“Ninja”? Isn’t that going to cause discrimination against Ninja’s and the Japanese? Where are the word police when you need them?

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Racist cultural appropriation. Shameful.

It should be known by its rightful name: BS.5

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Or GREEK letters. Oh wait!

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Another woke awakening? : )

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Just trying to show everybody that I respect everybody/thing.

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Sorry, that was a bad joke. I thought you were being smartly funny

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I was kidding

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Or maybe GEEK letters...

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i can't believe we have switched to scary russian letters yet

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yes, indeed!

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Why are you obsessed with Greek letters? Can’t the same “evolutionary gradient” be evinced by Albanian letters? There are many cultures replete with character sets that might accomplish the same result. Tell me more about this Hellenistic bent you have.

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Using Greek letters sound like white supremacism to me. Why not African letters?

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Because there aren't any, except those they got from European colonists.

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I disagree. I want Mongolian letters.

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I thought you weren't allowed to say the N-word unless you were Japanese? These woke rules are so confusing.

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I think that there are ninjas in every country. The thing is that the Japanese are the worst ;)

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Or the best, depending on your POV.

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The worst, because they are the only that have been seen

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Never thought of this, but, yes, I protest on their behalf.

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With Canada's health minister recently stating that Trudeau's subjects would never be fully vaccinated and mentioning the plan for a jab every 9 months, and the Brandon administration placing an order for 105 million doses of injectable toxin, this drama is not going away any time soon in North America.

President Effjoe's administration has, very troublingly, been disregarding Supreme Court decisions that go against the feelings of the Orcs who comprise his voter base. It might be time to make it official and add the image of a banana to the stars and stripes...

Add to it the insanity going on in the Netherlands and my advice to all is to move to a Red State, if possible, purchase canned goods and a water purification system. Oh, and you can never have too much ammo.

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Would love to hunker down with you, but can't even fly to the US unjabbed. This restriction not lifting is very telling to what's coming next.

My planB is Mexico which I already did a recce of last winter.

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Hang in there, friend. God bless you. Job #1 for all is to stay unjabbed.

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I have been living in Mexico for ten years (American expatriate). Un-vaxxed and never tested. You have considerably more individual freedom here than in the United States. The main reason for that is lack of government. The central government is weak, and the state and local governments barely function at all. The roads are more-or-less paved, and if you call 911 a fire truck eventually shows up, but other than that the government doesn't do much. There's just no money. And there is no greater threat to personal liberty than a well-funded government.

There were no vaccine mandates here in Mexico, that I know of. I think some of the universities required vaccinations to return to classes, but those students that opted out could simply continue their studies remotely / on-line. There certainly was none of the coercion here like there was in the United States. I also did not see nearly the level of panic here that I saw in the United States. And there was never any question of the government forcibly vaccinating people. The government is far too poor and weak for that, and the Mexican people would not go for it anyway. The Mexicans do not trust their government or their institutions to begin with, except for possibly the navy (which has a good reputation). The government's approach seems to be to leave health policies up to the individual states, make the vaccine available if people want it, and get on with life. I rarely hear anyone discussing covid or talking about vaccines. It's just not part of the daily dialogue. I did drive past a vaccination site this past Saturday and saw there was a large group of people queued up to get jabbed. And there a few advertisements here and there bleating, "Vacunate! Para ella!" (get vaccinated! for her!) showing a young person with a grandmother. So Mexico is definitely on-board with the covid/vax scam but the campaign seems to be in low gear, at least compared to the United States. Good luck.

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The "get vaxxinated for the elderly" is a STRONG motivation here. I know a number of people who keep getting boosted so they don't infect their elderly parent.

Here's the catch: if your elderly parent is vaxxed, they can still catch and spread c0vid. If YOU are vaxxed, you can still catch and spread c0vid. If you are unvaxxed, you can still catch and spread c0vid. So the benefit of vaxxing is what again?

Oh yea. "It wasn't as bad."


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The vaxx is an excellent opportunity to die of adverse reaction for your health.

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It's not a "vaxx." Just sayin. :)

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How exactly does one "catch or spread" a bioweapon or 5G pulses? Okay, you could BREATHE a bioweapon, or get one in your water, maybe, or eat it in tainted food, etc. but...

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I simply meant that I believe that c0vid19 was engineered in a lab, probably for nefarious purposes. That would mean it's a bioweapon.

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The thing won't take me back to my comment, but I agree with you on that! Sorry if I misunderstood you. SARS COV II is patented. In my mind, there NO other reason for that unless it's Gain-of-Function. Maybe it's meant to be kind of mild, unless it's "activated" by EMF's, like 5G... this is something dancing through my brain, I don't know. But if they'd loosed a really bad bio-weapon on us, it might have tipped us off too soon... I know they've put a lot of planning into this... Anyway, cheers.

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There is some evidence for spike protein shedding,I don't have the references now.

Why would you invent a bioweapon which was not capable of spreading by shedding?

I haven't figured out how to generate 5G pulses yet, but there are sufficient from the cell towers that I have not worried about autogeneration.

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Two part bioweapon: covid and the vaxx.

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It seems the EMF's, not just 5G, but any EMF, causes the metals in the jabs to sort of "assemble" and when they do, it somehow makes them sort of shred the insides of the blood vessels... Nice, eh? I have no knowledge of "autogeneration," but EMF's alone can feel like a case of the flu... There's also something causing a lot of weird clotting, long bits of white, plastic-looking substance pulled out of the blood vessels of corpses... Pretty freakin hideous.

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Yes family super important and multigenerational living the norm. Certainly the kinniving way to do it there.

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I live in Ensenada, Baja California. Like you, Corey, my impression is that people just aren't making Covid a super big deal here. Masks are no longer required anywhere. It used to be that you had to mask up to enter businesses. Machine temperature checks and hand sanitizer were everywhere. The government must have changed the risk assessment because that stuff is going away. Nobody here asks my vaxx status and I don't think I'd get hit with a tidalwave of judgement if they knew I was unvaxxed.

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Mark my words: there will come a time when your unvaxxxed status will deem you a very wise person.

And an alive human.

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I live in a similar country, but the gubmint did institute lockdowns, curfews, and forced vaxxxes for anyone going to ANY public space, like a grocery store. The only exception was a 3-day PCR which costs $85 here. $85 to go shop for food!

That said, they have recently done away with mandates, and nobody is getting vaxxxxed or boosted. There are supposedly millions of doses that expire in October.

