I feel slightly bad saying this, but I don't care what happens to the vaxxed and boosted anymore. Except the kids.

I've got concern fatigue. There has to be a point where adults are responsible for resisting, or accepting the consequences of blind obedience.

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It’s not just concern fatigue. It’s the fact that those of us who declined the jab or just had questions or took it and were injured have been vilified. From politicians to pundits to my (former) liberal tribe there have been calls to exclude us from public life and cheers when we contract covid. You can only push so far before I just shrug when someone drops dead after their fourth dose

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YES! I'm way past "out of sympathy." Their compliance fortified and prolongs this campaign against us all. Had they stood with us for just a minute, they could have then made the CHOICE to inject themselves freely, without coercion. Same with masks and lockdowns. I'm disgusted and livid about what they've done to our kids, society, and what they'll EXPECT from us as they wither. Screw them with their third and fourth booster. Go get a fifth.

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Unfortunately, if cases/hospitalizations/deaths rise w/ another “new variant”, we unvaxed will still be blamed because the plot that damaging immune systems or outright killing &/or sterilizing people can never be revealed or admitted. As is always the case in human history, there will need to be a scapegoat group to blame, vilify & exclude (if not eliminate)

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That is my concern as well (besides the fact that all of my family and friends have taken the vaccines and many have taken the boosters). I am the crazy one for not taking the first dose. These are highly educated people (including doctors). I took the "wait and see approach" and proceeded with caution in February 2021 and did not like what I was seeing. When the Biden Adm went so far as to mandate it, I was so thankful for not taking it. I hope Geert Vanden Bossche's predictions do not come true. My loved ones are in potentially grave danger and my feeling is the media will quadruple down and blame potential new more infectious variants on "the unvaccinated". Most vaccinated folks are so far gone that they will believe it and scapecoat unvaccinated people to an even greater degree. And the government and media will continue their campaign of lies and dare I say, "disinformation".

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Blair, I couldn't "like" any of the rest of your posts here (that little heart just won't turn red) though I tried ... I am with you 100%, and I too am among those dirty unvxd who fear for the lives of all my loved ones and friends who're vexd & boosted -- Are they "proud" of it, or are they becoming ever so minimally skeptical as they *maybe* hear a few things here and there?... But I doubt that's happening to any great extent.

You are spot on that these folks are "so far gone." Some months ago I sent my vexd sister (who until recently had been badgering me to "just get the vxx!"-- she's given up) a bunch of clips of vxx clinics where people were collapsing and going into seizures immediately post-vex; athletes keeling over in the field; young women lying in hospital beds ticcing and convulsing, and talking about the chronology of their ills ... and she retorted that all of it was "faked" and all have been "debunked"!!

Late edit: She asked me how I could fall for that trash.

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Oh wow. We are walking among zombies now.

My final warning to my one brother who is jacking his entire family including young kids was - we are boosted the kids are jabbed - everyone is fine - I do not want to discuss this any further.

There will be no further discussion of this - I was saying to my wife over breakfast that is/when something goes wrong they will never attribute it to the jab - if their 12 yr old has a heart attack they will claim it's 'anxiety' or long covid -- anything but the jab.

And if we were to suggest it was the jab they'll unhinge on us.


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When the ❤ doesn't seem to work. Refresh the page. Poof 💨 ❤!

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I might be able to “one-up” you, Finnbuck: just today, I sent my cancer-riddled sister an article about the 1st trial of a human injected w/ a (supposed) cancer eating something (virus?). Shit, after the last 2+ years I wouldn’t touch it w/ a 10 foot pole but she drank the koolaid & got jabbed so I said, you might ask your doctor about this.

Her response was that she’d seen the info, thought it had the potential to be awesome but she wasn’t quite ready to subject herself to “clinical trials”.

My response was that the “vaccines” (that she has taken) are “clinical trials”. Crickets since….

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I'm sorry she's living in such denial. So many are. It's very hard to watch because you start to realize that so many people you care about have already bought into the vaccines/boosters. I'm just hoping they are not as bad as we think they are. I'm trying to hold out hope for my family and friends who bought into the scam.

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He’s been right with predictions so far, one of our friends boosted went to the US for a holiday and ironically caught covid but they kept quiet about it as they don’t want to admit they’ve been fooled.

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Sadly, many have been fooled. I can't imagine there being a more extensive/well planned global propaganda campaign. People need to have compassion on those who were duped. Empathy is also essential. Many were coerced into taking the vaccine or risk losing their ability to put food on the table for their families. The level of planning (and wide-scale corruption) required for everything that's taken place is incredible and egregious.

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We are all in great danger if GVB is correct --- if billions end up horribly sick or dead the supply chains will collapse --- and we will starve

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This is my greatest fear...

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We're not out of the woods yet for sure. They can still double down on scapegoating the unvaccinated. It can get worse. Just look at Canada. We're in a very bad place. The courts are simply going along with the narrative and illegal mandates. What's happening here is the longer the mandates go the more they become *accepted* as pseudo-law. And that's a very bad thing. Dumbasses here.

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Johnny, I'm with you -- it's very disturbing how these idiots are upholding the ongoing threats. I feel tattered by the two years of cr*p and discrimination, and I don't know how well I'm going to hold up (and I know that's in the Plan) ... I only know is I'm not getting any shot(s), unless they come armed to my door and tie me down. Not a very far reach, is it.

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May 21, 2022
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You wouldn't think that it is still possible to blame people who declined the vaccine, but the delusion is powerful and many people I've talked to who are vaccinated (which is nearly everyone I know), do not want to know any possible negative information regarding the vaccines because they can't undo their decision. So they try to avoid any info/conversations that would go against their previous decision and also seek out any data that bolsters their previous decision as being the right choice. If the side effects become even more common, I don't think people will be able to hide from the truth forever though.

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The more we read substacks and other good data sources the more we see how obvious the CovCON is... it's so blatant -- the evidence is now overwhelming... and we think -- surely they cannot continue to swallow this utter nonsense

However the vision of the world they have comes from watching / reading the MSM - try an hour (if you can handle it) on CNN ... to realize what they think. They get zero info on the vaxxed being the ones in hospital or dead... they see none of the evidence that we see... none. Zero.

There has been no awakening - there will be no awakening.

It's no different than trying to extract someone from an extreme cult... actually more difficult because the authorities are reinforcing their belief in the cult using billion dollar advertising campaigns

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Proudly declaring - I got vaccinated so I won’t get CoVid and I am protecting others.


Proudly declaring - I got CoVid but ‘less serious’ because I got vaccinated.

It’s almost as if they want CoVid to ‘prove’ they made the right choice about vaccination.

It doesn’t occur to these jab-junkies that they got CoVid because they got vaccinated, and might get it again and again and end up in the morgue… less seriously, of course.

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the good news-- there will be fewer to blame you..the herd is culling itself.

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Natural selection at work: the more intellectually weak, the more likely to become a serial vaccinee, the more likely to die.

And, the more vaccinated, the more likely to succumb to new related or non-related pathogens, thus more likely to die.

Gene pool purged.

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But, if this is a depopulation effort, why would “they” kill the compliant ones and leave the resistors alive?

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I agree I don’t have sympathy as there’s been lot of negatives in the press and they still go and get more.

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I get it. Just wondering when all the celebrities that proudly showed off their bandaged arms suddenly realize the truth.

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Maybe never. People find it very hard to pivot from a narrative that they are deeply vested in, even when all the evidence is pointing in the opposite direction.

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Yup. Those who got their children jabbed are in especially deep.

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May 21, 2022
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The children who die here, and elsewhere in the OT are of course redeemed by the future sacrificial act of Christ.

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It has and will have a lot to do with shame... that is definitely one thing that makes it so difficult to admitting the truth. The emperor was naked all along


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Well, combine the garden variety shame with the fact that some made this part if their "I am superior to Trump, Trump supporters, other Republicans, religious fanatics, antivaxxers, and other science doubters (because everyone knows how little doubt and dissent have ever factored into True Science) and openly and proudly accepting this shot proves that superiority".

I'm an atheist, genderqueer, pansexual, and a true left wing progressive (which is why I am not a Democrat), and truth be told,there are many things I likely will never see eye to eye with with many on some of these more right wing substacks.

But I have never believed at any point that censorship of views opposing my own was acceptable in any way. And I have never tied any of my positions to a sense of superiority and identity to the point where being wrong about something becomes impossible to admit without massive psychological unravelling. At no point do I look down on people who have opposing views. Because on the real stuff, the big stuff, like not being mandated to submit to medical procedures or the right to speak unpopular opinions or take non-mainstream positions, we currently are in the same camp. I hope we stay that way (it wasn't so long ago it was right wingers arguing with me about the virtues of censorship of "dangerous and unacceptable" views, and the "right" of "private companies" and public platforms to control conversations/coerce medical exams or procedures however they want, civil right or communications laws bedamned--its not a right or left "thing", there are people who want their opponents silenced across the board independent of party, race or creed).

