we live in the age of the war machine.
the purpose of the war machine is not to produce victory.
the purpose of the war machine is to produce war.
war unending.
war on everything.
permission to think the unthinkable and excuse to do that which is inexcusable.
it is the triumph of the terrible and the tyrannical.
the war on covid, poverty, injustice, drugs, terrorism:
it’s all the same.
war is the worst of humanity. it is the end of cooperation, the end of rationality, the abrogation of ethics.
war is permission to “do what it takes to win”
this cannot be the way.
war is the end of good choices and the embrace of conflict, the end of citizenship and the pursuit of subjugation.
it is the end of humanity and the beginning of amoral destruction of the enemy.
perfect for politicians.
anathema to the free breath of we the people.
this is jingo as justification.
and this war machine will roll right over you and if it does its job well you will never even guess at the real reasons why.

the facts and faces may change, but the war will not. it will take from you those most fundamental rights and choices and replace them with the fist, with violence, with taking.
the war on drugs takes the free choice of free people and replaces it with 27 kinds of new statist intrusion breaking down doors with unaccountable no knock warrants and systems of international collaboration giving rise to vast police and surveillance states. has it stopped drugs or even made headway? nope. does it have any ethical basis in a world where our own intelligence agencies traffic in the very narcotics our police profess to suppress? nope. it just oppresses you and takes the rights of peaceful people and shifts to unsafe and violent black markets that which was once free. it just tightens the net around you and the endless failure to win is right there in the design. the goal is not to stop drugs. the goal is to rule and to profit.
the war on poverty is just the same. it seeks to take by force from some and give to others. has it alleviated poverty? no. by most credible accounts, it has made it FAR worse among those it purports to help from the african american community in the US that was literally devastated by the so called “great society” programs to the african african community in africa where endless, meddling aid has made dependencies of countries while preventing real domestic industry and self sufficiency from emerging for who can open and support a store or a farm when trucks of free rice arrive daily and aid money is laundered into vast programs of profiteering by folks like the gates foundation? it has enabled 700 kinds of grift and grasping rapacity.
the war on “injustice” is just a massive system of arbitrary and ever changing illegal preferencing that monstrously violates ideas of equality and equity in rights and freedoms by demanding to place the determination of desirable outcomes into the hands of a select few who “know better.” bob marley famously sang that “until the philosophy that holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned: everywhere is war.” and bob was right. but this path of making everything about race and demanding kowtowing submission to literal struggle sessions about structural privilege cannot take us there. it’s a path to war unending. it has no resolution, only monomaniacal focus and incitement by segregating groups and then placing them in jars to be shaken until they fight. it divides to conquer that which should unite to thrive. (with loads of money stolen to Buy Large Mansion along the way.)
i could go on and on with examples, but will instead stop to pose the question that matters here:
cui bono?
who is the beneficiary of all this? because it is certainly not we the people.
increasingly, it is not even governments. more so than one might conclude from a casual look, they are also being picked apart and disempowered and disenfranchised by this trend of ubiquitous forever war and the institutions that rise and thrive within it. from SEC to FDA, EPA to DOE, and CDC to NIH, these agencies might as well have nascar corporate and think tank logos. the UN, IPCC, WHO, IMF, etc are worse.
they are owned, lock stock, and regulatory charter.
and they are taking over.
and that’s kind of the point.
they flow money, protect their own, and keep them from responsibility.
they create “sure things” on which to bet, let the congress-critters bet on them too as a sop, launder and steal money, and run roughshod over the rest of us.
this is a truly rapacious class of nobles. and they grow ever bolder and more incestuous.
it’s easy to focus on the issue of “look at all the power that was usurped by the state under covid!” and presume that this is the sweaty palmed avaricious dream of leviathan coming to fruition, but it’s not.
this is a coup.
this is capture.
this is the taking of power from “the government” and placing it in the hands of what can only be called an oligarchy, an aristocracy.
and this is a pivotal distinction. even those who think they favor “big government” are getting bilked as “useful idiots.”
this is NOT about making representative government more powerful.
this is about placing the power to govern ever more outside the reach of any part of titular government visible or responsible to we the people.
