"I don't rape women. I hold a knife to their throats and ask them to have consensual sex with me."

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"No jab, no job."

"No pussy, no paycheck."

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This needs to be posted everywhere.

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Well done!

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Brilliantly said.

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The brainwashing is so complete in these people I'm not sure they can ever be reasoned with.. I had a neighbor say my state (FL) governor and Surgeon General should be killed.. How do you work with that?

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You cannot reason a man [woman] out of what he [she] never reasoned himself [herself] into. - Jonathan Swift.

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Thanks, but i don't need the woke pronoun bullshit.

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Fantastic quote! Thanks.

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You can't because they are so deeply hypnotized that they are no longer capable of the most basic reason or logic; in fact, logic and facts are terrifying to them because once they allow even the tiniest bit, it starts the slippery slope to looking at evidence and using reason, and their whole fear addiction and belief system will fall apart, threatening their membership in the death cult. Irrationality and absurdity are an important part of the propaganda psyop, not a bug but a feature, so there is no countering it with truth. The psychosis demands ever more irrational justifications.

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bang on!

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Clipped w/o cite “ The emotion of fear brings about the attention to be cautious and observant prior to any decision making. Once all the risks are analyzed, we then move forward with a decision. Sometimes that process is quick and sometimes it’s antagonizing. When we don’t know the risks, our fear can often lead us away from rational thought. It’s this pathway that leads us to make decisions from a purely emotional perspective.”

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Sounds like a threat to me. Force prosecution on them. You know very well if a certain demographic individual said this about certain other groups, they'd already be arrested.

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Can’t like that - can’t work with that either. Their recovery from state sponsored propaganda is between them and God (their higher power, innate knowing, whatever). Frame it however you like but it’s an inside job.

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Arm yourself for when they say you should be killed.

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A "ClueBy4" comes to mind. Just saying ...

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And, haughty as well.

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You can't.

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To assume anyone who is for apartheid is naive, misstaken, good intentioned is wrong. These people are evil. Evil lives inside each ordinary person, we try daily to supress it. Most are not siccessful in harder times.

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The sustaining force behind this covid mania is widespread sociopathy, with everyday sociopaths identifying with the aggressors.

Everyone, no matter how evil, believes that they are in the moral right.

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I want to expand upon this because I'm overcaffeinated this morning.

Sociopaths are unhappy people who seek to dominate. Sociopaths can be found in all walks of life. Yes, a serial killer is a sociopath, but a sociopath can also be a milkman, a surgeon, or -- hard to believe -- a politician.

There will always be sociopaths, but as a result of the breakdown of the traditional units of order -- family (nuclear and extended), church, local benevolent organizations -- our society has far more sociopaths than just a generation or two ago.

Coming out against the unvaxxed is a way for these everyday sociopaths to try to satisfy their aggressive impulses (although such impulses can never be satisfied, but that is for another time). They see the state dominating and terrorizing people, and they like it. They want to be a part of that dominating and terrorizing.

That is what is driving them, which is why you cannot persuade them with arguments.

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Been sending out emails lately calling myself a 2nd class citizen to family and friends. Somewhat effective.

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I posted this link above, but just in case you missed it, check this out. They’re not going to change. Every generation and every conflict will be forced to deal with these miscreants and malcontents


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Sobering article.

I hope that it does end badly for them, but I am afraid it is going to end badly for us. Regardless of the eventual outcome, the die has been cast, even if we did not cast it. There is no reasonable option at this point other than to fight.

During this struggle, contemplate what Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wrote in his previous book: "From my youngest days I always had the feeling that we were all involved in some great crusade, that the world was a battleground for good and evil, and that our lives would be consumed in that conflict."

One thing this struggle has blessed us with: moral clarity.

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Yes, and has been since the beginning of the Earth, sadly, re the battleground for good and evil.

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Arden is a product of WEF/Klaus Schwab. As are Trudeau, Macron, Leanna Wen, Nicki Haley & others. We need to study his list of proteges & expel & keep them out of public office. To borrow from the woke: bamn!

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I would also argue that the extreme softness of our (western) lives has increased the sociopathic (don't know much about this as a subject and can't claim any expertise) and/or the aggressive tendencies.

As in, there is an actual level of friction that is needed in life--both physically (think lifting weights to get stronger) or emotionally, intellectually, logistically, etc. So much of society has been trying to de-frictionize every corner of life for the last couple decades (or forever, maybe), that I wonder if there isn't a reservoir of untapped OOMPH that, like you say, is coming out against the unvaxxed, in vehement opinions and rash statements (I have acquaintances who say "hey, if they [the unvaxxed] all die, life will just be better for the rest of us"). There is an unmet desire to EXERT that the cushy-living person who just plays on their phone all day--ordering this and that, delegating the daily exertions of mere living to the lesser folk that work in warehouses, on farms, building houses, mopping floors, etc., who thinks sweat is only legit if it is in a fancy gym or in an expensive pair of sneakers or yoga pants--exercises in their casual hate/shunning/shaming/bad-mouthing/virtue-signalling. And they've learned to not only disdain actual, healthy friction, but to fear it.

But it's not enough. Which you also said.

Nice post.