When you combine your difference of opinion (and corresponding actions) with another person or group with a personal identity of complete superiority, you paint yourself into a corner if it turns out you're wrong. For some vaxxed, the vaxxes being a failure means Trump/antivaxxers/anti-science "wins", which isn't remotely what that means, but that's how they chose to frame the issue. A serious mistake on many levels.

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This is an astute analysis and something I’ve struggled to articulate for myself as I’ve experienced this bizarre shift. Thankfully my views are not my identity so I can swing around as needed. It’s been very enlightening and liberating to find I have much in common with people I originally didn’t think I did. We don’t all have to perfectly align on every issue. In fact, let’s keep the politicians on their toes and instead of being goaded, goad them into siding with the people and not big business.

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God bless you for understanding and for wanting equal rights for all. I appreciate that in a person.

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+1 This! Well said! Thank you.

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But they don't even consider anything not from CNN etc "evidence". It's dismissed off hand. Maybe deep down some of them wonder, I can't know that. All I see is that most people live in lala land, and there's a large cross section between them and people who have believed all the other stuff the MSM and politicians have been lying about, too. (which is putting it mildly. They created a total fantasy world, where the least important things are always news and demand attention and money, and vice versa)

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May 21, 2022
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And yet that stupidly high sunk cost is exactly WHY people should be walking away from it! It may seem silly to the person involved to walk away from something they've invested so much in, but it's actually the right decision. It's like consistently losing at cards but you keep putting your savings in anyway, hopeful that you're on the right track and you'll pull through, but entirely aware that you won't have a house, savings or a wife at the end of the game!

Of course, you have to be pragmatic enough to even contemplate this concept, which most of these happily vaxxed-and-dying people are not. Hence we have people treading the paths they're treading. But you and I already know this, PolarNinja ;-)

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@JMJ- just had a friend announce on FB that she, elderly and boosted, and her husband, also elderly and boosted, now have Covid but PRAISE JESUS! the boosters are keeping their symptoms kind of mild. I wanted to tell her they probably would have had the same kind of mild symptoms without the shots but her daughter is a RN and, as we know, they KNOW it all (the snark coming because my own brother who has a MSN said I'm so wrong and dangerous and deadly for not having the shots. Uh huh. Forget the fact that the shots nearly killed my husband. His own son sent me a nasty fb message when HIS 5 shotted yr old got it and gave it to the rest of the family. Like WHAT? That's MY fault? You live 500 miles away from me AND YOU SHOT THE KID UP! But I digress). I actually have RN friends who have been fired for refusing to take it so not all are delusional.

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The top tier “celebrities, politicians & elites got saline but hopefully many of the rest below that got the real thing & are panicking but really, they double down. I don’t think I’ve heard a single story about any of them that browbeat us to follow their lead have regret & said so. That doesn’t mean there might not be many who refused more after the 2nd or 3rd dose, but they’ll never admit it

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Or they got saline and flat out lied.

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Yes!! Like Mariah Carey on TV. So obvious!

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? Pray tell!

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I agree.

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They didn't get' Shit'. Most of them , I believe. They think they are above us like WEF does!!

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Agreed. I don't think very many "elites" actually took the vaccine.

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Let them cheer, I first got Covid in February of 2020, before the lockowns. A great many also got Covid for the amount of time there was no vaccine readily available.

It's not concern for those that got the vaccine that I have, but rather anger towards the mainstream media and government who need to be held to account on this. i don't blame the vaccinated because those of us who were skeptical were out-manned and gunned by the messaging mechine of media. All of the mantras, the PSA's reminding us to get vaxxed, to wear a mask, to social distance, to monitor your symptoms. How does one compete with that?

Now for me, I did because I haven't believed the media in years, but for those who buy into it, there was no real alternative except speak the truth and hopefully some will hear it and it will take root.

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Right. It was unbelievable when they started denying natural immunity. Why would anyone take a jab after recovering from the illness?

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That was when the sun finally came up clear and bright over the horizon for me after the gradual light of dawn had been gently and softly waking me up.

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Love your wording here!

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They deny natural immunity so they can continue to promote never ending boosters

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Keep talking. It was a doctor of mine, about 10 years back, who kept talking quite opposite to the narrative of the day. I listened politely. Eventually it sunk in. Different times and different issues, but the idea is the same.

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Absolutely true. I have a friend who was kind of a lynchpin in my process and even though it wasn’t just her, I tell her thank you all the time. For planting those cliched seeds.

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To put it bluntly: F them.

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Yes there have been a couple of my husbands friends who were going we had covid bad and they’re bitter when we can travel. Still not able to travel to the USA but they’d really like a life of discrimination and exclusion for us.

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Sadly I agree and have long since stopped trying to bring people round to my point of view.

I haven't burned bridges or even had cross words with friends or loved ones who've been jabbed, gone along with or supported this shit.

What's happened is I've simply stopped caring about them anymore, I'm honestly not that bothered whether they live or die.

How has this come to pass? I think the difference between reality and their perception of it is now so monumentally vast that they are effectively sprites, projections, facsimiles of people.

If they can't observe and recognise the evil, deceit and corruption that plucks their flowerpot men strings every day, how exactly am I meant to maintain my regard for them as human beings?

This is pretty horrifying stuff, I've lost a chunk of my humanity and seemingly just don't care. The only difference between me and them is I'm aware I've lost a chunk of humanity while they are unaware of their similar loss. I am of course assuming they had it to lose in the first place.

Perhaps my remarks are a cautionary tale for those of you who avoid confrontation. Perhaps they reveal the true scope of the evil and division that has been inflicted on us. Or perhaps I'm just a copper bottomed psychopath and don't realise it yet.

Whatever the truth of the matter I'll be carrying on with no trust or faith in authority, no obedience or loyalty towards the state and a permanently traduced respect for Society.

What I have been doing is seeking out and nurturing new friendships with people who have retained their sanity. And it feels good.

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You just explained exactly how I feel. I haven’t had the blowout, arguing, walk away from each other actions that many of my fellow non-compliance, critical thinker friends have had. I just look at them as robot humans, and I don’t want to spend time with them at all. I don’t need fake conversations that avoid the horrors affecting this country. I’m done!

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My sister said terrible things to me for nearly a year. I related via text some family news on my side snd she told me to stop. So I stopped. She recently called me to apologize and wanted me to visit. I will but not sure what we will talk about. We do have some interests in common but CNN will go on in the evening. Lol. God give me strength! But I want my sister back. I’m 74. I need family. She does also.

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Janet, go. Go to your sister. She called you - she knows she stepped over a line. Show her mercy and G-d will give you the grace and strength! I promise.

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tell her you can't go unless the tv is off as you have become allergic to tv. I know I am

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I haven’t watched “news” in 2 1/2 years. I break out in 🙈 pox.

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I am not into pushing back to get people to come around to my point of view, but rather, simply to say there is a valid other point of view that exists that isn't mired in conspiracy theories and crazy talk.

I have burned bridges, and I have lost "friends" on social media, the reason being is that they unfriended me after they continuously posted erroneous information surrounding Covid and I would comment on it.

I never called them names, simply would post links on "the science" and studies that would refute his assertions. Finally realizing this, he dumped me as a friend, which did not surprise me at all.

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Same experience. Exactly. I posted informative articles that contradicted the narrative. It was my RN aunt who dumped me. C’est la vie. I hope she wasn’t able to convince her children to to vaccinate their children. My aunt has a corrupt nature and lifelong history of bad decisions.

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What I found interesting in the social media environments where there was an almost mindless consensus to the narrative, there was a condescending aspect to it. When I brought up Sweden to one "friend" they took it upon them to become their mission to discredit Sweden often citing propaganda perpetuated by all the critics of Sweden, none of which actually discredited Sweden.

They would often compare the best regions to Sweden's worst, again defining number of cases without looking at all other aspects of a society that were affected by the restrictions, lockdowns, and other policies associated with it. Sweden had, throughout the pandemic, showed that through the policy of not mandating masks and all other measures, that those who got the disease, would spread it to other healthy individuals, achieve herd immunity, and thus not need to further cripple and tank their economy and way of life all out of zero case prevention.

One guy even said to me that if green underwear was required to get rid of Covid, he would wear green underwear. I told him that was where we differed, because in order for me to wear green underwear by mandate, there better be a good reason why it was required. And this IS the problem, there is not much in the way of reasons for these policies.

Throughout the ordeal, there was always the chance that I was wrong and to be honest, I half hoped that it was all true. At times, in my contradiction, I thought to myself "Surely this time they will show me the definitive data that proves that lockdowns work, that social distancing isn't arbitrary, where masking has proof, and that the vaccine is everything it promised it would be and more, and that the virus is as deadly as they originally reported." But most of what was posted were articles that I had seen many times before which were mainly observational studies, or theories based on flawed models. Or worse, they were articles of circular logic. This article points to another article asserting that the virus is deadly each without showing why this was/is true.

