Every deadly sin is being glorified—gluttony in this case. While every heavenly virtue is being demonized—temperance in this case. They are working diligently to disintegrate all bad reactions to our natural moralistic impulses. Bad = good and good = bad.
We are very near the end gato. The following video - which is a little less absurdly subversive than the one in your article - was supposedly shown as an educational alert to LA school county children:
The problem is they are targeting impressionable children with this sick woke madness. We have to fight for them or we will end up in a hell on earth scenario. When we get there We will have earned that fate by doing nothing to stop this headlong rush to depravity, while they will have not and yet they will be stuck there right along with us.
Got a plan in mind? I think media responsibility would help. Home schooling and neighborhood schools where the parents hire the teachers and actively participate in the teaching. Take education / schools of the property taxes.
But, I think the coming economic hard times will go a long way to washing the blue dye out of people's hair and slim waistlines.
Getting control of the town councils and school boards and keeping them under a microscope is a good first step. Political action has gutted civics because civics can gut political action. They deliberately removed it from the curriculum:
In nature, poisonous animals like snakes and frogs often have bright colors that warn other animals. Some plants and mushrooms can be the same.
Re tats: I remember the Jimmy Buffet song "a permanent reminder of a temporary feeling." I like good tattoo work, but it has to have important meaning for the person. What I don't get are the full tattoo sleeves like they are in the Yakuza
I don't have a tat, but I'll excuse a drunken sailer or a sober one for that matter getting a small one denoting military service. Other than that...no. Remember the saying, "That Butterfly on Your Back Will Become a Buzzard in your Crack" when you are older.
I will never understand tats. I have yet to see one that flatters anyone. To me, they are ugly. Why would someone deface their own body with graffiti? I don't get it, I never will. I thank God I had the good sense not to be dragged into that trend, I sure was into other ones.
Hopefully most parents can see through this madness and teach their children this is wrong on every level, because ultimately they shouldn't be letting the school system teach their children these types of "values".
Yes. The problem is that parents are now the only remaining force for good in their child's life. Forty years ago the parent at least had some support from the broader society and its institutions in trying to raise a morally fit and mentally healthy child. Now the parent is forced to go it alone trying to teach proper values while holding back a crumbling levee against the tsunami of poison coming in from everywhere else outside the home: schools, government, Internet, social media, friends, entertainment, advertising, news media. Not only is the society no longer helping parents to properly raise the child, it is actively working against them. The parent is literally the only positive influence left on the child, and now we can easily observe the relentless efforts to pry away even that. When that's done, the last remaining force for good in a child's life will be gone.
One would hope the church would be another force for good in a child's life. Unfortunately, too many have gone woke in a misguided attempt to maintain "relevance" to a world that rejects truth in lieu of feelings and seeks the temporary over the eternal.
This depravity did not just start in 2024 or 2020, 2010, 2000, 1990, or 1980. I guarantee you, you point to it as something, and there will be something before that. For me, growing up in the seventies, we were encouraged to respect our state institutions, and there is also something that leads to depravity, doesn't it?
I was taught to regurgitate facts and was graded on how well I remembered those regurgitated facts. Suppose I had done some research from outside sources and questioned those facts. I would be given an F. I would be told I was not using "approved sources." We all knew of a few kids who challenged the teacher back in grade school. The only time the teacher was corrected, was when their answer sheet and the reference materials differered.
We were being taught even then to trust in the integrity of the state texts regarding whatever subject we were reading.
The idea that none of this happened before, and is unprecedented needs to be vetted. Over time, there have been crests and troughs of depravity.
There have been times historically where depravity was celebrated and this was the sign of a decline of a civilization. Yes, the game in some ways has changed, but it remains as well. Depravity is still depravity regardless of the new skin that has been placed upon it.
As I stated, point to any point in time, I will show you depravity, and it's in plain sight. Maybe it is given the veneer of language gymnastics. Before Disney went "woke" Disney had themes in its movies that were "follow your heart and you can never go wrong." And so it's no wonder this devolved into "living our truth."
Children have faced corruption since the beginning of time. For us in our culture, a lot of it was "out of sight, out of mine." Were children being exploited in mines even as we appeared to have some veneer of morality in our culture?
This needs to be met head on. You’re comparing the apples of a low tech society to the oranges of a high tech one. The corruption potentials are not remotely comparable. Highly subversive Technology merged with advanced psychology (5th gen warfare) is a far different beast than just psychology, and they are being employed viciously and relentlessly. The plandemic was just a taste of what is coming
It’s one thing to take a writer like myself that they don’t like out of the equation with their bag of hateful tricks. It is quite another to have a stranglehold on the entire conversation. And that is just one aspect of this. When you give kids access to screens leading to the internet you’re giving the world access to your kids.
Harari says about your free will, “that’s over”. He means business.
The big political and economic question of the 21st century is: what do we need so many humans for. … The elite doesn’t need you. There is nothing you can do that is beneficial to the political or economic system —Yuval Noah Harari
“Interesting and provocative," Obama told CNN's Fareed Zakaria [on Harari’s book, Sapiens], who asked him to recommend books that he read while on vacation in Hawaii. “It’s a sweeping history of the human race, from 40,000 feet," Obama said. "It talks about some core things that have allowed us to build this extraordinary civilization, that we take for granted."
“I’m drawn to Yuval for his clarity of thought,” —Jack Dorsey
When Mr. Harari toured the Bay Area this fall to promote his latest book, the reception was incongruously joyful. Reed Hastings, the chief executive of Netflix, threw him a dinner party. The leaders of X, Alphabet’s secretive research division, invited Mr. Harari over. Bill Gates reviewed the book (“Fascinating” and “such a stimulating writer”) in The New York Times.
Mr. Harari, thinking about all this, puts it this way: “Utopia and dystopia depends on your values.” … The useless class he describes is uniquely vulnerable. “If a century ago you mounted a revolution against exploitation, you knew that when bad comes to worse, they can’t shoot all of us because they need us,” he said, citing army service and factory work.
Now it is becoming less clear why the ruling elite would not just kill the new useless class. “You’re totally expendable,” he told the audience. … “We don’t need you. But we are nice, so we’ll take care of you.” —Source (worth reading in full): https://archive.is/rWLoO
Same goes for Big Gulps, which is why liberals- when trying to squash soda consumption- should have just said ‘drink however much sugary crap you want, we are just going to take a face scan of all of you and your diabetes treatment will NOT be covered!’
This is my main beef about beefy people - overburdening the healthcare and health insurance industries ends up costing us healthy un-beefy ones, both in terms of cost and access to appointments. Grrrrr
Is the healthcare system overburdened though? Was it not actually designed for this purpose? It could be said that there is profitability in keeping people sick and providing them with "band-aids" for it, without curing it. They say that a hospital is at optimum functioning at 80% capacity.
When I was in the hospital, for every ailment there was a pharmaceutical answer. Any discomfort, you were offered pain pills, you are backed up, here is some pills and substances to help you go. Never an indicator that maybe the problem was...laying down provides absolutely little to no "leverage" to get the inside out.
The psychopaths will use the school systems to warp young impressionable minds into demanding their own slavery. Children: always the target in a fascist takeover, because they are our future. Control their thoughts, and you control the future.
“We will get you through your children”
“Never let your enemy teach your children” —Malcolm X
“Give me four years with the children and the seed i have sown will never be uprooted” —Lenin
This was something that really bothered me at the beginning of the covid hysteria. I lived between two universities--10 min to one and 20 to the other. I was amazed at the compliance of the masked college aged faces when I would go out. I always thought that this age group was the most rebellious and would refuse to comply with such nonsense on a large scale but I was very wrong. The colleges whipped these bitches right into the shape they wanted.
Crazy right? They’ve devolved into indoctrination factories. The “uni” in university means oneness of thought. Boy are they ever effective at achieving that.
Yeah and I was clueless about it--covid opened my eyes to a lot of things. I've been a rebel about some things for years but now I see so much more that most people are blind to.
