There were always a few honest and courageous doctors and scientists, even if the profession as a whole failed us. My husband, Dr. Chris Milburn, got fired as regional ER director for merely questioning whether the vaccines MIGHT have unknown long term side effects and suggesting that kids should remain in school. We are organizing a Free Speech in Medicine and Science conference (see https://pairodocs.substack.com/p/free-speech-in-medicine-and-science for details) in late October. It sure would be nice to have some savvy internet cats in attendance.

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Remind us , also ...I, for one, would support a directory of sane medical professionals.

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I’m sure the CDC has that list, we could just contact them. : )

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More likely the medical boards, but yeah.

There's a business model here:

Sane medical practices/systems

Spike free blood products

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The role of medical boards in getting HCWs to stay quiet is a story I haven't seen detailed much. Is there public information about what which medical boards sent what info to HCWs? How much was coordinated w/ national organizations of medical boards?

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Aug 2, 2022
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Yasssssss.... let us all know how it evolves!

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Yeah, me too.

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Alas, it's in Canada. As a Canadian in the US, I am boycotting returning to the homeland until the quarantine is gone. But NS is lovely in the fall. ❤️

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all the good people are getting fired which frees them hopefully to form an alternative system

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The COVID pharma "science" seems roughly analogous to all the nutrition "science" pushing veganism wherein they conclude you'll get colorectal cancer from "red and processed" (nice arbitrary category lump and vague terminology) meat, based on a survey of self-reported dietary patterns for a year from memory and not even beginning to control for lifestyle factors.

I think that even the most charitable interpretation of this phenomenon still forces us to conclude that humans are naturally terrible at considering all variables, and thus should be very hesitant to make drastic life choices based on what calls itself "science." It only gets worse the less charitable of an interpretation you take.

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Let’s add cholesterol, saturated fats, grains drenched in glycophoshate. We have been conned so many times. Ansel Keyes was one of the worst. The womens health initiative was a disaster. Statins ate not good for us. The list goes on and on!!

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I started to get very interested in Keto/Carnivore/intermittent fasting a few years ago, and it really opened my eyes to how much we've been lied to in the realm of nutrition and health!

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Keys was the Fauci of cardio health. Those who don't buy Harvard veganism are well equipped to spot the game with COVID.

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Being "old" (60s) I began statins a year or two back. I will read up on it. If time and understanding allows, we should do this for all drugs, preferably before they are prescribed for us, perhaps. I'm also on a blood pressure med; another thing to study, but I suspect a bit more critical than my triglycerides being over limit.

As people have already noted, there are good, bad and so-so doctors. The same surely is true for drugs (or even vaccines, the real kind). As consumers, our problem, as is the theme of Gato's article, is obviously that corporatism has captured to regulators, to the point where scientific method, objectivity and honesty are corrupted. This poses a major challenge for the patient: How to get accurate information?

I'm new to this drug skepticism thing, but I was smart enough to say "No thanks" to Paxlovid a month ago, so there is hope.

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Good luck on your research! It's tough to navigate researching drug safety and efficacy since our health systems are under pharma capture. I truly believe no person ever needs a statin. You might be able to get off the blood pressure meds too if you went keto/carnivore for a time. Check out Dr. Berry on YouTube. He has lots of good information! He also wrote a book called ”Lies My Doctor Told Me."

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Easy to go down the rabbit hole once you start! Kind of fun though. Here are a few books you may find interesting to start. Diet, fasting, etc comes next. The established "science" there probably even worse unfortunately.

Cholesterol Clarity- Jimmy Moore

Eat Rich, Live Long- Ivor Cummings

The Big Fat Surprise- Nina Teicholz

Good Calories, Bad Calories- Gary Taubes

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Yes Mark, it is a big rabbit hole. Here are a few more.

Stephen Phinney and Jeff Volek- http://www.artandscienceoflowcarb.com/

Dave Feldman - https://cholesterolcode.com/about/

Here is a link to many podcasts in which Gabor Erdosi speaks about cholesterol and the real causes of disease. He is also outspoken about the other areas ;) https://www.listennotes.com/top-podcasts/gabor-erdosi/

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Read Malcom Kendricks book https://www.amazon.com/Clot-Thickens-enduring-mystery-disease/dp/1907797769 He has been on many podcasts and writes a blog, not on substack though.

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Check out Dr. Michael Eades. This is his latest newsletter but you can browse around for helpful statin information. https://ckarchive.com/b/zlughnh4kkrpe

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I like how in all those studies, a Big Mac or pizza or Hot Pocket is considered “meat,” lol

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"eat all the grains servings and get fat" -food pyramid(scam)

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Crazy nonsense

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I grew up during the Food Pyramid.

