I'm listening to Steve Kirsch https://skirsch.io He does statistical analysis as well. He advises that we need to consider all cause mortality--not just reducing Covid deaths. For if we save the life of a Covid patient, but then another person dies from the vaccine, we haven't really saved any lives. This is a common problem when evaluating drugs and procedures in medicine. For example, a highly toxic chemotherapy drug will be applied. It is successful according to the measure of "reducing size of tumor." However, the patient's immune system was damaged by chemotherapy and, as a result, they died of pneumonia. They are still counted as a success. Kirsch reports that vaccines were not successful in reducing mortality in trials. This is the bottom line.

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the pfizer trial all cause deaths: 30:31, not significant different between placebo and vaxx!

did the vaxx kill enough to overcome the saved from covid.....?

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The so called six month data doesn’t show a reduction in all causes mortality, according to Team Kirsch.

The pivotal trial Pfizer ran to obtain EUA was fraudulent in my view, far far more exclusions in the vaccine arm vs control. That requires blinding to be broken & that destroys the trial integrity.

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it does not. neither does moderna.

i have read both studies and can confirm.


link to both about 1/3 of the way into this

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Yes the trial always seemed suspect to me also because there was so much info they didn’t provide. It was terribly written up - made it hard to analyse the validity of their analysis because of so much missing data. One must suspect that was for a reason, and that it was not a valid analysis or trial.

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This has been my greatest fear for a while. The virus evolves to become more virulent among the vaccinated, but the vaccine helps the vaccinated survive. Then that more virulent strain hits the unvaccinated, and deaths start climbing. Nobody in a position to do anything about it gives a sh*t, because, hey, their fault they didn't get the shot. Good luck even getting a hospital bed if there's triage. Scary.

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A "more virulent" coronavirus does not have any coherent mechanistic basis. Low doses are repelled with toll receptor detection and natural killer cells, higher dose challenges result in a cold. The virus gets what it wants (transmission) without killing the host even running with the dials "at 11." Severe disease from infection with SARS-CoV-2 seems to have more to do with previously primed inflammation / enhancement than with how "contagious" or "fast multiplying" SARS-CoV-2 is. Kids have no trouble with this virus, we should not be afraid of it.

The covid vaccinated do not have infection / transmission efficacy after 4 months and thus are not placing any kind of evolutionary pressure on the virus anyways. "Boosting" might re-accelerate pressure, but that still doesn't get to "more virulent."

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i do not think this is correct. the mechanism is clear and coherent:

it's what leaky vaccines that offer severity protection do.

previous examples abound, just not in humans because we've never used a leaky vaccine at scale before.

you should read this.


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I really, really hope you are right. I have an open bet about a dinner with Luigi Warren, he says Marek will hit first, me and Orwell2024 think ADE will be the clear winner. The data is signalling more towards ADE than anything else.

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Without boosting, you would already be guaranteed at least a draw. With boosting it's like the "Vaccine GoF" team gets multiple innings per round; we'll see if it makes a difference.

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With the “broken-through” vaccinated all challenging the virus with sub-optimal legacy spike antibodies, how is that not submitting the virus to evolutionary pressure and training it to evade or even utilize this response to its advantage? Yes, it’s all working out just swimmingly right now with some protection against severe disease, but what happens when the virus obtains the passwords it needs to hack the vaxxed immune systems?

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The residual. antibodies are not challenging / pressuring the virus after ~4 months. If anything, they appear to be aiding it in a sort of low-grade enhancement way that aligns with vanden Bossche's prediction - namely, they are disabling innate immunity (natural antibodies and Natural Killer Cells). As soon as mucosal IgA antibodies fade out, "sterilizing" immunity is gone and there is no more screening for antibody evasion (IgG humoral antibodies continue to provide protection against severe outcomes but do not impair transmission and thus do not place pressure on the virus).

