You see, it’s unimportant if she believes it it not.

Just saying her piece to camera is enough. Bombs away! Job done.

No amount of criticism or catching her out in rank hypocrisy makes a blind bit of difference.

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Bingo. As I keep trying to explain to people, this is literally warfare. The battlefield is your mind and your enemy's weapons of choice (and necessity) are psychological warfare and propaganda.

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It's all bread and circuses. Now they're testing hippos. The audience love the carnage.

It's all there in Kennedy's book for anyone with even a passing interest in what's happening. But... Hippos!

We are amusing ourselves to death, just as Lasch predicted.

Real-time decadence is too much for our ape brains.

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I would like a film where they vaccinate hippos. That should be fun. And no sedation of course LOL

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The Kennedy book is great. Just finished it and bought several for gifts. Merry Xmas!

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This behaviour is often criticized as being hypocrisy. I am more inclined to consider it a deliberate flaunting of their elite status, where power puts them above the petty, compliance-inducing rules suffered by us, the little people.

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Exactly. It's like that Toobin person from the New Yorker who was burned for masturbating on a Zoom conference call. I am sure he didn't "mistakenly forget to turn off the camera." I think a big part of their pleasure in their roles, along with money and power, or a sort, is that the rules don;t apply to them. That is crack for a narcissist.

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The more they continue to get away with it, the more that cements the new tiered social order. Nails in the coffin of the rule of law.

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Yes, I think we need to look at our world now as post-Constitutional, post-Bill of Rights, post-Nuremburg Code, though it is interesting to see some courts in US giving at least some light on the Rule of Law, thought hat may ultimately be a political affiliation artifact that will be shut down.

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Seems to me to be more of a statement re: Tories, though she’s obviously not bright enough to realize her mistake. She just ‘thinks’ she’s being politically correct.

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The thing is, one can never be "woke" enough. The revolution consumes its own eventually. Ask Robspierre, Trotsky, et al

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I mean obviously she was using the London Breed "feeling the spirit" protection at that party. If the Tories just played some good music while in session, I'm sure she'd be cool with it.

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Referring to the domestic abuse parallel, it matches several points, though I believe this version leave out the "sets arbitrary, contradictory rules" - https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/kitten-corner-abusive-relationships/comments

The rules actually work better to wear down the victim when they make little sense and are flaunted by the rule-setters. The rules aren't the point, the unquestioning compliance is. I think the cat also mentioned how it hearkens back to the days when the elite wore a distinctive dress, were allowed special privileges such as dueling, things the proles are not allowed, special privileges which they need to rub in everyone's face to make them feel special.

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It's not just them feeling special. When we accede to this, it becomes the new way. They are indeed above the law. This is just how they prove it.

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...yes indeedy, psycho warfare perfectly complements physical harm to immune system...

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Seems like they’re actually very insecure…

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yep "Fire and forget". The missile will continue to the designated target without further human assistance.

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Solzhenitsyn up there watching us voyage right back to the archipelago, with the wind of the endless hot air of lying politicians filling the sails.

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Solzhenitzyn, a fame seeking literator who made up facts. Choose your models wisely.

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You mean like 200 Years Together or what?

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I don't remember exactly which claim was made where so I won't attempt to make it up now. I have provided some examples of his manipulations in another sub-thread.

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Oh come on Jared, please just one little itty bitty fact to back up your claim? Otherwise I have to put you down as some kind of butt-hurt shill who wants to stick a needle in his back from the shadows. Now it’s done! Bombs away again!

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He did use the 65 million number which was an estimate from one source. Others have it between 30-35 so he used high end estimates. Not saying 65 million didn't die but anyone claiming accuracy across a 3 decade period which included a devastating world war is just plain wrong.