and it is NOT going to stop until this is both realized and systematically opposed and disassembled.
they are not going to tell you about it.
they are going to bury it in paragraph 9,247 of some endless abstruse document and align it with subsection 391 of another such treatise in some cunning fashion that winds it into a noose that you’re only going to learn about when they pull it tight to leash your freedom. and when they do, there will be nothing you can vote for, no representative you can write to because it will be a fait accomplis and too big and too international to stop. even sovereign nation states will be unable to buck. and that is by design.
this is the new world order, the 4th turning, whatever we want to call it. and you may have forgotten about it, but it has most emphatically NOT forgotten about you.
no sooner do global leaders get done congratulating themselves for their grand virtue (and hilariously failed plans) at the global climate sessions than the private jets fire up for bali to start writing new plans for global dominance, because hey, the emergency is still in place. the emergency powers grabbed for covid are still in force. and you never let a crisis go to waste.
and every one of these is the same: it seeks to place power in unaccountable hands.
now pause for a moment and consider the sort of person who, after the extravagant and complete failure to not only grasp ANY of the relevant salients but to produce any useful response whatsoever over the last 3 years while literally destroying the global economy, education, mental health, and running roughshod in unprecedented fashion upon the rights of the free world to chase warped science, fraud, and superstitious nonsense thinks:
you know what we need? more power to do this faster and harder next time!
now ask yourself: with whom or what are these people at war?
(because it sure as hell is not disease)
this one is a doozy.
Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin, speaking on the matter on behalf of the G20 host country, had earlier in the summit called for a "digital health certificate" using WHO standards.
Sadikin advocated for that he dubbed a "digital health certificate" which shows whether a person has been "vaccinated or tested properly" so that only then "you can move around". Watch his comments during a G20 Bali panel discussion earlier in the week...
G20 to adopt Vaccine Passports using WHO standards
“Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO… if you have been vaccinated or tested properly, then you can move around”, said the Indonesian health minister in Bali
it creates a vast international system of required compliance. it locks you in place by forcing a credential to travel upon you. the standards to get this passport are created by an unaccountable and increasingly rogue organization (the WHO) that is controlled predominantly by china (whose views on social credit and surveillance societies make orwell look like thomas paine) and the cardigan adorned james bond villain aspirant himself bill gates who has been probably the most successful plague profiteer in human history.
and billy is NOT a nice guy.
keep in mind that this is the guy who bought something like 1/3 of bioNtech in september 2019 right before they “suddenly” had the key mRNA payload that formed the basis of the pfizer vaccine despite having never worked on vaccines or even viruses before. just how they “happened upon” this wonderous discovery at such a fortuitous moment and how bill knew to front run it remains an open and interesting question.
consider the possibility that the game was never “protecting you” but rather “plundering you.”
it certainly fits the pattern.
long time gatopal™ ivor can help you hear william in his own words.

i know it sounds like i’m waxing hyperbolic about this “james bond villain” stuff, but seriously consider: the guy that sells and pushes vaccines will have control of an unaccountable international agency (the WHO) that can literally decide at the stroke of a pen what new drug you must put into your body to be allowed to travel.
these are the same people who proudly told you:
“we own the science and we think the world should know it.”
i mean, what could go wrong?
(and i’m sure no government would try to use this at home, right? it’s not like they sketched out a whole plan to supersede and violate sovereignty or anything…)
and it will be international. no one country can stop it. great, pull out. you still can’t travel. the others won’t take you.
this is the inch than cannot be yielded.
not now. not ever.
it’s the inch where even asking disqualifies you to lead free people.
the goal here is not safety, it’s mandated predation and profiteering just as bill has always done. he wants to plunder africa with covid vaccines that the locals don’t want because they have seen that they don’t work and that the young populations of africa were at no real risk, but like the dodgy oral polio vaccines he’s been pushing there for decades (because he owns interests in the manufacturers) he now wants to require the covid jabs (and to get the g20 governments to pay for them)
The section of the final communique, which is republished and available on the White House website, which deals with vaccines and the Covid-19 pandemic begins, "We recognize that the extensive COVID-19 immunization is a global public good and we will advance our effort to ensure timely, equitable and universal access to safe, affordable, quality and effective vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics (VTDs)."