I am a role model for mine. Two boys 15 and 6. They are learning that you gotta be observant and tough and make up your own mind. There is sooooo much propaganda out there now it is a daily gag fest
I don't know if they are trying to glorify sin or destigmatize it, but it leads to the same end, dissatisfaction. Selfishness does not lead to some profound happiness or joy, but again to emptiness. Instead of self-examination, to discover that the problem lies with us, the focus is to externalize and blame others for it.
As an overweight person, it's something I own. No one forced me to eat the cake, or to finish the pizza, or to go back to the buffet multiple times.
I don't think we are near the end. When it says somewhere that "no one knows the day or the hour." That goes for all of us. The end comes when there is no more pushback and there is no more caring either way. The end comes when there is no one left to wonder "is this the end?" Because then like the inside of a tauntaun, we are lukewarm.
The ICK factor is a real thing. Wimmin have a strong one and I can't help but wonder if all this normalization of ICK people and their icky attitudes and their gross icky bodies, has an effect on the feminine ability to judge character and intention and nuance. You know, the girlie feelio stuff that had been the moral center for civilization for a while....
That was beyond crazy! That children are being shown this garbage is extremely disturbing. Guess I'm old, because I remember when schools used to teach principles of healthy nutrition and the importance of physical activity. There is a childhood obesity epidemic, not to mention and epidemic of pre-diabetic and diabetic children! So now encouraging healthy eating is oppressive and racist??! This is NUTS.
May God bless you for your diligent work protecting the children. Some clueless wokie dared to act exasperated the other day by responding to me on a YT video where I mentioned child drag queen events and lifestyle. They thought I was making it up and accused me of being a liar. One quick search brought up the series available on TY about it. I linked it and didn't hear back. It's one thing to expose the kids to adult fetish in a night club as they did in Dallas a couple of years ago, where a lot of parents DID protest (and thank God someone had the diligence to video inside what was going on). It's another to then go the next step and hand your son over to degenerates to be raised as an adult fetish performer while still a child.
IKR? People don't believe it! Maybe because I'm in Australia, and the libraries are - more wholesome? - here? They teach knitting & crochet and there's story hour but I think it's characters - not drag queens - telling stories. (though - we do have more than our fair share of "furries" which is the same trend - your outer body doesn't match your inner fantasy - so may as well just upload your entire person online. . . .transhuman)
If this comment is somewhere I did not see, I apologize, but did anyone else notice that in the last photo, she is literally wearing an outfit made from plastic tablecloth fabric?
Oh God ick. But, this makes sense that they said, "the only foods that are bad for you are foods that contain allergens, or poisons or contaminants." Yeah, like doughnuts.
Humility is very difficult but pleases God greatly, which is why everything in our culture is designed/engineered to destroy a sense of humility and exploit the ego. It's an ugly thing. Just look at the selfie generation and the "influencers." Of course, they are miserable people and don't know why.
Agree. Imagine living in a society where manipulators are labeled "influencers" which is basically the same word, and many cannot see how far such a society has fallen when that these manipulators are celebrated.
I mean look at this dumpster fire, they were paying these manipulators to push the killshots, and people couldn't see through it:
Indeed. I have a massive vault devoted to the covid assault on society, run by "influencers" and the famous. Even people I used to be a fan of (barf) like Noam Chomsky showed his authoritarian stripes opining that people who refused the vaccine should starve to death. And shock jock (e.g., paid agitator, asshole and degenerate) Howard Stern said even worse. These people got on the airwaves and said that we should be killed. This is OK with Woke Jacobin/Cultural Marxists. The same ones who clutch the pearls and faint if someone is called "fat" (when they are) and confuse children by telling them men are women and vise-versa. Sick folks.
Wow you see it all and are gifted with words. Chomsky -Mr Manufacturing Consent himself -actually said that it didn't matter if 911 were an inside job. One of the biggest lies in history that manufactured the consent of razing the Middle East, doesn't matter? Those words coming out of his mouth are backstabbing levels of apex hypocrisy and treason.
I think people need to pay attention more to their slippery slope behavior. Abortion is a slippery slope to legalizing murder, which they already try, using "self defense" as a motive using someone's traumatic past experiences to justify it. They wanted to normalize gay marriage and then piggy backed on that with the insidious trans agenda which has roots in pedophilia. James Lindsay has done great work connecting the dots between post modernism and the pedos. They are teaching this stuff in all colleges and universities.
Simple. Make wise food choices. Consider your future health and its cost when making your choice. Let the chips fall where they may, but pay your own way.
Not the "toxic" masculinity which the white liberal women decry. That is the false masculinity of weak, cowardly men and ugly women that is running us into the ground.
America needs to restore the masculinity of our youth.
The current bullies in the school system are the teachers. This is why the “stop bullying,” campaigns have failed. My DIL is an elementary school teacher every morning I meet her at the school to pick up my youngest granddaughter. This semester I have witnessed two fights in the line waiting to go into the lunch room for breakfast. One just two weeks ago, was a 1st grader who was choking another first grader. I asked if the child had been expelled and the answer was no. To expel them would mean the school misses out on their federal funding, so the insanity remains. Idk maybe I’m old school, but keeping one’s hands to themselves is a line that shouldn’t be crossed.
If by "bullies" you mean big kids who beat up on little kids, I´ve gotta disagree. Such bullies are not so much wolves as tiny monsters, up-and-coming psychopaths and criminals, or else overcompensating crybabies themselves, imitating and avenging the violence they´ve seen in their own families. In any case, it´s not good -- and sooner or later someone decides to forego fists and brings a knife or gun to school. Then the bully or the bullied opens fire on a classroom and the resulting carnage has nothing in common with Yellowstone.
I´m all for free-range parenting, all for letting kids stumble and fall and gain confidence in their own resources and abilities. But there is a point where it makes sense for parents and teachers to step in and that point is before physical violence.
Yes, but we need to accept that a few sheep will be eaten along the way. Protecting every last helpless sheep is the reason we got into this mess in the first place. We need to put men back in charge and do away with the female "zero tolerance" for bullying.
I think the "zero tolerance" policies for anything have always been bullshit virtue signaling. It keeps people's small addled brains from actually having to think so they can bully the kids they want--the decent kids--and then they ignore what they want from the ass pains.
Empathy fail on your part there, gato. Shame on you. Yes, you have a bit of a point about the virtue of toughness, and there certainly doesn't need to be any government commissioner against fat shaming, but your excuses for schoolyard bullying are not only cruel but fundamentally illiberal in the classical sense. The main cause of bullying at school is the harshly authoritarian nature of school. Luckily for us libertarians, the policies that really work to prevent persistent bullying are the very same policies that let kids have an early start with personal liberty. The youth rights/child lib movement may lean leftward demographically, but I see no reason philosophically why this should be so.
Won’t argue that. I hold that bullying is at its core an issue of personal responsibility. Bullies need to be larned the lesson. We could do this the easy way, or the hard way.
Schools do not cause bullying, bullies cause bullying. That is a fact of personal responsibility that cannot be transferred to an institution. This article is a perfect example of enabling crying to be an emergency, the subject of EGM post, in the form of glorified mob rule and tyranny.
It's the environment. Disease of any sort loves a toxic environment. Schools - and social media - combined - are toxic environments in which the Bully Disease thrives.
Is there mob rule and tyranny at the Sudbury Valley School or its many imitators? No, there isn't. Instead, there is liberal democracy and the rule of law. Mr. gato has a bit of a point on the virtue of toughness, but there is also virtue in compassion, the baby you're throwing out with the bathwater.
If only EVERYONE did this ONE thing, the world would be perfect.
Denial of human nature as it exists. Let me know how that works out for you. We've seen what other postmodern nutty ideas have done to society already.
Thanks for making my point for me. Prisons, jails, and orphanages all demonstrate my point that persistent bullying is caused or prevented at the institutional level. "Bullying occurs regularly", explains the psychologist Peter Gray, "when people who have no political power and are ruled in top-down fashion by others are required by law or economic necessity to remain in that setting."