How many children did government give bad advice to? (And feed poorly?)

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All of them, as far as I can tell. And lots of parents and grandparents to reinforce it at home too. It's had a sadly profound effect on me throughout my life.

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I’d wager one would be far better off following old traditions and wive’s tales than The Science TM these days. Empirical knowledge crowd sourced over centuries at the very least shouldn’t be dismissed out of hand.

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You might like what Tom Naughton has to say about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDlF-z_x7vc

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When in your career did you start to suspect this level of malfeasance was happening in the industry? I suspect covid wasn't your red pill.

You know from my previous comments that I am deeply skeptical of the childhood vaccine program overall, and believe that the whole medical narrative of "only vaccines and no other modalities, for instance like those Rockefeller paid to destroy with the Flexner Report, may be discussed as alternatives for superior health outcomes," creates a false dichotomy (vaccines or DEATH!!!!) that puts frightened parents in a corner. But, I'm also a contrarian bad-ass who was born this way, so I was actively rotating shapes on this stuff. I understand, 100%, how there can be, or appear to be, benevolent "good science" from the "good old days," that creates tremendous confirmation bias in favor of anything the Lancet disgorges. I also know what former editors of The Lancet, NEJM, and other prominent journals have said on, and off, the record about the quality of what gets peer-reviewed and published.

So, the question for me becomes, what did they know and when did they know it? Why shouldn't the rot be as old as Operation Paperclip? As old as Bayer? Have pharmaceutical companies *ever* been honest?

Also, your metaphors and analogies are spot-on and so helpful for illustrating your arguments.

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I came here to see if this was addressed in the comments as well. Thank you. This ain’t a new game for them, they just stopped pretending.

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They were smarter about it before. Infants can't file a VAERS report, describe a crippling headache, neurologic changes, or other painful conditions. All they can do is cry and medical advice to deal with that reaction was to drug them. If the infant passed it was mysteriously blamed on SIDS and written off as these things happen.

It's like the bookkeeper who embezzles from work and starts with a few hundred bucks and get away with it. After not getting caught for so long he becomes so brazen and cocky that he tries to lift a million dollars. It's so blatantly obvious everyone wonders how in the world he thought he could pull this off. Arrogance and pride strike yet again.

The drug companies have got away with this for so long they really thought they could do anything. Unfortunately for them, adults can file VAERS and describe symptoms, and adults with long medical history of perfectly good health don't just suddenly drop dead. In addition, the temporal association is obvious, they should have phased it in over time rather than mass vaccination. Now with this evidence, talented people like Gato looking back in hindsight can see the sleight of hand.

So at this point it's political. Does Pharma have enough juice to sweep this all under the rug without forever losing public trust? They are going to try but this is just to big to hide, like the bookkeeper with his million bucks.

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Oh, Jeff, I am admittedly slow on the uptake, but have only been recently connecting the whole connection of SIDS with vaccination. Wow...the implications.

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Yeah, I'm not sure if people fully understand the depths of this. The same thing is true in probably every other 'science-based' industry. The current state of affairs in 'medicine'/public health is apparent and we all know about the 'climate science' grift. But I work(ed) in aerospace and defense R&D - so in theory an industry driven more by physical, 'hard' sciences, right? Not so much. It's largely the same govt funded (DoE, DoD, NSF, etc.) malfeasance, especially in the military industrial complex, aka 'public private partnership' whose 'business models are predicated on alliance with the state and...to get government to subsidize and mandate' their products.

Just try not to think about that the next time you fly on a plane! :P

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Hah! I was in the Marines for 10 years. Changed my world view. I hear you loud and clear here!!!

Funny, the Marines are taught to worship Smedley Butler, yet we never talk about “War is a racket.”

It’s all a racket lol. Every last bit of it.

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Regarding Rockefeller, a 1979 book can be viewed/downloaded here:


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Del Bigtree won his FOIA suit for all studies used to justify jabs for newborn to. 6 months.

Not. A Single One was about either safety , efficacy OR the subject at hand.

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Aug 2, 2022
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In full honesty I have no idea what you mean by this.

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Aug 2, 2022
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Haha that makes sense. They say we’re techno part of the Navy… but….

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Can you write a "Dear Abby" post about vax faux pas? Here is mine. Would appreciate any comments:

Last summer, I was invited to a wedding that had a vaccine mandate. The host said it was to protect their elderly guests. When I asked if a negative test would suffice, it was rejected.

