shot.

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I still can’t wrap my mind around the tribal divide on this issue. Somehow, the “conservatives” have become the “my body, my choice” group, and the “progressives” have become the “moral authority” group. Freedom of religion is generally a liberal value. In fact, all of the beliefs propping up this new religion of technocracy are fundamentally illiberal. How can liberals support this regime? The easy answer is that the current progressive movement guiding the left is not liberal. But where did all of the liberals go?

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I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that so many people think that conservatives have only recently come to support "my body, my choice". I know that's an abortion reference, and it's a fact that conservatives have LONG supported "my body, my choice."

It's the *Left* and Libs and Democrats who insist the baby has no say in the matter, who insist the baby's body has no advocate.

So if anyone is consistent on the "my body, my choice" matter, it is *only* conservatives.

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I agree with you about Conservatives. The very basis of the argument is at conception that is a baby with the same unalienable rights.

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If you don't want a tenant, don't drag them into your house.

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If I don't want a tenant? And my house? NSII.

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Sorry if I was unclear. Not directed at you in particular, just in regards to the abortion argument. The "my body my choice" argument fails to acknowledge there is another person involved, and is morally akin to dragging a stranger into the house and killing them for the inconvenience.

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Y'know, I kinda thought that, that you were just continuing and expanding upon my thought, but I wasn't completely sure!

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Sigh, that's another belief. Even if the baby was fully conscious, it's still my body my choice

George Carlin did it great here


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Sixteen seconds into Carlin's piece and it's clear it's not going to shed any intellectual light on the issue.

We're going to rely on the US Census to define a "human being"? Are funerals REQUIRED when someone dies?

Has any fetus ever turned out to be something other than a human being? Like, a fox, or an elephant, or a corner table? Is a fetus' DNA identical to that of its mother?

I hope Carlin isn't the best argument you've got.

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So even if the two-month-old toddler is "fully conscious", it requires my body so it's my choice if I want to ... terminate it.

I'll note using YOUR words that you say that a woman can kill a baby. A baby. A human baby. A separate living creature, a human creature. A human baby. The woman can exercise HER bodily choice by killing a DIFFERENT human body.

Got it.

But yeah, mine is just "another belief".

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He knows what he means. He means kill, and that's what they want.

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It is an abortion reference, but conservatives have also traditionally been conservative about forms of bodily expression such as piercings, tattoos, clothing choices, hair styles. Also, sexual preferences. Also, assisted suicide. Also, drugs. Although, the recent anti-smoking, soda tax, and health food pushes have come from progressives. Maybe progressives will become anti-abortion when then realize that it is racist.

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Being conservative about bodily expression is manifest by our distaste for it, not by efforts to ban it. Ditto sexual preferences. Conservatives may find certain things distasteful, but we (most of us) aren't trying to ban them.

With regard to assisted suicide (note that you qualified it with "assisted" and not just "suicide"), the opposition to it is grounded in the fact that in many cases the individual is not competent to make the decision (or are not free of coercion in the decision); similarly, it's why competence (and the absence of duress) is a necessary element of a valid contract or will. I don't think it's anti-my body/my choice to oppose contracts and wills signed by incompetent people (or those under duress).

Drugs, I suppose I'll agree with you there, at least with regard to recreational drugs, although I can see similarities with the opposition to assisted suicide. To wit: those on drugs are not in position to make competent decisions. Also, IINM, William F. Buckley, Jr. - a conservative's conservative if ever there were one - favored decriminalizing drugs. So there's that.

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You can make yourself look like a fuckin clown, but I'm not going to date you or hire you.

Progressives would like the government to force me to do both. At gunpoint. For a fairer, kinder world.

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We got chased out. For me it started when Tipper Gore started her censorship campaign years ago.

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I am so with you! I struggle every day trying to understand this. It's been shocking to see the progressive left descend into fascism. It's like everyone swapped sides. There's some weird voodoo going on. Seriously.

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The progressives have always been fascists, or, as Benito preferred calling it, corporatist.