I have a slightly different take on this. I was bullied and teased on the school bus during my first year in high school (I had gone to a small Episcopal school before that). My response was to ask my parents for a 10-speed bike (this was back in the early 70s) so I could bike to school (6 hilly miles). This eventually led to my getting into racing for a few years. So yes, I avoided the confrontation with the bullies, but became stronger and more independent.
"Return to those days"? When were those days? When I was a schoolkid in the Eighties, standard school policy was to punish every participant in a fight. There was no recognized right to self-defense for "minors". If it's a rite of passage, why was it punished even in the unwoke Eighties?
When I was in elementary school in the fifties/early sixties, teachers always determined who started it on the playground. There was no punishment for self defense or protecting others.
So well said. Surprising that this slice of our culture doesn't think this process through to the end - that the apple cart isn't always going to be upset and once it's righted they will have no skills to navigate the world.
Sorry, No: I disagree with you. I worked in a rural school as an integration aid for years, helping disabled kids learn as much as they could and integrate happily with the other students.
There were bullies, and they picked on the weaker kids, knowing they wouldn’t fight back. The other kids didn’t ‘punch the bullies in the nose’ because they knew it was wrong. But they stepped in to protect the disabled kids, and reported every incident. The bullies spent a lot of playtime in detention: their parents were told (not that they cared) and they lost certain privileges. Most of those bullies understood that they had done wrong, and learned how to find better ways to assert themselves.
The boys who protected the disabled were heroes. They didn’t lower themselves to violence but protected the defenceless and dealt with every incident the correct way.
The girl bullies, sadly, were rarely caught and never learned that lesson. I don’t think a ‘punch in the nose’ would have gone down too well with them either...
Then he/she is no hero, unless they suddenly come across the bully assaulting someone and there is no time to call a teacher/authority/police.
Look at the law - for adults. If you hear someone is bullying a friend of yours and you visit the perp one night and beat the crap out of them, who is the one who will be arrested and charged? You: not the bully.
However, if you call at your friend's house and find the perp is there assaulting your friend, and you beat the crap out of the perp, you shouldn't be arrested.
However, these days the good guy seems to be the one treated as the perp, and the villain gets away with murder.
ImanAzol, your comparison of Conservatives and Liberals is (mostly) accurate, and made me smile! I do understand your point of view, but I think we are better people if we can deal with the bullies in a pro-active, kind way rather than give in to our understandable urge to "teach them a lesson". However, that may only apply to young people who can be set on a better path. In the case of military defense and aggression in warfare, your views are 100% correct.
I don't know anyone who asks the cake server to scrape off the frosting. They just do that themselves, often because the frosting just overwhelms the cake, not for any reasons of diet or moral superiority. And asking for a smaller slice doesn't involve extra labor (oh, they love that word, don't they?) since the server can just give that already-cut-but-too-big piece to someone else, or give the other half of yours to someone else who wants a small piece.
Many times, we women accept a piece of cake that we might not even want just to share in the celebration and not appear ungrateful. Or maybe we just ate a big lunch.
The moral of the story is, if you look for micro-aggresions, you will see them everywhere, and apparently this woman has a PhD in finding them. Seriously, "there is only ever one point of view and it has to be mine" is a terrible position to take. And should be disqualifying for any governmental position.
Your analysis is so good and articulate. The elevation of victimhood as marker of high status is a powerful incentive to conjure those fantastical pretexts for saying, "this is oppressing."
It's some kind of narcissism for someone to think the choices others are making for themselves are really about them.
"I'd like a smaller piece of cake, please."
"Why are you perpetuating unrealistic and sexist body standards that shame me?"
Tonya I appreciate your cakanalysis. It’s extra labor to scape cake frosting or slice another piece but it’s not extra labor to hire a weight czar to create new forms of “labor” out of anything you can think of. No one is qualified for this government position because there are no qualifications. You have to hire based on no qualifications. We are now making up jobs for people because competing for a job is no longer possible…on one side you’re never qualified without qualifications and on the other side you’re overqualified.
That’s a personal decision those some people have to grapple with - to accept the bigger piece and waste food, gorge themselves irrationally, or go without.
Not to mention some of us are diabetic and are not overweight so it's not like anyone can tell by looking. I shouldn't have to apologize or explain for not loading up on sugar.
If someone is offended because others choose to eat healthy, that's THEIR issue - not mine.
I've wondered about the "microaggression" thing since I first heard the word. My SJW warrior friends worked really hard to convince me that it was a real thing. That it caused real harm.
The only one I think I "got" was - I have a friend who is physically shaped differently. I work with bodies, and my gaze might tend to linger on a body which is different - thinking about how things work in that structure. She informed me that this is offensive. I think she's right. Curiosity can be a microaggression in the disabled.
I can't come to a clear conclusion here, only that "microaggression police" is about regulating another minor point. Crying is not an emergency.
Today's children are tomorrow's adults, which is why the lessons of childhood are so vital to shaping society. That's why kids are taught to be fragile now. This creates dependence on institutional authority.
100%, a population of dependents is not only easy to control, but won't even question said control. And will turn on and destroy anyone who does question.
Well this is a embarasment but must admit you hit the nail on the head. In my 30's I was in Disney World Florida, never had been on a rollercoaster in my life. Thought I was going on the people walker and some how ended up on sky mountain. The climb was beautiful seeing the galaxy, then the drop. I was stunned and just thought I'm a gonner. After the second shock I realised I was here until this ended and could not stop laughing at my stupidity. Needless to say I went back. Why must I conform to your mental illness and you won't even concede to my humanity ? Could I find a paid position as rollercoaster czar? Just asking for a friend.
I guess I was about ten when my uncle took us kids to the county fair. One ride was called "The Bullet", a rotating arm with two spinning cabs on either end. The cabs spinned around also.also. I bragged all the way to the fair that I wanted to take on "The Bullet". It was expensive at the time at 50 cents. I was still bragging when we got close to the ride, and I was foolishly still running my mouth when my uncle calmly handed the half dollar and said "Here You Go". I then had to cash the check that my mouth had written, so to speak, or I could have never lived it down. Holy s**T. Talk about terrified the whole three minutes. Afterward, of course, I swaggered the rest of the day and claimed it was not a big deal for a man of my courage. That was some 70 years ago and I can still remember every detail.
In my family, 2 of the favorite games were Dodgeball & King (or Queen) of the Mountain. We didn’t raise crybabies or crybullies. Thank you for reminding me of the character building we participated in . . . for fun.
That's why my family LOVES board games! Clearly defined rules. No holds barred competition. We teach them all, from the youngest ages they are able to play, the game is the game. I, as your mother, who is moved by your tears usually, don't give a rip in the context of the game. Your tears motivate me to win harder. 😄😄😄
Oh that takes me back to good times. I taught my kids games when they were little by subtly throwing the win until they mastered the game's concepts. Then I made them earn their wins, no holds barred.
When my daughter began to beat me every time at Scrabble (I have an MA in English Lit and she went to trade school and became a pastry chef) I was a proud mom indeed.
King of the Mountain -- I lost that one against a sibling as we stood on a small stool in front of the bathroom sink. My forehead hit the toilet seat and cracked open, requiring a visit to the emergency room and several stitches. I don't think my sibling even got in trouble from my parents--it was just one of those things...
Over a hundred comments and not a single mention of Al Bundy?
(If you're too young, look up "Married with Children" on Youtube, or "Al Bundy's best fat insults" on there.)
About bullying - is there another 'English word for bullying when it comes to molestation, kids having their teeth kicked out, being forcibly shaved or having their hair set on fire, or their clothes shoved down a toilet for the bullies to piss on?
Because that's bullying (mobbing/mobbning in Swedish, borrowing the English word 'mob'). And that's a few example of what I've had had to deal with, directly or indirectly, as a teacher.
Tell you what, when your daughter or son comes home reeking of piss, covered in bruises - tell me again how great bullying is.
Or honestly shut the Fuck up about a topic you very clearly know Jack shit about.
You are talking about real bullying, which is sickening and should stop. And then there’s asking for a small piece of cake, which some other people think is bullying, but it’s not. And pretending that is bullying, I would argue, is making it harder to deal with real bullying.
