First, let’s address the intelligence of the unvaccinated. Vaccine hesitancy is multi-factorial and has little to do with level of education or intelligence. Carnegie Mellon University did a study assessing vaccine hesitancy across educational levels. According to the study, what’s the educational level with the most vaccine hesitancy? Ph.D. level! Those can’t all have been awarded to liberal arts majors. Clearly, scientists who can read the data and assess risk are among the least likely to take the mRNA vaccines.
ADDED NOTE......has everyone seen this.
Italian Archbishop Vigano shared with The Gateway Pundit his transcript and audio message to the American people this week.
Italian Archbishop Vigano sent a message to the American people. He continues to speak out against the globalist threat this Christmas season.
He shared his message below:
DEAR AMERICAN PEOPLE, DEAR FRIENDS, for two years now, a global coup has been carried out all over the world, planned for some time by an elite group of conspirators enslaved to the interests of international high finance. This coup was made possible by an emergency pandemic that is based on the premise of a virus that has a mortality rate almost analogous to that of any other seasonal flu virus, on the delegitimization and prohibition of effective treatments, and on the distribution of an experimental gene serum which is obviously ineffective, and which also clearly carries with it the danger of serious and even lethal side effects. We all know how much the mainstream media has contributed to supporting the insane pandemic narrative, the interests that are at stake, and the goals of these groups of power: reducing the world population, making those who survive chronically ill, and imposing forms of control that violate the fundamental rights and natural liberties of citizens. And yet, two years after this grotesque farce started, which has claimed more victims than a war and destroyed the social fabric, national economies, and the very foundations of the rule of law, nothing has changed in the policies of Nations and their response to the so-called pandemic.
Ph.D. here (piled higher and deeper per my mom). I don't buy that CMU study. I work in a place with 50% PhD's, math, engineering, sciences, and they bought the psy-op hook, line, and sinker. More than 80% got jabbed before the mandates last summer, then it went up to 96%.
I tried to talk to smart guys I know. One time in 2020 it was about IFR, that we had existing immunity, according to doctors at big universities. When I mentioned Stanford, they howled "Scott Atlas? Oh you must watch Fox news." I tried to inform the director's panic committee on masks and PCR. Nope.
My observation is that higher degrees are like ADE. Many folks get educated beyond their natural intelligence and it pulls them into the narratives of the elites.
PhD computer science and JD here. I am a patent attorney and federal trial lawyer who handles IP and technology law cases. I formerly consulted operationally with a national laboratory inter alia viral models.
I have interfaced with STEM PhDs daily for more than twenty years. Today, these folks in my circle are majority religious zealots when it comes to the vexx, mask, social distancing and mandates, including compulsory vexx. Near total covid buy-in to include a dear, much-older friend, retired from Abbott Labs, professor emeritus, and still at age 80 running his own lab on macular degeneration here in Chicago. This latter fellow and his wife have dropped me as a friend and even threatened violence against me should I, the unholy unvexxed, ever appear on their doorstep again.
I question the CM study results. From my perch, this politicized phenomenon orients with personal politics which, I guess, should be expected. Skeptics holding views on the old political right and libertarians refuse to take the vexx and comply with edicts; whereas, so-called progressives and other communists, which includes majority STEM PhD holders, are lockstep aboard with the hysteria and countermeasures. The gaslighting has worked on them superbly in my experience, PhDs, who should question phenomena, are complacent sheeple.
I am sorry about your disturbed friend. This is happening at scale in the most educated circles in my line of sight. I have a religious upbringing and went to a Jesuit university, and so can recognize when something has become a religious proxy or movement. And the Covid panic party have become that, and degree of education seems to have little to do with their being assimilated into the cult. Its evil leaders, on the other hand, are just the eternal rotten filthy tyrant types.
A lot of PhDs probably consider themselves an authority in whatever field they're in. They expect to be listened to when they offer advice, and if you aren't a fellow expert in the same field, expect unquestioning agreement with them. It would be natural for them to extend that obeisance to other PhDs from a field they're not expert in.
I bought into the CMU results under the reasoning that awareness of their own field's intellectual corruption would make them perceive that the biological sciences are just as hollow...
Patent attorney here too. From the years of working in the field, there was a healthy stoicism concerning big pharma, in the bar, in other words, there is a lot of self interest in cognitive bias when it comes to drug development and marketing, so it's best to keep a critical eye on the cold hard facts. And fresh off the opioid marketing push - litigation, BK, collection action damages etc, you would think the bar and at least some in this area would have a more skeptical eye to these mRNA marketing claims. You said "Skeptics holding views on the old political right and libertarians refuse to take the vexx and comply with edicts; whereas, so-called progressives and other communists, which includes majority STEM PhD holders, are lockstep aboard with the hysteria and countermeasures." <--- I think you put your finger on it.
I think you may be right about that. Since birth, I could see them coming before they got out of bed that morning and put their britches on. I've pissed a lot of people off over the years because I wasn't buying whatever bullshit hustle they were trying to sell. Which is fine with me. I would rather be respected than liked. But it just really kind of insults my intelligence, this flimsy house of cards falling down all around, and they just keep popping up on their big tech outlets, msm propaganda dispenseries, rattling off the same talking points like baghdad bob on cnn with american tanks coming up behind him. I mean seriously, at least treat me like a grown-up and quit coming around with the koolaid cup.
I listened to Psychoanalyst last night and he said there always was 10 to 20 percent of the Population were natural bullshit detectors. Education, oddly, has no barring in fact may have the opposite effect. For example, educated people may trust science and not have the ability to comprehend bad actors trying to kill them...etc
I think it’s a pandemic of low self esteem. Those who have chips on their shoulders/ see themselves as victims/ were never popular/ were ostracized/ see themselves as outside the mainstream see this as their opportunity to lord something over others. Those of us who are well adjusted, confident, likely successful, and are critical thinkers who are unclouded by emotion, are not gonna fall for the propaganda and have no time or use for lording anything over anyone.
I have been skeptical of the PHD unvaccinated study as well. Nice to get some inside anecdotal perspective. I love "educated beyond their natural intelligence". 😄
While it´s true that to fully understand the magnitude of the manipulation and social engineering we´re suffering you need some abilities, data comprehension, reasoning, capability to search and understand information, etc., there is a factor that is more important than education or culture when it comes to accept the vaccine, which is how difficult your country puts things for the unvaccinated. For example, for what I know, living is basically impossible in Germany for those without the vaccine, while here in Spain you can still manage to go on in many areas of society. But there are signs that point to future huge fines and even jail for the unvaccinated in some countries. So some people do know what´s going on, but decide to go with the flow and live.
live for how long? we're entering the phase where new variants are sufficiently diverse enough from the primary strain, their immune response is useless. One of these new variants is going to start killing them off. And if Fauci has to go take Bat Lady out for drinks again, so they can get one engineered at the lab, so be it. The goal was always population reduction. The oil and other resources will last a lot longer without all these mouths to feed. That's how these psychopaths reason things.
Probably. Many possible scenarios will open up in 2022. But for most people within the age limit from birth to 70, more or less, Covid rarely represents a life threat, vaccinated or not. I am not negating your reasoning, but Covid is basically not a killer, but a virus that finishes feeble people off. And remember that they need working people to serve them...So most will resist 15, 20 jabs. And they will do it because the alternative might be living in the streets or end up in jail. i am willing to take the risk, but I know most not.
Purple Man it's just so simple in my thinking, and not really even a choice to weigh. I was born free, and I am fully prepared to play World War 3 in the streets with jackbooting darthvader-kit-on-the-dodge-charger gestapo wannabees, and die free in a pool of my own blood. Nobody wants to have to do it, but anyone who isn't at least that committed and decisive is going end up a slave, and 5000 years of history is mostly just them doing this same shit, then when it gets to be unbearable burden, the people throw off the chains and burn stuff to the ground, and maybe 50% of the time, they catch the asshole who's been abusing them, before the asshole can bug-out, and then some large type asshole gets to have a Marie Antwoinette moment.
But at heart, they are ALL cowards. They do not want a real fight, because they don't have a justified reason to fight, they know they have been wrong and they fear us and that guilottine Marie got to field test, more than anything else. So if we all just ignore their ridiculous shit and go to the store or the movies anyway, and when told you cant do that, we always respond with the stubborness of a mule, and the resolve to sacrifice whatever we have to on the altar of freedom, down to our very bones, and stick the middle finger in whatever face said you cant go there, and say "there's no curr in my bloodline. If you were looking for a fight, you found one", and mean it, they will lose and we will win. Boldness and resistance are contagious. So is courage. They only havew as much power as we let them. Lose a little or a lot now, or lose everything and be somebody's pet on a leash. There is no other option.
Ok, I'm done preaching on my soapbox. I'm going to work now, and wherever else I decide to because fuck them. Have a wonderful day!
It's classic Eddie Bernays mass marketing manipulation. I don't really understand why it works, probably because it never has worked on me, but what I did gleen from an old BBC documentary produced long ago before the woke communists took over production management, is that human beings make decisions based primarily on the primal needs. The primal need in play here is the need for social acceptance and position.
Most folks are terrified of the possibility of being cast out from the warm comfort of the group, goes back to a time when survival depended on the clan because you can't take down a wooly mammoth by yourself. The outcast wouldn't survive very long out there in the wilderness. That basic instinctual drive is what these large type assholes who like to play puppet string puller (the Golden Parachute Clown Posse too) are manipulating which is causing your previously rational and sensible friends and associates to abandon common sense and logic to compete for this year's Forrest Gump Award.
