In the US about one-third of us are completely unvaxxed. That's quite a control group and sooner or later people will start noticing that we aren't dropping dead. Not so for much of the rest of the West where vax rates are closer to 90%.

Some day it's going to make a very interesting case study as to why so many Americans refused to get vaxxed despite constant fear mongering, peer pressure, social exclusion, and threats of job loss. Either we are fiercely independent or just belligerent a-holes. Probably some of both.

Edit: Just saw a plot over on Igor's site that showed the US percentage of at least one shot as high-70's which is higher than I've see elsewhere. Not sure what the actual number is but clearly it's lower than most western countries.

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My social circle is mostly unvaccinated and we've all had covid. Several of these are in the medical field, too. The only "long covid" symptoms have been one friend had hair loss which her functional medicine doctor prescribed a b vitamin for and that fixed that, loss of smell for a a couple others which came back after supplements. Older friends are losing their elderly parents left and right, though. One friend lost her brother in law in his 50's to blood clots in his legs after the shot. My unjabbed parents and grandparents are alive and well. That's enough anecdotal evidence for me to remain unjabbed.

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I'm the only unjabbed one in any of my extended family.

I'm the healthiest despite my chronic Lyme.

There is one person I know who is unjabbed but, unlike most who saw through the grift, he Is pretty much in lockdown. His wife came back from CA and is not letting him off a very short Branch Covidian leash.

I also suspect another person I know is unjabbed and he's like me, all over the place hugging everyone.

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Hey Boots, try colloidal silver for the Lyme thing. I used a combo of that and fish doxycycline from PetSMart for my poor, dying Pancha—one of several dogs. She had it really bad.

She cleared up completely after three one-month regimens with the doxy with a month between while keeping the silver going. Others reported silver alone cleared their Lyme.

Works on lots of maladies. Good to have on hand with the Gates of Hell telling us there’s going to be another and worse pandemic.

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Colloidal silver, I wouldn't be without. Works on most of what ails ye.

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It's incredibly useful. I use it in a nebuliser to prevent respiratory infections and it also has the benefit of acting as a broad spectrum antibiotic when applied that way, without the side effect of messing with your gut. CS and DMSO are must haves for my medicine cabinet at home

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Saved my life. Lots of things cured. I make my own now.

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I should really learn to do that, I make everything else including my own tincture of poppy (yes, it's just what you think). I have a gallon of star anise tincture put by - I made it 15 years ago when I first heard about bird flu. I have since learned that China has been steadily buying out the world's star anise supplies, for their bird flu remedies. It's good to learn to make your own, even if you just feel you want something for the day when the pharma stuff is no longer working or even around. I avoid all manufactured drugs, the Creator has given us all we need.

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(like) Thank you Lawrence! I've had it for decades but will def try it. The drs seem to have their hands tied by the CDC.

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what knocked my CEBV out in 36 hours was 500ppm silver—1/4 tsp in water. Lyme will take longer. Maybe a lot longer.

Eat some yogurt or take acidophilus if you dose more than once a day. Between doses or it kills the desired microbes.

There’s an flccc video about a doc in Africa using it to treat Covid.

Good luck. Lyme is a bad customer.

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glad to hear! Lyme sucks but the CDC is making it suck worse

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Any suggestions for the basics on colloidal silver? I’ve heard things peripherally (and was using the silver masks by Tru47–when forced..) but other than that..not so much. I want as much information as possible if the S#% hits the fan ..( or the kitty litter is “pooped out”…!) thank you in advance!

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Note that silver is effective against viruses, bacteria, and fungi. I have had experience with all of the above, either in my own body or with friends or pets. The same dog I talked about above, Pancha, had a really bad fungal infection that heavy doses of silver (with yogurt between) knocked out handily.

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Basics on silver? Like making it? Best option is to get a kit, a “silver generator”. Mine is from Silver Lungs, but I don’t think they have been able to get components for the nifty computerized machine they make. I think theirs is a fine product. But it’s just electrolysis in distilled water between two (pure) silver anodes. A six volt battery is what some use, but 12 volts will do fine according to some friends who make their own. An aquarium aerator will bubble and agitate the water, which is a must. But introducing a lot of O2 makes for silver oxide rather than silver ions. Still kills bacteria, fungi, and viruses, but it’s a larger particulate, which may be an issue in the lungs over a long period of time. Ions are measured in nanometers, the oxide would be in larger fractions of microns, I guess. Still pretty tiny

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How much colloidal silver?

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Depends on how many ppm your solution is. If I take a 500ppm in water, I use 1/4 teaspoon in a small amount of water. If it’s my home made 20ppm, it depends on whether I’m just taking a maintenance dose—say an ounce every few days—or if I’ve got an infection. If you take 4 oz of 20 ppm, you’re hitting the infection pretty hard. Just be aware that multiple daily doses will wipe out your gut flora unless you eat yogurt between doses. I did that once. Tells you how powerful an antibiotic it is. But they’re easily restored with cultured milk products with living cultures.

A nebulizer is a real advantage against respiratory bugs. The silver gets where it needs to go undiluted by body fluids. But I think it’s important to consider that over time the particulates, though they are extremely small, may build up in the lungs?

It’s a shame we have to figure this out, but since the fda won’t perform the studies and standardize treatments, telling us instead that silver is dangerous and ineffective, well, y’on y’own. (Back in the ‘30s they did do a study and found that silver cured more than 600 illnesses—but that was a different FDA. I can’t find that report anymore—go figger.)

But it’s certainly effective. And every drug on the market is dangerous. I started using silver 20 years ago. I’ve died only a couple of times since then! 😵

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hahaha! Live long and prosper! Thank you for the info!

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Great info… Thank you. How do you check the ppm on the colloidal silver that you make? I hear there’s a machine that does that… I need to research this but I thought I would ask you first… 🙏🙏🙏

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Same here. Only one, chronic Lyme, best health in my family. Never had covid to my knowledge, would love to know if I have antibodies or T cells, but can't be arsed to find out. Avoid hospitals and doctors mainly.

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OMG…..wish I was in your social group because I am witnessing similar events. Here in the Uk it is the triple jabbed that are dropping like flies with covid. And by the way they are now rushing out to get their fourth jab despite the FACT the first threee did not prevent them getting nor transmitting the lurgy. Now know six adults with cancer, four have died, also others with a fib, racing heart, blood clot, sepsis, shingles, unsteadiness, vertigo, blindness, back, leg pain unable to move easily.

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But it would have been 'so much worse' without the first 3 shots... so better hurry and get the 4th!!!

We are watching some very powerful PR at work here.... they are turning a circle into a square --- 1+1 = -7

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Yeah, I kind of imagine this quote.

"All my relatives got jabbed and then died but it would've been so much worse without the vaccinations. I'm pretty sure they all heard Richard Strauss's Death and Transfiguration as they passed. Without the vax there wouldn't have been any music! Fauci said so!"

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We heard similar, friend of a friend with family and friends in the UK. Also, same person informed us that a client is a Funeral Home owner, and that business has been unbelievable, deaths are way up, Victoria BC. Plenty of ash remains being shipped all over. The Mortality rates are up all over the board.

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"Lurgy"? Yep it's a word (new to me!): an illness, especially a not-serious one. Some day I really would expert those Brits to learn to speak proper English. 🙂 Even works, kind of sort of, with al+lurgy, save for the occasional death by anaphylactic shock, I suppose.

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Ours is too. We know a handful of vaxxed friends that died after getting jabbed. Plus lots of others that came down w COVID after. The family members of those who died never make a connection. And those who got sick all say well, it would have been worse had we not been vaxxed. I love how these people play God and think they have full knowledge of counterfactuals.

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My MIL is triple vaxxed and always was preaching to everyone else to do the same. (Didn’t!!) Yesterday she was over and refused to take her mask off, as usual, in my home. This time saying she was worried she’d give something to US cause: “I always feel sick these days. I have a sore throat that won’t go away.” No. Comment.

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Ooooh.... I enjoyed reading that!!!

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Apr 18, 2022
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Haha yeah forgot to mention: she Double Masks!!! 🤣🤣🤣

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Just got word SIL & BIL are down with the COOF. We saw them a week ago, coffee for 2 hours. They’re double jabbed, we are unjabbed, but had Omi in February. We have no concerns, immune now according to the current knowledge.

The ILs vax reacted when they had their doses, they said it was Covid, typical story. Now we expect them to get Triple Jabbed soon, “to protect from another infection”. SMH.

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If only they'd wore their masks hArdeR...

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"it would have been worse...." and that is because the TV told them that the shots don't keep you from catching or spreading COVID, but they will definitely reduce symptoms and keep you from dying.

But I do have several friends who apparently caught COVID early on in 2019 and they were very sick -- they said it was worse than anything they'd ever had.

Since Omicron, I have not heard of a single person saying they have anything worse than "mild." Must be the vaxxes doing their work, right?

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I don't think anyone seriously denies that the "vaccines" provide some protection*. I believe the current official line is the (mRNA) jabs provide some protection against serious illness. In defense of Pharma (something I rarely do), they never promised the jabs would provide high protection against infection or transmission (and I believe that claim is factually correct, although I've not verified it for myself.) Beyond all doubt, there have been plenty of false statements by our President and many others who should have known better, of course, that the jab would protect one from getting sick, etc. Therefore the general charge by Our Side that the public has been substantially lied to from the outset is substantially true.

*I'm the first to admit that this "protection" is of dubious value. In the first place, most people are at near-zero risk of the virus. Secondly, the protection at best lasts several months. Thirdly is the let's-pretend-nothing-is-wrong taboo topic of nasty side effects.

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They have to provide some level of protection for a certain period of time --- because otherwise the virus would not be challenged ... and we'd not see the endless mutations (which Bossche claims will culminate in a very lethal highly contagious variant).

If anyone is suggesting that this short period of protection is something to celebrate... they've got it very much wrong.

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I was badgered into one. My kids remain unvaccinated. Everyone around me is triple jabbed (San Francisco). Let’s see how this unfolds.

