"I don't rape women. I hold a knife to their throats and ask them to have consensual sex with me."

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The brainwashing is so complete in these people I'm not sure they can ever be reasoned with.. I had a neighbor say my state (FL) governor and Surgeon General should be killed.. How do you work with that?

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To assume anyone who is for apartheid is naive, misstaken, good intentioned is wrong. These people are evil. Evil lives inside each ordinary person, we try daily to supress it. Most are not siccessful in harder times.

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oh, it is just another Karen. May be we should do the opposite - lock up all the vaxxed lab rats so the UNvaxxed can live their lives as usual.

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If you keep taking things away until they say "yes," it's not a choice.

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the covidian cult are now a bunch of hive minded idiots...covid covid covid...fear fear fear. We went from the scare tactics fomenting a war on communists (a red under every bed) who were coming to take our freedoms, to War on Drugs while drugs were being funded and brought into the country by secret arms of the military industrial complex, to terrorists (created, funded and armed by the secret arms of the military industrial complex) coming to take our freedoms, to war on a virus that is coming to take our lives. Wars are business and look who is getting richer. We are living through a global fascistic financial coup to destroy every nation's economy so that globocap can build back a better prison for us plebes...one where they will never have to worry about us rising up against them. First they need to reduce the population until it is more manageable I think...at least if we listen to Gates and the rest of the eugenicists.

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1938 Germany. Congratulations Karren Brady and might I add, “You Are No Lady” !! You are a Nazi.

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"So we can live our lifes" sound very funny when you know so many vaxxed people which do their own testing when they meet friends (who are also unvaxxed) and are in so constant fear that they live a life of virtual lockdown.

They can go shopping, good for them. Here in Germany the shops complain that nobody shops anymore, even so the unvaxxed are forbidden to enter.

All those columns on how to mistreat the unvaxxed are just justification for their own fears, which they think is a rational fear of Covid, but is just an irrational fear of life.

Sad people.

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FYI, she's getting hammered in the comments. :)

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The elitist speaks incoherently. The vaccines work, which is why the vaxxed can't go about their lives as long as there are unvaxxed out there.

The elitist has learned a talking point she thinks is a winner, because the elitist can't think for herself. But the elitist sure can feel and mindlessly spouting this kind of unscientific nonsense makes her feel seen and important.

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We can’t force vermin to get gassed, but we can force gassing refuseniks to live a far more difficult, inconvenient, and restricted life, one that will be more expensive because of mandatory delousing.

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Everyone, reply to anyone who is pro mandate and post this.


Because you are pro-mandate, read this aloud and post this on your wall:


I, <their name>, pledge my allegiance to vaccine mandates.

We the vaccinated believe that those who do not receive the vaccine must:

1) lose their jobs

2) be barred from government assistance so they cannot provide for their families

3) be unable to travel

4) be denied life-saving medical care, and

5) be restricted from interacting with clean people like us in public places.

I am vaccinated and clean. I am willing to hold the unclean down forcibly and stick a needle in their arm. I would rather see them die than live as disease vectors among us the clean, the vaccinated.

We, the clean, believe the Final Solution is forced vaccination or removal of the unclean.

We believe this despite the fact the vaccine has been proven ineffective at stopping spread, and despite the fact in healthy children and adults the risk of death from the virus is less than from choking on food. Those unvaccinated who have recovered from the virus and thus have much more durable immunity than that from the vaccine, are also unclean.

This isn't about science. It's about our faith in the vaccines, the pharmaceutical corporations, and the politicians and bureaucrats who have only our best interests at heart.

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I hate to sound "catty," but this one is clearly a "Lady" in name only. What a nasty woman.

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And in the photo there is a professionally made sign (anybody know who paid for it?) that says "EVERYONE CAN SPREAD COVID"

These people don't even bother to understand the implications of their own slogans.

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"Make the unnjabbed face their own lockdown so we can live our lives."

Fascinating. If the statistics are correct, those "lives" will be incredibly short. The ignorance is glaring.

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In a rare moment of clarity and honesty, The Lancet has published this, stating that there should be no categorizing of jabbed vs unjabbed because both can get CoVid, transmit CoVid, get sick from CoVid, and die from CoVid. Jabbed vs unjabbed is simply a way to divide people, increasing the tension and risk of violence.


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How about we put vaxxers, vegans, climate change loonies, socialists, identitarians in camps just for them, then they can have the perfect society they desire - and we can then get on with the rest of our lives.

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Hopefully this kind of ethical system gets mocked and ridiculed in kittengarten: "look what Lady Karren dragged in!"