We are not vaxxxed and want to visit, and eventually move back to my lifetime home state of FL. I am a US citizen so the Feebs vaxxx mandate exempts me. My wife is not vaxxxxed. Based on numerous unvaxxxed friends and family who have successfully traveled to the states since the mandate we will give a trip a try.

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They have vax or testing mandates for entry into some European countries such as Portugal but nobody there gives a shit, nothing is ever checked. Same in Italy, we all got tested but nobody at the airport checked anything.

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The German government was well funded since about 1960 due to high taxes and a strong economy. Personal freedom was very good until recently. The government pretty much left me alone throughout the first 40 years of my life, besides a mandate for kids to go to school for exactly 10 years, which I agree with. Parents could choose between state or private schools of many different varieties, lots of choices. No vaccine mandates existed at all until a measles shot mandate a few years ago. I always had good experiences with local government when I needed passports, driver license or some other document. The police was usually rather nice and not scary at all, everyone called them "friend and helper in green" (green uniforms), punishments were usually quite benign, you really had to fuck up badly and be a repeat offender to go to jail at all. I got caught with drugs repeatedly and charges were always dropped because of "no public interest to pursue an individual user". They basically just confiscated my stash and that was it, no entry into my criminal records. German government wasn't perfect but it worked well enough and left its citizens alone besides tax collection.

I am saying this because the funding doesn't seem the issue. People in Denmark and Finland are extremely happy with their governments and those governments are the best funded governments on earth. It is governments going crazy that is the problem.

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This mirrors almost exactly my experience in the UK. I didn't even care to vote for 40 years, feeling I could affect my life better by spending the deliberation and voting time on myself, my career, etc. Voter apathy was real and increasing... maybe that was one of the contributing factors in all this?! It'd be terrible if we suffered just because the media and government wanted more attention.

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I am deeply suspicious of anyone who does or feels they should be able to trust the government-- ANY government. Those two words simply do not belong together.

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Thanks for the info. They’re going to have to seal the reverse border crossing.

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Jalisco has a jab mandate to enter restaurants, bars, etc. but the last time I was in Chapala a few months ago it was not at all enforced. Not sure if it is still in effect.

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I went all over Mexico March April...


(Cancun etc.) Mask Nazis, shouted at at reception and restaurant. Poolside athletics all masked. Chin strapping picked up on instantly.

Tulum, more chilled, shops had a word but no shouting, hotel didn't enforce in reception, but did at restaurants, chin strapped was adequate. Temp check at 5star hotel restaurant.

Mexico City outdoor almost 95%+ compliance, they loved masks there.

Chihuahua, pretty laid back. Walmart entry got a temp check.

Chapala (Guadalajara) - not even locals wearing masks in seven eleven. Felt refreshing.

California Baja Sur. Mixed, fairly relaxed.

So the jabs might not go mandatory there, but masks ARE and NO Exceptions. In the UK I never wore a mask anywhere except trip to my transplant outpatients, cos I didn't want to scare the scared and wasn't worth the battle.

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I have family in Ajijic and although most restaurants insisted on the ridiculous "mask up while walking to your table" nonsense, the only true covidian fanatics were the leftist gringos that have infested the place.

Chapala was the best. Had a killer seafood molcajete and not a mask in sight.

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Mexico has its pros and cons. About 15 years ago I was interested enough in retiring there I read a few books and more importantly, took 5 different trips, each of several weeks, seeing everything including retirement meccas. In the end, I decided against, but that only means "for the present time." Residency is relatively easy to get. Or if you can't be bothered there are alternatives. One expat I interviewed found it easier to hire a local to take his passport down to the Honduran border and get it stamped every six months. 😁 That's another point to consider: you'd have to learn the more, ah, "informal" nature of government down there. Money talks, bribery is common. This might be good training for what a future America may be like, as our government slowly atrophies.

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I spend a substantial amount of time down in the Lake Chapala area, and I find Mexico to be freer than the States in many respects.

Also, you can buy a large hacienda for what a small condo would cost you in Cali.

Down there, the bribery is called mordidas and is, as you say, "informal". As opposed to the U.S., where the bribery is legal and institutionalized.

There, everyone knows the government is a scam and its minions are on the take. Here, not so much.

I find Mexico an excellent option should events necessitate an involuntary relocation.

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We thought long and hard about a move, just last year. We thoroughly researched Baja, including the "hidden gem of a town", Mulege (too humid, water getting stagnant) and Todos Santos (getting way too expensive, built up and touristy, filling up with rich American yuppies, Cabo encroaches, and we don't want to be part of the problem) and oh just about every little town. Friends have just up and moved to Mazatlan, they love it there. There are pros and cons. The cheap medical, ditto cost of living, even veterinary care. But then the gang wars are bad right now, everywhere. No different from many American cities, I hear you. I read the Mexico News Daily, the main newspaper for expats, to keep on top of things. Actually we are buried away in a sort of third world country in the wilds of NorCal, and we've planned a move to Texas for a long time. But despite the many, many yucky things about California, we are doing okay where we are, a huge house and garden with cheap rent by the grace of God, my work is rewarding, we have good ties in a tiny and very tight-knit community where, even if most don't share our conservative views and we have few real friends these days, people always pull together and help each other out when things get tough. We're here for the now. Much depends on the midterms, and the 2024 election. Should things get really bad, we will skedaddle, maybe to Mexico after all.

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Another news source for expats is the Guadalajara Reporter, which many people in the Chapala / Ajijic area read.

An option I've considered is SE Alaska, specifically Prince of Wales Island. Very remote and you can buy land there with no government rent (a.k.a. property tax), much of it waterfront only accessible via boat.

Friends have a hunting/fishing camp there that is completely off-grid. Solar can be an issue given the cloud cover, but they have a year-round creek that provides not only fresh water but also hydro, so it is habitable year-round. Wind can also be a good option depending on the exposure.

Getting there and getting set up is definitely a chore, but the place is just spectacular, especially if you love crab, halibut, salmon and too many others to list.

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It sounds just incredible, and I could easily live on seafood. And the sea is my natural habitat. My man loves Alaska, too - spent his army years in Homer, then did lots of bush piloting all over. He considered living there. Realistically, though, I just don't think I could stand the weather, I'm still too much of a tropical flower - maybe a couple months of the year if the black flies and hummingbird-sized mosquitoes cooperated. I wish I could divide my life into time there, back home in Hawai'i and maybe somewhere in the southern hemisphere (Costa Rica? El Salvadore?). A plane would be nice, but a pilot friend says the cost of jet fuel has him on the verge of retiring. Keep us posted if you strike out for the North.