For anyone interested in understanding this strange phenomenon, here's the link for that old BBC documentary on youtube:
Somehow, it has thus far escaped the attention of the fact checking clown posse. Probably because it's 4 hours long and their attention span is conditioned to 1 hour at most.
Go check out Scott Adam's reading list. "Presusasion" and "Influence", et. al. In a nut shell the wet computer theory. We (humans) in large part fire off our neural nets as they are primed to fire, ergo reaching a 'decision' then an illusion of reasoning flows in a post hoc rationalization of the decision. In other words, we think we are applying reason, facts and logic in reaching a decision, but for the most part we are not. IMHO, some of us have the special circuits or intuition to have an innate awareness of this is our nature, and make a choice to be self critical in our thinking. To some extent, we can train ourselves, AKA, The Practicing Stoic: A Philosophical User's Manual Hardcover – Farnsworth.
Was this study specifically regarding covid vaccines? Because the population has shifted from those who were hesitant on childhood vaccines - there is overlap but it is a different group now.
The very highly educated can properly evaluate risks and understand "unknown unknowns".
The least educated have a lot of experience with being scammed in real life, and see scams like the vax scams a mile away. The uneducated also were not socialized in college to "trust the media".
Among my real blood friends, most are high school graduates, hair dressers, and a few with higher studies. The ones that ran to get jabbed included doctors, lawyers, biologists, etc.
I suspect non white-collar workers are just better at detecting bullshit when they see it. Lots of white-collar "knowledge workers," deal in mangling language, meaning, and interpretation, as a matter of course everyday. They've become numbed to it all and barely recognize it anymore.
Truely... the more indoctrination one gets via government brainwashing schooling camps the more likely they believe this psyop...including the hours spent in TV programing land... An education comes in once one wakes up and red pills oneself to the abomination the THEYs have done to every pillar of society. With a mindset of everything you were told or taught from birth was a lie or half truth is the key to moving forward in health spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally..... It's easy really for you only have to change one thing....that being everything, lol. The journey 10 yrs in is nothing short of miraculous in spite of the NWO lying liars.
I am reading a book from 1988, by Eustace Mullins, called Death by Injection, that describes how we came here. How the AMA came to be, Rockefeller, etc. Very interesting. is an excellent place for a deep dive into what's going on and on history with links backing up all he's researched. Highly recommended it to any truther. ✌
Absolutely. I live 20 k away from Heidelberg which is full of PHD´s who all swallow the narrative. If I want some relief I visit my neighbours who are about the last people here living of the land. Sit down, relax, have a few beers and realize that nobody needs a PHD to understand what ´s going on.
I like your user id. Yes, you do not need a phd to understand what is going on. What you need is critical thinking, which is the ability to realize "this sounds like a scam".
JD and accountant, 30 years of building and evaluating risk models, and a little medical malpractice defense work. The numbers didn't pencil in March 2020 as shown from the Diamond Princess cruise ship. The know risk of the virus at that time appeared to be less to me than the incorrectly used PCR tests, unconstitutional over reach by world governments, abandoning all check and balances. Likewise the rushed development of mRNA genes therapies to be claimed as safe and effective vaccines all seemed suspect to me. My life stratagem has been clean nutrition focused on metabolic health, low inflammatory life style with daily activity to optimize my natural immune system. Acknowledging my mortality while calculating my own risk/reward on the mRNA jab caused me to pass. If that makes me a conspiracy theorist, so be it. I have no illness or side effects as of today. Love your articles
That is the way to go. For some reason that Diamond Princess escaped me, because I was planning to visit my family in Europe. Only later on I read about it. That should have been an eye opener. I do not react well to chemicals and am allergic to some, so I watched very closely as you did, what all this hype with vaxx was about. PEG and Polysorbate are NOT good for you, they should not be ON your skin let go under it ! The mRNA did sound fishy to me too. Let us hope we can live out our lives without the jabs ! Good luck NickSpriggs !
Re: Diamond Princess. I am still concerned about the lack of interest in the senior couple on the ship where he was ill and eventually returned to US in Omaha isolation. She was never ill. After his release we discovered you can test positive well after recovery as the virus continues to shed particles not capable of infection. Meanwhile the lady was never examined to determine why she never was affected. Many of us may be immune anyway. The vaccine for those so immune may have created a new susceptibility.
“Why you fool, it's the educated reader who CAN be gulled. All our difficulty comes with the others. When did you meet a workman who believes the papers? He takes it for granted that they're all propaganda and skips the leading articles. He buys his paper for the football results and the little paragraphs about girls falling out of windows and corpses found in Mayfair flats. He is our problem. We have to recondition him. But the educated public, the people who read the high-brow weeklies, don't need reconditioning. They're all right already. They'll believe anything.”
I have found the old stats and finance guys to be the first to smell a rat when narrative doesn’t equal numbers (these guys had to avoid getting ripped off in the markets daily). NYC published first covid death data by demographic (Spring 2020) which showed no reason to panic. But, my group is 50+, conservative, self made, and naturally skeptical. Diamond Princess stats confirmed it. Levitt and Ionnides are numbers guys in academia and were originally skeptical but when vax came, fell more in line with narrative. Rural and blue collar friends were naturally hesitant. Propaganda really had an observed effect over time though. My younger adult contacts were way too trusting and busy to research. My doc contacts are scared and saving themselves mostly. Some are true believers in CDC/FDA chain of command. Knowing someone personally injured by vax makes a huge difference. I wish I didn’t know what I do now. Most seem to want to trust institutions and authority. It’s so much easier to get along that way.
And yes on Vigano! Sorely disappointed in clergy and Pope’s pandemic response. Vigano sounds alarmist but the evidence of a concerted, well planned psy-op push on this whole thing is substantial. Follow the money. Follow the documents. But the planners got lucky in our compliance and that of academia/medicine. Now, covidiocy has a life of its own. It can take 20 years to debunk a bad medical protocol or treatment and now the fox is funding the chicken coop, may God help us all!
Unless they finally send the Men With Guns, I expect to be around a lot longer than 20 more years, and will probably still be laughing at these jackasses while cursing their names.
I think surviving the next 20 years in the context of living in a post US Democratic world, a world of medical tyranny and WEF totalitarianism is extremely low.
So, to me the world is going in a direction of mass depopulation even if its not on purpose. This is because Capitalism has given the world a path to feed and be prosperous that our new owners can't provide.
Other issues like the CCP wants global domination and will likely in my mind not want to share. Now the CCP is not the world super power, but they are excellent at unrestricted warfare as we all are suffering that reality. Here is my best guess, the MRNA shots maladjust the immunity, or compromise the immunity. We know, as has been reported in several sources, the CCP has been putting 10s of billions in research into bio-warfare killing by race. That is no longer needed. The Chinese have a old fashioned non MRNA vaccine. They only need to find a way to kill by those that are MRNA compromised. Should be very easy.
So, in my theory of how things end the men with guns dont come, a virus that kills those that have taken the MRNA shot do.
You know you might be right, unfortunately. I read a few articles already of stillborn babies, that was a Canadian page, and several from here and there of how women would have lots of trouble to conceive, because particles of the jab that were not meant to move from the shoulder muscle did move to the reproducing organs. I am not in that category, but it did make me read a book on Eugenics!
A Canadian Doctor, forget his name, but he is a very prominent retired doctor. He had been speaking out about the spike in Still Berths. He has been arrested and is in a Psych Ward.
Just an accountant with a BS here, but by the time the so-called vaccines came out, I had zero trust in any government authority on anything related to the Chinese virus, and zero trust in the alphabet legacy media, and of course there’s the complete absence of any long-term safety data, all combined to make me steadfastly against being vaxxed.
I also have a PhD. As a "vaccine decisive" person (saying "no" to vaccines-- not vaccine "hesitant" or "resistant" or "uncertain"), I was indeed informed by my studies in Cultural Foundations of Education, which gave me a critical understanding of media and culture and so-called "truth" narratives. I also have a bachelor of science in biology and experience working in a physiological chemistry lab. This Covid vaccine scam had from the beginning ham-handed pseudo-science and obvious manipulation of emotions and data. (Really?
You are going to genetically manipulate our bodies to PRODUCE toxic spike proteins with untested biotech, and everything is going to be swell?) Obviously I didn't fall for this patent scam, and I know many PhD's who have not, but they tend to have my profile-- critical thinkers with some scientific and cultural/medial literacy. If they are narrowly technical PhD's, the opposite appears to be the case-- MORE gullibility rather than critical intelligence. Remember the numbers from that study were already dismal, with only 28% of the highest group (PhDs) "vaccine hesitant", and a slightly less percentage of high school educated/no college people. I don't think we have to dis PhDs, but we better damn well use our intelligence to get the truth out beyond our "tribe", and stand the hell up for real science and truth, otherwise we too are culpable.
Thank you for your response. Having no medical training I was of the hesitant kind. I saw the jabs have PEG in them and as I worked in a cosmetics lab as a secretary the chemist said that is not a good product. I avoid it in shampoo. I just finished Dr Suzanne Humphries book on vaccines and now am a convinced no vaxxer. Just started another book, Dr Mullins, death by injection. Seems quite to the point, too. Money and power. No health concerns whatsoever.
Yes indeed. Whatever technologies and ethics of care that gave rise to vaccines in the past, have now been swamped by cheap effects, cheap production, and cheap (or no) morality. I wouldn't support that even if it was not dangerous. I CERTAINLY won't support that if the product is dangerous.