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I think you are right. Consider pressure on a "system", too - it's going to blow at some point.

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Yes and scary to realize that the state is egging them on.

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That's what frightens me the most. The unvaccinated, like Jews in 1930s Germany, are being associated with being disease carriers.

As someone wrote above, this is no accident. Pray and prepare for what is coming.

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Yes, it's part of the de-humanizing like was done to the Jews process. If they can frame you as 'less' or 'dirty' or 'other' then it's much easier to treat you like an animal.

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The cowardly state has weaponized its citizens to become woke warriors using COVID as the catalyst. And the citizens who wear the woke mantle are righteous, arrogant and stupid, guaranteeing their malevolence.

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Some thot-provoking points… The narrative has the corner mkt on fear.

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You are right. They are high on the power and "righteousness" they have.

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Thank you for using your overly caffeinated brain and sharing your wisdom. My head thinks it is still on my pillow, even as I am tread milling. Happy Monday

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No one is the antagonist in their own story....forget which author, a woman, said this...

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oh, it is just another Karen. May be we should do the opposite - lock up all the vaxxed lab rats so the UNvaxxed can live their lives as usual.

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...totally psycho... she was probably adamant about non-gmo ‘clean’ food PreCVD... then, pivoted to the latest fashion in virtue signaling... zero brain activity detected...

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She doesn't *eat* GMO's. But she's fine being one. Look, there's no contradiction: eating is different from being. Right, Karren?

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look how well the pfizer jabs worked from the very beginning. that should be proof the lab rats INDEED need locking up

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Yes, my husband downloaded it and has read me snippets, which was all I could take. But I'd like the "scientists" locked up.

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If you keep taking things away until they say "yes," it's not a choice.

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the covidian cult are now a bunch of hive minded idiots...covid covid covid...fear fear fear. We went from the scare tactics fomenting a war on communists (a red under every bed) who were coming to take our freedoms, to War on Drugs while drugs were being funded and brought into the country by secret arms of the military industrial complex, to terrorists (created, funded and armed by the secret arms of the military industrial complex) coming to take our freedoms, to war on a virus that is coming to take our lives. Wars are business and look who is getting richer. We are living through a global fascistic financial coup to destroy every nation's economy so that globocap can build back a better prison for us plebes...one where they will never have to worry about us rising up against them. First they need to reduce the population until it is more manageable I think...at least if we listen to Gates and the rest of the eugenicists.

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You may want to revise and extend your comment because unfortunately, the war on communism is close to being lost. It was my Boomer generation that joked mockingly of reds under the bed. For all his faults, Senator Joe was right about Uncle Joe. The communists DID have a long-term plan for undermining America consisting of destroying the family, pushing sexual perversion, replacing beautiful art and architecture with post-modernist, brutalism. Sixty short years after the 1960's, the Boomer academics have managed to subvert academia and the schools of education.

Yes, the war-mongers and deep staters have managed to monetize all the wars they have pushed. They have also been the useful idiots that Lenin said would sell the communists the rope to hang themselves.

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China (deeply Communist) has infiltrated every aspect of the US. We are at war with them. The Wuhan Institute is a bioweapon lab. That's its purpose! Thanks to funding from Fauci (our taxpayer money!) and scientific help via Ralph Baric at UNC at Chapel Hill, the China are experts now at Gain of Function. The virus was intentionally released to stop Trump from being re-elected. It also culled the elderly from Chinese society, put down the Hong Kong protests And destroy the US economy. Notice there were several SARS leaks from the Wuhan Lab prior to 2019 but the Chinese had zero problem containing them. Then in 2019, SARS-2 (COVID-19) but they just could not contain it. They shut down domestic flights and encouraged international flights to spread the virus.

Fully one-third of Chinese students enrolled in US college are agents of the PLA. They have infiltrated the FBI, CIA, and all agencies of govt.

China's long term goal is a Global Communist Empire by 2049. Enabled by the Faucis, Gateses, Klaus Schwabs of the world.

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Isn't China really a Confucianist/Communist/Capitalist hybrid?

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Are you saying that communists/communism won? I think you are confusing globocapitalism/imperialism with communism, which has never existed as it was posited by Marx/Engels except maybe among a few tribal groups. I find that many people confuse communism with fascism and I think that is by design.

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You implied that the "red under every bed" was a scare tactic. You should read Whitaker Chambers "Witness" and the Venona Tapes. The FDR administration had dozens (if not more) literal Soviet spies. This is not even disputable anymore. Tailgunner Joe was not wrong about the Soviet threat--as was obviously made clear with their hegemonic designs that only began to collapse in 1989.

Now, nobody would argue that anything like Marxist-Hegelian communism is ascending currently. The collectivist impulse is a subterfuge employed to imbue our young with emotionally attractive notions--and, importantly, to teach that capitalism is evil. These young people are truly useful idiots for all manner of corrupt and powerful tyrants. What I am saying is that it was a communist-inspired anti-capitalist playbook that served as the guide for undermining the capitalist western powers.

You are, of course, familiar with the Lenin quote, "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." We've given him 60 years now.