Just be aware that all sources have sources that we need to verify. Believe nothing from noone. Paranoia is a good thing :)

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There’s a lot of disinformation about Solzhenitsyn floating around out there (KGB, anyone?). He’s imperfect, certainly, like everyone else, but few individuals in history have articulated more potent lessons regarding the hazards of totalitarianism than Solzhenitsyn. I’ve heard some claim he said there were 66 million in the gulags, but anyone who reads “The Gulag Archipelago” will encounter the following on p. iv of Volume 1:

“How many there actually were in the Archipelago one cannot know for certain. We can assume that at any one time there were not more than twelve million in the camps[1],” with the footnote reading, “According to the researches of the Social Democrats Nicolaevsky and Dallin, there were from fifteen to twenty million prisoners in the camps.”

I don’t have time to debunk all the Solzhenitsyn debunkers, but that is but one example easily disproven by the text itself.

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Actually there are claims that Soviet system killed 110 million, it's hard to find proper source in English, but here is one of the links - https://cisindus.org/2021/02/22/is-the-west-living-in-denial-a-warning-to-the-west-3/. Now compare this against USSR population and do the math. Solzhenisyn used this number as well, saying about "110 mln of our best sons" or something like this. All Russian Empire was around 125 mln according to census of 1897. Even 30 mln looks outlandish in these conditions. Given that a lot of blood was spilled during Civil War and Second World War how is even low estimate even possible?

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I think it may have been in the movie F IS FOR FAKE I saw an interview with a great art forger. He LOVED duping experts.

But don’t worry about my sources, I get all my facts from Snopes. When it comes to media, as long as I have a kosher intermediary delivering the reports, I know I am “staying safe.”

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Stop. Starts to get ego-driven.

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If you are genuinely interested dig into subject, read conflicting opinions, apply logic. I am not defending bloodshed that happened in Russia during Civil War and years after that that have been caused by animosity in Russian society. However putting a novelist on pedestal and blindly trusting what he wrote without asking questions is weird unless you support the conclusions regardless of facts. What is special about him that he got such great PR in the West? He was just a literator, not a scientist. He took some number out of a magic hat and presented it as fact. A lot of Russian historians who could go and look into actual documents in the archives proved him to be a liar. For majority of Russian people he is a traitor who spread lies about their country. Some Russian people support him. But hey, some Russian people regret that Hitler hasn't won.

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Excuse me..? Care to elaborate?

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Solzhenitzyn was talented novelist and literator, he got into prison system because as soldier he was writing remarks about replacing government. Imagine a soldier that does that during war time. His millions upon millions of dead by Soviet regime myth was debunked by historians who actually took a deep dive into this issue using historical documents. How come this particular guy is so propped up in the West? He wrote the most outrageous lies and was a good prop for anti Russian propaganda at the time. How come the world knows him so much and not other dissidents of more worthy stature, like Sakharov?

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"His millions upon millions of dead by Soviet regime myth was debunked by historians who actually took a deep dive into this issue using historical documents."

You are a fabulist and apologist for genocide.

The horrors perpetrated by the Soviets are well documented:

- The Black Book of Communism, Courtois et. al., Harvard University Press 1999. https://smile.amazon.com/Black-Book-Communism-Crimes-Repression/dp/0674076087/

- Death by Government, Rummel. Transaction Publishers, 1998. https://smile.amazon.com/Death-Government-Genocide-Murder-Since/dp/1560009276

- The Bykivnia Graves in Ukraine alone contain the remains of an estimated 100K victims. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bykivnia_graves

- Mass graves are commonly found in the Russian Far East. https://smile.amazon.com/Death-Government-Genocide-Murder-Since/dp/1560009276. There are stories of river erosion exposing them resulting in thousands of bodies floating past riverside towns.

Shame on you.

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article makes unsubstantiated claims, was this mass grave looked into? bones analyzed? any conclusions reached? end of the article suggests its bias

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It is proven that Soviets did kill many many people of their own. That is common knowledge in Europe.

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You have already made your mind, what's the point of discussion? I don't have access to these books and quoting Wikipedia as source is laughable.

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Blah blah blah.

You have not presented a single fact or source for anything you've asserted. That is the unmistakable mark of bullshit.