Woodrow Wilson gave us the Federal Reserve and Income Tax, two of the greatest engines of mass theft in the history of the world, and without which the leviathan progressive State that now afflicts us could not exist.

It is this gigantic river of our stolen money that allows the State to divide us, rule us, reward or punish us, fund legions of court economists, scientists, doctors and other "experts" to validate its depredations, finance concentric circles of crony businesses and media that do its bidding and parrot its propaganda, and continuously and increasingly enrich itself at our expense.

Prior to the Progressive Era (which really has not ended) the US was the most free, prosperous nation in the world, with the highest rates of economic growth in history.

In about a century, the progressives transformed our nation into a gigantic DMV where we are extorted for countless "fees" for "licenses" to engage in the most mundane activities, like owning a dog or cutting other people's hair.

If we are ever to regain our freedoms, the beast must be starved. The window of opportunity before the beast gets too powerful to starve has either already closed or only has a sliver of daylight left.

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Yes. The legalization of theft through income taxes and money printing has allowed a bloated leviathan to hold hostage our hospitals, universities, livelihoods, everything. If we are to escape the stranglehold of globalist elites, the centralization of power must end, and sovereignty returned to individuals and their local communities. End the Fed. End all abc departments. Repeal the 16th amendment, or at minimum, convert to a flat tax--no exemptions, no deductions, no subsidies. This would be a start.

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Sounds like blood would be shed to get to that.

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Not necessarily.

The US Federal government is completely bankrupt and far past the point of no return. It is now in a position where the bulk of its expenditures are funded by the central bank, Zimbabwe-style.

This is completely, as our leftist friends like to say, "unsustainable".

Every fiat currency in history, and every empire that fell into the fiat trap, has collapsed, and it is no different now.

It will end. The only question is when, and how bad it will be.

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Thank you for the excellent summary. Let's see if we can wedge that window open.

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"The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic post office. Every man but one a subordinate clerk in a bureau. What an alluring utopia! What a noble cause to fight!"

~ Ludwig von Mises, Bureaucracy


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It has led me to the hypothesis that the base conservative and progressive movements are in a circle chasing each other. Progressives believe that they are in a constant forward trajectory for the betterment of society, but they are really just going in a circle and trying out old values and structures that fell out of favor and were forgotten. The conservatives are just trying to maintain values that were a few decades old. And somehow progressives have returned to global fascism and technocracy as the belief system of the day.

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"Political tags, such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth, are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire."

~ Robert Heinlein

There are those who adhere to the non-aggression principle, and then there is everyone else.

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That’s what happens when people rewrite the history books. Good one.

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Interesting! This lends credence to the belief all things are cyclical.

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Main Street Democrats are just now waking up to the fact that their party is the party of Wall Street, Big Pharma, the Media, and 'lockdown' corporations like WalMart/Amazon.

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Some are waking up mainly because they or people they know are getting the Rona despite being vaxed and often boosted. Some fmr zombie Dems are pretty pissed off about this.

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And this is exactly what we were saying would happen all summer long. How lucky that the seasonality theorists are right again!

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The interesting thing, though, is that “freedom of religion” in the liberal/progressive mindset has come to mean, “as long as you don’t disagree with me”. Same for “freedom of choice”, and “tolerance” So, as you say, when did the meaning of everything become opposite of its face-value meaning? I say, when you lose your moral compass (Truth vs. truth), your object of faith becomes yourself. And we ALL have an object of faith.

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After all, if you disagree with them, you're being divisive.

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How many actually religious lefties do you know? Because I used to, pre jab mandate, work at a blue state college, and EVERY lefty who made sure to advocate for hijab-wearing and Kwanzaa was also FAR TOO SMART to believe in a God. The left wants their voting blocks religious, because it lets them continue to look down on blacks (excuse me Blacks), latinos (excuse me LatinX), and Muslims as slightly more ignorant folk they (the lefties) are virtuously championing. Zen Buddhism in moderation is okay (because meditation, you know, self-care), and some lite Hinduism (because astrology), but no way does a left/liberal surrender their precious 'smarts' to a God or gods. Ask a lefty/liberal how they feel about a Christian who refused vaccines before Covid, based on fetal stem-cell lines, and you'd get an eye roll of disgust. The majority (and I know, there are exceptions) have been hypocrites about religion for years....