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I looked at pictures of POW, it is truly a stunning landscape. You're a sourdough from way back so I think you'd do fine there. More than fine.

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Almost ANYWHERE can be heavenly if you live within your means and can quietly manage/work 'the system' to your benefit. There are good people everywhere, even in crusty industrial American towns full of boarded up strip malls and not much else. Look for the good and keep sharing some of your own!

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Beautiful attitude and advice!

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A relaxed bribery sounds inviting as opposed to the formal confiscatory thievery we have here. What would an informal 1984 look like? Would O’Brien find employment teaching math?

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Do you feel safe in MX? Are you allowed to bear arms?

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We did, the gangs are not interested in gringos. Worth touring around IMHO. I posted a quick guide elsewhere on this thread, mainly about how they reacted with masks/policies.

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I think that if you go to Mexico and walk over the border somewhere randomly with a bunch of Mexicans, you'll be welcomed and NEVER tested.

/only joking a little....

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Would that be a math test or a covid test?

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I was thinking the same thing

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If you are in Canada and want to get to the US, make your way to Stewart B.C. then cross the border to Hyder AK. As of a few months ago, there were no thugs on either side to prevent crossing. From Hyder you can hire a boat or seaplane to parts unknown.

Also, Mexico requires neither proof of jab nor covid test to enter.

Good luck mate.

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Good info, libertate! I expect a flood of Canadians will be looking to escape Turdeau's vaxx tyranny.

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Substack, your new source of cross-border sneaks.

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My guess is you could also get through in Ontario/ Sarnia via a boat on Lake St. Clair to enter Michigan.

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I would think so, but am unfamiliar with that area.

West Coast lifer.

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My reports are no one is actually checking vaxxx cards anymore at airports or US Immigration.

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But do you need to show your vaxx card BEFORE you board the plane into the US?

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Possibly by the airline clerk at check-in. That's where a fake card works, even an image on a cell phone, but not the QR code. As long as it's a decent, credible fake card done on actual approved card stock.

I am told by NUMEROUS non-vaxxxed people first hand that nobody follows up on any vaxxx card presented to them at the airport, especially from a non-first world location, and US Immigration does not check vaxxx status, especially during a rush push..

So if you can get to a non-first world country, like Mexico, Jamaica, Costa Rica or some other country, a fake card will work at the airport going to the US.

That said, you will have to have a travel visa to get into the US.

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Where would you consider hunkering down in Mexico?

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Need a substack ex pat community.

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Personally, learning the lingo and getting authentically involved is my bag. But there are enclaves of expats, entire estates marketed at them and a Walmart plonked nearby. Might as well stay in Southern US IMHO.

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Agree with getting involved. But wouldn’t mind expats around. No need for Walmart!!

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I’m with you. Duolingo is my new hangout.

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Well, just fly to Mexico and walk across the border. Everyone else does and Joe doesn’t seem to mind.

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I’m in Missouri: just completed your check list.

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Ah, lots of very good Bug Out Locations in MO, AR, OK, esp. if you are wanting to bring your skills to a group. Many are faith-based, and this can work out well for like-minded folks. Going it alone after TEOTWAWKI will be extremely problematic, just in terms of security.

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The End Of The World As We Know It.

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Good advice, Doc Holliday (wish you were my dentist, with that name). Let me make a plug here. The Berkey is a brilliant water filter. You can use pond scum and it comes out sparkling clear. We have not tested this, but they claim it removes food coloring (dye) from water and leaves it clear. That's the level of purification I'm looking for. Highly, highly recommended. Did not know that Orcs could vote. This explains so much. https://www.usaberkeyfilters.com/product-category/berkey-water-filter-systems/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwlK-WBhDjARIsAO2sErSHNq-jznqhoAhXl5dOv0z9gg5KCQF6-dRqeivWTmpZbX_cnv7MSsAaApCdEALw_wcB

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I have a rather extensive collection of kit for overland expeditions which nicely also serves the SHTF scenario, including:

- GuzzleH20 Stream - https://www.guzzleh2o.com - Very portable, excellent purification.

- Lifesaver Jerrycan - https://iconlifesaver.com - Durable, no power/gas needed.

- Joolca Hottap v2 - https://www.joolca.com/products/hottap-v2 - never underestimate the utility of hot water.

Edit, forgot to mention:

- Vaast G-Series 18L Water system - https://vaast-explore.com.au/pages/g-series-water-tank - These rule. Solid mounting system, easily filled in situ, attach natively to the Joolca. Very good design.

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Thanks for this excellent list. I'm a huge fan of clean water, both hot and cold. We have an RV that is almost 100% solar powered, will be both our escape vehicle and BOL in a SHTF scenario. Meanwhile, living in an extremely remote rural area, lots of farms, ranches and hunting/fishing opportunities, growing and preserving as much food as possible. The population is 99.9% armed, I'd venture to guess. Oh hell, make that 100%. Have just this past year turned an entire room in the house over to food storage. The new dehydrator arrives today, just in time for the plum harvest! Hooray!!

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When furious hungry mobs of leftists start torching the Bay Area, I'm heading up your way with full kit.

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You would be most welcome. It's not Shangri-La, or even Brigadoon, but it's well hidden - "Nature's Hideaway" is an old name. Rumor has it that Butch Cassidy hung out in these parts, I can believe it. Still very much the wild west, LEO is more than an hour away (and they don't come unless there's bodies) but with the collapse of the cannabis market about 3/4 of the cartel has left. Some are sticking around to try one more season, but by this time next year we think the cartel foot soldiers and carpetbaggers will have moved on. This is a good thing, and we'll weather the economic storm. But you should still pack some heat. We think this is going to be a good place to be for SHTF. We can blow up the bridges, if necessary, and the presence of the tribe will guarantee the relatively swift restoration of goods and services to some degree. We hope. Lots of deer, elk and wild pig. There's a nice shot of our valley in this scary montage - https://www.courier-journal.com/in-depth/news/crime/2021/12/17/mexican-drug-cartels-move-in-on-californias-shadow-marijuana-industry/6036056001/

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Many thanks.

I love it up there. As I've mentioned, Usal is one of my favorite places on the planet, and where I would likely head first.