No argument on that point, but English really need to invent a different word for what you talk about. I guess harassment wouldn't work, since it has a legal definition?
Here, bullying means what I describe. What you talk about would fall under "someone being an idiot".
I think the word is "mockery". I got stabbed with a pencil in the third grade--that was bullying. I got called Laura Kelly Jelly Belly in junior high--that was mockery that induced me to lose weight.
If it happens once or twice, yes. If it happens all the time, no - then its bullying. Especially if it continues when the kids doing it are told by adults to stop.
If you've seen 'Carrie', it shows a perfect example of what bullying can look like: continuous persecution of someone, for no other reason than to harass them.
And then there was the schoolyard incident where shy little ol me is surrounded by six (taller, meaner) taunting grade schoolers. My back literally against the wall, scared shitless, I picked one girl and punched her in the face. And ran! That was the end of the bullying.
Occasionally, that works. And when it does it gives the supposed victim a wonderful sense of ability.
Mostly when attempted, the bullied kid gets a beating. That's the normal course of things.
The decider is this: is it an otherwise normal kid, psychologically speaking or is it a kid with a sadistic personality (or even a budding disorder)?
On a normal kid, being hurt by someone fighting back might work - might. On a kid with a disorder, it only triggers more and stronger violence.
I've seen both, which is why I'm a staunch opponent of putting the "damaged goods" kids in normal school and normal classes, and a strong proponent for making it easy to discipline or expel misbehaving students.
“is there another 'English word for bullying when it comes to molestation, kids having their teeth kicked out, being forcibly shaved or having their hair set on fire, or their clothes shoved down a toilet for the bullies to piss on?”
Yes. The first thing you describe is not bullying it is sexual assault. The others are battery but in context are likely assault and battery since the perp is probably threatening it while doing it. Everything you described is illegal and carries with it the possibility of jail time and/or fines. Nobody wants to see those things happen to kids.
Bullying is telling some kid they are a weirdo for wearing cat ears and tails.
I find schools tend to be terrible at recognizing the distinction between bullying and battery I think out of laziness. Battery requires calling the cops, potentially lawyers and it’s a big to do. It will be very public and the school will look bad. A zero tolerance “bullying” policy lets administrators keep it in house and removes the difficult decision making. That said more parents should press charges if their kid is getting beat up etc, there’s no reason to let the school take the lead on that.
Here, a teacher (or any other staff at a school, including janitors and groundskeepers and such) are legally obligated to report any and all such instances.
It doesn't matter what my employer want or wishes, I have no say in the matter. First instance is Social Services, and if warranted also to police - even if the victim doesn't want me to, I must.
Surely, teachers et c in the USA have the same legal obligations?
That is not to say that there's never any mistakes made, or that people duck their responsibilities, that always is a risk - but the compulsion to report is there for that very reason, so that the delinquent may face formal consequences.
Great post, as usual, but I do want to give a shoutout of support to all the freaks out there -- the purple-haired, the gender bending, the unapologetic fatties. The problem isn´t that weird people roam the street of San Francisco; au contraire, we should all feel free to be our freaky selves. All kinds of weirdness is just fine, fun even, until the freaks start making demands on other people. I can be a bearded dude in a dress and call myself a woman as long as I don´t demand that You call me a woman.
Every deadly sin is being glorified—gluttony in this case. While every heavenly virtue is being demonized—temperance in this case. They are working diligently to disintegrate all bad reactions to our natural moralistic impulses. Bad = good and good = bad.
We are very near the end gato. The following video - which is a little less absurdly subversive than the one in your article - was supposedly shown as an educational alert to LA school county children:
LA School District Tells Students That Eating Doughnuts IS Healthy & You’re A Bigot IF You Disagree: https://old.bitchute.com/video/4UlVJQprhFSc (1 min)
This is the eugenics agenda, plain and simple. And in this case I have to agree.
Let them eat cake. Darwin's theory at its finest.
Talk about useless eaters. Enjoy your diabetes, heart attacks and liver failure.
The problem is they are targeting impressionable children with this sick woke madness. We have to fight for them or we will end up in a hell on earth scenario. When we get there We will have earned that fate by doing nothing to stop this headlong rush to depravity, while they will have not and yet they will be stuck there right along with us.
Got a plan in mind? I think media responsibility would help. Home schooling and neighborhood schools where the parents hire the teachers and actively participate in the teaching. Take education / schools of the property taxes.
But, I think the coming economic hard times will go a long way to washing the blue dye out of people's hair and slim waistlines.
I like your thinking. Solutions can be found at the end of this article:
Getting control of the town councils and school boards and keeping them under a microscope is a good first step. Political action has gutted civics because civics can gut political action. They deliberately removed it from the curriculum:
Blue hair is a dead giveaway. Blue hair, piercings and a mask and tats.
In nature, poisonous animals like snakes and frogs often have bright colors that warn other animals. Some plants and mushrooms can be the same.
Re tats: I remember the Jimmy Buffet song "a permanent reminder of a temporary feeling." I like good tattoo work, but it has to have important meaning for the person. What I don't get are the full tattoo sleeves like they are in the Yakuza
I don't have a tat, but I'll excuse a drunken sailer or a sober one for that matter getting a small one denoting military service. Other than that...no. Remember the saying, "That Butterfly on Your Back Will Become a Buzzard in your Crack" when you are older.
I will never understand tats. I have yet to see one that flatters anyone. To me, they are ugly. Why would someone deface their own body with graffiti? I don't get it, I never will. I thank God I had the good sense not to be dragged into that trend, I sure was into other ones.
Hopefully most parents can see through this madness and teach their children this is wrong on every level, because ultimately they shouldn't be letting the school system teach their children these types of "values".
Yes. The problem is that parents are now the only remaining force for good in their child's life. Forty years ago the parent at least had some support from the broader society and its institutions in trying to raise a morally fit and mentally healthy child. Now the parent is forced to go it alone trying to teach proper values while holding back a crumbling levee against the tsunami of poison coming in from everywhere else outside the home: schools, government, Internet, social media, friends, entertainment, advertising, news media. Not only is the society no longer helping parents to properly raise the child, it is actively working against them. The parent is literally the only positive influence left on the child, and now we can easily observe the relentless efforts to pry away even that. When that's done, the last remaining force for good in a child's life will be gone.
Your points are very well made Corey. Villages that once helped raise and guide children, now work to destroy them.
One would hope the church would be another force for good in a child's life. Unfortunately, too many have gone woke in a misguided attempt to maintain "relevance" to a world that rejects truth in lieu of feelings and seeks the temporary over the eternal.
This depravity did not just start in 2024 or 2020, 2010, 2000, 1990, or 1980. I guarantee you, you point to it as something, and there will be something before that. For me, growing up in the seventies, we were encouraged to respect our state institutions, and there is also something that leads to depravity, doesn't it?
I was taught to regurgitate facts and was graded on how well I remembered those regurgitated facts. Suppose I had done some research from outside sources and questioned those facts. I would be given an F. I would be told I was not using "approved sources." We all knew of a few kids who challenged the teacher back in grade school. The only time the teacher was corrected, was when their answer sheet and the reference materials differered.
We were being taught even then to trust in the integrity of the state texts regarding whatever subject we were reading.
There is no comparison to what you are describing vs the outright corruption of these children we are facing. The game has changed.
There are some videos elsewhere in this thread posted by me, give them a watch. One of these things are not like the others.
Except there is.
The idea that none of this happened before, and is unprecedented needs to be vetted. Over time, there have been crests and troughs of depravity.
There have been times historically where depravity was celebrated and this was the sign of a decline of a civilization. Yes, the game in some ways has changed, but it remains as well. Depravity is still depravity regardless of the new skin that has been placed upon it.
As I stated, point to any point in time, I will show you depravity, and it's in plain sight. Maybe it is given the veneer of language gymnastics. Before Disney went "woke" Disney had themes in its movies that were "follow your heart and you can never go wrong." And so it's no wonder this devolved into "living our truth."