Im in a weird spot - kind of regretting saving my job by joining in on the experiment but Im not staying in the candidate pool after I get the Omi thats for damn sure
The results actually showed a U shaped result on a graph from the most highly educated to the lowest educated. The implication is the PHD’s are up to date on the data while the lowest educated have a high distrust in government. Ironically, I believe both are correct in their reasoning.
Cannot help wondering whether things would have been different had religious leaders taken a different line: the parallels between masks and yellow stars ought to have been immediately obvious to anyone interested in either history or humanity. Archbishop Vigano is almost a lone voice in church circles. Pope Francis and Archbishop Welby are tainted by their contacts with Greta Thunberg and the WEF, and not simply in the context of Ecclesiasticus 13:2 either: I think that they [and Johnson] are placemen for Schwab's Great Reset. Looking on the bright side, these villains aren't getting any younger so perhaps Mother Nature will herself save the planet.
My view is that the church has been sleeping on the job throughout this. This was the perfect opportunity to bring faith and the power of the cross to the forefront in terms of demonstrating exemption from disease, but they totally missed it and rather than that has been complicit with the whole lockdown, mask and vaccine agenda. It’s pathetic to see how ineffectual it’s been. Hopefully there’ll be enough of us around though to bring healing to all the poor sods damaged by the vaxx when that shit lands.
Religious leaders are among the most dishonest, disingenuous of the bunch.
Christmas Eve midnight mass from Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Everyone masked…EXCEPT singers and those speaking. Y’know, the people spewing spittle and exhaust fumes.
Oh, and y’know who else was unmasked the ENTIRE time? Only the most important Catholic on the planet: the Pope.
Yeah, for my money, I'm not hesitant about vaccines or so-called "vaccines". NFW will I ever take a Chinese virus experimental jab; I explicitly choose not to get the flu shot every year; and I willingly took whatever it was that I needed to take in order to see my newborn grandchildren. (DTAP, maybe?)
No hesitancy at all. I know exactly what I'm doing, and why. So eff all the aholes who pervert language to suit their dishonest, corrupt existences. They can fall (or be pushed...) off the face of the earth, for all I care.
There's always been "smarts" and then there are smarts. We shouldn't forget that many doctors went along with and actively participated in The Third Reich.
I was thinking a lot of black people would hesitate to take anything the government insists on, as they have been betrayed several times already. But a lot of youth goes into nursing so may be not?
THank you for your reaction. I know a few colored people but we never talk about jabs. Totally agree with your statement. Just read a few books on the topic and if I can avoid it, NO more jabs for me.
Can you link to this study? I found one CMU study on this topic but it does not support the conclusion that people with the PhD have the highest % of vaccine hesitancy.
Some are claiming this was fake though. IDK, I think it possible or maybe the results were not PC.
I think a better hypothesis for who is more likely to not want the vaxx, is big 5 personality trait Agreeableness. Me, I score very low in agreeableness.
Where I live, New Zealand, the unvaxxed are demonized with the help of help of state propaganda. If/when Omicron rips through the >90% Vaxxed population with OAS as the wind beneath its wings I am confident that we, the unvaxxed, will be futher pillared.
I'm in NZ too and on one hand I see this as potentially a good thing and the end to all this nonsense, but I also know our vacuous politicians and urban socialites will be looking for scape goats.
The only hope that I can offer - for what it's worth - is that the truth of the matter is leaking out gradually. You can be proud of yourself that had you lived in 1930s Germany you would have been among those not supporting the 'National Socialists'.
This is a fantastic article. I like your thin slicing. UKHSA data also shows negative booster effectiveness, at least in the first two weeks. Thus boosting people now is like putting gasoline on fire.
I also wrote an article about Danish data this morning. Two of my own main points are
- No-vaxx can be thought of as "treatment" that REDUCES the chance of illness by 50%
- Hospitalization rates from Omicron are slightly higher than Delta
- My personal hypothesis is not OAS, but ADE -- something that never appeared before but seems to be the case now. ADE explains higher hospitalization rates and higher infection rates.
hospitalizations are a difficult metric to use as they are one of the least reliable, most biased, and most prone to definitional change.
everyone who enters hospital gets tested, they are often tested over and over while there. many of the "hospitalized cases" are not for covid and are just nosocomial infection or trace contamination or simple false positive. it's hard to use that metric (or ICU which has the same issue but worse) to gauge whether covid is actually putting people in hospitals or just opportunistically infecting them while they are there. (and there are piles of extra money, billing, and insurance pools to access for finding covid, so they are looking for it intensely)
i suspect the analysis you're doing would invert for deaths. that makes ADE look less plausible and the hospital signal look more like a data issue than an epidemiological one.
are you controlling the hospitalization rates for higher case rates and the higher case rates for higher testing rates? because you're into multiplicative error bars there and testing in denmark is up 6X since late december (35 vs 6 tests per 100 per day)
ADE is looking pretty speculative to me, esp as vaccines have been showing some efficacy on hospitalization and death (at least for delta).
I am eagerly awaiting a reasonable amount of deaths data to see. Basically three weeks after we see 10,000 cases we will know. Hospitalizations simply happen quicker than deaths and so the lag is smaller and there is more data.
I am hoping that you are right and we will see very little deaths. Indeed, hospitalizations may be due to "abundance of caution".
The NHS England covid 19 hospital activity report includes numbers for hospital acquired. We were testing on admission, then on day 5, day 10 and so on but not sure if this may have changed recently. So if diagnosed in the last 24 hours that would have been day 5 of admission. There's some really useful data in this report but it's a bit of messing around to get it into a table you can work with
I hope that you recover soon. When did your covid start? Please take a lot of vitamin D right now. It helps tremendously and the sooner you take it, the better. Take at 50,000 IU today. I had covid a year ago and Vit D helped.,
Really? Every time I've read about vit D it's the opposite, that it accumulates and will eventually reach toxic levels if you take too much. IIRC 10000 IU/day is proven safe, but something 50000 IU/day would eventually become harmful (ofc 2-3 is fine).
I just saw in my newsfeed that even the NYT comes to the conclusion that there is no good vaxxing anymore. I still have to read the article but I am now optimistic, because if THEY say it, everyone must now see it.
Oh my I now read the reactions in my Belgian newspaper, now that boosters are more or less a must after christmas and the Netherlands lock up. NOT ONE still wants the boosters, and all complain. I am beginning to recognize the home country again ! Soon as they start to complain, everything will be fine. Several read the South African pages and complain that the governments go besirk. Haha. Finally (sorry about jibbering on about Belgium but I am concerned about my family !)
The globalists are losing. We can expect a new Pandemic, likely Small Pox, before the 2022 US elections. The Globalists must have mail in vowing to stay in power. JMO.
I’m wondering if the vaxinistas are going to overplay their hand with omi-panic-porn or whether they’re going to see the writing on the wall and manufacture a new crisis to distract from the now pretty-much obvious failure of the holy water.
I think at some point the latter is inevitable. If not now, then maybe when the ‘Vega’ variant is detected.
From what I'm seeing, the vaxinistas are already overplaying their hand in many places, yet too many people in some places keep falling for their lies.
Let’s see. The media and cdc is in full on end of world mode. A doc I know had a patient with omi. Who had the sniffles. Sooo let’s hide in the basement? 🤦♀️
Coming from this snout nosed adversary, your posts have been enlightening, informative and comforting when everyone around us is chicken littling…thank you.
I was listening to a (mainstream!) news podcast the other day, and they were explaining that if there is OAS, it will render useless all "variant" vaccines because the body's immune response will be no different than if it were encountering the original vaccine (or a booster thereof).
So...since they've been hammering for months now that every single case provides an opportunity for the virus to mutate...are they going to demonstrate concern about omicron mutating in the vaccinated? Or that they will not be able to vaccinate their way out of such a crisis if what is occurring is indeed OAS?
What percentage of the "unvaccinated" are prior infected? I'd guess it's at least the majority. In that case, doesn't the data show that the vaccine performs poorly against natural immunity, not that it performs poorly against no immunity? Or at least that we can't tell which it is?
"Unvaccinated" is basically a phony category meant to hide how effective natural immunity is (and force jabs on people who don't need them). I guess this conflation can cut both ways.
I had a similar thought. In reality, it is likely a mix of mostly natural immunity and some without - no way to know the actual number as that data is not presented. However, those with natural immunity are some sub-part of the "unvaccinated". Based on other data, they are likely the lowest-risk cohort and are pulling down the overall "unvaccinated" numbers. My conclusion, which is qualitative and not quantitative, is that the lowest risk is almost certainly those with only natural immunity. Those with no immunity at all (natural or vaccinated) could fall anywhere on the chart, we just don't know.
Also, the vaccinated data are certainly muddied by prior infection. If the distribution of natural immunity is the same across all categories, which it most likely is not, then the rates for each category are proportionally correct but the absolute numbers are aided by the underlying natural immunity and artificially low.
What I'm struck with over and over in this whole fiasco is how blurred the data is. Regarding immunity, there are four distinct groups:
1. vax only
2. natural only
3. natural plus vax
4. no vax or natural
Any report or analysis that combines these groups is basically useless.
I do a bit of data analysis for my work, and I always try to avoid lossy aggregation. That is, capture the data in most the most granular form and aggregate during the analysis as appropriate. Then I or someone else can always come back and aggregate it differently. Storage and processing is dirt cheap. It seems like "public health" is stuck in the 20th century. Of course reverse Hanlon's Razor applies. That is, we shouldn't assume incompetence. Aggregation often serves propaganda goals. Lumping naturally immune with "unvaccinated" suits their narrative.
