The fact that we, as a society, have devolved into lemmings in a few months, listening to a octogenarian scam artist bureaucrat change the goalposts as often has he changes his depends, is really baffling to me.
Yep, that's the MOST concerning issue. And I would really like to know (seriously) what makes the difference between those lemmings and people (like many of us here) who were afraid for about a NY minute and figured out that this is NO way to live and we're NOT going to do it.
I kept thinking "How long are people going to put up with this crap" back in the beginning when so little was known.....and the answer is still one I am having difficulty with. How CAN people care so little for their lives? I mean REAL life, with meaning and purpose and quality, not living under the bed, hiding from those scary germs.
Agreed. I remember telling my kids back in March of 2020 that there was no way people would put up with "lockdown" for more than a couple weeks. I so vastly overestimated my fellow Americans, it was truly depressing. Finding communities like this has re-established my belief in mankind, but still, what is it that separates us? Why are so many so easily fooled and led, even at risk of their own and their children's lives? I don't understand this, and I don't think I'm so different or special; I just don't walk through life with blinders on.
As horrible as all the covid theater is, I have to say what surprised me most was how so many people just lay right down for this and didn't fight back. Australia and Canada have also shocked me. I've often pondered why I didn't buy in to any of it from the very beginning. Maybe because I've always been a realist who questioned everything and looked at all sides of things. With Covid, almost immediately I felt that things didn't add up, what I saw/observed/read didn't comport with what "they" were trying to make us believe. So for me, it shifted from the virus to trying to figure out what the purpose was behind it, why on earth this game was being played with us all.
It's not all of us! What I am seeing and experiencing is horrible - the public health policy decisions have been driven by public opinion polls. Whose opinions? Certainly not any rational persons...HELP
I am in Canada. Most people I know don’t believe in all the restrictions but have been quite compliant. It has gotten so bad that as of today, unvaccinated people over the age of 12 are no longer able to travel by train or plane… there are protests about once a month in the major cities but there is never any media coverage so it doesn’t gain traction.
I am in a group here in my little city - about 150 or 200 of us, and we are organizing for how to push back, and how to get the word out to as many of those who can be reached as we can. I am hopeful that there are similar groups all across the western world, which is where this crackdown on us seems to be concentrated, that are trying to figure out in little groups how to reach people. Someone in the group posted this video related to it, and a good reminder to try not to become to frustrated with those who still seem hypnotised:
Here is a little good news from my town. The unjabbed daughter of a friend is a med student at the local state university. A new rule this autumn was, she had to pay for and take 3 PCR tests per week to attend classes. This was prohibitively expensive (and, of course, unfair). So, her mom organized a petition that many of us signed on to, and the Dean of the Medical School agreed to change the policy to one free PCR test per week. I know, I know, it is still discriminatory and unscientific to require the unjabbed to take the test -- but it is a kind of victory and my friend's daughter can continue her studies (at least for now). I was pessimistic that the university would listen to our complaints. The result really gave me hope that our protests might be effective.
The purpose of COVID policy in 2020 was to get Trump out of office. Most D's can't fathom that because they see their team as the good guys. Some I's and R's also got taken by the media circus. In 2021 the purpose seems to be continued political control and slowing down the economy for climate goals.
And to willingly and quite literally give up the ONLY THING that we truly own in our existence on this earth: Our Body. WOW. I'll never get over it. Ever.
I keep wondering what the future of society will look like. If the bad vax side effects are widespread and if ADE sets in and the vaxxed suffer massive harms and death due to the jabs, that will be catastrophic for society. But if that doesn't happen, and if someone waved a magic wand and Covid disappeared 100% right now, there are still major damages done to trust in public institutions, relations between workers and employers, and interpersonal relations among friends, family, etc. In other words, even if the worst case apocalyptic scenario does not play out, and the best case scenario does play out, there is still irreparable harm done in our society. Or, if not "irreparable", it will take a long time to repair. Think of the harm done to kids during these years by social distancing, masking, closed schools, etc. This experience may define that generation - in a bad way.
"Alton Ochsner, a professor of surgery at Tulane Medical School and founder of the Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans, gave the [Cutter polio] vaccine to his grandson Eugene Davis, Offit wrote. The child died May 4." despite warnings that the lab had not attenuated the virus. and monkeys were being paralyzed.
The mass of people take their cues from mainstream media. They have no independent thought and just absorb whatever message the idiot box is telling them. Think Pravda or Izvestia in the Soviet Union. Do you think most Russians in the 1920s thought Bolshevism was working well? It didn't matter though because the official mass media was telling them that kulaks and wreckers were damaging their country. Today - just substitute in the "unvaxxed."
So unless and until the big corporate media is nationalized, broken up, or otherwise brought under control, we will still have these propaganda outlets pushing this virus narrative and the masses of people will buy it.
The worst of it is NPR. They take their line DIRECTLY from what they're told to say. And people consider them to be a "trusted" source. Disclaimer: though I don't watch ABC, CNN etc., I do listen to at least 30 minutes of NPR every day to find out what the next "big" thing is (that I can know is what the government wants us to believe).
Yeah, all those Foundations & NGOs are part of the corrupt deep state. Charity can happen on an individual basis. But institutionalized charity is not a thing. It is just a front. A cover. A dodge. A hustle. Ford Foundation. Carnegie Foundation. Do you think the founders really cared about "the people"? And even if they did, do you think those who run them now care?
Repeat after me: Large organizations do not care about you. They are just that - organizations. They do not love. They do not hate. They do not feel. The people who run them will do whatever they think is in their interests. The trick is to try to align the leader's interests with the broad interests of society. Currently that is definitely not the case with the leaders of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Or the leaders of NPR. Or Pfizer, for that matter.
I have never thought that these organizations had any component of "caring." I always just thought of them as a way for very wealthy people to legally avoid certain taxes. And while doing so, manage to do something that is in the best interest of the owners. :-)
But then again, I never thought that any of them SHOULD do anything "for the people," or that they owed "the people" anything. I just think they should do what they say they are doing, instead of saying one thing and doing another.
They're a bunch of grifters, sucking dollars in and then using said dollars towards their social agenda. And since they're seen as oh-so-virtuous they can get away with all sorts of chicanery without consequence.
Their wealth is shielded from taxes, so actually they do owe 'the people', just as "not for profit" public hospitals do. Unfortunately they aren't held to account.
Yep, NPR and PBS are bad. But the fact that CNN & MSNBC spew the same line just goes to show that the latter are not really "private."
Imagine if in 2024 we could vote for the head of NPR. i.e., if the actual editor-in-chief of NPR was on the ballot right beside Biden and whomever. And he/she had to campaign about whether to allow more dissenting views on NPR.
Imagine the same thing for CNN & MSNBC.
Now that's what I call real democracy. Couldn't be worse than what we have now.
Wrong way out. Let the Mockingbird media die with its remaining dupes. Younger people don't notice TV talking heads or newspaper pundits anyway. "News" was always a lie, anyway. We'll be fine without it. The information marketplace will sort it out.
If ONLY we could get to a Soviet-citizen level of cynicism and awareness! In Russian Pravda = News and Izvestia = Truth (or other way round) For decades the going joke in the USSR was "There's no news in "The Truth" and no truth in "The News"
At least CNN viewership is plummeting - it's a start.
Yep. Western propaganda is so much better because it hides itself under the cloak of "private" companies. Plus our material conditions - at least for the moment - are so much better than in the Soviet Union that people are relatively content and don't question the propaganda. #BreadAndCircuses works!
I had hoped that the living memory of totalitarianism and the fake media during communist times would "innoculate" eastern Europeans from the Covid hysteria. Given that some eastern European countries do have relatively lower jab rates, maybe that is the case to a degree. But then, other formerly communist countries like Latvia and Slovakia are going nuts with their lockdowns and other rules.