The worst part about all of this is the children. They wanted the narrative to be all about the children, and they still do. Now they are trying to make it about the children because of all of the peripheral issues in reaction to Covid asserting it is Covid.

If I close down businesses because I mandated it without Covid actually being as detrimental as originally thought, then the problem is not with Covid, but the policies put in place to hypothetically stop it. And yet they are saying that supply chain disruptions and school closings and emotional isolation are due to Covid. No, they are due to false policies created as a fear-based overreaction to a disease that does not harm children in any great measure.

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Oof. I think you just forced me to face this fact in myself. How I am relating (or not) to my jabbed beloveds. I thought perhaps that I have been preemptively grieving them since I first started my research, have had insomnia for over a year, cried every night for a long time, cry whenever alone in the car--I thought it was worry fatigue that has caused me to be unable to rally much of a genuine concern or emotional worry for my people lately. I am extremely sensitive/empathetic, so its hard to imagine that I've run out of care. What you said struck me viscerally, and it's hard to admit to knowing what you mean.

We don't even live on the same planet, have a shared reality, any ground that isn't shaky. They too are sensitive and intelligent people, and they must be observing what I am, even if they aren't reading what I am, they have to feel the truth of our situation, think back to all the seeds I planted, and yet they just sleepwalk, so disengaged in all ways. I'm always painfully uncomfortable around my favorite people now, and its depressing as hell. Because we were close, so close! It's such a betrayal. I can't share my thoughts on anything that matters to me, and they won't just let down their guards and share their fears with me. Me! The one person who would believe them and understand completely, research protocols and advocate for them. I feel like I'm standing on one side of a large canyon, my people on the other side. They are so far away from me, communication is almost impossible. We shadowbox sometimes. I feel for them (myriad new health issues), but I also feel like I already lost them. It's as though their inability to get past the jab issue created an inability to share any part of their lives with me save obligatory updates. I feel they deeply distrust me, like I'm waiting to say I told you so. Its as if they don't know me at all, and that's the ultimate heart break of this.

In the before time, I was a trusted confidant and sister/daughter/friend. Now I am held at arm's length, creating the distance we all feel, yet somehow they blame and resent me for it with ninja like magical thinking. Once they had made their minds and got the jabs, I dropped all talk of them. I didn't want them scared or feeling hounded after the fact. I showed them the respect I expected them to show me. I wasn't afforded that respect or grace, but they act as though roles are reversed, like I showed them disdain or judgment. I think maybe I embody all of their doubts. Who wants to spend time with a specter/mirror like that? They had concerts to go to, restaurants to dine at, vacations to plan for. . . all the while knowing I was barred from enjoying those things, knowing I was terrified of mandates. So who are we to each other now?

I know that it could also simply be my brain jumping to action to protect me/numb me. The scale of the harm is so enormous, the onslaught of terrifying data and predictions so consistent and seemingly unending, I am spiritually tired. I am sad and grieving so much on so many different levels, I'm sure my coping mechanisms are strong right now. And I know if anything were to happen to any of them, I'd be devastated. I wish I could tell them what is in my heart and beg them to come back to me, but I have tried iterations of that over the past year, and each attempt was brushed off with gaslighting and smiles that don't quite reach their eyes. Yes, we have all lost a chunk of humanity.

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I feel your pain, Amy, I really do. We pretty well all do on here. This is the one place we can come where we can be our real selves, where we can also show people that still we DO care - and where people appreciate that care. We are on here to connect with people to know that we CAN still connect with people; sane people, reasonable people, scientific people, open people; caring people.

Maybe try to think of this process as we only FEEL we have lost a chunk of our humanity - but the mere fact that we DO feel we have lost it shows just how very human we are. Your grief and your pain and your sense of loss all show me what a truly wonderful human being you are, Amy. My words won't make those people in your life connect with you any better, no, but perhaps they will give you some peace that you are a good, wonderful person, with a warm heart. If I can see that just by reading your post, then the people in your life must be truly blind


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I don't think it is gaslighting. Those that gaslight are abusers, what you are experiencing is due to them being gaslighted. They are the ones abused. They were told that if you go with the mask, get vaccinated, stay home stay safe, flatten the curve, that we are all in this together...unless you aren't. This doesn't mean they aren't abusers. after all one of the things that abuse victims tend to do is pay it forward. So what can you do? I think they actually believe what they were told...but if they aren't then yes, they would be gaslighting you.

I can tell you it's not political, but it could be governmental, or that could be a factor. I know one conservative and one liberal who both have government jobs. When they came to visit me, both of them were wearing masks, in a house where no one, including seventy year olds, wore masks. I guess we are all just filthy plague spreaders?

There was this one guy at karaoke who talked to me about getting the vaccine. I assured him I wasn't going to get it, this was back last summer.He showed up the next week telling me he got it...his wife encouraged him to get it. Since I am single I have been mostly immune to anyone encouraging me to get the vaccine although I did have someone say "if you have a choice between getting the vaccine and not getting a job, get the vaccine." I felt very sad at that moment. A job was more important than my health or my freedom, at least according to him.

I don't think we are without compassion, it's just at this point, it is overwhelming, so like a pinball machine we have tilted. I can't process how far gone they are.

Throughout the pandemic, I found myself getting into arguments like this:

"What is more selfish, not doing something that kills only .3% of the population, or demanding that everyone do something that only kills .3% of the population? Forget if it works or does not work, it appears pretty radical to be masking, social distance, shut down, lockdown, and change a lot of things just so .3% of the population is protected. Should it not be incumbent upon that .3% to be responsible for themselves.

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Indeed it should be incumbent upon that .3% to be responsible for themselves. Agreed!!

I love self-responsibility. It's awesome. But so many people just can't/won't/don't do it.

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Can I steal can’t/won’t/don’t as my pronouns?

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Sure you can :-D

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Wow! That’s a very thorough and deep hearted exposition Amy. Big hugs to you.

We are crazies to the faithful followers - I have had them ask me why do I make a conspiracy out of something that is proven science, etc. I understand that their reality is worlds away from mine - and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. i reckon we love them hard, have some fun together while we can - and that’s that. As sad and hard as it is, we have to release.

Thank goodness we all have one another that do ‘see’.

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Nail on head and incredibly eloquent. Coward that I am, my hope lies in time being a healer, for those of us on both sides of the divide.

But ask me if we'll ever have mass recanting, unequivocal admittance of what we've all put eachother through and what we've lost... I'd say the chances are extremely slim.

That means the best case scenario is a gradual fading of the awkwardness and distance you describe, but never a total erasure. Things will never be quite the same again, which is why it's important to build new relationships.

It may be we come to accept the 50/70/80% restored relationships we have those formerly 100% allies. But it may equally be that the pain of not discussing how they came to be so traduced becomes too much to bear. And that's when unblighted relationships will become so important to fall back on.

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Beautifully put, Gareth.

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Wow. You just said it all and got me crying! I so relate to being "painfully uncomfortable around my favorite people now" and the sense that they have gone to a different place, like across the canyon you describe. I'm in ever-silent anticipation of some awful things to happen to friends and family, and have already seen such. They are oblivious. I'm wondering if the jabs affect peoples' brains?

I know you are hurting, as are so many of us. Please know you have this great Substack family for support. I'd love a way we could all meet. I went to the LA Defeat the Mandates rally and there was such love in the crowd- I'm sure many Substackers were there! Maybe a Substack Writers Weekend, where we could all attend, meet and hear our fav writers and hang out together!

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Well said, Gareth. I find myself oscillating between a position of anger and thinking "fuck `em" and struggling to find a way to forgive them. It's still very much an undecided thing. There are days when I wake up and think: "I'm better off without them; they let me down in the most profound way possible; I cannot even communicate with them because they see the world in such a different way from how I do." Then, there are days when I fear that I might fall out with my own parents, siblings and oldest friends and wonder if I might eventually come to regret that. I feel like Schroedinger's cat. I wrote one stack about my anger here: https://elephantcity.substack.com/p/heres-what-i-really-want-to-say?s=r and I wrote another about my efforts to find a way to forgive here: https://elephantcity.substack.com/p/how-can-we-ever-forgive-them?s=r

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A very eloquent take on how many, many people feel, Gareth Evans. Thankyou for your post :-)

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You write beautifully, Gareth, about a profoundly sad subject. Another Substack-er wrote that it’s normal to distance oneself from the dying, as an emotional protection.

What’s so odd for me is watching friends getting sick and dying and not being able to comment since it’s too late for them. It’s like I’m in a dystopian movie, outside looking in.

