The assumption that law enforcement is competent is behind any conspiracy theory. It's just the insane level of incompetency that people cannot fathom.

The FBI shutting down their investigation immediately though raises a lot of red flags. That's not incompetence that is intentional.

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i have little doubt that no one will want to get to the bottom of this.

that said, i can also see the angle on "do not investigate this too hard if the results will show the teams to be rubes. that breaks the reputational deterrence they posses and invites future attacks."

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we will be able to tell what "the problem" was when he see how the SS handles these assignments in the future. Govt never admits a mistake, it just quietly makes a few changes. Video from the RNC shows that Trump's retinue is now 100% giant men, for example.

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We will be able to tell when we see who runs the SS--Pepsico or real men--and who gets hired as field agents: DEI hires or real men. Hopefully, in 6 months she'll be back at PepsiCo.

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Maybe someone competent from Anheuser-Busch 🤭

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I would try for Jack Daniels.

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I apologize for laughing at that, it was in poor taste (dodgy beer pun).

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She worked for Pepsi. Trump drinks Diet Coke. Vengeance?

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One must be on the lookout for misplaced loyalties!

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Trump drinks Diet Coke? There goes my vote

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Clearly. I've always thought that the run in 2016 was precipitated by a conversation in which, while hanging out with friends, someone said "he Donnie, I bet you couldn't get elected to public office" and he responded "yeah? hold my diet coke and watch this"

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Probably Trump private hires as Biden refuses extra SS support for the convention.

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Except Biden doesn't accept or refuse anything, really, does he?

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His handlers.

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Agree w/ private hires for the convention. SS detail parking cars.

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retinue - good word!

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Maybe in three years (ala Hunter laptop) we will learn what was on the shooter's phone.

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Remember, if it were up to the FBI, we still wouldn't know what's on that laptop. We know, because: private citizens

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and it will turn out to be Ashley Biden's diary.

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And the Tranny Manifesto written by the Covenant School shooter

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Or maybe not!

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It doesn't sound like you knew about this tidbit.

"These facts are coming out against the backdrop of information suggesting that Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle was put in her position at the request of Jill Biden personally. In short, she did not climb the ladder based on performance. She was promoted based on who she knew." https://open.substack.com/pub/andmagazine/p/trump-attempted-assassination-some?r=b84py&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email


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All the times I thought “how hard would it really be to get around government security?”


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Update to Hanlons razor: Always attribute to malice that which has continued too long to be explained by stupidity.

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And then there is this: “Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.” I have a feeling we are in this territory now.

Grey's Law.

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odd that incompetence is seemingly always rewarded isnt it?

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me too

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Yes Yuri! Agree.

BTW, I wonder, who owns AGR, and who is the CEO. It seems there may some interesting connections there. Hmmmm.

What are we not viewing all of the 1000’s of spectator videos?

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There are lots of connections made by various people on X. The building is owned by a glass company that specializes in making vials for vaccines. The CEO seems to have questionable connections.....

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the capability exists for those phones to be tracked and wiped without the knowledge of the owner.

At the level of stupidity and laziness, probably not done.

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the capability exists for those phones to be tracked and wiped without the knowledge of the owner.

At the level of stupidity and laziness, probably not done.

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the capability exists for those phones to be tracked and wiped without the knowledge of the owner.

At the level of stupidity and laziness, probably not done.

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or... Oh look, a squirrel!

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Or "It is logical to assume that incompetency could be engendered through malicious intent."

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Or "how many coincidences before coincidence is impossible?"

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Or perhaps: Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity, **or corruption**.

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Any ideas why in the photo his shirt is not full of blood. Ear cuts tend to bleed massively.

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As Jeff Childers put it in his post today:

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas — who oversees the Secret Service — conceded on “Good Morning America” yesterday that “a direct line of sight like that to the former president” should never have been possible. “That’s why President Biden directed an independent review of the incident,” Mayorkas quipped. By “independent,” the impeached Secretary meant a totally controlled internal FBI whitewash by the same field office that “debunked” the Hunter Biden laptop.

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Quis costodiet ipsos custodies? (Who will watch the watchers?)