Fresh water creek/river, fishing, game and decent defensibility

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We will be hiding in the Swiss mountains if SHTF in Germany. Without natural gas from Russia, this will likely happen this winter.

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Thanks, I will definitely add this to my collection.

Doc Holliday is my nom de plume but, like him, I am indeed a dentist. Who knows, the way this show is unfolding, it could also be my nom de guerre...

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Keahi is my Hawaiian name and my pomme de terre...

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Ditto on the berkey - love ours! Also enjoyed your comment on Doc Holliday, agree there also!🤠

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I just purchased one hours ago, got a rain barrel as well

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I love your insightful, humorous, & accurate commentary, Doctor! May I make an apptmnt to heft your 6gun?

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Hard to get an appointment, Doc's a busy guy. He's drilling me at high noon, just so you know.

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Threaten him with air superiority.

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Thank you, Paul. When you call to make an appointment, tell 'em Gato sent you and get 50% off root canals...

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That is indeed a most generous offer! I haven’t been to a dentist for almost two years because I have refused to worship the image of the golden Covidocrasy in the plain of Dura as a prerequisite.

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Sorry to hear you're behind the Covid curtain. Via con dios, Paul.

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It goes away when we say it does.

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Yes we have!!!! And I discovered a completely obscene Economist cover from before the pandemic was announced where they suggested that the pandemic would be "the right medicine for the economy." How is that one going? According to the plan, I suppose...


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Yes, and in terms of the plan, it may include vaccine surveillance via Bluetooth radiation. The data is preliminary, but doctors in Mexico have found that those inoculated with most types of covid vaccines emit Bluetooth frequencies likely from graphene oxide in their bodies that can be picked up as a MAC address on laptops and cell phones, even after they have died. The unvaccinated control group emitted no Bluetooth signal unless they had a PCR test, in which case they generated a different code. https://www.comusav.com/en/BlueTruth/

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This is full-on bullshit. Look at the sources they cite for example. The experimental graphene antenna operate in the teraherz band. Bluetooth opertes in the gigaherz band 2.402-2.48. A teraherz antenna can't send at bluetooth wavelengths which are a thousand times longer.

These people are shooting shit with a shotgun and seeing whom they can grift some donations from.

[It's also trivial to test with a friend. Install bluetooth scanner app. Go somewhere away from bluetooth devices. Have jab victim approach. You won't see a bluetooth beacon.]

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Graphene Oxide, nanobots, all of that vaccine related BS cracks me up. They are toxic because of the mRNA, the LNPs and maybe the Spike protein is also toxic (not convinced about that, though).

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Could you post the DOI or other source identifier for the paper(s) that you refer to? The list of sources is quite long at the end of the documentary.

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From their bibliography nothing indicates gigaherz-band research.


bbasi, Q.H.; El-Sallabi, H.; Chopra, N.; Yang, K.; Qaraqe, K.A.; Alomainy, A. (2016).

Terahertz channel characterization inside the human skin for nano-scale body-centric

networks. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 6(3), pp. 427-434.


Abbasi, Q.H.; Nasir, A.A.; Yang, K.; Qaraqe, K.A.; Alomainy, A. (2017). Cooperative in-

vivo nano-network communication at terahertz frequencies. IEEE Access, 5, pp. 8642-

8647. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2677498

Aliouat, L.; Rahmani, M.; Mabed, H.; Bourgeois, J. (2021). Enhancement and

performance analysis of channel access mechanisms in terahertz band. Nano

Communication Networks, 29, 100364.



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The crime hear is that they will approve new boosters based on bio markers alone. No looking at actual health outcomes, no looking at adverse events - you know, things like paralysis and death. And the fact that they stopped publishing hospitalization and death rates for vaxxed vs. boosted prices THEY KNOW that it is better to avoid the vaccine. And they are hiding it. Because profits > death.

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I think it's very reasonable to conclude that death is the goal of this vaccination program.

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Also auto immune diseases… Right now all of these biologic agents like Humira etc. are so expensive and so many people are receiving them.

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And infertility.

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Or just to prevent life in the first place. That seems like a lower energy pathway

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I think that's true too, but people will eventually catch on and become furiously, probably homicidally angry when it does. The numbers aren't in the oligarchy's favor for a protracted conflict, so the herd will need to be thinned before it gets to that point.

I'm not sure about what's going on exactly. I am sure that it is not for the benefit of humanity, however.

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The narrative is shifting to, "It's the unjabbed's fault." The jabbed vigger sheep are stupid and could become violent. Good thing most will be armed with limp wrists and dildos and adverse to natural sunlight.

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Jul 11, 2022
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They have said the 21st century will be all about collecting and harvesting data. No privacy whatsoever.

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Why should Pharma care? They have zero, absolutely no fear of liability, either under EUA or if they get on the childhood vaccine schedule. You're damned right -- it's all about money. Even better if you get essentially guaranteed contracts from governments as well as coerced market for your poison. To a large degree, vaccines (and many other medical products) are for all practical purposes socialized medicine, and this was true long before the pandemic. On the surface, a naive person might think it's "good" that the product is "free" to the end consumer. But there are downsides to the total lack of normal market forces. And if one's forced to consume the product, that is a violation of ethics.

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Once upon a time, I was sure that the government would never want to kill tax paying citizens.

I've reversed that position. Seems that Our Betters really want white Christians taken out of the equation.

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Whites, at least. Bonus points if Christian.

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Double bonus points if you're conservative.

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Immunity from civil product liability. IIRC criminal liability for malfeasance still applies -- in theory.

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LOL ... what's next?

7 Samurai?

47 Ronin?

101 Dalmations?

Or ... horror of horrors ... the Master Steven Seagal variant?

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when "the clown from "it" variant" hits, run.

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Pennywise [I always know useless crap like that.]

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Just to be coy, I'd name it "Pound Foolish".

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They're twins. Separated (thankfully) at birth. Pound Foolish is a little less dangerous - a yoga instructor.

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My goodness, you are literate, my dear. Do you know how few people would know that expression these days? I do so appreciate you.

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The feeling is quite mutual, believe me.

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John Wayne Gacy would probably run from that one...

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I wrote IT without seeing your comment, Gato. OMG it must be a sign! Run like hell!

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With Pink Floyd's song in the backyard!...;)

'Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run

Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run

You better make your face up in

Your favorite disguise

With your button down lips and your

Roller blind eyes

With your empty smile

And your hungry heart

Feel the bile rising from your guilty past

With your nerves in tatters

As the conch shell shatters

And the hammers batter

Down the door

You'd better run'

Run like Hell...