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I agree with you, I think there’s a very logical process by which the vaccines cause an evolutionary pressure that may make the virus more virulent

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The coronavirus can't benefit from that logic. There is no mechanistic basis.

Herpes viruses dedicate the majority of their genome to sophisticated immune evasion timers that turn off after infiltrating various niches within the body, and even appear to enhance immune function against other viruses (to me; most of the research interprets this behavior negatively in spite of the fact that we're all walking around with these viruses all our lives and are perfectly fine). It is these sophisticated timer genes which get distorted by passage through "leaky" immunity, leading to unvaccinated host death.

There's nothing like that in the coronavirus phenotype.

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then how do you explain why the CFR of delta is spiking since vaccine fade started and that it's affecting the vaccinated and unvaccinated equally?

it's not ADE. it's not OAS. that would only be affected the vaxxed.

this looks to be vaccine mediated evolution to hotter strains.

delta is behaving in a completely new (and maladaptive in the absence of non-sterilizing but protective vaccines) fashion from other variants and variant jumps.

i very much doubt it's a coincidence

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I think cpalmer's figures above suggest a pretty steady impact on the unvaccinated in the UK, with the Covid vaccinated driving higher overall CFR by aging up the pool of infection-susceptible. (I've mentioned before that figures in the US are poisoned by shoddy reporting and an essentially murderous treatment protocol.) I agree there is no signal for ADE yet (except in driving more infection, but not severe outcomes).

Unless a virus phenotype includes immune evasion (sabotaging cellular immunity) / dormancy, I don't think Marek's applies. Coronavirus probably has intracellular immune evasion but this is not influenced by adaptive immunity, so vaccines can't futz with the dials. Otherwise, what exactly is the vaccine going to train the coronavirus genome to do? Make spikes faster? Again, I propose that it is already running with all relevant dials at 11.

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If the orchestrators of this fiasco were confident that the scenario you describe will play out, they would not be in panic mode trying to inject everyone now. They could simply wait patiently as the unvaccinated die off or yield to the jab. They are not confident at all. ADE is the ghost that haunts them and it is hot on their heels.

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Totally agree

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Even so, you're still at low risk of you're healthy and take the right supplements. Take you quercetin, zinc, C and D. Take IVM if you get infected. Don't wait to get really sick then go to the hospital. They will probably kill you there

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I live deep in a blue area, and I tried just to see if I could to get IVM via an online prescription. No pharmacy around me would fill it.

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I know someone who got it through Push Health. But I also know someone who recently had her prescription filled through Walmart 😺

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Go to a local naturopath. I'm in WA state and got a script that way.

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I got a prescription online, but no one would fill it.

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Buy online from India. It’s not a scheduled drug. No one cares if tiny quantities of a generic go vis the mail, it’s not heroin.

And much of the legal is made in India anyway.

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If you are in (deep blue) Colorado, try Strive Compounding pharmacy in Centennial.

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Buy it in the darknet. You can find it in whitehouse market.

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We were able to get it through Push Health and Honeybee Health online RX. It took about two weeks. FYI, Honeybee comes up in the dropdown when you have to choose a pharmacy. Most corporate pharmacies will not fill a script, and the local pharmacies that will fill one are usually out of stock.


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Two weeks isn't very comforting when it it's critical that you take it within two-three days of infection!

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If you have a script contact Honeybee directly. You don't need to go through Push.

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That's why you get a script and fill it before you need it.

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Vaccine driven evolution indeed. I have had this in the back of my mind for months and believe this is being driven by the vaccinated. We should have left well enough alone and let this thing burn out on its own while protecting the highly vulnerable. What a mess.

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Protecting the vulnerable yes and promoting good immune system and overall health for everyone. The only place we hear any of that is from the lunatic fringe of the banned, shadow banned, and soon-to-be-banned.

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Indeed. Taking care of the temples we were given!

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It's been clear since the beginning that the data has been ignored. Canada just announced that they will be requiring all plane travellers to be vaccinated, for both domestic and international travel, by the end of the month.

