Sitemap - 2023 - bad cattitude
sunday memepool 2: answering the big questions
mistakes were made: collins edition
sacrificing the sacred ideas upon the altar of discourse
sunday memepool: another fruitful foray into gato's life tips™
the deep game: CO strikes trump off ballot.
sunday memes: gato's survival tips
kitten corner: "harvard, ur-kelin' me"
sunday memetic reading of corinthians
sunday disquisition on the nature of humor
sunday memepool: why the world should be hollywood
here comes the next round of pandemic scare story
kitten corner: who framed mainstream memelords?
kitten corner: sometimes they really are out to get you
sunday memepool: getting in the game
is it pandemic season again already?
kitten corner: if only we had known
AI reboot: control-altman-delete
sunday memepool 2: outside the catbox
how higher education became a cargo cult
kitten corner: shaming the shamers
the real dangers of the virtual life
sunday memepool 2: some friendly advice
sunday memepool: more cat memes
sunday memepool: question everything
woke is not anti-colonization. woke IS colonization
the rationalist road to religion
kitten corner: learning about school
sunday memepool: the secret 9 lives of cats
kitten corner: the health hobbit awards
memepool: the constants that bring us together
sunday memepool: fighting the man
the wall at the back of the theater
kitten corner: making the difference
hamas me no questions, i'll tell you no lies
sunday memepool: the past is another country
saturday memepool: being your best self
kitten corner: marketing science
did the pfizer vaccine even really have a drug trial?
what's being withheld on withholding taxes
the green grift is not about solving problems
kitten corner: i don't mean to alarm you
THE GATOFILES™: conspiracy cat talks nonsense. (maybe)
gatopredictions™: the 2024 presidential election
kitten corner: the epistemology of anti-science accusation
a climate of climate censorship
sunday memepool: gen X grows old
decongesting the ingredient lists of decongestants
kitten corner: manbunny foo foo
sunday memepool: viva la difference
kitten corner: well isn't that special?
surviving the world of bought and paid for panic
the commanding heights of the reputation war
special treat: extra mean pool
sunday animal-pool: living together
a republic, if you can keep it
kitten corner: new CDC guidance
kitten corner: fool-proof business models
the political philosophy of cats
kitten corner: marketing pfellowship
sunday meanpool: breaking loose
censorship 2.0: "free speech not free reach"
the cats of old san juan: update and call to action
back to school brush up on health facts
when the arbiters of truth become the merchants of misinformation
shall i compare thee to a sunday memepool?
kitten corner: standing at the bar
kitten corner: a change in the climate
an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
the cold facts about heat deaths
kitten corner: don't believe their yesterday
why progress is environmentalism
back by popular demand: gato's life tips
wake up. it's time for sunday memes.
the revolving door of public private pharma spins on
setting the stage for your own execution
sunday memepool 2: food for thought
sunday memepool: getting ahead of trouble
whose rights are they? pre-emptive law challenge
sunday memepool: another exploration into life's mysteries
kitten corner: debunking the debunkers
free association and free people
kitten corner: affirmative action
moore v united states: the most important case you've never heard of
indoctrination, reputation, and evolution
assessing the covidian descent into the dark ages
why does the department of education desperately want to break AI?
metastasizing bureaucracy: randi goes to DHS
settling in to the reputation economy
political claims of "job creation"
flashback friday: one law for thee, another for me
adventures in chart-crime: making climate data look scary
endgame: when the woke hallucination becomes a feedback loop
sunday memepool 2: perspective
wildfires: bad policy is ensuring a perpetual sense of burning crisis
kitten corner: the electric rugpull
kitten corner: by the people, for the people
sunday memepool: simple wisdoms
the security state turns inward
3/16: the day that will live in infamy
covid was not dangerous to the young and healthy until "something happened"
sunday meanpool: the path to wisdom
sunday memepool: antediluvian prodigies
AP news is not news, it's paid for marketing
sunday memepool: what's the big idea?