Due to peer pressure from friends and family who were also attending the wedding as well my employer’s mandate, I did the J&J one and done. The wedding ended up being mostly outdoors and since then, the couple got COVID but I have not.

Is it worth asking for an apology? Or should I follow my maxim that you can’t reason with a demoralized person?

The couple has been kind to me over the years, but worships the Blue Cathedral. The groom flies around the world pushing ESG, the bride is at a nonprofit that is all about “my body my choice”. They have ostracized another mutual friend for leaving their religion.

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I was disinvited from 3 weddings. I decided my personal health choices were more important. All families involved have now had multiple cases of Covid as well as poor health in general. Yet no apologies have come. I've given up on these people. No longer do they have my trust and confidence though we remain on superficially friendly terms. I think I've written them off as I watch their healths decline.

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Leaving out the apology part, I think you know your answer here. The people you need in your life, going forward, are the ones you can trust to hide you under the floorboards if the Gulag Wagon rolls up to your door. You ain't got 'em here.

You don't need to say anything. Just decline, gently, any invitations to anything going forward. Big or small. You understand their character now. You're a father now. Would you want Baby Yulia to think these are trustworthy people to take candy from?

What you were compelled to do, those I love most were too. It's been a terrible permanent anxiety for me. Do as I'd advise any precious to me person to. 3000mg vitamin C daily, spaced over time, minimum, unless even that dosage causes you physical discomfort.

And let new good friends find you, They'll stick for the right reasons.

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I have drawn my line in the sand as well. I won’t do it. I love my family but I love myself as well. If I die, I die.

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it has been very difficult. I cannot discuss my views with anyone in my family (except husband) Every one of them are devout covidians.

Includes my siblings, my 98 year old daddy, and both of my 30something daughters hubbies and babies. We have been banned from my younger daughters home. Her husband found my sharing of information "disgusting and sickening"

I kindly stood my ground

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I feel your angst. My brother told me and the rest of the purebloods belong in a camp. I laughed and told him he is a Nazi. We don't talk anymore. At least my elderly parents, who took the shots, respect my decision and I still see regularly.

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If America survives 30+ years, we'll see a whole crop of movies where grandchildren are forced to live with grandparents, act out in anger against the evil they grew up hearing about, only to realize their mistake just after grandpa dies (and soon enough to "love" grandma).

The kids will believe what they're told the first 10+ yrs until they're forced to see something different by life. Then serious confusion and strains will explode.

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So sorry you have to go through this! I would be devastated if my kids banned me from my grands! As it is they live 800 miles from me... but at least we are of all like mind... none of my 4 kids ages 24-29 are vaccinated, yet they have all had covid, most multiple times... and so far so good!

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it is really difficult for me. It is 6 months now, and I have changed emotionally as well.

I have now convinced myself that being a gramma is just a big annoyance anyway. So this makes life easier.

It feels like psycho clown world

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That is so sad... so sorry you have to endure this pain. You do have to do what you need to do to protect your heart.

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The division that this is causing is purely satanic – and I don’t speak metaphorically.

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What you've described (vaxxed/unvaxxed social and even legal discrimination) is sort of a "Party Loyalty" test. Even if they didn't have any faults of their own, the jab development and deployment have broken virtually every old rule, standard, etc. In so many words, a managerial state, authoritarianism, call it what you like. Those who question the slapdash new products are seen as wreckers, impediments to the new authoritarianism.

Of course, I've made the case rather binary. I realize there are people who still trusted the system and took the jabs. But I'm talking about the "Party Members" who are indoctrinated by mass media, and refuse argument that not all is well. These divisions are dangerous, and the implications extend far beyond shoddy medicine and corporate greed.

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completely agree.

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My Dad liked to say "you can't reason someone out of something they weren't reasoned into." Your friend couple have attained rigorous immunity to reason. Here is an instance where social distancing actually works.

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My husband says that all the time.

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I hate weddings anyway. I’ve been to four-horrible each time. Being unvaxxed is now a great excuse not to go.

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Aug 2, 2022
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What a FANTASTIC suggestion. I'm gonna use that. Thank you.

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Excellent. Thanks for the LOL.

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30 minutes prior to our "family" Christmas party the hosts, my cousins, made it known that a negative quick-test would be provided, and required to attend. Out of 30+ attending I was the only one who said "see you next year!, maybe...

They forced their parents to get the clot shot as a condition to see their children.