Does anyone still believe that there is an end to this? The restrictions, v passes, and new rules are obviously staying, no matter what the data says.

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I don't think it will end, no.

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Thank you. For this reason, I expose myself as much as possible and keep best known treatments on hand. Drug sensitive and exposed to enough covid to be seriously harmed by vaccine. 2020 was milder than 2021 when many friends got quite ill around me. Quercetin, zinc, C, D all worked for me but wouldn’t hesitate to do niacin flush, IVM, artemisinin (used China) if necessary. This is my immunization protocol. No side effects except better health. Also, critical to keep insulin levels in check. Noticeable blood sugar drops when fighting virus. Just my experience.

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Thanks info! Got that too in the arsenal but hadn’t done research yet.

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The lysine treatment observations on dose, interactions, were very helpful. Thanks again.

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By this December all of your questions will be answered and then some. ADE Season is going to expose a lot.

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Everything will be blamed on the vaccine-free. Nothing will be blamed on the vaccine or the vaccinated. Nothing.

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Yep. Just like the Church used to blame everything on "the Devil."

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If COVID goes Mareks-for-humans, you have a literal "endemic of the vaccinated" (no irony missed), yielding only two choices: (a) don't get vaccinated and die 100%, or (b) get vaccinated for a chance to live in exchange for perpetuating the need for the vaccine. It's a diabolical positive feedback loop for those seeking power and profits.

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My line's been drawn. I am never getting these injections. I've never been anti-vax and have always believed the #science, now having seen how the sausage is made? Never again. Ever.

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Ah, but pre-existing natural immunity should still work, because it targets many more proteins than just the spike. So catch covid now if you haven't already :-)

The treatments that work for the current variants should also still work, because they block viral entry into cells and block viral replication inside cells. So they will slow down the infection long enough for your adaptive immune system to kick in.

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Yes, and that’s why I’m not giving up my natural immunity acquired last Fall for a shot at “super synthetic immunity”.

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That's why I wonder why they insist on jabbing the virus recovered with Natural Immunity. Are they also getting sucked into perpetual subscription boosters? Too soon to tell...

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Here's some good news


"A friend in Israel is double vaccinated, 7 months ago.

His Covid pass was revoked this week as he didn't take the booster.

He did an antibody test yesterday. Results below: high antibodies.

But he can get his Covid pass back only if he gets the booster, which he doesn't need."

Well, the part about the antibodies recovering post jab+post breakthrough.

Having to have a booster now is total BS!

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Policy using science like toddlers under a moon made of cream cheese!

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And I thought is was swiss all along. ;-)

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Jabbing the folks who have naturally immunity is because they have a liability free cash cow and this was never about public health but revenue and social control.

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Good treatments exist provided you do some planning. 80%+ protection.

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Hi Dr. Yeadon, Just read your article on Daily Expose and I hate to be the grammar police, but there are a couple of typos in it. Check out the comments below the article.

I am going to try to post a link to it as much as possible as it's another great message that everyone needs to embrace.

Thanks for your efforts!


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It will be extremely difficult to separate vaccine-driven rise in lethality of the virus from potential vulnerability to death from all causes induced by the vaccine's harm to the health of recipients. If there is widespread damage in the blood vessels and heart and pro-clotting effects then that might leave people more vulnerable subsequent infection by a vascular disease even though they have some partially effective immune response. Worse, some such as Dr. Ryan Cole, point out that there is persuasive research showing lasting immune dysregulation due to the vaccine. I wouldn't want health 'authorities' to be able to sweep broad vaccine injury under the rug of enhanced covid illness.

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Hah! Exactly. How "clever" of them to make a vaccine that mimics the harm cause by the disease itself, so that they can always blame the disease for injuries caused by the treatment.

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I'm trying to understand why there is no re-evaluation of strategy in light of this data.