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Do you see yourself as a capitalist? I don't know you so maybe you are, but to be a capitalist one must control wealth and capital. Communism (the control of the means of production by the workers who produce) is many times confused with communitarianism, a rather pernicious "woke" ideology that is prevasive today that posits no one should "own" anything. But those telling us "you will own nothing and you will be happy" don't tell you that THEY will own everything and rent it out to you if you comply with their orders. That is a neo-feudal fascism, not communism, and is the result of global hegemonic capitalism that is in the process of resetting itself now..

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"Neo-feudal fascism" is as good a term as any for what's going on today. We've reached at least one order of magnitude above what we used to call crony capitalism. Only the barest of a fig leaf of capitalism remains. As I said, communism is nothing more than a tool to inspire mal-educated idiots to tear down what they could never build. All this is done at the behest of rapacious lords atop the heap whose wealth can insulate them from the chaos. Wokeness is nothing more than another tool to foment strife between the groups who are being exploited--and to provide a raison d'etre for the lesser 'elites' who manage things.

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Again confusing "wokeness" which I would also call communitarianism (putting the "greater good" or the good--- according to a top down authority-- of the community before the sovereign individual) with communism, which is really only about workers controlling the means of production in an economy. It is this wokeness or communitarianism that has people tearing down statues as if that will get us to equality and rid us of racism or sexism or whatever ism they consider "evil." Marx posited that communism would be reached when the state itself withered away because there was no need for people to be governed and there would be no top down government. Of course we have never seen that and do not know how or if it would work...China is capitalist with a socialist facade, Russia is straight up capitalist and even Cuba which is the closest to actual socialism has never disposed of its top down government) Capitalism has moved way beyond cronyism to corporate capitalism and the Italian brand of fascism, when the government is controlled by the corporations...when corporations govern. And today, the INTERNATIONAL corporations have more wealth and control than nation states. Communism is not a tool. It is an ideology, a theory that has never been put into practice in an industrialized nation. If there are billionaires and if there is a top down government it is NOT communism as Marx theorized. I am not an expert on Marx by any means, but I have read enough and been involved in discussion groups around Marx's theories to know that woke-ism is not the communism Marx posited. It's beginning to look like he was missing something in his theory. however..maybe he did not foresee the technology we have today and the experiments in brainwashing that have been at the forefront of the 20th century. You hit the nail on head though about liberal "woke" ideology now being used to divide people instead of unite us. Funny how easy it was to flip the left (who were supposed to be struggling for equality and power for the people) to become totalitarians and side with the very corporate entities (Big Pharma and the deep state), they said they were fighting against in the past. Yep, it's been a real shit show.

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I hope you have read Diana West’s AMERICAN betrayal.

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Yes, and The Red Thread

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Who cares? Communism, Socialism, Marxism, Fascism, does the difference really matter when you consider the end result?

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Guttermouth: Communism is socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes. This does not mean that people will not own anything. It applies only to the means of production of resources and goods. So once communism is acheived, a top down government withers away. "Withering away of the state" was coined by Friedrich Engels referring to the idea that, with realization of socialism, the social institution of a state will eventually become obsolete and disappear as the society will be able to govern itself without the state and its coercive enforcement of the law....communism will have been reached. Therefore, it has never been successful. Communism as Marx posited never came about. Is that because the countries that had successful socialist revolutions were/are under constant threat from super powers in the US and allies? We need only look at Cuba, Vietnam, Nicaragua and wonder how the revolution might have progressed if they were not constantly having to protect themselves from outside hostile forces and deal with crippling sanctions in trade and so forth.

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Except that EVERYTHING is a means of production of some good or other, which means that in fact people WILL end up not owning anything, unless you explicitly exempt certain classes of property from "common ownership".

You car? Means of production of transport services, farming, etc. It now belongs to the State, comrade.

Your kitchen? Means of production of baked goods. Also belong to the State.

Your phone? Can be used to produce movies - digital goods, comrade! Phone now belong to the State.

See what I mean?

"Communal ownership" only works when it is ACTUALLY a community, and the goods are owned by individuals who voluntarily share -- "yeah mate, you can borrow my chainsaw, you don't mind if I nick your barbie next sunday when the family's over?"

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I do have a question...what and who is the STATE you reference? Again, in the theory of communism (which no country has been able to achieve) the state itself withers away and the people govern themselves. So no I don't see what you mean. We have not had a socialist revolution. The proletariate has not seized control of the means of production. These all must happen before a revolutionary government works towards communism. This idea that in the future "you will own nothing and you will be happy" that is coming from the World Economic Forum and the neoliberal uber-capitaist class is not communism. But if you want to believe it is, fine. I am not arguing for communism so your use of "comrade" in an attempt to demean what I am saying is misplaced. I am simply correcting your misconception of what Marx's theory of communism is. You cannot say what would happen since no one has completely carried out the experiment. But if we the people overthrew the government and the workers took over the board rooms of the factories they work in, it would be up to the workers to hammer out a path forward without top down authority. I wonder if we the people are up to governing ourselves or if we secretly want someone to tell us what to do. What do you think?

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You know, I think you are right. In all cases, the common man usually is the one who suffers or dies, not the elites.