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if they like needles so much, I wonder what their appetite is for lead projectiles.

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Let's all agree that, assuming we get through this somehow, these people will never be forgiven and we will never forget what they did. Let's make it a solemn vow. I want to see prison terms, I want to see huge punitive fines, I want to see people being driven from public life with all of the opprobrium we can muster. I don't want reconciliation with these people. I want to walk past Karen Brady on a London street and say 'You're a scumbag, Karen Brady' and know that others will chime in: 'He's right, Karen Brady. You're a scumbag.'

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fascist and ignorant. what a way to exist.

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Not an ethical system so much as a flavor of subjugation.

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It’s almost like people think they’ve never been exposed to the virus and that the only way they ever will is if they come in contact with an “unjabbed”; like there’s no way anyone they know or who’s jabbed can infect them. It’s willful blindness and a complete lack of faith in their own choice to be vax’d and the effectiveness of that choice to offer them protection. So to cover for their insecurities, they need for everyone to validate their choice by making the same one. It’s a psychosis.

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Apparently Lady Karren Brady doesn't know that the jabbed can still get and transmit COVID and die from it. If only they could read and understand....

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Seems she has locked her account. I wonder why?

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Karen's tweet won't age well.

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This is genocidal and very scary.

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Karren Brady's agent can be emailed at gordon@gordonpoole.com . You may wish to congratulate Karren for her remarks, or you may not.

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I don't think Karren (aptly named) is getting the response she desired on that post. Thankfully.

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Her confidence in the efficacy of her vaccine shines forth in every word.

But honestly, I don't believe that's the problem here. Many people seem to have forgotten that living their lives in not something they need permission for. They see the unvaccinated as standing between themselves and freedom because that's what they've been told by their leaders, not because they're still scared of covid and have realized their vaccines are worthless.

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Webster's definition of mental illness:

Any of a broad range of medical conditions that are marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of personality, mind, or emotions to impair normal psychological functioning and cause marked distress or disability and that are typically associated with a disruption in normal thinking, feeling, mood, behavior, interpersonal interactions, or daily functioning.

In particular, these people have Mysophobia -- an extreme and irrational fear of germs, dirt, or contamination that becomes overblown and disruptive to everyday life. People with this affliction need psychiatric help.

Do not give validity to people who think this way. Have compassion for their illness, but confront it when you see it. They must be forced to face their psychosis.

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Why try to reason with someone so hateful, who probably in the near future will have more medical problems than it can imagine. Hospitals & funeral homes are bulging with vaccine related thrombosis & death. Make sure your will is updated!

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Brady is as thick as mince, and just complying with the dictates of the mob. These people are beneath contempt.

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How is it that I, an American, know more about the UK Health Security Data than members of the British media, government, and public? It astounds me.

I'm currently in twitter jail for saying that I wanted to smack Jacinda in the face ;)...otherwise I go troll this idiot and, perhaps, educate some of her followers. I'll have to wait until Friday, I guess.

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I recently learned the original definition of Refusenik. Interesting choice of term to use….

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Social conditioning, the long slow march to transhumanism. Programmable people.

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coerce (v.)

mid-15c., cohercen, "restrain or constrain by force of law or authority," from Old French cohercier, from Latin coercere "to control, restrain, shut up together," from assimilated form of com- "together" (see co-) + arcere "to enclose, confine, contain, ward off," from PIE *ark- "to hold, contain, guard" (see arcane). The unetymological -h- was perhaps by influence of cohere. Related: Coerced; coercing. No record of the word between late 15c. and mid-17c.; its reappearance 1650s is perhaps a back-formation from coercion.


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People like this have suffered permanent psychological damage. If this whole covid thing blows over, which I doubt, we'd still be left with hundreds of millions of people such as this. They are going to be a liability until they go into the ground.

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Ah, she must be the original "Karen"!

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I think this was an own goal, somehow. That yellow poster cannot be ignored. Pictorial messaging is powerful and gets those subliminal juices working. It will start doing it's work. Juxtaposed with her crazy rant, some of the less captured slumberers must surely start to stir and wonder what's amiss.

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Heartening to see the comments on her tweet, which are now up to 8k. She is being hammered for it.

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Lady Karen says. These aristocrats have been handing down edicts on us peasants since the dark ages.

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Fuck this brownshirt cunt, have fun competing cupcake

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this is appalling. I am sickened by these people.

I love you, smarty kittykittenpants. 😽

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Weak minded followers. The same type that looked the other way in germany circa 1941

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Nice ratio. Think she'll get the message? Not likely.

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That ratio is GLORIOUS!

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