Given leaders looking at this data and realizing that in frightened haste they made an error by pushing vaccination beyond high risk groups, might this explain why they're now doubling down and pushing for 100% vaccination, even in low risk groups?

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because admitting that you not only did this but forced it is a political career ender and a company destroyer.

imagine what happens to moderna and pfizer and AZ if this is the case. sure, they have liability waivers, but what about reputationally?

what happens to health officials, presidents, and prime ministers?

would ANYONE who pushed this get to keep a job if it turns out they turned delta into mareks?

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I wondered what your answer would be. I'm pleased to find that my conclusions were not so far off. They'd rather sacrifice millions of people than their own careers and bottom-lines. I'd like to say I'm surprised, but, no, not really.

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i worry it's worse that that.

they are literally unable to admit to themselves that they did this. their own cognitive and emotional processes prevent it. to admit they did this, to know that they were responsible is flat out beyond consideration because they cannot countenance it emotionally.

they need not be psychopaths. just fragile humans trying to protect their self image. and those doing to will lash out viciously to prevent having to face a truth they do not want to.

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relevant to your comment about them not needing to be psychopaths. it's long but very interesting


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I think it was Upton Sinclair who called it:

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."

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I'll have to remember that one. How true.

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Thank you. I get your point and agree they will not likely admit an error. But they could have said we've protected the high risk groups and there's no need to go further, without any admission of error. If they're worried about the Mareks scenario, this might explain why they've pushing for 100% coverage in low risk groups. Do you agree?

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No, they would love to cull the unvaccinated. Synergistic effect with open borders.

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I see plenty of evidence for bad ethics and bad judgment but no evidence for a planned cull. Claims like yours without evidence cause the mainstream to view all vaccine critics as crazy people. You should stop. It damages the work of good people like el gato malo.

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I think it’s to be a depopulation event as well & I thought so long before we had any clinical data on vaccines.

40 years training & practise in life sciences has taught me that every single statement about hazards & mitigation has been utter lies from before lockdown #1 to today,

The coordinated abandonment of pandemic preparedness plans and adoption of stupid lies proves supranational organisation.

The entire vaccine design to mandates is all completely broken in every way & at every level.

The midazolam / remdesivir / ventilator murders are large in number.

70,000 more died at home due to fear of an overwhelmed NHS, which never happened.

Autopsies banner worldwide.

Ignoring dozens of peer reviewed journal articles on lockdown & masks so pretending they’re both still needed is obviously fraud.

Extreme use of PsyOps internationally.

VaxPass itself adds nothing to public safety.

No. This isn’t an occasion where incompetence replaces conspiracy.

The conspiracy is clear if you’re receptive, nothing theoretical about it.

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Right, our leaders are definitely NOT playing politics with people’s lives. They just want what’s best for everyone.

I’m not saying it was a planned cull (isn’t that hyper hypothetical at this point anyway?) but if there were one, it would be their dripping wet fantasy come true.

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Well, anything is possible, given Fauci and Milly are still emplyed

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Well said.

1)Would you not agree at his stage it's more of a civilization/culture destroyer?

2)How would someone throw a few bucks your way?

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Dr. Suzanne Humphreys wrote a book about the effects of vaccines. I had no idea how similar covid vaccine policy is to vaccine policy in general. For example, measles vaccine seemed to be losing efficacy. What do we do? We mandate 2 shots. And when 2 shots are not enough to control the virus? We mandate boosters. It is rare that vaccines are ever recalled--except when a better or stronger vaccine is in the works. If a virus decreases in morbidity--vaccines are successful! Seasonal variation, better nutrition, milder variants--never considered. Only vaccines will save us. And if they don't--why we double down. Because the propaganda asserts over and over--only vaccines can control Covid. Except they don't.

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Surely you don’t believe this is a natural phenomenon?

If it was, we’d have intervened only in high risk subjects. We’d never have gone near young people or pregnant women.