I like the comments section on this substack. It's an unusual mix of educated libertarians, Luddite contrarians, hawkish technofeudalists and red zealots. Plus almost everyone's furious yet nobody's outraged.
we (collectively) have lucked out I think due to how this seems to be more upper respiratory than anything - high time we asked Bill and Klaus and little tiny tony to answer some questions under oath
I'm by no means a vaccin supporter, but I see these statistics pop up on skeptic sites, but no offence, the data is not homogenous and the conclusions hence likely non-meaningful. You would at the minimum need to know the local situation on the ground to know you are not missing things.
In general the vaxed population is older, and even if you break out in age brackets you would still see its effects if the age brackets are not too small - e.g. the 10 year standard intervals would put a 79 with the 70's and not with the 80's. Also non-vaxxed is in many regions skewed to recovered. The US denies natural immunity, the EU allows for 1 shot and get your vax passport. In some EU countries even just being recovered gives you a pass. This allows unvaxed to stay unvaxed and continue to work and participate in life. The same effect when comparing 1 state to another. In red states you can stay unvaxed and not be an outcast.
Also in many EU countries they test like mad using cheap antigen tests, especially under the young population. Mixing this with PCR results yields possibly non-meaningful results as the latter tests any exposure while many antigen need much high dose to yield a positive test.
Last behaviour differs in different regions. Scared US libs behaved dramatically different before and after being vaxed, but for unvaxed it was not much different and more dependent on what happened to be allowed or not by the government. In the EU different countries will have different behaviour trends too. Often forced by government policies.
Based on what we know about Omicron it infects more in the higher lungs where vaxed antibodies makes no difference. So it is expected that we see vaxed being infected in higher numbers than Delta. Natural immunity also exists in the throat, so recovered would see a lower number. If recovered is higher represented in one age group, tested group or vaxed vs unvaxed, your numbers would be immediately off simply by what we know of Omicron.
Hence, I'm sorry, but I think these results are likely an effect of your data set. That is, the vaccines are clearly failing, but there is no known immunological reason why vaccines would make it worse. There is however a good understanding - though no acknolegment from the health ofocielals obviously - why the vaxines are failing over time and also why delta and omicron even more evade them in general.
(And before someone posts the eugyppius article - he is wrong as he misunderstands, how T cells work. :-) )
Vanden Bossche has articulated a plausible mechanism for negative efficacy - natural antibodies, which supplement pattern recognition receptor-based innate cellular immunity, are out-competed by residual anti-S antibodies. Other than that, I agree with your ambivalence to the VE stats from Europe.
Hey Gato -- can you now turn your attention to your island? After having little Covid for months, Puerto Rico (and Florida!) have suddenly spiked big time with no apparent bump in hospitalizations. I'm assuming this is Omicron, and obviously an important part of the puzzle. PR data and info is hard to come by, especially since my skills en español no son buenas. Gracias!
also keep in mind that both florida and PR get huge influxes of people from the northeast this time of year. the NE is the big hotspot and they flood both spots. not a coincidence that miami (and not other places) spiking with cov.
PR is hard to assess on cases because our testing levels are so low, reporting so crummy, and so dominated by schools.
Interesting. What struck me about FL and PR was that both places had almost no Covid cases earlier in the week (it's not Covid season in that part of the world) and then, very suddenly Covid cases exploded. And then things like the Miss World paegant in PR had to cancel because "all" the contestants tested positive. No bump in new hospitalizations that I can find in either. We'll need to have more sequencing (FL has had some), but I'd bet big money this is all Omicron, and it doesn't follow the "established" Covid seasonality. It also seems like this could be the End of Covid, as Berenson is now predicting. I look forward to your dispatches. And I'm glad I'm headed to FL tomorrow and not PR (which I do plan to visit in a month, when I hope things are back to maybe-sorta-kinda-normal).
How ironic, but fitting, that millions of hypochondriacs would get just what they live for, and fear, something to harp about but without harm: sniffles for life.
Might as well name the next variant "Road Runner" and give Fauci the Wile E.Coyote Honorary Award.
Although your arguments are themselves true, their application to the presented outcomes is not that easy.
These numbers reflect infection ratios. The vaccines should protect from infection relative to the unvaccinated. That is the logical conclusion of the vaccine's mechanism. After the booster e.g., s-antibody numbers are supposed to be higher than in unvaccinated. Thus, infection probability is supposed to be lower in the vaccinated. Age plays a minor role in this case because even in an older vaccinated immunesystem the protection should be stronger than in an younger, unprotected immunesystem. A Simpson's paradox (that is what you are pointing at), age as an uncontrolled confounder, plays a role probably, but the effect is so strong that it is very likely that the effect will remain even if you would have adjusted the numbers for age. This is for your points 1 and 2.
Point 3 is also of minor influence since testing is requested on many occasions in Denmark. Especially for activities of younger people.
That said, it is important to point oit again that your critique is meaningful but will probably (and unfortunately) not explain the data presented here.
OK, but unless that testing is random, it really doesn't show much. Has been a problem since the beginning of COVID. We should ave been doing random testing all along, rather than self selection, or in addition to self selection.
Very true! The amount of money necessary for generating reliable data is so small compared to the investments that we poured in medicines that can not be used anymore because distribution and communication failed..
I just stumbled upon another interesting fact: the Danish Omicron endemic is mainly focused on the 20-30 years age group. In all other ages the omicronvariant does not climb higher than 50% of the cases and is in total only a small part of the main infections.
This means that age plays probably an even lesser role since most omicron infection are in the same, young age group. Since this age group has been acquiring immunity beyond the vaccinated one more than the other age groups, the above presented effect seems even more solid than without the knowledge about the current age focus.
If omicron is indeer much milder, then there should be omicron parties so everyone gets infected and these fanatics have a reason to end this insanity. Instead, they'll most certainly create a vaccine that puts environmental pressure on the virus to mutate even more.
The Netherlands and probably Belgium are locking down again ! In Belgian press some doom thinker predicts tens of thousands of deaths before year end. I am not sure how he is going to do that.
I asked my friend if he was going to get the omicron vaccine. He said he isn't sure because deaths are a lagging indicator. I wonder how long they have to lag before he gets suspicious
The White House resident is speaking Tuesday. I’m not really a betting feline but since they’ve started with half the evening news cycle on the Covid panic button again, my guess is “they” want “drastic” measures again. It’ll be interesting to see what the red governors sans DeSantis do. The Tennessee economy is rolling big time but they did stop a college basketball game this past Saturday, which ticked off a bunch of fans who travelled 3 hours one way to see it.
I've always been big on following the news but I'm on a news diet for at least the next month (except for el gato, of course ;) ). The screaming, hysterical headlines are too much. I did a "news diet" in early November, found I missed nothing, and felt so much more relaxed and happy!
The Unvaccinated Are Looking Smarter Every Week
First, let’s address the intelligence of the unvaccinated. Vaccine hesitancy is multi-factorial and has little to do with level of education or intelligence. Carnegie Mellon University did a study assessing vaccine hesitancy across educational levels. According to the study, what’s the educational level with the most vaccine hesitancy? Ph.D. level! Those can’t all have been awarded to liberal arts majors. Clearly, scientists who can read the data and assess risk are among the least likely to take the mRNA vaccines.
ADDED NOTE......has everyone seen this.
Italian Archbishop Vigano shared with The Gateway Pundit his transcript and audio message to the American people this week.
Italian Archbishop Vigano sent a message to the American people. He continues to speak out against the globalist threat this Christmas season.
He shared his message below:
DEAR AMERICAN PEOPLE, DEAR FRIENDS, for two years now, a global coup has been carried out all over the world, planned for some time by an elite group of conspirators enslaved to the interests of international high finance. This coup was made possible by an emergency pandemic that is based on the premise of a virus that has a mortality rate almost analogous to that of any other seasonal flu virus, on the delegitimization and prohibition of effective treatments, and on the distribution of an experimental gene serum which is obviously ineffective, and which also clearly carries with it the danger of serious and even lethal side effects. We all know how much the mainstream media has contributed to supporting the insane pandemic narrative, the interests that are at stake, and the goals of these groups of power: reducing the world population, making those who survive chronically ill, and imposing forms of control that violate the fundamental rights and natural liberties of citizens. And yet, two years after this grotesque farce started, which has claimed more victims than a war and destroyed the social fabric, national economies, and the very foundations of the rule of law, nothing has changed in the policies of Nations and their response to the so-called pandemic.
Ph.D. here (piled higher and deeper per my mom). I don't buy that CMU study. I work in a place with 50% PhD's, math, engineering, sciences, and they bought the psy-op hook, line, and sinker. More than 80% got jabbed before the mandates last summer, then it went up to 96%.
I tried to talk to smart guys I know. One time in 2020 it was about IFR, that we had existing immunity, according to doctors at big universities. When I mentioned Stanford, they howled "Scott Atlas? Oh you must watch Fox news." I tried to inform the director's panic committee on masks and PCR. Nope.
My observation is that higher degrees are like ADE. Many folks get educated beyond their natural intelligence and it pulls them into the narratives of the elites.
PhD computer science and JD here. I am a patent attorney and federal trial lawyer who handles IP and technology law cases. I formerly consulted operationally with a national laboratory inter alia viral models.