I don't know much about the history of communism. But there are two perspectives I've heard on what you mention. On the one hand, many people were persuaded by the propaganda and loved Stalin. There are old people who still remember Stalin fondly. On the other hand, many people knew those newspapers were full of lies and became very cynical about the leadership and the communist system.
No! Not even close. This is the end of the scam that stared in the 70s with nutrition and the American diet. And by end I mean of the of the scam and many of us.
I'm visiting in Cambridge, MA, home to M.I.T. and Harvard, and presumably some of the greatest minds in the world, and yet I'm witnessing almost everyone wearing masks indoors, outdoors, in cars, etc. It's hard to comprehend that seemingly nobody questions the "science" behind the idiotic "stand up, mask up" rule in restaurants and bars. I was just turned away from a Catholic church because I refused to put on a mask. Last night I walked away from a local brewery because I needed a mask to walk five steps to the bar, where I was allowed to remove my mask. It's pure insanity, and it's alarming to witness people complying with these absurd rules, especially in a city where science and critical thinking are supposed to abound. I can only hope this is just a phenomenon of big cities and that we, the non-lemmings, outnumber the lemmings.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SACRIFICE! Too many people have been complying to take part in "society". NO. I, like yourself, will NOT participate. If a business requires ANYTHING but my hard earned money for the "privilege" of doing business with them I tell them flat out that I will NEVER be back. Ef em.
Deep Blue Zone up there. Probably people in the labs at MIT making fun of this, but don’t want to get hammered by the management, so performative BS continues.
Yep, I live in the fair city you describe. Due to my medical history, I declined injection and then did my own non-NPR/mainstream news or medicine research. I sought a medical exemption at a Harvard-affiliated hospital and was denied by my new, young, afraid-to-lose-his-job PCP.
It amazes me to see how many people including college students - and Boston is chock full of colleges/universities - are wearing masks outside. Yes, sometimes you forget to take it off when you exit a building or it's easier to just leave it on if you're going to another indoor establishment (yet much more difficult to breathe) but it seems people still fear getting "it" outside. I've been tempted to stop people while outside on a beautiful sunny fall day and ask them why, why, why are you wearing a mask? Sigh. The restaurant/bar rules are just silly. I cannot visit my former neighborhood watering hole as only fully injected folks are allowed. Whatever "fully V'd" means this week.
It is indeed alarming. Most highly educated people around here prefer to comply, have no interest in doing their own research, and accept everything the TV or radio/NPR or NYT says as gospel truth. Anything that is not firmly "pro-V" or inline with the accepted narrative is the work of "conspiracy theorists". If you don't willingly line up for injections X3, even with valid medical conditions, you are branded an "anti-vaxxer" - a fate worse than death, apparently. Lemmings indeed, waiting for Dr. F to tell them what is allowed for Thanksgiving while pointing their terrified fingers at folks like me.
Thanks for sharing, SomeChick. After being here for just a few days, the feeling of intense pressure to conform is almost palpable. The sheeple rule this town. I head back to Illinois today, and despite King (aka Gov) Pritzker's never ending mask mandates and emergency orders, many establishments are just ignoring them or not enforcing them. Good luck, and consider moving to NH!
Don't know why anyone is baffled. The global population is being "nudged" and they are now basically unconsciously hypnotized. This is the result of decades of applied behavioral psychology research that has now been weaponized. All mainstream media outlets have been institutionally captured and are being used as the vehicle for this psychological assault on humanity. We are living Huxley's "Final Revolution".
To be honest, this is not eye opening. On average, people tend towards the easiest route. Complying is always easier if you don't discount future losses due to compliance.
Some of us saw through this con artist early on. Others took longer. It seems clear though that his reputation is not what it once was, and that independents and Republicans do not trust him.
Am actually just starting to read it now (just the intro so far). Your warning doesn't bode well for my sleep at night, but thanks for the heads up.
To others: I was seriously not considering buying this book (or checking it out at the library) because "we all know" that the author (Kennedy) is an "anti-vax nut." Right? I fell for that. But getting started in the book, I can see that there is a reference for EVERYTHING, which is a lot more than you can say for the authoritarian pronouncements we're getting from our medical "experts."
I guess one of the best things a person can do is to be willing to change one's mind, based on real evidence.
Now you're talking. There are solid reasons for the "anti vax" movement, with tons of real evidence behind it..that the TV also told us was bogus, btw. Covid is the 2.0 version of all of those reasons.
Well, I have to admit I've always been obnoxiously PRO vax, and there are some good reasons to take some vaccines. But the last couple of years have definitely made me look twice and I've had to apologize to more than a few friends for, if nothing else, believing that I had the right to tell them what they should be doing, especially with their kids.
Hey, it only took me 72 years and a "global pandemic" to get me to this realization. :-)
Look up MTHFR gene sequencing and vaccines. It's one of the simpler intros without having to approach any of the deeper rabbit (or monkey) holes (which also have validity.) Having an MTHFR genetic marker prevents an individual's body from eliminating toxins in a timely manner. A person can have one or more of them. An unopposed fact is that there are toxic substances in vaccines, (rabid pro-vavvers will only admit to "potentially" toxic) and not just in the adjuncts. But "the science" says that those substances are eliminated from the body before they can do any damage and that they never cross the blood-brain barrier.
Back to MTHFR. The longer the toxic substances are circulating the body, the higher chances of inflammation. Inflammation, as we have come to learn from the Covid vax's, is a killer. It kills cells, organs, bodies, and if it crosses the blood- brain barrier-it kills brain cells. Look up the MMR scream, and what not uncommonly follows it. Google hides the worst of it, but you can still find some of it there.
The more MTHFR genes a person has, the more likely they will suffer the effects of repeatedly injected toxins, at any time, in any number of ways per individual.
It doesn't stop in childhood. There is evidence that the effects work overtime on the mitochondria. So after say 15-20 years of mitochondrial assault, hundreds of chat boards spring up online chock full of young people that are truly suffering and have been diagnosed with one form of immune system dysfunction or much so that they can barely get through the day. And no one believes them, because they cant see anything wrong with their eyes. But as a whole, we have been ignoring what is right in front of us for a long time anyway.
I was too until kids. I now understand why some people choose none - im tolerant and agree to disagree. It’s a calculated risk either way and you choose the lesser evil I suppose. I perked my ears when I had kids in the USA and noticed the vast delta to my EU kiddo schedule where kids did jsut fine. My kids are mostly vaccinated but not by cdc standard, but by euro standard ;). I would love after this Covid craziness to have a new level of honesty and transparency in place of the all vaccines are perfect, let’s mandate it.
I did end up with one dose of mRNA due to work, have a neuro effect now (and was super healthy before!), quit, and found a new job sans mandate. I once was pro all vaxxes, then just pro transparency and choice. Still am.
I don't remember all that it protected against. Rabies was one, which is a vaccine I do want. I think West Nile was in there. Maybe it was the four way. My horse was an EPM horse and my new vet said he's seen problems with West Nile and EPM horses. I should be getting her histopathology report anytime. She died about a month later. It all started with a nephropsplenic entrapment which isn't related to vaccines. But I still wonder.
If you can sleep at night after listening to 30 minutes of NPR a day, probably nothing can keep you up. (I listen to NPR too even though my family says it's not good for my health.) RFK Jr. made me rethink everything I "know" about everything. I am now an "anti-vax nut."
One of the silver linings of this COVID crap is that more people are waking up to the problems of vaccinations in general. It's tough, I know. The brainwashing they've done on this is one of the most epic of all time.