It’s not a mistake I. The wheel I realised I thug

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The government claims that is acting altruistically for the sake of public health. The main stream narrative is that covid is an exceptionally deadly infection (with 99.7 survival rate), that no one is immune (natural immunity proven better than vaccine immunity and even SARS Covi-1 survivors have some immunity), that it can be spread asymptomatically (asymptomatic people have a much lower viral load and are less likely to spread), that vaccines are safe (VAERS adverse events over 2 million and deaths 7000 or more but underreported), that vaccines are effective (efficacy decreases after about 5 months and 95% effective means relative risk not absolute risk which is about 1%), that hospitals are threatened by unvaccinated cases (hospitals are always at high levels of capacity and vaccinated also are getting breakthrough cases), that there is no effective medical treatment (https://flccc.net), that it is a moral obligation to get vaccinated, that lockdowns and masks work, etc..

I used to believe that if we could prove that public health would be improved with early medical treatment, and that vaccines are not perfectly safe and effective, we could challenge this narrative and start implementing better covid treatments and avoiding vaccine mandates.

But then I realized government and big pharma NEED vaccines and vaccine mandates. Two journalists from Breaking Points stated that Biden "authorized" vaccine mandates in a desperate effort to appeal to his base. Democrat voters actually like universal vaccine mandates because they believe it will lead to herd immunity, keep them safe. So it's good that we are challenging the narrative, but the government isn't motivated by concern over public health issues. Instead they want to remain in power, increase government surveillance in order to suppress dissent, and roll out universal digital tracking. Big pharma doesn't care that pregnant women and young children are suffering from vaccine adverse effects. Pfizer NEEDS childhood mRNA vaccines in order to gain legal immunity from liability. Current EUA vaccines are shielded from liability.. Comirnaty has FDA approval, but isn't yet mandated for children so it currently has liability in case of disability or death. Pfizer isn't distributing Comirnaty.

The childhood vaccine protection act gives all vaccines on the childhood schedule complete immunity from liability. Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci declared that this is the decade of vaccines. Endless vaccination for everyone with 2 or 3 booster shots per year will insure endless profits.

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"Comirnaty has FDA approval, but isn't yet mandated for children so it currently has liability in case of disability or death. Pfizer isn't distributing Comirnaty."

Not true i think. they ALL have liability waivers

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I'm not sure. The FDA authorization for Comirnaty stated that the Pfizer current vaccines and Comirnaty have the same ingredients and are basically the same vaccine. However, "the products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness." This is a quote from the FDA authorization.

There is a huge real-world difference between products approved under EUA compared with those the FDA has fully licensed.

Comirnaty is available in Europe, but not in U.S.


EUA-approved COVID vaccines have an extraordinary liability shield under the 2005 Public Readiness and Preparedness Act. Vaccine manufacturers, distributors, providers and government planners are immune from liability. The only way an injured party can sue is if he or she can prove willful misconduct, and if the U.S. government has also brought an enforcement action against the party for willful misconduct. No such lawsuit has ever succeeded.

…At least for the moment, the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine has no liability shield. Vials of the branded product, which say “Comirnaty” on the label, are subject to the same product liability laws as other U.S. products.

But licensed adult vaccines, including the new Comirnaty, do not enjoy any liability shield. Just as with Ford’s exploding Pinto, or Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup, people injured by the Comirnaty vaccine could potentially sue for damages.

And because adults injured by the vaccine will be able to show that the manufacturer knew of the problems with the product, jury awards could be astronomical.

Pfizer is therefore unlikely to allow any American to take a Comirnaty vaccine until it can somehow arrange immunity for this product.

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"At least for the moment, the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine has no liability shield"

that is not true

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Can you provide a url link to show that Comirnaty has a liability shield? My research shows that drugs for adults don't have this shield.

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It’s warfare.

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Apologies. No idea what the last few words were about. Possibly I fell asleep.

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The virus & vaccines have nothing to do with health, but totalitarian tyranny via VaxPass. That’s why not.