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Blessings on you for saving your kids!

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I'm surprised the hair loss was not treated with a booster shot.

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I'm against the vaccines and remain unvaccinated, but my anecdotal evidence from my social circle doesn't match yours at all. I know a handful of people who developed long term issues from covid before the vaccines were available, and those issues are ongoing. None of the vaccinated people I know developed issues acutely from covid. Some have developed other issues, but considering age and comorbidities, it's hard to tie them directly to the vaccines.

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Maybe you have unhealthier friends than I do.

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Several of the people are in their 20's and were very healthy, so I don't think good health and youth is a guarantee of anything. Are you talking about people who were infected in 2020, or 2021? The majority of the people I know who were hit the hardest had it in early 2020 (pre-vaccination), along with a few who had issues with Delta (post-vaccination). No one I know who was infected since Omicron took over has had issues, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated.

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Thanks for sharing Matt. In my circle I know people hurt by covid and even dead by it. I also know people hurt by the jab... and one dead by it. So it's both.

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Same. I have a family member who experienced a very bad acute reaction to one of the mRNA injections, and I have my suspicions about a few others, but it's hard to prove cause and effect for symptoms that develop months later. The past few years have been such a mess on so many levels.

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Do you know which supplements? 4 months past covid, there are still some smells that are significantly muted for me (pretty much anything with sulfur — the allium family being one). I also have above normal hair shedding.

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My daughter got covid in Nov. 2020 and her sense of taste and smell were affected for a number of months, then gradually got better. The only thing she notices all this time later (16+ months) is that coffee still smells a bit weird, almost a burnt smell. But that's the only thing.

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I had that coffee thing too! It was horrible. But for me, it only lasted a few weeks. I did a bit of the smell retraining protocol, but I think the thing that helped most was zinc (plus other supplements like high dose Vitamin D).

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Typically Zinc is known to restore smell. Be careful to confirm dosage amount.

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The hair will come back... my hair shedding started a couple months post covid...and lasted a couple months but then started growing back in. I did take Biotin but that may not be necessary unless a person is deficient in it. I just took it in case it would help. :)

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I had it in Aug 2020 I lost my sense of taste for about 6 months. When it started to come back, salt and sour came first. It was awful. I could take a spoon of maple syrup and only taste salt

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I’ve been in sales for over 25 yrs, I can sniff out a grift for the most part.

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your avatar is proof of your ability to sniff lol

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You must be exhausted then.

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As a fellow salesperson, I would say the exhaustion isn't with the grift. It is more exhausting watching the masses that refuse to see the overwhelming evidence of the grift.

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Well said, Jason. I've given myself neck damage from shaking my head. It just seemed so effing obvious. Hard to believe the mass gullibility. I think it might just come down to - do you feel comfortable with the fact that you will die some day, or not. Those who don't - they are the ones who can be led.

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i never feared death, i fear ongoing slow and painful life

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"I don't fear death, I just don't want to be there when it happens."

-- Woody Allen

"I'm not afraid of death. It's dying that scares the hell out of me."

-- ???

I can better identify with the second saying. As an unbeliever, I believe that when I'm dead whatever the self is, will no longer exist, thus will perceive nothing. In glaring contrast, there are all manner of unpleasant experiences possible while one on on the way out.

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Well said

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100% this:

I think it might just come down to - do you feel comfortable with the fact that you will die some day, or not.

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Keahi, it’s all driven by FEAR. Once that is imprinted, anything will be believed. And look how much the fear is impacted and where.

I take it you’re Hawaiian. Our favourite place to holiday. And we can’t get there, thanks to the irrational rules of travel established by Canada and Hawaii.

The jabbed get Covid as much as if not more than us Purebloods, but WE are the ones not allowed to travel. Covid can spread as much as ever under the current insane rules.

Clown World.

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Oh I'm 100% haole. Keahi is my name given me by my kumu hula. I'm Hawaiian in my soul, born and raised there, in a taro patch, riding the water buffalo. We are kama'aina - family's been in the Islands for over 100 years. My cousins, nieces and nephews are Hawaiian, Chinese, Japanese, Filipino...it will always be home, but I left 29 years ago. Hawaii is bluer than blue, everyone there is soooo proud of how well they followed orders. Including my family. We don't talk much these days. I carry my Hawai'i in my heart.

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Completely agree about the death part. Fear of loss is a greater motivator than the opportunity to gain. The biggest fear for most people is their own mortality. Those in power know this and are masters at exploiting this fear to accomplish their own selfish goals.

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It wasn't just a fear of their own mortality. It was just as much about "losing" social status, income, "privileges", etc., etc.

Typical outcome of a prisoners dilemma...everyone ended up losing because they couldn't realize they were actually working against their own interests by being unilaterally "selfish".

You can dupe yourself into anything if you know your being selfish.

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The thing is.. as this progresses the info become so much more conclusive ... and you find yourself thinking -- of course nobody believes this nonsense anymore ....

But they do... and you have to remember -- we read substacks and other non MSM sources... they don't.

Nothing has changed for the hard core CovIDIOTS. They are doing what they are told

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"COVIDiots" is really good, but I still prefer "Branch Covidians."

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This is EXACTLY right!

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So obvious that it can make you angry.

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Bingo...worse still, watching your friends/colleagues becoming part of the "masses". Mind boggling

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That is the worst part. Friends and family that I respected have become part of the masses. Blows my mind that they can't see the forest for the trees.

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The tell for me was that photo of the guy laying dead on the street in Wuhan and the men in space suits gathering his body.

I remember thinking ... hmmm... got this flu-like virus... feeling really really bad... yet he's wandering the streets... and dies... surely he'd be in bed?

Then there were those big trucks spraying the streets with sanitizer... cuz people always like the pavement and catch viruses... yep... this is Bull Shit!

And of course even someone living under a rock knows it takes years to test a drug or vaccine ... yet in less than a year... I just had to take a pass on that offer

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I think owning a biz or being in sales was definitely a benefit in seeing through the grift. If for no other reason you have the skill set to understand net negative/positive outcomes. Learning to negotiate develops those skills.

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not from my perspective. i was part owner of a company. I was the only person in the company out of nearly 200 that refused the vax when it was mandated by the company.

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Federalism is a big part of it. Most other countries have more centralized governments, making it easier for WEFites to infiltrate and deploy draconian punishments on mRNA refuseniks, thereby encouraging higher uptake. In the US globalists were only able to take over the federal government and the blue states; not by coincidence blue states had the longest and most severe lockdowns, and therefore the highest injection rates. Red states by and large did not do this, reducing pressure to accept the jab.

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Taken me my whole life to recognize the value of that federal system. I've changed my mind on so many things it's a wonder the fittings still connect properly.

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Totally agree; I think the impact of relatively robust federalism in the USA was clear already with SD's refusal to lockdown in the Spring of 2020; then the defection and strengthening opposition of DeSantis and some other red govs. Compared to Australia, Canada (federal systems in name only for the most part) we have been subjected to only Pandemic-lite in the US. In Dec 21, el gato posted interstate migration numbers for mid 2020-mid 2021 - which showed huge net gains for FL and, in general, red states. "Voting with your feet" - still is a possibility in the US - the driver seemed to be particularly pandemic school closure policies

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The real test is always what happens when the authorities come for your kids. I'll never recover from seeing blue state parents toss their offspring onto the sacrificial pyres--and then whine on Twitter about all the negative effects. Rats do better at parenting, overall.

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Crazy. My best friend fr childhood lives in SF said her 10 yr old spotting, you think it’s normal she said - maybe easily could be. My daughter 13. I said did you give her the vaccine. Long silence. Then finally she said all her friends are vaxxed. I just couldn’t even anymore. I’ve ranted to the point with my close mom friends here where I think a few of them that I drove crazy are finally happy I did as they are vaxxed but didn’t do the kids. I know they were annoyed by the endless articles but now grateful. But I couldn’t with my dear old friend whose husband is a surgeon. I just said look up the connection with menstruation and blood issues. Oh is there one she said. Please don’t give her anymore is all I could say. And we moved on.

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This is what makes me insane. I've only a HS education and a year's worth of college credits, but all my life I've done my reading and considering. I believe in my own experiences and judgment; I take no one's word for anything even if I feel, in general, their sensibilities are mine. A principle can be good but its real-life execution might be faulty. The second they began demonizing "doing your own research," I knew we were well-fucked.

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You are a free thinker! People think knowledge equals power. It doesn't. Knowledge in ACTION equals power. Sounds like it's served you well!

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Awful. I’m here in this awful place yet in our county it says 60% vaccinated for the 5-11 year olds. Bad but at least not all of them!

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Your friend is lucky to have you in her life. And it's shocking how many medical people are clueless. But do remember that early menarche in girls has become more and more commonplace, brought on by hormones in cosmetics (I shudder when I see little girls playing with makeup, for numerous reasons) and also in our food. It may not be the jab. But, yeah, it's true - in all likelihood it is. So tragic. Keep ranting!

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Any parent who allows their child to be injected commits a war crime. When a kid gets damaged the parents should be given a free noose and a ladder to climb a tree.

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They ate their own. Like so many "Tilipia"

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I suspect there'd be a significant amount of migration out of Canada and Australia, if the governments of those countries hadn't imprisoned the pureblood populations inside their own borders.

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I am in Canada. Some have left -- I think you could drive, but not fly, across to the US before the US required vax to come in. My vax free friends and I wonder if Ontario is lying about how many took the jab -- to make it seem like "everyone else is doing it, why not you?"

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And there will be more leaving Canada, bet on it.

We are getting our Mexican Residency documentation underway, as a precaution. Zero trust on the Canadian system of governance, this is a maniacal country of zealots and radical socialists. If they lock us down again, we arrange our private flights to Mexico, even if it’s expensive, we refuse live any longer under their ridiculous oppression, even if it means starting over in Mexico.