Kennedy calls himself an advocate for "safer vaccines", spearheading the drive to force the FDA to ask vaccine manufacturers to voluntarily remove mercury from childhood inoculations in 2000. (the preservative Thimerosal is half mercury, and pediatricians were allowed to use up existing supplies for several years) However, aluminum adjuvants of these jabs are also neurotoxic, as are the spike proteins.
Yes, and despite this, he is routinely vilified in the press as an "anti-vaxxer". He is very clear in interviews that he is not "anti-vaxx", he had all his childhood vaccines (5 or 6 in the late 1950's/early 1960s) as did his children. However, now if one follows the recommended AAP vaccine schedule, a child has something like 72 vaccines by age 18.
I don't hate neighbors nor relatives for their ignorance but will stop socializing with those who support mandates and the erosion of civil liberties. Sorry but this is a war and I need my allies. Hence, y'all. :D
I don't want to hate ... but it's hard relating to relatives who say I'm an idiot and selfish for not getting the vax and because I think IVM might be useful.
I'm so sorry you're dealing with crap from relatives but it's never too late to create a safe distance and detach from anyone (including family) who violates your sense of safety and sovereignty. It's okay to shut the door while you surround yourself with a healthier tribe.
I had an elderly female Italian patient in my office over a months ago, someone who I have known for over 20 years . I 've seen many members of her family and operated on both her eyes for cataracts. Im involved in my community to some degree. This woman and I know each other, we are friends. She came to the US after ww2 when she was like 25. SHe 's very sharp. In the course of a rambling convo about the state of the world we were discussing Fauci and I asked her why do you think Fauci is like this... she said b/c he's an Italian man! HA. So lets view the world through the lens of an 80 yo Italian-American from NYC. Maybe Fauci is at his core a traditional male chauvanist, egotist? Maybe his narcissism outdoes Trumps and even Obama's ( if thats possible) Its just that he, Fauci, like most good politicians, hides, camoflages these toxic personality disorders under layers of learned behaviors like professionalism, good manners, etc. He's not fooling us anymore. This man is a villian. He may not even realize it about himself. He may think that he's doing good. And that makes his even more dangerous. Wouldnt it be nice to have an obviously evil character strut out in plain view , like a Ming-the-Merciless type from a comic book. that would make it easy. But life is not like that. No instead we have this superficially affable avuncular elderly "doc" lying and obfuscating distorting the truth for what, money, his reputation? Does he really think that he's doing good? Maybe he really thinks that he's doing all of this for the good of humanity? that makes his one of the most dangerous people in the world
I am an Italian woman. Yes to this. They are little Princes, bred to become little Kings. He's a twat - but a very dangerous one. No one and nothing can impinge on his massive Ego.
i reading it. very disturbing. Time will hopefully bring this all out. its hard for me to accept that he is some diabolical scheming villain intentionally up to no good. do you think its possible that he genuinely believes that he's acting ethically and altruistically and trying to solve serious health problems? This might be true. but he's so out of touch that he cant perceive the negative consequences? Its literally how dictators ascend to power. Like a medical Ceaușescu
Is it so hard to believe? They packed elderly people into nursing homes when they knew it would kill them. They bent over backwards to make it harder for people to get HCQ and Ivermectin, and are now leaning on hospitals to NOT allow these meds to be used, even in dying patients, even with a doctor's Rx. These people are EVIL. They are murderous villains. I have no doubt.
That's what happens when we hand over all of the really tough decisions to someone else and provide them with unlimited resources to make them for us. Because we don't want to grapple with the hard stuff, we create monsters to do it for us. We can get rid of him, but nothing changes until we realize and take ownership of our own complicity.
I know doctors like that but they’re not involved in research or decision making. They just never question the cdc and research / it is accepted as the holy grail and dissent is dogmatically verboten.
Money. In one of his foia emails he expresses concern that the vax rollout won"t be fast enough & we'll get to natural herd immunity 1st.
In his *11/19* pre-scamdemic, taped live on c-span thing, he & his cohorts discuss how to get people to accept this new vax technology & their need to use (create) an emergency to bypass 8-10 years of safety trials.
maybe he genuinely believed that covid was an existential threat. But when power is concentrated in the hands of a small group of people and all dissent is discouraged and the whole issue is politicized, if this one group of people is wrong ( which is possible cause noone is omnipotent) then we end up with a systemic failure on a global scale. Thats what we are witnessing. fauci et al may not have intentionally set out to do anything evil or wrong. but just because a goverment hires a bunch of docs and scientists and gives them a fancy office and alot of money doesnt make them right. In fact that arrangement increases the chances that they will be wrong, biased and corrupted. We need an amendment to the constitution like the 1st that reads:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of medical care, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of health care , or of health care providers; or the right of the people to determine for themselves how to best achieve health"
The CDC, NIH, FDA, et al are thereby rendered illegal and immediately abolished
As a med lab tech I suspected early on that something was very wrong. Everything they recommended -- everything -- went against everything I learned in school & in the lab. Everything they did is known through decades of experience to harm health & damage the immune system.
They falsified case rates by using pcr testing -- biology 101 le el of false -- & running 40+ cycles. He lied by half truths: "Judy, over 40 cycles is mostly just signals". When in fact the same is true at 35+ cycles and 30+ cycles.
Masks don't work, masks do work, wear 2 masks, wear masks indoors...when he co-authored 2009 study that concluded the majority of deaths in 1918 pandemic were caused by masks.
They *knew* for a fact that certain comorbodities -- obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke -- put you at high risk.
Lockdowns forced people out of sunlight (no D3), sedentary (no exercise, weight gain), isolation (depression) were designed to wreck your immune system.
Every assurance they gave about the so-called vaccines has proved false: the artificial mRNA stay in the arm muscle, the body would quickly destroy the mRNA, the spikes wouldn't leave the arm muscle, the spikes have been modified so they don't bind to Ace2 receptors, vax-induced immunity would be broader & longer lasting than natural immunity, deaths were caused by anything other than the vaxes, and so on.
It all points in the same direction. All of it increased risks, increases deaths & disability, ruined the economy, increased suicides, destroyed lives.
He either is the most stupid, ignorant & incompetent medical professional on the face of the earth...or the most venal, evil mass murderer in history once the full, long term impact of these pseudo-vaccines hits.
Oh, & I forgot...the unvaxxed are causing mutations, the pandemic of the vaxxed, the ever changing definition of of vaxxed to push mortalities into the unvaxxed column ...
he's the devil incarnate, definitely no conscience, definitely a sociopath, likely even a psychopath with not a care or feeling for any human or animal in this world
“Historically, the most terrible things: war, genocide and slavery,
have resulted not from disobedience, but from obedience.” - Howard Zinn
Please people, STOP being obedient in regards to this massive scam and all others past/present and coming in the near future, THAT is the way out, NOT compliance and obedience, that has been made very obvious now and in our past history. Obeying unjust/illegal laws WILL be our demise, stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is Fauci not in jail? Why is he even being allowed to speak to us? Who the hell is he? Why haven't the bleeding hearts been up in arms about those tortured beagles? And tortured monkeys. And his illegal funding of gain of function research in Wuhan.
Because his allies control the mass media. All it would take to bring charges against Fauci - and frankly hundreds of other bad actors in the government - is a few tearjerker pieces on CNN with pictures of cute puppies cross-cut with pictures of Fauci's experiments and a voiceover condemning his medical experiments.
We are complicit in more ways than that. Until we come into full realization and acceptance of the ways we create and enable these monsters, nothing changes.
It sure does. But how do we make it stop? Is it legal for Biden to say that medical workers in places receiving medicare have to be vaxxed? Or is that overreach?
No, he does not have that authority, it is far worse than overreach, it is being a dictator to the extreme and all of those people need to tell him to go to hell!