You don't have access to "these books"? Really? Do you live in one of the last remaining commie shitholes then?

If so, you best be careful what you say on the net, or you may find yourself in one of those mass graves you don't think exist.


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What, exactly, did he lie about, jackass?

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Aw this Jared Wilkins fellow takes me back to the Usenet days! There were lots of Soviet atrocity deniers on the net in the 90s. There was also a great camp of "Shostakovich revisionists" who believed Shostakovich was a happy patriot who loved his country. Haven't seen any of those folks crawl out from under a rock in a while, I figure they are all not in the flat earth society of eomthing.

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We are not talking about Shostakovich but completely another person who was discredited by scientific community, but it didn't make it popular culture. Usually ones talking about Soviet atrocities are Nazi apologists, so there is that.

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I will only reply to such arrogance once. What was researched by historians who studied historical documents is that total number of active prisoners in Soviet system claimed by Solzhenitzyn was more or less equal to total numbers of prisoners that went through the system. This is blatant manipulation which is insult to the logic. One can also compare total numbers of dead by Soviet system claimed by Solzhenitzyn with total number of citizens. Claims by Solzhenitzyn are impossible. Still some believe these lies, like many today believe that 99% of people dying from covid are unvaccinated. When working with statistics it's imperative to use a brain in order not to mix up the contexts. All his outrageous claims have been a good fit for anti Russian propaganda though.

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You haven't actually replied at all, just made one unsubstantiated assertion after another.

You are the personification of why leftists are the laughing stock of thinking people everywhere.

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What numbers are you talking about, dimwit? Did Solzhenitsyn make any claims about numbers? How about you point to a passage in his works in which he talked about actual numbers? Then we can talk about the actually Russian atrocities. Which, from the last count, were considerably worse than the Nazis.

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I read part of his Gulag archipelago and found it extremely boring. We had to read it for school.

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I read it as an innocent man in prison in a foreign country while the State was dismissing my exonerating evidence and trying to railroad me into a 30 year sentence. I found the book riveting. I guess maybe you had to be there…

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When you had to be there when Frodo had to let go of the ring. Oh wait, it's just a literary work.

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Wow, there is a considered and important opinion. Thanks for contributing.

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Try reading it again—or listening to the audiobook if that’s easier. I guarantee you will see it with different eyes now that what he described is unfolding before our eyes in technicolor. His biting humor, countless firsthand accounts, and exceptional literary skill make his lessons from the gulags all the more captivating. It is a must-read for anyone who wishes to understand and resist tyranny.

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It might be different now, as I would read it free will, contrast to the must from school, I would have time, then I only had a week to read that heavy book, and I am way older which causes your perception to shift. Thanks for the tip, I might just do that !

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I find it interesting that in the 90s in the post Soviet countries there has been a lot of propaganda how Soviet Union was bad and how Nazis are so mysterious and enigmatic. It was more popular to become skin head and slap a swastika tattoo than defend Soviet past among younger generation. Sure there have been bad things, but all countries have dark in their past.

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That may or may not be true, but his quotes on his dedicated Twitter feed offer fascinating observations that are eerily similar to what we're observing in real time.

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He was a talented novelist, it's hard to deny that. Coincidentally his remarks are spot on for certain issues today. He also had bad opinion of the Jews. So one can be talented on one area, but it doesn't make them worthy of praise in general.

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Fair enough. I don't think it's coincidental at all. We're seeing an atheistic collectivist uprising in the same spirit as a communist revolution. Same psychological forces rooted in ideology (collectivism). The timing is always a surprise, but the progression should not be. The big question is how do you stop it. Gato's been leading that charge, because I have no idea.

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From my perspective it's more comparable to what Nazis did, than communists. Nazis have been widely known as book burners, human experimenters and generally bad people. Soviet Russia was bloody but it can't even remotely compete with what Nazis did. Japanese are also worthy mentioning with their 731 unit, purposefully infecting people with deceasing and watching how they suffer and die. That's what big pharma is doing today.