We have the resources to do it, at least temporarily (4 years) until either Trudeau is defeated, and if not, get Permanent Residency and be gone from Canuckistan PERMANENTLY

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I've been assuming the vaxx statistics are fabricated from day one.

Moving to the US isn't entirely straightforward. You also need a work visa, which not everyone can get so easily.

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I've been highly suspicious of the jab stats too, they had to beat them up to encourage others to join the herd.

In Australia it's reported that more than 95% of the population over the age of 16 years is 'fully vaccinated'. Many children are jabbed too, even the 5-11 year olds, see this link: https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/2022/04/covid-19-vaccine-rollout-update-17-april-2022.pdf

The jab stats might be genuine in Australia due to the mandates. I'm wondering if Australia might be one of the most jabbed countries in the world under mandates? There's relentless pressure to submit to the jabs here, via politicians, doctors, academics and the corporate media.

It's appalling in Australia, the states have mandated the jabs for various occupations, e.g. healthcare and aged care and others, but what is the evidence supporting mandates? I've asked this in South Australia and they refuse to provide the evidence.

Victoria and Western Australia are some of the worst states, where you have to be jabbed to do almost anything. The vile dictator in Victoria, Daniel Andrews, calls it the 'vaccinated economy'.

It's been so shocking to see how easily Australians have slipped into discrimination and segregation, with those critical thinking people unable to give their consent to the defective jabs being ostracised.

It really is a disgraceful period in Australia's history.

It remains to be seen how this is going to play out across the population if so many people really are jabbed, and what this will mean for the future health of the community.

I fear we are living in the biggest crime of all time, with the people pressured, coerced and manipulated to submit to the defective Covid-19 'leaky vaccines', and with 'valid voluntary consent' trashed. The doctors have let this happen, indeed they have been complicit in this disaster.

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I left Canada (sadly) in 1982 after grad school. Has anyone heard from the surge of Americans who emigrated there in huff after Trump was elected in 2016?

As far as vax rates go, I take this position as definitive: Philadelphia (Deep Blue) Health Official (mid summer 2021): "No one knows what the real number [% vaxed] is; we don't even look at the CDC numbers anymore."

Realize too, that in addition to official lying and mis-counting [e.g. missed vax appointments] there is an enormous rate of fraud in practitioner billing of Medicare/caid - probably somewhat less for private insurers. Do you think that vax reimbursement claims are a high priority for the fraud investigators? How much do you think that overstates already low rates among minorities?

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I’ve been saying since April 2019 that South Dakota and Sweden did it right.

*correction: April 2020

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I heard from a Swede that Sweden is very Jabbed though.

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I do believe that is so. Shame. They had been so smart up till then.

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Funny that... they had defeated covid with focused protection ... but they still injected

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Correction: April 2020

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Yup that's how I ended up in Florida in April of 2020. Thank God for the founding fathers

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Meanwhile, this effing fake administration is doing its best to centralize so much.

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That of course is a long story; start with the interstate commerce clause.

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It did help make slavery go away.

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That's an old one

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Federalism is the only thing that "saved" us. The founding fathers were real smart

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Probably a bit of both. No one (including children) in my rural neighborhood (flyover country populated by deplorables) have taken any vax. We have all obtained the necessary much ballyhooed off-patent medications along with the nutritional supplements. We may be a cluster of the control group the vax crowd seeks to eliminate.

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I'm sooo jelly. I myself live in a pretty rural town in Mordor (California). Only know ONE other person here not jabbed, besides myself and my S.O. Seriously, just one. She is pregnant, and was still urged to get jabbed. We have our stash of stuff from India, and I'm a big fan of supplements, a self-taught herbalist, and I love to do medical research. Still, we feel hunted.

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I'm in a neon blue section of New York. They're poised to lock down any second. "The virus is circulating again". WTF! It's a virus! I always circulates.

Teachers take a lot of blame for a lot of this f#ckery for not teaching basic science, for masking our children, and for shutting down schools so no one ever learns

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I'm amazed that you credit teachers with knowing any basic science.They seem to be among the most credulous when it comes to Wu-flu nonsense.

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They do but is it theatre?

You think they believe or just want to stay home? if they believed it, it would be them with the masks, not the kids, no?

Or, to your point, do they believe and have no logical thinking and no science?

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I'm a retired teacher and have been appalled and amazed at what I see on Facebook posts from former colleagues, people I had thought intelligent and honestly committed to their students and to learning. Omg, was I wrong. I honestly think for most of them it's not theater (or if it is, they have willingly suspended disbelief in their own performances). They really are that brainwashed, that narcissistically afraid for their lives. I'm left with bitter contempt for them and horror at what my profession has turned out to be.

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Here in Cali, by far the largest group of nasty, aggressive far-left Karens I know = teachers.

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I think its next level Hell for them. Maybe a couple floors below me. They should be openly shamed. You have to suspend disbelief, to believe that they didn't know they were selfishly harming the children. If that didn't occur to them, well, then they are galatically stupid. In either case, they shouldn't be within a country mile of children. Shame on them!

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That also explains a lot. Indoctrinating people who vote for crazy destructive people.

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It's wickedness. Empty depraved souls. How could they do that to the children?! I'll never understand it

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Boots, have you thought of leaving? Can you?

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I really shouldn't complain. I need to be near my Dad and my son (who are in different locations). Both adults having a very hard time with all this. And my husband is not yet ready to think about a red state and he's my total crush and he's been shuttling back and forth too.

So, I really shouldn't complain.

They are respecting my right to not jab myself and I need to respect they are New Yorkers, for now.

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Yes, my dear, you should complain, right here. That's what this is for, in part. Because we hear you, we know what you are going through, and maybe just by being heard here, you'll find support and strength to carry on. You and I are both in the deepest blue corner of hell (ha ha) - you in New York, me in California. It's where we are, right now, in this mess, and we're dealing with it. But we do get to complain. And sometimes have a bad cattitude. And I love that you say your husband is your total crush. Awww!

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This will date me, but in my early discernment period came across Adele Davis and her books - Let’s Get Well, Let’s Have Healthy Children, and Let’s Eat Right to Keep Fit. Advocated massive Vitamin C, and so much more. Early books have been ‘updated’ but I keep the originals on hand for reference.

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I have been following these tenets as well for 55 years after being diagnosed with SLE. Back then the Dr told me to stay away from meds, rather change diet, exercise, and reduce stress. It has worked so far, just turned 70.

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That's fantastic. I admire you!

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Still got them on my bookshelf. A bit tatty now. Also have James Duke's The Green Pharmacy and Alice Duncan's Your Healthy Child. (On the other hand, everything I bought in the "Childbirth Without Fear" vein was crap...)

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ha! aren't they all?

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Maybe it's just silly to trust a man telling you how to get through labor...

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Wow! Haven't heard that name for ages!

My Mom had all the books. I learned a lot.

Helped me see Big Pharma was not all...

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My daughter was an Adele Davis baby. 1972. She was never sick. No ear infections or such. I didn’t even believe in those hard stiff shoes toddlers wore then. She went barefoot. Outside digging in dirt.

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Me too. Born in 72. God bless my mother. Healthy and still love digging in the dirt. I follow George Carlin's hygiene advice. Seems to be working...

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I was always barefoot as a child, prefer to be barefoot now. We swam in some pretty funky streams and just rolled in mud. The ocean was our healer, and sunshine every day. I fear for these scared, masked-up kiddies, they will have so many problems, emotional and mental as well as physical. It's pure evil.

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Exactly! When spring came, my daughter would longingly ask if it was “bare-footin’ time”.

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My mother read these books religiously and Adele Davis became part of my life when I was in my teens in the 1960s. I have taken Vit C my whole life since then and feel I am better off because of it. I've rarely gotten sick or had colds. The medical establishment worked hard to discredit Vitamin C, though, along with many other vitamins. Disgusting.

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Yes, my mom was a big Davis disciple as well. Had all the books. We were raised on vitamins, Tiger's Milk, Brewer's yeast, and she served raw cauliflower with the de rigueur clam dip instead of potato chips. We had the first sprout jar and juicer anyone around us had ever heard of. So much has changed, now "health" is a commodity, something bought and sold, a symbol of elitism. You rarely hear about Adele Davis or Linus Pauling anymore. A few years ago I picked up a copy of Prevention magazine. Our whole family had been into it back in the day. I was shocked speechless to see it was filled with pharmaceutical ads on virtually every page. SMDH.

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(like) especially your "earlier discernment"

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Haha, thank you. The “earlier discernment” came to full throttle in high school, much to the consternation of teachers who were not used to being challenged. Fortunately, have retained that questioning trait.

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Thanks for this. Wife and I are looking into adopting our second set of children to raise, having successfully launched 5 adults so far.

But the last two years have seriously black-pilled us on the pharma-medical industry, and there's no freaking way I would let these bastards vax my next set of kids (though all of our previous kids were vaxxed for the usual stuff.)

Seriously need to get up to speed on *valid* homeopathic and health theory, tho I'm quite a bit down the "live a natural life outside, getting lots of sunshine, and eating real unprocessed food" already.

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lucky kids, running wild and free and with the marvelous coping mechanisms their bodies naturally have

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Mom raised us on her. Also Linus Pauling, Jethro Kloss, etc. Old school.

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I met Dr Linus Pauling. He was a wonderful person. He was very disrespected by a number of people in the scientific community, respected as well.

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ha Mordor!

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Saw that as well. Rather spooky

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There is a great deal of spooky to be found in California these days, I assure you. I keep my powder dry and my knives sharp. Mostly, I dream of moving away from the zombies that are all around me.

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Florida is better than CA. I lived in San Diego for 10 years. It was heaven on earth at first. But, the entire state was irrevocably ruined by the time I left

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I was born and raised in the Bay Area. Won’t go back, sadly.

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Cali will never change, nor will Oregon or Wash, the Left Coast. With respect, you should seriously consider leaving for more friendly and open minded environs. As an American, you have many choices. As a Canadian, I have very very few, Mexico is the top of my list to relocate. Nice weather, nice cost of living, many ex-pats there, and, it’s not Canada!