But who will? We have people suing Governor Pritzker in Illinois for his over reach. I know DeSantis is fighting back. Will the lawsuit over the OSHA stuff cover medical workers? Because we are all going to be hurting with staff shortages. The vax mandates are also concerning with regards to our military, as far as substantially weakening it.
God only knows who will because too many lawyers are more crooked than ever and are not doing their jobs by taking on these lawsuits. Lawyers are a huge part of the problem as they are among our greatest enemies and ARE the reason America has become such a massive shit hole, not to mention America is now the home of the cowards, no longer the free because of the brave! Very sad days in America for sure.
I hear you on lawyers being crooked. I was disappointe when Obamacare was passed there wasn't some kind of tort reform as far as medical lawsuits go. Though it's stunning how Big Pharma is protected from lawsuits with vaccines. There's no accountability. 18,000 dead on VAERS from these is appalling. Yet people say it's just old people dying of old age maladies.
I think we need to stop pretending that his type out there is not a dime a dozen, especially in "power centers" like DC, NY, SF, Denver... Who do you think is cheerleading, rewarding and protecting him? Remove him, and there are dozens behind him eagerly positioning for his spot. The next one will be even smoother and probably much better looking.
this type may in fact be the default human state, without any reins on the ego. lack of "superego" leads to this. lack of strong parenting and religion to give a moral center leads to this. Little Anthony is the megalomaniacal leader WE DESERVE. look around!
“Be prepared to do anything and everything” makes sense only to the frenzied Covid monomaniac, who believes that Covid is the only thing that matters, and the tremendous collateral damage done by suppression policies are irrelevant or insignificant.
True but if there was strong enough evidence to prove the scandemic, the house of cards would crumble, and others would fall as well. The narrative of constant variants and toxic injections could not be sustained.
Wow! I’m still seeing more masked people (in Texas) than I would like but at least the mandates are gone (even the one from the Tin Pot Dictator County Judge Clay Jenkins in Dallas as far as I can tell. I just ignore them anyway and have for the past six months)
I was very struck by that display also. It very dramatically, bodily, telegraphed his crookedness. It should have been embarrassing, but he did not seem to be embarrassed. That in itself is maybe a huge tell about his psychic condition.
Fauci is a partisan punk and has no inkling of he says constantly...”he just wants to save lives”...while continuing to destroy and hurt lives everywhere!
Returned recently from an idyllic 9 months in Central America, and EVERY friend I encountered wanted to know if I'd been vaxxed. After telling the truth to the first four people, I decided to lie with some, since I was spending time in their houses (and we all know that it's the unvaccinated that spread it, ha ha). Example of the intolerance among the so-called educated: I suggested to a friend (that I lied to about being vaxxed) that she watch some of Joel Furman's presentations on YouTube (I've only actually watched one myself, but my bro-in-law, who was had multiple broken bones from being mowed down by a car while on his bicycle, swears his nutritional advice has sped his recovery--and our whole family, by the way, is on a plant-based diet). Her response: "From my search of Dr. F online, it looks like he's an anti-vaxxer...that troubles me and makes me not interested in following what he has to say." I wrote back: "Suit yourself." LOL, if she only knew....and no, it's not even worth having the discussion with here because she is so ideologically closed to it, and she's a doctor.
LOL! “She’s a doctor.” Reminds me of the line in Idiocracy—“My wife’s a ‘tard. She’s a pilot now. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of ‘tards out there living KICKASS lives!”
How do we put up with him? Simple: haven't figured out how to get rid of him yet. TIME will take care of it, as he's something like 80 years old, but it's a race to see how much damage he can manage to do before time gets the best of HIM. Seems like the worst of 'em live basically forever.
How many people will now mask up due to this latest scariant? I think that would be as good a gauge as any to see how much longer we have to endure this.
The Omicron variant has been around for six months or more and has milder symptoms than other variants. Infection rates in SoAfrica are 50% of last year at this time. And this is a “cause for concern” because of what? Midterm elections? Poor polling for the Bidenomics? Bidenflation? SoAfrica turned down Pfizer and J&J vaccine deliveries?
Gatito, ¿qué piensas sobre la inmunidad natural frente a la que brindan las vacunas? ¿Cuál es mejor? Si te da tiempo, me encantaría saber tu opinión sobre el estudio que pongo abajo, en el cual el CDC concluye que la protección conferida por las vacunas es superior a la natural y que incluso los covid-convalecidos deben inocularse.
The fact that we, as a society, have devolved into lemmings in a few months, listening to a octogenarian scam artist bureaucrat change the goalposts as often has he changes his depends, is really baffling to me.
Yep, that's the MOST concerning issue. And I would really like to know (seriously) what makes the difference between those lemmings and people (like many of us here) who were afraid for about a NY minute and figured out that this is NO way to live and we're NOT going to do it.
I kept thinking "How long are people going to put up with this crap" back in the beginning when so little was known.....and the answer is still one I am having difficulty with. How CAN people care so little for their lives? I mean REAL life, with meaning and purpose and quality, not living under the bed, hiding from those scary germs.
Agreed. I remember telling my kids back in March of 2020 that there was no way people would put up with "lockdown" for more than a couple weeks. I so vastly overestimated my fellow Americans, it was truly depressing. Finding communities like this has re-established my belief in mankind, but still, what is it that separates us? Why are so many so easily fooled and led, even at risk of their own and their children's lives? I don't understand this, and I don't think I'm so different or special; I just don't walk through life with blinders on.
As horrible as all the covid theater is, I have to say what surprised me most was how so many people just lay right down for this and didn't fight back. Australia and Canada have also shocked me. I've often pondered why I didn't buy in to any of it from the very beginning. Maybe because I've always been a realist who questioned everything and looked at all sides of things. With Covid, almost immediately I felt that things didn't add up, what I saw/observed/read didn't comport with what "they" were trying to make us believe. So for me, it shifted from the virus to trying to figure out what the purpose was behind it, why on earth this game was being played with us all.
It's not all of us! What I am seeing and experiencing is horrible - the public health policy decisions have been driven by public opinion polls. Whose opinions? Certainly not any rational persons...HELP
Glad to hear that.....are you Australia or Canada? How much of the population is opposed to all that is going on?
I am in Canada. Most people I know don’t believe in all the restrictions but have been quite compliant. It has gotten so bad that as of today, unvaccinated people over the age of 12 are no longer able to travel by train or plane… there are protests about once a month in the major cities but there is never any media coverage so it doesn’t gain traction.
I am in a group here in my little city - about 150 or 200 of us, and we are organizing for how to push back, and how to get the word out to as many of those who can be reached as we can. I am hopeful that there are similar groups all across the western world, which is where this crackdown on us seems to be concentrated, that are trying to figure out in little groups how to reach people. Someone in the group posted this video related to it, and a good reminder to try not to become to frustrated with those who still seem hypnotised:
Here is a little good news from my town. The unjabbed daughter of a friend is a med student at the local state university. A new rule this autumn was, she had to pay for and take 3 PCR tests per week to attend classes. This was prohibitively expensive (and, of course, unfair). So, her mom organized a petition that many of us signed on to, and the Dean of the Medical School agreed to change the policy to one free PCR test per week. I know, I know, it is still discriminatory and unscientific to require the unjabbed to take the test -- but it is a kind of victory and my friend's daughter can continue her studies (at least for now). I was pessimistic that the university would listen to our complaints. The result really gave me hope that our protests might be effective.
The purpose of COVID policy in 2020 was to get Trump out of office. Most D's can't fathom that because they see their team as the good guys. Some I's and R's also got taken by the media circus. In 2021 the purpose seems to be continued political control and slowing down the economy for climate goals.
And to willingly and quite literally give up the ONLY THING that we truly own in our existence on this earth: Our Body. WOW. I'll never get over it. Ever.
