Don't forget to factor in Vitamin D levels. They tend to be low in general in populations in more northern countries, but particularly low in those dark skinned who live in northern countries.

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To do your study on a population of people that is hardly even affected by the disease and then to vaccinate the controls this was totally designed for us to not have clean data. Then mandating everyone get them so that they don’t have too many unvaxed to send out a crazy signal it all seems so illegal. How are our politicians and lawyers not forcing them to give us this information?

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A few things are indisputable:

1. There has been a concerted effort by the purveyors of the COVID vaxx to cover up the data that would be useful in assessing efficacy. This, in spite of the fact that the "vaccines" were labeled "experimental" from the get-go, and promises were made about assessing safety and efficacy on the fly. This kind of hanky-panky can not be described as accidental. It surely is deliberate and speaks to the existence of some truth which it is hoped will remain concealed.

2. All-cause mortality rate differences between blacks and whites are not adjusted for socio-economic factors that might differentiate these groups, so conclusions are hard to have confidence in. Were there changes in the socio-economics of the British black population in 2022? Seems unlikely, but we really have no data on whether this could be related to the dip in Black all cause mortality. Or was it that White all cause mortality actually increased relative to Blacks because more Whites had received the booster, which evidence suggests increases mortality significantly compared to getting just one or two jabs?

3. The life insurance data, which has skyrocketed since the introduction of the vaccines combined with the relative lack of increase in all-cause mortality prior to the vaccines (i.e., in 2020) is the strongest naturalistic evidence that COVID-19 was not a significant health crisis, and that the vaccines were the actual and true health health crisis, and the probable cause of the spike in the death rate which began in January 2021.

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Gatito, while I do not discount your hypotheses, I think there are other factors at play that simply do not get as much attention as they deserve. This list is by no means complete, but only to generate thought and feedback:

- How likely were blacks vs whites to seek hospitalized medical care for a respiratory disease?

- What exactly was the dominant treatment protocol for blacks vs whites?

- What were key vitamin levels in blacks vs whites during the surges, and how did this affect immune system response?

- Add to the list as you think of things...

We talk about these things, but not enough. I am not sure that you could acquire the data to examine the questions posed above. However, anecdotally, I see an overall population that is unhealthy going into an immune depleted time of the year. Now apply a fear factor that leads to seeking unnecessary hospitalization, which forces a protocol that kills people. Suddenly, you have spikes in death, which in reality show nothing, but a highly dysfunctional medical system.

Whew, I have not had enough coffee.

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i've noticed something very interesting here. despite what fauci has said (the moderna vaccine was invented by a black woman so you should take it) and what biden has said (our black brothers and sisters are really taking the vaccine in great numbers), i don't think they are. i live in SC and we notice all the time that black people are invariably wearing masks even though they are are not required. the white people still wearing masks are all old and frail looking, in motorized wheelchairs, using walkers or canes and generally not in good shape.

i see pretty robust looking black people wearing masks when out walking alone, riding bikes alone, driving in their cars alone. i think they're just not getting vaccinated, lumping them in with the Tuskegee experiments and other eugenics programs and the masks are a way they believe (incorrectly) that they can protect themselves without an irreversible injection.

i'm very curious about this and always think about asking them A) if they are vaccinated and B) why are they masking still and C) if they aren't vaccinated, why not but i've never had the nerve. i'd love to make an informal poll.

i certainly wondered about this a lot. in NYC where you couldn't go to a MacDonalds without a passport, what would happen when the scrawny white minimum wage teen at the door tried to tell the large strapping black man that he could not enter to buy his fries? assuming the black guy pummeled him, would the woke newspapers list the kid's cause of death as white supremacy or covid?

and down here at the arts festival (where i was the costume director since 1980 and kicked out simply because i refused the vaccine), newly drowning in woke apologia and trying to make it up to black people for a past that it had nothing whatsoever to do with- how could they justify their draconian admittance policies (2 shots plus booster after 5 months, masks and photo ID, no children under 5 allowed) when the very mention of photo ID for voting purposes- arguably more important than attending a concert- causes a mass hissy fit among liberal democrats? it seems to me that such policies would automatically exclude a great many possible attendees of all colors, races and creeds.

in any event the governor here made such discrimination illegal in late april, not that it did much to help lagging ticket sales. the people offended that such policies ever existed remained offended that it took the force of law to overturn what never should have been policy in the first place.

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This article is a good intro to vitamin D deficiency in minorities.


"Significant ethnic variations in the gene GC that encodes Vitamin D binding protein (DBP) (protein that circulates Vitamin D/metabolites in the blood) have been reported. Black people and Asians are more likely to carry the GC1F variant of this (GC) gene, which has been associated with low DBP levels, and lower synthesis and metabolism of Vitamin D (19). On the other hand, white people are more likely to carry the GC1S variant in whom higher DBP levels are generally observed (20).