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If covid had a theme song with no disrespect to the great Martha and The Vandellas, No Where To Run.



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I should of added covid with a little help from it’s friends, didn’t do it all by itself.

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I like this part the best. Really hit home in my younger years:

And if you're taking your girlfriend out tonight,

You better park the car well out of sight.

'Cause if they catch you in the back seat,

Trying to pick her locks,

They're gonna send you back to Mother,

In a cardboard box.

You better run!

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Right. Floyd is one of the best. Especially on the turntable

Im about ready to enter that phase with my girl. I've still got my wood and aluminum bats from high-school.

My preference is wood!

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No bad "B" sides with Floyd. Every one a winner.

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Godzilla variant out of Tokyo...oh no!...end of show...Big Pharma gonna make the dough!

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Good one.

Was teaching Japanese Jr. High kids last week that 'Godzilla' is a portmanteau of 'gorilla' and 'kujira' (the Japanese word for whale).

Any takers on a new combo for the virus or the vaccine?



The GreatGate?

Cmon guys, I'm dying here. 😅

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There's a good portion of the population that would take another booster, even if it was called the Nonsense Variant.

Catatonic Fear

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We have always been at war with Catatonia!

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Ha! It's a good thing I'm stuck in traffic. I may have laughed my ass off the road!

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my obese friend in NYC (he's already had bariatric surgery and gained back all his weight) said he would take a booster every week if his doctor told him to

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Really sad. Probably not any chance of helping that poor soul

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The actual Japanese "Gojira" film is so superior to that hot mess "Godzilla" with Raymond Burr being very badly dubbed.

The Velociraptor Variant. Stephen King Disease. The Apocoflu.

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Gojira vs Cough-ra

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LOL, love it!! Mothra was always my favorite (big kaiju fan here).

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I like Apocoflu!

This shits right up your alley Keahi!

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Like you, Ryan, I delight in word play. And I certainly have a sense of gallows humor.

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That’s interesting. I always thought the “go” in gojira was an honorific prefix.

But I really don’t know much about it.

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Ocean's Eleven Corona. Bruce Lee Flu. Godzilla and 17-Kaiju-All-Monsters-Clash Virus. The Great Nebula Strain.

Then there's always - "IT".

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They aren't even testing for efficacy anymore? Apparently, the FDA can't even be bothered to pretend to be doing their jobs now. And how convenient for the "epidemiologists" claiming that the unvaxxed are driving this that countries have decided to stop releasing data that showed otherwise.

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Until you look at the African countries or Haiti. Or the other intelligent countries in the world. I wouldn’t include much of the west in that!

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I've gotten to the point where I review for myself a drug that's prescribed before I'll take it. Within the past month I was prescribed Paxlovid, even though (in my opinion) I was low risk and thus should not take it. Needless to say, once I found it was EUA and Pfizer, I called the pharmacy and said no thanks. At the risk of being a broken record, you must take your health into your own hands. From the top (regulatory) down to the doctor who pokes, prods and prescribes, they clearly do not make patient health or safety a priority.

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You’re not kidding. Yesterday, CVS notified my husband he had a prescription ready, when he got home he didn’t recognize the prescription or the doctor. After a few minutes of brain rattling, we realized it was prescribed by a doctor that briefly checked in on him while in the hospital 4 months ago.

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And you know that the newest booster this fall, which is going to be an Alpha/Omicron mix will not go through clinical trials? The FDA bypassed them since each has already gone through them.

So... yeah, avoid that booster entirely.

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I'd expand that to avoid mRNA products entirely. Their testing is a joke and they have absolutely zero liability. I will probably never voluntarily take an immunization of any type ever again. That's easy for me to say, I'm 60 and retired. If you have children, or other requirements, I don't know what your options are.

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Just so everyone knows:

Pfizer is doing clinical trials for mRNA flu, pneumonia and shingles right now. However, this is on the traditional 7-10 year FDA schedule.

I'm not terribly far away from retirement, so I'm not getting the poison death jab under any circumstances. Or any other vaxx. I am worried about my grandson who is 4; his parents aren't jabbed, and don't intend on getting him jabbed. I may very well end up home schooling him if it becomes a requirement here.

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So many unknowns. Me thinks this is to confuse the peeps...many of which have fancy expert credentials.

"Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know"

- Rumsfeld...er...war criminal

They could cut and past that quote for every manufactured crisis.

Not knowing is preferred by the sheeps. The experts knowingly take advantage of this.

Hence so many Unknown causes for death lately.

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Ryan...are you sure that's Rumsfeld? I'm pretty sure you're channeling Kamala, yes Kamala, and we know this by what we can see, unburdoned by what has been.

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You're right about "not knowing". This is why people won't go to the doctor to check up on obvious problems....they fear finding out something is wrong and there's this mentality that if you aren't told it's not real. A friend's brother got a hernia and he was afraid to deal with it. The hernia got so large and protruded out so far it looked like he had a second penis. After more than a year of this, he had some sort of medical emergency related to the untreated hernia, he ended up with major surgery twice, and nearly died. All because he didn't want to "know".

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Denial - now more than a really long river!

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It's alarming how true this is: I ONLY know jabbed and boosted people still getting the Rona. Perhaps they are the only ones left who still care to test, but they are also getting sick. OAS was a well known concept prior to jab rollout and no matter what you told the cult members, they ran out and got the jab anyway. Now it's happening.

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My double vaxxed 30 year old niece got Rona end of June and infected her un-vaxxed 30 year old husband and un-vaxxed 8 month old son. My un-vaxxed 60 year old brother went to their house and was infected. The un-vaxxed were with mild symptoms for 3 days while my vaxxed niece had more severe symptoms, but nothing terrible, and lost her sense of smell/taste. Neither 60 year old wife of brother nor 28 year old goof-off brother's son ever got the virus. Both are un-vaxxed. This is everyone's first bout with the virus.