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We are retired in Illinois. If it wasn’t for Chicago we’d be red. I would love the west someplace. We live simply. Used to small towns.

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This is the way it is in a lot of blue states. Even here in MA, outside of the route 128 ring circling Boston, there are a lot of red Towns.

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We have our sights set on Texas. High desert, starry skies and freedom. I look at the houses for sale every day. It's a matter of selling some real estate first.

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The unjabbed may soon be the Falun Gong, kept in concentration camps for their uncontaminated blood and organs

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We'll go down fighting before we let that happen. But we'll take a couple of them with us.

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yikes. don't ask. don't tell.

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People should consider giving up their cellphones. I have never had one. Not from paranoia, either, I just neither want nor need one. Life is so much bigger than that little screen. And I can see how they could (will?) be used to keep track of people, along with the jab ID (mark of the beast).

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OMGosh! You ARE a brother from another mother!

I was a technologist before I became a trial lawyer - always the first in line to buy the new i-gadget I was the first person I knew to get a Twitter account (2008, if memory serves) and was going crazy for years because none of my friends weren't on it yet.)

BUT having seen how insidious and demonic the smartphone industry is, this past October I ditched my last iPhone and Apple Watch, and now have a completely dumbphone that I often forget to turn on.

Life is SO much better offline (yes, I get the irony). My youngest son (active-duty USMC) is meeting me and his eldest brother Saturday for a section hike of the Appalachian Trail.

I will never go back to virtual world of electronic enslavement.

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That's Sister, bro! I'm a woman, though Keahi (it means "the fire") can be used as a name for either men or women. Yeah, it's hard to pinpoint my aversion. But it's real, I don't have to even work at it. I do know - and no, there's no tinfoil hat in my wardrobe - that I am quite sensitive to electric and electromagnetic pulses. As a child I disrupted TV reception and picked up the radio in my fillings, seriously, my family had a game we played where I would know what song was playing before the radio was turned on (please don't tell the military). I know I sound like yet another California kook, but I don't brag about this, I keep it to myself, pretty much. I encountered this reaction on a grand scale decades ago while climbing the Koolau mountain range in order to visit the Omega Station, which was the command post for all nuclear-powered subs in the Pacific, formerly opened to the public one day a year (you gotta love the name, huh). After an a half-hour or so climbing the Coast Guard's 1000 foot (titanium) Silver Stair, which has since been shut down, I found myself becoming increasingly distraught for no reason. The higher I climbed that gorgeous mountain the more upset I became. I finally sat down on a small grassy spot and wouldn't budge when we were within 5oo yards of the station. My exasperated friends went on without me and I sat there and sobbed uncontrollably. It was like the mother of all PMS attacks, and the scariest thing was, I had no idea why I felt so terrible. It took years for me to figure it out. And now, cellphones truly creep me out, on so many levels.

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I have a faraday bag I keep mine in most of the time. Sigh.

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Good for you - you're way ahead of the game.

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I don't hink the Falun Gong had the right to keep and bear arms. The only concentration camps they'll be filling up will be facilities in the woods where they'll send kids in the summer to try to train them out of ADHD .

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Where is that place? I want to visit only deplorable places if I am ever allowed to travel again!!

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South-central PA. Amish country. Lots of Mennonite families. Read about the Mennonites in Russia. Guess we are overrun with independent thinkers.

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OMG we've actually talked about moving near an Amish or Mennonite community. In a SHTF event, they would be the people you'd want to hook up with. They just all seem to live in lush green places with high humidity. I know this sounds like a silly consideration, but my S.O. is a pilot and has impaired lungs from a cabin fire. He needs dry air. So, the high desert is our goal.

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stay free!!💕

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I am a public health practitioner....rule #1....never lockdown healthy people

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Essential workers, and non essential. How dare they think they can decide who is and who isn’t.

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Makes me sick

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never lockdown unhealthy people either.

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Quarantine is a better term

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no quarantine either.

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We've only done that once before; after the astronauts returned from the moon. We're simply stick figures in this nuclear grade shit-show of an experiment these "experts" and politicians have subjected us too.

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Those are big factors.

Here is a potentially more minor one. I think Americans are tired of being fearmongered by the government for the past 20 years especially, but even the past 70 since WWII. One "crisis" after another. We learned to distrust. And this is why in places where life was pretty damned good and calm, like Australia and NZ, they fell for this new "crisis" hook, line, and sinker.

At the end of the day, THE END IS NIGH! REPENT NOW!, just takes on different forms. And people get tired of it.

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well, half the people get tired of it, the other half get off on it, and get off on parading their virtue and denouncing the other half as sinners headed for hell.

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It's gone on longer than that.

Here's a great quote from H.L. Mencken from around 100 years ago:

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary."

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A man of many pithy comments. I prefer his more succinct: "The public is an ass." (Or was it "the law"? Anyway, nearly any substitution is apropos!)

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H.L. Mencken via Mel Brooks

Newsboy: Mr. Mencken! Mr. Mencken! The citizens are revolting!

H.L. Mencken: You said it. They stink on ice.

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Should be. Hope it will be! OH PLEASE Let it BE!

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yeah I think we're all supposed to all be dead from the global warming I learned about in sixth grade.

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We're all already frozen to death from the "New Great Ice Age" the experts promised us when I was in high school. Pass me another hot toddy.

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People always say, "Just be yourself" and that has always, since I was a child (and I'm an old lady now), caused me to scratch my head wondering really, what actually *was* "myself". Now I know and have found my identity--fiercely independent, belligerent a-hole--and I intend to be true to it to the end of my days.

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The teachers at school told my parents that I ask too many questions. My parents commanded me for it and told me to keep it up much to the disdain of my teachers 😝

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Love to your parents!

We took our son out of a school in which the teachers complained that all he wanted to do was read

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Right on!

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From 2006-9 I worked as a part-time tour guide in a NYC children's "farm" visited by 3500-4500 visitors average a day during each season, mostly public school kids. One teacher apologized to me because the kids were "asking so many questions." I had to remind her it was my job to answer them...

(Ask me exactly why I know how bad education is in public schools these days, and which teachers are worst to minority kids.)

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Oh! Totally asking right now. both parts. do tell!

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Nothing opened my eyes more than that. Schools are an absolute gang factory.

The preschool-kindergarten age black children were the most delightful little kids I'd ever seen. Wanting to hold my hand right off the bus; enthusiastic about everything; asked wonderful questions; thought the world was a thrilling and wonderful place. By third grade they knew grownups weren't worth listening to.

My best days ever were when the black daddies accompanied a class. Since it was an extremely crowded and chaotic environment where we needed to keep to a tight schedule so the kids would get to do everything possible, I always asked that a parent stay at the very back of the group so I knew I had everyone and that we got moving as soon as I indicated. The black dads were wonderful. I just needed to catch their eye and they had the kids perfectly in hand and they had zero attitude about working cooperatively with me.

I do hate to stereotype but the white dads were useless limp mini-bearded artsy pieces of overboiled spaghetti and they made my life miserable with their complete failure to comprehend simple requests and follow 'em. (Keep in mind this was all in NY. The white parents were middle-upper middle class. The black dads who made time for school trips were dads who gave far more than a damn about their kids.)

And I've never seen anyone as vicious to little black boys than black female teachers. Shocked me at first. Kept shocking me. You don't get used to it.

Summary: Don't blame the kids. They've been failed so badly God has to keep that Big Tandoor in the Sky on blast whatever the eternity equivalent is for 24 hours a day.

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That's a lot to absorb. Explains a lot. Terrible. I've met a few of the bearded noodles in my time, usually married to Karens.

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You made me laugh, because it was exactly the same with me! Even today I've had people laugh at all the questions I ask, like they think it's an odd thing. Well, I don't care, and it's how I learn a lot of useful things!

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may that be decades from now

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Yup to that too.

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When someone asks my vaxxx status, I tell them I'm in the control group.

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Speaking of "control group", are y'all aware Pfizer intentionally "spoiled" their control group, so there is no meaningful relative effectiveness in their phased studies?

That in and of itself should mandate these poisons be taken off the market...

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Yes, what better way to hide the comparison than by eliminating the group with which you are comparing.

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This was the plan all along. If given the chance, they'd, to do it all over again. they wouldn't change a thing. We must guard ourselves, for surely this will happen again

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Doesn't that alone make the whole exercise non valid? And yet they're quacksinating children. ?!!?!!

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I've been tempted to step back from the vaxxed, telling them I don't want their spike proteins. Here is something to think about. Make sure you find someone you can trust, a pureblood who shares your blood type. Make a pact with them that you will be one another's donors, should the need arise. We have fought so hard to avoid this, we don't need to get it out the backdoor from our country's now-tainted blood supply.

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Good idea.

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I've thought about this a lot lately! I have O negative blood- so I am able to donate my blood to my son, husband and our few other unvaxxed family members and friends should any need it- but so far- I can't find anyone unvaxxed with my O negative blood and that is the only type I can have.

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Ah, you are the lonely giver. I wonder if there is some way...maybe the FLCCC has a list, or knows of a website...

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Great suggestion. Thanks Keahi!

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I tell them HIPAA precludes them from asking, hahahaha . . .

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Except last week, I think? HHS put out regs that HIPAA can be suspended at whim. Our names status can be broadcast, accessed by anything anyone with little justification now. I am shocked, though I shouldn't be. This administration has been cranking out illegal admin regs/law like crazy, and not following the rules for promulgating admin regs. It's law without Congress, without hearings without representation. And with all the ARPA $ states will be implementing these very same regulations.

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I fear we will have to truly rebel at some point. I don't think we're going to be able to "hide" from it with like minded people in our chat groups. At some point we have to make the "middle" face this as binary. Fence riders are the threat because, even though they say we should all have an individual choice, they enable the freaks to usurp our right to choice. That and the mask are the real threat to our liberty. It must be rejected in full and we must make the "middle" make the choice. I don't see another solution.