this is just power grabbing and profit grubbing.
and the WEF protégés are very clear on this. they are not even trying to hide it.
closing statement from the G20:
"We reaffirm our commitment to strengthen global health governance, with the leading and coordination role of WHO and support from other international organizations. We support the work of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) that will draft and negotiate a legally binding instrument that should contain both legally binding and non-legally binding elements to strengthen pandemic preparedness planning & the working group on the International Health Regulations that will consider amendments to the International Health Regulations.”
they want to put the ball out of your reach and out of the reach of their successors. this is literal surrender of national sovereignty to the dictates of an unaccountable private entity.
and the “war on misinformation” will take no prisoners as it tries to prevent any counter narrative.
remember who these people are:
"Unless you hear it from us, it is not the truth. Dismiss anything else. We will continue to be your single source of truth." -Jacinda Ardern (New Zealand PM, WEF global leader)
it’s war on freedom by a technocratic elite that is moving all power to regulatory bureaucracies and transnational organizations. the goal is to put it outside the reach of voters and even elected leaders.
presidents and prime ministers are beholden to this “permanent state” and are helpless to resist it. if they play ball, they get showered with goodies. if they buck, it turns on them. the FBI makes up crazy stories and investigates a sitting president over and over to tie him down. the health agencies go rogue. the EPA and SEC and DOE tie everything in knots and push self-serving agenda. the permanent government goes to war against the elected government. how little of covid was ever even voted on at the federal level?
it was an end run.
and that is the point.
this is what the cool kids table at davos figured out 20 years ago. it’s what they have been relentlessly building: totalitarian fascism by bureaucracy and forever war.
every new war needs a new agency and every new agency needs a new war.
it’s a system of preference and protégé.
and they are playing to win.
when they break one toy, they replace it with a new one. truss? no, that will never do. boom. the whole apparatus of state turns on her and “lettuce” pick a new one. someone more agreeable.
one of our own.
sunak is a davos devotee. he’s pro-digital ID, central bank digital currency, and pro social credit system. his is also, by many reports, the richest member of UK parliament. davos to the bone. the speed with which the immune system of the war machine killed a “foreign object” and replaced it with party line should give pause.
ask elon musk how fast you can flip from savior to devil if you diverge from agenda.
this is not a gang to underestimate or dismiss as “some conspiracy.”
they are seeing a winner take all world in which regulation drives commerce and so industry titans must take over governments to assure their seats at the head of the table.
you cannot trust this to markets.
you need to join us and make it a sure thing.
and they are not hiding it:
“What we have to confront is a deep systemic and structural restructuring of our world, and the world will look differently after we have gone through this transition process (Great Reset)” - Klaus Schwab B20 Summit Indonesia 2022 Opening Remarks 14.11.2022.
"Finally Governments and businesses must cooperate (stakeholder capitalism) to become a fast fish, its not about the big fish who eats the small fish, but it is the fast fish who eats the slow fish.”
this is the blueprint. it’s move first, move fast, and take it all.
it’s pure, unadulterated totalitarian fascism of big business and big government and the folks like klaus are leading the G20 to it. they are dominating the biggest governments in the world and setting the agenda by buying out the leadership with participation rights. billions mean little to nations. they are dynastic wealth for politicians.
and they plan to take all.

permanent bureaucracy is the forever war weapon. it’s endless control, ever more granular, ever less escapable. these folks are very right about one thing: we ARE at a turning point.
the intrusion is nearing stranglehold. and these are the last few moves of middlegame that determine whether the endgame is winnable for we the people.
the blade is devilishly double edged: technology can liberate or subjugate.
and which of these it does will depend on how we use it.
it can make us secure in our peer to peer affairs or watched (and worked) like ants in a farm.
and unless we realize where this fight is actually taking place, we have no hope of winning.
this is not about puppet show elections.
it’s about the government that never leaves and the increasingly unaccountable and self-interested private agencies and corporate collaborations that have come to dominate it.