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I agree. My contention is there's an underlying ideological and psychological common thread to communism, fascism and what we're currently witnessing. To try to make sense of this, I've had to significantly adjust my perspective of the power of ideology in the human spirit. I think history supports it.

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What rock did you crawl out from under?

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Next she'll be complaining that the Tories haven't implemented mandatory vaccination regulations like Austria, Germany and France to keep aligned with our partners in the European Union.

That's how disconnected from reality and out of touch these Labour MPs are.

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Useless idiots.

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Useful to many, unfortunately

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just not the people they’re elected to govern.

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As you wrote gato, getting caught is precisely the point. “ we are special” - you are not. “

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That's very interesting. I only recently started following the brilliant "Bad Cattitude". Do you have a link?

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This and the “ antatomy of a dependance culture” were excellent. Sociology 101.

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Kudos to Hartley-Brewer for asking a question NO ONE in America's corrupt alphabet legacy media, aka the Propaganda Arm of the Democrat Party, would have the intellectual honesty or character or integrity to ask.

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I don't always agree with Julia but I do appreciate her overall journalistic approach.

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Death Cultism does not do logic, they only peddle and worship d e a t h

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In fact logic and reason are extremely threatening to them and they will do everything in their power to brush it away when it is offered or asked. I think that at least one reason is that if for a moment they allow an inkling of reason and logic, it will be a slippery slope to thinking critically, listening to evidence and using reason, and then the entire fantasy they are living in will crash around them, expelling them from the warm (or, rather, icy and cadaverous) embrace of the cult.

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If Stalin had social media we'd all be speaking Russian now.

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Citizens of West has been brainwashed how bad Stalin is by the same corporations that are brainwashing them that vaccine is the only way forward now. Darwin-award worthy logical thinking. I am not saying that Stalin was good, but knowing how media actually brainwashes people now, should they be skeptical what they have been told before by the same parties?

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All I ever see are Westerners whitewashing Stalin and condemning Hitler. The bias is pretty clear.

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That's nothing - one of our elected MPs has just been prosecuted for threatening to throw acid in someone's face, & another one hung on for months (continuing to take his huge salary) until he was finally thrown out. We are unbelievably cursed with some of the utter, venal idiots we have in the supposed mother of all parliaments.

I preferred it when they at least had a scintilla of half decent behaviour & were funny, even if they were serial shaggers in private. Classic (upper class) quote from Alan Clark's wife "Quite frankly, if you bed people I call `below-stairs class,' they go to the papers, don't they?"





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Yep, posers. And posers lie all the time to protect their narcissism, so it's consistent.

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They don't even bother with a smoke and mirror show anymore

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As an aspiring student of history, I am struck by two things. One, the nakedness of the bullshit. Absolutely, the shills have no fear for being found out to be hypocrites. Two, the fact that many observers on "our side" seem to think this is some type of one-off or first-time-ever event. Assholery and duplicity of the ruling elite, or their sycophants, is the historical rule, not the exception. Jarring to experience it first hand in such majesty, but not surprising or unexpected.

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It also illustrates how decadent that “ruling elite” is, both spiritually and intellectually. Zarah isn’t especially interesting, but for anyone curious about her, this article shows her pretty clearly to be a deeply irrational person, prone to histrionics, illogic and even bigotry:


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Sorry, but Zarah Sultana sounds like a made up stripper name, in some dubious basement bar.

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Not to put too fine a point on this, but, "a deeply irrational person, prone to histrionics, illogic and even bigotry" sounds like (unpublished) items on an aspiring politicians resume!

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Same political BS in England as the US. Stupid, divisive, typical.

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She's as fake as her eyebrows.

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Hypocrites everywhere

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We all suffer trauma in life. Unfortunately leftists have not learned to move past it and instead use it as a spear to inflict their will and control others. They will NEVER be happy or well-adjusted. Exhibit A.

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Covid is an issue of virtue signalling and marketing your morals.