They want us dead. Allow that to soak in & you’ll find everything then fits perfectly.

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I keep trying to force my thoughts away from that premise but when you examine how fanatical Bill Gates is about "climate", it makes it difficult to not contemplate what his true motives are. His TED talk material from 2010 was trending on twitter last week where he made it clear the only thing "we" can control is population when it comes to protecting the planet.

It is my view that Gates is a psychopath with a messiah complex. He wants the be the person written about in history books 500 years hence as the man that saved the planet. The guy wants to shoot dust into the atmosphere to "shade the earth from the sun". He is a man with considerable means and is very dangerous.

James Corbett did a fascinating examination of Gates and his foundations which are not philanthropic at all (heavy investments in big pharma).


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Yes, I share your & Corbett’s thoughts on Gates, arguably the most consequential person alive today.

Could he & Schwab be enough to persuade those who own / run the world that this is the right time, right methods, right objectives in order to “fix” whatever is broken?

They’ve taken on an enormous task which could easily go wrong (so we hope!).

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I used to think the main goal was to get us to take the shots for some reason. Now I think the real aim is the vaccine passports. Further depopulation and money from vaccines may just be an added bonus.

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Thank you for asking this question. I was interested to see El Gato's answer.

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Don’t worry, the “leaders” neither study nor understand data.

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Meanwhile Australia is going full crazy... National Newspaper Headline this morning boldly stating "Catching Covid after you are vaccinated improves immunity - If you are fully vaccinated against Covid the next step to improve your immunity may be to catch the virus."

I guess it's just a subtle way to assert that the Vax won't help you...

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I'm in Australia and the outright BS the media, medical officers and politicians are saying is horrific and beyond irresponsible.

Sucks to be an Aussie at the moment.

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I hear ya. I’m all cosy in Perth but I’m horrified but what I’ve seen over in Melbourne and Sydney. Slightly worried they will spring a lock down on us if we don’t vaccinate quick enough for the powers that be’s liking. Not that we have any cases

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Almost like a conversation from Alice in Wonderland's Mad Hatter's Tea Party. "You don't want the virus it only has 99.7% recovery rate. Get the vaccine so you don't take that risk and mind the poison snakes and spiders in your shoes. Oh you had the vaccine, great try to catch the virus because science."

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Yes, it’s psychological preparation so people don’t kick up a ruckus when they catch Covid and wonder what the point of the vaccine was

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Boosters until you get the virus anyway, then boosters you don't need to go to a concert.

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Re: Marek's, I'd like to offer a counterpoint: smallpox took >100 years to eradicate with serial often ineffective immunization campaigns with no sign of this. Also, chicken immune systems are quite different than ours - closer to their "dinosaurs with feathers" origin - so not sure that would even apply.

The greater issue is continued suppression of data, especially around VE, masks, and therapeutics. I'm sure they're testing for it and if most or even >50% of immunized still had detectable antibodies, they'd be screaming it to the high heavens and across all channels that we're wrong. It's a further tell that they're allowing Merck's patent medicine to go forward now rather than before the 2020 election when phase I trials were published (e.g. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34450619/). It would not surprise me if Merck bought a seat at the table and the final approved form is a patented combo like, say, molnupiravir plus ivermectin.

And having said all that, I won't get started on masks, go read Colleen Huber NMD's excellent Substack for that.

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I'm no expert but from what I've read smallpox is incredibly stable. Respiratory viruses and coronaviruses are not. The reason that virus are supposed to attenuate over time is that lethal versions stop their spread when they kill their host. Marek's scenario involves continued spread despite increased lethality. Although we may never reach something as apocalyptic, vaccine induced partial immunity can be seen as turning some vaccinated into stealthy superspreaders with reduced symptoms. It is increased viral spread without impairing / hospitalizing carriers that leads towards increasingly dangerous variants being successful.

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Influenza is genetically v unstable.

Coronaviruses are pretty stable, changing 0.5% in 20months, which is an irrelevantly tiny amount.