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I understand that Special Prosecutor Jack Smith may be looking for a job.

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Incompetence does not mean there was no internal or external control/manipulation. In fact, an insider who knew what a fuster cluck the security arrangements were or were likely to be is something that clearly needs to be examined carefully...but very likely won't be.

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It only took one "inside" person with info or deliberately planning for a softness in the zone...or just looking away...or guilt by ommission.

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Like one head officer who says "It's too dang hot on the roof, we can see just as well and aim through these windows if we need to and the AC in here feels pretty good!"

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one word: Uvalde

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I was thinking same.

My husband and I talking about homes still without power in Houston. How trimming trees and asking for help somehow was skipped.

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That thought had occurred Saturday eve, over here.

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Exactly. If it was just an issue of " zone security ", incompetence could be a stand alone option. But, a BIG BUT, when you add in factors such as - ....by any means necessary, Trump cannot be...., or, that the shooter fits the profile - manipulated loner, drugged?, known to and used by intel agencies/operators, or that the shooter knew to access that location and have a ladder somewhere accessible -as if he was provided those details, pre-planning and prior scouting has never been a strong suit for impulse actors. There's a point where B.S. is an acceptable conclusion, without adding on the TOTAL LACK OF credibility of Fed investigating agencies.

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Whenever we do IT Security Refresher Training they always start with Physical Security.

It doesn't have to be too sophisticated if someone can just wander on in like they own the place.

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In this case...simply not looking up.

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THIS. This is what I keep thinking. The SS are highly trained and would know for certain that less trained and less experienced local small town cops not routinely exposed to this level of security would indeed cause a weak link, and the head of SS could easily take advantage of that if she wanted to, letting the cacophony of errors fall where they may and onto blaming local law enforcement.

I see how the “stupidity” angle can assuage a sinister plot, but only if the SS were stupid too, or if not then intentional.

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That's why there should be a SS agent at each zone location. Someone needs to coordinate the security. If the middle or outer zone discovers a threat, they need to immediately inform the inner zone so the VIP can be brought to a safe place. If they are not doing this, they are not security professionals. A SS agent would have told the local PD, "Yeah, its hot. So rotate your rooftop observers, but never leave the spot empty." Proper defense in depth requires communication between the zones.

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The SS is stupid was basically the point of this essay. Highly trained according to whom?? I saw video of an overweight woman that couldn’t holster her pistol, and 2 ponytailed women that seemed pretty much clueless, and they were the ones closest to trump. They also allowed trump to stand back up for the fist pump, before the threat was for sure taken care of, which while making great theater should have been a no go. We are an unserious country with unserious people at the helm.

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Gotta agree with you on this. The Ponytail Posse was classic Keystone Kops. “How do I get this thing back into its holster?” “Gotta get my shades back on so I look official!” “Which way did he go, George?” “I REALLY need to get into shape!”

It was ridiculous. The agent that appeared like she was trying to hide under Trump created a perfect head shot. And the rest of them dancing around the limo was…well, you know…the thing.

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If someone told me that was Melissa McCarthy, Tina fey and Kristen wiig filming a new movie called “Secret Service Chicks” I’d believe them.

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lol, like

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an aside..but shouldn't we Americans or anyone in the world really have a team or a division that can be shortened to "SS?" You would think we would have seen this coming. Like the UK when they decided to start a Krispy Kreme Klub to further promote those donuts in their country. These are not good ideas.

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You are the first person to say what I have been thinking this entire time. I used to work as a translator and one company had a T&A abbreviation in their text which I flagged and explained that would not fly for their target audience. They were of course pleased with my attention to detail.

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I don't even like the term "unserious" when silly or ridiculous works just as easily.Then again, I wasn't onboard with "incentivize" when "motivate" was already in our parlance.

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"The SS are highly trained..."

Facts not in evidence!

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I'm not so sure about Highly trained anymore....when it comes to any Government employees😁

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100 million % spot on!!

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Very true. And with this new info that gato shared from bravo kilo, all it would take for an assassination conspiracy is one of the local swat snipers to be in on it say "Whew! It's way to hot up here!" and effectively replace himself with the assassin...