Once you've already given up your soul, handing over your body is no big deal.
I keep wondering what the future of society will look like. If the bad vax side effects are widespread and if ADE sets in and the vaxxed suffer massive harms and death due to the jabs, that will be catastrophic for society. But if that doesn't happen, and if someone waved a magic wand and Covid disappeared 100% right now, there are still major damages done to trust in public institutions, relations between workers and employers, and interpersonal relations among friends, family, etc. In other words, even if the worst case apocalyptic scenario does not play out, and the best case scenario does play out, there is still irreparable harm done in our society. Or, if not "irreparable", it will take a long time to repair. Think of the harm done to kids during these years by social distancing, masking, closed schools, etc. This experience may define that generation - in a bad way.
+ willing to sacrifice our children
I wonder if Fauci has any vaccinated grandchildren.
With saline
"Alton Ochsner, a professor of surgery at Tulane Medical School and founder of the Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans, gave the [Cutter polio] vaccine to his grandson Eugene Davis, Offit wrote. The child died May 4." despite warnings that the lab had not attenuated the virus. and monkeys were being paralyzed.
The mass of people take their cues from mainstream media. They have no independent thought and just absorb whatever message the idiot box is telling them. Think Pravda or Izvestia in the Soviet Union. Do you think most Russians in the 1920s thought Bolshevism was working well? It didn't matter though because the official mass media was telling them that kulaks and wreckers were damaging their country. Today - just substitute in the "unvaxxed."
So unless and until the big corporate media is nationalized, broken up, or otherwise brought under control, we will still have these propaganda outlets pushing this virus narrative and the masses of people will buy it.
The worst of it is NPR. They take their line DIRECTLY from what they're told to say. And people consider them to be a "trusted" source. Disclaimer: though I don't watch ABC, CNN etc., I do listen to at least 30 minutes of NPR every day to find out what the next "big" thing is (that I can know is what the government wants us to believe).
NPR is the worst but look at their sponsors... The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, for example. All media is captured by big pharma, too.
Yeah, all those Foundations & NGOs are part of the corrupt deep state. Charity can happen on an individual basis. But institutionalized charity is not a thing. It is just a front. A cover. A dodge. A hustle. Ford Foundation. Carnegie Foundation. Do you think the founders really cared about "the people"? And even if they did, do you think those who run them now care?
Repeat after me: Large organizations do not care about you. They are just that - organizations. They do not love. They do not hate. They do not feel. The people who run them will do whatever they think is in their interests. The trick is to try to align the leader's interests with the broad interests of society. Currently that is definitely not the case with the leaders of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Or the leaders of NPR. Or Pfizer, for that matter.
I have never thought that these organizations had any component of "caring." I always just thought of them as a way for very wealthy people to legally avoid certain taxes. And while doing so, manage to do something that is in the best interest of the owners. :-)
But then again, I never thought that any of them SHOULD do anything "for the people," or that they owed "the people" anything. I just think they should do what they say they are doing, instead of saying one thing and doing another.
They're a bunch of grifters, sucking dollars in and then using said dollars towards their social agenda. And since they're seen as oh-so-virtuous they can get away with all sorts of chicanery without consequence.
Their wealth is shielded from taxes, so actually they do owe 'the people', just as "not for profit" public hospitals do. Unfortunately they aren't held to account.
Oh, I know. That's why I listen to them. Have to keep up with what the opposition is doing. Otherwise we won't know.
Yep, NPR and PBS are bad. But the fact that CNN & MSNBC spew the same line just goes to show that the latter are not really "private."
Imagine if in 2024 we could vote for the head of NPR. i.e., if the actual editor-in-chief of NPR was on the ballot right beside Biden and whomever. And he/she had to campaign about whether to allow more dissenting views on NPR.
Imagine the same thing for CNN & MSNBC.
Now that's what I call real democracy. Couldn't be worse than what we have now.
Wrong way out. Let the Mockingbird media die with its remaining dupes. Younger people don't notice TV talking heads or newspaper pundits anyway. "News" was always a lie, anyway. We'll be fine without it. The information marketplace will sort it out.
Yeah, I don't disagree. It's just that I don't have a TV so I don't watch any of those others (and wouldn't if I could). I listen to NPR in my car.
National Pharmaceutical Radio
I believe getting out in the streets with "boycott the lying media " signage may be the way forward. 🤔
Yes. To think I used to listen to NPR all the time in the car. Now when I turn it on, all I hear in the news segments is vaccine propaganda.
If ONLY we could get to a Soviet-citizen level of cynicism and awareness! In Russian Pravda = News and Izvestia = Truth (or other way round) For decades the going joke in the USSR was "There's no news in "The Truth" and no truth in "The News"
At least CNN viewership is plummeting - it's a start.
Yep. Western propaganda is so much better because it hides itself under the cloak of "private" companies. Plus our material conditions - at least for the moment - are so much better than in the Soviet Union that people are relatively content and don't question the propaganda. #BreadAndCircuses works!
I had hoped that the living memory of totalitarianism and the fake media during communist times would "innoculate" eastern Europeans from the Covid hysteria. Given that some eastern European countries do have relatively lower jab rates, maybe that is the case to a degree. But then, other formerly communist countries like Latvia and Slovakia are going nuts with their lockdowns and other rules.
I don't know much about the history of communism. But there are two perspectives I've heard on what you mention. On the one hand, many people were persuaded by the propaganda and loved Stalin. There are old people who still remember Stalin fondly. On the other hand, many people knew those newspapers were full of lies and became very cynical about the leadership and the communist system.
No! Not even close. This is the end of the scam that stared in the 70s with nutrition and the American diet. And by end I mean of the of the scam and many of us.
yes, the end of many people around the world, but it's due to the global warming/climate change...
of course those nasty moronic variants are causing it too
don't forget racism...
I continue to be baffled as well.
I'm visiting in Cambridge, MA, home to M.I.T. and Harvard, and presumably some of the greatest minds in the world, and yet I'm witnessing almost everyone wearing masks indoors, outdoors, in cars, etc. It's hard to comprehend that seemingly nobody questions the "science" behind the idiotic "stand up, mask up" rule in restaurants and bars. I was just turned away from a Catholic church because I refused to put on a mask. Last night I walked away from a local brewery because I needed a mask to walk five steps to the bar, where I was allowed to remove my mask. It's pure insanity, and it's alarming to witness people complying with these absurd rules, especially in a city where science and critical thinking are supposed to abound. I can only hope this is just a phenomenon of big cities and that we, the non-lemmings, outnumber the lemmings.
they simply Cannot Be Wrong. there is no end point to this, for the Intelligentsia.
Nassim Taleb has coined a term for this. “IYI” (intelligent, yet idiot)
Fuck Nassim Taleb and his "fragile" magic math:
Someone posted this tweet to respond to Taleb's nonsense: Funny... crickets chirpin'. Taleb is a technocratic tool.
Nope. It's all about "The Science". No room for debate with "The Science". The Science is always right and there is only ONE Science.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SACRIFICE! Too many people have been complying to take part in "society". NO. I, like yourself, will NOT participate. If a business requires ANYTHING but my hard earned money for the "privilege" of doing business with them I tell them flat out that I will NEVER be back. Ef em.
woke ivy.....
not what they were.
Deep Blue Zone up there. Probably people in the labs at MIT making fun of this, but don’t want to get hammered by the management, so performative BS continues.
Yep, I live in the fair city you describe. Due to my medical history, I declined injection and then did my own non-NPR/mainstream news or medicine research. I sought a medical exemption at a Harvard-affiliated hospital and was denied by my new, young, afraid-to-lose-his-job PCP.