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I wish I could like this a thousand times. Religion is, y'know, worthy as the domain of the noble savage, but civilized New Americans should know better, especially those with the stain of genetic original sin.

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They all caught the psychosis:(

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Liberalism is a well- intended suicide pact and progressivism isn't liberal.

Liberal thought celebrated diversity as it was marched to the gallows and used the correct pronouns to thank its executioner for a culturally unique experience.

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The so-called "progressives", really "marxists" with a more marketable name, infiltrated and took over the 60s "liberals", who themselves were far more libertine than liberal. That entire ideology has absolutely loved to twist language.

’When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”

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It's simple: Trump literally broke their brains. The emotional intensity of being constantly taunted traumatized them, causing them to seek the safety of an authoritarian society that would protect them from mean people. It's that pathetic...

As a Progressive, I feel deserted by my former allies. I'm disgusted by their embrace of censorship and the intelligence community. What a violation of everything we've believed in!

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Totalitarian rule is precisely the endpoint of everything you’ve believed in.

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That's entirely uncalled for. Even if it were true, arguendo, the fact that I'm here should mean to you that I'm open to learning about deep issues. Your shaming/blaming statement just pushes me away.

Too often, I see people on the right call everyone else a communist or totalitarian. I think that's lazy namecalling that fails to understand what those terms mean. If our opposition to tyranny is going to be effective, we're going to have to work together with a lot of good will towards people formerly from other camps.

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Oh, I understand what the terms 'communist' and 'totalitarian' mean. Please, continue telling me what to do. I love being lectured by progressives on how to behave properly.

Is the lack of a capital "P" a microaggression? I'm never sure who rates capitalization and who gets spit on these days.

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Good luck building a movement with only your kind.

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My kind? Pray tell, what's that?

Too often, I see everyone on the right assume anyone who disagrees with them is a Trump worshipper. (I'm addressing the part of your comment that has since mysteriously disappeared.)

How'd I do? I copied your structure perfectly.

When you wave a flag, don't get butthurt if it gets shot at.

Progressive ideological madness is what has brought us to this moment. It's why BLM rioters can burn cities, loot minorities and murder dozens while the rest of us are locked in our homes and told we're plague vectors.

It's how we've gotten to the point where the definitions of words in the dictionary can change overnight and no one will bat an eye or question it, like "vaccine" or "herd immunity" or "breastfeeding."

And most of all, it's how the media, the Democrat party, and its ideological allies are able to instantly destroy the livelihoods, reputation, friendships, and families of anyone who dares disagree with them.

So yeah, when you begin proclamations with "As a Progressive (tm)," don't be shocked to discover some people don't like it.

If you're such an enlightened being as to want everyone to come together, maybe keep your divisive ideology to yourself.

But like CrossFit and veganism, they just can't resist making sure you know who they are.

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You are exactly right. They are STILL posting about Trump.

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One of them just did.

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The liberals have moved to the left, and they are now the only left left. Ha. But seriously, current "liberals" are authoritarian rightists, and current conservatives are becoming more libertarian, while also being rightists.

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“Liberals” always serve self.. be it sexual pleasure or survival.. it’s about me, my needs my wants..,for liberal vaccines are about self survival.... conservative understand self sacrifice is needed that a vaccine that harms the young and healthy at the expense of others old and with mainly self inflicted comorbidities, is abhorrent.. that it should be withdrawn and a safer solution found... conservatives serve others at the expense of self, they go without because it’s right, not because it’s my right...

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I would add that conservatives also tend to have a more instinctive grasp of the notion of individual sovereignty, as most attribute this to be the most fundamental aspect of the existence of God; that there are inalienable rights that exist whether a state happens to agree they exist or not, such as the sanctity of one's body and mind.