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The FBI shut down their investigation? I did not know that.

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Like immediately shipping all the bent and burned steel from the collapsed WTC to China -- "Crime scene? Nah, best to just put it behind us."

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Totally agree with you!

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Tim’s Razor:

When government is the actor, Hanlon’s Razor is inverted.

I’m not being cute. I’m totally serious. Government incompetence is a feature not a bug. It’s ready cover for misdeeds. It’s invoked literally every time. We always hear, “mistakes were made.” As sentence without a subject. Maybe, only maybe, some low-level flunky gets put on leave or (gasp) fired.

And it’s always believed immediately because it’s always plausible.

But government does not deserve the benefit of the doubt. We must start with the base assumption it’s malice and start asking, cui bono. Proponents of incompetence theory deserve the full burden of proof here.

You’ve admirably taken on that burden, but you do not persuade. Your whole theory is based on the perspective of one insider on how things work. But I’m guessing you haven’t look very hard for insiders with a different perspectives, which likely abound. Your case relies on us assuming the whole thing is always a shit show with massive QA holes. Plausible yes. But I’m not convinced. This is basically “you had one job” level incompetence.

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i like Tim's Razor

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Thanks. I’ve been saying this for years. Basic pattern recognition.

Another reason it works so well is the everyone was propagandized all their childhood about “public servants,” and they just can’t believe they could be capable of such acts. People suffer severe emotional pain looking into the face if evil. They much prefer to pretend it away.

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Thanks. I only came to awareness that objective evil is here--it is not an abstraction any longer. So when KJP calls for unity----uhh no. Your side has unmasked itself.

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PS: Just back from Amherst. Beautiful countryside campus. Looks like a fine school academically. The young tour guide - Econometrics/CS double major; stepson plans to major in Math so a good match - was an absolutely wonderful ambassador for his school and its mission.

And I totally saw all of the, well, Evil of which you and Mr. V3 warned me.

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2nd thought--you were there outside of term time and saw the rot!

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LOL I suggested that to the fam.

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Sure is a beautiful countryside campus. Mount Holyoke has that as well (but not for your boy). Spent many happy hours in the Phi Gamma Chi house (w. the not-yet Mr. V3)--the white Greek "temple" upon the hill. immediately uphill from Emily Dickinson's home. V. glad you saw the other side clearly. Thx for message!

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Not that I think it's in the running but the 5 colleges are now a consortium and students can take a class - even at Holyoke or Smith - if they don't offer it at Amherst, although I imagine UMass is leveraged in this way the most.

I was impressed to know that Dickinson - the first woman undergrad at Amherst - and Robert Frost and Calvin Coolidge (Silent Cal's my Fave Prez of all time) are also alums.

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What do you think of Trump also calling for unity? I take it as a terrible sign.

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I imagine DJT is pleading for unity from Never-Trumpers and pro/anti vaxxers. Not from the left which has clearly now, if not before, unmasked itself—in Karen Pinder fashion.

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Maybe he's leading them on. But I'm seeing a repeat of last time, trying to make nice with people who only want him gone.

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I wasn't quite sure why so many famous professional actors aggressively loathed Trump. TDS? Were they conscientiously playing part/role then? Now I get it differently. They are insanely jealous. He has the best role ever and they also know and resent that he is the greatest actor ever. #MaybeOtherSecretServicesActedDeceitfully.

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you nailed it

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There is perception, and there is reality. At least back in the seventies there was some semblance of a veneer. but now its just laughable. Politicians pontificating about "saving democracy" through invoking tyranny.

And my answer is, if government is incompetent, then it is obvious what needs to be done. and that is remove them from the levers of power. Let individuals who are competent act independently. Since the government is so good at incomptence™ they should be in charge of identifying it and weeding it out.

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"everyone was propagandized all their childhood about “public servants,” "

I just flew from Baltimore to Harford CT and it seems (Pattern Alert) and it seems that the TSA selects for a certain type. This is not limited to race or country of origin. Nor gender... shall we say, certainty in more than a few.