It amazes me to see how many people including college students - and Boston is chock full of colleges/universities - are wearing masks outside. Yes, sometimes you forget to take it off when you exit a building or it's easier to just leave it on if you're going to another indoor establishment (yet much more difficult to breathe) but it seems people still fear getting "it" outside. I've been tempted to stop people while outside on a beautiful sunny fall day and ask them why, why, why are you wearing a mask? Sigh. The restaurant/bar rules are just silly. I cannot visit my former neighborhood watering hole as only fully injected folks are allowed. Whatever "fully V'd" means this week.
It is indeed alarming. Most highly educated people around here prefer to comply, have no interest in doing their own research, and accept everything the TV or radio/NPR or NYT says as gospel truth. Anything that is not firmly "pro-V" or inline with the accepted narrative is the work of "conspiracy theorists". If you don't willingly line up for injections X3, even with valid medical conditions, you are branded an "anti-vaxxer" - a fate worse than death, apparently. Lemmings indeed, waiting for Dr. F to tell them what is allowed for Thanksgiving while pointing their terrified fingers at folks like me.
Thanks for sharing, SomeChick. After being here for just a few days, the feeling of intense pressure to conform is almost palpable. The sheeple rule this town. I head back to Illinois today, and despite King (aka Gov) Pritzker's never ending mask mandates and emergency orders, many establishments are just ignoring them or not enforcing them. Good luck, and consider moving to NH!
i live in free america.... aka new hampshire.
i do not intend to spend a dime in bean town long as i can hold out!
And extremely arrogant. Don't expect them to admit any wrongdoing or errors.
Don't know why anyone is baffled. The global population is being "nudged" and they are now basically unconsciously hypnotized. This is the result of decades of applied behavioral psychology research that has now been weaponized. All mainstream media outlets have been institutionally captured and are being used as the vehicle for this psychological assault on humanity. We are living Huxley's "Final Revolution".
To be honest, this is not eye opening. On average, people tend towards the easiest route. Complying is always easier if you don't discount future losses due to compliance.
It seems to me that many are seeing through Tony’s scam.
Some of us saw through this con artist early on. Others took longer. It seems clear though that his reputation is not what it once was, and that independents and Republicans do not trust him.
el gato et al:
Chapter 1 of Kennedy's: The Real Anthony Fauci... is all you need to know.
Warning: Don't read chapter if not prepared to accept that it's much worse than anything you could have possibly imagined.
Am actually just starting to read it now (just the intro so far). Your warning doesn't bode well for my sleep at night, but thanks for the heads up.
To others: I was seriously not considering buying this book (or checking it out at the library) because "we all know" that the author (Kennedy) is an "anti-vax nut." Right? I fell for that. But getting started in the book, I can see that there is a reference for EVERYTHING, which is a lot more than you can say for the authoritarian pronouncements we're getting from our medical "experts."
I guess one of the best things a person can do is to be willing to change one's mind, based on real evidence.
Now you're talking. There are solid reasons for the "anti vax" movement, with tons of real evidence behind it..that the TV also told us was bogus, btw. Covid is the 2.0 version of all of those reasons.
Well, I have to admit I've always been obnoxiously PRO vax, and there are some good reasons to take some vaccines. But the last couple of years have definitely made me look twice and I've had to apologize to more than a few friends for, if nothing else, believing that I had the right to tell them what they should be doing, especially with their kids.
Hey, it only took me 72 years and a "global pandemic" to get me to this realization. :-)
Look up MTHFR gene sequencing and vaccines. It's one of the simpler intros without having to approach any of the deeper rabbit (or monkey) holes (which also have validity.) Having an MTHFR genetic marker prevents an individual's body from eliminating toxins in a timely manner. A person can have one or more of them. An unopposed fact is that there are toxic substances in vaccines, (rabid pro-vavvers will only admit to "potentially" toxic) and not just in the adjuncts. But "the science" says that those substances are eliminated from the body before they can do any damage and that they never cross the blood-brain barrier.
Back to MTHFR. The longer the toxic substances are circulating the body, the higher chances of inflammation. Inflammation, as we have come to learn from the Covid vax's, is a killer. It kills cells, organs, bodies, and if it crosses the blood- brain barrier-it kills brain cells. Look up the MMR scream, and what not uncommonly follows it. Google hides the worst of it, but you can still find some of it there.
The more MTHFR genes a person has, the more likely they will suffer the effects of repeatedly injected toxins, at any time, in any number of ways per individual.
It doesn't stop in childhood. There is evidence that the effects work overtime on the mitochondria. So after say 15-20 years of mitochondrial assault, hundreds of chat boards spring up online chock full of young people that are truly suffering and have been diagnosed with one form of immune system dysfunction or much so that they can barely get through the day. And no one believes them, because they cant see anything wrong with their eyes. But as a whole, we have been ignoring what is right in front of us for a long time anyway.
I was too until kids. I now understand why some people choose none - im tolerant and agree to disagree. It’s a calculated risk either way and you choose the lesser evil I suppose. I perked my ears when I had kids in the USA and noticed the vast delta to my EU kiddo schedule where kids did jsut fine. My kids are mostly vaccinated but not by cdc standard, but by euro standard ;). I would love after this Covid craziness to have a new level of honesty and transparency in place of the all vaccines are perfect, let’s mandate it.
I did end up with one dose of mRNA due to work, have a neuro effect now (and was super healthy before!), quit, and found a new job sans mandate. I once was pro all vaxxes, then just pro transparency and choice. Still am.
good luck. stay free of that mRna be here for your family.
My horse had a newer five way vax and within a week things went wrong, but not in a way you could say it was the vaccine. But I truly have to wonder.
What is the new 5-way? (Still doing the 4-way in my parts)
I don't remember all that it protected against. Rabies was one, which is a vaccine I do want. I think West Nile was in there. Maybe it was the four way. My horse was an EPM horse and my new vet said he's seen problems with West Nile and EPM horses. I should be getting her histopathology report anytime. She died about a month later. It all started with a nephropsplenic entrapment which isn't related to vaccines. But I still wonder.
My observation is there's never any good reason to take a vax. This article/video/audio is mindblowing:
If you can sleep at night after listening to 30 minutes of NPR a day, probably nothing can keep you up. (I listen to NPR too even though my family says it's not good for my health.) RFK Jr. made me rethink everything I "know" about everything. I am now an "anti-vax nut."
One of the silver linings of this COVID crap is that more people are waking up to the problems of vaccinations in general. It's tough, I know. The brainwashing they've done on this is one of the most epic of all time.
So THAT's what the problem is! Been wondering why I've had so much trouble sleeping lately!
Kennedy calls himself an advocate for "safer vaccines", spearheading the drive to force the FDA to ask vaccine manufacturers to voluntarily remove mercury from childhood inoculations in 2000. (the preservative Thimerosal is half mercury, and pediatricians were allowed to use up existing supplies for several years) However, aluminum adjuvants of these jabs are also neurotoxic, as are the spike proteins.
Yes, and despite this, he is routinely vilified in the press as an "anti-vaxxer". He is very clear in interviews that he is not "anti-vaxx", he had all his childhood vaccines (5 or 6 in the late 1950's/early 1960s) as did his children. However, now if one follows the recommended AAP vaccine schedule, a child has something like 72 vaccines by age 18.
I was wondering if there's some way for me to anonymously buy and have copies of the book shipped to pro-vax relatives.
Does "everything" include "dragging him behind a pickup truck around the beltway?"
Asking for a friend
Tell your friend I like the way he thinks.
My former seal friend keeps talking about coptering into his compound & then trails off...
He'd be a hero.
Yeah, but not with the "In" crowd. (Also known as Twitter mob.)
Well, you can't make everyone happy all the time.
Awwww. Why let him off easy?