I have interfaced with STEM PhDs daily for more than twenty years. Today, these folks in my circle are majority religious zealots when it comes to the vexx, mask, social distancing and mandates, including compulsory vexx. Near total covid buy-in to include a dear, much-older friend, retired from Abbott Labs, professor emeritus, and still at age 80 running his own lab on macular degeneration here in Chicago. This latter fellow and his wife have dropped me as a friend and even threatened violence against me should I, the unholy unvexxed, ever appear on their doorstep again.
I question the CM study results. From my perch, this politicized phenomenon orients with personal politics which, I guess, should be expected. Skeptics holding views on the old political right and libertarians refuse to take the vexx and comply with edicts; whereas, so-called progressives and other communists, which includes majority STEM PhD holders, are lockstep aboard with the hysteria and countermeasures. The gaslighting has worked on them superbly in my experience, PhDs, who should question phenomena, are complacent sheeple.
I am sorry about your disturbed friend. This is happening at scale in the most educated circles in my line of sight. I have a religious upbringing and went to a Jesuit university, and so can recognize when something has become a religious proxy or movement. And the Covid panic party have become that, and degree of education seems to have little to do with their being assimilated into the cult. Its evil leaders, on the other hand, are just the eternal rotten filthy tyrant types.
"whereas, so-called progressives and other communists, which includes majority STEM PhD holders"
I am considering God is just destroying communists.
Probably just being too hopeful.
A lot of PhDs probably consider themselves an authority in whatever field they're in. They expect to be listened to when they offer advice, and if you aren't a fellow expert in the same field, expect unquestioning agreement with them. It would be natural for them to extend that obeisance to other PhDs from a field they're not expert in.
I bought into the CMU results under the reasoning that awareness of their own field's intellectual corruption would make them perceive that the biological sciences are just as hollow...
Patent attorney here too. From the years of working in the field, there was a healthy stoicism concerning big pharma, in the bar, in other words, there is a lot of self interest in cognitive bias when it comes to drug development and marketing, so it's best to keep a critical eye on the cold hard facts. And fresh off the opioid marketing push - litigation, BK, collection action damages etc, you would think the bar and at least some in this area would have a more skeptical eye to these mRNA marketing claims. You said "Skeptics holding views on the old political right and libertarians refuse to take the vexx and comply with edicts; whereas, so-called progressives and other communists, which includes majority STEM PhD holders, are lockstep aboard with the hysteria and countermeasures." <--- I think you put your finger on it.
Higher degrees are like ADE!! Too funny.
It does seem some of us just have a natural immunity to bull shit. JMO
"It does seem some of us just have a natural immunity to bull shit." very droll and very true.
Bulldogs are very droll. Cheers
I think you may be right about that. Since birth, I could see them coming before they got out of bed that morning and put their britches on. I've pissed a lot of people off over the years because I wasn't buying whatever bullshit hustle they were trying to sell. Which is fine with me. I would rather be respected than liked. But it just really kind of insults my intelligence, this flimsy house of cards falling down all around, and they just keep popping up on their big tech outlets, msm propaganda dispenseries, rattling off the same talking points like baghdad bob on cnn with american tanks coming up behind him. I mean seriously, at least treat me like a grown-up and quit coming around with the koolaid cup.
I listened to Psychoanalyst last night and he said there always was 10 to 20 percent of the Population were natural bullshit detectors. Education, oddly, has no barring in fact may have the opposite effect. For example, educated people may trust science and not have the ability to comprehend bad actors trying to kill them...etc
I think it’s a pandemic of low self esteem. Those who have chips on their shoulders/ see themselves as victims/ were never popular/ were ostracized/ see themselves as outside the mainstream see this as their opportunity to lord something over others. Those of us who are well adjusted, confident, likely successful, and are critical thinkers who are unclouded by emotion, are not gonna fall for the propaganda and have no time or use for lording anything over anyone.
maybe they have small peckers
R U sure about the low esteem point?
Well there are also the overly confident/ egomaniacs. But isn’t that rooted in low self esteem too?
Don't know. I diss psychology.
Totally valid!!
Low s. esteem & lording: Missionaries in the Amazon pick the lame or otherwise misfits to be their representatives in the tribe.
I have been skeptical of the PHD unvaccinated study as well. Nice to get some inside anecdotal perspective. I love "educated beyond their natural intelligence". 😄
While it´s true that to fully understand the magnitude of the manipulation and social engineering we´re suffering you need some abilities, data comprehension, reasoning, capability to search and understand information, etc., there is a factor that is more important than education or culture when it comes to accept the vaccine, which is how difficult your country puts things for the unvaccinated. For example, for what I know, living is basically impossible in Germany for those without the vaccine, while here in Spain you can still manage to go on in many areas of society. But there are signs that point to future huge fines and even jail for the unvaccinated in some countries. So some people do know what´s going on, but decide to go with the flow and live.
live for how long? we're entering the phase where new variants are sufficiently diverse enough from the primary strain, their immune response is useless. One of these new variants is going to start killing them off. And if Fauci has to go take Bat Lady out for drinks again, so they can get one engineered at the lab, so be it. The goal was always population reduction. The oil and other resources will last a lot longer without all these mouths to feed. That's how these psychopaths reason things.
Probably. Many possible scenarios will open up in 2022. But for most people within the age limit from birth to 70, more or less, Covid rarely represents a life threat, vaccinated or not. I am not negating your reasoning, but Covid is basically not a killer, but a virus that finishes feeble people off. And remember that they need working people to serve them...So most will resist 15, 20 jabs. And they will do it because the alternative might be living in the streets or end up in jail. i am willing to take the risk, but I know most not.
Purple Man it's just so simple in my thinking, and not really even a choice to weigh. I was born free, and I am fully prepared to play World War 3 in the streets with jackbooting darthvader-kit-on-the-dodge-charger gestapo wannabees, and die free in a pool of my own blood. Nobody wants to have to do it, but anyone who isn't at least that committed and decisive is going end up a slave, and 5000 years of history is mostly just them doing this same shit, then when it gets to be unbearable burden, the people throw off the chains and burn stuff to the ground, and maybe 50% of the time, they catch the asshole who's been abusing them, before the asshole can bug-out, and then some large type asshole gets to have a Marie Antwoinette moment.
But at heart, they are ALL cowards. They do not want a real fight, because they don't have a justified reason to fight, they know they have been wrong and they fear us and that guilottine Marie got to field test, more than anything else. So if we all just ignore their ridiculous shit and go to the store or the movies anyway, and when told you cant do that, we always respond with the stubborness of a mule, and the resolve to sacrifice whatever we have to on the altar of freedom, down to our very bones, and stick the middle finger in whatever face said you cant go there, and say "there's no curr in my bloodline. If you were looking for a fight, you found one", and mean it, they will lose and we will win. Boldness and resistance are contagious. So is courage. They only havew as much power as we let them. Lose a little or a lot now, or lose everything and be somebody's pet on a leash. There is no other option.
Ok, I'm done preaching on my soapbox. I'm going to work now, and wherever else I decide to because fuck them. Have a wonderful day!
We´re on the same boat. Have a wonderful day too!
It's classic Eddie Bernays mass marketing manipulation. I don't really understand why it works, probably because it never has worked on me, but what I did gleen from an old BBC documentary produced long ago before the woke communists took over production management, is that human beings make decisions based primarily on the primal needs. The primal need in play here is the need for social acceptance and position.
Most folks are terrified of the possibility of being cast out from the warm comfort of the group, goes back to a time when survival depended on the clan because you can't take down a wooly mammoth by yourself. The outcast wouldn't survive very long out there in the wilderness. That basic instinctual drive is what these large type assholes who like to play puppet string puller (the Golden Parachute Clown Posse too) are manipulating which is causing your previously rational and sensible friends and associates to abandon common sense and logic to compete for this year's Forrest Gump Award.
For anyone interested in understanding this strange phenomenon, here's the link for that old BBC documentary on youtube:
Somehow, it has thus far escaped the attention of the fact checking clown posse. Probably because it's 4 hours long and their attention span is conditioned to 1 hour at most.
Go check out Scott Adam's reading list. "Presusasion" and "Influence", et. al. In a nut shell the wet computer theory. We (humans) in large part fire off our neural nets as they are primed to fire, ergo reaching a 'decision' then an illusion of reasoning flows in a post hoc rationalization of the decision. In other words, we think we are applying reason, facts and logic in reaching a decision, but for the most part we are not. IMHO, some of us have the special circuits or intuition to have an innate awareness of this is our nature, and make a choice to be self critical in our thinking. To some extent, we can train ourselves, AKA, The Practicing Stoic: A Philosophical User's Manual Hardcover – Farnsworth.
My top 5:
01) Glubb, Sir John ~ The Fate of Empires and the Search for Survival (essential)
02) Epictetus ~ The Enchiridion (the original Stoic !)
03) Long, George ~ The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius (Stoicism made a respectable emperor ! )
04) Plato ~ The Republic - The Statesman
05) Paine, Thomas ~ Common Sense (still fires my shitkicker)
PhDs - I diss the misuse of ' and pronouns.
Was this study specifically regarding covid vaccines? Because the population has shifted from those who were hesitant on childhood vaccines - there is overlap but it is a different group now.
That's right.
The very highly educated can properly evaluate risks and understand "unknown unknowns".
The least educated have a lot of experience with being scammed in real life, and see scams like the vax scams a mile away. The uneducated also were not socialized in college to "trust the media".
Among my real blood friends, most are high school graduates, hair dressers, and a few with higher studies. The ones that ran to get jabbed included doctors, lawyers, biologists, etc.