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I've been treated like a leper at meetings. Truly ugly.

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As time goes on, you'll be treated as wise, and they will silently regret believing the "safe and effective" lie.

Of course getting a prog lemming to admit a mistake is impossible...

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I would turn the tables, ask a question back, something like, "Oh, hey, how about all those, uh, you know, refugees pouring in from Mexico? Do you ever wonder about their vaccine status? Gosh that sure seems pretty scary (their favorite word) to me!" See how they answer that.

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I tell them I'm in the survival group

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But a cold stare's more fun.

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I like the confused look because they have no idea what a "control group" is.

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In that case...

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Both, I think. But that's because fiercely independent critical thinkers transform into belligerent a-holes when coerced into conformity. Lions can't turn into sheep no matter what you throw at them.

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pacing like a panther in a cage...

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Rilke's panther?

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Wow! That poem really hurts. So true.

I hope I can still see the world beyond the cage, though so much of it is mime and mask theatre

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I can't speak for everyone, but I understood the money motivation long ago. When you're creating a product that will make some small group billions and you're okay-ing it in less than 9 months when it typically takes years to get a drug through the FDA, alarm bells go off. Then if you start "mandating" it, I'm running for the hills.

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Well, the original claim for Operation Warp Speed was that the reason it takes years is due to ridiculously excessive FDA paperwork requirements, and the actual "safety" part could be accomplished much quicker. Now, it's true that the FDA has ridiculously excessive paperwork requirements, so possibly with other drugs the claim would have been correct. Turns out not to be in this case, because the mRNA vaccines were not fully understood to begin with.

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I often tout the following: I'm under doctor's care for various chronic but so far not serious conditions (I'm aging, so the usual cholesterol, blood pressure issues, etc.) Without exception, ALL the medications I take are generics and were so prescribed. This has the obvious benefit of being relatively inexpensive. It has the less obvious benefit: a drug on generic means it's been off-patent for years, maybe decades. That also means it has a very long track record. Please spare any responses about the risks of drugs etc. I'm aware of those. The point I'm making here is that all my meds are well known as to their risks and benefits, something that is a big mystery without exception, for all the Covid-19 treatments, as well as any other drug that researchers pulled out of their ass and rammed through without any rigorous testing.

It would seem that excessive paperwork, testing and years and decades of data from the field, and might I add, not much incentive to spin that data one way or the other, since the drug is generic and the greed factor is greatly diminished, turn out to be rather desirable attributes!

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I rather agree. Now if we could only figure out how to get enough safety testing without it having to cost nineteen jillion dollars, then we might get more worthwhile drugs to market.

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Wow, you got me! Fiercely independent belligerent a-hole, that's me to a t.

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Yeah me too, I was thinking of myself when I wrote that! Probably fits most of us here.

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My kids would probably say I'm just b*tchy :)

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Lol yes. And the cividians are very upset at the whole thinking for yourself. That’s why they pray at the altar of experts that doesn’t allow to do your own research. Critical thinking upsets them. Only their experts are allowed to think. 🙄

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You may be giving the "experts" too much credit. I'm not sure that 'thinking' is part of the curriculum on most of the paths to "expertise". Many of our so called "experts" earned that soubriquet through assiduously NOT rocking the boat. Any boat.

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They've given themselves over. It's easier than having to contemplate the incalculable damage they participated in

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Intelligent as well

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I agree with you as most of us were smart enough to take a wait-and-see attitude and then did our own research rather than taking the government at its word. The question is why so many Americans didn't trust the government whereas intelligent people in other western countries did. Are other governments more honest and trustworthy than ours? That's hard to believe as political scumbagism seems to be a world-wide phenomena.

There is something unique about the American spirit where this type of crap just doesn't sit well.

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I can speak for Canada, we were founded on "peace, order and good government " compare that to the US foundation of "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness ". Our two nations are similar in many ways, but these core values are profoundly different.

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very interesting point!

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I'm still rooting for the Resisters in Canada. Honestly says more about those few of you guys in Canada vs. what i can say about most of the people in America. Most people in America didn't "wake up" until it was convenient.

My heart beats with pride for the strong souls of people like you in Canada

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Some of it is laziness. Just sit there and believe what you're told.

Also, there is the not wanting to be left out of the cool kids crowd.

Those of us who weren't cool kids (but are now) have an advantage here as in many things.

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Lazy indeed. All we can do is teach our children to question authority and fight against what is wrong. This was always binary. A lot of people chose to be lazy because they know all of this is WRONG. they don't want to have to deal with that.

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I relate to that completely.

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The few i spoke with were also not ones that questioned the virus narrative. They settle with msm information. Didn’t seem to think to seek out more.

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A couple of decades ago, when the stories about how cars' gas tanks were exploding and it came out the problem had been, ahem, exaggerated, I commented to a coworker that the network had, perhaps, rigged some cars to support the story. He said, "They wouldn't do that. That would mean they LIED to us. They would never LIE to us!"

We need trusting people, but at the same time....

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Very much so. I don't have the book at hand, but Harry Browne in his book "How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World" (ca. 1973) said, more or less: "The prevailing European awe of the State has been in development for many centuries. It won't be reversed in my lifetime or yours." It may be partially cultural, but the sad fact is that most humans, even Americans, are sheep that will do whatever the shepherd says.

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My independent, fierce, belligerent old man (he is that) said on April 4, 2020 - "This is all a crock of shit!!". He called it.

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Absofuckinlutely.....well said...thank you

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Oh please. Half of you are some of the most lockdown-crazy people on the planet. Sweden, Mexico, Bulgaria (only 30% vaxxed!), England (I say England deliberately, not the UK)...these are the countries that have led the way in resisting the Covidian madness. For every Florida, there is a California.

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I don't know Jeff, I'm pretty discouraged with my fellow citizens. For the first time in my life I am not proud of America. I have cognitive dissonance because I've always been a patriot, but I'm ashamed of our response to this nonsense

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I am independent, but I am only an a-hole when someone tries to maim or kill me or my family and friends.

Anyone, unfortunately including my parents, who swallowed this vaccine bs, are morons. What, in the last 50+ years (my life span) have the Feds ever been honest about? Why trust them now?

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That was my question all along: "When did people start trusting Govenment??"


"The Pentagon Papers?"


I grew up with those. And my only child's "well baby" shots almost killed her.

Pharma is Big Tobacco on Steriods.

Think if the Government paid to grow Tobacco, advertised it, mandated it, indemnified it, and Tobacco companies reaped the profits, and had a lock on every treatment for all the diseases it caused??

That's where we are today!

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One of the most obnoxious pro-vaxxer Karens I know, who treats me like a leper, had a bumper sticker on her car for many years that read "Question Authority". She's Jewish, btw, a true-blue liberal, well educated and an avowed Buddhist. Where the f*ck is the tolerance?

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Just the 3 facts that your obnoxious Karen is female, liberal and well educated says it all. I just heard someone discussing the most destructive, radical group in the Covid wars and she is it to a "T".

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And I'm surrounded by them!! Help!!

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why indeed?

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I didn’t get vaxxed because I believe Dr. Mercola and Del Bigtree and I knew in my bones that the people pushing vaccines were Eugenicists and liars. I didn’t need a double blind peer reviewed placebo controlled trial to know it for certain. The propaganda was so thick it was plain Common sense. That’s why I say that experts are paid liars that hide deceit in complexity.

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Well said, thank you.

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Yeah. I'm just Irish.

Don't ya think they pressure on us is going to get worse? Can we spread Long Covid?

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the more pressure they apply, the more stubborn we get.

i've always liked the irish style of unbreakable resistance to pressure. i'm irish too, but my resistance is probably more of the finnish and scandinavian varieties. that, and plain old yankee.

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I'm Irish and Icelandic and have a VERY strong stubborn streak. The more people tell me I should do something the less likely I am to do it. I generally don't trust pharmaceuticals very much (childhood vaccines and the lack of long-term safety data for these well-established vaccines made me skeptical) and was pregnant during rollout and was taking a wait and see approach (leaning heavily towards absolutely not, especially when I compared the "soooo dangerous" covid hospitalization rate with that of flu (which I also don't take, especially when pregnant). The public heath "moving the goalposts" every couple of weeks and not answering basic questions like "why are we doing this? What's the goal?" Also made me deeply skeptical of everything. Feeling good about my choices now (and convincing my husband to not roll over and take it as the easy way out of work mandates)

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You're not just stubborn you also have good old fashion horse sense. In my neck of the woods they call that street smarts. Stay strong!...not "safe"

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Ooooo how I HATE that little "Stay Safe" mantra , just so f*cking toxic. Don't hear it as much now, thank God. Turns my stomach and makes me have thoughts so bad, I swear they would make Jesus drink gin straight out of the cat bowl. Life is not safe! I want to shout it from the rooftops.

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Love the comment. Stay free!

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My response to "Stay Safe" is - "Actually, I have other plans." (Same as the response to "Have a Nice Day.") Well, in my head mostly, but it feels good to think it. :-)

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yeah. always made me cringe and I always responded with something different

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I'm half Dutch/Friesian. It doesn't get more stubborn than that. We invented recalcitrance, pulling our land from the sea and all...how crazy is that? But yeah, Finnish/Yankee would be pretty tough to break down.

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people who shake their fists in defiance at the north sea (and win!) are nobody to trifle with. the dutch also pretty much broke the spanish empire.

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Thanks! We also decided a tulip bulb was worth the price of a townhouse. We're crazy people, and by God, we're proud of it!

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Maybe I picked up some of the Yankee too. 😏

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Every man will sell his soul for a price. All they need to do is for some folk is to offer a liquid suspension of sufficiently high proof. 🤡 (Don't laugh: some polio formulas were oral.) Tosspots may breathe a (flammable) sigh of relief however: alcohol especially in higher concentrations is a potent disinfectant, so the scheme may be unfeasible.

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Break glass!