Ignore him. Ignore all mainstream media. Refuse to live in fear and refuse to hate your neighbors.
We may not have a chance if they use the fear-mongering as an excuse for more mandates and lockdowns.
I don't hate neighbors nor relatives for their ignorance but will stop socializing with those who support mandates and the erosion of civil liberties. Sorry but this is a war and I need my allies. Hence, y'all. :D
I don't want to hate ... but it's hard relating to relatives who say I'm an idiot and selfish for not getting the vax and because I think IVM might be useful.
I'm so sorry you're dealing with crap from relatives but it's never too late to create a safe distance and detach from anyone (including family) who violates your sense of safety and sovereignty. It's okay to shut the door while you surround yourself with a healthier tribe.
i never wanted 'hate', but fauci, gates, soros, and a bunch of others are really making it difficult not to
I had an elderly female Italian patient in my office over a months ago, someone who I have known for over 20 years . I 've seen many members of her family and operated on both her eyes for cataracts. Im involved in my community to some degree. This woman and I know each other, we are friends. She came to the US after ww2 when she was like 25. SHe 's very sharp. In the course of a rambling convo about the state of the world we were discussing Fauci and I asked her why do you think Fauci is like this... she said b/c he's an Italian man! HA. So lets view the world through the lens of an 80 yo Italian-American from NYC. Maybe Fauci is at his core a traditional male chauvanist, egotist? Maybe his narcissism outdoes Trumps and even Obama's ( if thats possible) Its just that he, Fauci, like most good politicians, hides, camoflages these toxic personality disorders under layers of learned behaviors like professionalism, good manners, etc. He's not fooling us anymore. This man is a villian. He may not even realize it about himself. He may think that he's doing good. And that makes his even more dangerous. Wouldnt it be nice to have an obviously evil character strut out in plain view , like a Ming-the-Merciless type from a comic book. that would make it easy. But life is not like that. No instead we have this superficially affable avuncular elderly "doc" lying and obfuscating distorting the truth for what, money, his reputation? Does he really think that he's doing good? Maybe he really thinks that he's doing all of this for the good of humanity? that makes his one of the most dangerous people in the world
I am an Italian woman. Yes to this. They are little Princes, bred to become little Kings. He's a twat - but a very dangerous one. No one and nothing can impinge on his massive Ego.
Twat...perfect word choice. Love it!
Chapter 1 of Kennedy's: The Real Anthony Fauci... is all you need to know.
i reading it. very disturbing. Time will hopefully bring this all out. its hard for me to accept that he is some diabolical scheming villain intentionally up to no good. do you think its possible that he genuinely believes that he's acting ethically and altruistically and trying to solve serious health problems? This might be true. but he's so out of touch that he cant perceive the negative consequences? Its literally how dictators ascend to power. Like a medical Ceaușescu
Mengele probably thought he was doing good.
I am just giving zee ze shot so vee can help save humanity from disease.
Is it so hard to believe? They packed elderly people into nursing homes when they knew it would kill them. They bent over backwards to make it harder for people to get HCQ and Ivermectin, and are now leaning on hospitals to NOT allow these meds to be used, even in dying patients, even with a doctor's Rx. These people are EVIL. They are murderous villains. I have no doubt.
That's what happens when we hand over all of the really tough decisions to someone else and provide them with unlimited resources to make them for us. Because we don't want to grapple with the hard stuff, we create monsters to do it for us. We can get rid of him, but nothing changes until we realize and take ownership of our own complicity.
I know doctors like that but they’re not involved in research or decision making. They just never question the cdc and research / it is accepted as the holy grail and dissent is dogmatically verboten.
Money. In one of his foia emails he expresses concern that the vax rollout won"t be fast enough & we'll get to natural herd immunity 1st.
In his *11/19* pre-scamdemic, taped live on c-span thing, he & his cohorts discuss how to get people to accept this new vax technology & their need to use (create) an emergency to bypass 8-10 years of safety trials.
maybe he genuinely believed that covid was an existential threat. But when power is concentrated in the hands of a small group of people and all dissent is discouraged and the whole issue is politicized, if this one group of people is wrong ( which is possible cause noone is omnipotent) then we end up with a systemic failure on a global scale. Thats what we are witnessing. fauci et al may not have intentionally set out to do anything evil or wrong. but just because a goverment hires a bunch of docs and scientists and gives them a fancy office and alot of money doesnt make them right. In fact that arrangement increases the chances that they will be wrong, biased and corrupted. We need an amendment to the constitution like the 1st that reads:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of medical care, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of health care , or of health care providers; or the right of the people to determine for themselves how to best achieve health"
The CDC, NIH, FDA, et al are thereby rendered illegal and immediately abolished
As a med lab tech I suspected early on that something was very wrong. Everything they recommended -- everything -- went against everything I learned in school & in the lab. Everything they did is known through decades of experience to harm health & damage the immune system.
They falsified case rates by using pcr testing -- biology 101 le el of false -- & running 40+ cycles. He lied by half truths: "Judy, over 40 cycles is mostly just signals". When in fact the same is true at 35+ cycles and 30+ cycles.
Masks don't work, masks do work, wear 2 masks, wear masks indoors...when he co-authored 2009 study that concluded the majority of deaths in 1918 pandemic were caused by masks.
They *knew* for a fact that certain comorbodities -- obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke -- put you at high risk.
Lockdowns forced people out of sunlight (no D3), sedentary (no exercise, weight gain), isolation (depression) were designed to wreck your immune system.
Every assurance they gave about the so-called vaccines has proved false: the artificial mRNA stay in the arm muscle, the body would quickly destroy the mRNA, the spikes wouldn't leave the arm muscle, the spikes have been modified so they don't bind to Ace2 receptors, vax-induced immunity would be broader & longer lasting than natural immunity, deaths were caused by anything other than the vaxes, and so on.
It all points in the same direction. All of it increased risks, increases deaths & disability, ruined the economy, increased suicides, destroyed lives.
He either is the most stupid, ignorant & incompetent medical professional on the face of the earth...or the most venal, evil mass murderer in history once the full, long term impact of these pseudo-vaccines hits.
Oh, & I forgot...the unvaxxed are causing mutations, the pandemic of the vaxxed, the ever changing definition of of vaxxed to push mortalities into the unvaxxed column ...
He worked with ACT-UP to bypass safety studies for HIV drugs
And from what I understand, suppressed treatments w/existing drugs that helped & pushed AZT that hastened death.
became buddies with Larry Kramer
he's the devil incarnate, definitely no conscience, definitely a sociopath, likely even a psychopath with not a care or feeling for any human or animal in this world
Read the book.
“Historically, the most terrible things: war, genocide and slavery,
have resulted not from disobedience, but from obedience.” - Howard Zinn
Please people, STOP being obedient in regards to this massive scam and all others past/present and coming in the near future, THAT is the way out, NOT compliance and obedience, that has been made very obvious now and in our past history. Obeying unjust/illegal laws WILL be our demise, stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exactly, thanks for the flashback to one day on the Boston Common. 🙂
Why is Fauci not in jail? Why is he even being allowed to speak to us? Who the hell is he? Why haven't the bleeding hearts been up in arms about those tortured beagles? And tortured monkeys. And his illegal funding of gain of function research in Wuhan.
Because his allies control the mass media. All it would take to bring charges against Fauci - and frankly hundreds of other bad actors in the government - is a few tearjerker pieces on CNN with pictures of cute puppies cross-cut with pictures of Fauci's experiments and a voiceover condemning his medical experiments.
"He who controls the media controls the world."
Sadly that's true.
Because we (not I, but too many) are complying, being obedient to his evil commands. That needs to stop!
We are complicit in more ways than that. Until we come into full realization and acceptance of the ways we create and enable these monsters, nothing changes.