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i also got it from a doubled vaxxed and boosted friend. it was two days of mild fever, body aches and a fierce headache. i tested only because i was curious and did not report the test to any "officials."

the third day i woke feeling completely normal but did not test negative for 7 days.

vaxxed people i know have had it several times now and worse cases than mine

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Glad you are all okay, and appreciate sharing your symptoms because it’s the vaxxed people that keep telling me how sick the unvaxxed get. Sadly, their information is not from people they know. Every situation is different

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i think they are wrong. i have known both vaxxed and unvaxxed people who have had it really bad. the vaxxed people say "thank god i was vaccinated and boosted; otherwise it would have been worse. the unvaxxed people get a hold of some IVM, they get better overnight and they say "wow, i wish i had taken the IVM sooner! from now on i'll take some at the very first sign of any symptoms even if it's a regular old flu."

i was taking a small preventative dose once a week which i bumped up the minute i felt bad. since i recovered fully after just two somewhat bad days, i've stopped the weekly dose, assuming i have some immunity. i may start it up again in view of this new variant. i also nebulize colloidal silver

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My entire unvaxed family is in the midst of our 3rd go around of covid right now. April 21, Jan 22, and now. The first 2 for me, I had barely any symptoms. Extremely mild! This one was a little rough and lasted a week, but still just a unpleasant head cold. This is our experience.

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Our extended family has had what "tested positive as covid" on rapid tests for the last two weeks. I'm not sure what those stupid tests show, to be honest. Everyone is unvaxxed. However, things went like this:

1) Daughter in law got sick, she felt kind of bad for one day, sniffles after that, totally fine within a few days. Worth noting: She got covid a year ago a couple of days after having her baby. (The baby never got anything at all even as a newborn).

2) Her 1 year old got sick 3 days after mom this time: lethargic one day, a bit of sniffles, fine by day 3

3) Daughter in law's mom got sick about a week later, she's still sick after a week of it, and so far she has been the sickest of everyone. She's a fanatical lefty vegan...does that impact things? :)

4) Daughter in law's husband tested positive after about a week, no real symptoms. He tested for the fun of it, "just to see", and was surprised at the positive.

5) My daughter was around them all...she had the original Covid in November 2020 and was fairly sick back then, has caught nothing at all since that time (19+ months). She was surprised to test positive for her case of the sniffles, and was hardly sick at all. Headache and lack of energy for a day. Being a nurse and testing positive, she had to be off work for a week as that idiocy continues.

6) Husband and I were around them early on but didn't catch anything. Or if we did, we had no symptoms. Of course we didn't test!


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Another thought related to my above comment. My son got sick with a respiratory thing in late February. My husband got it in early March, and it was mostly upper respiratory and he felt crummy for about a week. Then I got it and similar symptoms. What I remember most was an endlessly runny nose....I'd clear it out and it was immediately full again. I was lacking in energy, mild headache for a few days, almost no appetite. It took a week or more to go away, and I felt kind of "not so great" for at least 2 weeks. We got a couple of rapid tests from our nurse daughter, they were negative.

Then in early May darned if we both didn't get something similar again, although this time it was much milder and went away quickly. We didn't bother testing with this one.

We are all unvaxxed, and haven't been around many people except in stores, so no telling where this came from.

This is when I concluded that various forms of flu and respiratory type colds are circulating as this kind of thing seems to be fairly common where I live. No big woof. People have forgotten what flu and colds are like. Duh

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An yet another thought....My daughter works in a nursing rehab hospital. For the last several months there have been a lot of "covid" cases, almost all with the vaxxed staff and residents. The unvaxxed (daughter is one) have been oddly immune from all this despite being around a lot of MILDLY sick people. No one has died, despite patients being old and/or sick and moving towards their final days anyway. She even had a 400 pound patient who never caught anything at all! So my daughter has been in constant contact with covid infested people and never got sick until last week. And what she got, really wasn't much of anything.

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That's normal. Every six months the common cold mutates and goes around the globe. This is all absolutely normal and not a pandemic. Stop the tests, shots and mandates.

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Unvaxxed people should only get covid and transmit it Once. The other two episodes should be just garden variety cold or flu.

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I thought you couldn't get it again.

I was wrong. I have it right now. Not garden variety flu. I've had that. This is weird and different; random night sweats, metallic taste in the mouth, headache, loss of taste... not the flu.

My guess is that the farther away the variant from the strain you originally had, the more likely you are to get it.

In other words, as long as they keep giving out boosters, we'll get more variants and we'll all keep getting sick. That's our new reality.

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I've always gotten colds twice a year for all my 56 yrs on this planet. Covid is a cold and so are the variants. This is normal behavior by a coronovirus. This has always been our reality.

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Jul 11, 2022
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Thank you for your kind words Bart. This has to be a bio-weapon. The symptoms are so random, and so different between individuals. I suspect it might have something to do with blood type. I also suspect that if you had a very severe case the first time, the next time won't be as bad.

If you look online for "detox from the spike protein," there are a variety of things the vaxxed can do to improve their immune health. Not sure if it will help any, but I don't think it would hurt.

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Garden variety flu - I have had it for two weeks!! I have to think Corona would have been milder.

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Not so. You're a very rare person if you have not had multiple bouts of flu and (especially) colds in your life. While those, especially colds, are a much more diverse collection of viruses, the comparison is still relevant. Viruses naturally mutate, especially ones like SARS-CoV-2

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My entire family was laid low with Hong Kong flu in 1966 (Hawai'i got hit hard). I still remember my mother dragging herself out of her bed and going from one kid's bedside to the next. The sig oth remembers people on his street dying from Asian flu in 1957. Devastating flus, and they passed without the bureaucratic bs. They'll never let another opportunity like that go by again.

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Why all the testing?

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Yes. Stop testing. It's stupid.

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Is it possible vax shedding can cause OAS in unvaxxd? I’m a bodyworker, so many of my clients have allllll the jabs. I’ve had covid twice in six months (jan and June). 3 days of flu like symptoms each time, cocktail of ivermectin vitamins and nasopharyngeal wash, no long term s/s. I just worry despite my avoidance of this mRNA BS, I’m still exposed to their LNPs via shedding in such close proximity. Anyone know if this is even a possibility?

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I mentioned this above, but my daughter works in nursing. Unvaxxed. Most of her co-workers are vaxxed, as are the nursing home patients she works with. Stuff has gone around for months and she never caught anything from the vaxxed people she is constantly working with. The illness has virtually all been with vaxxed folks, and the few of her co-workers who remained unvaxxed escaped it all. Her daughter in law caught covid a couple of weeks ago and SHE passed it on to my daughter, apparently. At least, the rapid test claimed it was covid, ha ha. Probably just a seasonal cold.