Children have faced corruption since the beginning of time. For us in our culture, a lot of it was "out of sight, out of mine." Were children being exploited in mines even as we appeared to have some veneer of morality in our culture?
This needs to be met head on. You’re comparing the apples of a low tech society to the oranges of a high tech one. The corruption potentials are not remotely comparable. Highly subversive Technology merged with advanced psychology (5th gen warfare) is a far different beast than just psychology, and they are being employed viciously and relentlessly. The plandemic was just a taste of what is coming
It’s one thing to take a writer like myself that they don’t like out of the equation with their bag of hateful tricks. It is quite another to have a stranglehold on the entire conversation. And that is just one aspect of this. When you give kids access to screens leading to the internet you’re giving the world access to your kids.
Up next in their enslavement grid, digital ids and cbdcs:
Harari says about your free will, “that’s over”. He means business.
The big political and economic question of the 21st century is: what do we need so many humans for. … The elite doesn’t need you. There is nothing you can do that is beneficial to the political or economic system —Yuval Noah Harari
“Interesting and provocative," Obama told CNN's Fareed Zakaria [on Harari’s book, Sapiens], who asked him to recommend books that he read while on vacation in Hawaii. “It’s a sweeping history of the human race, from 40,000 feet," Obama said. "It talks about some core things that have allowed us to build this extraordinary civilization, that we take for granted."
“I’m drawn to Yuval for his clarity of thought,” —Jack Dorsey
When Mr. Harari toured the Bay Area this fall to promote his latest book, the reception was incongruously joyful. Reed Hastings, the chief executive of Netflix, threw him a dinner party. The leaders of X, Alphabet’s secretive research division, invited Mr. Harari over. Bill Gates reviewed the book (“Fascinating” and “such a stimulating writer”) in The New York Times.
Mr. Harari, thinking about all this, puts it this way: “Utopia and dystopia depends on your values.” … The useless class he describes is uniquely vulnerable. “If a century ago you mounted a revolution against exploitation, you knew that when bad comes to worse, they can’t shoot all of us because they need us,” he said, citing army service and factory work.
Now it is becoming less clear why the ruling elite would not just kill the new useless class. “You’re totally expendable,” he told the audience. … “We don’t need you. But we are nice, so we’ll take care of you.” —Source (worth reading in full): https://archive.is/rWLoO
🤣🤣But somewhere in there should be a rider that the tax payers will NOT be paying for your "healthcare"
Same goes for Big Gulps, which is why liberals- when trying to squash soda consumption- should have just said ‘drink however much sugary crap you want, we are just going to take a face scan of all of you and your diabetes treatment will NOT be covered!’
This is my main beef about beefy people - overburdening the healthcare and health insurance industries ends up costing us healthy un-beefy ones, both in terms of cost and access to appointments. Grrrrr
Is the healthcare system overburdened though? Was it not actually designed for this purpose? It could be said that there is profitability in keeping people sick and providing them with "band-aids" for it, without curing it. They say that a hospital is at optimum functioning at 80% capacity.
When I was in the hospital, for every ailment there was a pharmaceutical answer. Any discomfort, you were offered pain pills, you are backed up, here is some pills and substances to help you go. Never an indicator that maybe the problem was...laying down provides absolutely little to no "leverage" to get the inside out.
Only those with strong individualistic minds and good self-control will survive and thrive.
What part does Big Pharma play in this insidious brainwashing? If your business thrives while keeping humans sick, the incentive is clear.
Also the eugenics angle.
Who is funding these videos? Wouldn’t be surprised if it was makers of Ozempic and the like.
Oh , shut up.
OMG, TriTorch. Thanks for sharing that horrifying video.
Couple more:
Very Insightful: How ESG & Emotional Abusive Schooling Will Achieve the WEF's Great Reset https://old.bitchute.com/video/vS0ykC9Y20Vt
CRT Removes the Reason to Try, This is Not Theoretical: Black Lawyer Excoriates Critical Race Theory: https://old.bitchute.com/video/DaS25FLR8ktR
The psychopaths will use the school systems to warp young impressionable minds into demanding their own slavery. Children: always the target in a fascist takeover, because they are our future. Control their thoughts, and you control the future.
“We will get you through your children”
“Never let your enemy teach your children” —Malcolm X
“Give me four years with the children and the seed i have sown will never be uprooted” —Lenin
Common Core ELA Social Justice Activism Indoctrination: https://youtu.be/FSHoxWaVeto
This was something that really bothered me at the beginning of the covid hysteria. I lived between two universities--10 min to one and 20 to the other. I was amazed at the compliance of the masked college aged faces when I would go out. I always thought that this age group was the most rebellious and would refuse to comply with such nonsense on a large scale but I was very wrong. The colleges whipped these bitches right into the shape they wanted.
Crazy right? They’ve devolved into indoctrination factories. The “uni” in university means oneness of thought. Boy are they ever effective at achieving that.
Yeah and I was clueless about it--covid opened my eyes to a lot of things. I've been a rebel about some things for years but now I see so much more that most people are blind to.
We have to fight the E.S.G. It’s evil.
I am a role model for mine. Two boys 15 and 6. They are learning that you gotta be observant and tough and make up your own mind. There is sooooo much propaganda out there now it is a daily gag fest
Pathologizing normal, normalizing pathology.
I don't know if they are trying to glorify sin or destigmatize it, but it leads to the same end, dissatisfaction. Selfishness does not lead to some profound happiness or joy, but again to emptiness. Instead of self-examination, to discover that the problem lies with us, the focus is to externalize and blame others for it.
As an overweight person, it's something I own. No one forced me to eat the cake, or to finish the pizza, or to go back to the buffet multiple times.
I don't think we are near the end. When it says somewhere that "no one knows the day or the hour." That goes for all of us. The end comes when there is no more pushback and there is no more caring either way. The end comes when there is no one left to wonder "is this the end?" Because then like the inside of a tauntaun, we are lukewarm.
I think it’s so deceptive because there’s a kernel of truth in what they say.
"The only foods that are bad for you are ones that contain toxins or poisons." aka as American ingredients.
The ICK factor is a real thing. Wimmin have a strong one and I can't help but wonder if all this normalization of ICK people and their icky attitudes and their gross icky bodies, has an effect on the feminine ability to judge character and intention and nuance. You know, the girlie feelio stuff that had been the moral center for civilization for a while....
The only hope is they eat themselves into early graves before they can do too much societal damage...
"Instead of f*ckasing"
There's another harmful impulse.
That was beyond crazy! That children are being shown this garbage is extremely disturbing. Guess I'm old, because I remember when schools used to teach principles of healthy nutrition and the importance of physical activity. There is a childhood obesity epidemic, not to mention and epidemic of pre-diabetic and diabetic children! So now encouraging healthy eating is oppressive and racist??! This is NUTS.
Agree, but that is minor compared to this. If you want to help heal this, join me, I need all the support I can get right now:
May God bless you for your diligent work protecting the children. Some clueless wokie dared to act exasperated the other day by responding to me on a YT video where I mentioned child drag queen events and lifestyle. They thought I was making it up and accused me of being a liar. One quick search brought up the series available on TY about it. I linked it and didn't hear back. It's one thing to expose the kids to adult fetish in a night club as they did in Dallas a couple of years ago, where a lot of parents DID protest (and thank God someone had the diligence to video inside what was going on). It's another to then go the next step and hand your son over to degenerates to be raised as an adult fetish performer while still a child.
Here's just one "documentary" trying to push this agenda. That anyone would buy into it is crazy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXijNZ1x_U8&ab_channel=YouTubeMovies
IKR? People don't believe it! Maybe because I'm in Australia, and the libraries are - more wholesome? - here? They teach knitting & crochet and there's story hour but I think it's characters - not drag queens - telling stories. (though - we do have more than our fair share of "furries" which is the same trend - your outer body doesn't match your inner fantasy - so may as well just upload your entire person online. . . .transhuman)
If this comment is somewhere I did not see, I apologize, but did anyone else notice that in the last photo, she is literally wearing an outfit made from plastic tablecloth fabric?
if you can keep your donuts ...
while all those around you are losing theirs ...
you will be ...
the fattest person in the room
Oh God ick. But, this makes sense that they said, "the only foods that are bad for you are foods that contain allergens, or poisons or contaminants." Yeah, like doughnuts.