The authorities have lied so as to persuade you variants are a huge problem yet they’re really not).

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What do you think is going on? Is this vaxx failure over time and not a vaxx miss?

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I’m not sure. I’m inclined to think the vaccines were never as good as they’d claimed.

Note that Doshi’s analysis challenged the legitimacy of far more subjects excluded from statistics out of the Pfizer group than the control group. If instead all the subjects remained in the trial per protocol the efficacy would then be 19%, not 95%.

Never passed the sniff test.

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getting a booster is expecting the thing to work by repeating the mistake.

toomuch vax injury risk, i will do vit d!

no booster, i am vaxxed with moderna, i am usually a vaxxer.

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I just looked at the PHE reports for Delta case and death data in the fully vaxxed versus unvaxxed from tech report 17 through tech report 23 ( about two-week intervals) to determine the CFR for the set data. This covers data from mid-June (when they first started reporting Delta data by vaxx status) through mid-September (when they discontinued reporting cases and deaths by vaxx status).

This is what I found:

Fully vaxxed...

All: 1.89/0.57/0.98/1.05/1.02/1.20

<50: 0.11/0.02/0.09/0.09/0.05/0.05

50+: 1.27/2.10/2.32/2.16/2.48


All: 0.27/0.15/0.30/0.43/0.40/0.50

<50: 0.08/0.03/0.05/0.08/0.08/0.09

50+: 11.3/5.61/6.96/7.58/6.50/8.38

There is some bouncing around, but there is definitely a trend upwards in both age cohorts of the unvaxxed and the fully vaxxed 50+ cohort. Is it an early signal of a Marek's effect?

We'll have to watch the UK Health Security Agency/COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report over the next few weeks to see if this trend emerges in the UK data.


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I would add the caveat that we really don't know if all of the deaths in any cohort for any report were actually from C19. They are "Deaths within 28 days of a positive specimen date". We also don't know what PCR cut off they used.

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Unvaxxed look pretty steady to me. Really good way of presenting the data either way.

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I agree that the numbers aren't terrible. This is just an analysis of the data set, which is a subset of the population. Delta is the dominant variant in the UK, so it probably represents reality on a population level.

I'm concerned that the unvaxxed <50 CFR is ticking up; but, yes, it is still pretty low. And we don't have co-morbidity, COD, or PCR cutoff data for anyone.

The CFR for the unvaxxed 50+ is high and seems to be trending up (despite the bouncing). This is a very small group of people. We can't assume they're anti-vax ne'er-do-wells. They may have health issues that prevented them from taking a vaxx, which has implications for their risk from the virus. I've always wondered if PHE controlled the denominator at the front end...only submitting a small number of samples from this cohort for genomic testing. While most of the population is vaxxed, the 50+ unvaxxed cohort is still a lot of people. Why would the most vulnerable group (50+ and unvaxxed) have the lowest number of infections? It doesn't make sense.

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Unvaxxed Covid deaths may in fact be the recently vaccinated, but vaccine-injured. There seems to be at least a possible handful of these, judging from the jump in deaths for teens - https://theexpose.uk/2021/09/30/deaths-among-teenagers-have-increased-by-47-percent-since-covid-vaccination-began/ . This doesn't take into account the fact that England didn't have a summer wave last year, but still, it's a potential signal. The same signal seems to appear after the double-dosed were declared "partially vaccinated" in Israel - a steady churn of deaths in the older cohort as the boosters were rolled out. Could just-dosed vaccine-induced deaths coincidentally preceded by a positive test account for the uptick in the overall CFR? We probably will never know.

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I agree with you that some C19 deaths are actually C19 vaxx deaths. Since the LNPs can and do travel all over the body and can persist in the tissues for an unknown time, the PCR tests could be detecting vaxx mRNA and the antigen tests could be detecting vaxx spike. This may explain the time compression in case, hospitalization, and death curves compared to 2020.