It is known that darker skin in Black people and Asians can lead to a lower concentration of vitamin D in the blood as the increased melanin in their skin reduces the absorption of sunlight needed to produce vitamin D (21, 22). It is likely that lower exposure to sunlight, for example, with cultural attire, may also contribute to reduced vitamin D concentration as would more time spent indoors during lockdown.

Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level of <50 nmol/L (20 ng/mL) is classified as Vitamin D deficiency in adults (23). In Europe, people from the dark-skinned ethnic background were found to be more at risk of vitamin D deficiency compared to white counterparts (22). Vitamin D deficiency has also been reported in infants, adults and pregnant women of Asian families living in the UK (24–26)."

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“omi was a failed minor sub-mutation that had been around but was going nowhere. then, the vaccines changed the game”

Very likely. Generation time is vastly smaller and mutational rate and numbers of offspring vastly higher than in bacteria. Plus recombination in viruses is so common that the concept of a lineage with no horizontal gene transfer shouldn’t be mindlessly applied as people are always doing with these phylogenetic trees. Especially with the number of immunocompromised hosts and insufficient sterilizing immunity around that will maximize all these processes.

(Hell, even slowly evolving sexual organisms can immediately speciate as a result of polyploidy.)

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022

Caution: Black people form only 3% of the population of the UK and are mostly in England and mostly concentrated in relatively few large cities, particularly London. Whites - 85% - are distributed more evenly across the landscape of the isles and dominate rural areas, villages and towns: they are a minority in London.

14 different criteria for assigning CoVid as cause of death have been identified in England, and other variables exist for Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland who have different health policies and recording mechanisms.

I don’t think comparing Black CoVid deaths with White in the UK is comparing like with like.

Bear in mind that in response to an FOI request last September which asked for data on number of deaths where the cause was CoVid alone with no other underlying conditions, the number given for January 2020 to September 2021 was just over 17 000, when the published figure of CoVid deaths for the period was supposedly over 140 000.

I really don’t think any meaningful analysis in which one can be confident from data about CoVid from anywhere can be made, no matter how tantalisingly the curves on graphs line up or support theories.

The only credible data is excess mortality. Even then how much excess mortality during CoVid is due to CoVid and how much to Government restrictions and second order effects? The only relatively clean data - albeit polluted with ‘vaccination’ - in that respect is Sweden which shows - not much happened out of the ordinary.

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Being a business guy I wish I could contribute to the cause of parsing and understanding the data. Best I can do is cheer on the effort, learn from what's found and spread the word.

Keep plugging away as the state and Big Pharma will never willingly admit anything...

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Side question on nomenclature that I’ve been wondering about. What happened to the Greek letter naming convention for COVID variants post Omicron? How come it’s BA.2 and BA.5 and not Pi & Rho?

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Any illusion of benefit credited to the bio weapon injections is by the data kicking the non-up-to-date vaccinees into the unvaccinated categories

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Data concealment will break down when it depends upon cadaver concealment. Wait for the CDC and FDA to request large budget increases for incinerators and cold storage.

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"ways to get at better data"

Perhaps those guys over at 4-Chan could help...

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Gee.... anybody know why US cardiologist appointments are booked up 6 weeks out? I wonder about oncologists. This signal is not really hard to look at... unless you absolutely don't want to know.

Ignorance is bliss has replaced e pluribus unum.

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I don't know if it helps, but here is my real world feedback based on people I know.

In past 3/4 weeks I personally know 16 people who have had it. This is by far the most people that I know that have had it at any one time. The people in the 3 and 4x injected groups who have been affected this time are in the most risk averse category for mask wearing/social distancing etc. As far as they know they have not had covid before.

8 people 4x vxd couple of weeks illness and feeling quite unwell (over 70)

6 people 3x vxd couple of weeks illness and feeling quite unwell, (3 x 40ish, 2 x 80's, 1x late 80's)

1 teenager 3x vx

1 unvxd, unwell to similar level as above (third time of having it alpha Mar 20, delta Oct 21 and omicron Jun 22) white early 60's

I don't know any other young people who have caught it this time around even though they are attending schools/ college / events with lots of people.

None of the 16 individuals were hospitalised, all are white.

Couples seem to be catching it in pairs more this time than before. Symptoms, severity and length of illness were similar whether vx or not (other than in teenager).

It suggests that multiple injections do not provide any protection from this variant and have increased susceptibility to this variant. It does suggest that some protection was provided against earlier variants however it is also possible that there were far more precautions taken and so exposure was less.

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Step by step, Gato is pushing the bottle to the edge of the table. The three-letter hoomans keep trying to prevent the fall, but it’s coming.

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