I suspect non white-collar workers are just better at detecting bullshit when they see it. Lots of white-collar "knowledge workers," deal in mangling language, meaning, and interpretation, as a matter of course everyday. They've become numbed to it all and barely recognize it anymore.
Truely... the more indoctrination one gets via government brainwashing schooling camps the more likely they believe this psyop...including the hours spent in TV programing land... An education comes in once one wakes up and red pills oneself to the abomination the THEYs have done to every pillar of society. With a mindset of everything you were told or taught from birth was a lie or half truth is the key to moving forward in health spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally..... It's easy really for you only have to change one thing....that being everything, lol. The journey 10 yrs in is nothing short of miraculous in spite of the NWO lying liars.
I am reading a book from 1988, by Eustace Mullins, called Death by Injection, that describes how we came here. How the AMA came to be, Rockefeller, etc. Very interesting. is an excellent place for a deep dive into what's going on and on history with links backing up all he's researched. Highly recommended it to any truther. ✌
Seconded. Just a brilliant journalist / historian.
Thanks for the recommendation. My Truthquest continues....
Well said.
Absolutely. I live 20 k away from Heidelberg which is full of PHD´s who all swallow the narrative. If I want some relief I visit my neighbours who are about the last people here living of the land. Sit down, relax, have a few beers and realize that nobody needs a PHD to understand what ´s going on.
I like your user id. Yes, you do not need a phd to understand what is going on. What you need is critical thinking, which is the ability to realize "this sounds like a scam".
JD and accountant, 30 years of building and evaluating risk models, and a little medical malpractice defense work. The numbers didn't pencil in March 2020 as shown from the Diamond Princess cruise ship. The know risk of the virus at that time appeared to be less to me than the incorrectly used PCR tests, unconstitutional over reach by world governments, abandoning all check and balances. Likewise the rushed development of mRNA genes therapies to be claimed as safe and effective vaccines all seemed suspect to me. My life stratagem has been clean nutrition focused on metabolic health, low inflammatory life style with daily activity to optimize my natural immune system. Acknowledging my mortality while calculating my own risk/reward on the mRNA jab caused me to pass. If that makes me a conspiracy theorist, so be it. I have no illness or side effects as of today. Love your articles
That is the way to go. For some reason that Diamond Princess escaped me, because I was planning to visit my family in Europe. Only later on I read about it. That should have been an eye opener. I do not react well to chemicals and am allergic to some, so I watched very closely as you did, what all this hype with vaxx was about. PEG and Polysorbate are NOT good for you, they should not be ON your skin let go under it ! The mRNA did sound fishy to me too. Let us hope we can live out our lives without the jabs ! Good luck NickSpriggs !
Re: Diamond Princess. I am still concerned about the lack of interest in the senior couple on the ship where he was ill and eventually returned to US in Omaha isolation. She was never ill. After his release we discovered you can test positive well after recovery as the virus continues to shed particles not capable of infection. Meanwhile the lady was never examined to determine why she never was affected. Many of us may be immune anyway. The vaccine for those so immune may have created a new susceptibility.
“Why you fool, it's the educated reader who CAN be gulled. All our difficulty comes with the others. When did you meet a workman who believes the papers? He takes it for granted that they're all propaganda and skips the leading articles. He buys his paper for the football results and the little paragraphs about girls falling out of windows and corpses found in Mayfair flats. He is our problem. We have to recondition him. But the educated public, the people who read the high-brow weeklies, don't need reconditioning. They're all right already. They'll believe anything.”
― C.S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength
Pretty accurate sadly.
There too nothing changed, obviously LOL
First, let’s address the ridiculous and nonsensical phrase, "Vaccine hesitancy". And then stop using it and doing the enemy's work for them.
If I refuse to drink water from a Toilet, does that make me "water-hesitant"?
It makes you water-hesitant, toilet hesitant, bathroom hesitant. Probably adjacent-sink-hesitant.
Such is clown world.
That is me. Exactly.
😂😂😂😂😂 Fauci will get one of his fact checkers to look into that
How about "breakthrough infection" really means vaccine failure. hmmmm?
I have found the old stats and finance guys to be the first to smell a rat when narrative doesn’t equal numbers (these guys had to avoid getting ripped off in the markets daily). NYC published first covid death data by demographic (Spring 2020) which showed no reason to panic. But, my group is 50+, conservative, self made, and naturally skeptical. Diamond Princess stats confirmed it. Levitt and Ionnides are numbers guys in academia and were originally skeptical but when vax came, fell more in line with narrative. Rural and blue collar friends were naturally hesitant. Propaganda really had an observed effect over time though. My younger adult contacts were way too trusting and busy to research. My doc contacts are scared and saving themselves mostly. Some are true believers in CDC/FDA chain of command. Knowing someone personally injured by vax makes a huge difference. I wish I didn’t know what I do now. Most seem to want to trust institutions and authority. It’s so much easier to get along that way.
And yes on Vigano! Sorely disappointed in clergy and Pope’s pandemic response. Vigano sounds alarmist but the evidence of a concerted, well planned psy-op push on this whole thing is substantial. Follow the money. Follow the documents. But the planners got lucky in our compliance and that of academia/medicine. Now, covidiocy has a life of its own. It can take 20 years to debunk a bad medical protocol or treatment and now the fox is funding the chicken coop, may God help us all!
Nice post. It could be that the true believers or maybe everyone will be dead in 20 years.
Unless they finally send the Men With Guns, I expect to be around a lot longer than 20 more years, and will probably still be laughing at these jackasses while cursing their names.
I think surviving the next 20 years in the context of living in a post US Democratic world, a world of medical tyranny and WEF totalitarianism is extremely low.
So, to me the world is going in a direction of mass depopulation even if its not on purpose. This is because Capitalism has given the world a path to feed and be prosperous that our new owners can't provide.
Other issues like the CCP wants global domination and will likely in my mind not want to share. Now the CCP is not the world super power, but they are excellent at unrestricted warfare as we all are suffering that reality. Here is my best guess, the MRNA shots maladjust the immunity, or compromise the immunity. We know, as has been reported in several sources, the CCP has been putting 10s of billions in research into bio-warfare killing by race. That is no longer needed. The Chinese have a old fashioned non MRNA vaccine. They only need to find a way to kill by those that are MRNA compromised. Should be very easy.
So, in my theory of how things end the men with guns dont come, a virus that kills those that have taken the MRNA shot do.
Just trying to tie it all together.
The unvaxxed are gene_usses.
I cant wait until the Purebloods semen, egg and blood market is up and running. We are all rich!!
Just joking. Sort of.
You know you might be right, unfortunately. I read a few articles already of stillborn babies, that was a Canadian page, and several from here and there of how women would have lots of trouble to conceive, because particles of the jab that were not meant to move from the shoulder muscle did move to the reproducing organs. I am not in that category, but it did make me read a book on Eugenics!
A Canadian Doctor, forget his name, but he is a very prominent retired doctor. He had been speaking out about the spike in Still Berths. He has been arrested and is in a Psych Ward.
This world is bat virus crazy!
His name is Dr. Mel Bruchet. What they are doing to him is barbaric. For those who are unfamiliar with his story, you can read about it here:
Amesome thanks!
Just an accountant with a BS here, but by the time the so-called vaccines came out, I had zero trust in any government authority on anything related to the Chinese virus, and zero trust in the alphabet legacy media, and of course there’s the complete absence of any long-term safety data, all combined to make me steadfastly against being vaxxed.
I also have a PhD. As a "vaccine decisive" person (saying "no" to vaccines-- not vaccine "hesitant" or "resistant" or "uncertain"), I was indeed informed by my studies in Cultural Foundations of Education, which gave me a critical understanding of media and culture and so-called "truth" narratives. I also have a bachelor of science in biology and experience working in a physiological chemistry lab. This Covid vaccine scam had from the beginning ham-handed pseudo-science and obvious manipulation of emotions and data. (Really?
You are going to genetically manipulate our bodies to PRODUCE toxic spike proteins with untested biotech, and everything is going to be swell?) Obviously I didn't fall for this patent scam, and I know many PhD's who have not, but they tend to have my profile-- critical thinkers with some scientific and cultural/medial literacy. If they are narrowly technical PhD's, the opposite appears to be the case-- MORE gullibility rather than critical intelligence. Remember the numbers from that study were already dismal, with only 28% of the highest group (PhDs) "vaccine hesitant", and a slightly less percentage of high school educated/no college people. I don't think we have to dis PhDs, but we better damn well use our intelligence to get the truth out beyond our "tribe", and stand the hell up for real science and truth, otherwise we too are culpable.
Thank you for your response. Having no medical training I was of the hesitant kind. I saw the jabs have PEG in them and as I worked in a cosmetics lab as a secretary the chemist said that is not a good product. I avoid it in shampoo. I just finished Dr Suzanne Humphries book on vaccines and now am a convinced no vaxxer. Just started another book, Dr Mullins, death by injection. Seems quite to the point, too. Money and power. No health concerns whatsoever.
Yes indeed. Whatever technologies and ethics of care that gave rise to vaccines in the past, have now been swamped by cheap effects, cheap production, and cheap (or no) morality. I wouldn't support that even if it was not dangerous. I CERTAINLY won't support that if the product is dangerous.
Im in a weird spot - kind of regretting saving my job by joining in on the experiment but Im not staying in the candidate pool after I get the Omi thats for damn sure
Don't worry, you can keep the spike proteins after you cancel your subscription as our gift to you.