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"Distancing oneself from the dying" may be necessary. It's a dark and heavy thing to realize. But surely there's something sanitary about not spending too much time among the insane and deluded. And, anyway, if they're going down, it hardly helps them to be reminded that it was because of their own damn choice.

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I'm not sure they had any humanity to start with.

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May 21, 2022
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"Perhaps this has always been true for a majority of humans?"

It is. Way back in college in 1986 I took a class on American Utopian Communities. All utopian communities are totalitarian dictatorships. they only differ in whether they are religious or ideological. At the end of the class the prof went around the room asking all of the students (about a dozen) if they would ever consider joining a utopian community, even if just on a trial basis. I was the last one in line (luck of the draw, really). Every single student said "yes". When I said "Never under any circumstances" most of them were immediately hostile.

There are enough people out there who actively want someone else to do all of the intellectual heavy lifting for them. They just want to be told what to do. They just want to be taken care of. A major selling point of utopian communities is the lie of unconditional acceptance and care...as long as you mindlessly obey. And if you don't obey, you are cast out. Because the communitiy is your entire life, everyone you know and associate with - your employers/employees/coworkers/family members - shun you. You lose every social connection, your job, your house, everything. Sound familiar?

When the price of merely questioning authority is the loss of everything in your life, people tend to not question authority. And as we've seen, there are plenty of peope who will gleefully destroy your entire life if you dare to question their preferred authority.

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what a fascinating story! thanks for sharing!

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I get where you are coming from and you should not fell even slightly bad for voicing an opinion. I have cought myself having similar thoughts. Then I realize though that the gaslighting on a global scale and such a well orchestrated propaganda has had a lasting effect on so many and I am afraid it will take a very long time for this mass hysteria to end.


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It's like, despite what we tell ourselves, compassion really is a finite emotional resource, and the people that would actually be on my side when this all comes to blows need it more.

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I've realized I'm no longer interested in the personality trait 'nice'. Nice does nothing in a crisis, nice still wears a mask to the store, nice still vaccinates themselves and their kids because they are being nice to others. Nice is useless. I'm looking for courage and the last two years showed it's in frighteningly short supply.

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Yes, because they're not in fact nice. Their primary concern is showing nice, and this is proved by them getting nasty fast if questioned.

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Unqualified “niceness” will be the death of this country.

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Exactly. Good is what you need to be. Nice is good when its underlying motive is good. Nice paired with evil is evil.

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Julian Assange reportedly said that it was not long ago that he realised, as he had not before, that there is far more of what we call 'intelligence' to be found among humans than there is of what we call 'courage.' Words to ponder, indeed ...

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Idiocy & cowardice

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True in the confrontational, medical sense. But being kind to others unrelated to the dispute is still rewarding and helpful.

What is not rewarding is being nice at my expense. Your freedom ends when it infringes mine. At that point, it's game on.

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Ha ha, yes, I have been having WAY too many thoughts that people are "nice, but dumb". You hit the nail on the head, Ki.

What we have needed these past 2 years ARE courageous people, but they have indeed been in short supply.

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1000 likes, Ki!

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May 21, 2022
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The pack is high on righteous indignation and God help anybody who gets in their way with this critical thinking gobbledegook.

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It really hurts that my dearest sister, a lifelong friend, "did not mind one bit throwing [her] niceness overboard against those [me and my partner, the only unvexed in the family]" whom her flock vilified... she "did not even question [her alarming position] when it came to [her] nearest and dearest."

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It's hurt me too, with the 'family' that I come from on both sides ALL choosing to get jabbed (bar one aunt!). But the difference is, I didn't have the best household growing up, so my sister is neither my 'dearest' or a lifelong friend. So it's easier for me to not particularly care what happens to them anymore. You, however, retain both the luxury and the misery of being close to your family. I learned early on that the family I came from was mostly there to hurt me. I chose differently when I came to marry because I knew my upbringing wasn't right and I have made a wonderful family.

So my feelings are twofold for you, finnbuck: I sympathise with you yet love that you are being hurt all in one, only because you actually had the love I always wanted as a kid growing up! I'm sorry for your pain and the grieving you have done (and will continue to do). But please remember the strange silver lining is that you would not feel the way you do if you did not know true love. And that is an amazing thing to experience, even though it currently hurts immeasurably.

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There has been a natural selection during the past two years with whom we surround ourselves and that is a choice we make. Personally, I am happy with my choices and do not miss the people that are no longer part of my life...

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I am glad that you feel that way. Honestly, I do.

I feel shunned. My daughters and their husbands have been drawn in, they listen to every word of ABC news, CNN etc. That is their "Bible"

My 98 year old father and my older sister are obedient.

My younger brother and his wife, well, they "can't stand me" for various and sundry reasons.

So, yeah, just me and hubbs, and oh! both of my daughters in laws are on the same page as we are. So that is a nice thing

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My 96 yo mom is no on the vax. My eldest sister and I were not taking it either. My other two are vax And boosted but I doubt my sister who is a nurse will go for the second boost as she admitted to me that it was not effective.

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Some of us are left with nobody.

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One of the great things about these substacks is to at least be able to discuss this with like minded people.

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precisely - comforting. We should all meet up and eat donuts and share stories of family silliness

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Well, not NOBODY! The Creator is my ever present help in trouble! Hopeful and Devoted. :)

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I hear ya. Some days it's just me and Jesus. As Jesus once said 'If the world hates you, remember it hated me first.'

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But perhaps you have heard that saying...Rejection is God's Protection!

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Well- wouldn't "nobody" be better than someone who is poisonous or toxic to your health?

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no alone.

I do have my hubbs.

Everyone else, I just keep my mouth shut

I did learn the hard way though -- thorough scolding from family members, now I am the undesirable one.

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I’m surprised your fam is still that way since the jabs have now been proven ineffective at stopping infection / spread. And the boosted are the ones getting covid. Maybe they haven’t learned this from their media?

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HopefullyDevoted We are at least here together. Someday Substack communities will find ways to connect beyond the keyboards.

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I hope you're correct. There are people on here that I would absolutely love to spend some time with, listening and talking.

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Welcome to my life. 😕

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We’re fighting a billion dollar propaganda machine with memes.

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And we're making headway! Must drive them NUTS!

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Hope you’re right

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I'm right there with you. When I see yet another story of a boostered NPC getting sick with the rona or getting badly injured by an obvious AE my response is to laugh.

Not in every case - there are people who were forced into it, either because they're kids unlucky enough to have lib parents, or workers given no other option.

But as for the rest? After the sheer hell they've put us all through over the last two years?

No pity. They made their choice and choices have consequences.

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The "I'm grateful to have been vaxxed and boosted" mantra as they're on the way to the hospital makes it really hard for me to care how it turns out for them.

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Yep. Same reaction I have to drug ODs. Were they victims of chemical warfare? Yep, same way covidians were victims of psychological warfare. That still doesn't excuse them for falling into the trap. At a certain point, if your rational brain doesn't kick in, that's on you.

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Nobody was forced. I'm quite sure we'd have heard of people being chased and held down while for only injected. Like they do in Africa with Gates's shots.

All anyone had to do was wait it out. But their compliance pit more pressure on all of us.

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Uh, sorry, but force is not just physical. When you threaten one's ability to provide and survive, you have forced them.

The vax mandates are still enforced at federal locations, even in red states.

So please back up just a bit and expand your vocabulary.

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PS, I did not succumb, nor did I get fired. I got educated and resourceful. But I was forced to risk my family's livelihood if my employer did not follow the law. And many did not prior to my "choice".

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Agreed. Many were coerced into getting the vaccine or risk losing their job and ability to provide for their family. It's not only wrong, it's evil. And I don't use that term lightly. Congratulations on staying strong. Crazy enough, many larger corporations in the US still have vaccine mandates. Pure insanity.

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A local organization I sometimes support had a vax requirement to attend a lousy dinner. I told them where to stick their dinner. They could Save a step in the digestive process. Morons.

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I wouldn’t say I respond with laughter, but there is a certain amount of healthy schadenfreud. Many got no more than they deserve. Including a cousin who is now living with leukemia. I can’t even use the diagnosis to wake her up. So nevermind. Enjoy your pharma slavery.

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It's the fact that they continue doubling down that makes it impossible for me to feel sorry for them.

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Yeah I can get that. Hypocrisy is my kryptonite. So if you rant on and on about protecting others and then want to deny healthcare to the unvaxxed, you’ve lost credibility and my sympathy forever. I have a memory like an elephant and paternal trauma that makes me less than forgiving.

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Concern fatigue - that's a brilliant statement. I'm with ya Guttermouth.

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Well said. I agree. This mass hypnosis of a considerable amount of people, that I’ve tried to counter with reliable scientific data, is beyond my patience. I just can’t do it anymore. You want to subject yourself to an experiment that keeps getting worse as time goes on, with all the information out there, and not listening to the over 17,000 doctors that formed a coalition and speak weekly about the COVID truths regarding vaccines and successful therapies, then I wish you luck!