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I understand much of this "must get the jab" is about fear. Mass formation psychosis + terror management theory.

What I find so disconcerting is that NO ONE checked the stats on CV19. It was easy to find the fatality rates. It was easy to find information about the success of mRNA injections. None of this was hard. Yet people were either trusting or lazy and just did what Daddy Government said. That's what's astonishing to me. I never thought I was particularly smart, yet when I see what other people have done...

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Agreed. I do think it is a laziness. My Son asked me the other day why I am the only "scientist" he knows that does not agree with the majority. I told that I go to the literature everyday to check what is going on. I also told him about Substack. too much effort for him to become educated. Hopefully he'll learn from my example

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LOL my son (19) was shocked that I would PAY for anything on Substack. He knows not what he does not know.

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Right? It’s been my salvation to “meet” people on Substack. Kids!

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Aug 3, 2022
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My Dad told us 3 there:

1. No free lunch

2. If your friends play in the freeway, are you going because they say it’s OK?

3. Truth is best, lying makes it worse.

A little later than the Reagan years for me, maybe as governor. : )

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Totally lazy! Although with the "death" stats that were everywhere, stupid/gullible would go along with it.

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I think it's something beyond just lazy.

I have a sister in law. She's a smart woman with a masters degree. Is a social worker. She lives in Ohio, and her son lives in Montana. She and her husband go visit him via plane. She's kind hearted by not stupid.

A while back, I told her that there are pilots who are vaxxed who are having problems with blood clots and are dying. That's why I won't fly. She said 'yes, I've heard about that.' But yet didn't seem to think that it was something that impacted her at all. Even though she will flies to Montana twice a year.

FWIW, I think they're brainwashed. "oh, people might have died after vaxxination, but that won't happen to me." "It's just a coincidence that people died after vaxxination." "I'll be fine no matter what happens." I've heard versions of all of those things. Brain. Washed.

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I feel like there's some kind of unconscious scorecard that smart, college-educated people have where they gain points for every habit/action they adopt because it's "the smartest thing to do according to experts." Had a coworker tell me with sooo much pride how he takes a drug (like Allegra, but not sure which) for "maintenance" to avoid a runny nose. Been doing that for years, says it with pride. Not so long ago, had to go to the ER because he had a nose bleed spewing all over for 4+ hours that wouldn't stop. ER doc told him the drug screwed up the membranes in his nose....

Same person is judgmental to others for not doing "the recommended thing." Just something I sense... kind of a gasp that you'd have the audacity to *choose* not to do what experts recommended.

The vaccines felt like that sort of badge of pride, at least at first.

Smart people, but not wise enough to figure out one size does not fit all with drugs and biochemistry. Sad.

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The stats are on her side....so far.

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I have a friend, well I haven't spoken to her in 2 years now, but I know that she does "research", and though I'm not sure exactly what that looks like I do know that she attempts to find dissenting opinions(or at least has done so in the past. That said, she usually ends up falling on the side of the woke and it makes me wonder how strong the other side's argument actually was or if it was controlled opposition for show). What is baffling to me is that she has been firmly on the side of double masking and jabbing this whole time, but as you say the information is out there. So how is it that she can't hear any criticism of the regime? We used to be able to talk about anything.

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I am sorry. I do know though. I am tolerated by certain friends and family (I tolerate them as well). They are conflicted because they know I am intelligent and precise. So they are between a rock and a hard place. Sadly, in my opinion they chose the believe strangers rather than someone who honestly cares about them.

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The woke -- aka the Marxists-- have decided "your speech is violence."

Dissent is not allowed. Sad.

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Exactly. The official data has ALWAYS contradicted the official narrative, but only a few of us bothered to look at the data.

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"They forced their parents to get the clot shot as a condition to see their children."

The (grand)parents could leave them $1 in their will, and the balance to the grandkids, with an explanation for the reason.

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Oh, that's harsh.

I like it.

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: (

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I really feel sorry for everyone who has had... difficulties with their families and friends due to the vaxxed/unvaxxed question. My husband and I, as well as his adult sons, are not injected. Almost everyone we know is. Our circle of family and friends are, for the most part, injected, yet have no problem seeing us.

As for Yuri's question... rather than apologizing, I would perhaps distance myself from them. Because of circumstances, they (and your employer) required you to do something that may end up hurting you. Essentially, they compelled you to play Russian Roulette. Would a friend do that? Yes, they did it out of fear, but when is their "fear" greater than "my life?"