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Part of this inability to get off the booster train is that constantly getting boosted may help the vulnerable not get symptomatic disease for a shot period of time. Keep you immune system jacked up and producing antibodies and it will keep you from getting symptoms when you are exposed. So the CDC keeps pushing boosters for the statistics that appear to make the strategy work. But each booster will produce less immune response, open you up to other disease, increase the risk of an autoimmune response, increase the risk of an adverse event to the shot, increase viral selection for immune escape, and otherwise make people sick. The booster train is running out of track and the CDC knows it, so the giving it a little more runway with the new variant boosters before the train plows into them.

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They're trying to stop a runaway train with one hand tied behind their back imo....deliberately that is.

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Yes, there is absolutely nothing accidental about this.

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They haven’t been interested in stopping the train, but at this point I expect to see many of them trying to get out of the way when it comes off the tracks. It will get interesting after the midterms this year.

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There aren't too many exits left for the KOOL-AID & THE GANG TRAIN

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To some degree, your phrasing recalls what I think the ancestor of these mRNA jabs


Clearly, from a military perspective, it's a great advantage if a countermeasure can be quickly developed and deployed against a potential bio-weapon (say, anthrax). It need not even be lasting, near the end of this document note the words "weeks, months, transient."

I see no mention of risks to health long- or even short-term, but that's not surprising, since especially in war time, solders are expendable. Apparently, we are too.

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'high case-rates—which they largely attribute in part to a stubborn anti-vax minority in many countries'

In Bulgaria we have a fine saying: "Once somebody sets out a rumour that your sister is a whore you'll have a hard time explaining you have none! ". They are apparently after this one. The average vaxxed reader needs an explanation for the never ending waves, and she is ready to take one that is not putting the blame with her own actions.

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Immunity as a Service is so on brand for Gates' its embarrassing we fell for it.

I"m vaccinated unboosted. Its been over a year am I still screwed?

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The most obvious side effects (cardio, neurological...) happen within weeks. So I think you are safe from those things.

Regarding the antigenic fixation, I don't know but it sounds like pretty permanent. But I'd say that with early treatment you can be safe from covid as well.

I am no doctor. Just read a lot and try to understand.

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You'll live. The immune system has a remarkable ability to adapt and heal itself.

Welcome to the Team! Just stay healthy and get outside for nature's vitamin D.

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you can pray you got one of the saline jabs. Never do anything that Bill advises.

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I actually did a risk/benefit on it (too old to sterilize, something's coming for me anyway at this point, bioaccumulation, the virus was slaughtering people here in Detroit etc.) and we got vaccinated, but didn't boost since the Weinstein/Kirsch/Kory expose showed clearly what they were up to. FLCCC and Dr. Been have videos on clearing the spike protein, since there's no way to know what it is doing in any one individual even at over a year. Intermittent fasting is supposed to be excellent. Hunter-gatherers had no choice but to do that so it may be our default best state. Dandelion leaf. Vaccine injury protocols, it seems like, might be adapted to knock your immune system off any deteriorating spiral in the future. I'm guessing.

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Agree with you here, esp. re: the intermittent fasting. Dandelion leaf is great, anything for liver support, including good ol' blessed thistle. Dandelion root - be careful, it can give you tachycardia (it did me). I would look into glyconutrients/polysaccharides - research the mushrooms, aloe vera, D-mannose, (check out the products from Mannatech, esp. Ambrotose powder, if you can afford them, or see if you can DIY); whatever acts on cell-to-cell communication (which is what the vaccine has broken). Of particular value are the nutriants and supplements that are recommended for all autoimmune disorders. Dr. Mercola has much to say here.

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You are probably safe from the immediate heart stuff. For the rest of your life, keep on top of your cancer screenings - I don't know your age - nourish your gonads, and remember you are in good (and very large) company.

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sidenote: pre-vitamin D2 can be induced via mushrooms by exposing the gills of say a shiitake to sunlight/UV ... kind of a neat bit of info if you like mushrooms and want to supercharge your foods, put them in the sun for a bit and get some scarce D2 #factcheckthis

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Very cool, thank you for this! I will check it out. I am a mad devotee of mushrooms, both culinary and medicinal. Grew and harvested my own turkey tail to add PSK to my cancer treatments some years back...

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it may be bullshit but here's where i read about this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6213178/

bless up 🙏 we're currently looking into growing our own shiitakes, morels, and lion's mane

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Well that looks bona fide to me!

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how many of those getting tested and show positive end up a) in the ER? b) dead? (it's very few) #factcheckthis

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My particular bubble of family and friends just happens to be getting hit hard now. No hospitalizations but suddenly everyone has it and for most its been a rough couple of days. My in-laws. My Dad. My Uncle, my sister, etc. And for some it lingers and lingers. Like 10 days until they tested negative.

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my question would be are you guys sick and then getting tested? is anyone in the hospital? are they all vaccinated (that would be an unfortunate commonality)

Or is this a head cold/fever/cough triggering a desire to then getting tested? I don't know, i'm guessing. I'm trying to be compassionate but I see lots of f(vaccinated) people self owning themselves with multiple reinfections(test results, none hospitalized/died) and they were not even sick but they got tested.

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The amount of people getting sick in summer is extremely unusual. Something very, very bad is going on.

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I agree. Multiple people I know who have not previously had the "RONA" are getting sick and testing positive. Everyone I know are using the Antigen Test which of course doesn't get reported for the most part.

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my brother (vaccinated, not boosted) got sick in february. he said it wasn't as bad as the "flu" he had in 2018. still, he went out in the cold, got to the testing center 15 minutes before it opened and stood on line for 3 hours with a bunch of other sick people, tested positive and went home to bed. what was the point?

i've seen testing get real dangerous, lethal even. my best friend started to feel a little bad in march 2020 and wanted a covid test. there were none to be had so she walked to her nearby hospital (columbia pres) for one. she was positive and they had a spare ventilator so they put her on it. two weeks later they took her off and she died. she did have a lung condition but she had oxygen tanks at home. i maintain that if she had stayed put, pushed fluids and used her oxygen when she needed it, she would have recovered.

without the constant covid, covid, covid fear press she would have assumed she had a run of the mill flu and acted accordingly

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very sad and sorry for your friend... my dad did the same thing in March 2020 "I thought i was helping" he wasn't even sick.. got tested.

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Its head cold/fever/cough triggering a test and them being positive. Then some contact tracing stuff. Family 4th of july party where younger cousin a day later had symptoms come on and told everyone at the party and then like dominoes.

Or with my inlaws we were set to share a lake house and they had just come back form a trip and had minor symptoms so tested.