It sure does. But how do we make it stop? Is it legal for Biden to say that medical workers in places receiving medicare have to be vaxxed? Or is that overreach?
No, he does not have that authority, it is far worse than overreach, it is being a dictator to the extreme and all of those people need to tell him to go to hell!
But who will? We have people suing Governor Pritzker in Illinois for his over reach. I know DeSantis is fighting back. Will the lawsuit over the OSHA stuff cover medical workers? Because we are all going to be hurting with staff shortages. The vax mandates are also concerning with regards to our military, as far as substantially weakening it.
God only knows who will because too many lawyers are more crooked than ever and are not doing their jobs by taking on these lawsuits. Lawyers are a huge part of the problem as they are among our greatest enemies and ARE the reason America has become such a massive shit hole, not to mention America is now the home of the cowards, no longer the free because of the brave! Very sad days in America for sure.
I hear you on lawyers being crooked. I was disappointe when Obamacare was passed there wasn't some kind of tort reform as far as medical lawsuits go. Though it's stunning how Big Pharma is protected from lawsuits with vaccines. There's no accountability. 18,000 dead on VAERS from these is appalling. Yet people say it's just old people dying of old age maladies.
I'll take Everything for $1000, Alex.
"This 1947 trial should have Fauci-ists everywhere shaking in their boots."
ala Maximilien Robespierre
I think we need to look in his past to see if he’d related to Mussolini.
I think we need to stop pretending that his type out there is not a dime a dozen, especially in "power centers" like DC, NY, SF, Denver... Who do you think is cheerleading, rewarding and protecting him? Remove him, and there are dozens behind him eagerly positioning for his spot. The next one will be even smoother and probably much better looking.
this type may in fact be the default human state, without any reins on the ego. lack of "superego" leads to this. lack of strong parenting and religion to give a moral center leads to this. Little Anthony is the megalomaniacal leader WE DESERVE. look around!
It's lack of faith..I can agree with that 100%.
Excuse my language here. He’s a lying psychopathic Nazi POS whose future is less than Dogshit if he stays on his current course. Pity him.
He's coming after children and babies... Pity?
Payback will be unpayable
I pity no Sociopathic murderer
His debts are Unpayable
NO pity
When can we get to the “future is less than dogshit” part? I’m ready for THAT.
Betting he’s a suicide.
Like Epstein.
maybe we should make some betting pool charts. I think it will be gunfire or hanging.
Tony admits that he doesn’t understand economics and is thus not competent to weigh the costs of the policies he recommends.
“Be prepared to do anything and everything” makes sense only to the frenzied Covid monomaniac, who believes that Covid is the only thing that matters, and the tremendous collateral damage done by suppression policies are irrelevant or insignificant.
The multi-trillion dollar boondoggles aren't moving as quickly as they would like, so might as well run the 2020 playbook........
Cmon man, he has new patents to file
What will it take to charge this guy with crimes against humanity (or anything that holds in court) and put him in jail?
i don't want our tax money paying for his cushy jail know what to do
Like there aren't thousands more of him chomping at the bit to take his place?
True but if there was strong enough evidence to prove the scandemic, the house of cards would crumble, and others would fall as well. The narrative of constant variants and toxic injections could not be sustained.
exactly, like all our favorite writers and doctors are trying to express to the hypnotized (and to evil gov)...keep pushing
Just back to Texas from visiting family in Illinois. World of difference. I only saw two people unmasked all week.
Wow! I’m still seeing more masked people (in Texas) than I would like but at least the mandates are gone (even the one from the Tin Pot Dictator County Judge Clay Jenkins in Dallas as far as I can tell. I just ignore them anyway and have for the past six months)
I’m not surprised that Fauci is prepared to do anything. This from the guy that funded gain of function research that created the virus.
This guy should have been ostracized after throwing the baseball the way he did while you were locked in your house.
I was very struck by that display also. It very dramatically, bodily, telegraphed his crookedness. It should have been embarrassing, but he did not seem to be embarrassed. That in itself is maybe a huge tell about his psychic condition.
that had to be the wussiest first pitch ever
he should do anything and everything to never be asked to throw again
Fauci is a partisan punk and has no inkling of he says constantly...”he just wants to save lives”...while continuing to destroy and hurt lives everywhere!
Returned recently from an idyllic 9 months in Central America, and EVERY friend I encountered wanted to know if I'd been vaxxed. After telling the truth to the first four people, I decided to lie with some, since I was spending time in their houses (and we all know that it's the unvaccinated that spread it, ha ha). Example of the intolerance among the so-called educated: I suggested to a friend (that I lied to about being vaxxed) that she watch some of Joel Furman's presentations on YouTube (I've only actually watched one myself, but my bro-in-law, who was had multiple broken bones from being mowed down by a car while on his bicycle, swears his nutritional advice has sped his recovery--and our whole family, by the way, is on a plant-based diet). Her response: "From my search of Dr. F online, it looks like he's an anti-vaxxer...that troubles me and makes me not interested in following what he has to say." I wrote back: "Suit yourself." LOL, if she only knew....and no, it's not even worth having the discussion with here because she is so ideologically closed to it, and she's a doctor.
LOL! “She’s a doctor.” Reminds me of the line in Idiocracy—“My wife’s a ‘tard. She’s a pilot now. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of ‘tards out there living KICKASS lives!”
just WOW...i have similar crap within my circle. It's impossible to understand how reasoning is gone from a PHD or Medical Doctor, Nurse, etc.
Because they were indoctrinated much more do than they were educated.
Anything and everything except that which can not be mentioned;
Published: 22 August 2005
Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread
"This work was supported by a Canadian PENCE grant (T3), CIHR group grant #MGC 64518, and CIHR grant #MGP-44363 (to NGS)." No NIAID funding.
How do we put up with him? Simple: haven't figured out how to get rid of him yet. TIME will take care of it, as he's something like 80 years old, but it's a race to see how much damage he can manage to do before time gets the best of HIM. Seems like the worst of 'em live basically forever.
Oh, I *am* prepared to do anything and everything...
Avuncular Keebler elf ghoul
fauci sucks...
We are doing anything and everything we can while it's still open. Unmasked.
We need to CANCEL MSM NOW.
To fatten his wallet
I am without words. Finally. lol.
buggers. i 'live free..... or die'
Seems like Christmas was in Fauci and Blojo's gun sight for months.
Sunday interview didn’t “disappoint”
The level of incompetent arrogance is astounding
“Let’s go” Fauci !!
Anything and everything, huh?
How about retire and go away, forever.
How many people will now mask up due to this latest scariant? I think that would be as good a gauge as any to see how much longer we have to endure this.
LGB {Fauci)
Best thing to do here is “block”.💕💕
FAUCI can truly FK off... I can't believe I still have to keep saying this after 2 years of his garbage propaganda.... FK OFF!!!!
‘To be prepared to do anything and everything…’ Yes we should do so in the case of False-Eye who speaks with forked tongue.
The Omicron variant has been around for six months or more and has milder symptoms than other variants. Infection rates in SoAfrica are 50% of last year at this time. And this is a “cause for concern” because of what? Midterm elections? Poor polling for the Bidenomics? Bidenflation? SoAfrica turned down Pfizer and J&J vaccine deliveries?
Gatito, ¿qué piensas sobre la inmunidad natural frente a la que brindan las vacunas? ¿Cuál es mejor? Si te da tiempo, me encantaría saber tu opinión sobre el estudio que pongo abajo, en el cual el CDC concluye que la protección conferida por las vacunas es superior a la natural y que incluso los covid-convalecidos deben inocularse.
How do we put up with this guy? Easy...we can't get the damn little parasite to take Ivermectin!
Poor chicken little.