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On the one hand, yes it's no strange feeling you descibe. On the other hand, to a lot of people anything official, state or federal as you say was for the longest time a synonym to fair and equal treatment before the laws and ordinances of organised communal society.

And now it's not.

Imagine a sheep on the lam, realising that it's free. Yippee! at first, and then: "Where will I sleep? Where is warm and food and cuddly pile of friends? Oh shee-it, that is /not/ the dog..."

To avoid that reaction, most people will do pretty much any kind of mental and emotional gymnastics, don't you think?

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While this is true for many, I know many colleagues and younger retired people who obediently ran nit only for the jabs but the boosters. One continued to make fun if my choices. The act that crossed the line fir me (and sadly made me indifferent in sharing my concerns) was her sympathy with Canadian banks freezing truckers' accounts for their "disruption".

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That was a terrible time. All the people who use their televisions for "news" were denied any depiction of reality.

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Yes, and she did. I feel guilty I am disinclined to share my concerns any more...

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and sad. i feel *so* sad about all this ...

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Agreed. Never felt so disheartened for humanity.

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My sister gave a thumbs up also to the evil seizures. This from a hard core liberal. Hiding in her house. It was nothing for her to turn around snd cruelly lambast a person for being unmasked.

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You make perfect sense, as always; I'm just out of sympathy.

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"As always", I'm showing that to my wife! :)

And don't feel bad about being out of sympathy, any well can run dry, but the water will return.

Imagine having to feel sympathetic and empathetic (are those the right words?) all the time, without any filters, conditions or breaks - hello hug-yourself-shirt and nice padded room, I think.

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But so many were forced to get it. That is what is unconscionable.

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People have been conditioned in the past years and if you tell them the sky is green they will repeat that as well...


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May 21, 2022
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Very true.

Until you hear "Ride of the Valkyries", because some rich bastards are out hunting from a helicopter. (Just to stretch the metaphor.)

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My brother had a heart attack in December, soon after the rest of my brothers and sisters (and my mother over my objections) got their boosters. He has kept a very low profile, and no one could tell me if he had gotten one as well. I finally got a chance to ask him a couple of weeks ago if he got the booster, and he became really upset and angry, and said it had nothing to do with his heart attack. His wife also has some autoimmune thing where her hands swell up. No one in the family thinks there's anything unusual there. Some people will never wake up.

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Just sad but there really is nothing you can do...

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Guttermouth, you'd enjoy the "You Were Wrong Song!" Very satisfying:


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And prescient; it's five years old.

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Love it!! Thanks a bunch!!

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The covidians have made the coof so much of there identity that they have to continue to be blind.

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Malone and Kirsch are both vaxxed, so I care quite a bit. If we lose them, we lose two of our best.

On the other hand, I almost want a mass vaxxed die-off just so people will WTFU. If 1 mn die now, it might save 100 mn from getting the mRNA Flu jab or the monkeyscam crapcine.

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I showed my brother their stuff. His only reaction was to point out they got vaxxed therefore they must not believe what they're saying, therefore the jabs are perfectly safe. Didn't occur to him that maybe they didn't realize until afterward, or maybe some got AEs that changed their minds, or maybe they knew the dangers,made a choice for themselves based on their own circumstances, but still think the jabs are dangerous enough that everyone should get all the info and total freedom to make their own choice.

Nope. They have jabs,therefore everything they point out about the dangers can be safely ignored.

He has,however, not gotten the boosters, nor has his wife,and they aren't injecting the kids, which I am grateful for every day. If there is danger, at least the kids are safe and if they dont leap at more boosters and their cumulative damage, there might be a chance for them too.

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Malone is responsible for the mRNA technology. He knew as early as the late 1990's it was dangerous, definitely by the 2000's. He's smart. He changed horses when he realized very soon after the vax rolled out it would be a disaster. Malone is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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I disagree. His rationale is that mRNA gene therapy (never intended as vax), was for people who were probably going to die. It was more of a Hail, Mary, NEVER intended for general population level treatment.

All medicines can be dangerous, depending on dosage, underlying conditions etc. People have OD'd on aspirin.

A kitchen knife is dangerous, but is used for good. His efforts were likely to make the therapy work in spite of any dangers.

In short, it's possible you are correct, but the evidence I have seen is weak and circumstantial. Far from proof.

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Malone has transformed into a rights warrior, complete with attempts to put actions today into historical and revolutionary perspective. He is not a natural performer, as far as I can see.

I believe he legitimately is a good man that sees evil at his doorstep.

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For the past 2 years, all the evidence I've seen of the people involved in this in any way - even peripherally - is nothing but utter criminal malevolence through and through. Right now, I assume they're all guilty until proven otherwise.

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I have a family member I dearly love who doesn't have much backbone and took the shots to save a job (even knowing they were useless) and is now suffering serious health repercussions. I feel so much pain over it because I love this person and am afraid. But I am also angry, an emotion I keep stiffled because if I have limited time left to love someone, I don't want to ruin it. I realized that if this person dies, I will be even more angry afterwards because I won't have the present relationship to keep my anger at bay.

What confusing, mixed emotions we are left with! And how horrible what the world's would-be slave masters have done to us, not only physically to those vaccine-injured, but in trauma to those of us who look on helpless.

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Anger is only natural. One way to get rid of that built up adrenaline and cortisol is exercise. Unburdening of anger will allow more clarity of thought and peace. Love faith and hope, but the greatest of these is love.

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Well said. So very true.

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I hear you ❤️

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Just a side note: Taking something that is useless is different from taking something harmful. They may know vaxx is harmful now, but once it is in... well take no more poison! Right?

People make all sorts of decisions in life that are blockheaded or even downright bare-arsed stupid. Do you hate Aunt Jillmouth; ) because she overeats? Sonmouth because he chooses to ride a motorcycle instead of a car? Daughtermouth because she cannot stop fishlipping into her phone camera and will eventually get smacked by a car or fall down a manhole? All decisions that are by all accounts stupid and death defying (or not).

How I am think about people who I like and love who choose to/or have to get vaxxed - they make their own life decisions. I just remember that if they stood in line begging for one they are a dumba$$ and I take zero advice from them and think all their opinions are stupid until I deem them not stupid. If they die from it or take another round even after their ovaries hurt so bad he/she/they (oy) could not get out of their jacuzzi tub for hours and had to then go to emergency - well I will feel bad for them that they had to hold the door for everyone when they were handing out brains. In their obit notice I will post a picture of a rock. I will know it is what filled their head, others can think the person was strong. Those others are other vaxxers.

In other words. Let stupid be stupid. Keep the needle out of your own arm.

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This may not make you feel better ... but at least you will understand why all of this is happening https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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The problem is we need allies. This is war, let's not pretend anything different. If we try to care about people who mistakenly trusted in authority, we can flip from being the 25% minority to above 50% majority. It's just practical.

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From the beginning I have always felt fear and compassion for those who were lied to by authority, coerced and blackmailed with their home and family. They got shot, much to my horror. They were understandably resistant to the truth of the matter. Denial. The front line health care workers, amazingly courageous. Hero’s for a year before those who refused the shot got fired in the middle of a pandemic. These people did not have the time or afforded the stress free presence of mind to study this. Most people don't have a background in immunology, because it is very complicated. I feel sorrow for these people, however, the manipulative and dangerous, must be avoided avoided like your life depends on it. Queensland Australian Senator Rennick, National Party offers help for the vaccine injured on his website.

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I would rather have fewer committed allies than people who blow with the wind and can become my enemies again the moment life gets uncomfortable.

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I would rather defeat these evil people trying to destroy humanity. It's death ground. I will win through any means necessary.

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Yes, this is war.

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You’re right that we can leverage some of the injured sheep’s anger to help our cause. The sheep that have awoken, but how large is that group? Meanwhile, I can’t help thinking about how they allowed this to happen to all of us by acquiescing.

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Not all of us. I never bought into this one. I woke up with 9/11 in 2008.

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My mom got her first shot, then she learned more and regrets it. My 97-year-old grandma got her booster, then reconsidered when my uncle had bad effects. A lot of people made a bad choice based on fear, but never had malice toward the unvaccinated. I pity them, and kids.

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Glad you posted this. Hope your mama and grandma are well. : )

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But but but how could they have knoooooown it was idiotic to repeatedly get irreversibly injected with liability-free pharmaceutical products pushed by the .gov without long-term studies

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They trusted, then woke up. We all trusted authority at some point, before we saw through it.

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The cholesterol con was it for me in the health realm. Obama in the political world.

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I think I had some growing up to do before I could wake all the way up. Though to be fair I was bitterly against the 9/11 backlash and everything that stemmed from it, so apparently the inclination was there even as a very young adult.

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Concern fatigue. I'm preparing myself to act surprised instead of saying 'I told you so' when my friends and family come down with an exacerbation of a co-morbidity.