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I wish I could use a childish little kid voice here. "Oh, look at me. I wear diaper on my face." "Look mommy! See my diaper!" "Oh, I stay away from you. I good. I good mommy." And the list goes on. I feel like I live in a society of very low IQ children. It's hard to say that and have it come across properly, because I've actually heard speeches from 6 and 8 year olds at school board meetings about masking and shots that put these so-called adults and our "next leaders" to shame. I'm not sure what the future is going to look like, but it's pretty scary if this stuff continues. What do these "virtue signalers" and posers think they are going to get at the end of all of this? Do they *really* believe that they are going to be happy in the world they want to create? It's mind boggling!

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Good old JHB. One of the few voices of reason in this illogical shit show of a mess. She's currently embroiled in a twitter spat with Andrew Neil over his desire to push jabs on everyone. What a disappointment he turned out to be.

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I’m afraid I find her self-centred attitudes & complete disregard for many of the facts so awful that I no longer listen to her.

She correctly stated that masks do not work but fails to mention that asymptomatic transmission (AT) is so epidemiologically irrelevant that, as a term in public health calculus, it should be ignored.

Imagine if she’d pushed this weakness on the perpetrators narrative??

Once Clare Craig + Jonathan Engler wrote a short review if ALL the evidence there was on asymptomatic transmission, finding no foundation for it at all, Julia had a chance to drive a stake though the dark hearts of the perpetrators & their generally stupid accomplices.

Consider the following. Given that AT is irrelevant:

-why lock down the healthy? That’s never been done before in large part because it could not make any difference to epidemic spreading (AND IT DOESN’T, there are scores of papers showing this & none showing empirically that it does work).

-after the first lockdown & subsequent peer reviewed journal articles, WHY DID THEY DO IT AGAIN?? I did say they’ve lied in your faces for almost two years

-the reason AT doesn’t happen is super simple. To be a good source of infection you need to have much virus in your airways. But if you do, YOU WILL HAVE SYMPTOMS as the virus attacks you & your body fights back. No exceptions. That’s the wonder of biology

-why mass test the healthy? The results are totally irrelevant.

-why require vaccination? These have been tested & DO NOT REDUCE TRANSMISSION. The best way to reduce risk of transmission is to exclude people with symptoms. That was the only official measure previously required in respiratory virus epi- & pandemics. That & more frequent hand washing.

Do you can see, you don’t even need an A-level in biology to convince yourself & others (if they’d listen) that GOVERNMENT & THEIR ADVISORS ARE STILL LYING TO YOU.

This I realised early on. It took me a few months to accept that it’s was ALL LIES.

Once you realise that, the malevolence index turns sharply higher. Because the actions taken & threatened had the effects only of destruction & killing.

It was happening worldwide, simultaneously. Rich people don’t smash up the global economy, even though bits of it are doing extremely well (drug companies & large food shops). That’s because they’re major financial stakeholders in the vast bulk of it. So despite some getting super risk, money couldn’t be behind it.

I could read the narrative from Gates & Blair so early, to vaccine passports. I knew they’re digital ID. No, they’re not like passports or driving licenses in that you’ve never needed to show one in order to buy food.

I also heard lies about variants very early, which worried me, as it told me that could lock us up indefinitely (& they will). The most frightening parts were when first they casually mentioned there’d be “variant specific vaccines”. All completely irrelevant.

Seeing the basic design of all the vaccines, I knew they would be “unavoidably dangerous”. So it proved.

It was from then obvious that:

-we’d have liberty extinguished & replaced by a vaccine-based digital ID

-you’d need to present a valid VaxPass to buy food.

-you’ll be obligated to accept as many “vaccines” as they chose, not you.

-a destroyed economy makes a financial reset inevitable. No cash, sovereign currencies either gone or used in a “ERM style locked exchange rates pending the Euro, and they’ll actually be central bank digital currencies.

-permanent ending of human freedoms.

-last, coercion, more lies & ultimately threat of state violence if you won’t turn up to get vaccinated.

