To suggest that these agencies have been captured is to imply that they were ever anything but. We live in dual realities. us, and Just Us. Just Us have been getting away with it for so long that they've taken smelling their own farts to stratospheric levels of absurdity. "Can we get away with this?" yielded to, "He got away with it, damn, did you see that, let's see what else we can do?" to "everyone does it." When someone gets caught and scapegoated, it does nothing to change the underlying system, except to make the players more savvy about what they have on whom, in order to protect themselves from the same fate.

The future forks one of two ways. This continues in the same trajectories and we end up with Hunger Games, or the money implodes and the phoenix rises and we get out of here alive. The current program is not sustainable. I read today that the national debt is now at the level where expenditures average $1B *an hour.* You can ignore the laws of nature, but the laws of nature don't ignore you, and there aint nothing for free in this old world.

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The CIA has been captured since JFK. They took him out physically and DJT digitally. Every other president just carries out orders for corporations and their intelligence goons. Highly recommend reading The Devils Chessboard.

We are all living in a Mockingbird hoax world: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/leftist-manufactured-hoaxes-covid-climate-race

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The spike in excess deaths - which suddenly exploded in America in April 2020 - should be telling everyone something is "off" big time. According to CNN, a grand total of 41 citizens in the entire nation of China had died from Covid by late January 2020. That is, a month after the virus began to spread at that live market, it had killed only 41 people.

In Michigan, we are told the same virus killed more than 1,450 residents of that state .... in just one week in mid-April 2020 ... after the virus suddenly began to "spread" in that state - supposedly a month earlier.

The virus wasn't killing people or hadn't suddenly become more contagious or lethal ... the (new) medical protocols and panic were killing people in huge numbers. Fauci and the CIA must have known this too.


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We are nearing the 4th anniversary of the Pandemic and answers remain elusive. The key unanswered question remains what agency / persons were running the lockdown / masking / social terror show?

Yes, Trump bought into lockdowns. He ultimately stands accountable. But who pushed this policy? Who pushed masking? Even prior to lockdowns we had the NBA and organized sports shutting down. Fauci did not originate these orders. Birx did not originate these orders. Who was her boss? Who had the authority and the messaging to coordinate this calamity?

And why? What was the agenda? Why in winter 2020 and 10 months before an American Presidential election was a brand new Pandemic strategy imposed on the country?

Asking the questions leads to possibilities that are extremely uncomfortable. Did a coup occur? It seems highly possible. But who ran the coup? Who are these people holding power to destroy society on a whim? It would be nice to know names and see faces.

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It has been the goal of every government that has ever existed to enslave its citizens. Only the methods differ.

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Very interesting stuff on Congress’s COVID-origins investigation here, but it smacks of a limited hangout. I always figured it would be convenient, when “a Wuhan lab leak” became the official story of the Plandemic, to pin it all on Anthony Fauci, a man in his 80s, who I predicted correctly would be retired before Congressional investigations began in earnest after the Republicans took the House in the 2022 elections. If you’ve watched the movies Going Out in Style, you know, men in their 80s are the perfect people to pull off a heist! Don’t get me wrong. Anthony Fauci was deeply involved in the Plandemic, especially its cover-up, but letting him take the fall will not change the fact that “our” government, controlled by the corporations through the CIA, has since the 1974 Swine Flu Scamdemic, been engineering pandemics for profit and control. Until we find out what the CIA’s been doing with the going-on $100B they spend a year on secret operations, we’re not going to get to the bottom of this. The idea, perpetuated here, that the CIA had no idea how COVID-19 started and they needed Anthony Fauci to come in to tell them what to think is preposterous. My guess is there’s no record of Fauci being at the CIA because he was never there. This story is being used to inflate his importance and relieve the CIA of responsibility. “Former” CIA Avril Haines at Event 201 is all I need to know about its role on the Plandemic.

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This kind of thing... To me, it matters and it doesn't matter. I read Nicholson Baker's *Baseless.* I know the US has been into germ warfare for a very, very long time. I don't know if anyone can change that, at this point, or what the mechanism would be. I mean, there were hearings in the 1970s about our germ warfare programs, and nothing changed, except the feds decided never to respond to FOIA requests again. (Every time I ask about mine, I'm told that they will each take two years. Every time. And I've been asking for two years now.) The thing is, even if a pathogen were to emerge from a chicken mating with a pangolin, or whatever Jon Stewart said (funny! and nice of him to open the door for other human beings), it would still not be Constitutional for the feds to take away everyone's rights until they'd been injected with a harmful, ineffective gene therapy. The bit where the feds take away your ability to ride a bus without a paper bull**** mask, that's the part that hasn't calcified yet, the part that is still up for grabs. The feds secretly developing bioweapons behind your back with your money? That ship sailed a very long time ago, and the people who do it would just lie and say that they've stopped, even if they were caught red-handed. (Does anyone think the feds aren't *still* reading our email and our text messages? Please.)