it’s about the forever war.
because make no mistake: they are at war with you. not poverty, climate, covid, or terrorists.
and so too must we go to war.
the issue is simple: either we tear these agencies down, deracinate them root and stem, and consign them to the histories of failed human endeavor, or they will eat us.
until having been a WEF young global leader is viewed in the same fashion as having been an SS-sturmbannführer and having pimped for ESG funds and DEI scores for companies is reviled as having been a profiteering collaborator, no one will be safe.
these are not wars in our name, they are wars on our lives and livelihoods, wars for our ways of life and the hearts and minds of our children, wars over the very essence of a free people.
and it’s time to get in the fight for real. because it’s not going away.
it will not stop. they will not become satisfied nor satiated.
hell, they are flat out TELLING you this.
sure, it’s intimidating, but the reality is that with focus, this fight is grossly unfair.
they are few, we are many, and our means are far more powerful that perhaps even most of us suspect.
every time some zealot howls about “dismantling the patriarchy” they are really just being gulled into stopping the dismantling of the war machine.
they become its machinery.
DEI, climate change, wars on drugs and poverty and plague every single one is just a reason to turn your mind off to the atrocities being committed in the name of something you’re supposed to care about in order to rob you of that which you really care about.
there are no rights, just righteous fervor. you must submit to this collective good and we will erect the surveillance and suppressive state we need to do this to you.
it’s war.
let’s go get our munny!
and in response two things must arise and work in tandem:
we must become one issue voters and that issue must be the elimination of the technocratic bureaucracy. you cannot fix it or tame it. it must be razed and the very idea eliminated from the human lexicon. end them. fire them all. sell their offices for condos. vote for whomever will really do this. this, above all is what the oligarchs fear. tepid “reform” just gets subsumed and subverted. there is no middle way. these agencies are cancer. you get it all or it gets you. but this is likely not enough.
we must become ungovernable. we must place ourselves and our public square, public lives, and livelihoods outside of governmental remit. it’s time for a real peer to peer world of media, communications, and money and that last one is the biggie. there is no reason for government issued money. if ever it did, it serves no useful purpose anymore and has become a debased form of relentless control. we blanch at china taking money based on social credit, but then smile in bovine compliance when canada does the same to suppress protests, when the US grabs by civil forfeiture, and as central banks plot digital CDC’s that will literally let them track and turn off your spending in infinitely granular fashion. that is a net you need to get out of BEFORE it tightens. after gets too late
each serves the other. the more bureaucracy and we can eliminate, the easier it becomes to build the structures of ungovernability. and the more ungovernable we become, the more leverage we possess against those who would seek to rule us.
and this puts us at a time of transition.
the manifold provocations of everything war and incitement to strife against one another are calculated to keep us fighting about the wrong things. it’s distraction. legerdemain.
the real fight is against an aristocracy trying to place itself in perpetual, unaccountable suzerainship of the world.
that is the foe we must vanquish, the prize upon which we must keep our eyes.
which side do you want to be on?
One of your absolute best pieces yet. Unfortunately there is no voting our way out of global technocracy. It has firmly entrenched itself across the west for four decades or longer. They control elections now which are predictable pantomimes and select leaders where there are no elections. Becoming ungovernable requires rejecting ALL of their tools for subjugation. If people can't even be bothered to quit gmail, instashame, or stop using smartphones, the ultimate herding tool for enslavement and control, then we are all just on our own. Take care of yourself and your family. Organize locally. Live remotely and prepare for absolute self sufficiency. Declare independence from their diseased systems. By the time the masses realize they've already been captured and subdued, they stand no chance of resistance. Most of them are just the walking dead.
I started reading your posts about a year ago. It's been interesting to see your evolution in thinking about our plight. As crazy as it sounds, worldwide conspiracy is the most logical explanation for the apparent madness that's gripped the world.
Dr. Yeadon (and many others who sounded the alarm early on) needs to come out now and take a bow. He was so horribly, horribly correct.
Memes are great. We must mock these evil people and the fools who carry out their plans, but I don't think that we are going to meme our way out of this one.