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I do think it's going to get worse. And I think long covid will be the next grift. Sooo many empty/miserable vessels that they'll continue to fill themselves with poison and blame those who refused obedience. They'll have no problem trying to further ostracize those who can think for themselves.

I'll also say the masks are still a big threat

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Well, close to 90% of Canadians dropping dead, isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It means bye bye to the socialists wrecking this country. And yes, it means friends acquaintances and family members. They made their choices, the die is cast. Hats going to happen is going to happen, whether we wish it or not.

I just hope that every political shill, media member, bureaucrat and health official that pushed this toxic mess, also are fully triple dosed, and suffer the fate they deserve!

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It's not yet clear from the data what will be the 5-year fatality rate of the jabs. It may be as low as 1% - 10%, or it may be between 10% and 100%. Currently unknown. Watching the data.

Justice for the vaccinated!

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I'm very sorry to say, the elites all got the saline shots. Or waived altogether.

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The thing is, Keahi, some of the elites demonstrably DID take the real juice and not saline. For example, the Governor of California seems to have suffered from Bell's Palsy after his 3rd shot.

In general Keahi is probably correct.

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Nonsense. He'd planned for months to attend a "climate change" summit in Scotland that would be the wet dream of every Progressive politician, then recalled at the last moment his promise to spend time with family on holiday in Mexico. 🤣

Here's a news report about the whole affair I bookmarked. It's a textbook example of "read between the lines and you'll glimpse the truth."


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Yeah, I remember, Gov. Dippity-Do dropped out of sight for awhile when that happened. Speculation was rampant. I did not pray for his recovery. My bad.

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Members of congress and their staff, and members of the federal court system, were exempted from taking the vax. Why and how is this considered acceptable?

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Apr 18, 2022
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It was written into Pres. Sippy Cup's mandate. Aunty Nancy backed it up. https://www.newsweek.com/members-congress-staff-exempt-biden-covid-vaccine-mandate-1627859

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Because only Executive Branch workers serve under Biden. Congressional staff and judicial staff work for their respective branches of government.

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Is there cash hidden behind that Gates propaganda book that the idiot WHO guy is holding up?

And am I the only one who thinks that Big Pharma is salivating at the prospect of treating all the "vaccine's" side effects (improperly attributable to "long Covid") with existing and future drugs?

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We conspiracy theorists tend to agree with you.

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I'm not a conspiracy theorist, everyone else is a complacency theorist.

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Permission to copy?

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I like that!

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love that

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It's too bad the conspiracy theorists are always one or two steps behind the conspiracy practitioners.

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The difference between a "conspiracy theory" and "reality"...

...is about 18 months.

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I've said this before but it bears repeating. If someone tells you that you are a conspiracy theorist, ask them if they believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the assassination of JFK. In all likelihood they will hem and haw and say, well but the Mafia...the FBI...in other words, they do not (in accordance with most people). You may then inform them that they themselves are, in fact, a conspiracy theorist. That is where the term comes from, via the FBI. Sure are a sh*t ton of us, huh?

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Conspiracy Realists

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EXACTLY. As a prosecutor I charged and prosecuted conspiracies all the time. Call it cooperating, planning and coordinating!

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That's how the medical community makes money: creating problems and then treating them. There's no money in sanity and prevention.

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Creating a nation of unhealthy people with the Low Saturated Fat, high Carb food plan and then serving them up to Pharma for heart and diabetes drugs

and the resultant Alzheimers (which I've heard is often called "Diabetes Type III")

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Mustn't forget "enriching" our food and its sources!

The whole evil, premeditated and we'll executed plan.

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Not medical community but the corporatocracy pig pfarma, the freaking hospitals...

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Yep, we're all in the wrong business. Big pharma is where it's at. Make an overpriced monopoly product, payoff legislators to not only create the conditions that require it but to then mandate and fund it at full price with my tax dollars, ensure full immunity from and negligence, sloppiness, or genocidal scheming, then gaslight your customers into buying the next round of snake oil to "fix" the damage you already gave them. Genius!

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They are already enjoying the fact that lots of people are on their heart drugs, for life from the "long Covid"

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Oh, you're not the only one by a long shot. They've already started changing the narrative accordingly.

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my cousin just announced her family (all shotted up and boosted to the extreme) will be missing Easter bc they all have COVID. for the THIRD TIME. I guess it would have been worse if they hadn't taken shots like they were easter candy or something.

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My brother called me on my birthday (of all effing times) to pressure me into getting vaxxed. Recently his entire family - all v'd - were down with the rona for a week. Now he might argue 'it would have been worse tho' but my sister's purebloods family got the vid at the same time and they were just as sick (meaning, not terribly).

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How can they think that is okay? I would be terrified if my immune system didn't work at all.. how far can cancer be?

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There are no super-duper RCTs showing that IVM or Hydroxychloroquine work, but anyone with eyes open know they do. Likewise, if you're in contact with real people and listen to honest docs who treat long covid and who've had long covid - Robert Malone, Bruce Patterson, Dr. Yo to name a few - you know that long covid is real, terrible, and not so rare. I'm a medical practitioner and see it too much - in unvaxxed too - to dismiss it as imagined. We know that "long vaccine" is real, it flies in the face of reality to deny long covid and does a disservice to those who suffer from it.

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Agreed. As a scientist experiencing long COVID and also seeing it in my wife, it is 100% real. Though I'm sure the liposomal packaging of the mRNA spike toxin makes those long term effects much worse than in the unvaccinated.

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Agreed. Very striking data show that myo-pericarditis cases did not go up in 2020 when the virus was raging, but soared out of control starting with the release of the vax.

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If a particular condition starts to increase after people are medicated, that is a very strong indicator that it is the meds, not a purported virus that is a problem.

Quackcination is only one of many serious problems we are facing, not a virus that has not been proven to exist and cause disease.

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I am unjabbed and had covid early - Jan 21’ (barely a symptom) My wife and daughter caught omicron (likely) in dec 21 and I was flying a lot in jan 22’. I never got ‘typical’ symptoms but am certain I was exposed to omicron. Early Feb my bp went up and I’ve had daily headaches since. Cholesterol is a little high too, since. Bp has come back to normal but i still have daily headaches. I exercise about 5-10x per week, supplement and maintain a good weight. I can tell you with near certainty that this is a result of another exposure. Let’s not forget they cooked this up in a lab with HIV, H1N1, and other ‘goodies’ in the recipe (I’m not buying the snake venom yet). Covid is not your typical coronavirus and should not be treated as such. Of course, I do agree that the jabbed will suffer a far worse fate for many reasons: especially neurological damage from the spike.

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Thank-you for this post. Agree--IT IS A BIOWEAPON. People who say "It has never been isolated" and push the "you're all just a bunch of hypochondriacs" are simply a) lucky that they never got it, b/c if you are at all reasonably in touch w/yr body, you KNOW and can FEEL it is not a 'regular ol' flu' or b) super out of touch with their bodies and didn't recognize it. Read the Project Veritas Docs on how it is an aerosolized bat vaccine. It is a bunch of engineered lethality attached to a regular ol' virus.

Gonna also say here that if you talk to unvaxxed women who caught one of these bioweapons, their cycles are still recovering (or, if they were post-menopause, have freaking returned!). May be the only form of "long covid" they are having, but that is not minimal. The creation of this weapon was pure evil, don't care what kind of "we were doing it for defense" bs they dress it up in.

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I agree it isn't just 'a flu'. It was so much more severe. With a flu I usually sit around watching movies. With this, I stared at the ceiling waiting for it to come to an end or just bloody take me out. It sucked. Still wouldn't take mRNA transfection. It's about calculating risk short, medium and long term. No guarantees unfortunately.

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Exactly. No guarantees. It's certainly real. But everyone has a different response to it. I had it. It sucked, but nowhere near as bad as the flu I had 10 years ago - couldn't even fathom laying around watching TV. Opposite of your experience, but same sentiment; lord if I wake up tomorrow and feel like this then just kill me.

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I feel like my experience with the 'Rona is similar to yours, Eppure. I am also unvaxxed. Though there was no home testing available in September 2020 (and I certainly wasn't going to subject myself to a drive-up site), I had a period of headaches, and slightly elevated temperature (never greater than 100) at that time. The headaches were unique in character and I remember commenting to my husband, "I wonder if this could be Covid?" In the wake of it, I also found my BP moderately elevated which lasted for about 2 weeks, but then returned to baseline. Fast-forward to January 2022 when my vaxxed daughter and son-in-law introduced Omicron in the house and we all came down with a mild-moderate head cold with some body aches, fever, chills. Still, not too bad. The fatigue was the most noticeable thing for me (and also some food and drinks tasted terrible). I also noticed more frequent PVCs (irregular heart beats) especially after running. I agree that while this was not a terrible illness for me personally, the symptoms I did experience seemed unique in terms of your standard head cold or upper respiratory virus.

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I had the same symptoms in Jan 21’: headache for a few days and once hit 100 (most low 99’s).

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That sounds right. After I got the omicron in January (had the alpha in 2020) my PVCs kicked up, too and more headaches. fatigue hasn't left but I have ME and chronic WNV so it aggravated those. I am hearing the cholesterol and bp from others.

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Good points. May I ask - what supplements and natural remedies are you taking? Yes, the snake venom thing is rubbish. But there's much that can be done to overcome these symptoms, and this is a great place to share that info.

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I’m on D c prenatal (I’ve got a baby to nurse), fish oil, quercitin, tumeric, nac, mg and immunity mushroom blend. Im hoping to Minimize the damage from the one dose Pfizer poison (my work demanded it and I ended up quitting).

Sometimes j take some garlic pills too but eat a lot of normal garlic. Also vital proteins and orgain protein shake, only antibiotic free meat / dairy / eggs. So far I haven’t caught Covid.

My single double and triple vaccinated family (nobody wanted it but they’re in a very strict EU country) all had omicron this winter. The unvaccinated kids did well. The adults had a cold for 3-5 days. The 70 year old did better than the 45 year old. Nobody has comorbidities besides age. I dare say none of them would have gotten super sick to begin with - healthy normal weight no illness active folks that eat well.