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Agreed and I sit there...It’s true the bible and historical Christianity focused in individual responsibility...

the Good Samaritan was good because of what he did not “who” he was..the Levite and the priest walked by abdicating responsibility....Christianity Brought trial of the individual based on evidence not hearsay.. And trial by ordeal was only outlawed in England in 12 C AD showing a long history of superstition but God also judges nations..ie we are responsible for each other corporately so we feel deeply when another’s sovereignty is violated....

I detest these mandates and these vaccines because of the damage they have done...

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If you seriously want to dig deeper...


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Like watching a really crummy late night horror movie. These people are total psychopaths, many probably possessed by demonic spirits. But I am a firm believer that those who are totally destroyed are first made insane. The problem we have is how many will they kill and ruin lives before their own inevitable destruction?

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Scary but true. Twilight Zone meets Outer Limits, whose writers were up all night fixing the script in a dive bar and too much whiskey.

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Science as a religion, which gives the impression that religion is unscientific. A belief in God is not a rejection of science since God is science (sorry Fauci you are not).

The humanist and I would even say Jesuit views now are that science is more rational and realistic than crazy religious believers with their unproven "faith."

It's all just a notion from mortal egoists that man controls everything and that this life on earth is the only life with the consciousness extinguished at death.

Such a notion has led to the covid madness as well as every other madness that has destroyed mankind throughout history.

Fortunately, God controls everything. Even scientists who reject God. Religion is science and science is religion. It is all one ruled by One. Mankind will never change that.

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My sentiments...exactly. God is sovereign over all.

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A nightmare I would love to wake up from. Shared.

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Just saw more from this WEF. Pure poison. From our own U.S. trade chief. Who do they think they are?

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That's what gets me about this WEF. Who the Hell appointed, elected, granted (?) these people the right to decide themselves that they know better and the Hell with you, we are going to remake the world into what we want!!!

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Well done You Bad Cat! Only quibble is they are the enlightenment. They are the natural end of a Godless “enlightened” world. Find the Lord and love Him with all your heart. Blessings.

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i think you may be misunderstanding what is meant by "the enlightenment."

because they are not.

the values of the enlightenment were reason, scientific method, and personal agency as the foundations for human flourishing. it was a movement of skepticism and free thought. it brought individualism to the fore and harnessed that vast energy to innovate and to thrive.

it and it alone has EVER pulled large numbers of humans out of crushing poverty and oppression.

these people are not reason, they are it's antithesis. they are not the enlightenment of sir francis bacon or of locke, they are the oppression of a secular papacy seeking to replace rationality with dogma and free and honest questioning with rote regurgitation of a liturgy one is not allowed to admit is a doctrine.

they are literally the undoing of the enlightenment and seek to replace science with superstition while at the same time deluding themselves that they are, in fact, science and reason. it's just the latest flavor of lysenkoism.

they are a cultish, evangelist religion in every facet save deism and honesty about, in fact, being such a cult.

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"they are a cultish, evangelist religion in every facet save deism and honesty about, in fact, being such a cult."

Absolutely. A true belief in God would require humility, a search for the truth, charity, forgiveness, and recognition of God-given free will. Do you see any of those traits being put forward by Fauci and friends?

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Excellent points, but the Enlightenment also chased God off the stage. For all his seething contempt for religion, even Voltaire thought God was "necessary" and admonished his buddy Diderot for his atheism, calling it a "monstrous evil."

I think that's what Douglas C was getting at.

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Thank you for firm defense of the liberal values of the enlightenment. You don’t have to be a religious conservative to see that the current Covid response is fundamentally anathema to traditional liberal American values. This authoritarian technocracy being created is neither traditionally left nor right. It is an entirely new world order that needs to be fought on its own terms.

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It seems really important to you that the specific word "liberal" is given its shine back.

Just an observation.

Oh, and the "authoritarian technocracy being created" is absolutely 2,000% leftist. I think you just really don't want to see it.

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You just made my point. You are equating liberal with leftist. I’m not a partisan so I have no interest in defending or attacking the left or the right, but I do prefer liberal values to authoritarian values.

I think a key contributor of the quagmire Covid has created is due to the public health response becoming a partisan issue.

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The left long ago co-opted the term "liberal" and as they always do, changed the meaning of the word to refer to its exact opposite.