In a time of crisis, it's OK to let certain friendships go. You might end up reconnecting with them when/ if this is over. At the moment, they actively working against the things most people on this substack are against-- ESG and forcing the jab.

My two cents.

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Dear Yuri,

People go mad in crowds, then regain their sanity individually. Your friends' temporary madness will resolve eventually but only after a hellish blue pill withdrawal.

You can never be too kind.


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I try to be kind, but these people are true believers who will keep drinking kool aid until they keel over. If 2.5 years isn't enough time for mass formation psychosis to pass, then I don't know what is enough...

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The kindness will be in not excoriating them to their faces, nor behind their backs.

"Friend" is not a synonym for "long-time acquaintance." As with so many other definitions, we've debased the meaning of this one too. Yuri has learned that they were never his friends.

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A cute girl I was friends with in high school (but hoped for "more,") had a kind mom that let us come talk in the living room all hours of the weekend nights. She used to counsel us, over and over, in 30+ years, you'll have fewer "true, true friends" than you can count on one hand.

I asked her how to identify them so I'd know. She said, "You won't have to. They'll show you. Just pay attention and don't lose sleep over the others."

Yuri's "friends" showed him which group they belong in. Part of life. Accept and adapt, move on.

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This is one of life's brutal lessons.

And sometimes we have people in our lives who fit no label. There can be someone who, regardless of how different we've become from them, or what views they hold that we might find somewhat repugnant, we can't imagine not having them in our lives. They've always been there and there's a hole without them. But with those particular people, they feel the same about us.

Those are the ones to hold onto. But in Yuri's case laid out here before us, I think the people he's holding onto are just long-time acquaintances, and the pain really comes from having to accept how truly shallow they are.

That mom was a keeper!

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I have a close friend I met at work some 35+ years ago that also taught me that, just because you're related/family, that doesn't mean you have to spend society's stated amount of time with them. I have a relative that's toxic, keeps a running score of all mistakes over our entire lifetimes, forgives nobody and hopes to inflict vengeance ten-fold on everyone who he perceives has harmed him. A while back, I finally saw there was no compassionate/caring value in continuing that relationship. And believe me, my life is far more pleasant and enjoyable without all the personality drama. I love him, but I can't live with him around. He just doesn't value kindness, compassion, and similar civil things. Fine if you want to live that way, but I'm no longer letting anyone drag me into that gutter.

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"The couple has been kind to me over the years, but worships the Blue Cathedral. The groom flies around the world pushing ESG, the bride is at a nonprofit that is all about “my body my choice”.

Next time you see this couple, you can ask the groom if he bicycles or takes a sailboat to where he goes to push his ESG investments, and you can ask the bride if "my body my choice" extends to whether people are allowed to choose not to take the Covid jab.

Of course, this might be the last time you get to see them.

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I think everyone already knows the answers here.

It's very hard to let go of people you've liked and who you've believed, for a long time, really liked you. I'm sure every one of us has kept people in our lives we knew weren't good for us, or didn't entirely respect us, or played some sort or other of social game with us, but losing any part of our history hurts.

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Yes, it does. It hurts a lot.

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You voiced my thoughts.

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Amazing. Vax requirements for weddings and Christmas gatherings?

I had no idea. The comment sections to the posts are as good as the posts. And that's... really quite good!

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Yuri, it’s impossible to rationalize with a irrational person. People and circumstances change. You’ve seen their true colors come forth under pressure and don’t like what you see. It’s ok to move on, learn from the experience and know you’re better for it.

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You have Yuri as your nickname, you should know better that it's best to cut ties with these 'useful idiots'. Living in Ottawa, through the Freedom Convoy, was a rude awakening, the closet thing to I felt of civil strife where if one could, they would have proudly called The Staasi on anyone that had any sympathy for the trucker's cause.

Town full of bureaucrat-lifers bourgeois, getting invaded by blue-collar truckers that I'm sure the liberal types probably saw them as a Barbarian invasion. This class warfare was only heightened with Trudeau's words, dehumanizing the truckers as 'others' full of racists, misogynists, swastika-waving low IQ troublemakers who 'should not be tolerated'. Of course our MSM, paid Liberal shills did nothing to tame the rhetoric. Even ramping up the stakes by suggesting Trudeau should call in the military. Then Trudeau and his spazzy Freeland invoke the Emergencies Act, not just targeting the truckers themselves, but freezing donor bank accounts. Trudeau only takes a step back, not from pressure from the media, but pressure from the big banks that tell him he's gone too far. That freezing banks accounts for anyone that the government deems an enemy is not a good look.