That is genius. You just took my mind to a whole new level on this subject Ellen.
Sometimes I wonder if they want to see how far they can go in terms of outrageousness.
IMO - that line was crossed long ago.
Crossed long ago at full speed ahead with nary a glance back
PRIDE is the one that has really gone off the rails. Is degeneracy a deadly sin?
100% Mary, pride was specifically chosen to represent gay lust because pride is a multiplier of every deadly sin.
It’s one thing to slyly commit a sin be shameful of it. It’s quite another to loudly commit one, flaunt it, and be proud of it.
These people are as dumb as rocks. They are Knowingly taunting the creator. There will be hell to pay.
Conversely, humility is the multiplier of every heavenly virtue.
Humility is very difficult but pleases God greatly, which is why everything in our culture is designed/engineered to destroy a sense of humility and exploit the ego. It's an ugly thing. Just look at the selfie generation and the "influencers." Of course, they are miserable people and don't know why.
Agree. Imagine living in a society where manipulators are labeled "influencers" which is basically the same word, and many cannot see how far such a society has fallen when that these manipulators are celebrated.
I mean look at this dumpster fire, they were paying these manipulators to push the killshots, and people couldn't see through it:
https://old.bitchute.com/video/38G8IbxA5G6c (1 min)
Influencers belong in a post truth society. We are here.
Indeed. I have a massive vault devoted to the covid assault on society, run by "influencers" and the famous. Even people I used to be a fan of (barf) like Noam Chomsky showed his authoritarian stripes opining that people who refused the vaccine should starve to death. And shock jock (e.g., paid agitator, asshole and degenerate) Howard Stern said even worse. These people got on the airwaves and said that we should be killed. This is OK with Woke Jacobin/Cultural Marxists. The same ones who clutch the pearls and faint if someone is called "fat" (when they are) and confuse children by telling them men are women and vise-versa. Sick folks.
Wow you see it all and are gifted with words. Chomsky -Mr Manufacturing Consent himself -actually said that it didn't matter if 911 were an inside job. One of the biggest lies in history that manufactured the consent of razing the Middle East, doesn't matter? Those words coming out of his mouth are backstabbing levels of apex hypocrisy and treason.
I too have a COVID treachery vault (it's measured in terabytes), here is a small slice of it: https://tritorch.com/degradation
If I ever manage to get back on my feet Mary, maybe one day we can combine ours together. I am glad I met you.
Like (I forget what "star" or politician it was) wearing that T-shirt announcing how many abortions you've had 😒
I think people need to pay attention more to their slippery slope behavior. Abortion is a slippery slope to legalizing murder, which they already try, using "self defense" as a motive using someone's traumatic past experiences to justify it. They wanted to normalize gay marriage and then piggy backed on that with the insidious trans agenda which has roots in pedophilia. James Lindsay has done great work connecting the dots between post modernism and the pedos. They are teaching this stuff in all colleges and universities.
Excellent comment. Also Lindsay is incredible
Simple. Make wise food choices. Consider your future health and its cost when making your choice. Let the chips fall where they may, but pay your own way.
I'm so old that I remember every kid being bullied on the playground at recess.
This appeal to weakness denies the youth that incredible feeling resulting from the right of passage known as punching the bully in the nose.
We need to return to those days when you learned to stand up for yourself, and the ones who don't learn, never get to be in charge.
Hard times make strong men. Strong men make good times. Good times make weak men.
Weak men make hard times.
You are here.
the return of bullies to schools will be like the return of wolves to yellowstone.
the whole ecosystem will heal.
Yes. What we need is a return to masculinity.
Not the "toxic" masculinity which the white liberal women decry. That is the false masculinity of weak, cowardly men and ugly women that is running us into the ground.
America needs to restore the masculinity of our youth.
Make Nosepunching Great Again!
go for the body. striking the face can hurt your hands.
The current bullies in the school system are the teachers. This is why the “stop bullying,” campaigns have failed. My DIL is an elementary school teacher every morning I meet her at the school to pick up my youngest granddaughter. This semester I have witnessed two fights in the line waiting to go into the lunch room for breakfast. One just two weeks ago, was a 1st grader who was choking another first grader. I asked if the child had been expelled and the answer was no. To expel them would mean the school misses out on their federal funding, so the insanity remains. Idk maybe I’m old school, but keeping one’s hands to themselves is a line that shouldn’t be crossed.
If by "bullies" you mean big kids who beat up on little kids, I´ve gotta disagree. Such bullies are not so much wolves as tiny monsters, up-and-coming psychopaths and criminals, or else overcompensating crybabies themselves, imitating and avenging the violence they´ve seen in their own families. In any case, it´s not good -- and sooner or later someone decides to forego fists and brings a knife or gun to school. Then the bully or the bullied opens fire on a classroom and the resulting carnage has nothing in common with Yellowstone.
I´m all for free-range parenting, all for letting kids stumble and fall and gain confidence in their own resources and abilities. But there is a point where it makes sense for parents and teachers to step in and that point is before physical violence.
Yes, but we need to accept that a few sheep will be eaten along the way. Protecting every last helpless sheep is the reason we got into this mess in the first place. We need to put men back in charge and do away with the female "zero tolerance" for bullying.
I think the "zero tolerance" policies for anything have always been bullshit virtue signaling. It keeps people's small addled brains from actually having to think so they can bully the kids they want--the decent kids--and then they ignore what they want from the ass pains.
Hahahaha! Love it.
Empathy fail on your part there, gato. Shame on you. Yes, you have a bit of a point about the virtue of toughness, and there certainly doesn't need to be any government commissioner against fat shaming, but your excuses for schoolyard bullying are not only cruel but fundamentally illiberal in the classical sense. The main cause of bullying at school is the harshly authoritarian nature of school. Luckily for us libertarians, the policies that really work to prevent persistent bullying are the very same policies that let kids have an early start with personal liberty. The youth rights/child lib movement may lean leftward demographically, but I see no reason philosophically why this should be so.
“ The main cause of bullying at school is the harshly authoritarian nature of school.”
Uh, no.
Bullying’s main caus is bullies: enabled assholes who take their angst out on weaker kids.
Shitty parenting, which gets shittier every year.
Won’t argue that. I hold that bullying is at its core an issue of personal responsibility. Bullies need to be larned the lesson. We could do this the easy way, or the hard way.
I must correct your factual error. Persistent bullying is indeed preventable at the institutional level: https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/freedom-to-learn/201006/freedom-from-bullying-how-a-school-can-be-a-moral-community
Schools do not cause bullying, bullies cause bullying. That is a fact of personal responsibility that cannot be transferred to an institution. This article is a perfect example of enabling crying to be an emergency, the subject of EGM post, in the form of glorified mob rule and tyranny.
It's the environment. Disease of any sort loves a toxic environment. Schools - and social media - combined - are toxic environments in which the Bully Disease thrives.
A healthy biome ejects the bully.
Is there mob rule and tyranny at the Sudbury Valley School or its many imitators? No, there isn't. Instead, there is liberal democracy and the rule of law. Mr. gato has a bit of a point on the virtue of toughness, but there is also virtue in compassion, the baby you're throwing out with the bathwater.
Bullying has been around since humans graced the earth. It's a rite of passage. It sucks, but it teaches kids a lot.
If persistent bullying can be prevented at the institutional level—which indeed it can—then there is absolutely no excuse for not preventing it. And the good news for us freedom lovers is that, to make a long story short, freedom is what prevents persistent bullying: https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/freedom-to-learn/201006/freedom-from-bullying-how-a-school-can-be-a-moral-community
More utopian b.s.
If only EVERYONE did this ONE thing, the world would be perfect.
Denial of human nature as it exists. Let me know how that works out for you. We've seen what other postmodern nutty ideas have done to society already.