No hospitalizations. My Dad sounded miserable on the phone and said he could imagine how this could hurt people. He had did some landscaping and felt extra exhausted but he's getting older so chalked it up to that. For him sore throat and fatigue. No issues breathing. Its getting better now.

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Bless up 🙏 I'm glad nobody is hospitalized.

For my family while we've been getting head colds off and on I personally take and advise them (nicely) to pound the vitamin drinks found at CVS/Walgreens (2x daily, 1 before bed) the Emergen-C type ones with electrolytes, I like orange and tangerine. Ollie has some good ones with elderberry. Not medical advice and it may be all foo foo but i swear they help us.

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My husband and I (un-injected, had the original alpha version in late 2020) are getting over omicron. I didn't believe we'd get it again, because we both have natural immunity. He took a home test; it came out negative. Yet we have all the listed symptoms; I have a few bonus symptoms that he does not have.

For those interested: for him, it started with a sore throat that turned into a bad dry cough. That then turned into really bad fatigue with a low fever and chills for three our four days. He got over the major systems in about six days. He still has an occasion congested sounding cough. I originally thought it was bronchitis, but... no.

I got it three days after I was exposed to him; mine started with a bad cough that sounds just like bronchitis. I had no fever or chills, but I have random night sweats, chest pain from coughing and a really weird metallic taste in my mouth (like going through ketosis) that is lingering. I'm now on day 10. I feel better, but I still occasionally try to hock up a lung.

So... when someone says "oh, it's mild," yeah, I don't know if it's always mild. Do you want to cough so bad for over a week that your chest hurts? Get so sick you can't get out of bed?

And yes, we did all the normal "alternative" protocols, and I'm still doing them. NAC has seemed to help the most at this point.

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also get yourself some food grade hydrogen peroxide and a nebulizer. you can make a saline solution of 1% H2O2 and nebulize a teaspoon every hour. alternately you can use colloidal silver. you can also put a drop of iodine in with the saline H2O2. my BF had the worst sore throat and dry cough with no fever. this took care of it for him

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N-acetylcysteine. NAC.

Has helped me quite a bit. You can't get it on amazon any more, but you can get it on vitamin sites. Be sure to check for contra-indications; it does work like a drug, rather than a random herb or supplement.

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Been going through exactly the same, two weeks tomorrow. The sig oth has same symptoms plus bad tummy and the runs. I have the latter but that could be from the azithromycin I am taking (bought from India a year ago along with HCQ and IVM) to stave off a bronchial infection. Black seed oil 2000 mg is very helpful. Love NAC. Coffee tastes like crap, otherwise no sensory changes. Our immune systems should be tuned like fine violins. The worst part is coughing in public and wondering if they will come for you with torches and pitchforks.

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coffee and covid are a no-no. Coffee will make the symptoms worse. Don't know why, but it just does.

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None of what you describe is the least bit unusual. I'm still getting over my first case. The acute symptoms were headache for day or two and low-grade fever for many more (worst reading: 101.0 on 2nd day, most "fever" in the 99-100 range.) Never bed-ridden, but took it easy and got plenty of sleep. My energy and appetite were noticeably reduced parallel with fever.

I didn't test every day, but at about Day 21 I tested negative. Today is day 28 and I have had a lingering, slowly improving sinus infection and slight cough caused (I think) by drip, not in the lungs.

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Many of my symptoms are like a sinus infection. Lots of nose blowing with clear mucus. But... a cool bronchitis like-cough and headaches. And never had a fever.

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It's turtles all the way down.

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Stop Turtle Hate!

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Bertrand Russell would roll over in his grave knowing his dis of 'magic' religious thinking is now following the science. 😂

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OTOH, I (unvaxd) caught this bug with the rest of my family. And it really is a doozy. Fever over 100 for 48 hours, can't smell anything, and two weeks later still getting better but have involuntarily lost 8 pounds and feel like crap.

Still not as bad as the last time I had the flu (knocked flat for five days!), but I wouldn't characterize it as "mild" either.

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Our family (unvaxxed) is on day 4 of our first ever go-round. I agree--hasn't been pleasant, especially the first 48 hours but I have had a couple of flus that were worse.

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My unvaxed family going through it now as well and that has been our experience too. This is the 3rd time it's gone through our family though. More unpleasant that other times, but still just a bad head cold.

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The only people in danger from these jab varients are the jabbed. Variants are never more dangerous than the primary in healthy hosts. Yes, they spread more easily but if they were more deadly they would kill off their hosts and then eventually be unable to replicate and so would go pfft.

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dastardly Ninja variant...”Symptoms of the Omicron BA.5 variant include runny nose, sneezing, and sore throat”....oh woe for humanity!

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I caught my first case of Covid-19 about June 13. My symptoms were mild, basically a mild fever for several days, headache first couple days and a sinus infection. By week 3 I tested negative (I had tested positive roughly at week 0 and week 2). Today (begin week #5) I still have lingering sinus drainage but seems to slowly improve. My primary prescribed Paxlovid over the phone, which I refused. Even ignoring that it's EUA and made by Pfizer, I read up on the intended patients and it is only for high-risk. I have no risk factors, except maybe age (I'm 60). My trust in my doctor has dropped. I don't know if I'm going to actually confront her, but I am looking for alternative practitioner. I think they still exist but rare -- an MD who has his own practice and is not (as) subject to influence by an administrator, or FDA/CDC "recommendations". I'm not saying my doc should write scripts for Ivermectin and HCQ just because I ask. But when my primary prescribes a potentially dangerous, and to be honest, not very effective drug, probably driven more by policy constraints imposed upon him, that gets my attention.

If I may be forgiven for repeating what should be obvious: Be on your guard. The best care for the patient is no longer the priority, whether at the top or even at your local doctor. Money, keeping one's job, and following orders from on high, even if the MD knows or suspects they are not in the patient's best interests, takes precedence.

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I would love to know if your doctor took, or would take Paxlovid herself. It would distinguish whether a) she is not very intelligent and simply follows the herd, or b) she’s in on the fix and the well-being of her patients isn’t a priority. In either case trying to find a competent physician to replace her is challenging.

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vecna variant coming later this summer.

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The fixation is probably why they are going with a bivalent vaccine for the fall marketing campaign - need some original wuhan to fire up the nABs at the front door

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My thoughts as well... if the bivalent vaccine actually even materializes. They may well stick to "the old reliable" in the end.

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