The word "liberal" comes from the latin "liber", which means free. Those that now call themselves "liberal" are its antithesis.

This is why I don't call them liberals, I call them leftists, an umbrella that covers the vast majority of the U.S. population, D, R, I and even more than a few L, all of whom favor countless State interferences with freedom.

To paraphrase Tricky Dick Nixon, the leftist who killed the last vestige of the gold standard, gave us the EPA, signed the War on Drugs into law, broke bread with and raised a glass to Mao, the most prolific mass-murderer in history:

"We are all progressives now".

'The "progressives" who today masquerade as "liberals" may rant against "fascism"; yet it is their policy that paves the way for Hitlerism.'

~ Ludwig von Mises, Interventionism, p.88

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So... to be clear, you now agree that the technocrats state being created is leftist, as long as I don't conflate that with liberalism?

Not a partisan? How morally impressive! You must show me how you manage to stand perfectly astride all social issues.

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The answer to your questions is "yes". As to how I attempt "stand perfectly astride all social issues", I tend to judge most social issues based on the values I have, which I would guess are best defined as traditionally liberal. I also have an aggressive contrarian streak so my first impulse is to not agree with anybody.

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Well, it's certainly not egalitarian, although admittedly those declaring themselves of the left don't have a great track record of implementing egalitarianism in practice. I don't think 'left' & 'right' have summed up the political views of any thinking person since the French Revolution. They serve the tribal instincts of those who want to belong to something and sneer at those belonging to the enemy tribe.

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This should be addd to your actual blog. Excellent addition.

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perhaps not as many are fluent in the writings of the enlightenment as i has presumed.

perhaps this is fodder for future missives.

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el gato - well, we may have a bit of disagreement here. I say that reason, the scientific method and personal agency are components of a true Christian world view. This world view, has overtime, grown and pulled many out of crushing poverty and oppression. The error of the enlightenment is decoupling these true compatriots. When these are decoupled, a whole group of interesting world views emerge. I agree with your assessment of these world views however I would add that they are evil.

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And yet, in its very focus on reason, and understandable denigration of superstition, the Enlightenment eluded the importance of Spirit, which is central to that with which we are now dealing. And that is the problem of evil, which introduces a dimension that makes many scientists uncomfortable. I welcome additional future discussion both on the Enlightenment (and perhaps various threads that followed from it) and the problem of evil, which many of us find undeniably entangled in current happenings.

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What we are experiencing is the result of the evil rumination of diabolical psychopaths - globalists D-Elites hell bent on establishing a one-world government, after executing the majority of the global population (reduced to 500,000,000) via their "vaccination" program. Any intelligence in these individuals is in the service of madness - thus all the confusion.

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Agree. Naomi Wolf recently wrote in her substack that seeing this almost unimaginable, all-encompassing evil grip the world has led her to conclude that there is an all-encompassing good standing in opposition. She has started praying daily.

In "The Brothers Karamazov," Dostoevsky summed up our current situation in one simple sentence: "Without God, all is permissible."

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I have a ton of respect for Ms Wolf (that I formerly lacked); I recall El Gato's amusing take-down meme on "the left" a few days back. Naomi Wolf had the courage and insight to jump from that ship very early on in 2020. She has no doubt lost a huge number of friends and colleagues who currently detest her yet expresses as far as I know no bitterness.

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Naomi Wolf on InfoWars with Alex Jones ... what a head-spinner!

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I enjoyed Naomi’s article and believe what we are seeing is evil in every sense of the word. I’m not a torah/bible dcpert but 2 stories stick out. They have been mentioned by others, but there’s some serious golden calf worshipping going on (fauci,, masks ). I also liken what gates and company are trying to achieve is a new Tower of Babel.

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I’ve also thought about the Tower of Babel! It’s like they want to be gods and rule the world. I wonder if it’s the inner circle who gets to be the gods and the outside circle, the Trudeau and AOC level, simply get to stay alive? Rule a city? I’d love to know the reward/bribe system here.

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"When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything."

