The fact that we, as a society, have devolved into lemmings in a few months, listening to a octogenarian scam artist bureaucrat change the goalposts as often has he changes his depends, is really baffling to me.

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el gato et al:

Chapter 1 of Kennedy's: The Real Anthony Fauci... is all you need to know.

Warning: Don't read chapter if not prepared to accept that it's much worse than anything you could have possibly imagined.

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Does "everything" include "dragging him behind a pickup truck around the beltway?"

Asking for a friend

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Ignore him. Ignore all mainstream media. Refuse to live in fear and refuse to hate your neighbors.

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I had an elderly female Italian patient in my office over a months ago, someone who I have known for over 20 years . I 've seen many members of her family and operated on both her eyes for cataracts. Im involved in my community to some degree. This woman and I know each other, we are friends. She came to the US after ww2 when she was like 25. SHe 's very sharp. In the course of a rambling convo about the state of the world we were discussing Fauci and I asked her why do you think Fauci is like this... she said b/c he's an Italian man! HA. So lets view the world through the lens of an 80 yo Italian-American from NYC. Maybe Fauci is at his core a traditional male chauvanist, egotist? Maybe his narcissism outdoes Trumps and even Obama's ( if thats possible) Its just that he, Fauci, like most good politicians, hides, camoflages these toxic personality disorders under layers of learned behaviors like professionalism, good manners, etc. He's not fooling us anymore. This man is a villian. He may not even realize it about himself. He may think that he's doing good. And that makes his even more dangerous. Wouldnt it be nice to have an obviously evil character strut out in plain view , like a Ming-the-Merciless type from a comic book. that would make it easy. But life is not like that. No instead we have this superficially affable avuncular elderly "doc" lying and obfuscating distorting the truth for what, money, his reputation? Does he really think that he's doing good? Maybe he really thinks that he's doing all of this for the good of humanity? that makes his one of the most dangerous people in the world

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“Historically, the most terrible things: war, genocide and slavery,

have resulted not from disobedience, but from obedience.” - Howard Zinn

Please people, STOP being obedient in regards to this massive scam and all others past/present and coming in the near future, THAT is the way out, NOT compliance and obedience, that has been made very obvious now and in our past history. Obeying unjust/illegal laws WILL be our demise, stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Why is Fauci not in jail? Why is he even being allowed to speak to us? Who the hell is he? Why haven't the bleeding hearts been up in arms about those tortured beagles? And tortured monkeys. And his illegal funding of gain of function research in Wuhan.

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I'll take Everything for $1000, Alex.

"This 1947 trial should have Fauci-ists everywhere shaking in their boots."

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I think we need to look in his past to see if he’d related to Mussolini.

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Excuse my language here. He’s a lying psychopathic Nazi POS whose future is less than Dogshit if he stays on his current course. Pity him.

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Tony admits that he doesn’t understand economics and is thus not competent to weigh the costs of the policies he recommends.


“Be prepared to do anything and everything” makes sense only to the frenzied Covid monomaniac, who believes that Covid is the only thing that matters, and the tremendous collateral damage done by suppression policies are irrelevant or insignificant.

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Cmon man, he has new patents to file

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What will it take to charge this guy with crimes against humanity (or anything that holds in court) and put him in jail?

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Just back to Texas from visiting family in Illinois. World of difference. I only saw two people unmasked all week.

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I’m not surprised that Fauci is prepared to do anything. This from the guy that funded gain of function research that created the virus.

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This guy should have been ostracized after throwing the baseball the way he did while you were locked in your house.

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Fauci is a partisan punk and has no inkling of morality...as he says constantly...”he just wants to save lives”...while continuing to destroy and hurt lives everywhere!

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Returned recently from an idyllic 9 months in Central America, and EVERY friend I encountered wanted to know if I'd been vaxxed. After telling the truth to the first four people, I decided to lie with some, since I was spending time in their houses (and we all know that it's the unvaccinated that spread it, ha ha). Example of the intolerance among the so-called educated: I suggested to a friend (that I lied to about being vaxxed) that she watch some of Joel Furman's presentations on YouTube (I've only actually watched one myself, but my bro-in-law, who was had multiple broken bones from being mowed down by a car while on his bicycle, swears his nutritional advice has sped his recovery--and our whole family, by the way, is on a plant-based diet). Her response: "From my search of Dr. F online, it looks like he's an anti-vaxxer...that troubles me and makes me not interested in following what he has to say." I wrote back: "Suit yourself." LOL, if she only knew....and no, it's not even worth having the discussion with here because she is so ideologically closed to it, and she's a doctor.

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Anything and everything except that which can not be mentioned;

Published: 22 August 2005

Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread


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How do we put up with him? Simple: haven't figured out how to get rid of him yet. TIME will take care of it, as he's something like 80 years old, but it's a race to see how much damage he can manage to do before time gets the best of HIM. Seems like the worst of 'em live basically forever.

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Oh, I *am* prepared to do anything and everything...

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Avuncular Keebler elf ghoul

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fauci sucks...

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We are doing anything and everything we can while it's still open. Unmasked.

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We need to CANCEL MSM NOW.

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To fatten his wallet

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I am without words. Finally. lol.

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buggers. i 'live free..... or die'

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Seems like Christmas was in Fauci and Blojo's gun sight for months.

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Sunday interview didn’t “disappoint”

The level of incompetent arrogance is astounding

“Let’s go” Fauci !!

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Anything and everything, huh?

How about retire and go away, forever.

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How many people will now mask up due to this latest scariant? I think that would be as good a gauge as any to see how much longer we have to endure this.

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LGB {Fauci)

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Best thing to do here is “block”.💕💕

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FAUCI can truly FK off... I can't believe I still have to keep saying this after 2 years of his garbage propaganda.... FK OFF!!!!

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‘To be prepared to do anything and everything…’ Yes we should do so in the case of False-Eye who speaks with forked tongue.

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The Omicron variant has been around for six months or more and has milder symptoms than other variants. Infection rates in SoAfrica are 50% of last year at this time. And this is a “cause for concern” because of what? Midterm elections? Poor polling for the Bidenomics? Bidenflation? SoAfrica turned down Pfizer and J&J vaccine deliveries?

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Gatito, ¿qué piensas sobre la inmunidad natural frente a la que brindan las vacunas? ¿Cuál es mejor? Si te da tiempo, me encantaría saber tu opinión sobre el estudio que pongo abajo, en el cual el CDC concluye que la protección conferida por las vacunas es superior a la natural y que incluso los covid-convalecidos deben inocularse.


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How do we put up with this guy? Easy...we can't get the damn little parasite to take Ivermectin!

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Poor chicken little.

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