The results actually showed a U shaped result on a graph from the most highly educated to the lowest educated. The implication is the PHD’s are up to date on the data while the lowest educated have a high distrust in government. Ironically, I believe both are correct in their reasoning.
Yes I believe your analysis is correct. Nice combo healthy government distrust and grasp of empirical data and reality.
Cannot help wondering whether things would have been different had religious leaders taken a different line: the parallels between masks and yellow stars ought to have been immediately obvious to anyone interested in either history or humanity. Archbishop Vigano is almost a lone voice in church circles. Pope Francis and Archbishop Welby are tainted by their contacts with Greta Thunberg and the WEF, and not simply in the context of Ecclesiasticus 13:2 either: I think that they [and Johnson] are placemen for Schwab's Great Reset. Looking on the bright side, these villains aren't getting any younger so perhaps Mother Nature will herself save the planet.
My view is that the church has been sleeping on the job throughout this. This was the perfect opportunity to bring faith and the power of the cross to the forefront in terms of demonstrating exemption from disease, but they totally missed it and rather than that has been complicit with the whole lockdown, mask and vaccine agenda. It’s pathetic to see how ineffectual it’s been. Hopefully there’ll be enough of us around though to bring healing to all the poor sods damaged by the vaxx when that shit lands.
Religious leaders are among the most dishonest, disingenuous of the bunch.
Christmas Eve midnight mass from Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Everyone masked…EXCEPT singers and those speaking. Y’know, the people spewing spittle and exhaust fumes.
Oh, and y’know who else was unmasked the ENTIRE time? Only the most important Catholic on the planet: the Pope.
I really, REALLY hate the phrase "vaccine hesitancy."
Tell them, if I dont drink from a toilet, does that make me water hesitant?
Yeah, for my money, I'm not hesitant about vaccines or so-called "vaccines". NFW will I ever take a Chinese virus experimental jab; I explicitly choose not to get the flu shot every year; and I willingly took whatever it was that I needed to take in order to see my newborn grandchildren. (DTAP, maybe?)
No hesitancy at all. I know exactly what I'm doing, and why. So eff all the aholes who pervert language to suit their dishonest, corrupt existences. They can fall (or be pushed...) off the face of the earth, for all I care.
There's always been "smarts" and then there are smarts. We shouldn't forget that many doctors went along with and actively participated in The Third Reich.
Mine still is. Won’t write me a script for IVM.
I was thinking a lot of black people would hesitate to take anything the government insists on, as they have been betrayed several times already. But a lot of youth goes into nursing so may be not?
THank you for your reaction. I know a few colored people but we never talk about jabs. Totally agree with your statement. Just read a few books on the topic and if I can avoid it, NO more jabs for me.
with the "U" is the original spelling :)
Can you link to this study? I found one CMU study on this topic but it does not support the conclusion that people with the PhD have the highest % of vaccine hesitancy.
Read page 8, starting at line 142
Some are claiming this was fake though. IDK, I think it possible or maybe the results were not PC.
I think a better hypothesis for who is more likely to not want the vaxx, is big 5 personality trait Agreeableness. Me, I score very low in agreeableness.
Where I live, New Zealand, the unvaxxed are demonized with the help of help of state propaganda. If/when Omicron rips through the >90% Vaxxed population with OAS as the wind beneath its wings I am confident that we, the unvaxxed, will be futher pillared.
I'm in NZ too and on one hand I see this as potentially a good thing and the end to all this nonsense, but I also know our vacuous politicians and urban socialites will be looking for scape goats.
Of course, it will be your fault!
The only hope that I can offer - for what it's worth - is that the truth of the matter is leaking out gradually. You can be proud of yourself that had you lived in 1930s Germany you would have been among those not supporting the 'National Socialists'.
This is a fantastic article. I like your thin slicing. UKHSA data also shows negative booster effectiveness, at least in the first two weeks. Thus boosting people now is like putting gasoline on fire.
I also wrote an article about Danish data this morning. Two of my own main points are
- No-vaxx can be thought of as "treatment" that REDUCES the chance of illness by 50%
- Hospitalization rates from Omicron are slightly higher than Delta
- My personal hypothesis is not OAS, but ADE -- something that never appeared before but seems to be the case now. ADE explains higher hospitalization rates and higher infection rates.
hospitalizations are a difficult metric to use as they are one of the least reliable, most biased, and most prone to definitional change.
everyone who enters hospital gets tested, they are often tested over and over while there. many of the "hospitalized cases" are not for covid and are just nosocomial infection or trace contamination or simple false positive. it's hard to use that metric (or ICU which has the same issue but worse) to gauge whether covid is actually putting people in hospitals or just opportunistically infecting them while they are there. (and there are piles of extra money, billing, and insurance pools to access for finding covid, so they are looking for it intensely)
i suspect the analysis you're doing would invert for deaths. that makes ADE look less plausible and the hospital signal look more like a data issue than an epidemiological one.
are you controlling the hospitalization rates for higher case rates and the higher case rates for higher testing rates? because you're into multiplicative error bars there and testing in denmark is up 6X since late december (35 vs 6 tests per 100 per day)
ADE is looking pretty speculative to me, esp as vaccines have been showing some efficacy on hospitalization and death (at least for delta).
Does ADE only show up in hospitalisations and deaths. Negative efficacy with regard to infections can’t be ADE?
I am eagerly awaiting a reasonable amount of deaths data to see. Basically three weeks after we see 10,000 cases we will know. Hospitalizations simply happen quicker than deaths and so the lag is smaller and there is more data.
I am hoping that you are right and we will see very little deaths. Indeed, hospitalizations may be due to "abundance of caution".
The NHS England covid 19 hospital activity report includes numbers for hospital acquired. We were testing on admission, then on day 5, day 10 and so on but not sure if this may have changed recently. So if diagnosed in the last 24 hours that would have been day 5 of admission. There's some really useful data in this report but it's a bit of messing around to get it into a table you can work with
Belgium is testing like crazy too. I wonder if they have to use all their flawed test kits before they get off the market ?
I hope that you recover soon. When did your covid start? Please take a lot of vitamin D right now. It helps tremendously and the sooner you take it, the better. Take at 50,000 IU today. I had covid a year ago and Vit D helped.,
Wow that’s high. For how long?
2-3 days, then he can go lower. Excess of vitamin D3 simply is not absorbed.
Really? Every time I've read about vit D it's the opposite, that it accumulates and will eventually reach toxic levels if you take too much. IIRC 10000 IU/day is proven safe, but something 50000 IU/day would eventually become harmful (ofc 2-3 is fine).
I read aspirin helps too but I am no doctor and I did not yet get covid
I f you lost smell, it probably is not omicron. My smell was lost for a month. It came back.
Based on my reading I would take lactoferrin and melatonin. (Maybe methylene blue, but that is more likely useful if you have low oxygen levels.)
I'm not a doctor or nutritionist or anything.
Steve Kirsch has a wonderful summary of treatment protocols: IVM, HCQ or Zelenko Z stack. Aspirin, D, Zinc (must take with HCQ), long list really.
US hospital protocal will kill you. Remdesvir is murder. Full stop.
If you cant get IVM, go get the horse paste.
I just saw in my newsfeed that even the NYT comes to the conclusion that there is no good vaxxing anymore. I still have to read the article but I am now optimistic, because if THEY say it, everyone must now see it.
Oh my I now read the reactions in my Belgian newspaper, now that boosters are more or less a must after christmas and the Netherlands lock up. NOT ONE still wants the boosters, and all complain. I am beginning to recognize the home country again ! Soon as they start to complain, everything will be fine. Several read the South African pages and complain that the governments go besirk. Haha. Finally (sorry about jibbering on about Belgium but I am concerned about my family !)
I like to hear about folks in other countries. If they wake up there it may stop things here. Keep it coming.
I agree with M brown. It's interesting to hear what is happening elsewhere.
I don't know who asked for a link but of course it is in Dutch
People go mad and crowds and sober one by one.
The globalists are losing. We can expect a new Pandemic, likely Small Pox, before the 2022 US elections. The Globalists must have mail in vowing to stay in power. JMO.
Mad in crowds, sorry.
Got a link?
Nice work!
I’m wondering if the vaxinistas are going to overplay their hand with omi-panic-porn or whether they’re going to see the writing on the wall and manufacture a new crisis to distract from the now pretty-much obvious failure of the holy water.
I think at some point the latter is inevitable. If not now, then maybe when the ‘Vega’ variant is detected.
From what I'm seeing, the vaxinistas are already overplaying their hand in many places, yet too many people in some places keep falling for their lies.
Let’s see. The media and cdc is in full on end of world mode. A doc I know had a patient with omi. Who had the sniffles. Sooo let’s hide in the basement? 🤦♀️
Coming from this snout nosed adversary, your posts have been enlightening, informative and comforting when everyone around us is chicken littling…thank you.
I also appreciated the bad cat poking around this issue. His analysis really threaded the needle on this one.
I was listening to a (mainstream!) news podcast the other day, and they were explaining that if there is OAS, it will render useless all "variant" vaccines because the body's immune response will be no different than if it were encountering the original vaccine (or a booster thereof).
So...since they've been hammering for months now that every single case provides an opportunity for the virus to mutate...are they going to demonstrate concern about omicron mutating in the vaccinated? Or that they will not be able to vaccinate their way out of such a crisis if what is occurring is indeed OAS?