~ Attributed to G. K. Chesterton

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Except "Him" may be + "Her" + The Holy Spirit, or more accurately "Intelligent Infinity" coupled with "Intelligent Energy." Which creates the Universe, (one song) through "Love." (Or Christ Consciousness if your are traditional Chistian.) There are many names, but only one Reality of the Mystery called God.......(which appears to be a Trinity!)

Blessings, Bad Cat; your are a good one!

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This is a war: it is good versus evil. Evil is empowered by fear, gets its jollies by inflicting pain and anguish on the innocents.

And, the Dark cannot exist without the light . I pray daily to God so that I might

Nourish and nurture my light.

Keep the Torches of LIGHT ablaze: our humanity depends on all of us !!

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You are 100% right on, and there is and will continue to be an Endgame. Each day, each decision is meant to move us all there.


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Excellent breakdown. Speaking of believing or not. Pray people. Pray like you never have before but for SPECIFIC things. Pray the ppl pulling the strings are stifled or thwarted or collapses from within. Pray everyday ppl wake up and wise up.Pray those on the fence speak up. Pray for you see how this works?Don't let up until you see the very thing you are praying for happens. The fight has just begun.

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Several months ago I had a conversation about the jab with our Stanford pediatrician who has cared for our children for over 20 years.

I asked her directly what the risk reduction would be for our 15 year old son:

"I don't have that number."

Then I asked her about the lack of long-term testing:

"You have to take a leap of faith."

She recommended the jab, of course, despite being unable to articulate a single medical benefit and using religious terminology to hand-wave away any unknown risk.

Truly, we have drifted into the surreal, and dangerous superstition has benighted us.

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A leap of faith toward a pharmaceutical product is a leap too far. Pfizer has paid billions in fines for their drugs and Moderna had never brought a vaccine to market.…a leap too far.

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That's so scary. But, not surprising, unfortunately.

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It’s 11th hour desperation. They know they’re losing so they are trying the only thing left…..out in the open authoritarianism?

WEF is a criminal, conspiracy, a poster child for RICO prosecution and anti terrorism laws. They must be held accountable. It’s time to shift our narrative from the drugs and interventions to prosecuting these freaks.

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It’s a fucking cult, damn right

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Evil often reveals itself, if you look closely enough. “You will own nothing, and be happy.”

N.B. “You” not “We.”

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Then it's time for them to meet their end...

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Well worth the 20 minutes...proof of premeditation by big pharma with intent to harm

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Yes! Hard data proving premediated murder and maiming of humanity.

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Anyone else find it odd how much Bancel (Moderna) and Bourla (Pfizer) look like each other? You could swap their pictures and most people wouldn't even notice. Not going all Alex Jones here, but it's just another strange aspect of this nightmare.

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Fauci and Gates are starting to look alike to me. Is it the eyes, I wonder?

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I’ve gotten bounced off the blue bird for saying it too many times but isn’t it about time all these old boomers(Klaus, Prince Charles, Soros) unleash their mortal coils and begone already. They’ve done enough damage to the world. And yes I know there will be others who will fill their space. But, maybe, just maybe without as much zest.

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Oh sure! Let’s let Pete Buttigieg, Macron and Chrystia Freeland take over. Just maybe?

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Little Pete is looking like a lazy incompetent bureaucrat. The other 2? You have a point.

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Since this is a data-based blog, please back up your statement with some data that show older people are more likely to be adherents to what el gato describes than younger people. I doubt you can. In my community, it seems like college students are some of the most ardent followers.

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And btw, Soros, Klaus Schwab, and Fauci are not baby boomers. They were born in 1930, 1938, and 1940, respectively.

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I stand corrected on that

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"Boomer" is such a shitty insult to throw around. Normally by college kids who have not realized the errors in their way of thinking in the real world.

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Seems to me he referenced Klaus, Charles, and Soros because of their *age*. Wouldn't make sense to have wished for *college* students to unleash their mortal coils. And he didn't say "old people" generally, he specified those three for obvious reasons.

Calling out his use of "boomers" also misses the substance of his comment, IMO. It's like complaining that someone said "clip" instead of "magazine" because he isn't fully versed in the lingo.

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