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It matters within the narrative to understand the differences as to how we are being propagandized

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Authoritarians gonna authoritarian. Doesn't matter which excuse they use as both use the same propaganda & enforcement tactics.

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So what you're saying is, real communism has never been tried?

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You are correct. I went to a Catholic university in the mid-80s. One of the requirements of freshman was to take a seminar led by a graduate student, who was given freedom to teach whatever he desired.

Howard Zinn was required reading and we were subjected to lecture after lecture denigrating the history of the US and its founding. Mid-way through the class, we asked him if he was a communist and he answered in the affirmative. I had no idea of knowing that we were one of the first to undergo this communist technique to deracinate a people from its history.

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Unfortunately the pendulum always swings too far before it heads back the other way...on both sides. Everything can be used to propagandize us for an agenda. We must use our thought processes to discern for ourselves by thinking instead of believing what we are told, no matter who is doing the telling. But we should never be afraid of ideas and theories...no idea or theory should be censored. "Don't follow leaders and watch your parking meters"

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Not the "boomers" - the "silents". The McCarthy hearings were in 1954; the oldest "boomer" would have been about seven at that time.

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Agree with most of your comments but would like to say that this feels like Communism to me (not fascism), based on my research of their comments and plans since the early 1800s.

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As I wrote to Guttermouth, communism as posited by Marx/Engels is a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes (one class ruling over another). This does not mean that people will not own anything, but under communism no one person would be able to amass trillions of dollars off the backs of others. No one who has to do actually work or pay others what the work is worth in terms of production can amass riches like that. For instance, the wealthy plantation owners in the Southern US could never have been able to support their lifestyles without slaves who worked for nothing. They would have had to do the work themselves or pay a fair price for the labor. Rockefeller could never have amassed his fortune if he did not EXPLOIT the labor of others. Now we all know that these empires are not acheived by worker exploitation alone. There is always murder and theft involved as well. If anyone stands in the way of these people, they are wiped out, displaced or just taken from (stolen)...and since the laws were/are writ even from the beginning by and for the wealthy, the law ultimately serves the wealthy. Rulers fear above all else uprisings of the peasants/people and the ideas of communism have been demonized and propagandized to keep us from considering the theory of a classless society of people who govern themsleves. The theory of communism/socialism also has been twisted into the communitarianism we are seeing today, where we are asked to give up our liberty and individual sovereignity for what we are told by "authority" is the common good or the greater good, a trope used by the Nazis. We are told not to be selfish and then made to feel sanctimonious when we join the herd and obey. That's not communism, but I do think there is social pressure like that in China (don't know for sure because I am not Chinese no have I been to China, which is not communist at all because it has a top down government and billionaires. Anyway, I am just trying to make the distinction between what communism is in theory and what we is being pushed on us today. What are your thoughts, Kitten, on why you see this as a push into communism?

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That distinction is more a difference of method than of goals. Both ultimately result in despotism.

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Yes, both can end the same.

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1938 Germany. Congratulations Karren Brady and might I add, “You Are No Lady” !! You are a Nazi.

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"So we can live our lifes" sound very funny when you know so many vaxxed people which do their own testing when they meet friends (who are also unvaxxed) and are in so constant fear that they live a life of virtual lockdown.

They can go shopping, good for them. Here in Germany the shops complain that nobody shops anymore, even so the unvaxxed are forbidden to enter.

All those columns on how to mistreat the unvaxxed are just justification for their own fears, which they think is a rational fear of Covid, but is just an irrational fear of life.

Sad people.

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Sad people only until they try to impose their views on me. Then they're evil people. Enemies.

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They are both.

And it is so perfidious, because some my friends and relatives are that way.

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FYI, she's getting hammered in the comments. :)

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The elitist speaks incoherently. The vaccines work, which is why the vaxxed can't go about their lives as long as there are unvaxxed out there.

The elitist has learned a talking point she thinks is a winner, because the elitist can't think for herself. But the elitist sure can feel and mindlessly spouting this kind of unscientific nonsense makes her feel seen and important.

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Oddly it is the vaxxed who are driving transmission.

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Well, since most adults are vaxxed and it's mostly adults who drive transmission and the vaxx doesn't prevent infection or transmission, it makes sense that the vaxxed are now the larger body of drivers of transmission. But we should avoid engaging in the same kind of blame game those clowns do.

None of us are responsible for the highly mutable airborne virus doing what it does, which is something everybody used to know and understand with other such viruses. We need to get back to that world and escape this clown world where we all view each other as deadly threats.

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And no it *doesn't* make sense "that the vaxxed are now the larger body of drivers of transmission" IF as we were assured the vaxxes would stop/will stop the pandemic. Did the vaxxed in every prior seasonal flu season drive transmission of the flu?

These are very critical points that need to be made over and over and over.

To wit: if the vaxxed, regardless of how many there are, if the vaxxed are driving transmission, then WHY should we unvaxxed take the jabs?? If the vaxxed are driving transmission, then it's NOT a "vaccine".

No blame game at all. Just driving home all the relevant points that the LIVs and skulls full of mush don't seem capable of processing.

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It makes perfect scientific sense given, as I said, the vaxx doesn't prevent infection or spread. You're making a different point entirely, the one that the vaxx has not worked as advertised. That is implicit in my my point.