The data from Omikron is >12 year old, but you use vax-% for the all age groups. Denmark had around 90% vaccinated +12y
Contact me if you want access to more exact data.
I think I see a problem with this analysis.
What percentage of the "unvaccinated" are prior infected? I'd guess it's at least the majority. In that case, doesn't the data show that the vaccine performs poorly against natural immunity, not that it performs poorly against no immunity? Or at least that we can't tell which it is?
"Unvaccinated" is basically a phony category meant to hide how effective natural immunity is (and force jabs on people who don't need them). I guess this conflation can cut both ways.
I had a similar thought. In reality, it is likely a mix of mostly natural immunity and some without - no way to know the actual number as that data is not presented. However, those with natural immunity are some sub-part of the "unvaccinated". Based on other data, they are likely the lowest-risk cohort and are pulling down the overall "unvaccinated" numbers. My conclusion, which is qualitative and not quantitative, is that the lowest risk is almost certainly those with only natural immunity. Those with no immunity at all (natural or vaccinated) could fall anywhere on the chart, we just don't know.
Also, the vaccinated data are certainly muddied by prior infection. If the distribution of natural immunity is the same across all categories, which it most likely is not, then the rates for each category are proportionally correct but the absolute numbers are aided by the underlying natural immunity and artificially low.
What I'm struck with over and over in this whole fiasco is how blurred the data is. Regarding immunity, there are four distinct groups:
1. vax only
2. natural only
3. natural plus vax
4. no vax or natural
Any report or analysis that combines these groups is basically useless.
I do a bit of data analysis for my work, and I always try to avoid lossy aggregation. That is, capture the data in most the most granular form and aggregate during the analysis as appropriate. Then I or someone else can always come back and aggregate it differently. Storage and processing is dirt cheap. It seems like "public health" is stuck in the 20th century. Of course reverse Hanlon's Razor applies. That is, we shouldn't assume incompetence. Aggregation often serves propaganda goals. Lumping naturally immune with "unvaccinated" suits their narrative.
I like the comments section on this substack. It's an unusual mix of educated libertarians, Luddite contrarians, hawkish technofeudalists and red zealots. Plus almost everyone's furious yet nobody's outraged.
Substack is one of the few places where I find the comments section edifying and actually enjoy it.
we (collectively) have lucked out I think due to how this seems to be more upper respiratory than anything - high time we asked Bill and Klaus and little tiny tony to answer some questions under oath
like they give a dead rat about oath
I'm by no means a vaccin supporter, but I see these statistics pop up on skeptic sites, but no offence, the data is not homogenous and the conclusions hence likely non-meaningful. You would at the minimum need to know the local situation on the ground to know you are not missing things.
In general the vaxed population is older, and even if you break out in age brackets you would still see its effects if the age brackets are not too small - e.g. the 10 year standard intervals would put a 79 with the 70's and not with the 80's. Also non-vaxxed is in many regions skewed to recovered. The US denies natural immunity, the EU allows for 1 shot and get your vax passport. In some EU countries even just being recovered gives you a pass. This allows unvaxed to stay unvaxed and continue to work and participate in life. The same effect when comparing 1 state to another. In red states you can stay unvaxed and not be an outcast.
Also in many EU countries they test like mad using cheap antigen tests, especially under the young population. Mixing this with PCR results yields possibly non-meaningful results as the latter tests any exposure while many antigen need much high dose to yield a positive test.
Last behaviour differs in different regions. Scared US libs behaved dramatically different before and after being vaxed, but for unvaxed it was not much different and more dependent on what happened to be allowed or not by the government. In the EU different countries will have different behaviour trends too. Often forced by government policies.
Based on what we know about Omicron it infects more in the higher lungs where vaxed antibodies makes no difference. So it is expected that we see vaxed being infected in higher numbers than Delta. Natural immunity also exists in the throat, so recovered would see a lower number. If recovered is higher represented in one age group, tested group or vaxed vs unvaxed, your numbers would be immediately off simply by what we know of Omicron.
Hence, I'm sorry, but I think these results are likely an effect of your data set. That is, the vaccines are clearly failing, but there is no known immunological reason why vaccines would make it worse. There is however a good understanding - though no acknolegment from the health ofocielals obviously - why the vaxines are failing over time and also why delta and omicron even more evade them in general.
(And before someone posts the eugyppius article - he is wrong as he misunderstands, how T cells work. :-) )
Vanden Bossche has articulated a plausible mechanism for negative efficacy - natural antibodies, which supplement pattern recognition receptor-based innate cellular immunity, are out-competed by residual anti-S antibodies. Other than that, I agree with your ambivalence to the VE stats from Europe.
Hey Gato -- can you now turn your attention to your island? After having little Covid for months, Puerto Rico (and Florida!) have suddenly spiked big time with no apparent bump in hospitalizations. I'm assuming this is Omicron, and obviously an important part of the puzzle. PR data and info is hard to come by, especially since my skills en español no son buenas. Gracias!
also keep in mind that both florida and PR get huge influxes of people from the northeast this time of year. the NE is the big hotspot and they flood both spots. not a coincidence that miami (and not other places) spiking with cov.
PR is hard to assess on cases because our testing levels are so low, reporting so crummy, and so dominated by schools.
What's the testing regime like in PR schools? I assume you mean public primary education?
Interesting. What struck me about FL and PR was that both places had almost no Covid cases earlier in the week (it's not Covid season in that part of the world) and then, very suddenly Covid cases exploded. And then things like the Miss World paegant in PR had to cancel because "all" the contestants tested positive. No bump in new hospitalizations that I can find in either. We'll need to have more sequencing (FL has had some), but I'd bet big money this is all Omicron, and it doesn't follow the "established" Covid seasonality. It also seems like this could be the End of Covid, as Berenson is now predicting. I look forward to your dispatches. And I'm glad I'm headed to FL tomorrow and not PR (which I do plan to visit in a month, when I hope things are back to maybe-sorta-kinda-normal).
How ironic, but fitting, that millions of hypochondriacs would get just what they live for, and fear, something to harp about but without harm: sniffles for life.
Might as well name the next variant "Road Runner" and give Fauci the Wile E.Coyote Honorary Award.
You're not "seeing" ADE because you are not looking at total death increases MoM and YoY.
How about
1) The unvaxxed are typically younger
2) Omnicron may be very pervasive among younger unvaxxed people
3) Omincron may not be very severe for younger people, so they never bother getting tested, let alone being hospitalized.
Thus the unvaxxed may have Omnicron, but it is so trivial, they never do anything about it.
Hard to tell, unless there is random sampling across age groups.
Although your arguments are themselves true, their application to the presented outcomes is not that easy.
These numbers reflect infection ratios. The vaccines should protect from infection relative to the unvaccinated. That is the logical conclusion of the vaccine's mechanism. After the booster e.g., s-antibody numbers are supposed to be higher than in unvaccinated. Thus, infection probability is supposed to be lower in the vaccinated. Age plays a minor role in this case because even in an older vaccinated immunesystem the protection should be stronger than in an younger, unprotected immunesystem. A Simpson's paradox (that is what you are pointing at), age as an uncontrolled confounder, plays a role probably, but the effect is so strong that it is very likely that the effect will remain even if you would have adjusted the numbers for age. This is for your points 1 and 2.
Point 3 is also of minor influence since testing is requested on many occasions in Denmark. Especially for activities of younger people.
That said, it is important to point oit again that your critique is meaningful but will probably (and unfortunately) not explain the data presented here.
OK, but unless that testing is random, it really doesn't show much. Has been a problem since the beginning of COVID. We should ave been doing random testing all along, rather than self selection, or in addition to self selection.
Very true! The amount of money necessary for generating reliable data is so small compared to the investments that we poured in medicines that can not be used anymore because distribution and communication failed..
I just stumbled upon another interesting fact: the Danish Omicron endemic is mainly focused on the 20-30 years age group. In all other ages the omicronvariant does not climb higher than 50% of the cases and is in total only a small part of the main infections.
This means that age plays probably an even lesser role since most omicron infection are in the same, young age group. Since this age group has been acquiring immunity beyond the vaccinated one more than the other age groups, the above presented effect seems even more solid than without the knowledge about the current age focus.
If omicron is indeer much milder, then there should be omicron parties so everyone gets infected and these fanatics have a reason to end this insanity. Instead, they'll most certainly create a vaccine that puts environmental pressure on the virus to mutate even more.
The Netherlands and probably Belgium are locking down again ! In Belgian press some doom thinker predicts tens of thousands of deaths before year end. I am not sure how he is going to do that.
I asked my friend if he was going to get the omicron vaccine. He said he isn't sure because deaths are a lagging indicator. I wonder how long they have to lag before he gets suspicious
The White House resident is speaking Tuesday. I’m not really a betting feline but since they’ve started with half the evening news cycle on the Covid panic button again, my guess is “they” want “drastic” measures again. It’ll be interesting to see what the red governors sans DeSantis do. The Tennessee economy is rolling big time but they did stop a college basketball game this past Saturday, which ticked off a bunch of fans who travelled 3 hours one way to see it.
I've always been big on following the news but I'm on a news diet for at least the next month (except for el gato, of course ;) ). The screaming, hysterical headlines are too much. I did a "news diet" in early November, found I missed nothing, and felt so much more relaxed and happy!
I fully expect a ‘grim’ speech from president grinch.
Omicron wont kill that many unless the vax has caused serious immune Deficiencies.
In South Africa, Uttar Pradesh where vax penetration is very low Omicron is a cold to 99 percent of people.