The "SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England/Technical briefings" break out data into five categories (Unvaxxed, Unlinked, <21 days post dose 1, ≥21 days post dose 1, ≥14 days post dose 2).

The deaths that Israel classified as "unvaccinated" (<14 days post dose 2) PHE would classify as partially vaxxed. I only compared unvaxxed to fully vaxxed.

While PHE provides better and more timely data than CDC (last year's data next year), there' still so much we don't know. Did these people...any of these people die from C19 or with C19...or did they die from something else entirely? We have no idea. How soon after vaxx did they become ill? How many co-morbidities? How high was the PCR cutoff? Which nucleotides were they amplifying and how many (1, 2, or 3)?

The CDC has updated the following page for months. Yes, some of the co-morbid conditions may be related to the viral infection. I still don't understand why injecting someone 2+ times with billions of copies of the instructions to make billions of copies of the spike...the very protein that makes this virus dangerous...that causes some of those co-morbid CODs...makes any sense.

"For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death."


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Ah - as ever, I am a shade off in my familiarity with the UK's charts. Israel, for their part, now (and retroactively) display anything post 1 dose to 3rd dose days 1-6 as "partially vaccinated."

mRNA doesn't even make sense from a perspective of generating functional adaptive immunity. Hence, why infection efficacy whiffed. But at least most people aren't getting 6x-dosed in one sitting. Emphasis on "most" https://openvaers.com/covid-data/covid-reports/1752999

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If the virus is evolving to have higher CFR, would this not be identified as *new* variants of concern? As I understand it, the UK is doing full sequencing of some fraction of test samples to discover new variants. The problem with CFR is it depends heavily on "C"... so if the testing gets tightened up to avoid false positives, CFR would rise.

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This is by far a better reason to get the jabs than anything I've heard from Fauci inc.

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But boosters are required. Every few months. For life. You really think the adverse events will escape everyone if that many doses are required?

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Another thought. If you are vaxed and get a breakthrough and recover, do you have full/robust natural immunity or still some sketchy synthetic immunity?

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Dunno. Somebody was bragging to me lately how he got vaxxed after recovering from unvaxxed Covid. I didn't give an opinion cause I don't know but I would have passed. Any data on that anybody?

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RanIsraeli has some numbers out of Israel where natural immunity seems to run at a 1-2% re-infection rate and those who got the vax are at slightly under 1% re-infection. The numbers are limited and it’s further skewed because Israel originally only administered one shot of Pfizer for those who already had COVID. Now with the greenpass, I’m unclear if they need another shot or another 2 shots.

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It's really thin on data for that. There's a study from St. Judes and they measured both S and N T-Cell immunity pre and post vax. Not enough sampling or subjects to be definitive, but something happened to 6 of the 10 subject with NI+vax that could or could not be an issue. Problem is if it looks bad, they'll probably "hide the ball", but right now no one is looking at it.

Look at slide S7, patient R9. Their Nucleocapsid T-cells are zero or near zero and both of the blood draws were post vax rather than 1 pre and 1 post.


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Maybe the unvaxed will get us to herd immunity before I get it.

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Maybe, but will they admit it?

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But, oh illustrious fellow fluffy one, it is my understanding that it is necessary to take into account the baseline rate of vaccinated and unvaccinated when calculating the VE. When calculating during the clinical trials, they would have had similar numbers in both groups (test group and placebo), but 90% of the individuals over 50s in the UK are vaccinated. So you need to look at whether the number of vaccinated cases (21,114), for example, is more or less than 90% of the total (22,941). In this case, 21,114/22,941 = 0.92, or 92%. So, from this we can say the vaccine is definitely not reducing the spread of cases in the over 50s, because the number of cases is the same (or even slightly exceeds) the baseline level of vaccination in the that age cohort. Whether the extra 2% really indicates the vaccine is slightly worsening the spread I am unsure - would depend whether it is statistically significant.

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