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While I'm not a doctor, so don't consider this professional medical advice, I suggest that injecting toxic crap into your body that vaporizes your immune system may make you a wee bit ill.

From my very unprofessional perch I would suggest that doing this repeatedly makes things progressively worse.

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"From my very unprofessional perch I would suggest that doing this repeatedly makes things progressively worse."... or better, if you work for the "WEF"...

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Love it! 👍

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In light of the fact that the worst depredations of COVID are caused by the cytokine storm associated with the toxic spike protein, It does seem odd, that the remedy proposed is to indefinitely conscript portions of our bodies in the service of suicidally producing the very same protein. I'd no more want to take the shot than I would want to get COVID. My strategy is to have a plan in place for what to do when prophylaxis eventually fails. You have to do that if you're stabbed, anyway.

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WOW. If, additionally to this, you can tell who is a woman and who is not a woman, you should hold10 PhDs!

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Great article. There is not much we can do to help recipients of third dose and beyond. We live in sad times. I am just glad I am not one of them.

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yeah, it's the damnedest thing, but despite all this silly "gasp my last words of "i wish i had been vaxxed!" while dying on a ventilator" canardery, i have yet to meet a single person who is not vaxxed who wished they had been.

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That’s true here. Husband and I are so relieved we did not get the vax. We live our lives normally. If Covid takes us out, well, you gotta die sometime. A quadruple vaxxed friend is afraid to eat in a restaurant. What good is the vax then?

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No one here gets out alive!

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That’s really sad. Obviously logic has stopped working for them.

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Lately the vaxed in my sphere seem to be getting preferential infected. These are the most likely people to be “careful”.

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el gato malo - you NEED to watch this video - Dr Been with super important preprint discussion that includes a kitty litter box theory about B and T cells - seriously watch it before it goes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XGpe6MTaFg

(sorry if this is a duplicate post; my other one did not appear)

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Dr been has been incredible throughout this issue. No hair on fire nonsense and no wholesale purchase of the narrative either. Very cautious and balanced.

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Unvax’d, 63 years old, wu-flu pneumonia Dec 2021-Jan 2022, home oxygen for 2 weeks. Never once wished I’d been vax’d, as tough as that month was. Feel about bullet-proof now!

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Run into a few who regret getting vaxxed though.

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Yep. I got the first two and wish I hadn't. No booster though. Fool me once etc...

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We all have an end. Our time is limited. Living in paralyzed in Fear is not the way to end.

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A big theme in the musical Rent. No day but today, try to live in the moment, if you constantly worry about what could happen you'll stifle your ability to live the days you have. Applies imo to everyone, terminal illness or not.

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I am so sick of hearing "breakthrough". Just another word for which the definition has been corrupted to push the narrative. This isn't breakthrough, it's shot failure of the highest magnitude. And thanks to gato and gatopals for their analyses, it's now proven that it's not even shot failure anymore. It's outright enhancement of illness.

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A shame that the 'breakthrough' wasn't that of an iota of scepticism.

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How about, mass murder.

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Ontario, Canada case numbers by Vaxx Status bare this out. The standard double dose protocol seems to be an exact mirror of the totally vaccine free. However, add the booster and your chance of getting Covid more than doubles. The booster appears to be the killer. https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data

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Pandemic of the maximally vaccinated.

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I remember reading at the beginning that pharma was doing a dosing study — so each successive dose was higher than the previous until it got to the point where they were happy with the death rate. I think we’re there.

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In the industry we call that a LD50 study, dose them at higher doses until you get a 50% death rate.

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OMG, high school biology. The LD50 either is here, or hits when whatever pox is next "hits."

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Every word you write is a nail in the coffin of those who know these things and either ignored or suppressed the truth of how breathtakingly reckless and downright murderous the COVID mRNA project has been from the beginning.

Like many others, I'm frustrated at the gullibility of the masses and their failure to exercise even a modicum of critical thinking. But those whose job it was and is to know what's going on, many of whom do indeed know, and who did nothing and even advanced the lies, they are guilty of crimes against humanity.

Your words, and those of many others, are an unanswerable indictment. I hope and pray that the day will come when they are held to account. In the meantime, it is nevertheless something of consequence that we know, that we see them.

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Public Health has declared war on humanity.

That is it, there is nothing more.

The worst part is that they didn't just kill the elderly, they attacked all ages, groups that had no chance if being physically harmed by the disease.

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Ironic that the boosted hate the unvaccinated, but they are the ones self inflicting wounds

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possible you misspelled "entirely predictable"?

sadly, it always seems to be the case that those most determined to sabotage themselves are also most apt to blame the results of those actions on others.

i mean, that's basically "woke" in a nutshell, no?

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Possibly you misspelled "Meh."

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Very troubling data.....it would be interesting to correlate this w/all cause mortality rates and/or hospitalization rates. Certainly the health and life insurance cos have this data.

As for the attitude of my vaxxed friends (some of which are MDs), they seem to be "we're so over this COVID mess. Let's move on to another interesting topic". The discussion often moves to reciting the list of people we know who have suddenly died or had serious health issues. Many of my pals are serious fitness geeks - marathon runners.

Doesn't seem to be any curiosity on why these people are suddenly in deep health dives. Almost as if they're afraid to look into this.

Just keep on truckin'......the anecdotal "whispers" will eventually be correlated with data.

But once someone's been vaxxed, is there anything one can/should do to limit or control downside problems? One thing's certain. The BMGF won't offer a solution to this problem. Tony will be long gone too......

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Imagine how scared and ashamed you’d be when you realize as a MD, you injected yourself with a 21st century HIV promoted by your government AND you treated the people who tried to warn you (some who were MDs just like you) like Dog Crap. That would be a horrible psychological position to exist in.

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And cajoled your patients to take the poison too!!

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I've read that Ivermectin helps keep the immune system functioning despite the vax, st least in some cases.

And Zalenko hints that sauna therapy could help "reset" ones immune system.


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Intermittent fasting could also help your body “clean out” the spike proteins. But I’m not sure how long the body continues to make the spikes.

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My 70+ friend has two DAUGHTERS (one in the medical field - WAS, until she was let go for refusing the jab) that have REPEATEDLY warned my friend about these shots, including telling her about strokes, heart attacks, catching covid the day AFTER the shot, etc. I have told her the same. Last week she told me she got the 4th shot - second booster. There was no requirement for her to do so, she is retired and does require boosters for travel. She won't tell her daughters, and said she is SICK of hearing about it. I was shocked at her revelation and cannot understand why someone WITH information would still go ahead and take another booster.

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I think it's easy to ignore until it's personal, like someone in their inner circle CLEARLY has a dangerous response. Until then, many people just think of it like a flu shot that let's them get cheap tickets to travel and party (bc no demand with all the fear).

Many are not willing to consider long term negative outcomes or principled lines in the stand. Most are followers, not leaders.

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Like the bad stuff could happen, but not to me. Like dying in an airliner crash.

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Except that dying in an airliner crash--at least in the US--is so extremely rare, it's simply not happening. You have a much greater chance of being hit by lightning.

As far as adverse effects from the vax goes, I remain somewhat on the fence. I think, like Covid itself, some of these stories may be possibly blown out of proportion. I don't know anyone who has been hospitalized or died from either but again that is only my small part of the world. Myself I remain unvaxxed mainly because I spent 37 years working in preclinical research and I'm not convinced they did all the safety testing that they should have.

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Inconceivable, isn’t it :/

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My parents had no reaction to the first round of Moderna vax. My Dad (80 y/o with other health issues) died suddenly of heart failure less than 48 hrs after the booster on Nov 7th. Did not report on VAERS.

We're seeing a derangement in the world, which seems to have a ideological bent to it. I think the spirit of derangement is destruction, thus damaging policies are subconsciously preferred.

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For context, my Dad was a stauch individualist. He got the vax/booster with the simple objective of not getting sick. He couldn't care less who else got the vax or who wore a mask. He was old and didn't have the energy to fight the system, opting instead to follow the mainstream health guidelines.

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I am so sorry. How awful for you to have to stand by helplessly.

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Great analysis. First thing that came to mind is vax scientist Jaclyn Hord saying constantly on twitter that every infection (from the wild virus) and transfection (from the shots) adds to the exhaustion of clonal T cells.

Second thing that came to mind was a dissertation that showed that after four vaccinations, natural immunity is reduced to zero. Professor Emeritus Murakami of Tokyo University of Science warned that half of mice vaccinated seven times with the same vaccine die.


You'd expect a ramp up to that 50% death rate. You wouldn't go from a 0% death rate at 6 shots to a 50% death rate at 7. So if two shots were safe, and seven shots had a 50% death rate, you'd expect the death rate to ramp up to maybe 12% at 3-4 shots, 25% at 4-5 shots, 37% at 5-6.