It would be nice if the true vaxx believers wised up, but you're certainly not going to accomplish that by pointing the finger at them as the threat now.

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Ok, I now do see how that point was implicit. My apologies for misunderstanding.

Nevertheless, pointing out to them that they're the primary source is not "pointing fingers". It's informing them of a fact that they likely are ignorant of.

It's also not the same blame game, because we're not trying to drive, or calling for driving, them out of society and denying them hospital access, etc., like they're calling for for US.

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The "primary source" is the virus, not the people. That's the point we want to drive home, or at least I do. Stop the vilification of people, vaxxed an unvaxxed. If there are vaxxed hostile to the unvaxxed - and there are - we should avoid becoming like them and focus on getting them to place the blame on the virus, not people.

The time very well might come where the vaxxed are suffering greater health and immune system vulnerability to future variants than the unvaxxed because of their choices. I would hope the unvaxxed wouldn't seek to deny them hospital access and treatment, i.e. adopt the worst of what the Branch Covidians have to offer.

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You are in essence right. Stating a fact, however, is not blaming. Your logic assumes there is no difference in ability to pass on the virus between the two groups, vaccinated and non-vaccinated, in which case the bigger group would be the biggest transmitter.

But that ignores the fact that supposedly the vaccinated group shouldn’t be passing on the disease at all. (No vaccine is 100% but where effective vaccines are used, transmitters among the vaccinated are rare.)

So my point is why are the vaccinated responsible for more transmissions, their larger number aside? It is contrary to the theory of vaccination, the higher the number vaccinated, the lower overall the transmission rate. The unvaccinated should be very poor transmitters because most of those they meet will be vaccinated and immune: an unvaccinated person would only infect other unvaccinated persons who would be few and far between.

However we have a complete confounding of the whole principle of immunisation, because unvaccinated people are at risk from the vaccinated as well as other unvaccinated people, and vaccinated people are at risk of infection from each other.

Imagine if children at a school were vaccinated against Measles, except for one or two of them, then vaccinated children started getting Measles but the unvaccinated children did not and we’re not infectious.

So back to, why is infection rate going up, not down, in a population 80%+ double dosed and 40% triple dosed?

The only conclusion is vaccination is not doing what it should, and it raises the question os there something about the vaccination that is making that group a breeding ground for new mutations resistant to the vaccines? That is what is odd.

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We’ve got to stop using the word ‘vaccine’!

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Since they've officially changed the definition so that it can include these COVID "vaccines," I guess we can call it that, right?

This was the great bait and switch that the Branch Covidians fall for hook, line and sinker. They have memory holed that the "vaccines" were sold to the public politically as the modern medicine miracle that would end COVID and allow life to return to normal. Trump said it, Fauci said it and of course Uncle Joe said it. Those of us who paid attention knew very early on that these were in fact leaky vaccines that had no chance of actually ending the pandemic given the kind of virus we were dealing with but at that time were told by the Branch Covidians that we were lying in an attempt to steer people away from the "vaccines" and were censored or cancelled on social media for such "misinformation."

Fast forward to now and you'll notice that the Branch Covidians have been given their talking points intended to memory hole all that and promote a new narrative that these "vaccines" were never designed or intended to do anything other than mitigate the symptoms if/when you do get infected. The unexpected and "happy surprise," they'll say, was later finding out that the vaxx does appear to help prevent infection (and transmission) for a (short) period of time post vaxx. They are working exactly as intended and promoted, they'll tell you. And in the same breath they'll support vaxx mandates on the cognitive dissonant premise that the unvaxxed pose a threat to society because they can spread the virus. That last talking point never got updated from the early promise that the vaxxed were safe and no threat to spread and the unvaxxed were the ones risking dying.

It really is something to behold.

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The objective evidence is that the least likely to be infected and spread are those who've recovered and have natural immunity. The newly vaxxed get infected and spread at lower rates than the unvaxxed but as the virus mutates away from the wild virus that the vaccines were developed for and their effectiveness wanes, the vaxxed become just as likely vectors as the unvaxxed. Maybe more so because the vaxxed have a false sense of security that they don't or won't act as a vector than the unvaxxed do. But that's beside the point.

The point is the vaccines nor being unvaxxed prevents infection and spread. Everybody, though least of which are the naturally immune, can be a vector and we should not be acting like the Branch Covidians by blaming the vaxxed for what the virus does. Not unless you are more interested in being like them than not being like them.

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I see you are in the Straw Man business.

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Either you're projecting or don't know what that actually is.

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My own GP said that the vaccines were causing the variants...back in July...as he was convincing us to take it anyway...

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People have no idea what a cult medicine is. A friend of mine said that I was going to be angry to hear that she was refusing the vaxx; she had read up on what disasters prior coronavirus vaccine attempts were.

She was startled when I told her that I agreed with her. I said, "I went to medical school, but I never drank the Kool-aid."

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This two year episode has definitely opened my eyes to how completely captured the world of medicine and health has become by the government, big pharma and publish health bureaucracies. I will never just take my doctor's or the "expert's" word for anything again. I will certainly take their word under consideration, but I don't think these clowns at the top of the public health pyramid realize just how much damage they've done to the credibility of medicine and healthcare professionals going forward.