-waves of media fear mongering lies about new health threats & more & more adulterated yet mandatory vaccinations will be used to pare down the population.

-Those who disagree might want lay out their rebuttal here. I’d love to be wrong. I don’t think I’m wrong.

I’ve referred to less than a third of the evidence that I am aware of. None of the pieces don’t fit.

Worth dropping seeds of doubt in public all the time. We’ve not got long to head then off & to prevent the introduction of vaccine passports.


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Thank you writing that. I'm certainly no doctor of anything, but I heard interviews with you very early on when this first started and all you did, Dr Yeadon, (brilliantly I might add) is confirm what I already knew (the basics anyway). As an older guy who has seen illnesses come and go and be hyped numerous times over my lifetime I was dumbfounded. All I could do is ask, "Why are we not doing what has worked forever throughout human history?" I knew right away that there just had to be another agenda behind all of the madness.

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our vaccine passports are currently set to expire in BC, Canada as of 31 Jan 2022 but are ‘subject to extension,’ so we shall see where that goes. i’m thinking likely extended indefinitely (now that boosters and 5-11s started), just as masks have been extended indefinitely. in New Brunswick, grocery stores may now decide if they will implement the pass system for food. it’ll be coming for the rest of Canada. this will end in violence, even in sleepy, passive Canada….

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Yes, likely extended or in some way supeceded.

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it’s how they do things here. better a carrot than a stick. end result is that most believe that govt is doing this for our own good (um, about that…). a friend of mine who has bought into the tripe tried to convince me on ‘the vaccine,’ and when I still stood a firm ‘no,’ his response was ‘well, you won’t be able to go to restaurants…’. hm, let me see, experimental, possibly death shot, or my choice of mediocre restaurants where i live? not a difficult choice, and REALLY? on a phone consult with my dr the other day, she asked if i was vaxxed, and after the inevitable ‘no’ followed by ‘schedule yourself ASAP’ and yet another ‘no’ (guess she didn’t hear me the first time), i told her i have a higher risk of dying on the highway i drive 7 hours per day, 2 days per week, than i do of dying of covid. i have assessed my risk, thank you. that govt has been changing its story, moving the goal posts, in such a manner that it begs belief, one may only eventually attribute it to lying, but in order to do so, one must be paying attention. Cdn constitution means that vaccine mandates are ILLEGAL in Canada, yet here we are. and, everything they said they were not going to do, they have done. initially, it was 60% vax for ‘herd immunity,’ but since then, it seems more and more that nothing less than 100% will do. rather than ask the obvious ‘why?’ people just keep lining up. there are stirrings of dissent, however, so it will be interesting to watch this unfold….

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Yes, the “needle in every arm” part surely must prompt a few to think “I’m sure I saw a SciFi movie with a similar plot...”

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AND not just ONE needle…oh no…need to keep getting them to keep your immune response up. say what? why is that? mmmm…maybe because natural immunity is eventually destroyed by these things? eh? excuse me, but, isn’t it now known that the spike protein may be causing the disease issues, so why would you keep pumping that spike-inducing cocktail into your body every 6, 4, 2 months…highly suspect the intervals in between will decline as well. stinks to high heaven!!!

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Hey Dr. Yeadon, just wondering if that's really your account on gettr or perhaps an imposter? https://gettr.com/user/michaelyeadon

Just wanted to make sure. Thanks

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I don’t think it’s me. I’ve no stored logins where I normally hide them.

I registered with Gab. Don’t recall GETTR

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You might want to check it out then since they’re using your photo and making some pretty interesting claims. There are 7000 followers eagerly waiting for that claim to be fulfilled. Sounds like a campaign to make somebody look bad if you ask me.

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Thanks for all you are doing Mike. I know how hard it must be, as you saw the PCR fraud & the dangers of the leaky, experimental "vaccines" very early on & you tried to warn everyone.