I'm not the denier of reality here; you are. Free, democratic schools such as the Sudbury Valley School have been empirically proving my point for decades, whether you're willing to acknowledge it or not. Here's that link again: https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/freedom-to-learn/201006/freedom-from-bullying-how-a-school-can-be-a-moral-community
Never been to prison, jail, or an orphanage eh?
Thanks for making my point for me. Prisons, jails, and orphanages all demonstrate my point that persistent bullying is caused or prevented at the institutional level. "Bullying occurs regularly", explains the psychologist Peter Gray, "when people who have no political power and are ruled in top-down fashion by others are required by law or economic necessity to remain in that setting."
Quote source, not the same link as in my comment above: https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/freedom-to-learn/201005/school-bullying-a-tragic-cost-of-undemocratic-schools
Except the bullies get shot plus some. Or vice versa plus some.
gato if possible can you reply to my DMs I sent a couple of weeks ago
I have a slightly different take on this. I was bullied and teased on the school bus during my first year in high school (I had gone to a small Episcopal school before that). My response was to ask my parents for a 10-speed bike (this was back in the early 70s) so I could bike to school (6 hilly miles). This eventually led to my getting into racing for a few years. So yes, I avoided the confrontation with the bullies, but became stronger and more independent.
Your anecdote is fantastic. Really resourceful and inspiring. Would make for a great essay that many peeps, I believe, would read. Just sayin.
Big lesson in your story. Resilience isn't always about confrontation but about finding a workaround that allows one to thrive.
there will always be bullies, it's just that now the bullies are the weak and pathetic
Cannot give this enough❤️❤️❤️
"Return to those days"? When were those days? When I was a schoolkid in the Eighties, standard school policy was to punish every participant in a fight. There was no recognized right to self-defense for "minors". If it's a rite of passage, why was it punished even in the unwoke Eighties?
The decline has been going on for a long time.
When I was in elementary school in the fifties/early sixties, teachers always determined who started it on the playground. There was no punishment for self defense or protecting others.
That was better, but still not good enough. I object to the ageist double standard by which kids are expected to fend for themselves in a Hobbesian state of nature while adults have the benefit of institutional justice. The successful experiment of the Sudbury Valley School and its judicial committee system has proven that institutional justice works well for kids, too. https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/freedom-to-learn/201006/freedom-from-bullying-how-a-school-can-be-a-moral-community
Still my very most favorite values flashback.. el gato must read in praise of lawn darts!!!
So well said. Surprising that this slice of our culture doesn't think this process through to the end - that the apple cart isn't always going to be upset and once it's righted they will have no skills to navigate the world.
Sorry, No: I disagree with you. I worked in a rural school as an integration aid for years, helping disabled kids learn as much as they could and integrate happily with the other students.
There were bullies, and they picked on the weaker kids, knowing they wouldn’t fight back. The other kids didn’t ‘punch the bullies in the nose’ because they knew it was wrong. But they stepped in to protect the disabled kids, and reported every incident. The bullies spent a lot of playtime in detention: their parents were told (not that they cared) and they lost certain privileges. Most of those bullies understood that they had done wrong, and learned how to find better ways to assert themselves.
The boys who protected the disabled were heroes. They didn’t lower themselves to violence but protected the defenceless and dealt with every incident the correct way.
The girl bullies, sadly, were rarely caught and never learned that lesson. I don’t think a ‘punch in the nose’ would have gone down too well with them either...
Sometimes the heroic kid beats the crap out of the bully.
I think that's on TV. I can't think of any real life examples, though I'm sure there are a few. It happens commonly on TV, though.
I like your approach Lynda H. Peer pressure is a strong motivator.
Then he/she is no hero, unless they suddenly come across the bully assaulting someone and there is no time to call a teacher/authority/police.
Look at the law - for adults. If you hear someone is bullying a friend of yours and you visit the perp one night and beat the crap out of them, who is the one who will be arrested and charged? You: not the bully.
However, if you call at your friend's house and find the perp is there assaulting your friend, and you beat the crap out of the perp, you shouldn't be arrested.
However, these days the good guy seems to be the one treated as the perp, and the villain gets away with murder.
Conservatives have been shamed by liberals that we must alway be the good guys and never sink to their level, while they continue to do so.
Retribution is sometimes known as "justice."
If you require consent from the government--largely liberal--for justice, is it really?
I don't advocate random beatings over disagreements, but sometimes a perp needs taken behind the shed and explained a few things in their own oeuvre.
ImanAzol, your comparison of Conservatives and Liberals is (mostly) accurate, and made me smile! I do understand your point of view, but I think we are better people if we can deal with the bullies in a pro-active, kind way rather than give in to our understandable urge to "teach them a lesson". However, that may only apply to young people who can be set on a better path. In the case of military defense and aggression in warfare, your views are 100% correct.
Worked for Me! Thank you, MSG Nathaniel Woods, Ft. Jackson, S.C. 1964. Some life lessons one will never forget.
I don't know anyone who asks the cake server to scrape off the frosting. They just do that themselves, often because the frosting just overwhelms the cake, not for any reasons of diet or moral superiority. And asking for a smaller slice doesn't involve extra labor (oh, they love that word, don't they?) since the server can just give that already-cut-but-too-big piece to someone else, or give the other half of yours to someone else who wants a small piece.
Many times, we women accept a piece of cake that we might not even want just to share in the celebration and not appear ungrateful. Or maybe we just ate a big lunch.
The moral of the story is, if you look for micro-aggresions, you will see them everywhere, and apparently this woman has a PhD in finding them. Seriously, "there is only ever one point of view and it has to be mine" is a terrible position to take. And should be disqualifying for any governmental position.
The frosting is my favorite part! And I weigh 114
Sounds like you need more frosting.
Your analysis is so good and articulate. The elevation of victimhood as marker of high status is a powerful incentive to conjure those fantastical pretexts for saying, "this is oppressing."
It's some kind of narcissism for someone to think the choices others are making for themselves are really about them.
"I'd like a smaller piece of cake, please."
"Why are you perpetuating unrealistic and sexist body standards that shame me?"
Spot on!!
Yes! Well said!
When someone asks for a smaller slice of cake, I offer to take their big one!😄
I am a man and scraped frosting and quietly threw out the excess cake. I was not the only one. Thank goodness store bought cake is so awful.
Tonya I appreciate your cakanalysis. It’s extra labor to scape cake frosting or slice another piece but it’s not extra labor to hire a weight czar to create new forms of “labor” out of anything you can think of. No one is qualified for this government position because there are no qualifications. You have to hire based on no qualifications. We are now making up jobs for people because competing for a job is no longer possible…on one side you’re never qualified without qualifications and on the other side you’re overqualified.
Or just don’t eat the whole piece. Nobody makes them eat it all.
Some people don't like to waste food.
That’s a personal decision those some people have to grapple with - to accept the bigger piece and waste food, gorge themselves irrationally, or go without.
Not to mention some of us are diabetic and are not overweight so it's not like anyone can tell by looking. I shouldn't have to apologize or explain for not loading up on sugar.
If someone is offended because others choose to eat healthy, that's THEIR issue - not mine.
I've wondered about the "microaggression" thing since I first heard the word. My SJW warrior friends worked really hard to convince me that it was a real thing. That it caused real harm.
The only one I think I "got" was - I have a friend who is physically shaped differently. I work with bodies, and my gaze might tend to linger on a body which is different - thinking about how things work in that structure. She informed me that this is offensive. I think she's right. Curiosity can be a microaggression in the disabled.
I can't come to a clear conclusion here, only that "microaggression police" is about regulating another minor point. Crying is not an emergency.
I am looking forward to the drama when people start saying she’s not fat enough.
Yeah, Virgie's a small fat at best. They have thin privilege because they don't have to wear Tents by Torrid yet.
Today's children are tomorrow's adults, which is why the lessons of childhood are so vital to shaping society. That's why kids are taught to be fragile now. This creates dependence on institutional authority.
100%, a population of dependents is not only easy to control, but won't even question said control. And will turn on and destroy anyone who does question.