It's gong to be a long road to regain trust.....if ever.

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It's not the vaccines per se, it's the mass vaccination campaign that puts evolutionary pressure on the virus that results in immune escape (variants). But it should be understood that these kind of highly mutable, airborne viruses always mutate away from any kind of mass immunity, even that coming from natural immunity. This is why we've never been able to eliminate cold and flu viruses and short of sterilizing vaccines that are actually safe and effective, we never will.

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And we should not be afraid of a virus. The "virus" no matter what it is or isn't, is being used to manufacture a crisis that can then be capitalised on for an agenda. We should not forget that and then get caught up in the weeds of the narrative. I have had to question my entire worldview around vaccines and the medical corporate complex itself. when I questioned, I discovered I have probably been scammed my entire life around what health is.

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Not sure I'd say we should not be afraid of it, but we should not overreact to it and we should put it's risks across various demographics in proper perspective. From very early on it seemed obvious to me that The Great Barrington Declaration folks had it mostly right. Largely what Sweden did after unfortunately failing initially to protect the most vulnerable nursing home residents.

A targeted protection approach, where the most vulnerable assume the greatest precautions while the rest of the population, the vast, vast majority, go on living their lives as normal to achieve natural herd immunity, which then protects the most vulnerable. The vaccines coming along could have/should have been used as a tool for protecting that targeted high risk protection. Once we knew they were leaky vaccines, which was known almost immediately, that was their only truly valid use.

But the government "experts" took us down a different, clown world path, and they can't afford the risk to their reputations that an honest re-evaluation and course correction would entail. So, they become the hammer and when you're a hammer everything looks like a nail. At some point, you hope they find and take the offramp. I'm personally hoping Omicron is that opportunity for them to get out of this without admitting they got it all wrong.

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Not sure where you get these "statistics" such as "most adults are vaxxed." Are you listening to your TV propaganda? I think there are way more unvaccinated adults than you realize in the USA, at least. Not sure about other countries. I agree that we need to stop looking at each other as walking vectors of disease. That viewpoint is part of the propaganda that has enabled the scamdemic to successfully lockdown the world, destroy economies and jeopardize the health of millions by halting diagnostic tests and coercing people into doing unheathy things like social distancing and washing hands over and over and wearing masks and living in fear and anxiety. I say scamdemic because the presence of a virus does not a pandemic make. If we were not told every day 24/7 there was a pandemic and if we were not made to act like there was a pandemic so the fear of the virus is on everyone's mind every second, we would not know there was a pandemic...because there isn't. The WHO conveniently changed the criteria for a pandemic prior to 2020 so that this could plans could be implemented in accordance with their own guidelines. Part of any coup is divide and conquer and the virus is being used to divide us and look at each other as possible enemies. Insidious! You called it!

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The data on adult vaxx rates and percentages in both the US, every US state, and countries around the world, is widely available info. You subscribe to el gato malo's substack where he posts these figures all the time, including studies such as the Harvard one that concluded "Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States." Do you think that's propaganda? Do you think el gato malo is propaganda?

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Seems you are unaware how propaganda works to support a narrative.

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Seems you are incapable of finding the truth between two narratives. Not thinking for yourself, just choosing which side does your thinking for you.

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You do need to read up on contagious vaccines. Stuff is being transmitted, and definitely goes one way. Unless you realize it, you live in a fantasy land.

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There is zero evidence that these vaccines are "contagious vaccines." This is the kind of fantasyland conspiracy theory nonsense that hurts the cause.

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Thx for confirmation. Sorry to hear you have the cause, and hope you recover soon.

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I do what I can for those immune to reason and evidence.

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It's not a blame game. It's an essential argument against Chinese virus vaxxes, not against the vaxxed.

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It absolutely is a blame game if or when you start pointing the finger at the vaxxed (or unvaxxed) as the problem and reason the virus continues to spread rather than disappear.

You want to behave like them, just taking the opposite side of the clown world coin, that's on you. You'll be about as effective at convincing them it's their fault as they've been convincing you. Good luck with that.

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You wrote "But we should avoid engaging in the same kind of blame game those clowns do."

Who on the unvaxxed side has called for the vaxxed to be denied hospital access, to be force-locked-down, to be ostracized and shunned and prevented from exercising their civil rights?

We are in no way "engaging in the same kind of blame game".

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Blaming the vaxxed for the spread is where that all begins. Blaming the unvaxxed for that is where the rest of the insanity that has followed, things like advocating the denial of health services, came from. Once you've identified one side or the other as the problem, all sorts of whacky justifications for dealing with said problem follow.

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I don't GAS about "convincing them it's their fault," I only GAS about calling a spade a spade.

And the reason they haven't convinced me that it's my fault is because it's NOT my fault. That is not opinion; it's fact, as bad cattitude and Jeff Childers and Alex Berenson have ably and amply demonstrated.

The vaxx fanatics don't know it's their fault because they choose to only get their news from, apparently, the alphabet legacy media and Anthony Fauci who've lied to them almost from Day One. That's their choice, to remain ignorant. And that choice precludes ANYone from getting through to them, no matter how nicely you point out to them that they're ignoramuses with SFB.