JHB has a complete block on the ever increasing adverse effects & deaths from the vaccines. I wonder how much of it is to do with the draconian Ofcom edict that I believe might still be in place:


At some point though, the house of cards will finally fall - and then the journalists that have not done their job will be includes in the rage of the people.

Another interesting aspect to this entire shit show is the role the unions have played - particularly in the UK. Great analysis here by a young philosopher:


If no time to watch - read:


He's been on fire on twitter today, unearthing the role Jeremy Hunt played.

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Thank you that’s v helpful. I’d heard of the unions linkages, and had long suspected Hunt!

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This interview offers a potent high-level view of the vaxx passports/financial reset (a nice complement to Catherine Austin Fitts) if you haven’t yet seen it: https://www.bitchute.com/video/IpxYz8q3wwTM/

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...yes, the aforementioned parts of the puzzle falling into place... and, yes, really,really,really praying you’re wrong...

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And what was her answer? If she had one. sheesh.

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Often wonder how many politicians who claim they got vaxxed actually got the real vax and not saline.

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I've thought the biggest "tell" has been the (mostly Democratic) politicians who don't seem to practice anything they've imposed. The list is longer than I can remember but includes Pelosi, Schumer, Cuomo (actually both Cuomos), Newsom, Whitmer, Birx, Breed... Etc, etc.

There's a LA county supervisor named Sheila Kuehl (one-time child actress). About a year ago she voted to ban outdoor dining during the "surge" and was caught dining outdoors in Venice Beach before the ban took effect. If this sort of thing doesn't convince the crazies, well, that's why they're crazies!

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One of the thinks I really like about Jesus is more than anything else, He despised hypocrites. He called them "You hypocrites". His frustration drove him to violence when he kicked them out of the temple. He recognized that the lying, self-interest and false justifications of a hypocrite is the prime danger to human social structure. A hypocrite is everything that is wrong about a human and Christianity, the real Christianity that Jesus taught, was about recognizing your own tendency to self justify wrongness and stamp that out before you become Zarah Sultana. It is a reflection on our species that in 2000 years, nothing has changed and we now encourage lying, two-faced hypocrites in our government, media and society than ever before. It's become acceptable.

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She must be a vampire. Mirrors don’t work for her or she’d have just a wee bit of self awareness.

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Oh, but what was it they said about Obama's birthday party? "Sophisticated" people don't get covid, right?

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Except for Gavin Newsom???

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Hilarious- the woke are full of it everywhere. “Do as I say and not as I do” is their universal maxim, and they live it well…

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How did it go? They lie, we know they lie, they know we know they lie, yet they keep lying. Or something like that.

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“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.” – Attributed to Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn

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She is a fruitcake though

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A narcissist living in her delusion.

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I’m in America, so I can only guess. Tories have cooties?

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Our local mask mandate in Faucistan has an explicit carve-out for someone making a speech to an audience. As politicians are wont to do. The Brandon "microphone" exception is literally black-letter law in our county.

When you exhale, you might as well be murdering people. But when you project that exhalation towards a large group, it's perfectly fine. This is The Science.

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Almost as bad as the people who want everyone to mask up for a zoom

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Haughty, one’n'all, these purveyors of anti-science.

A must see/hear to counter this audacity- latest utube or Podcasts — Peter McCullough interviewed by PhD Bret Weinstein

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I don't know that Solzhenitzyn claimed any particular numbers. And, if he did, it can be forgiven, considering the resources he had at his disposal. Also, you are still a jackass.

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Otherwise known as fugazis

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Its not possible that they can believe their own lies. Someone is paying them to say stupid things & then laughing their ass off at how stupid they really are.

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She is the Sultansa of Swing...

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This is why people hate politicians. These modern leftoids really do embody the classic stereotype of the lying politician. And worse, they're not even very good 'cos they always get caught .

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What a narcissistic piece of sh!t.

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Comical 🤣🤣

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Im past trying to figure out the psychosis of these people. I have to protect my sanity. And yet, Im shocked.... EVERY FKING time they say crap like this..... DUMB AS POSTS....

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