Point being, they'll take just about anybody now, at all the alphabets. And I suspect it goes all the way down to the Assistant Front Desk Greeter at the Office of the County Dog Catcher.

There's just an absolute mess of them. We largely don't feel that we're getting the scope or quality of services we should for the taxes we pay for the bloated workforce. And they pretty much all understand their plight and will vote for the most progressive, socialist, and it seems (Pattern Alert) the authoritative actor available - as long as it makes them comfortable saying, "I'm Doing My Part!" *involuntary eye twitch*

It gives my the Flying Heebie Jeebies every time someone says, "I'm Doing My Part!" *involuntary eye twitch*

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They're nimrods...just say it...;]

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Razor Man, I'm with you and would take the childhood propaganda so much further than "public servants". "Greatest country ever", "heroes" (for every person who ever wore a uniform of any kind), "democracy". The list could go on forever.

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Watching TV really ruins people for how incompetent actual police work is. It’s not like CSI. They’re not doing meticulous detective work and lab analysis. Also your doctor is often less like House and more like the mechanic who’s looked at 50 other cars this week and isn’t all that invested in yours.

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Man- that's a clarifying point!

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“Government incompetence is a feature, not a bug.”. Behold, i give you the DOD Gaza Bridge…

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Oh GADS, I forgot about the "Pier"

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A bit tangential, but here’s another trick they constantly use to great effect.

They conflate evidence and proof. The aim is to set the bar at proof, so unless you have it all tied up, the conversation is over. Then they’ll just say “no evidence” a bazillion times, despite there being plenty of evidence.

This tactic worked especially well to knock back the stolen 2020 election theories. They had the advantage that it all had to be put to bed very quickly. And every journo robotically repeated “no evidence.”

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Hanlon’s only works when there’s trust involved. Like if I’m asking if my friend just forgot my bday or intentionally ignored it to spite me, I’m going with the former.

In all other cases, incompetence is people’s first defense when caught doing something wrong:

“I wasn’t speeding. I thought this was a 70 zone”

“I wasn’t shoplifting. I thought I paid for these”

“I wasn’t parking illegally. I didn’t see the sign”

We should have as much trust for our government as a police officer has for a suspect. Maybe it was incompetence/ignorance, but you wouldn’t automatically take them at their word, because it’s literally what they all say.

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Or at least not distrust. I might give a total stranger the benefit of the doubt. But, as you kinda hinted at, government is no stranger to us.

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Brilliant insight and explication. Tim’s Razor it is

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"It’s ready cover for misdeeds."

Create more Noise than Signal.

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"It’s ready cover for misdeeds. It’s invoked literally every time. We always hear, “mistakes were made.”"

Like with the FISA warrants. "Mistakes were made." Yes... and 100% of them went *against* Trump. Mathematically impossible to be random. Ditto here. EVERY alleged security failure went *against* Trump.

AND, if it *was* just massive incompetence, why has no one, most of all the f'n Director, been fired?

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I'm not buying incompetence. Why was RFK, Jr denied Secret Service protection? Are you suggesting that seemingly every other area of the government, including the FBI, has been weaponized against the Democrat's political opponents, but not Secret Service?

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I think personally I would feel safer without the protection of these people. Both his dad and his uncle were murdered surrounded by security.

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RFK had no SS detail when he was murdered. His protection was Rosie Grier and 3 other professional athletes. The assassination was a CIA backed MK-Ultra candiodate and an ex-con security guard who was the genuine shooter.

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SS is under Homeland Umbrella along with all the other alphabets. FBI was prosecuting him, CIA - well, whonose what they do? Black Rock or third party? Just as easy, still under the Umbrella. Take ya pick.

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First let's disassemble the DHS....

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Yes. Think Big.

The Alphabets - all of the other Alphabets - ¡AUFERA!


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I have seen reports that the USSS detail was mostly substitutes drawn from surrounding areas. The primary team was off, and the best of the rest were assigned to FLOTUS that day. I can imagine how botched everything can get. But I am still puzzled at one thing - how did they get a near-instant DNA match of someone with no criminal background and, seemingly, no digital footprint. Still fishy.

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They must have called his handlers at the CIA.

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Good one

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