Well this is a embarasment but must admit you hit the nail on the head. In my 30's I was in Disney World Florida, never had been on a rollercoaster in my life. Thought I was going on the people walker and some how ended up on sky mountain. The climb was beautiful seeing the galaxy, then the drop. I was stunned and just thought I'm a gonner. After the second shock I realised I was here until this ended and could not stop laughing at my stupidity. Needless to say I went back. Why must I conform to your mental illness and you won't even concede to my humanity ? Could I find a paid position as rollercoaster czar? Just asking for a friend.
I guess I was about ten when my uncle took us kids to the county fair. One ride was called "The Bullet", a rotating arm with two spinning cabs on either end. The cabs spinned around also.also. I bragged all the way to the fair that I wanted to take on "The Bullet". It was expensive at the time at 50 cents. I was still bragging when we got close to the ride, and I was foolishly still running my mouth when my uncle calmly handed the half dollar and said "Here You Go". I then had to cash the check that my mouth had written, so to speak, or I could have never lived it down. Holy s**T. Talk about terrified the whole three minutes. Afterward, of course, I swaggered the rest of the day and claimed it was not a big deal for a man of my courage. That was some 70 years ago and I can still remember every detail.
Obviously she's a citizen, but I hope that Tom Homan tries to deport her anyway.
She’s not your huckleberry Holiday. 😂
Most definitely not!
It is solvable though.
MAGA - Make Asylums Great Again.
There'd be no way you could build them fast enough.
Just use the public schools. The children can go play at a park that the homeless encampments have been evicted from.
This. 💯 this.
Incarceration of people who are different not the answer. Because the next time, it may be an asylum for you.
Empirically and objectively wrong.
They very deliberately chose a person who looks like a literal pig to be their "fat acceptance czar."
I believe that they're trolling us.
Unfortunately, they are not. They are "serious".
They are, they are making fools out of us! We all look like jerks.
After reading this I'm tempted to get my lawn darts out of the attic & show the neighborhood kids how to play a "Real Game."
No better way to destroy a civilization than putting the mentally ill, in charge.
In my family, 2 of the favorite games were Dodgeball & King (or Queen) of the Mountain. We didn’t raise crybabies or crybullies. Thank you for reminding me of the character building we participated in . . . for fun.
That's why my family LOVES board games! Clearly defined rules. No holds barred competition. We teach them all, from the youngest ages they are able to play, the game is the game. I, as your mother, who is moved by your tears usually, don't give a rip in the context of the game. Your tears motivate me to win harder. 😄😄😄
Oh that takes me back to good times. I taught my kids games when they were little by subtly throwing the win until they mastered the game's concepts. Then I made them earn their wins, no holds barred.
When my daughter began to beat me every time at Scrabble (I have an MA in English Lit and she went to trade school and became a pastry chef) I was a proud mom indeed.
So do you let the child learn that 'em' is actually a word? Or do you allow the equivalent of stomping on their face?
King of the Mountain -- I lost that one against a sibling as we stood on a small stool in front of the bathroom sink. My forehead hit the toilet seat and cracked open, requiring a visit to the emergency room and several stitches. I don't think my sibling even got in trouble from my parents--it was just one of those things...
"come along with kitty as virgil and tour this new circle of hell"
Dude... the last guy that followed Virgil into Hell had to escape through Satan's bung hole.
Nope. Not gonna do it.
Ace Ventura and a Rhino named Satan?
"Weight Stigma Czar" is not a terrible idea, but the other direction. "You're fat no cake for you"
Great tshirt slogan 😆
There are talking cars out there, there should be talking refrigerators as well: "eating again, you fat pig?"
Yeah, it pretty much IS a terrible idea....
Over a hundred comments and not a single mention of Al Bundy?
(If you're too young, look up "Married with Children" on Youtube, or "Al Bundy's best fat insults" on there.)
About bullying - is there another 'English word for bullying when it comes to molestation, kids having their teeth kicked out, being forcibly shaved or having their hair set on fire, or their clothes shoved down a toilet for the bullies to piss on?
Because that's bullying (mobbing/mobbning in Swedish, borrowing the English word 'mob'). And that's a few example of what I've had had to deal with, directly or indirectly, as a teacher.
Tell you what, when your daughter or son comes home reeking of piss, covered in bruises - tell me again how great bullying is.
Or honestly shut the Fuck up about a topic you very clearly know Jack shit about.
You are talking about real bullying, which is sickening and should stop. And then there’s asking for a small piece of cake, which some other people think is bullying, but it’s not. And pretending that is bullying, I would argue, is making it harder to deal with real bullying.
No argument on that point, but English really need to invent a different word for what you talk about. I guess harassment wouldn't work, since it has a legal definition?
Here, bullying means what I describe. What you talk about would fall under "someone being an idiot".
I think the word is "mockery". I got stabbed with a pencil in the third grade--that was bullying. I got called Laura Kelly Jelly Belly in junior high--that was mockery that induced me to lose weight.
If it happens once or twice, yes. If it happens all the time, no - then its bullying. Especially if it continues when the kids doing it are told by adults to stop.
If you've seen 'Carrie', it shows a perfect example of what bullying can look like: continuous persecution of someone, for no other reason than to harass them.
And then there was the schoolyard incident where shy little ol me is surrounded by six (taller, meaner) taunting grade schoolers. My back literally against the wall, scared shitless, I picked one girl and punched her in the face. And ran! That was the end of the bullying.
Occasionally, that works. And when it does it gives the supposed victim a wonderful sense of ability.
Mostly when attempted, the bullied kid gets a beating. That's the normal course of things.
The decider is this: is it an otherwise normal kid, psychologically speaking or is it a kid with a sadistic personality (or even a budding disorder)?
On a normal kid, being hurt by someone fighting back might work - might. On a kid with a disorder, it only triggers more and stronger violence.
I've seen both, which is why I'm a staunch opponent of putting the "damaged goods" kids in normal school and normal classes, and a strong proponent for making it easy to discipline or expel misbehaving students.
Bullies are cowards, who only respond to force. I gave a bully a bloody nose once, and after that he wanted to be my friend. I told him to get lost.
“is there another 'English word for bullying when it comes to molestation, kids having their teeth kicked out, being forcibly shaved or having their hair set on fire, or their clothes shoved down a toilet for the bullies to piss on?”
Yes. The first thing you describe is not bullying it is sexual assault. The others are battery but in context are likely assault and battery since the perp is probably threatening it while doing it. Everything you described is illegal and carries with it the possibility of jail time and/or fines. Nobody wants to see those things happen to kids.
Bullying is telling some kid they are a weirdo for wearing cat ears and tails.
I find schools tend to be terrible at recognizing the distinction between bullying and battery I think out of laziness. Battery requires calling the cops, potentially lawyers and it’s a big to do. It will be very public and the school will look bad. A zero tolerance “bullying” policy lets administrators keep it in house and removes the difficult decision making. That said more parents should press charges if their kid is getting beat up etc, there’s no reason to let the school take the lead on that.
Here, a teacher (or any other staff at a school, including janitors and groundskeepers and such) are legally obligated to report any and all such instances.
It doesn't matter what my employer want or wishes, I have no say in the matter. First instance is Social Services, and if warranted also to police - even if the victim doesn't want me to, I must.
Surely, teachers et c in the USA have the same legal obligations?
That is not to say that there's never any mistakes made, or that people duck their responsibilities, that always is a risk - but the compulsion to report is there for that very reason, so that the delinquent may face formal consequences.
Things are different in America. If you suspect abuse by an adult then yes reporting is mandatory but violence etc between students is not.
Great post, as usual, but I do want to give a shoutout of support to all the freaks out there -- the purple-haired, the gender bending, the unapologetic fatties. The problem isn´t that weird people roam the street of San Francisco; au contraire, we should all feel free to be our freaky selves. All kinds of weirdness is just fine, fun even, until the freaks start making demands on other people. I can be a bearded dude in a dress and call myself a woman as long as I don´t demand that You call me a woman.