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What leak? What virus?

It was always about the JABS.

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The Democrats don't run CIA, it runs them. CIA is evidently a cat's paw for international globalists and its instructions are to destroy the US. The Democratic Party is one of their assets. So far, they are succeeding admirably. This next year look forward to shutdown of many individuals and organizations, perhaps including the Republican Party, and curation of media. It is also customary during the descent for principled judges to start getting assassinated. Probably the acceleration to concentration camps happens this year, maybe of those who resist their next pandemic.

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No surprise that the DOD "psyops unit" directed the official COVID narrative as it appears the scamdemic was not about a virus, but was a counterinsurgency operation to establish a biosecurity surveillance state.

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The origins of Coronavirus is Mother Nature and “was” a non-threatening common cold virus from the 1960’s…isolated to be used as a race-targeting bioweapon by the United States DoD and CIA…and by the 1990’s further development at the University of Chapel Hill, North Carolina…and then eventually ended up in a Chinese lab by 2020-21.

The truth, whole truth and nothing but the entire bloody truth really does matter, unless of course there’s political-money (bought politicians and media) involved in our thinking. 🤔 🧠👈🏽 https://open.substack.com/pub/jeffreyplubina/p/the-most-important-video-and-audio?r=1qpmjb&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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CIA explained very simply.

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

JFK KNEW and that was why he said he was going do dissolve the CIA. Why they had him whacked with the most evil mother trucker ever on the face of the planet, LBJ. LBJ had a meet with daddy Bush in Dallas to let him know he was going to be the next president. Ramp the war in Nam for maximum war profiteering. The troops were just cannon fodder for the grifting.

Our current Demented Fool was installed with the stolen election by the Soros owned Obama to open the border to destroy the country, which Obama learned from Ayers et al in Chicago days. Had to have the signature on the $1.9 TRILLION spending bill to fund the DemoRats programs.

The easiest way to steal from a bank is to own it and same with stealing from government.

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I am old enough to remember the days when the CIA engaged routinely in removing other country's leaders whenever the administration in power decided they didn't like what said leaders were doing. Or not doing. Lots of what the CIA did was considered by the public as "not very nice" and got their publicly visible wings clipped in the Democraps leftward shift in the '70s. I remember encountering Richard Helms sneaking in a side door of the old Statler Hotel in DC. I loudly said, in my best Northern Virginia redneck accent, "Ah HAH! Richard Helms!", which earned we a wonderful dirty look! In any case, it was after that period that who was actually in charge, and what their actual agenda was, and in whose actual interests they were doing "stuff" now seemed to get rather amorphously nebulous, which I always felt was intentional. I do not think the CIA has been a friend of the American People for several decades now, nor does this revelation re: their connection/relationship with Fraudci do anything to disabuse me of this notion. There clearly are forces outside our sovereign boundaries that are coming out of the shadows and threatening to bring on a New Dark Age. The "interesting times" of the Old Chinese Curse. Sometimes, being really old is not a bad thing at all...

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Is it just me but COVID burnout here. People did something in another country, it was either purposefully release, accidental released and we covered it up. All the time we are funding the center that made the virus. While the virus did not kill us the medical treatments did. There is an ongoing investigation which is being done independently, but not through mainstream media because they got bought or blackmailed. None of the players who have been in on this from day one are prosecuted, jailed, held accountable. They are all covering for each other. In fact these people have been promoted, gotten book deals, entered private lobbying firms. They made bank and then some. No outrage, because, inflation, border, the collapsing of a society. Am I right?

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023

Ron Unz has a theory.

It is that a (possibly) rogue element of the vast US military-intelligence apparatus arranged to have the virus released in Wuhan during international military games held there.

The goal was to cripple China's economy. That goal was accomplished.

Interestingly, according to Unz, top Iranian leaders suddenly died of Covid-like symptoms around the same time.

If Unz is right, this whole calamity is the fault of the US.

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Just more proof there is no difference between our government and the NAZIs government. Back in the 50s or 60s the CIA was doing radiation experiments on retarded orphans in Massachusetts. And then there were the LSD experiments, and I'm certain many more we aren't aware of.

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