sunday memepool: more life tips with gato
a successful society must see to itself
cross post: the dangerous illusion of scientific consensus
the monkey-business of "online experts"
Farewell Questions for Rochelle Walensky
sunday memepool: claiming the throne
kitten corner: the whole of cost
censored social media makes for terrible brand decisions
why e-verify is a deeply dangerous idea
censorship is the last bastion of those without an argument
kitten corner: playing to Éowyn
in praise of the debt ceiling fight
kitten corner: testable predictions
when the trading gets rough, the pros go insider
what's scarier than skynet? woke skynet.
do something! this is something. let's do that!
kitten corner: the aspirin police
no, AI will not "kill 300 million jobs" (sorry media)
there is no "good party" nor any principle. there is just power
sunday memepool: once upun a time
sunday memepool: food for thought
asches to ashes, all fall down
breaking the mancubs: activism as identity
a friendly reminder about "experts"
sunday meanpool: this time, we mean business
is the outrage mill a feature or a bug?
kitten corner: the wizards of watermelon
kitten corner: issues in public health
sweden birthrates feb 2023: still no stork
sunday memepool: even more "gato's life tips"
sunday memepool: "gato's life tips"
a gato explores substack notes
kitten corner: national public relations
RSV vaccines in pregnant women and infants
woke addiction: drugs and cults are the same thing
kitten corner: peep performance
sunday memepool: more cats stuff
CBDC: follow a clown, get a circus
kitten corner: stuff you're not supposed to say
jacinda: a kinder, gentler authoritarian boot
crowdsourced censorship: the twitter reputation wars
sunday memepool: brothers in arms
we did it for science: hooky day
global warning: the wind and solar question
kitten corner: governor nuisance
how to fix banking (and money) PBDC vs CBDC
kitten corner: humans try a feline AI
sunday memepool: the wisdom of animals
kitten corner: speaking power to truth
central bank digital currencies and banking crises
kitten corner: special kinds of stupid
sunday meanpool: adapting to the times
sunday memepool: spiraling out of control
kitten corner: that "fauci" guy
kitten corner: meet the new bossypants
the glorification of sub-mediocrity
sunday meanpool: hazed and confused
sunday memepool: now with 40% more puns
iatrogenic deaths: was it mishandling society or mishandling covid?
the greatest lie told during covid
the astonishingly un-astonishing case of mathew hancock
kitten corner: staying up late
sunday artpool: a tribute to the artists
sunday memepool: gato life tips™
science + politics = political science
perhaps the state should not collect the data we use to decide if its policies are working
the new UK ONS data is out and it's worse than before
kitten corner: is the masquerade finally over?
why eliminating the FDA and CDC would probably make the public safer
kitten corner: permission to lead
nothing is obvious to scared people
train crashes and base rate fallacies
kitten corner: NY times sues EU over pfizer texts
fundamental humans rights (unless we decide to use them for leverage)
why there isn't going to be a covid vaccine
kitten corner: follow the science
a simple proposal to restore confidence in public data
kitten corner: medical alzheimer's
kyoto university professor sues japan's health ministry over covid vaccine
kitten corner: the history of balloons
are covid vaccines coding for that they claim to? (and was this willfully ignored?)
sunday memepool: trial balloon
purr review: wesselink study on covid vaccine effects on fertility
moving the goalposts on "safe" (part 1)
america has become a divided society
kitten corner: revisionist history
musings on the militarization of covid
back by popular demand: gato's home schoolin'
kitten corner: old man yells at sand
more natality data from other countries
kitten corner: where's the beef?
the AI wars have already begun
swedish birthrate data: november update
kitten corner: life imitates art
kitten corner: new business model
is the UK health regulator disavowing covid vaccine approvals?
sunday memepool: breakfast is served
democracy dies in data adulteration
CDC passes the point where malfeasance can be mistaken for incompetence
malign creativity: greta edition
kitten corner: linguistic terrorists
if covid vaccines stop covid deaths, then why do they keep bending curves the wrong way?
kitten corner: teaching the classics
if you don't like the data, stop reporting it? ONS edition
memepool: cat explainer edition
kitten corner: aptitude testing
quick housekeeping and a question
the evidence on pfizer pfunnybusiness continues to mount
kitten corner: fielding questions
another look at UK all cause mortality by vaxx status
kitten corner: the stove police
UK age stratified all cause death data shows higher deaths associated with covid vaccination
sunday memepool: government edition