The vax is poisonous. You'd expect every shot to increase allergic reactions, inflammation, fever, fibrin clots, amyloidosis, damaged mitochondria, and prion disease, and not necessarily in a way that shows up overnight.


The thing to understand about the weird FDA reaction to the data is that *everyone* in charge got the shots. The virus came out of a DoD-funded lab, probably Ralph Baric's, and so did the shot. So the DoD believed in the shot and mandated the shot for the entire military. Everyone in Congress got it. Ron DeSantis and his wife really got it. The entire DC bureaucracy got it. All of SCOTUS got it. All the governors and Lt. Governors and Secretaries of State and everyone else in all the states got it. All the mayors got it. All the city councils got it.

Even really smart people who got the shots, like Dr. Malone and Steve Kirsch, who now know the shots are poisonous, have come up with rationalizations to keep going. Steve Kirsch said the other day that if you'd gotten through a year after your shots without an adverse effect, you were probably safe. That's not true. ADE and autoimmunity await and build with every exposure to the wild virus. Dr. Malone is treating himself with Covid drugs in an attempt to reduce his vax-caused spike protein count.

Nobody can cope with the enormity of the mistake the authorities made, so everyone is just going to keep pretending they didn't make that mistake. I think at this point their entire focus is on keeping people alive and unaware of what has been done to them for just a little bit longer.

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Kirsch is furious with this industry and is on a mission. Same with Malone. Hats off to these guys as they’re getting smeared like crazy but they’re happy warriors.

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I agree, Robert.

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Agree entirely—we’re in for a long bumpy ride. Two nitpicking points — first, not all of those government types got the shot; some were obviously faked (nothing in the syringe, fake needle) and we’ll never know if some of the not-faked shots were saline.

Second, I refuse to excuse those who volunteered for this experiment because Fauci and/or the CDC said so. I’m not smarter nor am I better educated, but it took me all of 5 seconds to say “wait just a freakin’ minute — exactly what is in these magic ‘vaccines’ and do I really want to participate in this test of a potentially DNA-altering product that has no safety profile and no proven efficacy?” (the ‘95% effective’ business was obvious bunkum).

The manufacturers themselves have always admitted (on their websites) that the shots prevented neither infection nor transmission (so why take them?). The definition of “vaccine” had to be changed so the shots would qualify for the blanket liability indemnification. The CDC has always had a disclaimer on their website stating that the PCR test could not differentiate among any of the coronaviruses; a positive test could mean you have SARS-CoV-2 or a cold. All of this was easily available prior to the first needle jabbing the first arm. Anyone with a smidge of critical thinking should have known to steer clear, especially given the poor track record of “the experts,” and the horrifying history of psychopathy in the pharmaceutical industry, which calculates billion dollar payouts to those its products injure as the cost of doing business.

They all should have known better. I’ll save my empathy/sympathy for those who complied with mandates to keep their jobs — and even that compassion is limited, given how widely the risks were known by the time corporations were forcing employees to be jabbed. Damn difficult to lose your job, but you can’t look after your family at all if you’re dead or disabled.

Bed made; sleep in it.

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I know a Big Pharma scientist who got two Moderna shots. This was in response to her employer's mandate, and it was after she'd been tweeting studies for six months showing the damage and deaths caused by the shots.

She literally talked herself into it because she didn't want to lose her high income. She has a teenage boy she wanted to keep in his good school in their leafy suburb.

Despite all the studies she'd read, she told horrified friends that she didn't know anyone who'd been harmed. And she got the Moderna shots, even though she had tweeted multiple times that vax damage appeared dose dependent and she knew Moderna shots had the highest dose.

Even though she got terribly sick from her first Moderna shot, she went on to get the second. Now she keeps tweeting links to vax studies showing how the harms are even worse than we thought a year ago.

I've thought about this a lot, and I don't know how to think of it except as a suicide.

When the Soviet Union fell in the early '90s, the death rate there doubled and stayed doubled for many years. I have the feeling the same thing is happening now here. I don't want to be political, but people who believed in the establishment and believed in the government and believed in the system seem to me to have gone all in on it when they were finally confronted with overwhelming evidence that the whole thing was corrupt and evil.

It's like they don't want to go on if they can't be in their former roles within the former establishment that served them so well for so many years.

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I have a friend who drove her early 20s son who was told “don’t bother coming in tomorrow if you’re not jabbed” to get injected. She felt like she was driving him to get poisoned. But he didn’t want to lose that job. Her solution? Get jabbed as well. So they could both be poisoned. Together.


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It's just a fucking job! There are OTHER jobs! Can people not see this?! In your friend's case, evidently not.

I worked without getting jabbed. Public Health Orders said I was to get jabbed. I ignored the PHOs because they were dumb and evil and entirely lacking in science. I also had an 'out' should I have been questioned on it, though. I have since quit my place of work, but not my career. I'm just having a sabbatical whilst I write books ;-)

But yes, life is too hard for many people, so they just go along with the mainstream view for fear of having to think for themselves. But that's not really a Life, is it...?

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It is just a job and he’s in his early 20s. He works for a bank so it’s a good entry level job but come on it’s not like he’s supporting a family or anything.

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Well, we know where the son got his low IQ.

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Her husband and his father got the booster then got sick as a dog and then decreed that the family would not get poisoned further

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Wow what a weird story!

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I think she was trying for a lighthearted tee hee, aren’t I silly? tone. But I did not respond in that way.

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yeah that would not be my solution at all. If I was worried about having to poison my kid (which, first there needs to be something more serious on the line than a job), I think I would want to be as healthy as possible to take care of whatever fallout was coming our way. But I have also suffered from crippling depression, so I don't know. Feeling helpless is pretty hard to deal with sometimes. Maybe dig deeper to find out if she needs some type of help?

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No way they all got these shots! No way!! Walinsky couldn't say how many at CDC had taken them. I watched that hearing. There was a list exempting many when the mandates came out.

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I read that half of Congress was Taking Ivermectin. Source was Aaron Roger's doctor. Doubt those got the jabs.

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They are so special aren't they?

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The number came out at 45% or so.

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Well stated!

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Two thoughts...

1) Heard the same thing that prophylaxis treatment with covid drugs (Ivermectin mostly) might help.

2) If all those people REALLY took more than one jab, maybe ER get the unintended great reset...

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I like ivermectin for occasional emergency use. But I hate it for ongoing use because it's bad for your mitochondria. All of the things they're using to get rid of the spike proteins are bad for your mitochondria if you use them on an ongoing basis.

Those shots are diabolical.

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I've found your comments here quite valuable, Arnold. Both your mining town suggestion and your New World Scenario are very helpful.

Do you have any research to back up that comment about IVM and mitochondria? I've followed IVM closely for the past 2 years and haven't seen a word about this.

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David, here's a discussion of a study published in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. They used ivermectin to treat chronic myeloid leukemia and it helped -- it induced apoptosis in the leukemia cells and their stem/progenitor cells.

But the way it induced apoptosis was through oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction.


Same thing in this study of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Ivermectin induced apoptosis through mitochondrial dysfunction.


Same thing in this study of ivermectin for cervical cancer:


The authors thought that was great. Just use mitochondrial dysfunction to cure the cancer. But the problem is that mitochondrial dysfunction causes cancer. Here's a discussion of a study that showed the immune failure seen in cancer is caused by cancer cells depriving immune cells of energy by devouring their mitochondria.


My wife, who started life in science, cured her own glioblastoma and then, three years later, the glioblastoma of a friend's mother (who'd been sent home to die, given three months to live) with aspirin, of all things. Aspirin stimulates mitochondrial respiration. It can inhibit abnormal cell division, but promote normal cell division. In both cases, scans were free of tumors within a month and blood tests were back within normal range.

Essentially cancer seems to be devolution of cells to a more primitive state as a response to lack of energy. Help out your mitochondria and your cells have enough energy to return to full functioning and a non-cancerous state.

"Aspirin elevated ATP levels not only in intact cortical neurons but also in isolated brain mitochondria, an effect concomitant with an increase in NADH-dependent respiration by brain submitochondrial particles."

Neuropharmacology 2000 Apr 27;39(7):1309-18. Mechanisms of the neuroprotective effect of aspirin after oxygen and glucose deprivation in rat forebrain slices. Moro MA, De Alba J, Cardenas A, De Cristobal J, Leza JC, Lizasoain I, Diaz-Guerra MJ, Bosca L, Lorenzo P

So I'm wary of prolonged use of ivermectin because to me the rock bottom basis of good health is good mitochondrial function.

On the other hand, in this study they found ivermectin maintained mitochondrial ATP levels under SARS-CoV-2 hypoxia in cardiomyocytes, preventing heart failure.



I certainly agree that maintaining mitochondrial ATP levels would work wonders for Covid patients. I just don't see how you get there when other studies are showing mitochondrial dysfunction from ivermectin.