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Saul Alinksy's "playbook" to convert from a democracy to communist government includes a step where you purposely create class warfare to divide. We're living the playbook, in the open now.

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Send them Mapquest directions to Hades.

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Good suggestion, Doc.

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Interesting. Why haven't they ostracized you? Is it because they don't know your views? I'm guessing they don't, not completely anyhow. I wouldn't ask for an apology any more than I would ask for an apology from a JW knocking at my door.

I love the image of 'worshipping at the Blue Cathedral.' People who's religion has become a substitute for the existential struggle we all ultimately face are often very hostile to anyone who will challenge it, or even suggest that their beliefs are different.

I don't go looking for a fight personally, but I'm pretty firm about honestly holding the position I do.

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So, here's another interesting story.

I've written about my friend who works at Pfizer managing drug trials. She is a vaxx Karen, and has basically said "if you don't get vaxxed, you'll die of c0vid."

Well, a while back I came out to her regarding not being injected and gave her my reasons. She was upset, but we decided not to talk about it any more. She is vaxxed and double boosted.

Fast forward to a few weeks later. She wants me to come visit her for a few weeks.

So... she thinks everyone who is not vaxxed will die (I had C0VID and did not die) and may very well see us as vectors of disease.

Yet... she still wants to see me and obviously isn't afraid to be around me.

That's what we're dealing with. Complete and utter nonsense and illogic.

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Is it possible her risk-benefit calculus has changed with Omicron being so much less variant? I know that's the case for me.

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I don't really know what has changed her mind. It might be as simple as "well, as long as she's not actively infectious, she's not going to kill me, so it would be OK to see her. But she's going to die if she gets C0VID, which is sad."

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It sounds like she thought Covid might kill her but does't see Omicrons as so dangerous. I've noticed some people speak in hyperbole -- not a good practice during a pandemic - and say things like "you'll do if you get Covid" when what they really mean is "I'm very worried of the risk of dying from Covid."

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Many such stories will become common in the coming years, but somehow I doubt they'll make it into actual advice columns.

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They were awfully common in all the past years too...

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Dear Abby,

I work for a large contractor for the government that mandated the vaccines. I am one of two people in my 30+ person group that sought (and received) an accommodation to avoid the jab. I have recently learned of two healthy and relatively young (<50) group members that had major heart attacks. Should I warn any of them about the clot shot's risks for heart and blood clotting issues, or just let the chips fall where they may? Ordinarily, I'd try to help educate at least some of them. But, given the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" b.s., I'm not particularly motived.

What say ye, Abbie? Courage to speak or popcorn to watch?

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It's not about being motivated to help at this point. Anyone who wants to can find information worth reading and thinking about. We are more than two years into this. You have no esoteric knowledge it would be criminal to withhold.

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P.S. - we're a pretty healthy bunch pre-mandate. Not one coworker in even the much larger group I work with (100+) has ever had a heart attack. But two in the past few months? Nothing to see here, right? I mean, "safe and effective..."

P.S.S. - I'm the only one in my group that cannot confirm I ever got the WuHu Flu. Never any symptoms, so I've never taken a test. If it were required "for safety," I just skipped participation in that event.

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Yuri, I suppose asking for an apology now would be too little too late / water under the bridge & all. And you’d likely not get one anyway (“if everyone wasn’t vax’d, everyone would’ve died!!!!”)

Has the bride ever ‘splained how “my body, my choice” is ok to murder the unborn but not ok for anyone who believes in bodily autonomy for everything else? And the groom pushing ESG, that’s more bad stuff in our great reset future…. They may have been kind over the years but everything they believe in (at least what you’ve mentioned here) is very bad for normal people. That said, I haven’t yet cut ties w/ people who derided my choices & are true covidiots, but I’m getting close.

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Again- here's a situation where social distancing from covidiots will prevent you from catching their infection. and that goes for any of your "health" care providers that prescribe covidianism.

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Using the incorrect denominator is being used in the UK too.


When using the correct denominator or one that isn't an under-estimate at least, you see the unvaccinated are actually are much healthier bunch.


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Yep, so many three-letter agencies need to go. NIH, CDC, FDA, FBI, ATF, CIA, DOJ...

Unfortunately not gonna happen until the whole Empire crumbles.

On the bright side, we may be closer to that point than many people think.

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Perhaps so. But whenever someone says this, I always think of Leonard Cohen's prophecy:

"You're not going to like what comes after America."

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Either way, the only way out is through. We have a slim chance of it being better, and a good chance of it getting bad. Very bad.