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since my first round I take: vitamin d, c, b, fish oil, co-q, resveratrol, quercetin, zinc. In dec I added NAC, low dose aspirin, and Magnesium. I also tried serrapeptase and nattokinase but stopped thise two after a couple of months.

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Sounds good, much like my prophylactic regime. I also do Glutathione and ALA. Also turkey tail and reishi mushrooms (I am a bc survivor, very excited about IVM and bc). We are huge fans of grapefruit seed extract, take it daily internally for gut health and use the nasal spray whenever going out in public, gargle with original formula (herbal) Listerine. I tried black cumin oil, just too intense, it repeats on me for hours. I keep it squirreled away with The Stuff from India (IVM, HCQ, Z-pack), to be used in case we ever actually get covid. I had severe Hong Kong flu in 1968, partner had Asian flu in 1957. Natural immunity for the win!

BTW, y'all, topical IVM completely cleared a patch of midlife rosacea I've had for years in just three applications. I had a hunch, read up on it. Yup, there's studies. That stuff is just a miracle. I'm talking about the pony paste here.

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I'm pretty sure I had it in Dec. 2020. I've had the flu before but this was like the bottomless pit of flu: 102F for three days and a week in bed where I just wanted to die and get it over with. I don't know if I had symptomatic Anosmia (loss of sense of taste and smell) because I had no desire to eat for at least 10 days. Took 2 weeks to get fully "back to normal."

And I'm about the healthiest oldster out there.

Now we do daily D3, C, quercetin, B12, zinc, and bi-weekly ivermectin (OTC where I live), me (large human) 18mg, the petite wifely babe 12mg.

I don't want to get it again, but sure as hell won't get the EGT.

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That's it, those are the symptoms. In June 2020 there wasn't access to HCQ, etc. I did find some budesonide late in the 21 days of hell, and it helped. Now am stocked up with IVM, HCQ and everything else, taking D, C, Quercetin with zinc, etc. Many people after the shots get anemia I am seeing. Seeing more AIDS among the boosted. UK is blaming the omicron 2 for what is AIDS where people cannot fight off a common cold.

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If you are seeing it in quackcinated and unquackcinated, then let's call it what it is, chronic illness and uncouple it from the word covid. There are many causes of chronic illness which the WHO way back in 2011 said would reach epidemic proportions.

The answer to this is not quackcines. Quackcines are the fast food answer to hunger. Fast food fills your belly but at a cost. Quackcines, like other meds may suppress symptoms but at a cost.

This happened with AIDS, it is now happening all over again with Covid on a larger scale.

The HIV virus has never been proven to exist and cause AIDS.

The SARS-COV2 virus has never been proven to exist and cause COVID-19.

Let's throw this virus narrative in the trash and deal with the real problems which are malnutrition (even among the well fed), toxic meds, air, water, to name a few.

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Quackcinated. Ha! I like it!!

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It was lab made, maybe they're calling it virus bc it it sounds like something that spreads easy and also sounds scary ?

What name could they possibly have given to something like that, purposely "constructed" for spreading high and wide?

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I don't characterize it as spreading easily. After two years, only 6% of the population is said to have had it. If it is so infectious, everyone should have had it by now. Why are cases not growing exponentially? Doesn't add up to be an infectious agent.

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I stand corrected, please insert "supposedly" where appropriate. You are absolutely correct, this fr,**cking propaganda is starting to affect me lol

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Where I live in SW Washington State the chem trail/cloud seeding is out of control. Our weather has been psychotic. 75 degrees on day and two days later five inches of snow, rain, sleet and hail. LOOK 👀 UP!! ThE jet ✈️ planes leaving trails are not passenger jets, they’re poisoning our air. Might be a connection to respiratory issues, loss of smell & taste, brain fog, depression or “Long Covid?”

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Yeah, well, now you can appreciate what the weather is like in the upper Great Lakes states. Not many flights or contrails here though.

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Yes. I'm a big fan of el gato malo, and I'm not jabbed, but on this topic I must disagree. I had "long covid", or post-viral fatigue, call it what you will, after Delta. I was lucky to have a mild case which mainly required a lot of day time naps but was not debilitating - I was able to keep working, exercising etc. It wasn't terrible but I wasn't imagining it either. The urge to sleep was overwhelming and I also had anosmia and a weird feeling under my skin that I can only describe as feeling poisoned. I fully recovered from the fatigue after 6 months with a lot of attention to diet, supplements, exercise etc. I'm not sure my sense of smell is entirely back yet but overall I feel great due to the healthier lifestyle.

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Unvaxxed, had covid. Took 6 weeks to get over all the symptoms. That's technically long covid, I suppose. Thing is, I've had in the past a flu- induced bronchitis that lasted just as long. No one gave a damn back then and I don't give a damn now. Viral illnesses can last a while, that's just the way it is.

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I had the flu (or what I believe was flu) back in 2015. It was the worst I've ever felt. I laid on the couch for a week barely able to get from there to the bathroom without having to stop and lie down on the floor to rest. Had the fever, body aches, chills, headaches. And then the cough....oh, my. Relentless hacking and I thought I would break a rib. On top of all that, I noticed what felt like a fish flopping around in my chest which turned out to be my heart in a rhythm called bigeminy. Long story, short, I ended up at the cardiologist and after a thorough work up showing nothing life-threatening, was diagnosed with post-viral syndrome. It took me a solid 9 months to "return to normal" or at least to how I felt pre-flu. I was 48 at the time, avid runner, no health issues. Virii do some strange things and can be nasty.

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I’ve had a bad flu in 2013. I was having long flu for 10ish weeks. But I was super stressed and had a 17 bmi.. but recovered. It can happen with viral illnesses. Heck I had mumps for two weeks as a kiddo.

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Agree to an extent. I had covid March 2021. Lost taste and smell. Not vaccinated. Smell and taste changed to horrid distortion September 2021. I have long covid. It is real and I would not wish this on my worst enemy.

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My husband, son and I Had it Nov ‘21 (we were and will remain unjabbed). Came through ok (we used IVM, etc.) and X-rays confirmed it never got to our lungs. However, my husband and I lost taste and smell. Both returned, but we are still experiencing “Covid nose”, smelling garbage or smoke that isn’t there. I have also developed GI issues that started immediately after Covid that haven’t subsided. It’s not psychosomatic. It sucks. I don’t appreciate it being dismissed by people who have no experience with it. Denying it exists doesn’t help anyone get better. Covid is a bio weapon that is proven to linger in our tissues for months. Why should it surprise anyone that it has lasting effects?

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We’ve been on the Nutraceutical protocol for the last 2 years, it’s not a cure, but immune boosting help, C, D, K2, Magnesium, NAC, Zinc, Quercetin, Melatonin. We both got Omi on February, I’m 59, but hardly was affected, just loss of smell for 3 weeks. My wife had it worse, but still on the mend after 3 days of fever and malaise. She had brain fog, and loss of smell and taste for about 6 weeks. We credit the supplements for limiting the illness and effects.

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I may have had minor GI issues as well. My doctor recommended life extension probiotic florassist gi with phage. Can’t say whether it helped but sure it couldn’t hurt.

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Have you tried grapefruit seed extract. Brings people back from the dead with diverticulitis, giardia, etc. And daily use keeps your gut totally happy.

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Have not but will look into it. I was also considering IV-C and perhaps Ivermectin bi-weekly. In addition to the headaches/discomfort, I have some periodic ringing in my ears. ??? What fresh hell is this? :) with all due respect to the bad cat, this is not your momma’s cold..

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This parosmia crap is for the birds.

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Apr 17, 2022
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No, but that’s a good suggestion, thanks! I’m working with a functional med practitioner and have been using probiotics and other supplements.

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I had Covid last Oct. Got severe diarrhea with it. That continued to this early April. Had blood work, stool samples that found nothing. I took probiotics, drank kefir, ate Activia yogurt with probiotics, tried the BRAT diet and fasted on just broth for several days. Nothing seemed to help. Early April took a trip for a week and took Imodium every morning, since I was going to be out and about every day and didn’t want to be chained to having to find a restroom constantly. When I got home I stopped the Imodium and low and behold, I was back to normal.

Gastroenterologist said they know very little on how Covid works on the intestinal tract. Not comforting at all. Hope you can find something that works. It may be that it just takes time.

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Wow! That’s so interesting that the Imodium seemed to fix things for you! I’m so glad that you feel back to normal! 🙂

My main issues are GERD and burping…sometimes like 100 times a day! It’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever experienced, and I hope it ends soon. I’m going to try some of the things people have suggested here and pray something does the trick!

We have young friends our son’s age (late twenties) who had bad, untreated Covid last March. It triggered severe Crohn’s in her and GERD in him (he just had a scope that only confirmed severe GERD, thankfully nothing more serious). They’re young parents and watching them suffer breaks my heart.

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Yep, there are so many gastro issues associated with this virus. Gastroenterologist said she went to a week long seminar with Drs. from all specialities and they all came away with the take that they know very little about what is happening to people or why related to Covid. I said I don’t think it’s only about Covid but the jab also. Not sure she wanted to hear that but she did own up to the fact the medical community dropped the ball in this mess. I asked her if she and other Drs.understand that so many of us no longer have faith in her profession and she said yes. That is a big problem for us and the patients when they no longer trust us. I told her perhaps Drs. should stop listening to the CDC. They are not your friend! I think she got wide-eyed on that comment.😳🤣

Hope you can get to the bottom of your issues and heal.

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Absolutely, Donald, probiotics are a must. We believe in fermented food. Me: kim chi and tsukemono. Him: unpasteurized beer.

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One of the men who delivers office supplies to my husband's work place commented that his sense of smell was completely altered after receiving the vax (so I think both natural infection and the vax can be blamed for this particular symptom) and he says the same as you - he wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy. He's lost weight, can't stand to eat certain foods. Drives him crazy. And then I hear about those poor souls suffering with tinnitus!!