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Again, it's not the vaxxed fault. It's not the unvaxxed fault. It is nobody's fault that the virus does what it does.

You are attempting to argue that what's good for the goose is good for the gander, but Berenson and others who've done yeoman's work have never suggested that we should adopt the tactics of the vaccine fanatics to convince them to stand down.

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Yeah, what's the line from HMS Pinafore?

"I never thought of thinking for myself at all. I thought so little, they rewarded me by making me the Ruler of..." all you unvaxxed heathen.

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We can’t force vermin to get gassed, but we can force gassing refuseniks to live a far more difficult, inconvenient, and restricted life, one that will be more expensive because of mandatory delousing.

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"They *must* go to the camps, they carry typhus!"

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Everyone, reply to anyone who is pro mandate and post this.


Because you are pro-mandate, read this aloud and post this on your wall:


I, <their name>, pledge my allegiance to vaccine mandates.

We the vaccinated believe that those who do not receive the vaccine must:

1) lose their jobs

2) be barred from government assistance so they cannot provide for their families

3) be unable to travel

4) be denied life-saving medical care, and

5) be restricted from interacting with clean people like us in public places.

I am vaccinated and clean. I am willing to hold the unclean down forcibly and stick a needle in their arm. I would rather see them die than live as disease vectors among us the clean, the vaccinated.

We, the clean, believe the Final Solution is forced vaccination or removal of the unclean.

We believe this despite the fact the vaccine has been proven ineffective at stopping spread, and despite the fact in healthy children and adults the risk of death from the virus is less than from choking on food. Those unvaccinated who have recovered from the virus and thus have much more durable immunity than that from the vaccine, are also unclean.

This isn't about science. It's about our faith in the vaccines, the pharmaceutical corporations, and the politicians and bureaucrats who have only our best interests at heart.

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I hate to sound "catty," but this one is clearly a "Lady" in name only. What a nasty woman.

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And in the photo there is a professionally made sign (anybody know who paid for it?) that says "EVERYONE CAN SPREAD COVID"

These people don't even bother to understand the implications of their own slogans.

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I think that is the Unvaxxed Vermin from which beauty queen made a picture, to show how 'nasty' they are compared to her

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Yes, I think you are correct, I misread her tweet. The protesters are the unvaxxed. And it is hilarious how she highlights her photoshopped beauty in comparison! The banality of evil.

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And how she calls herself lady ? I s she? In my eyes certainly not. Unfortunately, beauty tends to alter one's personality.

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According to teh CDC's own website "Covid-19 is a respiratory virus that casues mild to moderate illness in most people who actually become symptomatic. Most recover without any intervention. In a small percentage of people, it can cause sever illness and even death." So why the lockdown of the world? Why the masks and the social distancing? These measures have nothing to do with our health. There is no pandemic. Natural immunity to viruses is always best. We do not need a vaccine for a mild to moderate virus. Meanwhile, people are dying of cancers in droves and the powers that be do not care in the least. Diabetes, cancer obesity heart attacks and strokes...

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A few people I know have dementia, one of them my mother. There is nothing at all to treat it. There is one herbal, which did not help, and a few meds that have so many side effects the doctor found it useless to even try them. Yes a Belgian doctor does that ! What we need are cures. Not something to be taken into eternity, or something so poisonous you better leave it. But hey, then you sell the milking cow don't you...

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"Make the unnjabbed face their own lockdown so we can live our lives."

Fascinating. If the statistics are correct, those "lives" will be incredibly short. The ignorance is glaring.

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In a rare moment of clarity and honesty, The Lancet has published this, stating that there should be no categorizing of jabbed vs unjabbed because both can get CoVid, transmit CoVid, get sick from CoVid, and die from CoVid. Jabbed vs unjabbed is simply a way to divide people, increasing the tension and risk of violence.


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Hey America! When Germans are warning you that you might be Nazi-ing a little too hard, you might want to take it seriously.

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How about we put vaxxers, vegans, climate change loonies, socialists, identitarians in camps just for them, then they can have the perfect society they desire - and we can then get on with the rest of our lives.

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Hopefully this kind of ethical system gets mocked and ridiculed in kittengarten: "look what Lady Karren dragged in!"

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if they like needles so much, I wonder what their appetite is for lead projectiles.

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Let's all agree that, assuming we get through this somehow, these people will never be forgiven and we will never forget what they did. Let's make it a solemn vow. I want to see prison terms, I want to see huge punitive fines, I want to see people being driven from public life with all of the opprobrium we can muster. I don't want reconciliation with these people. I want to walk past Karen Brady on a London street and say 'You're a scumbag, Karen Brady' and know that others will chime in: 'He's right, Karen Brady. You're a scumbag.'

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Agreed. You might find this article interesting as well.


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fascist and ignorant. what a way to exist.

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Not an ethical system so much as a flavor of subjugation.

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It’s almost like people think they’ve never been exposed to the virus and that the only way they ever will is if they come in contact with an “unjabbed”; like there’s no way anyone they know or who’s jabbed can infect them. It’s willful blindness and a complete lack of faith in their own choice to be vax’d and the effectiveness of that choice to offer them protection. So to cover for their insecurities, they need for everyone to validate their choice by making the same one. It’s a psychosis.