It’s going to break; it’s a matter of how. I, for one, at not optimistic. At least not in the short term.

My grandma, bless her 98 year old heart, talk about this often. Most people truly don’t have a clue just how ugly it can be.

Personally, I’d rather have secession, and control forced back by the local level. I’d rather have the opt-out than the destruction. We really… really… don’t want destruction. Most revolts fail, and are quietly backed by the folks who take control as soon as the peasants do the dirty revolt work for them.

Ugh, not today. Lol. I need to work.

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As a rule, civil strife (e.g. revolt, revolution, civil war excluding actual invasion by an enemy) tends to produce a worse outcome than whatever was the status that existed before.

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I hear you, we are in a pickle. It's unavoidably true that the current blind juggernaut pharma/government/corporate/media turds are on tap 24/7. Combine that with a vulnerable/stressed/ill population, stir and bam, self sustaining mierda.

Seems folks like Daniel Schmactenberger, Nate Hagen, The Dark Horse Duo, Charles Eisenstein & others are deep into the conversation. The general idea as I understand could start with Kettering's “A problem well stated is a problem half solved."

The idea being if we hash it ALL out looking for the underlying dynamics, we might be able to see worthy responses to what lies ahead. But it seems like most of the talking heads I've been listening too agree we have a STEEP climb ahead.


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I despise what has become of our America. I see great hope in decentralization, with free markets in every area including education and medicine.

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The corruption is so thoroughly imbedded our only hope is to disband the entire federal government. Every state on the US is larger than many countries in Europe. We can each go our own way and be just fine.

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Yeah. I think it’s the only way. We can’t disband govt institutions as they won’t go down without a bloodbath; we have to capture them, and I don’t see that ending well. It’s opt out or violence. Anyone who wants violence is naïve.

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My comment want going to be "when did the US government every shut down an agency?"

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Probably something somewhere they didn’t agree with

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I reread….I think shibumi meant govt agency but I could be wrong.

Nah. The govt agencies are funded by taxes. Once they have a green light, they never accept a red one. Every part of any government institution incessantly insists on growing in size and budget. And inefficiency (less work, bigger budget) since they have no market competition.

Even IF I could dig up one that actually got shut down, there are hundreds more that should have been but haven’t been.

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Only if it was pro-citizen.

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It’s going to suck. People will die. Including children. But I suspect it is the only way now. How tragic. How truly tragic.

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Children will die of the vaxx on the schedule, too. Just a different reason.

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I believe you are right

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This Sept/Oct time frame has made my huts squirm for the last year+...

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I pray so

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NSF might be less corrupt but only because it's slightly more basic science. However, grant applications always have a "how does this apply to the real world?" section - I would be curious to see just how many grants lead to the practical applications dreamed up during a lab siesta.

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Well Gatito Malo Malo, this is certainly a deep rabbit hole you are inviting us down. Let's start with a couple of observations. First, the power to license is the power to destroy. Second, government licensing of any kind WILL be used to limit the competitive field, thereby interfering in the free market. It must be understood that business entities seek initial competitive advantage, followed by a desire to eliminate competition all together. Just these simple facts lead to the types of monopolies that you describe.

How do we avoid this? Unfortunately, human nature will inevitably seek to circumvent the protections against this behavior. However, your desire for a non-governmental private solution to various aspects of public health give us clues on how we might start.

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so long as we keep mistaking foxes for henhouse guardians under the false presumption that self-regulation is not both more effective and less corrupt than state safety certification and licensure, we'll be trapped here.

the first step is getting people to actively realize that they have been handed boat anchors, not waterwings.

the rest is easy:

get the state out of the way and ban mandatory licensing and accreditation. remove safety agencies, health boards, all of it or at the very least and possibly as an interstitial step, maybe them voluntary, like iso-9000 and see who wants to play.

the market will still demand information and methods by which to assess offerings. this will rapidly evolve an ecosystem of data and analysis that serves consumer need, not gatekeeper privilege.

letting guilds and monopolies control credentialing is just fertilizer for legal plunder.

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Yes, we are living through the consequences of an unholy alliance between the government and Big Pharma.

Yes, the CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID, etc., are captured and not to be trusted.

But there are also supranational umbrella organizations (Gates, Wellcome Trust, Rockefeller, WHO, UN, GAVI, etc.) who are the power behind the power, the super-colluders.

Human nature being what it is, I don't think we can leave healthcare (and many other industries) to the free market. Companies cut corners and lie and cheat...and people get hurt or die. This time those companies have done so with the imprimatur, co-operation, and cover of "the experts" and "the health agencies".