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Because the SPIKE PROTEIN is common to both. Watch Robert Malone on Joe Rogan, he talks about this. That is the bioengineered part.

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Dr. Malone and Joe Rogan are my peeps, Michele. I am with you!

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My sister in law developed very strong tinnitus. Of course everyone is jabbed except me and my wife. Obviously I am not taking the effort to point out that tinnitus is due to the vaccine.

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Tinnitus sucks.

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It does, but at least I got to see some really great bands.

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Have a family friend that lost 80% of his hearing in his right ear from the shots. I don’t recall which shot triggered it.

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My friend also has had tinnitus since the jab (over a year).

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Sorry to hear. I know of others who weren't vaccinated that have these issues. What makes this even worse is that your symptoms will be included with the "vaccine" side effects to hide those side effects. As you know, you'll have to be careful in accepting any pharma treatments which could be worse than your symptoms, as the supposed treatments are sure to come.

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What about IVMCTN treatment for long haul Covid?

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I'm not a doctor. Just a careful consumer.

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Sorry to hear that and hope you will find relief soon. That sounds miserable.

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Thank you so much. It fluctuates daily but coffee smells and tastes like a dead skunk mixed with rotten potatoes. Hasn’t been fun!

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OMG, oh you poor thing! My heart does go out to you. Coffee is life. May you be healed!

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Gagging on your behalf. :(

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My brother was vaxxed early on but no boosters (and only because he was caring for his terminally-ill wife at the time). He's had Covid 2x now. He lost his sense of taste and smell after the first bout. A few months later he mentioned that everything tasted like fennel. I like fennel, but sure wouldn't want that to be the only thing I could taste.

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"To know what they're going to cover up, look at what they're warning about" is a useful adjunct to the well-established principles that "the truth is generally the opposite of what they say" and "to know what they're guilty of, listen to what they're accusing others of."

As an aside, it's fascinating how the Internet hive mind adapts to the pervasive dishonesty of regime media by developing a detailed epistemology of official misinformation campaigns.

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well said.

the internet is a fantastic source for good information, but it's also an ideal medium for astroturfing misinformation. i guess it depends on whether someone is looking for the truth, or looking for the latest trend.

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High-t autists looking for the ugly and hilarious truth vs. women and sois trying to figure out what the group consensus is so they can conform to it: the eternal struggle.

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they outnumber us, but we're stronger

like the difference between a bird in flight and a kite veering around helplessly in the wind

but what would happen if the truth became trendy?

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Trendy truth is Case Nightmare Kitty for globohomo.

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Excellent Anti-propaganda tips. To which I'll add: "What possibly important factors are specifically NOT being mentioned?" E.g. The infamous elephant in the room. We could mine numerous examples from the Protean narrative from the pandemic. For example, remember when it was the unvaccinated that were to blame for the spread of the virus? (Now, that might be trivially true; in fact, its worth noting that sometimes a half-truth is more dangerous than a complete fib.) As with any normal respiratory illness, it is a risk of it being spread by people when they're infected. Think of all the "Elephants" left unnamed: Why were the vaccinated getting infected? If they were getting infected, couldn't they spread the virus too?

Anti-propaganda cheat sheet (Kindergarten level):

1. Take official statement and invert it (turn it around): assume every utterance is a lie.

1a. If it's officially denied, it's probably true.

1b. If an opponent is attacked, he's being attacked for a reason, and it may be that he is speaking an inconvenient truth.

2. What is NOT being said or admitted? This may be the very most important thing.

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yep, another version of Opposite Day....

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Long covid is absolutely a thing.

its just not THE thing for everyone. my friend highly isolated her children, and only let them back into school when the shot was available in Nov 2021. By mid Dec, her son had to be taken out of school due to excessive vomiting. He was diagnosed with POTS and will be on statins the rest of his life (he's 11). She was so confused when her doc blamed Covid. He was tested all the time (his grandmother was really sick during the pandemic so they were very paranoid), and when he went back to school, his mom still tested all the time. All negative. So, the most logical explanation is the shot. She told me about all this, disbelief in her voice, yet she agreed with her doc. To believe it was the shot is to acknowledge that you damaged your child. It's a sad place to be in.

And the governments are gearing up for the big lie.

On March 9, the CA Senate Health Committee heard a talk on the effects of Long Covid (see the agenda for that day for more info). In the supplementation documentation on their website, there are quotes from the American Heart Association warning of a huge increase in childhood heart attacks due to indirect contact with Covid. WTAF. There is also a Senate bill to increase childhood MRI access for cardiac issues. we live in a horrible clown world.

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Happy Easter. Looking forward to your analysis.

There might be one study that won't be done but could shed light on the long-covid gaslighting. Look at unvaxed, i.e., never vaxed, who had a bad case of covid-19 to see if they have residual issues. It's possible that such persons were overwhelmed with spike and could have many of the same issues as vax injured. If this is the case, while it might seem to support the gaslighters, it would rather prove that the vax causes the worst of the worst covid symptoms. The correct conclusion would be to never vax, but to administer early treatment to prevent problems in the first place.

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I mean, this really IS the question. If care was focused on treating early and stopping viral replication, could the symptoms we colloquially identify as "long covid" be minimized or prevented?

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I’m thinking Yes.

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The unvaxed in my family who got Covid did have some severe issues afterwards, some with blood clots going to the lungs. They took Ivermectin at the onset of Covid along with an antibiotic and anti inflammatory (Dr. McCullough’s protocol). I had the J&J jab (stupid me) and when I got Covid also did Dr. McCullough’s protocol) and had pretty severe gastro problems for months.

It’s obvious that the spike protein in the bioweapon that Covid is and the spike protein (which I’m also calling a bioweapon) in the jabs can create some severe issues both at the time of illness and lasting well past the illness. I’m not sure how we are going to be able to tell the difference in the jabbed and nonjabbed for those who get Covid. It should be easy to tell in the jabbed who have issues who have not had Covid.

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I got the Pfe vaccines because doing so was the only way I could see my parents in the care facility. I deeply regret it. Maybe it is coincidence, but since last March, I have had one upper respiratory virus after another. (And CoVid.) After decades of having MAYBE one per annum.

I think that not only did the vaccine NOT lead to lasting immunity to Sars-CoVid-2, but it also compromised my immunity to other corona viruses (which cause the common cold).

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I'm sorry, Anne. You were in a no-win situation. The people who placed you in that situation are evil.

I have heard of many people with a similar observation regarding repeat illnesses. I hope, with time, that will get better for you.

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It’s part of the evil. Separate people from one another. Probably the greatest evil of this frankly demonic push.

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Couldn't have said it better

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Me too. Evil indeed

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My fully vaxxed sister is also experiencing constant upper respiratory infections. More migraines. High blood pressure.

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thanks, gato, for all you do. i can only imagine how many hours you devote to sifting the gold out of the mountains of lies, but i'm sure grateful to you for doing it. and you still maintain your sunny disposition and wry sense of humor !

i don't know much about statistics, and i don't speak "biomed" but i learn a lot from you. you explain things well, and are far more entertaining than any statistician i've ever met.

happy easter to you, and to all the other cool cats in the room

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Back at you, Sky! Solid chocolate bunnies, never hollow.

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Two questions I always ask when I hear about a case of long Covid:

"Was he/she (or were you) vaccinated?"

"Did you know a lot of vaccinated people are experiencing that regardless of whether or not they had Covid?"

Can't fight the media on this, I'm no Elon, but I can share my personal experience that among my unvaccinated family members who had Covid, none of us have persistent symptoms and in fact we all feel GREAT, with praise going to the Creator responsible for our immune systems and our faith in something greater than man and his arrogance.

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"That huge wave of reported VAERS deaths that began with the introduction of the mRNA vaxxes was not caused by the vaxxes but is really okay anyway because it is such a small percentage of the number of vaxxed people who were saved by the vax."

I swear to God, this is not going to stop until the bodies choke the crematoriums and People Magazine is carrying dozens of Hollywood celebrity obituaries weekly. At that point the "Fauci and Friends" show on Fox will be canceled and he will decorate a lamppost instead.

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Another famous bodybuilder just dropped dead--on a treadmill!--in young middle age.

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What about the young female competitive swimmer a couple of days ago. That was so sad. Heart attack? Swimmers have the best cardio.

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Missed that one. But the list of "unexpectedly"s is sure getting longer, and longer...

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Wait until the kiddies start clogging the mortuaries. Will that even wake the covidiots up? It’s so evil.

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Evil is the word, Janet. Wait 'til all those young hopeful couples find they cannot conceive, or, God forbid, suffer endless miscarriages. All part of the plan. Look at that ghastly military report.

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Horrible. I know 2 gals whose daughter’s in law have miscarried.

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Hmm, I wonder, how can we prevent the next pandemic? Maybe we could stop doing something?

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So how is the FBI / CDC investigation of the smallpox vials found at the Merk (Bill Gates biggest sharholder) facility going?

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The surest way to avoid any further reporting is for those agencies to open an interminable "investigation."

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Lock everyone up forever?

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Yeah, I saw this coming. Most of them will never admit they were wrong, even consciously to themselves, but they will have to deal with what I have termed "spiritual queasiness". If I mention anything about the latest athlete to keel over, or someone we know dropping dead, people tend to fall silent and/or rush out of the room. I cannot imagine their worry. Staring into the dark, unable to sleep. Or drugged, to shut out the fear. Well, sorry, but it's not like they weren't warned. I'm surrounded by aging hippies, and I have to wonder - when did they all start believing The Man? What happened to "Question Authority" -? They became bureaucrats and academics, and got led to the slaughter. I save my sorrow for the kids - it's the jabbing of the children that gets me. God help them.

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I have a feeling late 2022/early 2023 is going to get rather uncomfortable narrative-wise for us suspiciously healthy unvaccinated. They'll blame their sickliness on us. Buckle up kitties, it's going to get a bit bumpy.

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