I was aware of these tricks, mostly thanks to the global cooling-warming-change charade.

Anyway, I got fooled by Covid for a long time. Not enough to get myocarditis, though.

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I think it also helps that some of us have been directly exposed to the corruption of the government/law enforcement as well as the corruption inherent in the medical industry. When you’re not so ego invested in the symbolic representation of these institutions, it’s a lot easier to see past the bullshit smoke and mirrors of a narcissistic society playing pretend dress up.

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My eleven year-old daughter is not happy about what I just did to her laptop.

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I have my late friend Rick to thank for opening my eyes. He was the first person who quoted "So Good it Needs To Be Mandatory" at me and turned me into a small 'L' libertarian. And after all the government programs that are named one thing and do exactly the opposite, I was naturally averse to getting vaccinated. Rick immunized me against this sort of thing and I'll be forever grateful to him for that.

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My default is to assume every interaction online or TV is fake/lies/manipulation. Then I vet and slowly build trust in certain voices and sources. And, never trust cats!

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Using young girls to push a message sounds suspiciously like Greta.

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“epsilon minus semi-moron” 🤣🤣🤣

That’s up their with dalcop, fopdoodle, and bobolyne, Olde English insults courtesy of Science News:


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I knew they were lying when I saw the Covid Task Force all standing together enjoying themselves while they told America it was necessary to lockdown the country to save ourselves from an invisible germ, all while the only people actually known to be dying of a respiratory disease were senior citizens which was not unusual given it was flu season after all.

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Gato the spook. Dang.

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I throughly enjoyed this particular essay because I have a 30yo stepdaughter with BPD whom I've known since she was seven...and since she no longer speaks to her dad or myself, she has turned her sights on other family members who used to not believe us about her antics. Now, her uncle (my husband's brother) has had the enjoyment of being in her sights on the topic of males participating in female sports. She, to say the least, was on the side of the TMs, and was not kind to him or to the unfortunate older female friend of his who was present. Her uncle has always been kind to her prior to this and is quite taken aback. My SD has not matured beyond the emotional age of 12-14. She made herself unemployable via a psychriatric discharge from the military and tattoos on her face, yet thinks she has a job as a curator waiting for her at the Smithsonian after completing an art degree at an expensive world-known art school in SC. She truly thinks this. There's no stopping her, just staying out of her way.

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The answer to that question is easy. I knew 911 was a scam on day 2. It's simple. What does the media tell us that's true? Why do we believe a media that wholly controlled owned by the same.conglomerates? They are a for profit model where there is no check and balance and no source can ever be divulged. Because it's rigged. The whole thing. The issue is people are too scared to believe most of what we see and hear is BS. The left and right exist to keep us enslaved. Biden is a puppet and Musk and Trump are actors.

Listen. When the mass media and polticans are screaming right is left., when they tell you if you look left you're a conspiracy theorist, un-American, selfish,

or anything at all, run the other way. The media is there to control you with lies, they're owned by communists.. Nothing really is more obvious. If any of you actually believe 911 I urge you to investigate one thing and one thing only, no not the dancing Mossad Israelis celebrating as they watched the towers fall, but that's always interesting....building 7. Do you know anything about it?? Building 7 was part of the world trade center complex but NOT either of the towers that everyone knows fell bur a 3rd. Look it up. It was a 47 story skyscraper that was not hit by anything BUT idisengrated into its own footprint in the most obvious demolition anyone has ever seen. How did they get away with anything so obvious and almost no one knew? Even most of you reading this id bet doesn't know.. stop believing people and organizations who are not your friend they you don't know. Even believing a friend or someone you know is no guarantee of truth.

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May you keep honoring the likes of Seneca, Plato, Socrates (and their cats) who have planted the seeds of your, and our idea farm. I believe seeing through the lies is more about being connected to our hearts, and then the brain kicks in a secondary trigger or backstop of discernment. Curious- what happened nine years ago to "wake you up?"

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Brilliant story!

And having been raised on Geoge Carlin....."I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don't believe anything the government tells me. Nothing. Zero. And I don't take very seriously the media or the press in this country."

I would have to expand on that and declare that I don't take anything seriously from the MSM.

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One word comes to mind.


Hope that wasn't you Gato.

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Political foundations funded by billionaires and overseen by the security state have a slew of 1-800-Astroturf influencers and organizers on speed dial.😁

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there is a very good speech by Sharyl Attkisson on YouTube posted about 8 years ago, about how not telling everything gets things done.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bYAQ-ZZtEU

if you know what to look for it is easier to see the underlying bog

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