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Apparently Lady Karren Brady doesn't know that the jabbed can still get and transmit COVID and die from it. If only they could read and understand....

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Seems she has locked her account. I wonder why?

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Karen's tweet won't age well.

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This is genocidal and very scary.

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Karren Brady's agent can be emailed at gordon@gordonpoole.com . You may wish to congratulate Karren for her remarks, or you may not.

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I don't think Karren (aptly named) is getting the response she desired on that post. Thankfully.

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Her confidence in the efficacy of her vaccine shines forth in every word.

But honestly, I don't believe that's the problem here. Many people seem to have forgotten that living their lives in not something they need permission for. They see the unvaccinated as standing between themselves and freedom because that's what they've been told by their leaders, not because they're still scared of covid and have realized their vaccines are worthless.

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Webster's definition of mental illness:

Any of a broad range of medical conditions that are marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of personality, mind, or emotions to impair normal psychological functioning and cause marked distress or disability and that are typically associated with a disruption in normal thinking, feeling, mood, behavior, interpersonal interactions, or daily functioning.

In particular, these people have Mysophobia -- an extreme and irrational fear of germs, dirt, or contamination that becomes overblown and disruptive to everyday life. People with this affliction need psychiatric help.

Do not give validity to people who think this way. Have compassion for their illness, but confront it when you see it. They must be forced to face their psychosis.

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Why try to reason with someone so hateful, who probably in the near future will have more medical problems than it can imagine. Hospitals & funeral homes are bulging with vaccine related thrombosis & death. Make sure your will is updated!

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If anyone is too busy to speak, it's the morticians. Most docs are still unbelieveably in denial, but lets see how this week goes....right? I can feel the little bubbles in their heads popping....or is that veins bursting....hard to know.

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Brady is as thick as mince, and just complying with the dictates of the mob. These people are beneath contempt.

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How is it that I, an American, know more about the UK Health Security Data than members of the British media, government, and public? It astounds me.

I'm currently in twitter jail for saying that I wanted to smack Jacinda in the face ;)...otherwise I go troll this idiot and, perhaps, educate some of her followers. I'll have to wait until Friday, I guess.

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I recently learned the original definition of Refusenik. Interesting choice of term to use….

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Social conditioning, the long slow march to transhumanism. Programmable people.

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coerce (v.)

mid-15c., cohercen, "restrain or constrain by force of law or authority," from Old French cohercier, from Latin coercere "to control, restrain, shut up together," from assimilated form of com- "together" (see co-) + arcere "to enclose, confine, contain, ward off," from PIE *ark- "to hold, contain, guard" (see arcane). The unetymological -h- was perhaps by influence of cohere. Related: Coerced; coercing. No record of the word between late 15c. and mid-17c.; its reappearance 1650s is perhaps a back-formation from coercion.


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Related (this one kicked my butt when I discovered it):

conscientious (adj.)

1610s, of persons, "controlled by conscience, governed by the known rules of right and wrong;" of conduct, etc., "regulated by conscience," 1630s, from French conscientieux (16c.; Modern French consciencieux), from Medieval Latin conscientiosus, from Latin conscientia "sense of right, moral sense" (see conscience). Related: Conscientiously; conscientiousness.

Conscientious objector is from 1896, in reference to those with religious scruples about mandatory vaccination. Military sense predominated from World War I.

"After a chequered career full of startling episodes and reversals, the Vaccination Bill becomes virtually the Vaccination Act. In Parliament the hottest of the contest centred round the conscientious objector." [The Lancet, Aug. 13, 1898]

Slang shortening conchy is attested from 1917.

- https://www.etymonline.com/word/conscientious#etymonline_v_28654

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There were a lot of anti-vaxxers in the 19th Century. Germ theory didn't get the

ascendancy until WW2. 1953 was the year it was given its roots.

I think we should give fascism credit to Britain, or maybe more accurately to the City of London.

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I'd much prefer to embrace the title of "conchy" than "anti-vaxxer" for plenty of obvious reasons, perhaps we could reclaim it and bring it back =)

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People like this have suffered permanent psychological damage. If this whole covid thing blows over, which I doubt, we'd still be left with hundreds of millions of people such as this. They are going to be a liability until they go into the ground.

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Ah, she must be the original "Karen"!

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I think this was an own goal, somehow. That yellow poster cannot be ignored. Pictorial messaging is powerful and gets those subliminal juices working. It will start doing it's work. Juxtaposed with her crazy rant, some of the less captured slumberers must surely start to stir and wonder what's amiss.

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Heartening to see the comments on her tweet, which are now up to 8k. She is being hammered for it.

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Lady Karen says. These aristocrats have been handing down edicts on us peasants since the dark ages.

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Fuck this brownshirt cunt, have fun competing cupcake

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this is appalling. I am sickened by these people.

I love you, smarty kittykittenpants. 😽

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Weak minded followers. The same type that looked the other way in germany circa 1941

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Nice ratio. Think she'll get the message? Not likely.

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That ratio is GLORIOUS!

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You are the legend

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