I am reminded of the infant formula case in China in 2008.

Of course, the Chinese bad guys went to prison or to the executioner (unlike the Union Carbide execs who killed people in Bhopal, for example).


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This is what government "healthcare" looks like. Progressives and democrats got into bed with fascists and woke up with medical apartheid and an authoritarian technocratic nightmare state.

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IMO this problem got markedly worse with Obamacare. They really wanted full-on government provided health care, but couldn't get that passed in congress. In some ways this is worse because it's hiding the reality behind a lie, which is choice. Just "choose your doctor" and they are free to provide health care, when in reality they are forced to provide government dictated care. Covid manipulations just turned the volume up to 11.

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Amazing how leftist politicians in America constantly scream and whine about the firearms industry being the only industry that can not be sued (which is false - they can be sued, just not for someone misusing their product), when really, the pharmaceutical industry vis-a-vis "vaccines" is immune from litigation, even when their products do harm with proper use. Tell me that isn't collusion of government and corporations.

I actually wrote a little piece about how the CDC now greatly resembles the Pharisees of Jesus time:


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This is a relevant talking point. Jesus is many things to different groups, but among these he advocated seeking a different path than the established Judaism and its laws. This of course made him a threat to the system that had to be neutralized.

What's often overlooked (and here is where my Devil Advocate comes in....) is that Christianity, as it developed after being adapted by St. Paul, and especially as the Church grew, bears very little semblance to what the Christ of the Gospels teaches. I speculate that for many reasons, it's probably inevitable that a movement as it grows will become an institution, with rules, careers, vested interests and so on. It's probably inevitable.

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I see this a lot too. I would just add that it's prevalent on the right and "conservative" churches just as well. All the "RINO" kinds of situations, aka, hypocrisy.

idk. You can't wake people up with words.

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Neuroscientist Kevin McCairn has been analyzing vaxxes that came out a year or more after launch. He's part of a group of scientists around the world analyzing them and they continue to analyze them.

He has found 100% of the samples he's analyzed since early 2022 contained no mRNA or lipid nanoparticles. They were blanks. That's how the shots got so safe.

His working hypothesis at the moment is that they may be putting out all blanks except for hot batches that contain the new variant to be launched. That's credible to me, because a number of scientists on Twitter have pointed out Omicron couldn't possibly have evolved from the Wuhan variant. It was another, separate lab creation.

McCairn and Dr. Fleming tested batches in early 2021 and October 2021 that did contain mRNA and lipid nanoparticles. Again, after that blanks. This is what you find out when you have friends stealing samples from clinics in multiple countries instead of getting them directly from Pfizer and Moderna.

He's got a bowlful of new vax samples (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and one other I can't remember) that he'll be analyzing as soon as he can book lab time.

The other way CDC is fudging the data is by grotesquely overstating the number of vaxxed. When CDC was claiming an 88% vax rate by December 2021, the U.S. Census Bureau found, in their December 2021 Household Survey of 69,000 people, that only half of Americans were vaxxed. And because of the social desirability effect and some remarks by Fauci and Rochelle in April of 2021, I believe the true rate is lower than that. I believe it's about a third to 40% of Americans.

It's really a shame they can't speak without lying, because it would be easier to prepare a response if smart people out in the real world had an idea whether we're about to go full Geert or whether we actually have natural herd immunity in huge swathes of the country.

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I saw a livestream by McCairn with Spartacus and Mark Kulacz (url below). I had never heard of McCairn before, but the fact that Spartacus participated imparted some credibility IMHO. Is the group of scientists publishing their vaccine analysis data anywhere? I haven't been able to find anything about it, other than what is on McCairn's rather eccentric website.


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Unless we disband these institutions we come to the [frankly terrifying] point Jess Rose wrote about today.


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I reposted this on my fb this morning. We shall see if anyone takes note.

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I retired from my job as an RN earlier than anticipated as I was sick of the corruption that I was witnessing at my place of work and that was before the Covid. So it was not too surprising to see the insanity unfurled upon us all.

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"it seems like the knee jerk public health response to the smoke alarm going off is to take out the battery and gaslight anyone who asks what that beeping was." LOL. I just love your vivid metaphors.

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"The best way to explain the behaviour of any organisation is to assume it has been taken over by a cabal of it's enemies"

- Peter Hitchens

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20 pills a day sounds like why the "let's grow spare parts in a lab" folks are starting with kidneys and livers. Eesh. Grow your own medicine.

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