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I deeply appreciate your providing these resources. They should be especially helpful to a friend whose wife has cancer, and won't use IVM without more studies. Even though I've seen one survey paper, I was unaware of these other ones. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7505114/

One article I saw referenced selective apoptosis, so perhaps IVM attacks only deregulated cells. In any event, I've been on long-term prophylaxis and had no adverse effects. None have been reported by the FLCCC.

Here's a bonus: articles on cancer cell metabolism:




Thanks again. I will start reading these now.

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Thanks for the links, David. You might want to look at this about the use of ivermectin with tetracycline:


Used an hour or two before the ivermectin dose, the tetracycline appears to prevent ivermectin from inhibiting mitochondria without inhibiting the other useful effects of ivermectin.

Since tetracycline works, Vit. K2 ought to work. Your success with ivermectin and lack of mitochondrial inhibition may be due to something as simple as a good diet.

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May 21, 2022
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You ever think about what the world is going to look like in five years, PolarNinja?

No healthcare personnel. No military. The entire political class gone. There will no longer be an oversupply of lawyers. Forget about public schools -- teachers got vaxxed in overwhelming numbers and 74% of college students got vaxxed so their replacements are toast.

The culture wars are over. 93% of Democrats got vaxxed vs half of Republicans. 90+ of LGBTQ got vaxxed. 90+% of Jews. 90+% of Asians.

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The Good Great Reset

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May 21, 2022
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My little community (100 houses) used to have a community corral (from the '40s through the '70s). Everyone had a goat or pig or cow. They literally provided the milk for all the community children through the late '70s until the stupid county made them shut it down. I figure we'll go back to that. About a third of the people in the village have chickens already.

We have a large park that is spring fed and planted with lots of fruit trees, plus everyone has fruit trees in their yards. There is endless free fruit here. You go into the post office and every day there's a bowl of free pears or cherries or figs or apples or apricots or whatever is in season. Lots of nut trees too, mostly almonds and pecans. A few walnuts.

We've got a lot of veterans and good old boys with names like Arlen and Vern, so I think we'll be safe. We've got our own water supply and the boys know how to maintain it. We've got a fix-it guy in town but he's in his 70s now so he won't actually do the work himself. He comes over and supervises you and teaches you how to fix whatever it is and you pay him whatever you think is fair.

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Wow I want to know where This walhalla is! Sounds cool.

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If only.

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Napoleon, I swear, there are still places like that right now.

If you don't like the outlook for wherever you are, look for a mining community or former mining community. A small house on a good-sized piece of land will be dirt cheap. There will already be useful trees, like fruit and nut trees. There will already be a healthy vegetable garden dug. Usually there will be farms nearby, often within walking distance.

Everyone around you will know how to can vegetables and fruit for the winter. They will be able to teach you to fish and hunt. They'll have good mechanical skills.

Miners (coal miners, gypsum miners, copper miners -- any kind of miner) go through extended periods of layoffs when commodity prices drop. They are all resourceful, thrifty, and self-sufficient. The communities are tightly knit too.

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You are like the one welcoming voice. Most people in Red areas just post "Don't come here" and esp "don't bring your West Coast politics." It's like, DUH, I'm leaving b/c my politics are IMPOSSIBLE in this Blue state. Thanks for the alternative outlook.

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You can fit in anywhere if you can make a good casserole for potluck night, Michele.

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May 21, 2022
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Yes, I think we'll rebuild. If the CDC vax numbers are accurate, we'll have 30-40 million like-minded adults and their children. There will be no money for bullet trains in California. Most of the interstate highway system will be toast. Landslides will bury half the roads in Colorado and all the roads in Big Sur and no one will clear them.

Food will be local again. No California broccoli in Michigan in the middle of winter. No kiwi fruits. No sushi in Wyoming. There will be boxes of carrots, onions, cabbages, turnips. You'll be able to get live chickens and weird cuts at the local butcher.

Schools will be small and local and back to the basics. Cities will look like Detroit in the early 2000s, when you could buy a city block full of houses for $10 and all the artists moved in and started urban farming on the vacant lots.

No big box stores. Some guy will be running a hardware store in all decent-sized communities. You will be able to buy a single washer.

The only real political power will be the local sheriff. He'll be elected and he'll be somebody like Andy of Mayberry. We may know the president's name, but he won't matter to anybody.

Folk medicine will return. Drug stores will have tonics for catarrh and croup. Because processed foods will be gone, people will live longer and be healthier.

Don't know how they keep cars running. Maybe we'll have simpler cars and whatever Mexican mechanics can keep going with baling wire.

Church socials will become popular again.

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Sounds like Little House On The Praire! I like it! One can hope!!

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You made me laugh! Ma, Pa & the organic farm on the empty golf course!

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May 21, 2022
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Very similar to ' The Omish'!

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I’ve also thought about the distribution of the shots and figured that conservatives were likely to be most “hesitant” (read “hells no”) on the shots. If the theory holds, we will rebuild better, and simpler. What I worry most about are the people who keep the lights on, the water running, and the trash collected.

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Jo, I worry about the lights too. I've lived in a coal mining community and a gypsum mining community, and neither of them trusted freezers (they often had power outages that would last a week).

They trusted canning. When they got a deer in the fall, they would make canned deer stew with the wild mushrooms they'd collected from their favorite mushroom spots. They had root cellars too that they actually used.

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Cool. Too bad our parents didn't learn from their parents. All these simple way of life aspects of life. We could have been taught and passed down to our children.

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May 21, 2022
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My alma mater, Georgia Tech, gave a “social courage” award to Dr. Fauci last year. The diversity and inclusion nonsense is strong even at defense companies now. My former employer’s message board was filled with people saying they wouldn’t return to work until their toddlers were vaccinated. These people had advanced degrees in science and engineering. So, no, many engineers aren’t conservative or skeptical anymore.

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Yes. My son is one of them.😊

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It will take many! Alot of us awake are approaching 60. I remember Fauci and the Aids debocle. I remember that video of him on TV. Infection is the best protection. I pray there are enough of us!!

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Hmm. Dystopian novel where all adults died due to vax and resistance wars... Kids have to figure it out. Kind of a worldwide Lord of the Flies.

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Ha ha I actually posted a comment on a time magazine story in February 2020 stating that kids were weirdly unaffected. I remarked that the virus was targeting old people so the kids could rebuild a better world. It was totally tongue in cheek and I had different politics back then, but it’s funny to remember how I started out in this crisis and what has changed and what is the same. I was never afraid for the kids.

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May 22, 2022
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sometimes substack won't locate comments for me and it's a pain to find them myself. happened a lot on this post. but today I am back in business! Absolutely agree it is a denial of physical reality. We examined risk stratification in early 2020, decided we had nothing to fear and promptly proceeded to become infected with the alpha strain. Which affected the family pretty much exactly as we figured it would. I, with the highest percentage of body fat, had the worst time of it, but still beat it without any medical intervention whatsoever. After that we felt pretty invincible! We are in the Netherlands, so although we endured some ludicrous and ineffective regulations including multiple horrendous school closures, we fared much better than my American peers and I kept my kids out of masks almost entirely. Phew!

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May 21, 2022
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Your optimism is useful. It's easy for me to get stuck in doom and gloom, especially when it comes to people I care about, but in the end, I too have a big picture optimism. Humans will find a way out of this, even if all hell must first break loose. And if we don't, well the earth will go on despite it all.

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Diligent, thorough and balanced in areas unverifiable. Always a pleasure

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Great article yet again and always a big thank you! Today's post by Jessica Rose about the harm of components in flu vaccines made me think about the big rise in events in the fall of 2021 - lots of people were taking flu, pneumonia and shingles vaccines at the same time as the 'boosters.' This was, of course, encouraged by medical and government agencies with absolutely NO trial data...

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Thank you again EGM. Your analysis is not only top drawer but you lay out the working in complete and clear detail so that it can be understood, replicated and tested. What a contrast to the ‘official’ numbers.

We are long past questioning whether the establishment is incompetent. We went past that point in 2020. This is categorically NOT incompetence; it is planned, coordinated and deliberate. It is intentional harm. I’d like to see a rational argument countering this assertion.

It is going to continue because we are a long way from a critical mass of skeptics. So what are we going to do about it? Chronicling the path to the inflection point of humanity is important but I can’t see how we leverage it to propagate action.

Next week is going to see a massive WHO power grab and it will succeed. The electoral structure of the WHO decision making process and the captured nation state actors on the 194 country voting panel guarantees that we will lose any control over the actions mandated by unelected, unaccountable, globalist bureaucrats in the inevitable future declared health crises.

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The health "officials" have been trained to ignore the vaers reports for decades. They didn't care when the hpv shot was causing problems or the mmr. They just keep ignoring any bad data. Because as you said they are captured by the industry. They a literally pharmas twats!

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